Lighten eyebrows after unsuccessful painting. Eyebrow lightening: who needs it and what are the features of this procedure

Traditionally, beauties seek to transform their eyebrows, making them a tone (or even several) darker, thereby giving brightness and expressiveness to the face. But recently, more and more women are trying to achieve the exact opposite effect - lightening the eyebrows. The fact is that such clarification is considered a fashion trend. And many ladies, who follow the changes in the fashion industry, have decided to match the models on the catwalks with their appearance. Thanks to such events, a new service appeared in many beauty salons - eyebrow lightening. However, you can cope with the task at home. How to lighten eyebrows? This will be discussed.

How not to become a victim of fashion: who will bleached eyebrows suit?

Fashion and style are not the same thing. Don't forget: your style is based on your personality. Do not rush to bleach your eyebrows, trying to keep up with new fashion trends. This lady is very fickle. The fact is that fashion, dictating new rules, today can recognize clarified eyebrows as trendy, and tomorrow - thick and dark.

Therefore, before changing anything in your appearance, think not so much about fashion as about your style. Think about whether the change will suit you, whether it will fit into your image.

Pay attention to the cases in which eyebrow lightening really suits you.

    You are the owner of hair, the natural color of which is black, chestnut or dark blond. You dyed your hair blonde, and your entire seemingly perfect image is spoiled by dark eyebrows. They give out the true color of your hair and make you look a little ridiculous.

    You have delicate pale skin or skin with a pinkish tint. By bleaching your eyebrows, you will transform your image into a more fragile, airy one. Lightening will turn sharp facial features into more delicate ones. Now you can do any make-up (even very catchy) and will not look vulgar at the same time.

If you are unsure about the need for a procedure, you can check if a new eyebrow color is right for you, as follows. Apply a corrector to the brow arches, then powder them and look in the mirror. If you like the result, feel free to proceed with bleaching. If you are not satisfied, try to choose the right shade for you with a professional.


Before lightening your eyebrows, you need to make sure that you need it. Do not experiment with lightening eyebrows in the following cases.

    You suffer from allergies.

    You have tanned skin. When lightening the eyebrows, your face will turn into one continuous spot. It doesn't look very attractive. Therefore, if you are the owner of the southern type of appearance, refuse the procedure.

    You are the constant guest of solariums.

    Your everyday makeup includes a dark foundation, black shadows and eyeliners.

How to lighten eyebrows

How to lighten eyebrows? You can:

    use the help of a professional in a beauty salon;

    do homemade eyebrow lightening.

How to lighten eyebrows at home?

Eyebrow lightening at home can be done using the following tools:

    Hydrogen peroxide is the most economical option.

    Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, lemon juice) are the slowest, but also the safest method.

    Whitening cream is the fastest way.

    Decorative cosmetics. It's about eyebrow masking. This method allows you to do without radical changes in appearance.

Eyebrow lightening with hydrogen peroxide

How to lighten eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide? This is what will be discussed now. This method of lightening the eyebrows has several advantages:

    The method is convenient in terms of finances, since hydrogen peroxide is a fairly cheap remedy.

    Lightening (or rather bleaching) your eyebrows with peroxide is a very effective way.

    There are no difficulties in acquiring the main ingredient, because peroxide is sold in any pharmacy. Moreover, the substance is released without a prescription.

    Due to the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the hairs of the brow arches, the production of melanin in them stops. In other words, the natural coloring pigment ceases to be produced. That is why the need to constantly tint the eyebrows disappears.

    How to lighten eyebrows with peroxide? When applying it, be careful and careful to avoid eye irritation and other, more serious consequences.

    For the procedure you will need:

      Hydrogen peroxide (3%).

    • Eyebrow brush with wide and rare teeth.

    • The brush you usually use to apply makeup.

      A glass of warm water.

    Lightening eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide includes the following steps:

      Gently wash off all makeup with water or facial milk.

      Rinse your eyebrow hairs thoroughly with shampoo to wash away sebum and dust from them.

      Wipe off excess moisture with a dry towel.

      Then smear Vaseline or fat nourishing cream on the contour of the line. This is necessary to avoid further skin irritation.

      Mix half a spoon (tea) of peroxide with water.

      Apply the resulting solution with a brush to dry hairs and distribute it with a brush.

      Hold for 10-15 (no more) minutes and rinse.

    The procedure is over. However, if the natural color of your eyebrows is very dark, one application may not be enough for you. In this case, repeat the whitening procedure, but not earlier than after three days. If the brows are not as light as you would like again, wait five days and do it all over again.

    Whitening cream

    How to lighten eyebrows at home with a whitening cream? Eyebrows are prepared for the bleaching procedure in the same way as when using peroxide. Then a whitening cream is applied to them. After 1-2 (maximum) minutes, the cream must be washed off so as not to get burned. A moisturizer is then applied to the treated area of ​​the face to nourish dry skin.

    Lightening eyebrows with herbs

    How to lighten eyebrows with herbs? This is the safest option for home eyebrow lightening, which has been used since ancient times. A large spoonful of chamomile flowers is poured with water (200 ml) and brought to a boil in a water bath. Then insist an hour, add lemon juice and calendula to the resulting solution. The tool can be applied to the hairs of the eyebrows twice a day (no more).

    This method is effective. However, be patient. It takes several weeks for the natural herbs to take effect. So, if you are the owner of dark eyebrows and want to lighten them in one go, the use of herbs is not suitable for you.

    Eyebrow disguise

    You can lighten your eyebrows without drastic measures. Ordinary cosmetics can play the role of a concealer. You can hide your eyebrows with shadows. If you choose shades of beige. For fair skin, it is better to choose shadows.

    How to lighten dark eyebrows with cosmetics? First of all, you need to put your eyebrows in order. Then dab the brush in the shadows and run the tip over the brow. The final stage: the shadows need to be carefully shaded.

    Ordinary compact powder can be used instead of shadows if you are going to do a full make-up. Otherwise, the disguise will be conspicuous.

    How to lighten colored eyebrows?

    The return of dyed eyebrows to their original appearance is another problem for the fair sex. Many girls, being blondes, are repainted in brunettes, and then wish to return to the starting point. Only here with eyebrows everything is somewhat more complicated than with hair.

    How to lighten black eyebrows, which, among other things, are also dyed? Hair dye is not suitable for eyebrows, as the roots grow back and give out their natural color. And the eyebrow hairs will not withstand constant repainting. But walking with hair and eyebrows of different colors is not the best choice. In such a situation, folk remedies will help you - olive and castor oil.

    The lighting procedure is as follows:

    With a cotton pad dipped in a small amount of heated oil, carefully wipe the eyebrows.

    Wait a few hours until the oil is absorbed into the eyebrow hairs.

    Then wipe the eyebrows with clean cotton swabs.

Keep in mind, this process is not ten minutes long. It may take you a whole day to whiten.


In modern life, lightening the eyebrows is not something unattainable. Transforming eyebrows is quite easy and simple. You just have to wish! You can turn to specialists. You can lighten your eyebrows yourself. Moreover, more than one method of home clarification is known. Weigh all the pros and cons when deciding to lighten your brows. Choose the option that suits you best, follow a simple procedure and be one step closer to perfection.

Not only unsuccessful design can serve as a reason for clarification. Sometimes coal-dark arcs simply do not fit into the framework of the image created by the girl. Here's who will lighten natural eyebrows.

  • Girls who changed their hair color from dark to blonde. Dark arcs against the background of light golden curls look ridiculous. This combination focuses on the fact that the hair color is unnatural.
  • Owners of light skin with a pinkish tint. Expressive arcs give the skin a painful pallor and even some transparency. Lightened eyebrows will make the image airy and gentle.
  • Ladies with large sharp features. After lightening the eyebrows, the look will become more feminine.

How to lighten natural eyebrows: special tools ...

There are three proven ways to bleach your eyebrows yourself. They give a 100% result, making the hairs lighter immediately by a tone or more. The main thing is to be extremely careful during the procedure.

hydrogen peroxide

  1. Remove makeup. To permanently remove the remnants of cosmetics and fat from the hairs and skin, wash them with soap or shampoo.
  2. To protect adjacent areas of the skin from irritation, lubricate them with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream.
  3. Dissolve a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in warm water. It is desirable that it be filtered.
  4. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and work through the hairs.
  5. Wash your face after a quarter of an hour. Do not spare water, because there should be no peroxide particles left on the eyebrows.

For three to four days after lightening, do not apply decorative cosmetics to your eyebrows and try not to expose your face to direct sunlight. Lubricate the arcs with fat cream or olive oil.

Whitening cream

  1. Wash your face and dry your face well with a towel or paper towel.
  2. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of whitening cream onto the base of your right eyebrow.
  3. Using a cosmetic brush or cotton swab, gently spread it over the entire arc.
  4. Notice for a minute, then wipe off the cream with a dry, and then with a damp cotton pad.
  5. Do the same procedure on the left side.
  6. Repeat the algorithm until the hairs acquire the desired shade.

Before applying cream or any other lightening agent, make sure you are not allergic to it. To do this, you need to conduct a standard test by applying a little money on your wrist. In ten minutes you will understand how the skin reacts to it.


  1. Prepare the coloring composition according to the instructions.
  2. With a thin cosmetic brush, apply the product on the eyebrows in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
  3. To lighten the hairs by one or two tones, soak the product, respectively, for five or ten minutes.
  4. With a damp sponge, remove the remaining paint.
  5. To soothe the skin, wipe the treated area with warm milk.

Lightening eyebrow paint can be purchased at the salon or specialty store. It may be in the form of a cream or gel packaged in tubes or capsules.

... and folk methods

Safe lightening of eyebrows at home is possible with the help of folk methods. Proven recipes will help create a unique image, as well as help strengthen the hairs.

Chamomile decoction

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of water, steam for 15 minutes.
  2. Cover the finished decoction of chamomile and put it in a dark place until it cools completely.
  3. Strain the cold liquid and add a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  4. Wash your face to remove all makeup and other impurities from your face.
  5. Soak cotton pads with herbal decoction and apply to the arches for ten minutes.
  6. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening until the hairs acquire the desired shade.

Ready chamomile broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Judging by the reviews, after that the product will lose its brightening properties.

colorless henna

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of colorless henna with three tablespoons of boiling water. Leave for five to ten minutes.
  2. Add three drops of lemon juice.
  3. Apply a thick layer of gruel on previously cleaned eyebrows.
  4. Wash your face after a quarter of an hour. From henna, black eyebrows will acquire a chocolate color.

Lemon juice

  1. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with the contents of one vitamin E capsule.
  2. Wash your eyebrows with soap and pat dry with a towel.
  3. Apply the composition to the hairs with a cotton swab.
  4. Wash off with cold water after 20 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure every three days until the desired result is achieved. But not longer than two weeks.

Lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid. To do this, the powder must be diluted with two parts of warm water. The method of application will be the same.

Lightening after staining

Since eyebrows have become the center of attention for women, the range of colors for them is becoming wider. But even the most expensive means sometimes give unexpected results. Fortunately, there are several proven ways to whiten your eyebrows after dyeing.

Solution with aloe

  1. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of castor oil and the contents of an ampoule of extract.
  2. Wipe pre-cleaned eyebrows daily with this composition.
  3. Continue until the paint is completely gone.

Castor oil

  1. Heat castor oil and apply a thick layer on the eyebrows.
  2. Wait a couple of hours for the product to be well absorbed into the skin.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in castor oil and start rubbing vigorously.
  4. Do this until the cotton wool remains clean after the next manipulation. This means that the paint is completely washed off.

If there is no castor oil on hand, you can replace it with another vegetable oil. You can also make your eyebrows lighter after painting with a rich nourishing cream.


  1. To gradually lighten colored eyebrows, remove the contents of the AEvita capsule.
  2. Wash your face and apply the substance to the hairs and skin.
  3. Repeat the procedure daily, and the paint will gradually lighten.

Removal of an unsuccessful tattoo

After eyebrow tattooing, the result does not always correspond to the declared one. What should I do if I am not satisfied with the color or shape? Do you really have to put up with failure or daily mask the defect under a layer of cosmetics? The most correct decision is to go to the salon, where the master will remove the pigment using a laser or a remover. There are also budget home options.

Iodine solution

  1. Lubricate the eyebrows with an alcohol solution of iodine three times a day. Try not to go beyond the contour of the tattoo.
  2. When a crust appears on the skin, stop the procedure.
  3. After the crust is completely gone and the skin returns to normal, evaluate the result. You may need to re-process.

Under no circumstances should the crust be removed by force. She has to get off on her own. Otherwise, after healing, scars will appear on the skin.

coffee scrub

  1. Mix a tablespoon of coffee grounds with a teaspoon of almond oil and the same amount of lemon juice.
  2. Steam the skin and massage it with the resulting composition for two minutes.
  3. Leave the product on for another five minutes, then rinse off.
  4. Repeat the procedure every three days.

A scrub is the perfect way to lighten tattooed brows without harm. The abrasive will gradually remove the top layer of the skin along with the pigment. But be prepared for the fact that the visible result will have to wait at least a month.


  1. Mix a teaspoon of fine sea salt with the same amount of water and vegetable oil.
  2. Wash your face with soap and dry with a paper towel.
  3. Apply the product to the sponge and massage the skin for two to three minutes.
  4. Wait 15 minutes and rinse off any remaining product.

A contraindication to the use of salt scrub is hypersensitivity of the skin. There is a risk of damaging the epidermis and causing rashes.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute have concluded that the eyebrows are the most significant part of the face. Looking at photos of eyebrowless celebrities, most of the participants in the experiment did not recognize them. This indicates that the arcs define the character of the face. Therefore, before you make your eyebrows lighter or darker, think about how it will affect your appearance.

Reviews: “And the next morning I got light eyebrows!!!”

I smeared it with peroxide for 3 days, the result is already visible)) my eyebrows are naturally black, and my hair is brown! and most importantly, the hairs were quite thick, and after peroxide they softened, so I advise everyone))


I have light brown hair, I dyed it blonde and my eyebrows are brown, my aunt is a beautician, she advised me:
1 In the morning, apply cream with lemon juice, rinse off after 10 minutes!
2 After dinner, wash off the cream with chamomile after 5 minutes!
3 Before going to bed-cream with peroxide 3%!
And in the morning I got light eyebrows!!! And the hair color!!!


I buy any cheap hair clarifier ... I literally apply for a minute, lighten my eyebrows and then tint with a pencil)) I myself want fair-haired eyebrows, about now I will lighten and color


The most complete article on the topic: how to lighten your eyebrows yourself? and a little more for real beauties.

Every girl at any age strives to be irresistible, but, unfortunately, nature does not give everyone amazing beauty and a unique image. Often, women try to lighten their hair and turn into a charming blonde. Owners of blond hair should pay attention to their eyebrows, because a blonde with black eyebrows looks unnatural and even funny. Eyebrow lightening can be done in a beauty salon, or you can save money and try to do this procedure yourself at home.

Eyebrow lightening without major changes

In order to make the hairs lighter, it is not necessary to immediately dye or bleach them, the eyebrows can be masked with decorative cosmetics. Using the usual compact powder or shadows of a suitable tone, you can achieve significant lightening of the hairs. How to make light eyebrows at home using cosmetics:

  • Before applying cosmetics, you should prepare your eyebrows. All hairs should be combed and carefully laid so that they lie beautifully and do not stick out;
  • for dark-skinned girls, it is better to use beige shades of powder, and for fair-skinned girls, ivory powder is suitable. Before applying makeup at home, it is better for a girl to try a cosmetic product on her skin, because individual intolerance to cosmetics cannot be ruled out;
  • take a small brush and dip it in the shadow of a suitable shade. Shaking off excess shadows a little, run the tips of the brush along the hairs of the eyebrows;
  • carefully blend the applied shadows over the entire surface of the hairs;
  • You can lighten your eyebrows with matting or compact powder. Eyebrow lightening with powder is also carried out.

How to lighten eyebrow tattoo at home and in the salon

Eyebrow tattooing has become quite popular recently, but not every master is a professional and the face after this procedure may look unnatural. How to lighten eyebrow tattoo without resorting to the services of specialists:

  • beauty salons sell special lightening paint. It should be noted that using brightening paint at home, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the coloring pigment, the tattoo will become only a few tones lighter;
  • applying an iodine alcohol solution to the tattoo will help to discolor the coloring pigment. You need to apply iodine on the eyebrow using an ordinary cosmetic stick, while you do not need to go beyond the border of the hairs. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a day for a month. A few days after the start, a crust forms on the hairs, which implies that the lightening process is in full swing;
  • brightening cream. On sale there are special suspensions and creams for lightening the coloring pigment. The cream is applied daily until the desired shade is obtained. Most often, the result of the action of a brightening cream will become noticeable only a few weeks after the first application. Only then will you notice the lightening;
  • use of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide will make eyebrows lighter only after a recent tattoo.

Video: Tattoo lightening methods

Eyebrow bleaching at home

Lightening the eyebrows will help to radically change the appearance of a woman, so before you decide to take such a step, you need to think about everything well. There are several ways to bleach your eyebrows at home:

  • using hydrogen peroxide. For the procedure, it is worth buying a 3% peroxide solution at any pharmacy kiosk. In addition to a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, you will need the following: a brush with sparse teeth, some shampoo, a makeup brush, petroleum jelly and water. How to lighten eyebrows with peroxide? First, you should thoroughly wash your eyebrows from cosmetics and sebum, for these purposes it is best to use shampoo. After the excess moisture is removed with a towel, it is necessary to apply petroleum jelly. You need to apply cosmetic petroleum jelly along the contour of the eyebrows, this procedure will help protect the skin from the negative effects of the peroxide solution. ½ tsp dilute the peroxide in 200 ml of warm water and mix the resulting solution thoroughly. Apply the prepared solution to the hairs with a makeup brush. After all the hair is wetted, it is necessary to brush over the eyebrows so that the solution is evenly distributed. After applying the solution to the eyebrows, you must wait about 15 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse the mixture under running water. Repeat the procedure until the desired shade is obtained;
  • with the help of herbs. For cooking you will need: 25 g of pharmacy chamomile, 200 ml of water, 2 - 3 drops of lemon juice. Pour inflorescences with water and boil in a water bath for 1 - 2 minutes. Then the broth must be cooled for 60 minutes, after which it should be drained and filtered. Add juice to the resulting chamomile decoction. Apply this tool to the hairs should be 2 times a day, until the desired shade is acquired;
  • whitening cream. This tool will help lighten both dark and light eyebrows. Cosmetic cream should be applied to previously cleansed hairs, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 2 minutes, otherwise the skin may be damaged. After the time has elapsed, the bleaching agent should be washed off and a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.

It is not so difficult to make eyebrows much lighter, the main thing is not to overdo it and not harm your health.

Video: We lighten eyebrows on our own


Traditionally, beauties seek to transform their eyebrows, making them a tone (or even several) darker, thereby giving brightness and expressiveness to the face. But recently, more and more women are trying to achieve the exact opposite effect - lightening the eyebrows. The fact is that such clarification is considered a fashion trend. And many ladies, who follow the changes in the fashion industry, have decided to match the models on the catwalks with their appearance. Thanks to such events, a new service has appeared in many beauty salons - eyebrow lightening. However, you can cope with the task at home. How to lighten eyebrows? This will be discussed.

Fashion and style are not the same thing. Don't forget: your style is based on your personality. Do not rush to bleach your eyebrows, trying to keep up with new fashion trends. This lady is very fickle. The fact is that fashion, dictating new rules, today can recognize clarified eyebrows as trendy, and tomorrow - thick and dark.

Therefore, before changing anything in your appearance, think not so much about fashion as about your style. Think about whether the change will suit you, whether it will fit into your image.

Pay attention to the cases in which eyebrow lightening really suits you.

    You are the owner of hair, the natural color of which is black, chestnut or dark blond. You dyed your hair blonde, and your entire seemingly perfect image is spoiled by dark eyebrows. They give out the true color of your hair and make you look a little ridiculous.

    You have delicate pale skin or skin with a pinkish tint. By bleaching your eyebrows, you will transform your image into a more fragile, airy one. Lightening will turn sharp facial features into more delicate ones. Now you can do any make-up (even very catchy) and will not look vulgar at the same time.

If you are unsure about the need for a procedure, you can check if a new eyebrow color is right for you, as follows. Apply a corrector to the brow arches, then powder them and look in the mirror. If you like the result, feel free to proceed with bleaching. If you are not satisfied, try to choose the right shade for you with a professional.


Before lightening your eyebrows, you need to make sure that you need it. Do not experiment with lightening eyebrows in the following cases.

    You suffer from allergies.

    You have tanned skin. When lightening the eyebrows, your face will turn into one continuous spot. It doesn't look very attractive. Therefore, if you are the owner of the southern type of appearance, refuse the procedure.

    You are the constant guest of solariums.

    Your everyday makeup includes a dark foundation, black shadows and eyeliners.

How to lighten eyebrows

How to lighten eyebrows? You can:

    use the help of a professional in a beauty salon;

    do homemade eyebrow lightening.

How to lighten eyebrows at home?

Eyebrow lightening at home can be done using the following tools:

    Hydrogen peroxide is the most economical option.

    Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, lemon juice) are the slowest, but also the safest method.

    Whitening cream is the fastest way.

    Decorative cosmetics. It's about eyebrow masking. This method allows you to do without radical changes in appearance.

Eyebrow lightening with hydrogen peroxide

How to lighten eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide? This is what will be discussed now. This method of lightening the eyebrows has several advantages:

    The method is convenient in terms of finances, since hydrogen peroxide is a fairly cheap remedy.

    Lightening (or rather bleaching) your eyebrows with peroxide is a very effective way.

    There are no difficulties in acquiring the main ingredient, because peroxide is sold in any pharmacy. Moreover, the substance is released without a prescription.

Due to the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the hairs of the brow arches, the production of melanin in them stops. In other words, the natural coloring pigment ceases to be produced. That is why the need to constantly tint the eyebrows disappears.

How to lighten eyebrows with peroxide? When applying it, be careful and careful to avoid eye irritation and other, more serious consequences.

For the procedure you will need:

    Hydrogen peroxide (3%).

  • Eyebrow brush with wide and rare teeth.

  • The brush you usually use to apply makeup.

    A glass of warm water.

Lightening eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide includes the following steps:

    Gently wash off all makeup with water or facial milk.

    Rinse your eyebrow hairs thoroughly with shampoo to wash away sebum and dust from them.

    Wipe off excess moisture with a dry towel.

    Then smear Vaseline or fat nourishing cream on the contour of the line. This is necessary to avoid further skin irritation.

    Mix half a spoon (tea) of peroxide with water.

    Apply the resulting solution with a brush to dry hairs and distribute it with a brush.

    Hold for 10-15 (no more) minutes and rinse.

The procedure is over. However, if the natural color of your eyebrows is very dark, one application may not be enough for you. In this case, repeat the whitening procedure, but not earlier than after three days. If the brows are not as light as you would like again, wait five days and do it all over again.

Whitening cream

How to lighten eyebrows at home with a whitening cream? Eyebrows are prepared for the bleaching procedure in the same way as when using peroxide. Then a whitening cream is applied to them. After 1-2 (maximum) minutes, the cream must be washed off so as not to get burned. A moisturizer is then applied to the treated area of ​​the face to nourish dry skin.

Lightening eyebrows with herbs

How to lighten eyebrows with herbs? This is the safest option for home eyebrow lightening, which has been used since ancient times. A large spoonful of chamomile flowers is poured with water (200 ml) and brought to a boil in a water bath. Then insist an hour, add lemon juice and calendula to the resulting solution. The tool can be applied to the hairs of the eyebrows twice a day (no more).

This method is effective. However, be patient. It takes several weeks for the natural herbs to take effect. So, if you are the owner of dark eyebrows and want to lighten them in one go, the use of herbs is not suitable for you.

Eyebrow disguise

You can lighten your eyebrows without drastic measures. Ordinary cosmetics can play the role of a concealer. You can hide your eyebrows with shadows. If you have dark skin, choose shades of beige. For light skin, it is better to choose shades of ivory color.

How to lighten dark eyebrows with cosmetics? First of all, you need to put your eyebrows in order. Then dab the brush in the shadows and run the tip over the brow. The final stage: the shadows need to be carefully shaded.

Ordinary compact powder can be used instead of shadows if you are going to do a full make-up. Otherwise, the disguise will be conspicuous.

How to lighten colored eyebrows?

The return of dyed eyebrows to their original appearance is another problem for the fair sex. Many girls, being blondes, are repainted in brunettes, and then wish to return to the starting point. Only here with eyebrows everything is somewhat more complicated than with hair.

How to lighten black eyebrows, which, among other things, are also dyed? Hair dye is not suitable for eyebrows, as the roots grow back and give out their natural color. And the eyebrow hairs will not withstand constant repainting. But walking with hair and eyebrows of different colors is not the best choice. In such a situation, folk remedies will help you - olive and castor oil.

The procedure for lightening dyed eyebrows is as follows:

    With a cotton pad dipped in a small amount of heated oil, carefully wipe the eyebrows.

    Wait a few hours until the oil is absorbed into the eyebrow hairs.

    Then wipe the eyebrows with clean cotton swabs.

Keep in mind, this process is not ten minutes long. It may take you a whole day to whiten.


In modern life, lightening the eyebrows is not something unattainable. Transforming eyebrows is quite easy and simple. You just have to wish! You can turn to specialists. You can lighten your eyebrows yourself. Moreover, more than one method of home clarification is known. Weigh all the pros and cons when deciding to lighten your brows. Choose the option that suits you best, follow a simple procedure and be one step closer to perfection.

Eyebrow lightening, at first glance, may seem like a strange and unmotivated undertaking. However, it is well understood by naturally dark-haired girls who have dyed their hair in light shades or women who want to give their eyebrows a more natural look. We will talk about how to lighten eyebrows at home quickly and without mistakes.

You can lighten your eyebrows at home, most importantly, follow the instructions

Eyebrow Lightening Methods

If you decide that light and neat hairs are the limit of your dreams, it's time to choose a way to achieve the desired result. Before lightening black eyebrows, decide how you want to do it. You can contact a specialist in a beauty salon and complete the procedure in half an hour, or you can try to do it at home yourself.

The wrong combination of black eyebrows and blond hair after dyeing is one of the reasons for lightening

With the first option, everything is very clear, let's talk about methods of clarification at home.

There are four options in total:

  • peroxide;
  • cream;
  • brightening paint;
  • herbal decoction.

We will talk about them below.


Before carrying out the procedure, prepare everything you need for it.

You will need:

Peroxide can give you the opportunity to get beautiful and natural eyebrows as in the photo

  • shampoo;
  • petrolatum;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • special eyebrow brush with wide teeth;
  • makeup brush;
  • cream;
  • warm water.

Lightening eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide should begin with washing the hairs with shampoo. This will help remove any remaining dust or sebum from the surface. Cream the area around the eyebrows to prevent peroxide from getting on the skin and further irritation.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most popular and affordable home remedies for lightening eyebrows.

The next step is to prepare the solution. Dilute half a teaspoon of peroxide in a glass of warm filtered water. Mix everything well.

It is important to know! Strictly observe all proportions, otherwise you risk provoking active hair loss.

Apply a homemade brow clarifier to the hairs with a brush, then gently spread it with a brush over the growth of the eyebrows. Wait fifteen minutes and wash with plenty of warm water.

Peroxide can lighten bad tattoos

It is worth noting that this method is one of the ways to lighten eyebrow tattoo at home.


While you are waiting for your eyebrow tattoo to lighten, you can purchase a special bleaching paint. With its help, you can not only lighten the eyebrows after the procedure, but also color them in the desired shade. Just apply a little product to the hairs, wait the time indicated in the instructions and wash off the paint.


Lightening eyebrows at home with a special cream is one of those procedures that require maximum concentration and accuracy. Carefully follow all the recommendations, only in this way it will be possible to count on obtaining the desired result.

The instructions that come with the cream will tell you in detail how to properly prepare it for clarification.

Do not overdo it with the time of keeping the cream on the eyebrows

The best place to start is with a trial run. Apply a small amount of cream on a small area of ​​skin (cheekbone line) and wait a couple of minutes. If after that you do not have irritation, the remedy is suitable.

  • apply literally a drop of cream on the tip of the eyebrow and wait a minute. If after that you don’t feel a burning sensation, the hairs don’t start to fall out or an allergic reaction doesn’t appear, feel free to start lightening;

It is important to know! It is necessary to use the product with the utmost care, avoiding contact with the eyes.

  • it is not recommended to apply the cream on two eyebrows at once. To begin with, it is best to apply the mixture with a brush on one eyebrow and, after waiting a minute, wash it off with a cotton pad. Repeat the procedure at the indicated interval until the hairs become the desired shade;
  • remember how many times you applied the cream, repeat the same number of manipulations with the second eyebrow.


For those who do not want to resort to chemicals, natural and most harmless components are suitable. Perhaps you are in doubt and thinking about whether it is possible to lighten eyebrows with the help of herbs alone? We hasten to assure you that it is possible - and the effect will be no worse than from purchased funds.

Chamomile decoction will not only lighten the eyebrows, but also strengthen the hairs.

Take 25 grams of chamomile flowers, fill them with a glass of water. Boil the liquid in a water bath, then let it brew in a dark, cool place. Strain the broth and add a few drops of lemon juice to it.

Apply the liquid prepared at home on the eyebrows in the morning and in the evening until the desired result is obtained. The shelf life of the broth is 2 days, after you better prepare a new one.

Another great folk remedy is colorless henna. This natural brow tint will not only lighten your brows by several shades, but also perfectly nourishes the skin and hair follicles. To enhance the effect, you can add calendula or lemon juice.

Colorless henna nourishes the skin and brightens the hairs

In order for the clarification procedure to go smoothly, follow a few simple recommendations that will increase the chances of a successful outcome:

  1. Lightening eyebrow paint, like a cream, should be diluted in a glass or plastic container.
  1. Do not forget that some hairs take longer to lighten.
  2. After holding the bleaching paint on the hairs for 5 minutes, you will lighten them by a tone, 10 minutes will make the hairs two tones lighter.
  3. Always check the expiration date of the medicines you use.
  4. Do-it-yourself nourishing eyebrow masks will help keep your skin beautiful and healthy. They can be made from vegetable oils, eggs, nettles, dairy products, or even bread.
  5. After lightening, do not forget to lubricate the eyebrows with a cream with a calming effect. This will prevent redness and irritation of the skin.
  6. To lighten your brows for a short period of time, you can apply a clear gel, powder or pencil. It is also recommended to use shades of light colors to freshen up the makeup a little.


As you can see, it is not necessary to rush to the beauty salon to make your eyebrows more natural. The price of home lightening products is much lower than the cost of the procedure itself, and the effect of them is almost indistinguishable from the work of a cosmetologist. Most importantly, carefully follow the instructions and the above tips.

Light eyebrows add tenderness and naturalness to the image.

To get the maximum amount of useful information, we recommend that you watch the video in this article. If you have any questions about how to lighten eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide, cream, paint or folk remedies, ask them in the comments.

  • Who is the trendsetter of this fashion?
  • Who needs lightening
  • Who should not lighten their eyebrows?
  • Lightening at home: how is it done?
  • Lightening eyebrows at home: rules and precautions

Thick and black eyebrows are, unfortunately, not for all the fair sex, as they give a more serious, mature and sometimes even vulgar look. Recently, many beauty salons have begun to provide a new service - lightening the eyebrows by several tones, so that the face of the girls looks natural and feminine. The cost of such pleasure sometimes directly depends on the popularity of the institution where the master works, and not on the quality. A similar procedure can also be carried out at home, which saves not only time, but also a significant part of the finances.

Who is the trendsetter of this fashion?

For the first time, the well-known actress of world cinema - Bridget Bordeaux, who was forced to change the color of her eyebrows after another highlighting, resorted to this method. For a long time, this trick was forgotten, but in two thousand and ten, at one of the fashion shows, stylists lightened the eyebrows of their models, which caused an incredible boom among many famous people. But some five or ten years ago they made tattoos on this part of the face, summed up each arc with a thick layer of black pencil and tried in every possible way to highlight them.

Who needs lightening

Firstly, in any case, this procedure should be performed by naturally dark-haired girls who have dyed their hair in lighter and brighter colors or even become blondes. Otherwise, in addition to black regrown roots, they will also be given out by dark blond, gray or brown eyebrows. It is desirable that their shade completely coincides with the shade of the hair.

Secondly, those whose skin is pinkish or slightly pale can lighten their eyebrows to look more gentle. After that, girls will be able to do any, even the brightest and flashiest makeup, without looking ridiculous and tasteless. Soft hairs after the procedure become more supple, they are easier to style, touch up and put in order.

Who should not lighten their eyebrows?

In pursuit of fashion, the fair sex forgets about their own individuality, which is why they become one gray mass, among which it is impossible to distinguish who is who. Therefore, if you decide to change the style and want to lighten your eyebrows at home, first check if this color suits you. It is enough to apply a corrector on them, powder a little on top and then look in the mirror after that. If you really like the result, feel free to start acting. Otherwise, it is better to consult with a specialist to choose the right shade.

However, remember that bleached eyebrows spoil the appearance of tanned girls, since after the procedure the face becomes one continuous spot. Therefore, if you have a southern type of appearance, you will have to completely abandon this undertaking. The same applies if you regularly visit tanning salons, use a dark tonal foundation, or like to walk around with black shadows and arrows on your eyes.

Lightening at home: how is it done?

If you decide to experiment a little with color not in the salon, but at home, you can choose from three basic methods for lightening your eyebrows: bleaching with peroxide, cream and herbs. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the final decision should be made after weighing the pros and cons. You can also try all three of these remedies in turn (but not at the same time) to find the best option for yourself.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

First you need to prepare everything you need: shampoo, petroleum jelly, a brush with wide teeth for eyebrows (every self-respecting girl should have it), an ordinary brush with which you apply makeup, warm water and peroxide. Before the procedure, wash your eyebrows with shampoo to remove dust, sebum, cosmetic residues, then blot the remaining moisture with a dry towel. Apply the cream around the hairline so that the peroxide does not come into contact with the skin, otherwise white spots or irritation may appear on the face.

The next step is to prepare a solution for clarification. Add peroxide (half a teaspoon) to a glass of warm filtered water, then mix everything. Strictly follow the proportion, because instead of the expected result, you can get complete or partial baldness. Now you can proceed to the clarification procedure itself: with gentle movements, apply liquid to the eyebrows with a brush, then distribute it with a special brush. After fifteen minutes, wash your face thoroughly with plenty of lukewarm water.

  • Whitening cream

Prepare your brows for the procedure in the same way as for bleaching with peroxide to remove dirt and protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the product. Apply the cream on the eyebrows for one (maximum two) minutes, then rinse with water. If you keep it even one minute longer, you will get a serious burn of this area. It is unlikely that you want to paint over arcs with an ordinary pencil or look like an alien for the next three weeks. After the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the treated part of the face to moisturize dried skin.

  • Herbs

A decoction of herbs is perhaps the simplest and most gentle way of lightening at home, which was used in antiquity. You can easily prepare a tincture of calendula or chamomile yourself, because all these plants are freely sold in any pharmacy in packages. To prepare this remedy, you will have to spend about half an hour. Pour twenty grams of inflorescence (about two tablespoons) with a glass of water, then leave for twenty minutes to cool the liquid to room temperature, then add a few drops of lemon juice.

However, this option is only suitable for patient girls, since the product can be applied no more than twice a day, and you will need to do this until you get a positive result. For some it may take two days, while for others it may take at least a week. Therefore, if you have very dark hairs and want to do everything quickly and in one go, choose for yourself a completely different, more effective method.

  • Disguise

If you don’t want to carry out the procedure yourself, and you don’t have time to go to the salon or wait for a friend to come, you can “hide” your eyebrows with masking agents. To make them less noticeable on dark skin is very easy with the help of ordinary beige shades. In case your skin is too light, take an ivory shade.

First, put this area of ​​the face in order, comb the hairs well so that they lie flat. Blot the brush in the shadows, then lightly draw it with the tip along the eyebrow. The last stage is shading so that the disguise is not so noticeable.

For the same purposes, you can use a mattifying or regular compact powder, which will make the color of the eyebrows less bright and saturated. But in this case, do not forget to do a full day or evening make-up, otherwise all your manipulations and tricks will be visible even to the naked eye.

Lightening eyebrows at home: rules and precautions

If you don't want to completely bleach your brows, but want to make them just a tone or two lighter, keep the dye for much less time than indicated on the package. If, nevertheless, the color turned out to be too light, use specially processed henna, on the packaging of which it is indicated that it is intended for this.

Always pay attention to the expiration date of creams for lightening, the appearance of the package and the brand of the manufacturer. Store all products in a dark, dry and cool place, otherwise they may deteriorate prematurely. Do not buy products in transitions and illegal points of sale, as no one guarantees you the quality and safety in this case.

The importance of the appearance of the eyebrows in applying makeup and creating a truly successful image cannot be overestimated. The shape and color of the brow arch not only emphasize the eyes, they create character and mood. Severity of the face is given by thick, fused eyebrows on the bridge of the nose, and too light eyebrows make the face faceless.

Get qualified advice, correct the shape of the eyebrows, make a painting - you can get all these services in a beauty salon. But if you have the time and desire and for some reason you are unable to visit the master, you can handle all these procedures at home.

Eyebrow coloring- a fairly popular and familiar procedure. But lightening the eyebrows is a relatively new trend in the fashion world, which is being used by more and more girls and women.

The image of a woman depends on her mood, and if today she likes dark hair color and, accordingly, dark eyebrows, then tomorrow she may want to become a cute blonde or red-haired beauty, and then dark eyebrows will be completely out of place on her face. Eyebrows of light tones make the facial expression softer, and the overall image more cute and gentle.

But remember, everything needs a measure, make-up rules recommend that the eyebrows be slightly darker than the color of the hair, usually by one tone. And brunettes with a swarthy face should not lighten their eyebrows at all.

Consider three ways you can lighten your eyebrows at home.

The first way is traditional
cream paint

Pay attention, you can not replace the dye for fucking eyebrows with hair dye! Otherwise, you risk damaging the thinner eyebrow hairs with aggressive paint.

Don't be lazy and read the instructions very carefully enclosed in a package with paint. Prepare the mixture according to the instructions in the instructions. To prevent the paint from reacting chemically with other substances, use glass or plastic dishes.

Paint is applied to clean eyebrows, so wash them and comb them with a special brush up. Then, apply a protective cream to the area around the eyebrows. Your skin will say "thank you", especially if you suffer from hypersensitivity to chemicals.

Any paint, even the best manufacturers, can cause an individual reaction of the body, it can be severe redness, itching, rashes, brittle hairs. If you are using the paint of this company for the first time, test it. Apply the mixture on the cheekbones and wait one to two minutes.

If a slight burning sensation appears, do not be alarmed, this is a normal reaction.. Any paint, even the best manufacturers, can cause an individual reaction of the body, it can be severe redness, itching, rashes, brittle hairs. If you are using the paint of this company for the first time, test it. Apply the mixture on the cheekbones and wait one or two minutes. Now a little paint needs to be applied to the tip of the eyebrow and wait a little again.

Apply paint carefully, take care of your eyes. If the dye still gets into your eyes, do not panic, rinse your eyes quickly with running water. If the paint test passed without negative consequences, you can start the staining process.

  • The first is to do everything as it is written in the instructions: apply the paint with a cotton swab or brush and after the specified time remove the remaining paint with a cotton pad and rinse the colored eyebrows with water.
  • Another way is to lighten your eyebrows gradually.. Apply the paint first on one eyebrow, after a minute remove the remnants with a cotton pad, then apply the cream paint again and again after a minute remove the remnants.

    With such step-by-step actions, you can control the degree of clarification. When the desired tone is achieved, wash off the paint and start coloring the other eyebrow. In this case, the main thing is not to forget how many times, and at what intervals the paint was applied to the first eyebrow.

It is possible to get yellow or orange eyebrows if you leave the dye on the eyebrow hairs for a long time. When lightening, always consider the color of your own eyebrows, in most cases they are far from black.

You can lighten your eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide. This method was also used by our great-grandmothers to lighten hair.

For these purposes, a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide is suitable, which is freely sold in a pharmacy.

As in the case of coloring the eyebrows with cream paint, the eyebrows should be washed. To do this, use soap or shampoo to remove excess oil from the hairs and get the desired result.

Apply thick cream around the eyebrows peroxide may cause redness if it comes into contact with the skin. Apply the cream carefully, the eyebrows must remain clean, otherwise the lightening may be uneven. Wait for the eyebrows to dry and apply peroxide to the eyebrow hairs with a cotton swab.

After five to seven minutes, check the result. If the desired effect is achieved, rinse your eyebrows with water, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water. If you want to achieve a lighter tone, apply peroxide again.

Peroxide can be applied as many times as needed so that you are satisfied with the result. The action of peroxide is quite effective, so do not leave the product on the eyebrows for a long time, so as not to completely discolor the eyebrow hairs.

Peroxide dries out hairs and skin, so after the procedure, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the eyebrow area. It is often not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to lighten eyebrows.

The most gentle way to lighten
eyebrows using natural materials

  1. A flower known since ancient times, which lightened hair and gave it a golden hue - pharmacy chamomile. Not to be confused with the large garden daisies that men give us for the holidays.

    Pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers into an enamel pan and pour a glass of water. Place the pots in a water bath. Do you know what a water bath is? Everything is very simple. A small saucepan filled with chamomile water is placed in a large saucepan with water already boiling.. All this construction is put on the stove on a small fire and boiled for twenty minutes.

    Then put a small pot of broth to cool and infuse. Strain a decoction of chamomile. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of lemon juice to the infusion. Store chamomile tea in the refrigerator. At room temperature, it quickly turns sour.

    To lighten eyebrows, apply chamomile tincture twice a day until you achieve the expected result.

  2. Another method that will not only lighten the eyebrows, but also make them healthier is white. Henna powder, like chamomile, is sold in pharmacies.

    The cooking method is very simple. The powder is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the finished gruel on the eyebrows for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then henna should be washed off with water.

If the eyes are considered the mirror of the soul, then the eyebrows are nothing more than their design. And our task with you is to give your face a slight mystery and originality with the help of eyebrows. It is worth taking care of them, if only because they definitely play a rather significant role in our facial expressions. This means they attract attention.

Let's change color!

And today we will talk about how to lighten eyebrows. And at that moment, some girls thought, why, in general, lighten them? Well, if you have never dyed your hair, then you will not understand the motivation for such lightening. But if you like a radical change of image and you often practice it, then the issue of eyebrow painting should be very painful for you.

It is not recommended to use ordinary hair dye in this case, because if it gets into your eyes, then you cannot avoid irritation. So it remains to look for some alternative ways of coloring hairs.

If you decide to become a brunette, the situation is a little simpler. You can just go to the salon and ask the experts to color your eyebrows in the desired color. And what if you, a natural brunette, suddenly decided to become a blonde.

Dyeing your dark hair white is stupid to say the least. As soon as the hairs begin to grow, the dark roots will stand out perfectly. And you should not constantly tint the roots, because the skin will also not tolerate such an attitude for a long time.

There is only one way out: turn to the recipes of traditional medicine. It is thanks to some means that you can lighten your eyebrows at home without any extra work.

Is everything a scoundrel to face?

But before we start listing all the ways to lighten the eyebrows, let's think about who they are ideal for. First of all, those who changed their image need to repaint or lighten the brow arches.

It is especially worth paying attention to this for those whose natural hair color is black, dark blond or chestnut. In the case of a transformation into a blonde, too dark eyebrows will look ridiculous, and with normal dyeing, the roots will give out your little secret with your head.

Also, those who have delicate pinkish skin can also lighten their eyebrows by a tone. Thus, you will give your image vulnerability and fragility. What is also characteristic of clarified eyebrows is a significant softening of the hairs. And this means that it will become much easier to give the desired shape to the eyebrow arches.

But do not chase fashion, forgetting about your own individuality. Remember that the color of the eyebrows must either completely match the color of the hair, or be one tone lighter. Otherwise, your face will look unnatural. And now we will look at several ways of clarification.

How to lighten eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide

This method can be safely ranked as one of the most inexpensive and effective. Another plus is the fact that you will not need to run around the city in search of expensive ingredients for the procedure. You can buy peroxide at any pharmacy without a prescription.

The mechanism of lightening hairs with hydrogen peroxide is quite simple: due to its properties, it stops the production of melanin in each hair. Accordingly, since the natural coloring pigment ceases to be produced, the hair no longer darkens, and you no longer need to constantly tint your eyebrows.

Lightening the hairs in this way is quite simple: you just need to dip a sponge or cotton swab in a 3% peroxide solution and carefully wipe each eyebrow with it. You can repeat this procedure once a day.

Attention! Do not think that rubbing the hairs with this solution a hundred times a day, you will achieve results faster. All that you can get in this case is overdried skin and, as a result, severe irritation, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

So do not abuse even such a simple and seemingly harmless way to lighten hairs.

How to lighten black eyebrows

Lightening black eyebrows is a little more difficult. Here the problem lies in the fact that light clarification after peroxide is insufficient. And with a radical change in image, you will have to lighten the hairs quite significantly.

And there are two options here:

  • Special make-up. That is, you simply disguise black hairs under a huge amount of foundation and eyebrow pencil;
  • Applying special whitening creams, applying which two or three times, you will see an absolutely amazing result.

As you can see, even black eyebrows can be lightened. But this will take much more time and effort. But, in principle, everything is in your hands, so try and you will succeed!

How to lighten eyebrows after painting

Another problem is the return to the old image. Imagine for a moment the situation: you were a blonde, then you dyed your hair brunette, and now you decided to return to your original image.

Dyeing your hair back is not a problem, but what to do with eyebrows. Waiting for the paint to peel itself is illogical. And suddenly you will walk with multi-colored eyebrows for quite a long time. The view will be the same!

So, you need to look for a way to lighten, after which the painting will disappear very quickly. Here we can also turn to folk remedies. Castor or olive oil is ideal for this purpose.

For such a procedure, you need to set aside a whole day. You need to do the following: moisten the sponge in a small amount of oil and wipe your eyebrows thoroughly. After that, wait a few hours for the oil to soak into all the hairs, and then start periodically rubbing them with a clean piece of cotton wool.

The result will stun you: a small amount of paint will remain on the cotton wool each time. And in the end, by the end of the day, there will be no trace of painting!

How to lighten eyebrow tattoo

First, let's find out what eyebrow tattooing is. Today, this is a fairly popular procedure, the main purpose of which is to correct the shape of the eyebrows by introducing a coloring pigment with a special syringe.

Why brighten it up? Well, again, clarification is necessary both with a radical change in the image, and with an unsuccessfully drawn contour.

We have already talked about changing the image, but the unprofessionalism of the tattoo master can also play a bad joke on you. For example, he can draw an uneven contour for you. And if you do not remove the paint, then your appearance will be significantly damaged.

This problem can be solved in the cabin. There you may be offered to correct the uneven line with a special laser. But even if such a device does not inspire confidence in you, then you should not try to remove the tattoo by resorting to deep peeling or clogging the paint with milk or peroxide.

The danger of deep peeling is that you have to scrub all layers of the skin down to the paint. And this will inevitably lead to inflammation. The same applies to the introduction of milk or peroxide under the skin.
