Revelations of a pioneer leader, or how modern children "rest" in the camps. Modern children - revelations of a pioneer leader About an abandoned camp without an exit

So the summer has passed. We did not have time to look back, as they say. Parents sent their children to schools, and students returned to classrooms. We decided to sum up the results of the summer with a small article about the rest of the kids in summer health camps and sanatoriums.

cruel truth

Often, parents, sending their child on vacation to a summer health camp, cannot even imagine what their offspring is doing there or what stresses they are experiencing. At home, his own child is an angel: he behaves decently, studies diligently, helps with the housework. But what happens to children when they are away from home - in conditions of freedom and entertainment? And what happens there, sometimes, is real trash.

In our review, there are only a few stories about what is happening in children's sanatoriums and camps. Some of the counselors' stories, to be honest, shocked me personally. It's no secret that the students themselves, working in the camps, are not distinguished by good behavior and integrity, but, you see, this is not as interesting as the epic stories about the antics of their wards. So let's go...

Don't make a smoking room, we'll run away!

Ulyanovsk students often go to the most popular children's camps and sanatoriums in the region and the Black Sea coast as counselors. Children of different ages and, importantly, of different incomes rest there. And I must say, kids know how to have fun.

- I worked as a counselor in a group of kids in a well-known sanatorium for children in Anapa. Children are independent and very funny. True, sometimes I had to face difficulties. For example, once a group of small ones gathered in a common room. One of the guys brought a basin for washing clothes, the other brought hot water from the tap. At this point, the others were crumbling instant noodles into a bowl. So the company organized a great dinner for themselves(laughs - author's note), - says Konstantin, a graduate of UlGPU.

Quite harmless fun, it would seem. However, the counselor is responsible for the health and life of children with his head. Jokes with hot water could lead to disastrous consequences.

- I remember an incident here. Then I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Seriously! In my third year of university, they sent me to a pedagogical practice in one of the Ulyanovsk children's camps. And I had to be very nervous. My younger group took pity on a stray dog ​​that was hanging around the camp area, and the children hid it in a room. In the morning, as if nothing had happened, the children left for breakfast, after that they went to events, and the dog was closed. The shaggy poor fellow sat in the room for half a day. Apparently, after a few hours, the animal began to panic. Lord ... What a pogrom the dog made in the room! When I went inside with other counselors, we just went nuts. The dog got scared of us and tried to run away. In short, we caught it for a long time, rushing through all the buildings and the street. Later, the children, embarrassed, said that they fed the dog with food stolen from the canteen., - says Alexey from Ulyanovsk.

Compassionate kids in this case cause only tenderness. But how much noise and confusion. And more serious problems could arise, since the animal is homeless. The children did not even think that the dog could be sick, for example, with rabies.

- We worked with a friend in the summer in one of the camps in Dimitrovgrad, - Katya begins her story. - A friend in the detachment had a boy Vovochka. After the incident with this child, we had the feeling that all the jokes about Vovochka were written off from him. The story is this: there is a “candle” (an event that takes place at the end of the day, before going to bed, where everyone tells their impressions of the day they experienced). Little Johnny behaved badly at the "candle". He was given several remarks, after which his mood deteriorated sharply. The boy freaked out, got up and with the words “I will leave you!” Indeed, he gets up and leaves the hall. Marina (the counselor) absolutely calmly lets him go, because the teacher is on duty in the building, and the child will not slip past her. "Candle" ends, everyone disperses, but Vovochka is nowhere to be found. Marina walked through all the detachments, checked the rooms several times, went around the entire territory of the camp three times, but in vain. Everyone has joined in the search for the missing person. We run, we shout... there is no child. Marina, in despair, wanders into the room with the hope that Vovochka has returned after all. The rest of the children were sleeping peacefully at that time. The counselor, like a mouse, entered the room so as not to wake anyone up, and in the silence she heard a strange crunch ... Then we entered, also alert. And then it comes to us! We raise our heads, open a huge closet, and there is Vovan. The rascal climbed onto the top shelf with lemonade and a pear, made a nest out of blankets and pillows, and quietly mourned, infusing sadness with a pear. But we really already thought to call the police with dog handlers. (laughs)

- I also went to a summer camp on the Black Sea as a counselor. I got a detachment with children aged 10-12. So these petty freaks dared to set conditions for the leadership of the camp. They simply said: don't make us a smoking room, we will run outside the camp, buy ourselves cigarettes and smoke there. One time it happened. After the incident, in order not to raise a fuss, we were ordered to organize a smoking room for the children and go to them for cigarettes. The camp management was afraid to inform the parents about this, as mass proceedings would begin. Nobody wants to lose money- says a student of UlGPU Kirill.

Flashmob "Turd"

In many camps, children from ordinary working families and, let's say, VIP kids have a rest. The next story of the same Katya is just about the latter.

- Once I went to work in a camp in the village of Sukko, in the Krasnodar Territory. Children from all over Russia come to rest there. I had a detachment from Astrakhan. The parents of these 15-16-year-old boys worked at Gazprom Energo... Naturally, the guys had a lot of show-offs. They settled us in the most elite building, which is on the outskirts, and next to it was an ordinary building where "simpler" children rested. The older guys went to this camp almost every year. They knew absolutely everything there, it was, of course, difficult to surprise them with something. Once friends from other cities came to my guys and settled in a building next to ours. Together they decided to arrange a flash mob called ... "Turd". Those who lived next door to us pooped into one basin and launched it from one end of the corridor to the other. The basin ricocheted, and turned over towards the end of the journey. As a result, all the walls and the floor are in shit. But my guys came up with an idea “more brilliant”. They pissed in bags, mixed with a fork and then smeared it all on the walls in the girls' rooms, and in one room the entire contents of the bag were dumped right in the center. My partner got into this same pile. I had to throw away the damaged shoes. I was in an indescribable shock from this situation. In general, I remember these children for a long time. They were uncontrollable: they thumped, spat at the ceiling, made garlands of snot and saliva. And even before leaving home, the guys surprised me again. When all the kids got on the bus, my kids ran to the nearest store for snacks. Having collected a bunch of sweets and other things, the boys went to the cash register to pay. The saleswoman did not have a ruble to give them change. The woman offered the company candy. They started to run into her and eventually savagely spat in her face and ran away.

- In my student years, I also worked as a counselor in one of the sanatoriums in the Krasnodar Territory. In my detachment, the guys, except as degenerates, cannot be called. They were 16 years old then. They themselves turned out to be local, their parents work for Kubanenergo. Well, you understand. The most harmless thing they did was night raids on buildings with masks from the movie "Scream" on their faces. Now I'm 24, I remember those nights with trembling, and they scared little kids. But one day the guys just went beyond all possible limits. Several guys caught an 8-year-old girl from the younger detachment, put a bag on the baby's head and dragged her to the territory of another camp, which is in the neighborhood. There they locked the girl in some dark basement and safely escaped. Later, she managed to get out of there through a small window. This girl turned out to be the daughter of the head of the Krasnodar Territory ... The guys returned home with a criminal record- says a resident of Ulyanovsk Svetlana.

A difficult age. Spoiled children. Parents, for sure, also tolerate their antics. However, it is difficult to find justifications for such actions.

Children sometimes get very bored in the camp. They quickly get bored with the same activities, they are not attracted by the events organized by the camp workers, they become too lazy to take part in any entertainment. And they start inventing their own games. The next story is about one such game that was invented, attention ... 9-year-old children.

- Summer camp in the Ulyanovsk region. Year 2009-2010, I do not remember exactly. I worked there as a counselor for kids 8-9 years old. There were two twin boys in my squad. They were 9 years old. In the same camp that summer, a very good friend of the twins came to rest - the boy Slava, who was 8 at that time. We settled the children in one room. And now more than half of the shift has already passed, as on one “beautiful” day at a quiet hour, Slava’s mother called me. A woman with a collision asked: why does my son live with twins? I answered her: What happened? The boys get along with each other, do not swear. She told me: Yes, but in the evening, after lights out, they play a game ... "Suck a pisyun." The essence is simple - the twins take off their panties and say to Slava the code phrase: "Suck a pisyun." Silence. My breathing and pulse quickened. I collected my thoughts and asked: And what, sucks? Mother's answer: Yes. Curtain, - Lena shares her memories.

Problems and similar incidents in the summer camps for children are found at every turn. Not always the counselor can solve conflict or much more difficult situations. Often the counselors themselves do not see much precisely because they do not work, but have fun.

As for the parents, there is nothing left but to advise them to be more vigilant and maybe a little tougher. After all, every child, going to the camp, one way or another faces difficult situations. And almost every child does not want to talk about the problems of his closest people. You need to be able to find a common language with your child. This will help prevent a lot of problems.

One morning in one camp, children wake up, go to morning exercises. And then they see that on the sports ground, under a basketball basket, leaning back against an iron post, a bum is sitting. Sits and smells. Well, of course, they began to swear at him, drove him away. But the bum didn't move. He turned out to be a dead bum.
They called an ambulance, but they refused to pick up the smelly homeless person, they said that they could manage without them. Then the children decided, and the adults supported them, that they should bury the homeless themselves.
By evening, the grave was dug. They lit a "pioneer bonfire". Musicians gathered to perform a funeral march. The musicians were children who went to music school. Various instruments were collected for them: there were two guitars, one drum, one trumpet and one accordion.
None of the musicians knew how to perform the funeral march. Then they decided to play something in the style of rap. One boy came up with rap verses about this bum. They say what a hard life this man had, that he could not stand it and broke down, began to drink vodka, and then sold his apartment, and then died, and this is good, because he finally got rest and peace. The second verse was about the childhood of the homeless, about the fact that he, too, was once small and rested in camps, went to school, but this did not help him, and now he finally got rest and peace.
The musicians played a funeral rap. One boy - the author of poems - performed rap, and one girl helped him, beautifully deducing in the chorus: "Rest and peace, rest and peace, rest and peace, na-na na-na." All viewers really enjoyed it. It turned out both beautiful and sad. When the song ended, they asked to perform it again. And no one refused. The audience took out their phones and started filming the video.
When the song ended, they finally remembered the bum. But it was not in the box that represented the coffin. The box itself lay on its side. Either the bum himself woke up and ran away, or someone pulled him for a laugh when everyone was listening to a funeral rap. The homeless was never found, the funeral did not take place.
One girl cried. She was asked: "What's the matter?" She said that she remembered that there is such a sign: if the funeral did not take place, then this is very bad, someone will die soon. And then all the children in the camp were seized with fear...
A few days later, the children wake up in the morning, go to morning exercises. And then they see that a boy hangs on a basketball basket, the one who composed the poems for the funeral rap. The boy's face is blue, his hands are tied behind his back, and there is a sign on his chest: "I will show you rest and peace!!!".

The tragedy that occurred a week ago in the Azov children's camp gave impetus to a wave of indignation that swept across Russia. Carelessness and negligence of educators caused the death of children. And this terrible incident, alas, is not the only one against the backdrop of unprecedented lawlessness happening in Russian children's camps. The tragedy that occurred a week ago in the Azov children's camp gave impetus to a wave of indignation that swept across Russia. Carelessness and negligence of educators caused the death of children. And this terrible incident, alas, is not the only one, against the backdrop of unprecedented lawlessness that is happening in Russian children's camps.

Recall that on July 7, seven people drowned in the Sea of ​​Azov. Among them are six Moscow schoolchildren who were resting in the Azov camp, and one teacher who tried to save them. The children were swept by the wave and carried away by the undercurrent. Two more injured teenagers were hospitalized. The cause of the tragedy, as established by the investigation, was not a fatal accident, but the banal negligence of educators. Swimming in this place was forbidden, but they arbitrarily allowed the children (of which there were about sixty people) to enter the water. As the examination showed, the adults were in a state of alcoholic intoxication and, accordingly, they were not able to provide proper control and appropriate assistance. On June 14, two teachers were indicted in this case.

This is not the first time this summer that educators are in the spotlight. And it's only the first shift. The parents of three teenagers accuse an employee of another camp - "Spark" in the Astrakhan region - of insults and assault. According to them, the leader of the detachment from the very beginning disliked the children, found fault, not embarrassed at the same time in expressions, and sometimes even weighed cuffs. Parents took the children from the camp and filed statements with the police. The teacher, of course, denies everything. Proceedings on this case are currently underway.

Some parallels can be traced between the Azov tragedy and the situation in the Khimik children's health camp in the Altai Territory. There is negligence and love for the booze of the working staff. There, the counselors, having put the children to bed, went to the gazebo to celebrate the "significant event." In the morning, one of them got into an argument with a policeman guarding the territory, as a result of which a fight broke out. The prosecutor's office of the central district of Barnaul demanded that the director of the camp take harsh disciplinary measures against the educators. They were soon fired and charges were filed against them.

Another problem is the mass flight of children from health camps. According to Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, more than a hundred children ran away during the first shift alone. "Why do children run? Because it's boring. Because their leisure time is not organized," the human rights activist says.

For example, a few days ago, three teenagers from an orphanage ran away from the health camp "Lazurny" in the Saratov region. By morning they were found in one of the local markets. As it turned out, this was not their first escape.

A similar incident occurred in the "Clean Keys" camp in the same Saratov region. Only there the teachers were so inattentive that they not only failed to prevent the escape of ten people, but also did not notice how the 12-year-old boy drowned. He swam with the rest of the guys, but the water was so muddy that the teacher did not even notice how he went under the water. The fugitives found later openly admitted that the camp was boring. As it turned out, by separate agreement, the children were brought four days earlier, and there was no plan for spending leisure time. In addition, we are talking about the complete non-compliance in the "Clean Keys" with sanitary-epidemiological and fire regulations.

Before opening, all camps were tested by Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor, but it is absolutely not clear how some of them are still working - they do not meet any standards. It’s just scary to be there, and even more so to “rest”: a hole in the floor instead of a toilet, worn-out bed linen, complete unsanitary conditions ...

In connection with the latter factor, mass poisonings also take place. Such a case occurred in a camp called "Young Railway Worker" in the Astrakhan region: 14 children were hospitalized with symptoms of an acute intestinal infection. The first signs of poisoning appeared in the leader of the detachment, but, contrary to the rules, she did not inform anyone, continued to work, and the rest fell ill. Specialists took samples of food and water from the pool to investigate the cause of this incident.

Similar cases were noted in the camps "Sayany" (Tatarstan), "Molodezhny" (Irkutsk region), "Otdugash" (Tyva) ... In general, this summer there have already been about a hundred poisonings in the so-called children's "health" camps.

The other day, to solve these problems, Pavel Astakhov suggested insuring each child before going to a children's health camp. Perhaps this will help at least somehow compensate for the damage in case of injuries to children.

By the way, before the start of the summer season, the President instructed various officials to organize summer holidays for children. But that didn't seem to change anything. Yes, there were checks. Yes, out of 56,000 camps, a quarter did not pass them and closed. Moreover, during the first shift, another 200 health facilities were closed. But why do we start taking real action only after the worst happens? Why is it impossible to learn from the mistakes of others, or at least not step on the same rake year after year? There will soon be no room for bumps on our foreheads. And why do we pay for mistakes at the cost of the life and health of our children? Instructions from above are coming, and even measures seem to be taken. But while the scale of human indifference and selfishness exceeds the power of common sense and morality. Maybe it's time to start thinking before it's too late?

And so I went to that same camp for the seventh summer, knowing almost all the tales and legends about this camp, invented either by children or counselors, no one knows for sure. Almost all the children got on the bus that was supposed to take us, I and a few more girls and boys who have been traveling for years and know each other well, sat at the very back of the bus and discussed the vacation plan in advance. We knew a few more children, but we didn’t really communicate with them, we had our own company. Well, in short, those who have been traveling for the first time have gathered on our bus, and then a girl with disheveled hair and not very neat clothes, with a small bag, enters the bus, I must say that, unlike her, we were traveling with sports bags and packages. Everyone, including me (for which it was indescribable to everyone later, just terribly ashamed), immediately began to tease her and laugh at her, as a result, she cried half the way ...

When we drove up to the gates of the camp, everyone, without saying a word, began to shout: "Hello, our beloved camp" Salyut "!" and only she sat silently, lowering her eyes to the floor. We got off the bus and ran in a crowd, and it was about two kilometers to run to the houses where we lived during our vacation, well, it’s just that at first there was a small forest, a huge stadium for events and various buildings like honey. office, showers, etc. And again, only she walked with a calm step, looking at the asphalt. We ran into our houses (the girls had their own, the boys had theirs) and began to “fill up” places for sleeping and things, everything was dismantled, there were only two beds left on the right and left sides of the emergency exit, which was closed with a latch. Finally this girl came and took her place on the left side of the door. The girls and I laid out our things and decided to get to know her, it turned out that her name was Nastya, but she didn’t tell us anything else, after 20 minutes we were called for dinner, on the way to the dining room and already at the table we talked to Nastya, she told us that ten days ago her mother died, she was hit by a car, and her grandmother sent her to the camp so that she would be a little distracted from what she had experienced, she also said that her mother constantly dreams of her and calls to go with her to some forest, because this Nastya does not get enough sleep, and sometimes her mother seems to her in reality. We listened to Nastya, took pity on her and offered to be friends with us, our day flew by unnoticed, we rode on a large swing designed for several people, and in general we were furious so that we were exhausted by the evening, and now it was time for the local legend about "Grandma- Slingshot" (just don't laugh, I don't know who called it that). We all sat down on our beds and Dasha, the girl who always told this legend, began:

“Once a little girl left the house at night and went into the forest, when she walked, it seemed to her that someone was following her, and she turned around, and there, right in front of her, stood an old, terrible Grandmother-slingshot. The girl wanted to scream, but she only managed to squeak, then she ran towards the house, ran up, pulled the handle, and it was locked there, the girl started knocking, tried to scream, but no one opened it. In the morning, the counselors found her, gray-haired and without eyes!
When Dasha was already finishing her story, Nastya suddenly shouted: "Enough, no need!" Dasha said that the legend was over and it was time to go to bed. We lay down and fell asleep pretty quickly, we woke up from the terrible scream of Nastya, she screamed: "Don't, leave me alone, I won't go!" We did not immediately understand that she was sleeping, she was screaming and waving her arms in her sleep, we woke her up and it turned out that she was dreaming about her mother again and calling to the forest. I calmed her down and went to sleep. In the morning, the counselors asked us who was screaming at night, and then they talked for a long time with Nastya.
She screamed for 3 nights in a row, only on the third night she dreamed of her mother and another woman standing with her back to her and beckoning her with a clumsy finger towards the forest, and this time her mother showed her to the house and asked her to go inside and not go out. That night, Nastya screamed again in her sleep, but we didn’t wake her up, but simply fell asleep as soon as she stopped screaming ... When we woke up in the morning, the counselors asked us where Nastya was and why we looked around and saw that Nastya was not in bed, and the emergency exit door was not locked shut. We went out to look, and nothing but a tiny stink river and a forest nearby, we did not see! We went to exercise thinking that Nastya was already there, but she was not at the gym or at breakfast. The counselors began to sound the alarm only closer to dinner, Nastya was looking for the whole camp (except for small children 6-7 years old, they were with educators). We reached the nearest village of Plekhany, but found nothing and no one, only one woman said that she saw a local boy with an unfamiliar girl walking towards the forest, that is, towards the camp through the forest. We went the same way, but we did not find Nastya. The next day, a small truck drove into the camp, a man got out and said that he had found two children in the forest. He asked if they were from the camp, the administrator and the director of the camp looked into the back and could not say anything, Nastya was lying there ... Dead Nastya. When they put her on a stretcher, we saw her face, it was a little distorted, and her mouth was open ... as if she was screaming until her last breath. In her blue eyes one could see wild fear, her legs were dirty and scratched, whether with nails, or from some kind of grass, I don’t know. And the boy was just very dirty and also dead. According to the medical expert, both have a heart attack, but how? After all, we were only fourteen years old ... In this case, two guys of 25 years old were detained, who were seen in the forest that night, but the guys and I very much doubt that they are, although there are no other versions! When we parted, the camp was closed in order to enclose it, as they say, "from the outside world." Before that, as you understood, it was possible to safely walk to the nearest village without any obstacles! The next time I went to the camp, I was already the leader of my detachment, and my colleagues and I commemorated Nastenka that day after the children fell asleep ...

On July 7, while swimming on the Yeisk Spit in the Krasnodar Territory, five children and the teacher of the Azov camp drowned. The dead children were students of the Moscow school No. 1065. A group from the camp, which included about a hundred children aged eight to 15 and seven teachers, was on an excursion to an island located in the Yeysk Spit.


On June 25, in the Saratov region, a 12-year-old boy died in the swimming pool of the Chistye Klyuchi children's health camp. 30 minutes after the start of bathing the children, the absence of the child was noticed by the teacher of the institution. The boy was hospitalized in the Novoburassk central regional hospital, where he later died.

Pleshkov did not see how he went under the water. By the time the teacher noticed the boy's disappearance, it was already too late. The boy's corpse was discovered three days later, 2 kilometers from the bathing place. The court sentenced Pleshkov to 2 years of imprisonment conditionally.

On June 18, educators of the summer camp, physical education teachers Galina Lychkina and Gennady Goryushkin organized a camping trip for 20 students from the school in the village of Korsakovo (Khabarovsk Territory). While swimming, one of the guys drowned. Later it turned out that the 12-year-old boy could not swim. Swimming was not included in the hiking program, but the teachers allowed the students to go into the water. The court found Lychkina and Goryushkin guilty of causing death by negligence and sentenced them to 2 years in prison in a settlement colony.

On June 12, 2007, an 11-year-old boy, who was on a voucher at the children's recreation camp "Koster" in the village of Lozovy in Primorye, rode a catamaran along the waters of Lake Teplogo adjacent to the camp. The boy was without a life jacket, provided for by the internal rules of the camp, swimming to the prohibition buoys, he began to rearrange the seat of the catamaran for convenience to another position and, falling into the water together with the seat, drowned.

By the verdict of the Partisan Court, the director of the Koster children's country health camp Yevgeny Skripka, the educator Anastasia Gretskaya and the camp's physical instructor Roman Khromov were found guilty of causing death by negligence to a minor inmate of the camp due to improper performance of their professional duties (part 2 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The court sentenced them to one year and eight months of suspended imprisonment with a two-year probationary period.

On June 22, in the Lesnoy district, in one of the summer camps, a child born in 1997 drowned in the river.

On July 10, in the Yaroslavl region, a 16-year-old teenager drowned during a march in the summer military-patriotic camp "Paratrooper", which is under the patronage of the regional public organization "Defender".

During a summer recreation campaign in a day camp in the village of Erbogachen, Irkutsk region, a teenager drowned.

On June 21, in the Sakhalin Region, in the daytime, a group of nine children from a children's health camp, accompanied by the educator of the detachment Timofey Volkov, was in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake Verkhnee in the Yuzhno Sakhalin Park of Culture and Recreation. With the permission of the teacher, five children decided to swim in the lake, as it was hot outside. Two of the children, who cannot swim, ended up in a lake at a depth of more than two meters. At the same time, the boy was able to get to land, and the girl drowned.

The educator was found guilty of causing death by negligence due to improper performance of his professional duties (part 2 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and sentenced to 1 year 6 months in prison to be served in a colony settlement with deprivation of the right to hold positions related to pedagogical and educational work for 3 years.

In the summer in the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, on the territory of the Sputnik sports camp, an accident occurred with a 17-year-old teenager who, after a disco, having no swimming skills, drowned in the Maly Sunukul lake.

Material prepared based on information from open sources
