Dad made a development board for the child. Business board: smart board

Parental supervision of young children is exhausting for both parties. The child is trying to explore the world, but he is protected, forbidden, or distracted from an interesting outlet and a medicine cabinet. For a mother, on the contrary, everything falls out of her hands as soon as she sees something related to the risk of injury or damage in the field of vision of her son or daughter. Every adult thinks about the age at which they should introduce their child to dangerous objects. On the one hand, you won’t be following your child around for the rest of your life, but on the other hand, the risk of ending up in a hospital bed with a young tomboy is too great.

Montessori method

Especially in order to solve such a dilemma, the Italian teacher and scientist Maria Montessori proposed, as part of her methodology, to teach children through knowledge of the essence of things. After all, it is not at all necessary to bring the baby to a real door for him to understand the principle of the latch. You can simply give this item to your child and he will figure out its functionality himself. The distinction between a child’s actions and the danger that threatens him has brought the theory of teaching preschoolers to a new level.

A well-known methodologist suggested transferring available household appliances to a stand for study. This way, children will be able to learn the functionality of every small detail, and parents will no longer fear for their lives. By moving door chains, cornice rings or a zipper, the child will develop fine motor skills of his fingers and explore things that interest him. Neural signals from little fingers will be transmitted to the brain and enrich the baby’s memory with impressions. Such stimulation has a beneficial effect on the intellectual and physical development of the baby.

Educational board with locks, fasteners, toggle switches and buttons

What is this stand with visual material?

You can make a development board yourself or buy a ready-made one. In fact, this is an ordinary board, with those very dangerous things recorded that made parents tremble. For example, it could be a non-working socket with a plug, a switch, handles from cabinet doors or a hook on the door, lacing, a bell button and even a circular dial from an old telephone, i.e. it can be anything that can be touched, moved, studied without any threat to life. And while the child is busy with such a serious matter, the mother can also give herself 10-15 minutes of free time

This development board also has its own name - busyboard. Literally it can be translated as “a board to keep a baby occupied.” Indeed, various small objects and bright designs can captivate a son or daughter for a long time.

The developmental board business board ensures the comprehensive development of the child and helps parents protect him from traumatic situations at the stage of mastering the world around him.

Every year new types of development boards are produced. Manufacturers are not limited to a standard set of small parts. Pursuing the goal of developing children's fine motor skills, materials of various textures are applied to the body of the board. Little fingers will feel rubber balls, plastic wheels, felt, a piece of wool knitting and stringed beads. Each of these items will give the baby new sensations and diversify his understanding of the world around him.

Creating a development board with your own hands

In stores you can find factory copies of development boards. Taking them as an example, it is quite possible to create a business board with your own hands. A child will appreciate a craft that comes out of the hands of parents more than a faceless stamp.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

So, you decided to create a development board yourself and are now wondering how best to do it. First you need to choose a base. As a rule, for this they take a small piece of plywood, plastic or laminated chipboard. A regular board will be too heavy, and a non-laminated board may bring a bunch of splinters to your son or daughter instead of being useful. Small planks, the same plywood or pieces of laminate are used as additional inserts. Sometimes, for a busy board, thick corrugated cardboard is used as a basis. It will be convenient if you decide to introduce your child to the world of fabrics and sewing accessories.

The next step will be to sort out your mezzanines and old drawers for spare parts for furniture and other small things that you once felt a pity to throw away. If you are a stickler for cleanliness and you can’t find such parts in your home, you can always buy them at a hardware or hardware store. Moreover, you still have to go there to get screws for fastening.

After you have brought to light all the future fragments of the development board, try to arrange them and decorate the board. Often, to emulate entrance doors, small plates on small hinges are placed on the board, which the child can lock himself with various types of latches and locks. Behind such a unique door you can place a niche. Then the child will be able to arrange hiding places there, hiding his favorite baby doll or donated candy. It doesn’t matter if something doesn’t fit on the first version of your business board - in the future you can always supplement the board with these copies if something goes wrong there.

And finally, the last stage is to securely fasten all the fragments with self-tapping screws or nails. Carefully inspect the opposite side of the board. The protruding sharp ends of the screws can injure the child, so they will need to be treated with sandpaper or a file.

Material to use

It is best if elements from various materials are attached to the board - fabric, metal, plastic, rubber. This will diversify the range of sensations and the baby will not have time to get bored. The most commonly used parts are:

  • Door latches, locks, latches, latches, hinges, handles, borders and everything that is called door hardware. Something can simply serve as a frame for a busy board.
  • Furniture wheels.
  • Construction and massage rollers. Even a thick toilet paper roll will do.
  • Lacing. An image of shoes is usually drawn on the base, rivets are attached to it and the laces are tucked in according to all the rules. It is better if you choose bright colors for this element.
  • Fasteners, zippers, Velcro, buttons, hooks and loops. All this can be found in a sewing store and sewn onto durable scraps of fabric, which are then secured to the base.
  • Bells or similar parts that produce sound. An old doorbell or parts from a xylophone will do.
  • Abacus, large rings on a piece of old cornice, or just beads strung on a thread. By moving them in different directions, the baby will be able to learn counting.
  • An old telephone dial or keypad from a mobile device.
  • Lightning. For simplicity, they usually use “tractor” type zippers; they can be attached using good glue or a stapler, and decorated again using a design: for example, it could be a jacket or a crocodile that has a zipper instead of teeth!
  • Toggle switches, switches, bell button or other similar elements.
  • Mirrors with protective edge.
  • Pieces of various fabrics.
  • Flashlights and lighting. Naturally, the simplest and most understandable to a child.
  • Postal locks with keys.
  • Buttons, animal eyes and other sewing accessories.
  • A panel with buttons for unnecessary electrical appliances and much more...

This list is just a rough guide of what you can use. If you find something else in your home that will be useful for the development of your child, add this element to your development board. The main thing is that the new fragment is safe and cannot injure the child in your absence.

Photo gallery of busy boards

Parents with small children value every free minute worth its weight in gold. To increase the number of such minutes, not just an educational board for kids, but a DIY board will be perfect. The name business board comes from two English words: busy, which means busy, and board, which translates as board. Having received such a toy, your child will be really busy for a while and completely absorbed in exploring such an interesting and smart design. Plus, such a pastime will bring him not only pleasure from the game, but also benefits.

Purpose and benefits

The idea of ​​​​creating a development board with locks belongs to the famous teacher Maria Montessori. The main purpose of this design was to develop the child’s intelligence, imagination and many everyday skills related to motor skills. Since then, the bodyboard has been changed and improved many times, but has always remained an indispensable assistant for the comprehensive development of boys and girls.

Thanks to new tactile sensations and finger exercises, games and exercises with a development board stimulate the development of:

  • fine motor skills;
  • logic;
  • thinking.

You can use a similar design when working with children from 10 months to two years of age, however, you should not deprive older children of the pleasure. Depending on the complexity of the design and the set of different mechanisms on the board, it will be interesting to a five-year-old child.

Currently, it is difficult to imagine a class for developing children's fine motor skills and thinking process without the use of a Montessori bodyboard.

Another important task that development boards cope with is safety. When the baby becomes able to move independently and a huge interesting world opens up in front of him, requiring exploration, a time of constant prohibitions and all sorts of forbidden rules begins for parents: move away from the outlet, don’t touch the wires, don’t play with your mother’s phone, don’t climb into the drawer, you’ll pinch your finger, and so on. to infinity. In this case, a development board can come to the rescue. By combining everything that a baby is so curious about, it will make his research much safer, thereby saving the parents’ nerves.

What is a business board and what does it consist of?

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A business board is a gaming touchscreen stand equipped with all sorts of elements that can move, rotate and click, squeak and make various sounds, blink and simply glow. Below is an approximate list of what can be included in your homemade development board, but for now a few photos for inspiration:

“Windows” in a busy board are an additional play element for the baby’s sensorimotor development

You can decorate a busy board for a girl in traditional shades of pink, using stickers and drawings of princesses, fairies and dolls
In educational boards, much attention is paid to small details, such as lacing, which perfectly develops fine motor skills.

Absolutely any things can become attributes of a business board, for example, an old unnecessary telephone

The main thing is to add more “touch” elements: buttons, latches, toggle switches, door handles, keys, buttons
An educational board will help you spend time usefully not only at home, but also on the playground. You can also involve other children in the activity.
A classic and labor-intensive option is to use natural wood without additional painting.

A safe plug with a socket on the development board is just an outlet for little fidgets!

The use of felt is an additional stimulus material. You can use it to make letters, numbers, and cut out your favorite cartoon characters.

A plastic corrugated pipe of small diameter, a ball and a mug into which it will fall is an excellent way to develop spatial concepts

So, let’s summarize what can and should be used:

  • Buttons, switches and toggle switches. Ideally, after pressing them, something will start to glow or a pleasant melody will play.
  • Padlocks, latches, bolts and latches. Everything that can be closed and opened, latched, pushed.
  • Hooks and door chains. Something that can cling to something.
  • Battery operated doorbell. It is better that the melody in it is not too loud and harsh, but this is at your discretion.
  • Unconnected socket and plug.
  • Zippers, fasteners, buttons and snaps.
  • Laces, ropes, ribbons. Something from which a child can tie a knot or a bow.
  • Beads or abacus.
  • Elements that a child could handle in his hands. Old telephone set
  • , which must be twisted with your finger. It can become the baby's favorite item. Shreds from various materials.
  • It can be not only fabric, but also thick paper, oilcloth or foil.

Pictures with letters, numbers, animals or fruits. They will perfectly complement and decorate your creation.

All of the above is just a small part of what you can use when making a busy board with your own hands. You can add absolutely anything you can think of to it.

An example of a development board and tips on choosing individual elements can be seen in the video.

Everything you need to make a busy board

  • base - a wooden board of suitable size, at least 1 cm thick, or other dense material such as plywood, plastic or cardboard;
  • tools (screws, nails, screwdrivers, hammer, scissors, screwdriver, pliers);
  • construction adhesive;
  • stationery (pencils, markers, eraser, ruler, gouache, PVA glue);
  • clear varnish, paint;
  • directly those various things that you plan to place on your board.

Manufacturing stages

We will make a simple bodyboard using “door” attributes (handles, a chain for the door, hinges, a knocker, a piece of thick felt, and 3 paints


Draw a rough diagram of the future product. Then, based on the diagram, place all the elements on a piece of paper or directly on the board. This will help you visualize what the board will look like in reality. Plus you can make the necessary adjustments. On a pre-processed base - for example, sanded plywood, use a pencil to mark the places where certain elements will be located and you can proceed to sequentially attaching the parts.

We make the necessary markings of elements directly on the board

Surface preparation

We proceed to assembly and preliminary decoration using paints. At this stage we will need:

  • drill;
  • masking tape;
  • brush;
  • paints.

Carefully drill in the marked places

The main tone will be white. We also plan to make a geometric pattern, so we glue masking tape diagonally and paint the desired side with the first color, in our case blue. We do the same with the other orange shade.

Assembly and decoration

At this stage, give free rein to your imagination. You can additionally paint the board with bright patterns, add pictures or photographs, make funny inscriptions, and glue your little one’s favorite fairy-tale characters cut out of cardboard. After completing all work, be sure to check that all parts are securely fastened.

Using a screwdriver we screw the attributes of our development board

The board is ready! A homemade busy board will be an excellent gift not only for your baby, but also for your friends - future (or established) parents

When working on a development board, do not forget about your little master. If your baby is already able to hold a pencil or brush, he should be given the opportunity to participate in the making of such a toy. Older children can be allowed to glue something or screw on a switch or lock, naturally, under strict guidance. This alone will contribute to the development of fine motor skills, accuracy and attention in the child.

Children's imagination and ingenuity will serve as endless sources of inspiration. As a result, you will receive not only a useful development board, but also a lot of invaluable minutes spent with your kids doing something together. In the future, your common creation will appear in family photos more than once.

Soft version of the bodyboard

In the case of making a Montessori bodyboard for very little ones, it is worth making a few changes to the materials and elements of which it will consist.

An old pillow or frame covered with thick fabric is suitable for the base. The set of elements should include:

  • laces and ribbons;
  • buttons of different colors and shapes;
  • Velcro and appliqués made of different fabrics;
  • hooks and eyes;
  • small solid toys.

It is advisable that nothing contains small parts that a small researcher could swallow. Whatever you decide to use must be properly sewn to the base. It would be useful to make a couple of pockets with locks, from where the child can take out his favorite toys, and so that you can periodically change the assortment, it is worth making them removable.

Instructions for handling the board

Like any other toy, the development board has its own rules of operation and safety:

Among the various methods for children to safely explore the world, educational boards give adults wide scope for flights of imagination. Examples of these could be factory-made versions or analogues presented online in the photo, made with your own hands, taking into account the age and gender of the children.

What is a busy board

Literally translated from English, “busy board” means “board to occupy.” This device is a small surface on which various small objects are collected, to which children were previously careful not to be allowed.

The idea of ​​introducing children to understanding the essence of things through tactile sensations belongs to the Italian teacher Maria Montessori.

She suggested placing household items at hand on the stand and allowing children to explore the working principle of once forbidden things. This allows you to achieve 2 goals at once: to distract the child from useless activities and stimulate his intelligence and logic using the play method.

Do-it-yourself educational boards for children, photos demonstrate that it is quite possible to make them at home from scrap materials.

At the same time, it is possible to take into account the interest of a boy or girl in certain household objects at different stages of development. There is freedom here to choose a design that suits the preferences of a particular child. As it grows and the dynamics of interests, it is quite possible to change the exhibition of the stand.

And the efficiency of a hand-made bodyboard for the comprehensive development of a child will significantly exceed the time and material costs.

The benefits of a development board for a child

The attractiveness of learning about the world through ordinary things using the Montessori method lies in the flexibility of approaches based on the age and needs of the child. Under optimal conditions, he gains knowledge through the process of satisfying natural curiosity. In addition, a busy board eliminates injuries, breakage of things and provides the opportunity to independently explore the world around him.

Along with a safe introduction to everyday objects, the busy board allows you to develop essential skills in a natural way, such as:

  • fine motor skills as a result of complete freedom to receive tactile sensations from the movement of chains, zippers, latches, etc. After all, even the most simple board allows you to feel different objects with not yet fully skilled hands and fingers;
  • coordination of movements by “working” with different lacings, latches, door chains, etc.;
  • development of spatial-imaginative thinking, since the novelty of sensations stimulates brain activity;
  • concentration of attention, formation of perseverance, patience while maintaining attention on individual objects while repeatedly performing various movements;
  • development of the logic of changing certain features of objects when performing different actions. Even the simplest devices (locks, latches, etc.) allow you to independently understand the principles of their operation;
  • knowledge of the surrounding world in color, digital, letter aspects, as well as the ability to independently move parts placed on the touch stand;
  • the positive impact of the impressions received on the child’s intellectual development;

It is important to note that this exciting activity of learning the essence of ordinary things holds the child’s attention for a long time.

In addition, this happens without adult pressure, accompanied by boring explanations about the purpose of this or that item. This is a kind of self-education in the rules of using basic things, expanding your understanding of the world around you.

What are development boards?

To make your own educational board for children, the so-called. game panel, you can use any solid base. As shown in the photo, objects that move, close, open, spin, and glow are attached to it.

A busy board allows you to collect even forbidden items in one place, the functionality of which the baby can study without risk to his health. Arbitrary additions in the form of stickers, pictures, etc. are allowed here.

Depending on the base material, there are 2 types of busy boards:

  1. Fabric(soft) bodyboard is a kind of rug or pillow formed from a frame covered with thick textiles and felt. Using Velcro, various elements made of fabric, environmentally friendly plastic, and rubber are attached. Colored scraps of fabric of different textures are also glued or sewn here. This “assortment” allows children to develop sensory abilities, master and remember shapes/colors, and compare sizes. This type of bodyboard is relevant for six-month-old children.
  2. Hard Busyboard is made of wood, plywood, thick cardboard (size from 50x50 cm and more). Taking into account the child’s age, the stand can be filled with more “adult” items. They can be latches, latches, toggle switches, working door locks, clock dials, flashlights, telephone dials, etc. This kind of “developmental activity” will be of interest to children from 8 months to 1.5 years. And with replaceable, multi-level content, it will not lose relevance even for a 5-year-old child.

Educational boards for both types of children can come in different shapes and sizes. In most cases, standard rectangles are made.

And as you can see from the photo, self-made stands, thanks to the imagination of parents, take on the appearance of houses, trains, cubes, hexagons, circles, etc.

To this end, when preparing for their creation, you should pay attention to the features of all components, namely:

  • The material for the base is selected based on the age of the child. For babies under 1 year old, soft fabrics are used; for older children, preference is given to wooden structures without sharp corners;
  • filling with objects should eliminate the risk of injury, the presence of threads, and take into account age-related needs;
  • strength of materials of all parts, environmental reliability of their painting, reliability of fastening.

Tools and materials for a homemade bodyboard

Before you start making your own bodyboard, you need to ensure that you have the necessary tools, materials for the base, and parts for filling it.

Tools for work:

Materials for the base:

  • board, plywood, chipboard, plastic (thickness at least 1 cm);
  • power saw/drill, jigsaw;
  • nails, screws, self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue;
  • felt-tip pens, pens, pencils;
  • transparent varnish, paint (environmentally safe).

Sewing accessories:

  • dense fabric, oilcloth, foil of different colors and textures (separate pieces);
  • laces, ribbons, ropes (so that you can tie bows and knots from them);
  • buttons, large beads, wooden abacus for fingering them;
  • spools of thread;
  • “tractor” type zippers that can complement the design, for example, with crocodile teeth, etc.

Furniture and construction fittings:

  • locks (padlocks, postal locks);
  • objects that can be opened/closed, latched, pushed in (bolts, latches, latches, latches, latches);
  • hooks, door chains with fastenings and other devices that can cling to something;
  • wheels, gears, balls demonstrating movement;
  • massage, construction rollers.

Plywood blanks:

Along with using plywood to make the base of a busy board, you can also find a place for it when decorating the stand itself. Various figures, road signs, etc. can be made from it. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the roughness of the material along the edges of the products.

Bells, lights, switches:

What toys and objects can be included in a busy board?

Educational boards for children, when making photographs with your own hands, can be filled with other improvised objects and toys. They can be equipped with spare parts for furniture, equipment and other small items that are waiting in the wings on the mezzanine. It is enough to organically combine them with other elements that have a purpose for different age categories.

Among them may be:

  • sorters– toys that have a base with holes and a set of insert parts of different sizes, colors, shapes. The familiar pyramids and nesting dolls have been enriched with different shapes: circles, squares, cubes, balls, crosses, triangles, etc. Thanks to this variety, you can find a suitable option for use in a development board for children of different ages;
  • TV remotes, placed on the stand, allow you to divert the child’s attention from the originals and understand the essence of their action during the main application;
  • wooden abacus, metal/plastic rings and beads strung on a piece of old cornice/strong rope. In the process of moving these objects from side to side, the baby will learn to count in a playful way;
  • calculators complement the understanding of different options for arithmetic solutions. In this, as in the previous case, it is important to teach the child to understand the purpose of these objects;
  • bright pictures depicting letters and numbers, animals, fruits will not only be a wonderful addition, but also a functional decoration of the stand.

This list can be supplemented with other elements. After all, it, just like the design of a busy board, depends on the age interests and needs of the baby; the riot of imagination of the creators of the stand.

Making a development board with your own hands

Regardless of the choice of hard or soft base for the bodyboard, the beginning of work involves the following general processes:

  1. Making a sketch based on the chosen shape and size of the structure.
  2. Selection of materials and details for decoration
  3. Approximate location of elements on the sketch with their outlines outlined

Fabric board step by step instructions


  1. Making a frame for the chosen shape when making a sketch of the product: rug, ball, house, cube, pillow, house with birds and much more. Here you can use an old pillow or a suitable board shape, plywood, or environmentally friendly plastic. In the latter cases, the workpiece is filled with padding polyester and covered with thick fabric (cotton, denim, harmless synthetics).
  2. Preparing parts. These can be various rattles/bells in pockets, bows, ribbons, colorful appliques, colored buttons of different sizes and shapes, non-rigid zippers, loops, hooks. Fabric bags filled with peas, buckwheat, flour, sand, etc. are also suitable.
  3. Fixation of educational parts-toys in accordance with the plot of the busy board. It is carried out with the help of a needle, strong threads, glue, Velcro and the caring hands of adults.

Wooden board step by step instructions


Stand designs for girls and boys are made from the same materials.

Their difference lies in the selection of parts for filling them. For children up to 3 years old, you can make educational boards of a universal nature that will suit any gender. But decorating a busy board for older children requires taking into account the emerging interests and needs of boys and girls.

Features of a busy board for boys

DIY educational boards for children, as in the photo, are suitable for boys of different ages.

One of the nuances of bodyboards for boys is a set of elements in the form of nuts, screws, wheels, dials, and car steering wheels. Children are especially fascinated by models with buttons that make different sounds. A busy board in the shape of a car, ship, steam locomotive, rocket, etc. is suitable here.

You can choose images of your favorite astronauts, soldiers, and super-heroes from cartoons and feature films that are in tune with your kids’ interests. A cooler color palette (silver, blue) is suitable for decoration.

Features of a busy board for girls

A homemade business board for girls can be richly decorated with images of their favorite animals, cartoon characters (fairies, sorceresses, elves). Multi-colored clothing elements (zippers, buttons, laces, ribbons, etc.) would also be appropriate here. When decorating, it is advisable to use their favorite stickers and colorful details.

The design gives preference to light, warm, rich tones.

These can be pink, cream, gold, orange, red colors and their shades. At the same time, fans of gender freedom have the right to use a variety of base and decor colors for the busy board.

Design ideas

Along with the indicated forms and their content, you can use other ideas generated not only by manufacturers, but also by numerous parents. The youngest explorers in the world will be captivated by busy boards in the shape of the sun, glued/drawn trees and flowers.

It could also be a dollhouse with multi-colored windows/hidden doors behind which a family of animals (mom, dad, children, etc.) is located. One of the entertaining options for children under 3 years old will be a board equipped with magnets depicting letters, numbers, different figures of people, birds, and animals. It can be placed both on the floor and on the wall or table.

Older guys respond more actively to themed business boards.

Ordinary covers made of colored plastic in the form of a traffic light, drawn symbols for street crossings, etc. will help you understand the rules of safe road traffic. For them, you can turn an ordinary board into a pirate ship, a mysterious starry sky, or water depths with unprecedented inhabitants.

It can also become a spaceship with a “control panel” in the form of various toggle switches located on the panel. Boys and girls react touchingly to the opening of niches/boxes with family photographs placed there.

Photo ideas for making various educational boards for children of different ages with your own hands, presented on the Internet, can suggest other original solutions. To implement them, you only need the desire of adults to show imagination and spend a little time.

Creating a business board with your own hands is also an opportunity to unite the efforts of the whole family. After all, here the efforts of the father are made when performing carpentry work, the creativity of the mother who knows the needs of the baby, brothers and sisters when selecting toys. The result of joint creation will be the direction of children's energy in a constructive direction.

Video on how to make educational boards for children with your own hands, photo

Find out how to assemble a busy board with your own hands in the video:

Making a development board for a child:

Many parents have heard about the method of raising children developed by the Italian teacher, Doctor of Medical Sciences Maria Montessori. The basis of her pedagogical theory is the independent activity of the child in conditions of providing him with complete freedom. The motto of Montessori education is “I do it myself!” According to the Italian teacher, all children are capable of teaching themselves; for this they simply need certain things. Yes, exactly things, not people! All materials that children studying using this method work with are prepared by their parents or educators. It was within the framework of this technique that a teaching board was invented in 1907, called the “busyboard”.

Busy board is an educational, entertaining board, which is often called a Montessori board, a modular stand or a panel with locks.

The sooner your baby gets a bodyboard, the better. Age restrictions for this toy are arbitrary. It is believed that bEasyboard is interesting for children from eight months to six years.

Today you can buy a busy board in almost any children's toy store or order it online. But it’s best to make a training toy yourself. It's not difficult to do this. After all, at its core, it is an ordinary board or panel with interesting objects fixed on it. Busy board is an ideal toy not only for children; parents also appreciate it. Which is quite natural. After all, while children are enthusiastically mastering new knowledge, their parents can relax.

Making a busy board with your own hands - instructions

What are the advantages of a homemade bodyboard over a ready-made store-bought version? Only parents know what their baby is most interested in at the moment – ​​the door lock or the calculator keys.

Busidord sizes

The size of the board primarily depends on the area of ​​the room in which it will be located and on the age of the child for whom it is intended.

  • If the baby is only a year old, a small bodyboard with three or four objects is enough.
  • Children under one year old are recommended to make an entertaining board measuring 300 by 300 mm. Child psychologists recommend placing a small number of objects on the board, since babies under one year old can play with two or three toys at the same time.
  • For older children, you can make a busy board measuring 500 by 700 mm. It is not recommended to use boards larger than 1 square meter. It is desirable that the child can reach any object without leaving his place.

How to select and prepare material for making a busy board?

To make a busy board you only need to use environmentally friendly material .

  • Ready-made wooden boards or a piece of thick plywood are best suited for these purposes.
  • An ideal option would be pine furniture board, as it is easy to process.
  • Having selected the board or plywood of the required size, you need to carefully sand the edges and the entire area of ​​the future bodyboard.
  • You can treat the surface with sandpaper and cover the stand with paint or varnish. A board treated in this way will be absolutely safe for the child. Splinters do not threaten him.
  • Varnish, impregnation, paints must be safe for health and environmentally friendly.

Shapes and types of bodyboards

In its shape, a busy board does not have to be square; it can have a rectangular or multifaceted shape, oval, round. For older children, you can make a busy board in the shape of a ship, a robot, a house with windows, a car, etc. Double-sided entertaining boards and mini-busy boards that can be taken with you on any trip have proven themselves to be quite good.

Entertaining boards can be portable or stationary. To attach a stationary board, you can use self-tapping screws or make special fasteners. If parents are not sure of the reliability of the fastening, then it is better to make a portable bodyboard with which the child can play on the floor. The portable board cannot be placed with its support on the wall. It is not safe!

What elements are attached to the bodyboard and why?

Various objects are attached to the development board, which the child can not only touch, but also perform certain actions with them. For example, flicking a switch, closing and opening a lock or latch, plugging a plug into a socket, closing a door chain, turning the dial of an old telephone, tying the laces on a drawn shoe, pressing buttons on a calculator or turning the hands on a watch. Elements attached to the board must be designed for a certain age. For example, a one-year-old baby will be delighted with a burning light bulb, a rattle and a funny “squeaker”; a three-year-old child will obviously be interested in an old clock and a lock with a key. When purchasing or designing a bodyboard for children under one year old, you should use soft parts for the board. For example, Velcro, lacing, bows, rag windows, etc. A busy board, carefully thought out at the design stage, allows the youngest children to develop sensory skills, logic, attention, and also accustoms them to handling real objects in everyday life. Thanks to the development board, children can acquire knowledge and skills independently.

To make the entertaining board bright, you can paint it using safe acrylic paints. These paints can be applied to a variety of designs on the board. When applying a picture, it is better to use masking tape. The paper-based tape easily peels off from any surface.

The filling of the busy board depends on the imagination and creative abilities of the parents. Having artistic skills, you can easily turn an ordinary board into a magical forest, into a mysterious starry sky, into the seabed with mysterious inhabitants, into a pirate ship, etc. But this, of course, is for older children. Very young children will not appreciate the creativity of their parents. They will also be delighted with a simple board with a few fun items. Before filling the busy board with details, you need to carefully consider the layout of their placement. You shouldn’t immediately attach all the elements to the board; first you should lay them out, look at them from the outside and correct any shortcomings.

How to make a busy board with your own hands: 4 visual videos

What should not be used when creating a busy board?

  • Of course, when making a busy board, you cannot use dangerous objects that can scratch or injure a child: glass items, metal tape measures, nails, mirrors, etc.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the fastening of the board itself. The fastener must be absolutely reliable. All game elements must also be very carefully attached to the board.
  • When making a busy board, it should be taken into account that children can unscrew small parts during play and swallow them.
  • When using self-tapping screws for fastening, you must ensure that their ends do not stick out on the other side.
  • When making a busy board, you cannot use paints, varnishes, or glue that are hazardous to children’s health.

A well-thought-out and high-quality busy board will delight your child for a long time; I train in him such qualities as perseverance, coordination of movements, and activity.

Features of a busy board for girls - interesting ideas with photos

It is best to paint a busy board for girls in pink, golden, peach or light green colors. With these paints you can use the background of the board or some of its details. The pale lilac color that is fashionable this season is also perfect.

What items and elements are guaranteed to interest little representatives of the fair sex?

Of course, the choice of elements for a bodyboard depends on the individual preferences and interests of the girl. Educational boards for boys and girls up to one year are practically no different from each other. Except in color. But older kids can be equipped with a busy board, based on their preferences.

  • You can create a themed board “Beauty Salon”. To do this, you need to attach pockets with combs, tassels, hairpins, and multi-colored hair bands to the board. You can use an unbreakable mirror and a fake braid with a bow. Or cut out a doll from fiberboard. Then, after working as a fashion designer for a couple of hours, create a fashionable wardrobe for her. Any girl will be happy to dress up her doll in beautiful things.
  • Little housewives will be delighted with the painted house, which will be equipped with a kitchen with small frying pans, saucepans, spoons, plates, etc.
  • You can hang a real clothesline with clothespins, etc. on the board.
  • For the little ones, boards with scores, locks, lacing, musical toys, zippers and bright rattles are perfect.
  • A busy board for girls will look more stylish if it is decorated with appliqués.

Busy board for a boy: what to consider when making, interesting ideas with photos

When creating a business board project for a boy, you need to focus on the child’s age. As practice shows, kids really love to play with those objects that their parents forbid them to touch.

Ideas for creating a busy board for boys

  • Even the smallest children will try with great interest to open the lock, unscrew the bolts, and flip the switch.
  • Absolutely all boys love to unscrew nuts and all kinds of bolts, rotate the telephone dial and move the hands of the clock.
  • And if you attach a steering wheel from a children's car to the busy board and hang a bicycle bell, then your child will instantly feel like a real racer.
  • An educational board with many locks will attract the attention of boys (as well as girls) for a long time. This type of bodyboard perfectly develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • We have already written about thematic development boards, but we will repeat it again. No boy will be indifferent to a busy board made in the shape of a pirate or space ship, a watchmaker's workshop or a car mechanic.
  • To create such boards you can use: a battery-powered flashlight, a bell, a toy anchor, an old compass, an unnecessary speedometer, nuts, bolts, hooks and locks, small pieces of rope.
  • Boys will also be interested in a painted crocodile with its mouth closed with a zipper. You can equip a board with opening doors. The doors can be locked with real padlocks.

A well-made bodyboard can not only attract your child’s attention for a long time, but also develop the following skills:

  • Thinking.
  • Perseverance and concentration.
  • Imagination.
  • Independence.

Busy board, invented at one time by Marina Montessori, is truly an excellent assistant in teaching a child the skills necessary for life. Show all your imagination and create the most interesting and most unusual busy board for your child.

Busy board is an educational board for children that contains many different buttons, locks, latches, clothespins and other items that might interest a child in the house. In one evening you can make such a training toy for a child! This board will help develop thinking, logic, intelligence, fine motor skills, and perseverance.

To create this board, you will need the board itself and various objects that can attract your child's attention. These can be all kinds of locks with keys and buttons, chains, hooks, switches, beads, buttons and much more. In a word, collect on this board all those objects that you usually forbid your child to touch and play with.

We offer you 17 photographs of such educational boards. Take a look, maybe they will inspire you to create the same board or at least a similar one for your child. You may need dad's help to screw and glue all these things, and even so that all the moving mechanisms remain in working order.

In a word, be inspired by these works and delight your children with similar ones! By the way, this board will keep your child busy for a long time, so you will have a few precious minutes (or tens of minutes) for yourself, your beloved!
