Feeling pregnant at 12 weeks. Characteristic external changes

The expectant mother begins to feel better; for many, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the signs of toxicosis subside. The woman becomes calmer and stops getting upset over trifles.

The belly begins to grow quickly. Accordingly, the uterus enlarges and rises significantly into the upper abdominal cavity. Thanks to this, the pressure on the bladder becomes less intense. Now the expectant mother is less bothered by night urination.

For many mothers, this period is marked by a noticeable improvement in appearance: hair becomes silky, complexion normalizes. At 12 weeks of pregnancy this occurs due to the influence of hormones.

The corpus luteum dissolves, and the placenta takes over the main function of the baby’s growth. Thanks to this, toxicosis disappears, and the expectant mother has the opportunity to expand the menu.

Now the expectant mother’s body is working for two, so her heart rate may increase. Blood pressure becomes slightly elevated.


The discharge at week 12 is still slight and has a white or yellowish tint. For any changes, the expectant mother should visit a doctor.


In its normal state, the uterus is small and flat, now it is pear-shaped with a diameter of about 12 cm. The size of the fetus increases rapidly, the uterus grows at the 12th week of pregnancy, putting enormous pressure on the intestines. As a result, many women experience constipation. You should tell your doctor about their occurrence, who will definitely find a way out of the situation.


The baby continues to grow, his head straightens. The chin begins to rise from the chest and becomes straight. Now the baby is strengthening his lungs: he is learning to breathe through amniotic fluid.

The digestive system works, at the 12th week of pregnancy the child begins to feel pain. He constantly sucks his thumb, moves, reacts to various stimuli, including noise.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby already looks different - now the facial features of the little man are more distinct. The eyes can be seen using ultrasound. The ears, previously located on the neck, move towards the side surfaces of the head. The inner ear develops and the baby can now hear vibrations.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is in full swing. Cartilage gradually turns into bone. The fingers are already separated, and you can see marigolds on them. The baby moves his fingers, but cannot bend them yet.

The nervous system is improving, and a connection between the spinal cord and brain gradually appears. Soon the brain will begin to control the body, but at the 12th obstetric week the child only makes chaotic, aimless movements. He pushes off the walls of the uterus, knows how to open and close his mouth, and moves his eyes.

The pituitary gland begins to produce hormones, and the thyroid gland functions. The intestine fills the entire abdominal cavity, its mucous membrane has folds. This organ already has the ability to absorb glucose.

The baby's heartbeat can be clearly heard using Doppler scanning. Compared to previous weeks, my heart beats more calmly. Now not only red blood cells are present in the baby’s blood: leukocytes are formed, and the thymus begins to work.

The kidneys and bladder are actively working. The baby urinates, and amniotic fluid is renewed hourly. The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is 8-9 cm, which can be compared to a large chicken egg.

Feelings at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Typically, the 12th week of pregnancy is different in that the woman feels much better - now she practically does not feel sick, and night urination becomes rare. However, sometimes toxicosis only appears at 12 obstetric weeks. In this case, you should consult a specialist.


During pregnancy, a woman’s body works hard, so it is possible to feel a sharp or aching pain in the head. To make them disappear, sometimes you just need to rest - healthy sleep eliminates many problems. But if headaches at 12 weeks of pregnancy are combined with increased blood pressure, you should urgently visit a doctor and tell him about the problem.


If now a woman does not suffer from toxicosis, then she begins to gain 500 g every week. For many expectant mothers, the belly is not yet noticeable at 12 weeks of pregnancy. You should not be wary of this, because now the gynecologist can always listen to the baby’s heartbeat.


Bleeding at 12 weeks of pregnancy is dangerous. It doesn’t matter whether there is heavy bleeding, drops of blood or a brown spot. These are signs of a threatened miscarriage. You should immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen.


The temperature at the 12th week of pregnancy can fluctuate around 37-37.5 ° C. There are only two reasons for this phenomenon - a sluggish inflammatory process or the body’s reaction to an increase in progesterone levels. The latter case is the norm.

Temperatures above 38˚C are dangerous for the baby. It must not be allowed to last long. You should knock it down with folk remedies, for example, wiping it with water at room temperature and vinegar. Well, it's better to see a doctor.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman’s body changes. Now the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own life. Therefore, she should be guided by certain recommendations.


Nutrition at 12 weeks of pregnancy plays a key role. At this time, the baby’s vital systems and organs develop. Sometimes toxicosis indicates that the menu should be changed.

Pregnancy often changes a woman's taste preferences. Therefore, she may like dishes that she did not like before. You should eat a variety of foods; at the 12th week of pregnancy, fetal development requires the presence of trace elements and vitamins in large quantities. In case of toxicosis, the expectant mother should include healthy foods in her diet that do not provoke nausea.

Fruits and vegetables are best consumed raw. All other foods should be boiled or baked. The expectant mother needs to eat porridge from different cereals. Now she and the baby need fish, meat and dairy products.

Alcohol and other harmful products

You should still limit your consumption of fatty, salty and smoked foods (especially with toxicosis). Coffee and alcohol are unacceptable at 12 weeks of pregnancy.


It is important for the expectant mother to receive all the necessary vitamins. At the 12th obstetric week you need to drink:

  • iodomarin;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E (as recommended by a doctor);
  • magnesium B6 for uterine hypertonicity.

We should not forget about natural vitamins, which are found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits and berries.


If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then the expectant mother should not be limited in her intimate life. Moreover, at this time toxicosis passes, and the woman’s condition improves.

However, your doctor may advise you to abstain from sex at 12 weeks if the expectant mother has a low-lying placenta or a multiple pregnancy. One way or another, a woman should remember her “interesting” position and avoid an overly active intimate life.

The expectant mother should monitor her condition after sexual intercourse. The presence of seizures should not cause concern - this manifestation will soon pass. But spotting at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a reason to immediately consult a specialist.

Physical activity

Carrying a baby is a colossal burden for the mother’s body. The upcoming birth is also a great test of a woman’s physical strength. Therefore, exercises appropriate to the stage of pregnancy are important. They will allow the expectant mother to be “fully armed.”

The peculiarities of the 12th week of pregnancy allow for moderate physical activity. Now it is better to do swimming or light gymnastics; you should not resort to traumatic sports.

It is advisable for the expectant mother to avoid contact sports, cycling, strength training, horseback riding, as well as skiing and skating. It is important not to ignore feelings of tiredness and tiredness during the 12th week of pregnancy. As soon as they appear, you need to take a break.

Medicines and medical procedures

Before taking any medications, you should weigh the pros and cons. It’s better to consult your doctor. Many anomalies in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy occur due to the use of drugs.


In the absence of allergic reactions, it is better to resort to treatment using herbal remedies and other folk remedies. So, a cold at 12 weeks of pregnancy is treated with warm cranberry juice. If this method does not bring results, you should consult a gynecologist regarding taking medications.

Possible problems

Now the risk of losing a baby is much lower than before. However, you should be wary if:

  • brown or bloody discharge appeared at 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • bleeding began;
  • the lower back aches and the stomach pulls;
  • Significant watery discharge began to bother me.

In all these situations, you should definitely consult a doctor or call an ambulance number and consult with specialists.

If painful urination occurs, you should tell your gynecologist about the problem. This symptom sometimes appears with cystitis.


If the expectant mother is still not registered with the antenatal clinic, the time has come to do so. At 12 weeks of pregnancy you need to take a biochemical blood test.

Ultrasound or screening

An ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy looks at the size of the fetus and its compliance with standards. Thus, the CTE is about 5.5 cm. A number of other parameters are also measured. It is important for the expectant mother to remember that the baby’s parameters may differ from accepted norms, and at the same time he does not necessarily have any pathologies - all children develop individually. If you are confused by something in the interpretation of the ultrasound of the 12th week of pregnancy, ask a specialist to advise you.

Screening at the 12th week of pregnancy shows the mother that the baby, while in a sitting position, sucks its thumb, actively moves, and breathes. She will hear her baby's heartbeat. The specialist will assess the structure of the placenta and uterus and rule out developmental defects in the baby by examining the collar area.

The latter can identify most pathologies, including Down Syndrome. Depending on the position of the baby, an ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy is performed either abdominally or using a transvaginal sensor.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 12th week of IVF pregnancy, a basic genetic test is performed. A woman needs to donate blood for PAPP and beta-hCG.

The most dangerous time is behind us. If the pregnancy has not been terminated before 12 weeks, the expectant mother can breathe a sigh of relief.

Multiple pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy with twins, the threat of miscarriage decreases, the most dangerous period is behind us. Usually, with multiple gestations, toxicosis prolongs.

Otherwise, babies develop in accordance with generally accepted norms.

Video of the twelfth week of pregnancy

There is one important event in the twelfth week of pregnancy: you can now definitely find out the sex of the baby using an ultrasound. Also, your mood continues to improve, because toxicosis has already passed this week.

Feelings of the expectant mother

The end of the first trimester brings joy to the expectant mother. So, what happens during this period. She is no longer tormented by toxicosis and there are no mood swings.

The new sensation that appears is desire feel the baby move. Many women say that already during this week they feel movement and it looks like a rumbling in the stomach. In fact, it won't be until around the fifteenth week of pregnancy that you'll feel your baby moving.

Your body has already rebuilt itself, calmly metabolism normalized. During this period, your heart rate increases slightly, and the amount of blood in your body continues to increase.

The uterus, under the pressure of the placenta, continues to grow and increase in volume, because of this the tummy is slowly growing. During this period, the stomach may itch, this is a sign of the beginning of the appearance of stretch marks. If your stomach itches, be sure to moisturize it with creams.

The size of the tummy is not yet very noticeable, of course, as it grows, you notice it, but this moment is not yet noticeable to others. You have already begun to wear things that are not too tight and do not put pressure on the waist.

Feelings of fatigue, tension and drowsiness disappear. You become curious about your pregnancy, you often examine your tummy in the mirror, trying to notice even the slightest changes. A camera can help you with this. Take a full-length photo of yourself every week with your belly exposed, and you will notice in the photos how your belly is growing. At the same time, these photos will remain with your child; he will be very curious to see what he was like in his mother’s tummy.

Also these days, the fear of losing a child goes away, because he has already strengthened and gone through all the stages of organ development. During this period, many women inform their relatives, colleagues, and friends about their pregnancy.

Emotional changes in the future dad

It was very difficult for the future dad to emotionally perceive the mood swings of his pregnant wife. So for him, the 12th week of pregnancy became a long-awaited one. After all, now his other half calmly reacts to the world around him, does not cry spontaneously and begins to smile more often. All these weeks he supported you as best he could.

During this period, the future father comes to the realization that he will become a father. That his beloved woman is carrying his child. Now he is one of those who sees how your tummy has grown, he sees these changes. And he begins to understand that you are pregnant.

The future dad will become more affectionate and caring. His instinct awakens to protect you and his baby.

Fetal development

The most important event in the development of the fetus for the expectant mother is that the child’s genital organs are fully formed. Now the expectant mother goes for an ultrasound and will know who she will have. Kind words and conversations with your baby will appear, maybe this week you will already come up with a name for him or her.

Fetal size at 12 weeks: about 7 cm long, weighing about 14 grams. During this period, it continues to actively develop and all organs are formed.

At this stage, the child’s brain has actively developed, now it is fully formed, like that of an adult, only its size is still small. The brain produces large amounts of hormones.

The intestines have reached the final stage of development. Now it is fully formed and is located in the abdominal cavity. The kidneys and liver are already fully functioning. The heart fully performs its functions. Bodies responsible for the child’s immune system began to form in the blood.

The skeleton has already acquired its shape, and now your child’s bones are becoming stronger every day.

The head is not yet proportional to the body. But the child, with the help of his neck, actively moves it. The eyes are no longer positioned like those of an alien. They took their place, closer to the bridge of the nose. The sponges have formed, the ears and pinna are in the stage of final formation.

This week your baby has developed taste; when he opens his mouth and swallows amniotic fluid, he feels its taste. Hearing also begins to develop. The child already reacts to strong noises around you, reflexively covering his ears with his hands.

The baby's arms and legs have fully developed. He leads an active lifestyle, swimming in amniotic fluid. He often puts his finger in his mouth, a new reflex will soon appear, he will start sucking his finger. The fingers are already formed and have no membranes. The skin on the fingers and palms is given shape, and the future unique imprint of the hands and fingers is laid.


By the twelfth week of pregnancy, you have already begun to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your diet should also be complete, enriched with vitamins and fresh fruits, vegetables and animal proteins.

You have already given up alcohol and harmful drinks such as carbonated water, coffee. Your diet does not include fast food and fatty, high-calorie foods.

As in all weeks before, the expectant mother can eat what her heart desires. If you even want something that is very harmful, eat it, just watch the quantity, don’t eat in large quantities.

This means that in order for your body to be enriched with iodine during this period of pregnancy, eat more seafood. Vitamin E comes from citrus fruits (lemons, oranges), but when consuming them, watch their quantity so as not to cause diabetes in your baby. And vitamin C is found in greater quantities in walnuts, hazelnuts and soybean oil.

Due to the fact that your body now requires certain vitamins, just slightly adjust your diet.

Weight control

If you have already registered, then every time you visit a gynecologist, he weighs you, thereby monitoring your weight and if you gain excess weight, he will definitely tell you about it and recommend a certain diet.

To control your weight at home, you need to weigh yourself daily and record your readings. Expect that a pregnant woman will gain about 10-12 kg throughout her pregnancy. Of this weight, about 27 percent is the weight of the child.

Every 7 days you should gain approximately no more than 400 grams. Of course, this figure will change either up or down, since everything depends on the stage of development of the baby.

What should you do at 12 weeks?

If you haven’t done the obligatory things that you should have done before the twelfth week of pregnancy, now you simply have to fix everything.

  • First of all, you should have already registered with the antenatal clinic. When you arrive for your first appointment, be sure to remember when your last menstrual period was. The doctor will interview you and begin monitoring your pregnancy.
  • Get tested. You should have been tested before week 12. If not, then when you first come to the antenatal clinic, the gynecologist will prescribe blood and urine tests for you to identify viral diseases. The tests will also make it clear that the body can withstand the stress of pregnancy.
  • During this period, it's time to go for an ultrasound. After all, the child is already fully formed and has all his organs. The doctor prescribes an ultrasound at this time to check that all the child’s organs have developed correctly and there is no pathology. Also during this period, you will be able to find out the sex of the child, since his genitals have formed. The only thing is, if you have a multiple pregnancy, then the doctor may not consider the gender, but this can be done a little later.
  • To maintain and help your body, it’s time to take vitamins or a special vitamin complex for pregnant women. If you are registered with a antenatal clinic, your gynecologist will recommend which vitamins you take.
  • And, the main thing to do at this stage of pregnancy is to rejoice. Charge yourself with positive emotions, because your baby feels you very strongly. When you are in a good mood, he rejoices with you. And receive congratulations from your loved ones - you will soon be a mother!

Questions and answers on topics of concern

I was overcome by a cold. I am suffering from a runny nose and pulmonary fever. The doctor prescribed treatment, but I do not want to take these drugs. It's all chemicals, and I'm 12 weeks pregnant. What can be done to treat it? Are there any herbal remedies that can be taken during pregnancy?

If a non-pregnant woman’s pulmonary body temperature is considered to be about 37.2 - 37.4 ºС, then in a pregnant woman this is a normal temperature.

Therefore, tablets do not bring down the temperature to 37.8 ºС. Drinking plenty of warm drink in the form of linden tea with lemon or raspberry jam will reduce the slightly elevated temperature.

A runny nose and cough can be treated with herbal inhalations (for example, inhale the steam of a decoction of eucalyptus leaves). Also read the article on how to treat a cold. Be healthy!

Is bleeding or brown discharge always, and when there is a tugging in the lower abdomen, a sign of further death of the child? Is it possible to save the baby?

Bleeding, brown discharge and pain in the lower abdomen do not always end in miscarriage or missed pregnancy. Responsible doctors try to save pregnancy at any stage.

The first step is to stop the bleeding (if any), and then perform an ultrasound and undergo a series of tests to determine the cause of the alarming symptoms.

After receiving the test results, doctors prescribe treatment. In case of deficiency of the hormone progesterone, which is vital for the embryo, Duphaston or Utrozhestan is prescribed; in case of rejection of the fetus by the immune system of the expectant mother, Metipred and Duphaston are prescribed together. No-shpu and Papaverine are prescribed to relieve painful spasms of the uterus.

I'm 12 obstetric weeks pregnant. What is the hCG level at this time?

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the hCG level should be between 30,000 and 120,000 mU/ml.

It’s only the 12th week of pregnancy, and my breasts have already stopped hurting and become soft. I heard that this happens during a frozen pregnancy. I’m very worried about this, I just recently had a scheduled ultrasound, everything was fine, but the next one is still a long way off. What could it be?

Usually, by the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy, pain in the chest disappears or becomes less obvious, and colostrum may be released from the nipples. During the day, a pregnant woman's breasts may either fill up or become soft and subside.

A blood test for hCG levels and an ultrasound of the uterus will accurately show a frozen pregnancy.

At home, you can measure your basal temperature (in the morning, without getting out of bed). It should be no less than 37 ºС and no higher than 37.9 ºС.

And also analyze the general condition of your body: is there any brown discharge or bleeding, is there a nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

If the only symptoms are the disappearance of toxicosis and chest pain, then there is no need to worry.

Is screening dangerous for the health of the child and the expectant mother?

The harm of ultrasound examination has not been proven. But scientists unanimously claim that if ultrasound is performed as planned, that is, three times during pregnancy, then there will be no harm to either the child or his mother. A planned ultrasound or, as modern doctors say, screening is carried out at 10-14 weeks, then at 20-24 weeks and at 32-34 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

If screening is prescribed more often than expected, it means that this is necessary to clarify the state of health of the embryo and the course of pregnancy as a whole. You should not refuse the examination, because it can save your pregnancy or prevent deviations in the development of the embryo.

Video (our permanent video guide)

Photo ultrasound

The 12th week of pregnancy is the 3rd obstetric month. An average of 80 days have passed since conception, which means almost a third of the way to bearing a child has been completed. The body of the mother and the unborn baby gets used to each other. At the end of the first trimester, the likelihood of miscarriage is already significantly reduced. The pregnant woman’s well-being improves, and the baby continues to grow actively.

12 weeks of pregnancy: what important things happen during this period

According to medical calculations, twelve weeks of pregnancy is ten weeks of fetal life from the moment of conception. Answering the question what month is this, we can safely say that it is the third month of bearing a child.

Note! When it’s week 12, expectant mothers often wonder how many months it is in order to roughly calculate the due date of the upcoming birth. But it is worth remembering that childbirth does not always occur at 40 weeks, so even obstetric calculations can be considered only conditional.

Large-scale changes occur in the mother's body:

  • the level of sex hormones stabilizes;
  • the placenta begins to function and provides the child with everything necessary for its intrauterine development;
  • a restructuring occurs in metabolism, nutrients stay longer in the mother’s blood to reach the baby;
  • A woman’s physical and psychological feelings (including sensations in her stomach) become more and more profound, and the realization gradually comes that a small life is growing inside her.

Important! We found out that the third month is underway, but the question arises which trimester the expectant mother is entering with the new week. At twelve weeks the first trimester ends and the second begins. Along with the first period, the symptoms of toxicosis, fears of losing your child in the early stages, as well as thoughts about terminating the pregnancy go away - the deadline for this medical intervention has also come to an end.

Fetal development at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The embryonic period of the child’s development ends, and the next one begins - the fetal period, which will last until childbirth. The future baby has turned from one cell into a tiny person measuring 53-61 mm.

Fruit size:

All its systems and organs are actively functioning, with the exception of the respiratory system. Sexual differentiation has come to an end, and at the next ultrasound, parents will be able to find out the gender and get a photo of the fetus.

What does the fetus look like at 12 weeks

During an ultrasound, parents can already clearly see what their unborn child looks like.

Even without any decoding of the study and explanations from the uzist, you can easily distinguish the contours of the baby’s body.

  • The baby's torso and tummy are slightly larger than his head, and the legs and arms are still short and still barely distinguishable.
  • A doctor will be able to recognize the sex of a child only by using modern equipment and provided that the baby’s genitals are clearly visible.
  • When examining a pregnant woman’s belly, a video of the baby can be recorded onto a medium already at this stage and saved for the family archive.

Pay attention! Z It is still very early to ask the question about the correct positioning of the baby in the uterine cavity. The fetus at week 12 literally moves and tumbles like a little acrobat, now upside down, now downwards. He can be in any position and change it at will. This happens for the reason that there is currently more than enough space in the uterus for all movements of the fetus.

What happens to the baby at this stage of pregnancy?

The following points can be noted in the development of the baby in the womb:

  • The main organs and systems are formed by 12 weeks. Some of them perform their direct functions, for example, the heart beats and pumps blood. The remaining organs continue to improve, such as the intestines;
  • light fluff appears at the location of future eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • a unique pattern is formed on the baby’s tiny fingertips;
  • the fetal facial expressions are actively developing: in a couple of weeks on an ultrasound you will be able to observe the baby’s funny grimaces;
  • the membranes between the fingers finally disappear, small thin nail plates appear;
  • the outer ears are still underdeveloped, but continue to mature and lobes are already forming on them;
  • future regulators of immunity - leukocytes - are formed in the fetal blood;
  • the first reflexes work: the fetus clenches/unclenches its fists, imitates breathing and swallowing movements;
  • contraction of the intestinal muscles occurs;
  • there is daily and consistent strengthening of bone tissue in the fetal body.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother at 12 weeks

By the end of the 12th week, the state of health of a pregnant woman who suffered from toxicosis usually improves. Drowsiness and chronic fatigue caused by the action of progesterone are replaced by a good mood and a surge of energy.

What does the belly look like at 12 weeks pregnant?

This week, the expectant mother can already feel how her tummy is gradually beginning to grow. During the first pregnancy, the belly begins to grow a little later than during repeated ones. At week 12, the waist is only slightly rounded, and the expectant mother feels quite comfortable; she can still wear regular everyday clothes.

Photos of bellies:

If the pregnancy is second and subsequent, the belly increases earlier, forcing the woman to look for more spacious clothes by the end of the first trimester.

Sometimes the growth of the abdomen is accompanied by mild itching. This may be the first “bell” of the formation of stretch marks, and their appearance is possible not only on the stomach - the chest and thighs are also susceptible to stretch marks. Also, by the 12th week of pregnancy, age spots and a dark stripe running from the navel down may appear. Obstetricians-gynecologists reassure: these are temporary phenomena and are not a cause for concern.

What happens in a woman’s body at this stage of pregnancy?

  • the uterus no longer fits in the pelvic space and begins to occupy the abdominal cavity;
  • toxicosis most often completely stops at this stage of pregnancy, very rarely it lasts up to 13-14 weeks;
  • the emotional state is already more stable, but irritability, tearfulness and sensitivity may persist;
  • feelings of drowsiness and fatigue disappear;
  • it can be difficult to concentrate, the body spends a lot of energy maintaining the well-being of mother and baby;
  • blood volume increases slightly;
  • The breasts have grown noticeably and colostrum may begin to leak from the nipples.

12 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the body, what sensations (mother’s experience - video):

What may worry the expectant mother at the end of the first trimester?

  • swelling of the legs and arms;
  • the hair becomes dry and brittle, the same problem occurs with the nail plates;
  • the skin of the abdomen stretches;
  • a little tugging in the stomach or lower back;
  • food “fads” still persist, despite the end of toxicosis.

Lifestyle of an expectant mother at 12 weeks

What you need to pay attention to and how to build a daily routine during this period.

Daily routine

If a woman’s well-being is at the same level, then she can lead her usual lifestyle. Of course, she should take care of a sufficient amount of sleep - at least 8 hours a day, three meals a day, sufficient movement during the day and the opportunity to go to bed on time to rest.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, you should not abuse physical activity. Remember that your baby is just settling into his stomach and there is no need to disturb him again. And the woman has not yet studied the capabilities of her body, being in an interesting position - sudden dizziness during a habitual jog can play a cruel joke.

Now, in the third month of pregnancy, the expectant mother is laying the foundations for the health of her child - this is a very important job that no one except the mother herself can do.

Hygiene procedures

At this stage of pregnancy, there is still no confidence that bearing a child will proceed normally and without complications. Many doctors are of the opinion that taking a bath can cause infection from the water to enter the birth canal. Also, excessively hot water (above 38-39 degrees) increases blood pressure and can cause miscarriage. And although when a woman’s body is immersed in water, the water does not penetrate above the lower third of the vagina, at week 12 it is better to do without a bath, limiting yourself to a shower.

Spending time at the computer/TV

When working on a computer or watching TV during pregnancy, it is not the notorious “radiation” that is scary, but prolonged immobility. Every half hour or hour after sitting in one place, you need to take breaks, during which you can move or walk. Expectant mothers should beware of poor monitors that flicker and can cause eye strain. Also, choose comfortable chairs and armchairs for sedentary work - uncomfortable surfaces put too much stress on the spine, which is useless in an interesting position.

Intimate relationships

There is only one rule here - if the doctor observing your pregnancy finds no contraindications for intimate contacts, and the expectant mother is in good health, then you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of spending time with your spouse. But if a pregnant woman has concerns (pain, nausea, weakness) or lacks desire, she will have to endure certain deprivations in this area. Remember that many families go through this ordeal, and changing hormonal levels are often to blame.

Contraindications to intimate relationships at 12 weeks are:

  1. increased uterine tone;
  2. low location of the placenta;
  3. difficult pregnancy;
  4. vaginal herpes;
  5. pregnancy with more than one fetus (carrying twins, triplets, etc.).

Medical examinations at 3 months of pregnancy

This point is worth paying special attention to.

Doctor visits

At the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman is given a bypass sheet, which indicates the specialists whose consultation is necessary at this stage. Visits to the following doctors are required:

Obstetrician-gynecologist In the third month, the expectant mother visits this doctor’s office once a month. The specialist examines the pregnant woman, writes down the main measurements (current weight, pressure, height of the uterine fundus) into the chart. The main purpose of a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is to make sure that there are no threats to pregnancy.
Therapist A consultation with a therapist is needed to rule out the mother having chronic diseases, such as heart disease or hypertension. If there are any, then the well-being of the expectant mother will be monitored more closely for the entire period of pregnancy in the antenatal clinic.
Oculist This specialist evaluates the condition of the retina and fundus of the eye. The choice of labor management tactics depends on the results of the examination. In case of serious problems with the inner lining of the eye, doctors advise avoiding pushing, so in most such cases a cesarean section is prescribed.
Dentist The “dentist” determines whether there are pockets of infection in the oral cavity (i.e. caries) and eliminates them as far as possible. It is very important not to delay treatment of problem teeth for a long period, since during pregnancy the process of destruction of enamel and the formation of carious cavities occurs at double speed.
ENT doctor Eliminates the presence of chronic infections in the ear canals, nasal cavity and throat. Sometimes in the first or second trimesters, the expectant mother is attacked by “rhinitis of pregnancy,” which is characterized by nasal discharge, difficulty breathing and sinus congestion. At the same time, the general state of health does not deteriorate, and the body temperature is normal. Consultation with an otolaryngologist in this case will help to cope with the problem in a short time.


At the end of the first trimester, a woman is prescribed a wide range of tests. Their results will allow the doctor to objectively assess the development of pregnancy. Tests at the 12th week of pregnancy will necessarily include:

  1. blood test for syphilis;
  2. blood test for HIV infection;
  3. analysis for antibodies to hepatitis B and C virus;
  4. analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor;
  5. clinical blood test;
  6. biochemical blood test;
  7. a smear from the vagina and cervical canal for sexually transmitted infections;
  8. study of blood clotting factors;
  9. general urinalysis.

Prenatal screening and ultrasound

By the end of the first trimester, the expectant mother should not only register for pregnancy, but also undergo the first screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy for fetal malformations. It includes an ultrasound of the fetus and a blood test for the hormones human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and plasma protein (PAPP). A change in the level of their content is a marker of the presence of certain abnormalities in the child.

Ultrasound prenatal screening at 12 weeks (video):

The gender of the baby is not yet visible on an ultrasound at 12 weeks. But in the photo that will be provided to the parents, it is already clearly visible that the fetus looks like a miniature man - you can see the head, tiny arms and legs.

Note! Go through all the tests that your obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes for you. This is not only a precautionary measure - without the necessary examinations, a woman risks ending up in the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital. Remember that with the results of your tests in hand, it is easier for the doctor to draw up a rough plan for managing your pregnancy.

Complications and risks during pregnancy at 12 weeks

Any pain during the current week of pregnancy should be listened to with special attention. If there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen that are prolonged or cramping in nature, a pregnant woman should immediately go to bed and call an ambulance.


Minor bleeding that occurs without pain can sometimes accompany the process of placenta implantation. A small amount of bloody discharge is possible after active sex or after a routine examination by a gynecologist. Bleeding can also be considered a sign that a woman has cervical erosion.


Any discharge with an unpleasant odor and unusual consistency indicates a threat of miscarriage. These also include bloody ones. If they appear simultaneously with nagging pain in the lower abdomen, then the expectant mother needs immediate medical attention. The first signs of miscarriage in the early stages are accompanied by brown or red discharge; they should alert the woman, as should any manifestations of pain or pain in the back and abdomen.

What to do to maintain pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage at 12 weeks?

To maintain pregnancy, it is very important that the expectant mother manages to recognize the threat in time and seek qualified medical help (on the first day). In the future, when carrying a child, a woman should exercise extreme caution, be attentive to her feelings and health in general, and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor observing this pregnancy.

  • observe bed rest at home and, if possible, eliminate any physical activity (in some cases it becomes necessary to go to the hospital for preservation);
  • get rid of negative experiences, constant stressful situations, avoid worries;
  • take hormonal medications or immunomodulators (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • undergo intensive antiviral therapy, as well as antifungal and antibacterial therapy as prescribed by the attending obstetrician;
  • The last resort if there is a risk of miscarriage at 12 weeks is surgery. For example, if the diagnosis is isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the doctor will put stitches on the cervix, which will be removed only before childbirth. Thanks to this intervention, the fetus growing in the uterine cavity will be able to stay there. There is also surgical correction for pathological or abnormal structures of the uterus, although such correction is not indicated in all cases.

Breathing exercises at 12 weeks: useful exercises for pregnant women

Throughout the first trimester, the expectant mother’s body adapts to its new state. This process is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - bloating, toxicosis, drowsiness and irritability. For this reason, obstetricians-gynecologists recommend reducing sports activity, but at the same time urge not to completely abandon physical education.

Note! At 12 weeks it’s time to start doing breathing practices. With their help, a woman expecting a baby will learn to relax three important diaphragms, as well as relieve emotional stress.

A set of exercises for training the depth of breathing can be used for independent practice; it is also actively practiced by physical therapy instructors in “schools for expectant mothers.”

  1. To begin, sit upright without pinching the groin folds. If your back finds it difficult to withstand such a load, find a place with rigid support.
  2. First of all, let's do abdominal breathing training. It relaxes the pelvic diaphragm and teaches you to intelligently control it during the birth process. Place your palms on your stomach and begin to inhale and exhale at a calm pace. Watch your hands rise and fall.
  3. After 3 minutes, place your palms on the lower ribs and begin to breathe, focusing on the abdominal diaphragm. When breathing, your arms should move to the sides. This breathing process improves lung function and helps cope with nausea during toxicosis.
  4. After 5 minutes, the palms move to the collarbones. Place your hands on your collarbones, parallel to your thighs. Inhale smoothly, calmly, while trying to slightly move your collarbones apart with your palms to the sides. This exercise relaxes the upper diaphragm and regulates blood flow in the head and neck.
  5. At the end of the breathing exercises, try to use all the diaphragms at once - inhale “bottom-up”, gradually including the stomach, ribs and collarbones. Then exhale slowly, mentally retracing your steps.

Important! Try not to overdo the depth of breathing in the exercises. Excessive amounts of oxygen when inhaled can cause dizziness. If such a symptom appears during a lesson, then gymnastics should be stopped until the next time, and subsequently, with complex breathing, act less actively.

5 tips for an expectant mother to ensure a smooth pregnancy

Pregnancy is, in fact, a real test for the female body. To carry a child safely, it is important to adjust your lifestyle. Below are several recommendations that you should follow even if you have no risks or threat of miscarriage.

Don't be nervous

One of the main conditions for a favorable pregnancy is to reduce stress in life and avoid stressful situations. Of course, you are not able to change the reality around you, but changing your attitude towards external stimuli is a completely feasible task. First of all, think about the health of your baby!

Get rid of bad habits

It's good if this point bypasses you. But if not, first of all you need to quit smoking. Quitting cigarettes should happen as quickly as possible; such a step will certainly have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. Remember that any bad habit has a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole, and even more so during pregnancy.

Eat a balanced diet

The fetus at 12 weeks of gestation must be provided with vitamins, minerals and nutrients for its proper and healthy development. If it is not possible to obtain the necessary elements from food, vitamin complexes for pregnant women will help cope with the situation (after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist). It is very important to take folic acid and vitamin E - they prevent the development of nervous system defects in a child.

Avoid hot baths/saunas

Such procedures at a period of 11-12 weeks help to increase the tone of the uterus. The pressure in the main female organ increases, which is a pathological condition and can lead to the threat of miscarriage. During pregnancy, limit yourself to taking a shower at a comfortable temperature - unlike a bath, it relaxes the uterine muscles.

Don't stimulate your bowels

The intestine is located in close proximity to the uterus, and with its active perilstatics, a mechanical increase in uterine tone occurs. This suggests that pregnant women should absolutely not use medications for constipation in the first and second trimesters. If you have problems with bowel movements, eat more foods rich in fiber. Introduce fermented milk products and bran into your diet - these products will help improve intestinal flora.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, noticeable changes occur in the body:

  • she is much less likely to feel sick in the morning;
  • mood swings become less frequent;
  • the uterus increases in size and moves higher;
  • heartbeat becomes more frequent;
  • it becomes uncomfortable to sleep on your back, as the uterus puts pressure on the veins;
  • constipation due to an enlarged uterus and pressing on the intestines;
  • the breasts gradually increase in size.


Toxicosis at the 12th week of pregnancy often comes to an end. However, nausea can plague a pregnant woman up to 14 weeks. This occurs due to the formation of the placenta, which protects the fetus from toxic substances.

There are three degrees of toxicosis:

  • vomiting is rare (no more than 5 times in 24 hours), weight decreases to 3 kg;
  • vomiting doubles in frequency, the woman loses 3-4 kg in weight;
  • the urge to vomit about 20 times. The expectant mother loses many kilograms, her pulse quickens and her temperature rises.

If a woman at 12 weeks of pregnancy suffers from severe toxicosis, she should consult a doctor. At home, you can follow simple rules to alleviate the condition:

  • do not get out of bed after sleep with an empty stomach (you need to eat some cookies, an apple or dried fruit);
  • throughout the day, consume unsweetened fruits and unsweetened compotes, as well as a sufficient amount of water;
  • exclude fatty and fried foods from the diet;
  • eat in small portions;
  • choose the right diet for good health, excluding intolerable foods.

It should also be noted that nausea at 12 weeks of pregnancy may be psychological in nature. When others treat the pregnant woman kindly and with understanding, such a condition may not bother the pregnant woman at all.

If the onset of toxicosis occurred in the 12th week of pregnancy, the main task is calm. It is normal for a mother to feel sick at 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is better to consult a doctor only if such a condition accompanies a woman constantly. If toxicosis intensifies during the 12th week of pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor. Since one of the reasons for this condition is complications.


Heartburn is another unpleasant moment during pregnancy, when gastric juice flows into the esophagus. The onset of heartburn can occur as early as the 12th week of pregnancy and accompany the pregnant woman until childbirth. In order to alleviate the condition a little, you need to exclude chocolate, coffee, tea from your diet, and after eating it is better to drink warm milk.

At the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy, the woman’s body manages to “make friends” with the baby and does not perceive it as a foreign body. The bond between mother and child becomes stronger.

How the fetus continues to develop in the womb at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy, he begins to have down on his face. Fingers are formed on the limbs, and nails also appear. By the end of the third month, the organs of the “belly inhabitant” were formed, their further task is development. The internal organs begin their work. Facial features, eyes, ears are also formed, a grasping reflex is observed, the child is already trying to wrinkle his face, sucks his finger, and the genitals of the fetus appear.

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the baby begins to react more actively to external stimuli, he feels touches on his tummy, and tries to turn away from the ultrasound sensor. The length of the baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy increases significantly, which also contributes to the growth of the uterus and its movement from the pelvis to the abdominal area. The fetus weighs an average of 14 grams at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Appearance of a child during pregnancy 12 weeks. The baby's size from head to tailbone is approximately 8 centimeters, and he is becoming more and more child-like.

How does a baby behave at 12 weeks of pregnancy? The baby begins to be active and “have fun” in the womb. However, she still doesn’t notice all this. At the end of the third trimester, the baby already begins to urinate.

Tests and examination

The expectant mother still hasn’t visited an antenatal clinic? Don't hesitate! During the first examination, the gynecologist will measure blood pressure, weight, height, body temperature, abdominal volume, create an exchange card, and also prescribe the necessary tests. At the 12th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo screening, which will show abnormalities in fetal development and genetic diseases. In addition to screening, an ultrasound examination is prescribed at the 12th week of pregnancy.

An ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy is the first planned. The study does not have any negative impact on the fetus.

It is used to determine:

  • Is there only one fetus in the womb?
  • correct attachment of the placenta;
  • physical condition of the fetus;
  • exclusion or confirmation of the threat of miscarriage;
  • determination of ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
  • assessment of the quality of amniotic fluid;
  • estimated date of birth.

How and why is a screening test done during pregnancy at 12 weeks? Screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a necessary procedure. Screening is absolutely painless due to the fact that it is done using a special sensor that is moved over the abdomen.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, screening will show:

  • the size of the fetus (does it correspond to the duration of pregnancy);
  • heart rate counting;
  • assessment of the normal development of internal organs;
  • The condition of the fertilized egg and the length of the cervix are assessed.

During pregnancy, a woman's progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, begins to actively increase.

Balanced nutrition at 12 weeks of pregnancy

A pregnant woman should make sure that the baby receives as many vitamins as possible for its normal development. Therefore, during this period you must eat healthy food and avoid stress. Despite the fact that the baby is already well protected by the placenta, the woman should still take care to minimize the influence of harmful factors.

To do this you should:

  • completely give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • in case of illness, do not self-medicate and do not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • It is recommended not to use harmful chemicals.

Weight gain during an “interesting” position is inevitable. But in order to ensure that after childbirth the mother does not suffer from excess weight, she should adhere to certain dietary rules. Healthy food is the key to good child health. In addition, by eating right, the expectant mother will not gain many extra pounds. During the period when a woman is in the “position”, her body consumes a lot of vitamins. Today, absolutely all gynecologists prescribe specialized vitamins for pregnant women. However, we should not forget that many vitamins are also contained in vegetables and fruits, which are simply necessary for the expectant mother and baby.

A pregnant woman must include in her diet:

  • various vegetables (cabbage, beets, tomatoes, herbs);
  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, butter);
  • various porridges (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat);
  • fruits;
  • lean meats and fish, as well as liver.

A pregnant woman can gain up to 1-2 kg in weight at week 12.

Discharges and their causes

Discharge during pregnancy at 12 weeks can be quite heavy. Nothing bad will happen if they do not have a sour smell and are transparent. The main rule is to frequently change panty liners and take a shower with soap after bowel movements.

Important! If at 12 weeks of pregnancy a woman notices brown discharge, it is better to immediately go to the hospital. One of the reasons for such discharge is the threat of miscarriage, but such discharge occurs after careless sex or after a gynecological examination.

If the discharge is yellow or slightly greenish in color, this indicates that an infection has entered the reproductive system.

Blood at 12 weeks of pregnancy indicates internal bleeding and requires immediate examination.
Light brown discharge, as well as bloody discharge, may mean that the cervix is ​​open due to a lack of progesterone in the body.

Pain during pregnancy

What to do if the lower abdomen is tight at 12 weeks of pregnancy? If at 12 weeks of pregnancy you feel pain on the sides of the abdomen, then this does not pose any danger. Lower back pain at 12 weeks of pregnancy appears due to a change in the center of gravity. However, nagging pain in the lower back may also indicate the presence of an infection in the bladder. Then it is better to contact a specialist and undergo the necessary examination.

If lower back pain is not associated with infection, in this case you should follow simple rules to alleviate the condition:

  • try to walk with a straight back;
  • change body position every 10-15 minutes;
  • purchase an orthopedic chair;
  • Do not sit at a computer desk for a long time.

When the lower abdomen feels tight during the 12th week of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a threat of miscarriage.

Colds during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should be wary of viral diseases and colds both at the 12th week of pregnancy and at other stages. During epidemic periods, it is better not to visit places with large crowds of people. If you do have to visit such a place, it would be a good idea to wear a mask. After visiting the street, be sure to wash your hands, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

A slightly elevated temperature at 12 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal. A reading of 37.5 on a thermometer should not bother a woman, except for other cold symptoms.

All doctors agree that colds and flu pose a great threat to both the health of the mother and the health of the baby. More than 60% of women are capable of getting sick while in an “interesting situation”; most often, ailments occur in the first trimester. It is during this period that the likelihood of consequences for the mother and fetus is high.

Consequences of the disease during pregnancy 12 weeks:

  • the mother may lose a lot of blood during childbirth;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • chronic infections;
  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

Placental abruption. During abruption at the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel abdominal pain, bleeding may occur, and the cardiac activity of the fetus may be impaired. Doctors cannot say with certainty about the causes of placental abruption. The placenta may begin to separate if a woman has suffered an abdominal injury or during a multiple pregnancy, presumably this may also be influenced by problems with blood vessels. Marginal placentation during pregnancy of 12 weeks may be present due to the structural features of the ovum or in case of multiple pregnancy. It may also be one of the causes of placental abruption.

Intimate life

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, sex is allowed, but only if there are no contraindications. However, you should still exercise caution, avoiding deep penetration and uncomfortable positions with pressure on the abdomen.

The main rule during pregnancy for all women is to eat well, get plenty of rest, walk in the fresh air and be absolutely calm, then the pregnancy will fly by unnoticed and the birth will be easy.

12th week of pregnancy completes her first trimester. It’s not for nothing that this period of pregnancy is considered the first anniversary of the unborn baby. The most difficult stage of pregnancy is over.

By the 12th week of pregnancy, most women are already registered and begin to visit the supervising doctor once a month.

At this stage, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, the woman’s general well-being improves, in most cases toxicosis goes away, active growth continues and fetal development.

What to expect at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Each week of pregnancy each has its own signs, symptoms, sensations and changes.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, many women forget about toxicosis, they are no longer tormented by morning sickness, and food begins to bring pleasure. The frequency of urination returns to normal, but as a result of decreased intestinal motility, constipation is possible.

Since the speed of blood circulation increases, a woman’s heart works at an increased rate.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, a significant increase in the uterus is observed - it moves from the small pelvis, where it is already cramped, into the abdominal cavity.

The load on all vital organs and systems of a woman increases. This means that you need to rest more and watch your diet.

Characteristics of the fetus at the twelfth week of pregnancy.

At this point stage of pregnancy development The fetus is already similar in many ways to a small child, although the disproportion between the head and body still exists. The arms and legs are already formed, but they are still tiny.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already stretched by 7-10 cm, and its weight fluctuates within 20 grams.

The risk of complications for the unborn child, due to infectious diseases of the expectant mother or her taking medications, is significantly reduced at the 12th week of pregnancy. This happens due to the fact that the internal organs of the baby have already formed.

Having carefully examined fetus on ultrasound images, you can see his eyelids, earlobes, ears, and fingernails.

The child learned to close his eyes, open his mouth, clench his fingers, swallow amniotic fluid, and also urinate. At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the baby begins to actively move in the womb. The fetal brain already has two hemispheres.

Changes in the mood of the expectant mother in the twelfth week of pregnancy.

As a result of the active synthesis of hormones, the emotional state of a woman is 12 weeks pregnant still quite changeable. Sudden bursts of anxiety, causeless tears suddenly change to high spirits. This happens to a woman several times a day.

Light physical activity - fitness for pregnant women - helps stabilize mood during this period of pregnancy. But before starting classes, you need to consult a doctor. Listening to your favorite music, light meditation, and using some elements of auto-training will be a useful pastime. All this will have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body and her psyche.

Nutritional rules during the twelfth week of pregnancy.

During the 12th week of pregnancy, nutrition should be properly balanced and varied. You should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, since during this period a woman’s body really needs fiber.

At this stage of pregnancy, you need to drink up to two liters of water per day. Carbonated drinks and juices in packs are contraindicated; it is better to avoid fast food establishments.

You need to eat often, in small portions. You should not overeat at night, as this will not promote proper sleep.

Ultrasound examination? at the twelfth week of pregnancy.

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, a woman should undergo screening. During this period, you also need to do a biochemical blood test. This study is very informative; it will help identify possible deviations associated with the health of the expectant mother or the development of the fetus.

On At 12 weeks of pregnancy you need to have your first scheduled ultrasound, which is for informational purposes only.

As a result of the study, the specialist assesses the condition of the uterus, its tone, determines the location of the placenta, the size of the unborn baby and the stage of its development.

During an ultrasound scan at 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can even determine the approximate date of birth.

A woman’s feelings during the twelfth week of pregnancy.

12 weeks of pregnancy is not that long. But the expectant mother is already observing visible transformations in her appearance. A woman’s belly begins to grow, although it is not yet noticeable to others. During this period, you need to give up tight trousers. It is preferable to wear elastic clothes that stretch well.

Breasts of a woman at 12 weeks of pregnancy becomes even larger and more sensitive. It's time to change your usual bra to special underwear for pregnant women. It is distinguished by high-quality natural material.

At this point stage of pregnancy, hyperpigmentation in the form of spots may appear on a woman’s skin, especially on the face. This is due to hormonal levels and after childbirth this condition will disappear.

It's time to radically change your wardrobe, buy products that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on your body and rejoice that the most exciting first trimester of pregnancy is behind you.
