Whiten the white hat. How and how to bleach white clothes at home if the clothes have faded, turned yellow, or become gray

How to bleach a white sweater?
Almost everyone has a sweater that has lost its whiteness. It would be a shame to throw it away, let's try to bleach it, because every housewife should be able to bleach any thing, even sweaters.

Woolen sweaters very often turn yellow because rust settles in the fluffy fibers, especially if washed with low-quality powder and poor water. Therefore, we will figure out how to restore the whiteness and original beauty of your favorite white sweater.

Of course, you immediately want to use stain removers, but leave them in the background. Let's start with these methods:
Regular powder that contains whitening components. To wash a white sweater, use the longest program at 40°C, but add a little more powder than you usually do. There may not be any immediate results; at least three or four washes must take place.
On a sweater that is worn constantly, pills appear, which give a grayish or yellowish tint. Therefore, the purpose of washing is to remove and detangle the wool fibers and bleach them a little. Therefore, liquid powder for woolen fabrics will help to cope with this task. If used regularly, you can achieve the desired result.
If powders don't help, try oxygen bleach. Use strictly according to instructions. After bleaching, be sure to rinse the sweater in conditioner.
Lather the sweater with laundry soap that says 72% and leave for several hours. After the time has passed, rinse the item well in running water, and then rinse in fabric softener to soften the wool.
Hydrogen peroxide also has a good whitening effect. Take two liters of water, to which we add 6 tablespoons of peroxide, stir the composition well. Place the sweater in the product and leave overnight. After bleaching, the sweater is washed. If you don’t like the result, you can repeat the procedure again.
If all of the above methods did not help restore the whiteness of the sweater, then this recipe will help. You will need 3 liters of water, to which add 3 tablespoons of table salt, a spoonful of powder, 2 tablespoons of ammonia and one spoon of hydrogen peroxide. Please ensure that the water is approximately 40°C. Place the sweater in the prepared solution and leave for 3 hours. After time has passed, rinse. To avoid pilling, place the sweater in the freezer for an hour.
How to whiten white clothes: effective home methods
When spring comes, many girls wear beautiful white clothes to add lightness, femininity and elegance to their look. This clothing looks great in the warm season, lifts your spirits and adds self-confidence. You can walk around the park in it and feel comfortable even in the summer heat, since the white color reflects the hot rays of the sun and prevents them from heating up the body.

But, unfortunately, all snow-white fabrics after washing acquire a gray tint or become yellowish. That is why the question “How to bleach white things?” does not lose its relevance.

Today we will talk about how to return things to their original dazzling whiteness without ruining the fabric. You will also learn how to properly wash white clothes so that they retain their color after washing.

Simple and effective methods to help whiten whites

Hydrogen peroxide. This method will help you quickly deal with the problem in question. Simply dilute 3% peroxide in water (one teaspoon per two liters of water), dip gray clothes in the resulting solution and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Stir your clothes every five minutes to ensure even whitening. For greater effectiveness, you can add a small amount of soda to the solution.

Potassium permanganate. You can restore the dazzling whiteness of grayed wardrobe items using ordinary potassium permanganate. Fill a ten-liter container of hot water, add a little potassium permanganate and washing powder (200 grams). After adding potassium permanganate, the water should turn slightly pink. Dip the washed items into the resulting solution and cover the container with polyethylene. When the water has cooled completely, rinse your clothes thoroughly.

Ammonia. And this method is more suitable for those who want to restore the original beauty of linen or cotton clothes. Add a small amount of alcohol to the water (5-7 tbsp per 10 liters of water), dip clothes in the solution and leave for 2-3 hours.
Peroxide, salt, powder and alcohol. To bleach a product made of natural cotton or wool, you need to fill a ten-liter container of warm water (40°C) and add 1 tbsp. l ammonia, 3 tbsp. l peroxide, a handful of table salt and a small amount of washing powder. After this, immerse the grayed items in the solution for twenty minutes, then rinse them in cold water.

Laundry soap. A very old method that can help solve the problem in question. It is necessary to generously rub clothes with laundry soap (use soap that says 72%), soak them in water for 2-3 hours and wash as usual. For cotton items, use only warm water (40-50°C).

What to do if white tulle has become gray and ugly
You can solve this simple problem using ammonia and peroxide. Just fill a ten-liter container of hot water and add 1 tbsp. l ammonia and 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide. Immerse the tulle in the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. After this, wash it as usual. Note that this method can also be used to bleach guipure.

A simple way to return socks and T-shirts to white
Fill a basin with water, add 2 tbsp. l boric acid, soak the grayed items in this solution and leave for 2 hours. After this time, take out the clothes and wash them as usual. We can use this method only because socks and tank tops are typically made from durable materials that resist wear and tear.

How to wash white clothes so they don't lose their color
In order not to return to the question “How to bleach white things?” every month, you should remember several rules:

Never wash white clothes together with items of a different color.
Always wash white linen and cotton items separately from wool and synthetics. Otherwise, all things will take on a gray tint.
Wash linen and cotton fabrics at 60°C. For greater effectiveness, add a little salt (2 tbsp) to the water.
When machine washing, use powder bleach to maintain white color, or add a small amount of liquid bleach to the prewash compartment.

Some useful tips
Finally, we want to give you some tips:

Never try to use bleach to restore the snow-white beauty of artificial things. It’s better to take a suitable container, make a soap solution, add a small amount of ammonia (5 tbsp per 10 liters of water) and 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide. Dip the product into the liquid and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, things will turn white.
Woolen items are known to leave lint on other items when washed. How to deal with this? To do this, just before washing, put woolen clothes in the freezer and leave them for 60 minutes. This way we can solve this problem.
Did yellow or pink fabric get into the washing machine along with white clothes and stain all your clothes? Special napkins, which are sold in stores at an affordable price, will help solve this problem. They absorb faded paint from clothes well and return things to their “real” color. Simply repeat the wash with a napkin.
It is better to dry washed white clothes in sunlight. If you have this opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it.
As you can see, it is not difficult to return things to their snow-white beauty. Using the tips and methods given in this publication, your white clothes will delight you with their appearance for a long time.

Not every housewife can answer the question of how to bleach a woolen item at home. Surely you are familiar with the situation when, after diligent washing or improper drying, you had to say goodbye to a woolen item forever - the clothes lost their shape: they stretched or shrank. To prevent this from happening, we offer you several simple options; we will tell you how to bleach wool at home using improvised and industrial means.

Simple, fast, convenient

Need to bleach a pure white wool hat or sweater? Use the well-known "Whiteness". Just without fanaticism. Prepare a weak bleach solution at the rate of 50 ml of liquid solution per 7 - 10 liters of water, immerse the item in it and wait half an hour - an hour. Do not forget to turn the item in the solution so that the process proceeds evenly.

Important! When bleaching wool, do not use hot water! Maximum temperature – 30 – 40 degrees.

The method is good, but it cannot be used often - chlorine is still too aggressive a component, any fabrics deteriorate under its influence. Take note of the method as an emergency when other methods “didn’t work.”

Soda - two options

Soaking in soda whitens the fur before your eyes. It will help rid your favorite sweater of yellow and gray tints; by the way, you can safely bleach synthetic items with soda and they will become as good as new! Fill a plastic bowl with water and dissolve baking soda in it. For 5 liters you will need 100 grams of sodium bicarbonate. Remember, you cannot use too hot water. Then immerse the sweater in the soda solution and wait a few hours. It is difficult to indicate a specific exposure time, observe the thing. Once you are satisfied with the result, take it out and rinse.

Important! If the water temperature during rinsing is higher than during bleaching, the wool will become matted. Therefore, without fear of being branded a pedant, purchase a water thermometer.

The second option for bleaching woolen items is pre-soaking before each wash. The process lasts 15 minutes, the amount of soda is 50 grams per 5 liters. If you are not lazy and pre-wash wool with soda treatment, you will never have to bleach.

Lover of sour things

Wool is a real lover of sour things. The fabric is of animal origin, i.e. it contains proteins that deteriorate from contact with alkalis and easily tolerate the effects of acids. (For your information, baking soda is not an alkali, but an acidic salt.)

Therefore, feel free to use boric and citric acid as assistants to add freshness to faded or yellowed wool.

Proceed in the same way as in the soda method - soak the item, remembering to stir periodically. The correct calculation of boric or dry citric acid is 2 tbsp. spoons per 2 liters of water. Exposure – 3-4 hours.

Multifunctional peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a universal bleaching agent. Virtually any type of fabric lends itself well to bleaching with its help. You can bleach not only clothes, but also skeins of sheep wool from which you are going to knit smart socks. Moreover, the prototype of future clothing, i.e. yarn, you can even boil it briefly in a peroxide solution! Manipulation is unacceptable for finished wool products, but suitable for skeins. Whatever is supposed to sit will sit, and at the end you will get a clean white thread.

Don't experiment like this with sweaters and pullovers - you'll fail. Proceed with care:

  1. Dilute 100 grams of 3% peroxide in 5 liters of water at 30 - 40 degrees temperature.
  2. Immerse the item in the solution, stir occasionally.
  3. Rinse in water at the same temperature.
  4. Squeeze lightly, without twisting movements.
  5. Dry on a flat surface, placing it on a terry towel.

If smells don't bother you

An excellent bleach and at the same time a stain remover is ammonia. You can buy it at the pharmacy and use it on any fabric. The product is economical, one bottle will last for a long time, because... Calculation of bleaching agent is 100 grams per 10 liters of water. And since you don’t need a bucket of water to bleach your hat or mittens, use 1 tablespoon per liter for pre-soaking and bleaching.

Important! A tablespoon of ammonia is an excellent addition to soda and peroxide and qualitatively enhances whitening.

So, if the smell does not bother you, use ammonia.

What does the industry offer?

We have already talked about one industrial bleach, “Whiteness”. But the modern range of household chemicals is so diverse that it allows you to choose other bleaching products.

When purchasing, make sure that the package is marked “For wool”, otherwise you may fail.

Note! For woolen items, neither powders nor bleaches with biological additives that destroy protein compounds should be used. The protein in the fabric will suffer in the same way as the stains, and the fabric will deteriorate.

Choosing the expensive “Vanish Oxy” or the classic “Swan” is a matter entirely dependent on your preferences and budget. Try it, experiment, share your feedback.

A little about soap

The laundry soap, beloved by housewives of the older generation, cannot be used to bleach woolen items at home. Soap contains a large number of different alkalis, and greatly damages the fabric.

It is also not used for washing wool; it is better to use special shampoos, and if they are not available, use your own hair shampoo. And remember that wool is contraindicated:

  • high temperature and boiling;
  • twisting and intensive machine spinning;
  • drying on a line or hanger (things are laid out on a flat surface).

Follow our tips when bleaching at home, and your white wool items will cause slight envy of others.

Most fashionistas will definitely have at least one woolen item in their wardrobe. This material has earned popularity due to its attractive appearance and durability, but over time it tends to lose its original whiteness. So that you can extend the life of your favorite sweater, dress or cardigan, I propose to figure out together how to bleach woolen products at home.

Do-it-yourself bleaching of woolen items

To prevent a woolen product from acquiring a gray or yellowish tint over time, and to ensure that the question of how to bleach a white woolen sweater arises as rarely as possible, follow one simple recommendation. Every time before washing, soak your favorite item in a soda solution. It is thanks to soda that the fibers of the material remain snow-white.

Folk remedies: 5 recipes

Bleaching woolen items at home is easy. In this case, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive substances; it is enough to use improvised means, the price of which is affordable for everyone:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide

You can bleach a woolen skirt, sweater or jacket using hydrogen peroxide, which can be found in every home medicine cabinet:

  • Pour cool water into a basin.
  • Pour the contents of several bottles of hydrogen peroxide into it. The approximate ratio of liquids is 1 to 8.
  • After that, a white woolen jacket
    or another product is placed in the solution for several hours.
  • Rinse the item thoroughly and dry it.

When drying your wardrobe items, keep them away from direct sunlight, as exposure to the sun may cause them to deteriorate.

Method 2. Salt

Regular salt will help whiten wool. Dilute it in water until a solution of medium saturation is formed.

Immerse the product in the liquid several times and then rinse it in cold water.

Please note that it will not be possible to bleach a knitted sweater with salt in one go. You will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Method 3. Ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar

The following recipe is perfect for bleaching wool:

  • Dilute 10 ml of ammonia in 6 liters of water and rinse the item in the solution.
  • Separately mix 5 ml of peroxide and 1 ml of ammonia. Dilute them with a liter of water.
  • Soak the item of clothing for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the selected item in warm water, after adding a spoonful of vinegar.

Method 4. Chalk

With its help you can finish sheep's wool
to perfect snow-white condition. For one large sweater you will need half a kilogram of chalk:

  • Thoroughly crush the chalk to a powder.
  • Place it in a bowl and fill it with water.
  • Immerse the sweater in the solution and soak it for 50 minutes.

Since chalk does not dissolve in water, stir the solution throughout the soaking. This way the crystals can be evenly distributed throughout the material.

Method 5. Laundry soap and vinegar

Boiling will help remove yellow plaque from wool at home. To achieve the most noticeable effect, proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare a solution from laundry soap shavings.
  • Boil the material in it.
  • Rinse the item in warm water.
  • Add a spoonful of vinegar to a couple of liters of water.
  • Rinse the product again.

Special means

If you don’t trust traditional recipes, you can use special bleaches for wool.

  • For white products Any substance intended for wool will do. Carefully read the instructions on the label and under no circumstances overexpose the wool to the prepared solution. Otherwise, you risk damaging the fibers of the material.
  • For items with colored inserts Use only oxygen bleaches. After washing, be sure to rinse the product thoroughly.

Yarn bleaching

Knitting enthusiasts often face the problem of yellowing yarn. Correcting the situation with your own hands is quite simple.

  • Tie the skeins yarn with white thread (not synthetic).
  • Dilute neutral powder in water(one gram of powder per liter of water). The water temperature should not exceed 50 degrees, otherwise the wool will mat.
  • Rinse the yarn and squeeze it out.
  • For 10 liters of water add: hydrogen peroxide (one-third of the weight of the material), 10% soda and the same amount of office glue.
  • Immerse the yarn in the solution for an hour. If the desired result cannot be achieved, leave the material for a few more hours.
  • Rinse the material. Use a vinegar solution for this.

Bleach wool only in stainless steel or enamel containers.

Bottom line

Now you know exactly how to bleach a wool sweater, skirt, and even yarn, so you won’t have any problems with it. Just in case, check out the video in this article - there you will find visual instructions for action. Be sure to share your successes in the comments, where you can ask questions that interest you.

Wool products are an excellent clothing option for the cold season. But the specificity of the material used to make them complicates everyday care of things.
Light-colored woolen items lose their natural color over time and begin to turn gray or yellow. It’s especially disappointing when a favorite item loses its whiteness, but at the same time retains its quality and appearance.
The problem with bleaching wool is that some well-known methods cannot be used: boiling and aggressive chlorine bleaches. And it is quite difficult to wash a woolen sweater from stubborn stains at the recommended temperature of 30-40°C.
There are many good bleaches available for cotton and synthetic fabrics. But what about wool, which only turns yellow from these bleaches? Do not despair! In this case, the methods of our grandmothers, who successfully used improvised means to bleach white woolen items, come to our rescue.

Bleaching wool with improvised means

Method 1

In a ratio of 8:1, mix room temperature water with 3% hydrogen peroxide . Soak the product for several hours. Then rinse under warm running water and wash carefully with a product intended for wool products. If you don’t like the result, you can repeat the procedure again.

Method 2

Dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon of powder sodium hyposulfite (can be freely purchased at a pharmacy) in 7 liters of running water. Soak the product in this solution and cover tightly with a lid or polyethylene. Leave for 20-30 minutes, periodically turning the item over using special tongs and adding hot water. Then rinse thoroughly under warm running water until the specific odor disappears and wash.

Method 3

Dissolve regular food table salt in warm water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter) and soak the product for 30-40 minutes before the main wash. Regular use of this procedure will help both remove stains and dirt and bleach wool at home. The most important thing is to follow all recommendations on the label. If the item can be rinsed in warm water, then you can do so; if - only in cold water, then it is better not to violate these instructions.

Method 4

Can be used regular chalk, the amount of which depends on the weight of the product. On average, 0.5 kg of wool will require 1 kg of crushed chalk. Mix the crushed chalk thoroughly in warm water and soak the washed product for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then rinse it thoroughly under warm running water, squeeze lightly and dry naturally. This method, when used regularly, will help bleach a woolen item and give it a radiant whiteness.

Method 5

To remove stubborn, old stains and give your favorite woolen product its pristine whiteness, you can use a solution laundry soap (which says 72%) mixed with ammonia And 3% hydrogen peroxide . 30 minutes before the main wash, soak the item in this solution.

How to bleach a very yellowed item

If the product has turned very yellow, and all of the above methods did not help restore its whiteness, then use the following two options for more powerful bleaching.

Option 1

Wash the product in warm water with laundry soap. Then pour 4-5 liters of water into a basin, add 2 tbsp. spoons baking soda and place the wrung out woolen item for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, prepare a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 tsp ammonia . Mix everything and pour into the wool. Leave for another half hour, then rinse with cold water and table vinegar.

Option 2

Add 3 spoons to 3 liters of water table salt , 1 spoon washing powder , 2 spoons ammonia and 1 spoon hydrogen peroxide . Water temperature is approximately 40°C. Place the woolen product in the prepared solution and leave for 3 hours. Then rinse. To avoid pilling, place the item in the freezer for 1 hour.

How to bleach wool yarn in skeins

If you need to bleach wool yarn in skeins, which has turned yellow over time, then this is also possible. To do this you need to plan or grate laundry soap (on which 72% is written), pour boiling water, stir, place threads there and put on fire. Boil the skeins in soapy water for about 1 hour. Then rinse first in cold water, then in warm water and again in cold water. The last rinse should be in water with the addition of table vinegar.

Household chemicals for bleaching woolen items

Modern means of the chemical industry will also help to bleach a white woolen product. On the shelves of domestic stores you can find a great variety of whitening, stain removing, washing, etc. tools that will help you effectively cope with the task. The main thing you should pay attention to is that you need to select a detergent strictly in accordance with the type, structure, category of fabric of the product.
When taking your clothes to the dry cleaner or trying to bleach wool at home, check the manufacturer's care label on the product's care label before you begin.

For white clothes, it is necessary to use bleaching from time to time, since during wear such wardrobe items begin to turn gray, yellow stains from sweat and other dirt appear on them. For whitening at home, you can use household chemicals, or you can carry out all the work using traditional methods. The main thing is to know how to handle which fabric.

In this article we will tell you how to bleach your white woolen items: hats, mittens, sweaters, jackets, and do it correctly so as not to spoil them. We will consider the use of folk remedies and household chemicals, and give recommendations for caring for woolen products.

Hydrogen peroxide is great for bleaching wool items. To do this, you will need to soak the clothes in a solution of cold water and peroxide, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 8. To bleach the material efficiently, you need to completely immerse the woolen item in the solution and keep it in it for several hours.

After the allotted time, we take out the things, actively rinse them in cold water of the same temperature and dry them. We dry, of course, away from heaters and sunlight, naturally in a well-ventilated area. We lay out woolen items on terry towels directly on the floor or on the table and straighten them out. You cannot dry a wool sweater or jacket on a line, as they will stretch under their own weight.

You can bleach white wool items well at home using soda. In this case, both baking soda and soda ash can be used. The whitening technique is similar:

  • Pour a bowl of cold water, add a little baking soda into it and stir.
  • We load your woolen sweater, jacket, scarf or other clothing and soak for 2-3 hours.
  • After a few hours, you will be able to evaluate the results, so take out your clothes, rinse them in water of the same temperature, and send them to dry.

Soda is an excellent natural bleach that works in a gentle manner. You can even add it every time you wash it without fear of ruining your clothes. Soda has a beneficial effect on water, softening it, and actively fights harmful salts that are dangerous for woolen clothes.

To bleach your sweater at home, you can use salt. It works in many ways similar to baking soda, but is less effective. For an excellent result, soaking in saline solution will most likely have to be done 2-3 times. Otherwise, we proceed according to the standard scheme:

  1. Pour cool water and mix soda in it to form a translucent solution.
  2. We load our wool clothes into the composition and leave them to soak for several hours.
  3. We remove the clothes and rinse them in running water of the same temperature.
  4. We evaluate the quality of bleaching and, if necessary, repeat the entire work cycle.

You can try to bleach your clothes with chalk; this method is also very effective, but you will need a lot of product. To bleach a wool sweater of standard sizes, you will need 400-500 grams of chalk, which must be ground into powder and mixed with water.

Note that chalk does not dissolve in water, therefore, after loading the clothes into the chalk composition, it is necessary to thoroughly stir the entire contents of the basin, and then continue stirring for 30-40 minutes while soaking is carried out.

After chalk treatment, you should rinse your clothes thoroughly so that there are no pieces of chalk left on them, which could damage the woolen fabric in the future. Then we dry it according to all the rules for handling wool.

If you don’t want to bleach using traditional methods, you can always use professional bleaches. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use, especially regarding the concentration of the composition and processing time. Oxygen bleaches work great; they do not harm wool, but whiten it perfectly. They are used for white, colored and combined items.

For pure white woolen clothing, it is acceptable to use chlorine bleach. Bleach will disinfect the material, refresh it and whiten it. However, you should be extremely careful with bleach, since such bleach is an aggressive household chemical that can damage fabric fibers. Never soak your clothes in bleach. Frequent use of chlorine bleach is also not recommended, as it causes fabric to wear out quickly.

After working with bleach, use a thorough rinse to remove the solution from the fabric. It is best to rinse clothes 2-3 times.

To ensure that your woolen items always look clean and tidy, you can take note of the following recommendations:

  • If your wool items have turned yellow, you can boil them in a soapy solution. Laundry soap is perfect for this. Then the clothes will need to be rinsed; this is done in several stages with a gradual decrease in the water temperature. In this case, during the last rinse in cool water, add a little vinegar to it.
  • Ammonia-based ammonia can also bleach woolen items. It is used in a similar way to soda.
  • It is advisable to wash wool with powders specially designed for this purpose, which can be purchased at any hardware store.
  • Sometimes it is not the product itself that needs to be bleached, but only the yarn. To do this, immerse the yarn in water, rub laundry soap into it, and boil the solution for an hour. After this, rinse in warm water, where vinegar is added to the water at the last stage. Vinegar is necessary to make the coat more lush and silky.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in bleaching woolen items at home; all methods are quite trivial and simple. Moreover, if you decide to use household chemicals, which work faster and, in some cases, more efficiently than folk remedies, try to strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.

Another interesting article on a similar topic: How to wash a hat.

How to bleach gray woolen items

Faced with the need to bleach a woolen item at home, many turn to time-tested methods and do it right, since the chemicals contained in the powders are aggressive and can destroy delicate wool hairs.

Read in this article:

The most effective ways to bleach wool, which do not require a lot of time and money, is to use:

The most famous white wool restorer. All that is needed in this case is to pour the peroxide bubbles (at the rate of 1 part to eight parts of water) into a container of cold water. Next, soak the item in the resulting composition for about 5-7 hours, and then rinse it in clean water and let it dry. An easy but at the same time effective method that is easy to use at night.

Baking soda is another established bleach. The algorithm for its use will be very similar to working with peroxide. In this case, soda should be thoroughly dissolved in water (in such an amount that it completely covers the yellowed things), then place all the necessary clothes in a container with the solution, wait until they acquire a snow-white appearance, and only then take them out and let them dry completely.

A small amount of soda with each wash is a good prevention of discoloration of wool products. In this case, things will retain their original color longer, and there will be no need to think about the question: how to bleach white woolen items.

Its action is similar to that of soda. The appearance of these products is also very similar. What to give preference is up to everyone, since both substances will do an excellent job of bleaching, giving woolen items a snow-white color.

When using salt, a solution of medium saturation is prepared based on it. However, in this case, the item is not left in water, but is soaked several times, and then rinsed to remove salt crystals. The result is ready!

A fragile white substance can also bring fur back to life. The only drawback in this case is the large amount of starting material (about 0.5 kg). Having mixed it with liquid (it is worth remembering that chalk does not dissolve in water), they put the thing itself into the solution and begin to mix the mass so that the chalk can penetrate inside the wool fibers. After 40 minutes, the clothes can be taken out, rinsed and dried.

This option is perfect if you need to remove old stains from a product. In this case, the soap is mixed with peroxide and ammonia. A short period of time, and the resulting solution will be able to remove even the most stubborn stains.

Whichever of these methods is chosen, it is very important to remember that white woolen items will always have a subtle shade of milky or cream. This is absolutely normal and will be a kind of “limit” in the desire to make the thing even whiter and more updated.

2016 Cozy Home

How to bleach woolen items at home

  • Pharmacy products for washing
  • Brine
  • Professional bleaches
  • On a note

Surely every fashionista has a white wool sweater in her wardrobe. Daily care of such a thing becomes difficult due to the specifics of the material itself. We will figure out how to bleach white woolen items at home.

Hydrogen peroxide will help you bleach a sweater at home. You can prepare the working solution as follows:

  • pour cool water into a basin;
  • add several bottles of peroxide (in a ratio of 1:8).

There should be just enough solution to soak the item. Leave the jacket for several hours. Then rinse in cool water and dry thoroughly. At the same time, avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

It is better to dry wool products laid out. Don't hang them on a string as they will lose their shape.

If you don't have hydrogen peroxide on hand, you can use baking soda or soda ash. The solution is prepared in a similar way:

  • dissolve baking soda in cool water;
  • lower the sweater;
  • We wait a couple of hours.

During this time, the wool will begin to bleach right before your eyes. We take out the item and rinse it in running water.

With this product you can provide ongoing care. To do this, add a little baking soda when washing. It softens water and neutralizes salts that negatively affect the condition of the coat.

Do you think that there are no more methods to whiten a white sweater? Try using regular salt. To do this, prepare a solution of medium saturation. We immerse the item several times and rinse it in cold water.

You won't be able to bleach a wool sweater in one go. To achieve the desired result, you need to do several salt baths.

This is the perfect way to wash a white item. For one large item you will need about 0.5 kg of the substance. Grind it thoroughly and add it to a bowl of water. Dipping a wool sweater.

It is worth remembering that chalk does not dissolve in water, so it is necessary to constantly stir the solution so that the crystals are evenly distributed throughout the material. Soaking should last about 50 minutes.

If you don’t trust traditional methods, you can use traditional ones. Special bleaches are available for sale for this purpose. You should not overexpose wool in such a solution; the fibers of the fabric will be damaged.

If a white item is decorated with colored patterns, then only oxygen bleaches will do. After such washes, do not forget to rinse your clothes thoroughly.

  1. You can try boiling yellowed wool in a solution of laundry soap. Afterwards, rinse first in warm water, and then in cold water with the addition of vinegar.
  2. In the fight for white wool, you can replace soda with ammonia.
  3. The pharmacy sells sodium hyposulfite. It is added to water, the sweater is soaked and the top is covered with plastic wrap. Leave for about an hour, and then rinse thoroughly.
  4. You can try purchasing special liquid powders that are designed specifically for washing wool.

Now you know what methods you can use to bleach white wool items at home. They will return clothes to their beauty and original whiteness.
