Patriotic education of children. Methodical literature





§1. Studying the history of the native land

1.1. Press conference "How are you, veterans?"

1.2. Literary and artistic composition "Glory to you, Stalingrad!"

1.3. Defender of the Fatherland Lesson

1.4. Lesson of courage "About courage, about feat, about glory"

§2. Studying the Symbols of Russia

2.1. Class hour “Oral journal. Russian Citizen Lesson»

2.2. Russian Citizen Lesson

2.3. Russian Symbols Lesson

2.4. Oral journal "Pages of fiery years"

§3. Formation of an active citizenship

3.1. Dispute "What benefit can I bring to my Motherland?"

§four. Working with the public and parents

4.1. Literary lounge "Soul frank diary"

4.2. Festive concert dedicated to Mother's Day "We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother"



For decades, the work of patriotic education of schoolchildren was entrusted to the "shoulders" of children's public organizations. And now they are gone. How to raise children in such conditions? What should class teachers do? Why lead the guys?

I think that it is necessary to look for such forms of work in which students could realize their potential. Such forms allow to unite children, to prepare them for active participation in modern life, to become true citizens of Russia.

However, a new generation of young people is growing up on American action films and Asian drugs. Drug addiction and juvenile delinquency are on the rise, every third recruit is unfit for military service for health reasons, and most young men simply do not want to serve their homeland.

Today, more than ever, it is important to revive patriotic education in school, to instill in students a sense of true patriotism as a spiritual, moral and social personality, to form a young person with civilly active, socially significant qualities that he can show in the creative process and in those activities that are connected with the protection of Russian borders.

Outstanding people of our country in the past considered patriotism the basis of a person's spiritual life, his desire for prosperity. “A true man and a son of the Fatherland,” wrote Radishchev, “are one and the same.” Indeed, every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the Fatherland.

Speaking about the importance of patriotic education in a rural school, one cannot fail to quote the words of KD Ushinsky: “Just as there is no person without pride, so there is no person without love for the Fatherland.”

Currently, the state and the Department of Education of the Russian Federation are taking measures to revive the system of patriotic education of children and adolescents.

Based on this, the goal of my educational work with students is to educate the Citizen and Patriot of Russia; creation of conditions for the formation of a student - a citizen who loves his family, school, village, homeland, a cultural and moral person.

In accordance with the goals set, I build a system of educational work in several areas:

I. Studying the history of the native land;

II. Studying the symbols of Russia;

III. Formation of an active citizenship;

IV. Working with the public and parents.

The patriotic education of students is an organized and continuous process. This work must be carried out comprehensively, taking into account the age characteristics of students, using classroom and extracurricular forms of work.

The system of patriotic education can be represented as follows:

I. Studying the history of the native land:

Search and creative work;

Meetings with fellow countrymen veterans;

Lessons of courage, lessons of the defenders of the Fatherland.

II. Studying the symbols of Russia:

oral journals;

Lessons "I am a citizen of Russia";

Design of the folding book "Symbols of Russia".

III. Formation of an active citizenship:

School "Learn to learn";



Labor landings;

Participation in class and school affairs.

IV. Working with the public and parents:

Participation in competitions;

Memory watches;

parent meetings;

Joint activities with parents;

Press conferences with WWII veterans.

§1. Studying the history of the native land.

Love for the Motherland manifests itself in any person with the emergence of a feeling of attachment to the places where he was born and with which he has vivid emotional experiences.

The study by students of the history of their native land, its martial traditions is the most important direction in the work of patriotic education. A special role here belongs to military history, in contact with which students join the feat of arms of fellow countrymen, learn from the heroic examples of great ancestors in selfless service to the Fatherland.

The following activities are carried out in this direction:

Studying the history of the small motherland, the history of the native city, the village: excursions to the memorial stones of the military glory of the Volgograd region (excursion to Mamayev Kurgan and visiting the panorama "Battle of Stalingrad"); oral magazines “Pages of fiery years”, “I am proud of you, my native land!”;

The study of the life and exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland (including heroes-compatriots): collection of materials about the exploits of people during the Second World War; literary and artistic living rooms "For you, veterans!"; meetings with fellow countrymen veterans; lessons of courage "What I know about the war"; lessons of defenders of the Fatherland; debates “How to protect honor from a young age”; competitive programs "Forward, boys!"; search and creative work "Unknown Soldier"; "Day of Russian Traditions";

Participation of students in competitions of creative works on a patriotic theme: essay competitions “I love you, my Motherland!”, “Nature praises the courage of a Russian soldier”; editions of the newspapers "Real Defenders of the Fatherland".

So in the process of diverse and meaningful activities, students form vivid ideas about a patriotic person, a real citizen of Russia.

Press conference "How do you live, veterans?".

Purpose: to conduct a dialogue between veterans and middle school students.

Leading. Today we have gathered with you to talk about those without whom, perhaps, there would be no today. But first, we turn the pages of our oral journal.

First dude. Fatherland is a homeland for every person, given to him by fate, bequeathed to him by his ancestors. The Russian people have always sought to protect their homeland. It is no coincidence that in difficult, critical moments of their lives, people remember the place where they were born, where they spent their childhood, that is, their small homeland, as part of the great Fatherland.

Second dude.

The boundless expanse of fields,

Slender white-trunked birches,

river floods,

The steppe is an immense expanse.

This is Russia.

You look up at the clear blue sky.

Walking along forest paths

You sit by the cool river.

And this is Russia.

Third reader.

Ancient walls of the Kremlin

Shine of domes over temples,

Life's past.

And this is Russia.

mother's hands,

Songs at your cradle

Fragrant bread on the table.

This is also Russia.

Fourth dude. Every person who loves his homeland is touched and excited by our simple and primordially Russian nature, full of poetry and charm. Native lands, not even rich ones, are beautiful for us, the people who inhabit Russia.

(The song “Where the Motherland Begins” is performed).

Fifth dude.

sacred land of my country,

As a gray-haired mother kisses her son,

When he returns from the war.

I want to kiss my native land,

As the sun kisses her in the morning

As the banner kisses the soldiers in the wind,

Vow not to back down.

Sixth dude. Each people of our country is unique, has its own national features. The Russian people strive to live in friendship with other nations. Russian people immediately respond to any misfortune of the fraternal peoples, they are always ready to provide disinterested assistance.

(The song “I love you, life” sounds).

Seventh dude. For many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland more than once.

Enemies have threatened you more than once.

You were swept away - did not dare,

My love, the land of Russia,

They couldn't break you.

You were trampled - not trampled.

You were burned - not burned.

We have experienced everything with you

And even more than they could.

The victory in the Second World War was especially expensive for our people.

Eighth dude. The war went on for 1428 days, almost 4 years. These were years of deprivation, grief, hard work. Devastated cities, villages, scorched grain fields, torn dreams and hopes of the Soviet people. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for the Motherland.

(The song “Victory Day” sounds)

Leading. Among our guests there are veterans of the Great Patriotic War (represents the guests).

Let's start the press conference. Our guys prepared questions to which they would like to receive answers.

1 student.

The military poet wrote these lines:

At seventeen

I got into the soldier's formation.

And all overcoats are gray

All have one coat.

Tell me, how old were you when you went to the front?

2 student. Each of us feels the wound inflicted on our homeland in the depths of our hearts. And what did you feel when Nazi Germany treacherously attacked our country?

3 student. Remember the timing:

Can you tell me about it,

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable heaviness

On women's shoulders lay down!

Please remember that terrible time. What did you feel then, what feelings?

4 student. K. Simonov has the following lines:

And in a short moment you need to remember

You will remember not a big country,

What did you travel and find out.

You will remember such a homeland,

What did you see as a child.

Holy vengeance leads us into a bloody battle,

So we will win, comrades, in battle.

For the cities and villages of Russian glory,

And for Russia - their homeland.

Have you ever had moments when you remembered your native land.

What fight do you remember the most?

5 student. Tell me, what kind of injuries forced you to temporarily leave the ranks and heal your wounds?

6 student. Tell me, what songs did you sing at the front? (students, along with veterans, sing a song of the war years)

7 student. Tell me, was it difficult to suppress your fear in battles? How did you do it?

8 student.

The soldiers were returning from the war.

On the railways of the country.

Day and night the trains carried them.

Their gymnasts were covered in dust.

And sweat is still salty

In these days of endless spring.

Where did you return after the war, and who met you?


Motherland, harsh and sweet, remembers all the fierce battles.

Groves grow over the graves,

Nightingales glorify life at night.

Tell me, did you manage to visit the places where you fought after the war?

10 student. Did you have friends at the front? What is their fate?

11 students.

Wear medals.

Both on holidays and on weekdays.

On strict tunics

And trendy jackets.

Wear medals,

For all people to see.

You who endured the war

On your own shoulders.

Tell us which of your awards are especially dear to you? What did you get them for?

12 student. There are monuments, obelisks, monuments. People go to them to honor the memory of the dead. Eternal memory to the heroes! Let's honor them with a moment of silence.

(minute of silence)

Leading. Dear veterans! Thank you for what you have done for us, for coming to us and answering the guys' questions. Please accept our humble souvenirs of today.

I want our planet

The children were never sad.

So that no one cries, does not get sick,

If only our children's choir would ring.

So that forever all hearts are related

Good for everyone to learn.

For the planet Earth to forget

What is enmity and war.

(All participants of the press conference sing a song about the war)

Literary and artistic composition

“Glory to you, Stalingrad!”

The hall is festively decorated. The song “A birch grows in Volgograd” performed by L. Zykina (music by G. Ponomarenko, lyrics by M. Agashina) sounds.

Leading up on stage, man.

Reader. (Reads a poem by M. Agashina “Second of February”)

In due time - not too late and not too early -

Winter will come, the earth will freeze.

And you to Mamaev Kurgan

Come February 2nd.

And there, at that frosty one,

At that sacred height

You are on the wing of a white blizzard,

Put down red flowers.

And as if for the first time you notice

What was it, their military way!

February - February, soldier's month,

Blizzard in the face, snow on the chest.

A hundred years will pass and a hundred snowstorms.

And we are all indebted to them.

February - February. Soldier's month

Carnations are burning in the snow.

Presenter 1. There are events that, after decades, are erased from people's memory and become the property of archives. But there are events that acquire immortality with each new decade. Such events include the Battle of Stalingrad.

Presenter 2. 65 years ago, on February 2, it was a long-awaited and joyful victory for the defenders of Stalingrad, for the entire Soviet people.

Presenter 1. Everyone, young and old, defended their hometown, yesterday's schoolchildren became soldiers.

The reader performs A. Surkov's poem "The Defender of Stalingrad".

Presenter 2. The defense of Stalingrad cost Russia great sacrifices and great bloodshed. Among the defenders of Stalingrad were children - young pioneers.

Dramatization “Little Heroes” (Grade 5)

Presenter 1. The first teacher will tell about how the defenders of Stalingrad fought.

The reader performs the poem by V. Firsov “The First Teacher”

Presenter 2. In those difficult days of the defense of Stalingrad, our glorious young men and women not only knew how to win, stand up for their homeland, but in rare moments of calm they knew how to relax.

A group of girls performs the Katyusha dance.

Military ditties are performed.

Presenter 1. Yellowed from time, and maybe from tears, triangles of letters and front-line photographs. They were so needed. As the most expensive relics, they are kept in the families of veterans, mothers and widows of soldiers who did not return from the war.

Dramatization of Yu. Yakovlev's story "Relic".

Presenter 2. In those distant days of Stalingrad everyday life, everyone had one great word in their hearts: Stalingrad.

Presenter 1. It was impossible to survive the horrors of war without faith in victory, without hope and love.

The reader performs a poem by K. Simonov "Wait for me."

Presenter 2. The defenders of Stalingrad remember the day when the world heard the message: the Russians near Stalingrad went on the offensive, take the Nazis into the ring, the entire army of Field Marshal Von Paulus.

Presenter 1. From the report of the Soviet Information Bureau of February 2, 1943: “Today, on the second of February, the liquidation of the Nazi troops surrounded in the Stalingrad region ended” On February 2, 1943, the historic battle of Stalingrad ended in a complete victory for our troops.

Presenter 2. Today we bow our heads before the millions of fallen defenders of Stalingrad. Eternal glory to them! Eternal memory to them!

Dance "Candles"

Presenter 1. Today on the geographical map of Russia there is no such city - Stalingrad, but there is a city that has absorbed the traditions of the Stalingraders: the hero city of Volgograd. Volgograd land is a heroic, sacred land.

Lead 2.

Descendant! Looking proud

On the free steppes of the country,

Remember how honor was defended,

Fearless sons!

The elementary students take the stage.

The song "Solar circle" is performed.

All participants of the concert program take the stage, sing the last chorus of the song.

Leading. We wish you all happiness, health, peaceful skies! Thank you for your attention!

The lesson of the defender of the Fatherland.

Class design: holiday posters, an exhibition of books “Your Defenders”, portraits of prominent Russian commanders: A. Nevsky, A. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov.

The boys of the class participate in the competition.

Jury: Girls determine the winner.

The hussar march of A. Petrov “About the poor hussar” sounds.

Presenter 1. From time immemorial, the Russian soldier stood guard over the world, guarding the borders of his native land. Who knows the great events of Russian military history - the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kulikovo, Poltava, Borodino!

Presenter 2. Russia is proud of its great commanders: A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, G. Zhukov, who brought glory to Russian weapons.

Lead 3. On this day, we glorify the warriors - defenders. But our guys will also soon go, after finishing school, into the army, they will become soldiers.

First tour. “Difficult to learn, easy to fight”

(The song “Soldiers, brave kids” sounds).

Presenter 1. A soldier should always be ready to stand up in alarm. Now our young men will demonstrate their ability, in a matter of seconds they will put on military uniforms.

(Each of the team members must wear a tunic, boots and a gas mask)

Results: the jury's word.

Presenter 2. Everyone knows the words of A. V. Suvorov: “The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad,” and what kind of general is without a commanding, well-placed voice ?!

(Participants take turns acting as the commander of a military unit: Greet the “soldiers” and give the commands “Attention!”, “To the right”, “Around”)

Results: the jury's word.

Second round. “Our glory will be eternal”

Presenter 3. Yes, our heroes are strong! But they are also strong in intelligence, ingenuity, erudition. Don't believe? Let's check!

Presenter 1. Let's see how our valiant wars know the history of the Russian army, Russian weapons.

(The music sounds “Get up, Russian people!”)

Presenter 2. (Asks quiz questions)

What were the first Russian wars called? (Druzhinniki)

What are the names of famous Russian commanders and military leaders. (A. Nevsky, D. Donskoy, A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, F. Ushakov)

Which Russian commander owns the words: “Die yourself, but save your comrade”? (to A. Suvorov)

Name the types of edged weapons. (Peak, sword, axe, sword, saber, checker, dagger, knife, bayonet)

What military ranks exist in the modern army? (Private, corporal, lieutenant, sergeant, general, marshal, etc.)

As the people called "BM - 13" ("Katyusha")

Name the cities - heroes of Russia. (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kyiv, etc.)

Which commanders of the Great Patriotic War do you know the names of? (Zhukov, Malinovsky, Vasilevsky, Konev)

What is the name of the building where the soldiers live? (Barracks)

What hats do soldiers wear? (Cap, Pilotka, Helmet)

Results: the jury's word.

Third round. “And the main thing for a soldier…”

Presenter 3. It is easy to serve a soldier if he knows that his beloved girl is waiting for him somewhere. Waiting, writing letters. A photograph of her soldier always wears in the pocket of his tunic, near his heart ...

Presenter 1. And standing at his post, he dreams of meeting her. And what will he say to her?

Presenter 2. The heroes of famous literary works will help him find the right words.

(There is a contest for reading monologues about love or a contest for writing an appeal to a friend)

Results: the jury's word.

Presenter 3. So our competition has come to an end. Congratulations to all the guys, future soldiers, on Defender of the Fatherland Day. And may there always be a motto on the shields of our soldiers: "Honor and Motherland above all."

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Presentation of gifts, flowers and smiles.

Courage lesson "About courage, about feat, about glory."

On the globe you - I'm sure - the main

Should I forget the bitterness of sorrow and pain,

At the edge where the Volga flows easily,

Looking at a world far, far away

Leading teacher: Dear children! Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! There are dates in the calendar that are forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of our country. One of them is the Battle of Stalingrad, which lasted from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943. A battle like no other in the history of wars.

An audio recording of the song "Holy War" sounds (music by A. Aleksandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-kumach).

First dude. For a month of heavy fighting, the enemy advanced 70-80 kilometers. On July 28, 1942, Stalin signed the famous order No. 227 of the People's Commissar of Defense "Not a step back!". In it, in particular, it was emphasized: “... this should now be our main call. We must stubbornly defend every piece of Soviet land to the last drop of blood and defend it to the last opportunity.

On August 23, German tanks broke into Stalingrad. On the same day, it was bombed from the air. The city looked like a living hell.

Second dude. The flames of the fires rose several hundred meters. Fascist planes flew overhead. Not only the earth, but also the sky trembled with explosions. Clouds of smoke and dust hurt my eyes. Buildings collapsed, walls fell, iron warped.

It was decided to keep the city at any cost. Each house turned into a fortress. There were fights on every floor. Every basement. Every wall. Every street.

First dude. It is impossible not to be amazed at the courage of people who fought in the monstrous chaos of fire and red-hot metal, when the earth literally reared up. Our fellow villagers also participated in the battle on the Volga. We invited them to a lesson in courage. Here they are:

(to applause, the reader names the invited veterans of the Great Patriotic War)

Leading. 63 years ago, Russian troops won at Stalingrad. But the memory sometimes brings veterans back to the days of that terrible war. They dream of the roar of guns, the faces of fellow soldiers, whose graves are scattered all over our land.

Former front-line soldiers and those who forged victory in the rear live and work alongside us today. These are modest people who did not think that they were accomplishing a feat. They honestly fulfilled their duty as a soldier, the duty of a son and daughter, the duty of a citizen of their homeland. The whole life of these people during the Great Patriotic War became a symbol of courage, resilience, selflessness.

An audio recording of the song “We need one victory” (B. Okudzhava) sounds.

Leading. Page one. Sergeant Nikolai Fedorovich Kurkin.

First dude.

At Stalingrad, things of the battle are feverish

Stretched into eternity with a bloody glow,

And, sensing death, the enemy fled from us,

Driven to sleep by our right gun.

A. Tvardovsky.

The Great Patriotic War began and Nikolai Fedorovich was drafted into the army. He ends up in a training and observation military school, where army intelligence officers were trained. After graduation, he was awarded the military rank of sergeant, he was enlisted in the 393rd special reconnaissance regiment, which was at the disposal of the headquarters of the Supreme High Command. This regiment carried out special tasks, so Nikolai Fedorovich was thrown into the most dangerous sectors of the front. In 1942, he participated in the defense of Moscow, in the same year the great battle for Stalingrad began. The regiment of Nikolai Fedorovich was part of the Don Front, so he had to know the bitterness of retreat. But on November 19, 1942, the Soviet counteroffensive near Stalingrad began. Nikolai Fedorovich, as part of his regiment, took part in the liberation of the city of Kalach-on-Don, which became the epic of the great battle for Stalingrad. In breaking the blockade of Leningrad, he was seriously wounded, after the hospital he took part in the liberation of Talin. During all this time, he had to repeatedly go behind enemy lines in order to capture prisoners - "tongues", as well as take part in various intelligence operations. For participation in the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai Fedorovich was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree. Demobilized in December 1946, he comes to our village, where he begins his labor activity to restore it. “We worked a lot, from dawn to dusk, seven days a week, raised the Dobrinsky state farm. Nikolai Fedorovich worked as a field farmer, became the chief agronomist of the state farm, worked as the manager of the second department, and held other positions. So, with his heroic deed, he contributed to the history of our country and the Verkhnedobrinskoye village.

The audio recording “There are no unknown soldiers” (G. Gladkov)

Leading. Page two. The amazing path of Nikolai Paklin.

Second dude.

The deadline has passed, take a rifle.

Wipe the sweat off your face.

And walk without stopping

Until the Victory, until the end.

A. Tvardovsky.

In September 1940, Nikolai Makarovich was drafted into the army. He was sent to the Western Special Military District near the city of Brest. After military training, he is awarded the rank of sergeant. On the night of June 22, 1941, he was guard guard in his unit. Probably, this saved his life, since the Nazis began shelling the Soviet units, as a result of which almost all of Nikolai Makarovich's colleagues died. Having miraculously survived the first days of the treacherous attack of the enemy, he, along with three surviving comrades, secretly made their way to the east. And only after half an od of wanderings did they reach the city of Yeink, where they were met by partisans. After careful checks, Nikolai Makarovich becomes a partisan, constantly participating in undermining enemy echelons. So he and his group derailed three fascist echelons, while constantly undermining the ruins, preventing the enemy from transferring reinforcements to the front, including during the Battle of Stalingrad. Nikolai Makarovich participated in the attack on enemy vehicles, in the neutralization of policemen and gendarmes. He is appointed squad leader, combining this with the position of machine gunner. From the end of 1943, he became a regular Soviet military man, sent to the sapper battalion of the 356th rifle Kashinkovic division, as he had mining skills. He participates in the liberation of Western Belarus, Latvia, Warsaw. The command repeatedly awarded him for exemplary service. Nikolai Makarovich was appointed to the post of platoon commander. The last days of the war became for him participation in the capture of Berlin. Nikolai Makarovich celebrated Victory Day in defeated Berlin. For participation in the Great Patriotic War, he was awarded the Order of the "Red Star", "Red Banner", "Patriotic War" of the second degree; medals - "For the liberation of Warsaw", "For the capture of Berlin", "For the victory over Germany", "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the first degree. After the end of the war, Nikolai Makarovich continued to serve as part of the occupation forces in Germany. In May 1946, he was demobilized and returned to Alma-Ata, worked as a watchmaking electrician on the Tursib railway until his retirement. In 1999, Nikolai Makarovich and his family were forced to move to our village. Amazing and wonderful is the biography of this man, who traveled from Brest to Berlin and his heroic deed, which made a huge contribution to the great cause of victory!

An audio recording of the song "Blue Handkerchief" (G. Golda) sounds.

Page three. Katya, Katya, Katyusha ...

First dude.

I've only seen melee once,

Once - in reality and hundreds of times - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

(Yu. Drunina).

Ekaterina Andreevna Shchapova was born in 1928 in a working-class family near Stalingrad. She was only 13 years old when the war began and 14 when the enemy approached Stalingrad. Katerina, together with adults and with teenagers like her, went to the outskirts of the city and dug trenches. After their house was bombed, they had to move to a dugout. When it became very difficult, when the fighting did not stop for a minute, they had to leave the dugout only at night, and then only one person to bring water. There was little food, 100 grams of bread per person per day. In moments of calm, mostly at night, it was necessary to leave the shelter in search of food. It also happened that the bomb fell right into the dugout and then everyone who was there died. After our troops liberated the city, the joy was immeasurable. No need to hide anymore, no need to be afraid that once you fall asleep you won't wake up. But now Katerina had no time for games and entertainment. She had to participate in the restoration of the city. Everything had to be done: to clear the streets, and to sort out the rubble, to build new houses. In peacetime, Ekaterina Andreevna worked at the medical and obstetric station in the village of Verkhnyaya Dobrinka. Here she married, gave birth to children and retired. She has gratitude and awards for peaceful work.

Leading. A low bow to you, Ekaterina Andreevna, for your feat behind enemy lines.

Today we tried to talk about the heroism of the soldiers at the front and the feat of the home front workers. The war forced people to sacrifice everything - home, family, habitual life - it has no power to make them forget about the war, about their dead comrades.

Yes, time has its own memory. We remember our fellow countrymen veterans.


Nobody asked you


Everyone had a choice:

Me or Motherland.

The history of our village will forever include the names of veterans: Ivan Veremeenko, Mikhail Ignatiev, Vladimir Eremenko, Alexei Klochkov, Nikolai Kurkin, Nikolai Paklin, Ekaterina Shchapova and others.

Second dude.

A lot of them

Did not return from the battlefield ...

They walked fearlessly

From fight to fight

For peace,

For the sky forever blue

Above this one

Swirling head…

What does he see?

Perhaps the name of the grandfather?

So let's be quiet for a minute...

With him…

Yes, it's not easy

We got the victory -

The more we value victory!

Leading. Let us observe a moment of silence for those who did not return from the war.

A moment of silence.

First dude.

As long as hearts are beating


What is the price for happiness?



Sending your song in flight, -


About those who will never sing -


Tell your children about them

To be remembered!

Children's children

Tell about them

To be remembered too!

In all times of the immortal land


Leading to twinkling stars


Remember the dead!

Leading. The Battle of Stalingrad continued for 200 days and nights. The largest grouping of the Verkhovna Rada, the 6th Army under the command of Field Marshal Paulus, was surrounded and destroyed.

On February 2, 1943, the Nazis capitulated. Never before had they suffered such a brutal defeat. It was a long-awaited and joyful victory. The victory of a great people. The Battle of Stalingrad will forever be in the memory of the soldiers who miraculously survived.

Today we have guests from the Battle of Stalingrad...

You have a word.

Second dude.

In the name of the future - victory!

We must crush the war!

And there was no higher pride -

After all, in addition to the desire to survive -

There is still the courage to live!

Against the roaring thunder!

We went up into battle lightly

and harsh!

On our banners the word is inscribed:

"Victory! Victory! Victory!

Speech by fellow country veterans.

Then an audio recording sounds, everyone sings the song “Victory Day” (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov).

Veterans are given souvenirs, flowers, photographed for memory.

§2. The study of the symbols of Russia.

The upbringing of a patriot and a citizen of Russia includes the study of state symbols, the main documents of the state and a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Each event of this direction is held under the motto: "Be worthy citizens of our country!":

Studying the history of symbols of Russia: cool hours “Be a citizen!”, “We are citizens of Russia”;

The study of state documents of Russia: oral journals "I must know the basic law of the Russian Federation", "The law and we";

The study of the symbols of Russia: “Lesson of a citizen of Russia”, class hours “I am a citizen of Russia”, “Russia is my Motherland”, design of folding books “Symbols of Russia”.

Classroom hour.

“Oral journal. The lesson of a citizen of Russia”.

Characters: presenter, student - historian, student - bibliographer, student - commentator.

Design: on the board the name of the class hour, the symbols of Russia - the coat of arms (the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the coat of arms of the USSR); poster: “History is a road through time. It goes back centuries, into hoary antiquity…”; sheets, pencils for a creative task.

Leading. Today at our class hour we will learn about the history of the Russian coat of arms. The lesson will be held in the form of an oral journal. Be careful, you will become participants in the quiz, complete the creative task.

Let's mentally fast forward from the third millennium to the reign of Peter I, the great reformer and reformer of Russia. At the beginning of the 13th century, he signed a decree of October 5, 1722 on the creation of an office under the Senate, which worked "for the benefit of raising the prestige of the Russian nobility." Peter I ordered to send people abroad to study a new science - heraldry.

So, the first page of our oral magazine will be devoted to the history of the Russian coat of arms.

Page leader: bibliographer. The coat of arms is a conditional image, which is a symbol and a distinctive sign of a state, city, clan or individual. Coats of arms are drawn up according to certain rules adopted in a given country, and in a specific historical period, and is approved by a special legislative act.

Lead: historian. Emblems and symbols of cities, states, individual clans are also known in ancient Sumer (3 thousand BC), Egypt, Greece, Rome. The coat of arms of the Sumerian cities was an eagle with a lion's head, Egypt - a snake (cobra), Persia and Rome - an eagle. Craftsmen had their own personal signs, more complex stamp-type signs - the kings of the Hellenistic period, including the city-states of this era, they were minted on coins.

In general, historians believe that the coat of arms goes back to the most ancient cult symbols - totems. In primitive times, when people lived in clans and tribes, they had a desire to somehow distinguish themselves from other clans, to show their difference. For this, a totem was used - some kind of animal or plant; each clan bore the name of its totem. It was not to be killed or eaten. The image of the totem can be conditionally called the coat of arms of the tribe. So no one will name the exact date of manufacture of the first stamp image.

Leader: bibliographer. By the way, what kind of science is “heraldry”, which was studied under Peter I abroad?

Heraldry (from Latin - herald) - heraldry. In the second half of the 19th century, it was studied as an auxiliary historical discipline that studied coats of arms, and earlier - in the 13th and first half of the 19th century - the compilation of noble, guild and land coats of arms.

Lead: historian. The first heraldic symbols were depicted on shields, cloaks and helmets. Knightly tournaments contributed to the spread of heraldry. It was they who spread the fashion for emblems not only on shields and helmets, but also on helmets, banners of knights.

Often there were cases of repetition of coats of arms, it was necessary to put things in order in their application. Control over this was entrusted to the representatives of the king or the most knowledgeable nobles - the heralds. They developed a strict system to regulate the use of coats of arms.

Leader: bibliographer. The origin of the two most important state symbols, the double-headed eagle and the rider with a serpent, dates back to the times of Kievan Rus. Russian heraldry dates back to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The sovereign's printer, Artamon Matveev, was very fond of heraldry. By the time of the Romanovs, many nobles had their own seals. Subsequently, images from them were transferred to coats of arms.

By the way, in 1731 the first manual on theoretical heraldry in Latin, French and German was published in Russia. Russian coats of arms were designed in Gothic and Renaissance styles, rarely in Rococo. In 1785, the first Russian "Armorial" was compiled, since 1857, under the Heraldry Department of the Senate, stamp departments have been created that are directly involved in the compilation of territorial and personal emblems.

Lead: historian. In the USSR, attempts were made to develop their own heraldic rules for the coats of arms of cities. Industrial symbols were actively used. After 1991, the positions of king of arms at the state level were restored in Russia, and there were also their own kings of arms in military units.

Moderator: commentator. The full coat of arms consists of a shield and an image around it. Basically, the elements of the coat of arms came from the outfit of a knight. The shield for the coat of arms is required, but the image around it may not be. In the image of the coat of arms, geometric shapes are most common: circles, rhombuses, squares; coat of arms are widely used: natural, artificial and mythical. The natural include animals, plants, humans; to the mythical ones - a winged serpent, a dragon, a double-headed eagle, etc .; all objects made by man are considered artificial: weapons, agricultural implements.

The outer part of the coat of arms consists of the following elements: helmet, crest, crown, mantle, mantle, shield holder.

Lead: historian. In Russia, since the time of Rurik, there have been emblems on coins and seals, since the 15th century - emblems of cities and lands. Many of these signs have ancient origins: the rider depicted in the Moscow coat of arms has been attached to Moscow since the 14th century and was subsequently interpreted as St. George the Victorious, striking a serpent (dragon).

For the first time, a coat of arms with a double-headed eagle appeared during the reign of Ivan III.

Moderator: commentator. As the famous Russian scientist V.N. Tatishchev and his German contemporaries - historians, as a result of the marriage of Ivan III to the niece of the Byzantine emperor Constantine XI Sophia, a double-headed eagle appeared in Russian heraldry, which formed the basis of the coat of arms of Russia.

Lead: historian. For the first time in the Moscow State, the coat of arms appeared after getting rid of the Mongol-Tatar yoke (1480) and the adoption by Ivan III of the title of “Sovereign of All Rus'”. The armed rider, located on the front side, symbolized the noble knight, who must always fight on horseback, as opposed to the commoner who fought on foot. The rider was associated with the ruler of Rus', prince, tsar, great sovereign. In the eyes of foreigners, this emblem was perceived as a SV. George, whose cult penetrated Rus' from Byzantium in the 10th century.

As a result, the creation of a seal with symbols corresponded to the political realities of the time: on the one hand, the antiquity of the origin of the state (horseman), on the other, the nobility of the Russian sovereign (double-headed eagle).

Moderator: commentator. By the way, changes in the coat of arms took place in the pre-Petrine era: in 1625, under Mikhail Fedorovich, a third crown appeared at the eagle, between the two that already existed. Three crowns survived until 1917. Peter I, who paid considerable attention to heraldry, replaces the eagle's crowns with imperial ones and gives the eagle a chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.


What is a coat of arms?

Were there coats of arms in ancient cities?

When did the first emblems appear?

What is heraldry?

Where were the first heraldic symbols depicted?

Why was the systematization of emblems necessary?

When did Russian heraldry originate?

What do you know the components of the coat of arms?

When did prototypes of coats of arms begin to appear in Russia?

Where did the rider appear on the coat of arms of Moscow?

When did the coat of arms with the double-headed eagle appear for the first time?

When did the coat of arms appear in the Moscow state? What was he like?

What coat of arms was in the pre-Petrine era and in Peter's?

What is the image of an eagle in modern Russia?

The lesson of a citizen of Russia.

Purpose: to cultivate civil-patriotic feelings, love for the motherland; consolidate knowledge of state symbols; to acquaint with the main documents of the state and the citizen of Russia.

Equipment: a folding book "Symbols of Russia"; the Constitution of the Russian Federation; documents of a Russian citizen; poster with a poem, "What future things await you."

Teacher. Good afternoon guys. Today we will talk about what it means to be a citizen of our Motherland - Russia, which every citizen of the Russian Federation should know.

And who are the citizens of Russia? (guys answer: citizens of Russia are people living in the territory of the Russian Federation who have taken the citizenship of the Russian Federation).

Teacher. Let me remind you that any state differs from another in its symbols: coat of arms, flag, anthem. What did you learn from previous lessons about these symbols of Russia? (pupils talk about the symbolism of Russia).

Teacher. Today I invite you to take the civic maturity exam. (Students are divided into groups, the jury is selected).

The teacher asks questions while advising the students.

What was the name of our country from ancient times to the present day? (Kievan Rus, Russian Empire, Russian Republic, USSR, Russian Federation).

Who is the head of our state? (President of the Russian Federation)

Name the state symbols of Russia. (Flag, coat of arms, anthem).

What is the name of the main document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation? (Passport (the teacher talks about the importance of obtaining a passport)).

What other important documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation can you name? (birth certificate, marriage certificate, military ID, matriculation certificate, diploma, pension certificate) (the teacher talks about the importance of these documents).

Which of these documents did you receive first? (birth certificate).

At what age can and should I get a passport? (at age 14).

The teacher talks about the documents that are required to obtain a Russian passport.

What is the name of the main document of our state? (Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The teacher introduces students to the Constitution, its content, tells about the meaning of this document.

What are the names of government documents that contain codes of laws and regulations? (codes).

What codes do you know? (The teacher lists them, talks about the nature and importance of these documents: the Labor Code, the Housing Code, the Family Code, the Criminal Code).

Teacher. It is very good that you know government documents. This knowledge will help you defend your rights and adequately fulfill your duties. But I really hope that you will live not only by these codes, but also by honor and conscience. We are obliged to adequately carry the title of a citizen of our country. Remember, my hopes for the best are with you. (In conclusion, the teacher reads a poem, “What future things await you”)

What are the future things for you?

You should be thinking about this more and more.

If you are a real citizen

The country expects great returns from you.

And raise, insanely contrary,

Your determination to fight to the end.

And maybe from one of your hands

Everything that is called the future depends.

Lesson in the study of the symbols of Russia.

Equipment: symbols of Russia (flag, coat of arms, anthem), encyclopedias and books on the history of Russia.

Introduction by the teacher.

Dear Guys! Our first lesson in the new academic year will be called "The Lesson of a Citizen of Russia". Today you will learn about:

Symbols of Russia:

a) how the Russian coat of arms appeared;

b) how the flag of Russia appeared; c) what is BESIK?

D) the history of the anthem.

Listen carefully, our lesson will end with a quiz.

Page 1. "How the Russian coat of arms appeared."

The coat of arms is the hallmark of the state.

In the 17th century, the coat of arms consisted of two main images: a horseman with a spear, striking a snake, and a double-headed eagle.

This coat of arms was until 1917. Only a few details have changed. In the 18th century, the colors of the coat of arms were established - a black eagle on a yellow field, a rider on a red field. Over time, the Russian coat of arms has changed.

After 1917, our country had a different coat of arms, but now Russia is returning to its former symbols.

Page 2. "How the flag of Russia appeared."

A flag is a symbol or sign made of cloth.

The very idea of ​​the flag originated in ancient times, among the ancient hunters and warriors to distinguish them.

The first flags made of fabric appeared among the Chinese and Indians about three thousand years ago.

Russian soldiers also initially wore images of various animals on poles during the fighting.

Then the Romans had cloth flags.

In the middle of the century, the crusaders, the royal families and the nobility had flags.

The oldest flag is the flag of Denmark: a white cross on a red background. It appeared in the 18th century.

Page 3. "What is BESIK?".

BESIK is a kind of cipher (BE - white; SI - blue; K - red). This is how the stripes on our national flag alternate.

This combination of colors appeared during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, in the 17th century.

Peter I handed over the white-blue-red flag from the beginning to the navy, and then to the merchant fleet. In the second half of the 19th century, the national flag of Russia changed its colors: it became black, yellow and white.

By the end of the 19th century, Russia returned to the white-blue-red flag. Russia at that time was a multinational state, these colors meant the unity of Russians (red), Ukrainians (blue), Belarusians (white).

These colors were symbolic: red - courage, courage; white - nobility, truthfulness; blue - loyalty, honesty.

In 1917, like other symbols of tsarist Russia, the tricolor flag was replaced by a red one with a hammer, sickle and five-pointed star.

In 1991, the white-blue-red flag again became the national flag of our country.

Page 4. History of the Russian anthem.

Acquaintance with the text of the new anthem of the Russian Federation (lyrics by S. Mikhalkov, music by A. Alexandrov).


What images did the coat of arms consist of in the 17th-18th centuries?

- What is the modern coat of arms of Russia?

- What is a coat of arms? Flag?

- Where and when did the first flags appear?

- What is BESIK?

- What was the flag under Peter I?

- What was the flag of the 19th century?

What did the colors of the flag mean?

What was the flag like in 1917?

- What color is the current Russian flag?

Oral journal “Pages of fiery years”.

Design: posters, an exhibition of books about the war, flowers, a reproduction of the painting “Crossing the Volga”, students' creative work.

A fragment of the song “A birch grows in Volgograd” sounds.

Teacher. Today our oral journal is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. It will consist of several pages:

1) Pages of the defense of Stalingrad.

2) Summer and autumn of 1942.

3) The long-awaited victory.

We will end our oral journal with a quiz.

Pages of the defense of Stalingrad.

July 1942. In the bend of the Don, continuous fierce battles began.

The Stalingrad Front was created. The Volgograd region has been declared under martial law.

August 1942. The Stalingrad Front is divided into the Stalingrad and Southwestern Fronts.

September 1942. Defensive battles began within the city, the Don Front was formed.

November 1942. The Stalingrad South-Western Fronts formed a ring.


- What was the name of the counteroffensive plan of the Soviet troops, its code name?

- Who was the developer of this plan? (Zhukov, Vasilevsky; November 13, 1942, the plan was approved by Stalin).

- Who led the German command near Stalingrad? (Field Marshal Paulus).

- When did the last German troops capitulate? (February 2, 1943).

- Where is the monument dedicated to the defenders of Stalingrad? (in Volgograd, Mamaev Kurgan).

- What is the name of the panorama about the Battle of Stalingrad and where is it located? (in Volgograd, panorama "Battle of Stalingrad").

Teacher. The feat of the Stalingraders is a bright page in our history. Over a hundred wars - the defenders of Stalingrad - were awarded the title of the Emblem of the Soviet Union. Mamaev Kurgan is the personification of the invincibility of the Soviet people, a formidable warning to those who think about a new war. Now Stalingrad has been renamed Volgograd. This city is a hero, you and I, the guys visited Mamaev Kurgan. I hope that those feelings that overwhelmed you at the main height of Russia will forever remain in your hearts - feelings of great pride for the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and gratitude to those who won the peaceful sky for us. Glory to you, Stalingrad!

§3. Formation of active citizenship.

In the system of patriotic education, a special place is given to the formation of students' understanding of the importance of everyday educational and labor activities, which acts as a manifestation of patriotism.

Within this direction, the following activities are carried out:

- work on the formation of a responsible attitude to learning: the school of general education “Learn to learn”, “Why is it necessary to study?”, “A year has passed. What was it like for me?”, “How to successfully pass the exams? ABC of self-training"; disputes “What benefit can I bring to my Motherland?”, “What is worthy of a citizen?”;

- work on the formation of a responsible attitude to work: subbotniks, the Obelisk and Care campaigns; labor landings.

Dispute "What benefit can I bring to my Motherland?"

Design: posters with statements about the Motherland, an exhibition of books about the Motherland of Russian writers, clippings from newspapers and magazines on a patriotic theme.

Preparatory period: the class is divided into groups, chooses the eldest in the group, time is given to think about the answer to the questions.

Dispute questions:

What is Motherland? Where do you think it starts?

Expand the meaning of the quote: “The Motherland is our cradle of heroes, where simple souls become strong, like diamond and steel” (A. Tolstoy). Justify your answer.

How do you understand this thought: “Motherland is your home, your cradle. At home, not everything goes smoothly and not everything is good. We have our troubles and bitterness. When talking about them, remember: you are talking about the troubles and sorrows of your own home ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky);

I.P. Pavlov said: “Only empty people do not experience a beautiful and sublime feeling of the Motherland.” Are there such people among your peers? How do you feel about them?

The writer Sholokhov said that the sacred duty of everyone is to love their country, which has fed and nurtured us like a mother. How do you understand love for the Motherland? How should it be expressed?

“To love the Motherland means…”. Continue the sentence.

The education of a patriot begins with the education of one's soul. The image of which person, a citizen of our country, shook your heart?

Our debate is called “What benefit can I bring to my Motherland?”. What benefit do you think you can bring to Russia?

At the end of the debate, the teacher sums up the results and addresses the class with a parting word: “To love the Motherland means also to study well, work conscientiously, and become a true citizen of Russia.”

§four. Working with the public and parents.

Society is rapidly changing. At present, the interests of developing the economy and culture, improving social relations, the youngest person require a new and broader approach to the patriotic education of the younger generation. An important role in the implementation of this is played by the community of the school, the family, and the public.

To create an integral system of patriotic education, work is carried out with the public and parents:

- reviews-competitions on a patriotic theme;

- Watches of Memory;

- holding parent meetings “The role of the father in raising children”, “Family is the heart of society and the birthplace of the child”, joint evenings “My genealogy”;

- hosting mother's day lounges.

Literary drawing room "Soul frank diary".

The hall is festively decorated. Sounds "Festive March" Grigory Kamenkovich. The lights are extinguished, the spotlight is aimed at the improvised Eternal Flame on the stage. The host's voice from backstage.

My city! You are great and glorious.

Human love is boundless for you.

On the globe, you - I'm sure - are the main

In its spotless proud fate.

The star on your chest rages with will,

The one that lived in you from birth.

Should I forget bitterness, sorrow and pain,

With what a soldier's victory came.

I stand on a par with your beauty

At the edge, where the Volga flows easily,

And I see a face, simple in Russian,

Looking at the world far, far away.

(The presenter comes out from behind the scenes)


War does not fit into an ode,

And a lot of it is not for books.

I believe that the people need

Soul frank diary.

We invite you to the evening "Frank diary of the soul".

(A fragment of music from the movie "Taiga Romance" performed by the group "Lube" sounds)


Everything, everything counts in the heart,

Everything has become a memorial.

It was young in bloom,

Barely parting with spring, summer,

There was silence in the morning

Juicy air was mixed with honey;

Everything, everything is in our memory,

Every detail is priceless.

(A young man appears, holds a book in his hands, reads)

Young man.

People of later times will tell me that all this was and was growing.

No, there was something else...

(Closes the book)

The waltz "Troika" by G. Sviridov sounds. A couple enters the stage, dressed in the style of schoolchildren of the 40s. They dance the waltz. The dance is interrupted by an impromptu explosion sound. A fragment of the organ prelude by I.S. Bach (this scene should resemble a fragment of the prom)


What music was!

What music was playing!

When both souls and bodies

The damned war trampled.

(A boy dressed in a military uniform comes out)


Sixty-four years ago they were eager to fight. Seventeen and sixteen year old boys and girls straight from school.

(Young men and girls in military uniform take the stage)


The oath itself, pronounced by the reeds leaving for the front, excites to the depths of the soul.

(Alternately, the boys and girls pronounce the oath)

We swear to take revenge on the Nazis for the blood and suffering of our mothers!

All: We swear!

We swear courageously and steadfastly, as long as there is breath in the chest, as long as blood flows in the veins, to fight the enemy for the sacred land, for our native Stalingrad!

All: We swear! We swear! We swear!

The boys left - overcoats on their shoulders,

The boys left - bravely sang songs ...

The boys rose on the whistle to attack,

In the black smoke of battles, on sloping armor.

The boys have seen - brave soldiers -

Volga in the forty-first, Spree - in the forty-fifth.

The boys showed for four years,

Who are the boys of our people.

(boys and girls leave the stage)

Readers take the stage.

First dude.

Then, in 1942, snow fell early, and the trees did not have time to shed their leaves and stood yellow, crimson, green. Snowflakes on the branches thawed, seemed like raindrops. Kamyshanka Ekaterina Egorovna Skomorokhova saw off her sixteen-year-old daughter. Husband and son were already at war. Zina could not be kept by any persuasion. After the speeches of officials, I had enough strength to pronounce my maternal parting words:

Second dude.

“My children, you voluntarily go to the front in order to defend the city together with the defenders of Stalingrad, to defeat the Nazi hordes near the Volga and drive the enemies from our sacred land. Kids, take care of yourself, but don’t let your enemies down either, drive them both in the tail and in the mane.

First dude.

Zina went into the fire of Stalingrad. Her father and brother died, and she reached Berlin and returned to Kamyshin. The whole chest is in orders and medals.

Second dude.

From the memoirs of Zina Skomorokhova: “We were so young, so devoted to the Motherland, we “bombed” the military registration and enlistment office and the district committee of the Komsomol with our statements - we wanted to go to the front. Couldn't stay at home. And they spared neither strength nor blood for the Victory.

(A reader enters the stage, performs Yu. Drunina's poem "Princess")

Leading. During the war near Stalingrad, there were legends in the West about the “extraordinary Russian soul”, about the “mysterious Russian character”, which can neither be broken nor defeated. We find the answer to this in the letters of the defenders of Stalingrad.

The music of F. Schubert "Ave Maria" sounds. Boys and girls in military uniforms come out, read the letters of the defenders of Stalingrad (letters are made in the form of triangles).

First dude.

“Do not leaf through, mother, the wax-stained sheets of ancient books, do not look for a holy miracle in our amazing deeds. Listen to me: we defeat death not because we are invulnerable, we win because we are fighting not only for our lives, we think in battle about the life of an Uzbek boy, a Georgian woman, a Russian old man.

Second dude.

“We are entering the battlefield to defend the holy of holies - the Motherland. When I say this word, I want to get on my knees. Soon we will go to battle. So bless me, mother, to death or victory.

Third reader. Reads a poem by K. Simonov "Wait for me."

(The music of F. Schubert "Ave Maria" ends).


In those difficult days of the defense of Stalingrad, our glorious young men and women not only knew how to win, stand up for their homeland, but in rare moments of calm they knew how to relax.

Dance "Katyusha" is performed to a song to the words of M. Isakovsky, music by Blanter.


Stalingrad battle. Through human destinies in the war, one sees the real tragedy of the war, which brought grief to our homeland. When a terrible, bloody, like a sunset, the word “war” breaks into a man’s life, it’s scary. It is immeasurably more terrible if it bursts into a woman's life.

The music of I.V. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata" sounds


In the summer of 1942, a frenzied enemy rushed to the city on the Volga. The darkest days of Stalingrad had a chance to endure during the period of fierce battles for the city. Together with adults, children also experienced the harsh military everyday life.

(Music continues. Readers enter the stage)

First dude.

“Bombers were hovering over the city every day. Endless explosions, pillars of earth, fire and smoke. On one of those days, my older sister, sixteen-year-old Masha, began to call my mother and me to the shelter, which was not far from home. Mom refused, citing her age, and did not let me in. Masha ran away.

Second dude.

“The bomb fell next to the shelter, and everyone who was in it was killed by a huge blast wave. My sister was lying on the bench, beautiful, young, and seemed to be sleeping. Wavy blond braids and the hem of a brightly colored dress hung on the floor. It was hard to believe that my sister, laughter and beauty, was no more ... I fell to my knees, hit my head on the floor and choked in sobs: "Masha, Masha!" Mother stood nearby, arms crossed over her chest, and said: “Don’t cry, Ninochka, now Manechka was killed, we will bury her with you, and tomorrow they will kill us and there will be no one to bury ...” Only many years later, becoming a mother, I was able to understand the pain and the suffering of a tormented mother's heart.


Today I want to kneel before the feat, before suffering and self-denial, before the strength and beauty of the people who defended Stalingrad, before the women who waited for their husbands.

There are fewer and fewer soldiers of the Battle of Stalingrad. Today, I so want to bow to their wrinkled hands, thank you and be sure to place a piece of their memory in your soul.

The video recording "On Mamaev Kurgan" is turned on. The text is read by I. Kirillov. At the end of the video recording, the song “On Mamaev Kurgan” is performed (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by V. Bokov).


Our evening has come to an end. I so want him to help us fully realize that we live on the sacred, heroic Volgograd land.

The facilitator introduces all participants in the program. Participants go on stage to the sounds of the "Song of Stalingrad" with candles, perform a song.


We wish you health, happiness, peace and kindness! Thank you for your attention! Good luck to you! See you soon!

Festive concert dedicated to Mother's Day

“We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!”

Music sounds.

Reader 1. I sing of what is eternally new,

And although I do not sing a hymn,

But in the soul, the born word,

Gets his own music.

Reader 2. And mine, not obeying the will,

Rushing to the stars, expanding around ...

Music of joy and pain

It rings - the orchestra of my soul.

Reader 3. This word will never deceive,

There is a life being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything. He has no end!

I pronounce it: "MAMA!".

Presenter 1. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day.

In our country, many writers proposed to introduce such a holiday. The idea was in the air. And finally! By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998, it was established that Mother's Day will be celebrated in the country on the last Sunday of November. Those who came up with this holiday - the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs of the State Duma, the Presidential Commission on Women, Family Affairs, women's public organizations - hoped in this way to draw the attention of the country's leadership to the problem of motherhood, to encourage them to allocate additional funds to needy families.

Lead 2. But this holiday is also needed in order to say warm words to our dear mothers again and again. Today we honor our mothers, our gift to them is a festive concert prepared by the staff of our school. “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!”


The song "Mom is the first word." 9th grade students.

Presenter 1. Happy is the one who has known motherly affection since childhood and grew up under the caring warmth and light of a mother's gaze!

I. Saxonskaya's poem "Talk about Mom" ​​sounds.

From the heart

In simple words

Come on friends

Let's talk about mom.

We love her

Like a good friend

For what we have

Everything is with her.

For what, when

We're having a hard time

We can cry

At the native shoulder.

We love her

And for the fact that sometimes

Are getting stricter

In the wrinkles of the eyes

But it is worth confessing

Come with your head

Wrinkles will disappear

The storm will pass.

Presenter 1. You, of course, do not remember the very first meeting with your mother. How happy she was when she saw you. How happy her eyes shone! An oilcloth number was tied to your pen. Your last name, weight, date, year and time of your birth were written on it.

Presenter 2. Then your mother looked at her baby for the first time and realized that her child is the best, most beautiful and most beloved. “Song of the little mammoth” is performed for you

Presenter 1. Russian mothers

Such persons:

They need to be looked at quickly.

So that in their features

could open up to you

Beautiful and proud soul.

Presenter 2. Students of grade 5 turn to you with their congratulations.

1st student. You know, mom, in different countries,

Where did I happen to be

There is one good holiday -

A day when Mother is honored.

2nd student. Our dear mothers!

We tell you without embellishment -

Honestly, sincerely and directly -

We love you very, very much!

3rd student. Though the expanses beckon us,

We are not a step away from mom!

With dad we can move mountains

If mom says how!

4th student. And there is no diligent work

Moms brave, fighting!

Everything that dads can't handle

Mom will do it for them.

5th student. Our mothers are our joy

There is no word for us relatives,

So be grateful

You are from loving children!

Presenter 1. There is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother who bowed to a baby who fell asleep on her chest.

There is no love stronger than maternal; tenderness, more tender than maternal caress and care; there is no anxiety more disturbing than the endless sleepless nights and the unclosed eyes of a mother.

Presenter 2. Today I want to remember and say a lot of smart and kind words about a woman, about a woman mother. Here are some of them:

ü “Good in the hearts and deeds of children is the happiness of the mother. Evil is her grief.

“Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you.”

Presenter 1. With respect, we look at a person who pronounces the name of his mother with trepidation to gray hair and protects her old age.

Lead 2. And with contempt we will execute the one who refused the good memory of the one who gave birth and raised him. After all, motherhood in Rus' was a symbol of holiness.

V. Gin's quiet work "Do not offend mothers" is performed

Don't hurt mothers

Don't be offended by mothers...

Before parting at the door

Say goodbye to them gently.

And go around the corner

Don't rush, don't rush

And to her, standing at the gate,

Wave as long as you can.

Mothers sigh in silence

In the silence of the nights, in the silence of the disturbing.

For them, we are forever babies,

And it's impossible to argue with that.

So be a little kinder

Do not be annoyed by their guardianship,

Don't hurt mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer separation

And we are on an endless road

Without maternal good hands -

Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them soon

And don't be shy about high words

Don't hurt mothers

Don't be offended by mothers.

Presenter 1. On a short, beautiful autumn day, poems are dedicated to mothers, they talk about love and fidelity. Today we glorify a woman whose name is Mother, whose name is love, whose purpose is to give life, joy, a dream.

Presenter 2. For you, our kind mothers, a dance is performed

Presenter 1. The mother's heart, her affectionate, not knowing tired hands, is a symbol of all the most precious that we have on earth.

Lead 2. Her love is boundless, selfless, full of selflessness. And each of us, repeating the movement of the lips of the mother, pronounces the first word in life: “Mom!”.

The song "Mama" is performed

Presenter 1. The soul of the family, of course, is the mother. Her love always warms us, because the most precious thing for a mother is her children, her family.

Presenter 2. For all the mothers present in this hall, P. Gradov’s poem sounds “

Noise and rush off any trouble,

Like springtime rumbling thunder,

If she is with you, if she is always near

The person who holds the house.

Maybe thirty-three she il seventy-three -

No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it:

In anxiety, in business from dawn to dusk

The person who holds the house.

Very rare, but still sick,

And then everything around somersault, upside down,

Because she, because she

The person who holds the house.

We are being carried away by the rapid age.

In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person,

The person who holds the house.

So that it is light in the heart and in the house,

Repay her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house.

Presenter 1. Close your eyes, listen. You will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse him with anything. Even when you become older, always remember her voice, eyes, hands. We are all deeply indebted to our mother.

Presenter 2. We bring to your attention the dialogue of kindred spirits “Repentance with love”.

(the lights go out in the hall, 2 coffee tables are brought in, a table lamp is on them)

Presenter 1. Years will pass, many events, people, meetings will be forgotten in our memory. But memories will always bring us back to the bright world of childhood, to the image of a mother who taught us to speak, walk, love the land on which we were born.

Presenter 2. We swear not to forget the parental home, we swear selfless love and kindness to our children.

Performed by students of the 11th grade for you, our dears, the song "Parent's House" sounds.

Music sounds. The poem "Take care of mothers"

No matter how the course of events circles us,

No matter how you would attract into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother's eyes

From insults, from hardships and worries.

Pain for sons is stronger than chalk

Bleached braids to white.

Even if the heart is hardened,

Give mom some warmth.

Mother will leave, leaving a wound in her soul,

The mother will die - and the pain will not be relieved.

I conjure: take care of your mother,

Take care of your mother more than the world!!!

Presenter 1. Our evening is coming to an end. We once again want to sincerely congratulate our kind, beloved mothers on Mother's Day!

Presenter 2. We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother! Peace, goodness, well-being, to you, our relatives! We offer to perform the song "Solar Circle" together with the students.

Everyone sings a song. Pupils give flowers to all mothers.


As a rule, all students take an active part in events on a patriotic theme. They form the most important personality traits: diligence, curiosity, duty, responsibility, discipline, collectivism, a sense of camaraderie, kindness and mercy. I am convinced that these socially significant qualities will help students in their future lives.

It is advisable to include the following classroom and extracurricular activities in the system of work on patriotic education:

Studying the life and work of prominent Russian commanders;

Joint events with parents of students: "Beautiful in the ranks - strong in battle"; sports and recreation games "Dad, mom, I - a sports family";

Disputes “Will I be able to adequately defend my Motherland”, “Service in the Russian army: pros and cons”;

Excursions to military units.

Thus, the experience, results and prospects of work in this direction testify to the undeniable importance of patriotic and civic education of students in a modern school.

Methodical development

for patriotic education

"Patriotic education as a means of moral development of preschool children"

Explanatory note…………………………………………..... 3

1. Features of the problem of patriotic education of preschool children at the present stage…………………………………… 5

2. Ways and means of patriotic education as a means of moral development among preschoolers……………………………………………. 7

3. Pedagogical project………………………………………….. 16

4.Thematic plan of events………………………………….. 20

Conclusion…………………………………………………………. 24

Literature …………………………………………………………. 26

Appendix 1………………………………………………………. 27

Appendix 2………………………………………………………. 29

Annex 3………………………………………………………. 40

Explanatory note

A child is like dough: as he kneaded, so it grew.

folk wisdom

The draft "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation" emphasizes that "the education system is designed to ensure the education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal democratic, social state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, possessing high morality and showing national and religious tolerance."

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since turning to the father's heritage brings up respect, pride in the land on which you live. Therefore, children need to know and study the culture of their ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, their culture that will help in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest.

Thus, the moral and patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool educational institution.

Currently, there is a lot of methodological literature on this issue. Often, it covers only certain aspects of the moral and patriotic education of children in specific activities and there is no coherent system that reflects the fullness of this issue. Apparently, this is natural, since the feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country.

1. Features of the problem of patriotic education of preschool children at the present stage.

Patriotic education is traditionally regarded as a necessary component of the educational process, which objectively depends on the political and socio-economic conditions in the country. Therefore, the problem of patriotic education is one of the most difficult in pedagogy, which is connected with the very concept of patriotic education and its content, which determines the methods, means, and forms of work with children.

Patriotic education is always in demand, it is relevant today. In the modern sense, it means the pedagogical interaction of an adult and children within the social cultural and semantic space, which contributes to the formation of an emotionally effective attitude to the nature of their country, a sense of attachment to others, family and home, belonging to the national historical and cultural heritage. As a result of such interaction, universal moral, including patriotic, attitudes and personality traits are formed in the child. In the future, they manifest themselves as love and pride for their homeland, a desire to be responsible for its present and future. At the same time, patriotic education also involves the formation of a sense of respect for representatives of other countries and peoples, an understanding of the value and importance of other cultures. Such pedagogical work is especially important in a situation of constantly changing political, economic and social situation, which is characteristic of critical, transitional periods in the development of each country. Therefore, the improvement of the methods of patriotic education is always an urgent problem, and the choice of ways to optimize the educational process, technologies and methods of working with children depends on its solution.

Patriotism in relation to a child of preschool and primary school age is defined as awareness of oneself as part of the surrounding world, the child's need to participate in all matters for the benefit of the surrounding people and nature, the presence of such qualities as compassion, sympathy, self-esteem. In a broader sense, which applies not only to children and the younger generation, but to all people.

A patriotic feeling does not arise in people by itself. This is the result of a long, purposeful upbringing, starting from a very young age. Preschool educational institutions are designed to form in children the first ideas about the world around them, their attitude to reality and to give them the opportunity to feel like a citizen of their Fatherland from an early age.

Let our students love their country as much as their teachers. Let them believe in her and in their own strength, let them learn to be responsible for their own and her future. The role of educators in this process, no one can ever belittle. Not because the family is now "fading" into the background. But because modern parents often perceive the world around them through the prism of the difficulties of everyday life and do not dare to dream about something non-specific, intangible. Teachers, on the contrary, are mostly from the breed of optimists. They are able to patiently solve specific problems and are able to fight for their dream, for achieving the ideal goals of educating the younger generation, which include the goals of patriotic education.

2. Ways and means of patriotic education as a means of moral development among preschoolers.

The moral and patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings.

The feeling of the motherland... It begins in a child with the relationship to the family, to the closest people - to mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what causes a response in his soul ... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the child's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of personality patriot.

Each nation has its own fairy tales, and all of them pass on from generation to generation the basic moral values: kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, hard work. "These are the first and brilliant attempts of Russian folk pedagogy," wrote K.D. Ushinsky, "and I don't think that anyone would be able to compete in this case with the pedagogical genius of the people." It is no coincidence that K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that "... education, if it does not want to be powerless, must be popular." He introduced the term "folk pedagogy" into Russian pedagogical literature, seeing in folklore works the national identity of the people, rich material for instilling love for the motherland.

Thus, the work of oral folk art not only forms love for the traditions of their people, but also contributes to the development of the individual in the spirit of patriotism.

The immediate environment is of considerable importance for educating children's interest and love for their native land. Gradually, the child gets acquainted with the kindergarten, his street, city, and then with the country, its capital and symbols.

The system and sequence of work on the moral and patriotic education of children can be represented as follows:

Of course, this scheme cannot convey the fullness of the work on this issue. All these tasks are present, as it were, within the work of moral and patriotic education.

The task of the teacher is to select from the mass of impressions received by the child, the most accessible to him: nature and the world of animals at home (kindergarten, native land); labor of people, traditions, social events, etc. Moreover, the episodes to which the attention of children is drawn should be bright, figurative, specific, and arousing interest. Therefore, starting the work of cultivating love for the native land, the teacher must know it well himself. He must consider what is more appropriate to show and tell the children, highlighting in particular the most characteristic of a given area or region.

Any region, region, even a small village is unique. Each place has its own nature, traditions and way of life. The selection of appropriate material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​what is glorious in their native land, hometown

You have to show your child. that the native city is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, the best people.

What information and concepts about their hometown can children learn?

A four-year-old child must know the name of his street and the one on which the kindergarten is located.

The attention of older children should be drawn to the objects that are located on the nearest streets: a school, a cinema, a post office, a pharmacy, etc., they should be told about their purpose, and it should be emphasized that all this was created for the convenience of people.

The range of objects that older preschoolers are introduced to. expands - this is the area and the city as a whole, its sights, historical sites and monuments. Children are told in whose honor they are erected. An older preschooler should know the name of his city, his street, the streets adjacent to it, and also in whose honor they are named. They explain to him that every person has a home and a city where he was born and lives. This requires excursions around the city, to nature, observations of the work of adults, where each child begins to realize that work unites people, requires them to coherence, mutual assistance, and knowledge of their business. And here the acquaintance of children with the folk crafts of the region, folk craftsmen is of great importance.

In moral and patriotic education, the example of adults, especially close people, is of great importance. Based on specific facts from the life of older family members (grandfathers and grandmothers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, their front-line and labor exploits), it is necessary to instill in children such important concepts as "duty to the Motherland", "love for the Fatherland", "hatred of the enemy", "labor feat", etc. It is important to bring the child to the understanding that we won because we love our Motherland, the Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, monuments were erected in their honor.

The continuation of this work is the acquaintance of children with other cities of Russia, with the capital of our Motherland, with the anthem, flag and emblem of the state.

However, it should be emphasized that the proposed system of moral and patriotic education can be modified depending on specific conditions.

It is wrong to believe that by cultivating love for the family, we are already instilling love for the Motherland. Unfortunately, there are cases when devotion to one's home coexists with indifference to the fate of the country, and sometimes even with betrayal. Therefore, it is important that children see the “civilian face” of their family as early as possible. (Do they know why their grandparents received medals? Do they know famous ancestors? etc.)

To show, through the small and the big, the dependence between the activity of one person and the life of all people - this is what is important for the education of moral and patriotic feelings.

The work organized in this way will contribute to the proper development of the microclimate in the family, as well as to fostering love for one's country.

For example, when educating children to love their city, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their city is a part of the Motherland, since in all places, large and small, there is much in common:

Everywhere people work for everyone (teachers teach children; doctors treat the sick; workers make cars, etc.);

Traditions are observed everywhere: the Motherland remembers the heroes who defended it from enemies;

Everywhere people of different nationalities live, work together and help each other;

People cherish and protect nature;

There are common professional and public holidays, etc.

To be a citizen, a patriot is by all means to be an internationalist. Therefore, the upbringing of love for one’s Fatherland, pride in one’s country should be combined with the formation of a benevolent attitude towards the culture of other peoples, towards each person individually, regardless of skin color and religion.

Of course, a humane attitude towards people of different nationalities is created in a child primarily under the influence of parents and teachers, i.e. adults who are near him. This is especially true today, when confrontations arise over these problems among some part of the adult population. Therefore, it is especially important in kindergarten to support and direct the child’s interest in people of other nationalities, to tell where this people lives territorially, about the uniqueness of nature and climatic conditions on which their way of life, the nature of work, etc. depend.

By the end of the preschool period, the child should know: our country is inhabited by people of different nationalities; each nation has its own language, customs and traditions, art and architecture; every nation is talented and rich in craftsmen, musicians, artists, etc.

Thus, when solving the problems of moral and patriotic education, each teacher must build his work in accordance with local conditions and characteristics of children, taking into account the following principles:

- "positive centrism" (selection of knowledge that is most relevant for a child of a given age);

Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;

A differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, capabilities and interests;

A rational combination of different types of activity, an age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor loads;

Activity approach;

The developmental nature of education based on children's activity.

The planning of this work is most expedient on the following topics: "My family", "My street", "My kindergarten". Work on each topic should include classes, games, excursions, unregulated activities for children, and holidays on some topics.

Thematic planning contributes to the effective and systematic assimilation of knowledge by children about their country, native land, the area where they live. Moreover, the topics are repeated in each group. Only the content, the volume of cognitive material and complexity, and therefore the duration of the study, change. Separate topics should preferably be timed to coincide with specific events and holidays, for example, acquaintance with rights and obligations - in December (before Constitution Day), Bogatyrs of the Russian Land - in February (before Defender of the Fatherland Day), etc., thereby ensuring communication with public events.

Thematic classes are the main form of moral and patriotic education of children. It is important that they increase children's mental activity. This is helped by methods of comparison (work on the collective farm before and now, abacus, and computers, etc.), questions, individual tasks. It is necessary to teach children to independently analyze what they see, to make generalizations, conclusions. You can offer to find the answer in the illustrations, ask your parents, etc.

It should be emphasized that a child of preschool age is characterized by short-term interests, unstable attention, and fatigue. Therefore, repeated appeal to the same topic only contributes to the development of attention in children and the long-term preservation of interest in one topic. In addition, it is necessary to combine classes in one topic not only in the native language, but also in acquaintance with nature, music, art activities (for example, "My city", "The capital of our Motherland - Moscow").

Taking into account the age characteristics of children requires the wide use of game techniques, which are important both for increasing the cognitive activity of children and for creating an emotional atmosphere for the lesson. For example, in the game "Souvenir Shop" the child is asked to determine: where, what material a particular craft is made of, what it is called (Khokhloma, haze, Gzhel). Of great interest to children are games of "trips and journeys" (along the Volga, into the past of the city, etc.). Thus, each topic should be supported by various games, productive activities (making collages, crafts, albums, thematic drawing). The results of work on a topic that unites the knowledge of children can be presented during common holidays, family entertainment.

It should be emphasized that the difficulties in familiarizing children with everyday life, traditions, and individual historical moments are caused by the fact that visual-figurative thinking is characteristic of preschoolers. Therefore, it is necessary to use not only fiction, illustrations, jokes, etc., but also "live" visual objects and materials (national costumes, antique furniture, dishes, tools, etc.). "Everyday life" is extremely effective for familiarizing children with fairy tales, folk crafts, household antiques. For this, visits to museums are desirable, as well as the organization of special facilities in kindergarten. It is here that the child opens up the opportunity for the first penetration into the history of the life of his native land. In addition, in such a "room" the possibilities of presenting information through the game (through the heroes of fairy tales, etc.) expand.

An equally important condition for the moral and patriotic education of children is a close relationship with their parents. Touching the history of one's family evokes strong emotions in the child, makes him empathize, be attentive to the memory of the past, to his historical roots. Interaction with parents on this issue contributes to a careful attitude to traditions, the preservation of vertical family ties. "In your family and under your leadership, a future citizen is growing<...>Everything that happens in the country must come to the children through your soul and your thought, "- this commandment of A.S. Makarenko must be used when the educator works with both children and their parents.

At present, this work is relevant and especially difficult, it requires great tact and patience, since in young families the issues of educating patriotism and citizenship are not considered important, and often cause only bewilderment.

Involving the family in the moral and patriotic education of children requires the educator to have special tact, attention and sensitivity to each child. In this regard, it may be necessary to involve someone in the search for documents about family members. Voluntary participation of everyone is a mandatory requirement and condition of this work.

It should be noted that at present people have an interest in their genealogy, in the study of national, estate, professional roots and their kind in different generations. Therefore, a family study of their pedigree will help children begin to comprehend very important and deep postulates:

The roots of each are in the history and traditions of the family, their people, the past of the region and the country;

The family is the cell of society, the custodian of national traditions;

The happiness of the family is the happiness and well-being of the people, society, state.

Family excursions around the region, city or village, visits with parents to individual enterprises and institutions of the region, etc. are of great importance. The results of such excursions can be expressed in a photo exhibition, a joint performance with a child or a film made. It is equally interesting to conduct a "mini-study". Moreover, the educator, together with the parents, must choose and determine the topic of the study, reasonably limiting its "territorial" and "time frames", for example, the study is not the history of the city in general, but the history of the street (on which the kindergarten is located or children live), or the past of the house and the fate of its inhabitants, the history of the sponsoring enterprise, etc.

It’s good when family club activities include folklore work (painting clay toys, folk weaving, etc.), as well as local traditional holidays and rituals, Christmas balls, Russian Maslenitsa, birches, etc. Of course, all this introduces children to the history of the region and its people, brings up love for the Motherland.

3. Pedagogical project

The project will be implemented through:

  • Building a developing object-spatial environment;

  • Providing a variety of didactic material and conditions for familiarizing children with the history of their native land;

  • Carrying out GCD and other forms of organization of educational and educational activities for the implementation of the tasks of the project;

  • Organization of excursions and visits to the sights of the native land;

  • Involvement of parents in the process

Stage I: problem statement, goal setting


Homeland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Fatherland. This is how people call the land on which they were born, and there is nothing more dear to a person than the Motherland, the beauty of which was revealed to him once as a miracle.

What do we call motherland?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches along the road

On which we are walking.

What do we call motherland?

The sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call motherland?

The land where we live!
But unfortunately, the majority of citizens live according to the principle of "Ivan who does not remember kinship." We cannot boast not only of knowledge of the history of our native city, but also of knowledge of the history of our own family, our ancestors. Recently, we are increasingly faced with indifference, loss of spirituality, folk traditions and preference for Western culture and cultural values. Therefore, the problem of educating a child from an early age of love and respect for the closest people-parents, for his home, his native city, becomes relevant. After all, it is from this that love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its good, protect and increase wealth begin. And love for the Fatherland begins with love for your small Motherland, the place where you were born.
………The main goal of the project: the formation of the foundations of civil-patriotic consciousness, love and respect for the native city, a socially active position of the guardian, protector and creator of the culture, traditions and material values ​​of the small Motherland.

It is necessary to help the child discover this miracle, introducing him to nature, life, history, and culture of his native land. Getting acquainted with the small Motherland, the child begins to love her and retains a sense of attachment to her for life. And the better children know it, the better they will understand the meaning of what is happening today, and the more clearly they will imagine the future. It is important that the child learns to empathize with relatives, comrades, to rejoice in their success, so that such qualities as affection, mercy appear in his soul, so that he gains experience of their realization in the environment in which he constantly lives. And on this basis, in the future, a feeling of love for the Motherland will “grow”. After all, a person who loves the Motherland is not capable of betrayal, crime.

  • Arouse interest in the history of the family, your kindergarten, your city, your country;

  • To form moral and patriotic feelings;

  • Enrich and deepen children's knowledge about the family, city, country;

  • To intensify work on the promotion of patriotic education through available means.

  • To form a feeling of love and tenderness for the small Motherland through familiarization with its history and culture;

  • Organize and consolidate information about the native city, region, their symbols;

  • To help children realize the individuality, peculiarity, originality of our region on the basis of familiarization with its sights, cultural values;

  • To form an active civic position, the desire to preserve and increase values: natural, cultural, historical;

  • To form a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of their countrymen;

  • Develop cognitive activity, curiosity, creativity, imagination, thinking, communication skills.
Stage II: project development.

  • To convince the project participants that knowledge of the history of our city and region will broaden their horizons;

  • Create a database of methodological, popular science and fiction, illustrated materials;

  • Design a local history corner with the image of the symbols of the city, region, country;

  • Will draw up a layout of the street on which the kindergarten is located;

  • Continue cooperation with the museum and the library;

  • Together with the children, draw up a long-term action plan for the implementation of the project;

  • Orient parents to the moral and patriotic education of children in the family
Stage III involves collective design activity - joint development of a thematic plan of events with children (Appendix No. 1), its implementation. All project activities are divided into 6 blocks, consistently implemented in the thematic plan.


"My native land"

"The city's attractions"

city ​​nature

"My family"

"My city"

"My Kindergarten"

4. Thematic plan of events




- Conversation with children on the topic "Green pharmacy of our city";

Excursion to the autumn park;

Drawing up a herbarium of plants in the kindergarten area

Photo exhibition "I'm in nature"

Creation of an ecological trail on the site of the kindergarten;

NOD "Green Pharmacy of Kuzbass"


"My family"

Joint activities of children and parents: filling out the activity sheet "My name"

Conversation on the topic: "Where we rested in the summer" (photo exhibition)

Children's stories about their name, based on the activity sheet "My name"

Didactic game "Make your name"

Children talking about household chores. About family traditions


- GCD "My family";

Children's stories about their family;

Making panels "My family"

Reading competition (poems about mother, sister, grandmother, brother);

Joint activities of children and parents: filling out the activity sheet "My family tree"

Exhibition of family creative works on the topic: "My family tree";

Family club "


"My Kindergarten"

Drawing up a scheme "I'm going to my kindergarten" (the road from home to kindergarten);

Construction from waste material layout "Kindergarten"

The teacher's story about the history of kindergarten

A conversation about the importance of the work of all those working in kindergarten


-Decoration of the corridor of the kindergarten for the holiday;

Lesson "Kindergarten - my second family"

Showing a musical fairy tale for kindergarten staff

Concert for children of the younger group;

Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Exhibition of children's drawings "My favorite kindergarten"


"My city"

NOD "My hometown"

Creation of a photo exhibition depicting the city;

Excursion along Lenin street;

Evening of reading "Mitka's stories: The birth of the city";

Didactic games "It happens", "Is everything right"


"My native land"

NOD "We were born in this city"

Reading the poem "Hello my city"

S. Fedorinova

Development of proverbs and sayings about the native land;

Addition of the local history corner about the native land - the coat of arms of the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, the coat of arms of Kuzbass;

Sowing flower seeds for a kindergarten site


"Sights of the city, native land"

Bus tour "Monuments of our city"

Replenishment of the local history corner with photographs "Monuments of our city"

Replenishment of the local history corner with photographs "What is our Kuzbass famous for"

Didactic game "Where is the monument"

Excursion to the museum on the topic “What is my city famous for”;

Excursion to the museum on the topic “What is glorious for my Land”

NOD "What is a museum?"


- Musical and Literary Festival "Victory Day"

Laying flowers at the monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War»

Didactic game "Find out by description"

Evening reading "Mitka's stories": Mitka's dreams";

Exhibition of drawings on the theme: "We leaned low, low at the foot of the obelisk";

Action "Blossom and hello my city" (planting flower beds on the territory of the kindergarten);

Intellectual game "What, Where? When?"

IV stage. The completion of the project is an intellectual game: “What? Where? When?


  • Expanded family knowledge by creating a pedigree

  • Creation of a local history corner

  • Creation of a model of a kindergarten and Lenin street

  • Design of an exhibition of children's works, stands, album folders

  • Systematization of children's knowledge about their hometown, region

  • Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project

  • Intellectual game "What? Where? When? – systematization of children's knowledge on moral and patriotic education

  • Presentation of the project at the pedagogical council of the kindergarten

In the current social situation in our country, when the policy of the state is aimed at the revival of spiritual values, the patriotic education of preschool children is of great importance. Kindergarten contributes to the formation of a person who will live in the new millennium.

The ideological basis of patriotic education is the spiritual and moral values ​​of the nation. The essence of patriotic education in modern conditions can be interpreted as the development of a sense of personality, patriotic consciousness, based on the humanistic spiritual values ​​of one's people.

In everyday life, we do not meet with a measure by which patriotism could be measured. Love for the Fatherland becomes a strength of mind only when a person has images associated with his native land, language, imprinted in his mind, when a feeling of pride arises from the fact that all this is your Motherland

Patriotism is a feeling of pride in one's fatherland, its history, achievements. This desire to make their country more beautiful, richer, stronger, happier - this is the national pride and dignity of the people, united by patriotic feelings as a social cement.

Patriotism as an exalted feeling, an irreplaceable value and source, the most important motive for socially significant activity, is most fully manifested in an individual, a social group that has reached the highest level of spiritual, moral and cultural development. True, essentially spiritual patriotism presupposes selfless, selfless service to the Fatherland up to self-sacrifice.

Based on this, this work includes a whole range of tasks:

Raising a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

Formation of respect for nature and all living things;

Raising respect for work;

Development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

Formation of elementary knowledge about human rights;

Expanding ideas about the cities of Russia;

Acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Development of a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country;

Formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, at work, in everyday life - as they bring up in the child not only patriotic feelings, but also form his relationship with adults and peers.

Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for one's native places, and pride in one's people, and a sense of one's inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country. Therefore, our task as teachers is: educating a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city; formation of a careful attitude towards nature and all living things; education of respect for work; development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts; formation of elementary knowledge about human rights; expansion of ideas about cities (depending on where the child lives); acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem); developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions. These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, in work, in everyday life.


  1. Zagrutdinova M.A. The use of heraldry / M.A. Zagrutdinova N. B. Gavrish // Doshk. education.-1991.-№9.-S.16-22.

  2. Monitoring of patriotic education in kindergarten and elementary school: a methodological guide / Novitskaya M.Yu. - M: Bustard, 2010.

  3. Mokhoneva M.D. Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age. / M.D. Mokhonev - Moscow, 2004.

  4. The program of education and training in kindergarten. -M.: Enlightenment, 1987. -191s.

  5. Folklore - music - theater / Ed. CM. Merzlyakova. -M.: Vlados, 1999. -214p.

Appendix 1

Approximate planning of lessons on the moral and patriotic education of children from 4 to 5 years old in kindergarten

Tasks: Teach children to navigate freely in the immediate environment. Enrich children's knowledge about people close to them, professions.

Forms of work: conversations, excursions, looking at family photos, reading poetry.


The content of the work


Work form

Working with parents


My home, my family

Looking at family photos

Ask parents to bring photos of their family


Excursion my kindergarten, my street

Acquaintance with the immediate environment


Assistance with the tour


City, its streets, houses

Getting to know the big city


Visit the main square of our city and its historical places with children


All works are good - choose to taste

Acquaintance with the work of Mayakovsky. Conversation about the professions of parents

Reading of the work, conversation, review. illustrations

Talking to children about their profession


My kindergarten

Introduction to kindergarten

Conversation of experts on the ground


My dad is the best

Raising love for the father

Sports entertainment, reading poems about dad, grandfather

Organize the arrival of parents for a sports festival


I love my mom


Reading poetry, singing songs, games

Organize the arrival of parents for the holiday


I, you, he, she - together

Introduce children to a large number of people in the family, home, city

Conversation, games, reading Suteev "Different wheels"

Photo montage from photos of parents


Final lesson

Education of friendship and collectivism

Entertainment, games, songs, poems

Ask parents to take pictures of children's play moments, collect an album

We continue to publish materials on literature from the reading room of the leaders of children's reading, which will contribute to the work of educating love and a responsible attitude towards the motherland in children.

The previous article was devoted to fiction, today we will talk about methodological literature - these are the development of classes, scenarios for preschoolers and schoolchildren on patriotic education.


For preschoolers about the defenders of the fatherland: a methodological guide for patriotic education in the preschool educational institution / under. ed. L. A. Kondrykinskaya. - Moscow: Sfera, 2006. - 192 p.

The collection contains planning of work with children, summaries of classes and entertainment, forms of work on interaction with the family of pupils. Practical material is placed in sections: "Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land", "Heroes of 1812", "For children about the Victory Day". The manual provides guidelines for practitioners of the preschool educational institution on building work with older preschoolers on the topic "Our army is the defender of the fatherland." Also here you will find recommendations for reading fiction for the purpose of patriotic education.

My country. The revival of national culture and the education of moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers: a practical guide for educators and methodologists. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2005. - 205 p.

The manual presents cycles of classes on different types of children's activities: cognitive, artistic and speech, artistic and creative, musical. The cycles are united by the themes "Original Rus'", "We all came out of nature", "Russia. The Golden Age". The content of the book contributes to the development of the creative potential of a preschooler and the formation of moral and ethical standards. The book can be recommended to educators, music directors, art educators, speech therapists, primary school teachers, tutors, and parents.

Novitskaya, M. Yu. Heritage: patriotic education in kindergarten / M. Yu. Novitskaya. - Moscow: Linka-Press, 2003. - 200 p.

Education is carried out according to three programs for the integrated development of traditional national culture: "All year round", "Family Circle", "Our Holy Names". The purpose of the proposed programs of the "Heritage" complex is to restore continuity in the perception and development of traditional national culture; the formation of the foundations of national self-consciousness and love for the Fatherland with the growth of mutual understanding, respect and friendship between people of different nationalities; moral, aesthetic, intellectual development of the child; physical and labor education; systematic identification in the course of work of the most important worldview ideas: the relationship of man and nature, man and family, man and society as a whole.

With love for Russia: guidelines. - Moscow: Education of a preschooler, 2007. - 128 p.

The collection presents the experience of teachers from various regions of our country in the patriotic education of older preschoolers. The manual includes class notes, scripts for holidays, competitions, military sports games, musical and literary evenings, as well as information about the symbols of the Russian Federation. The publication is intended for educators, teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as students of universities and colleges.


Voronova, E. A. Educate a patriot: programs, events, games / E. A. Voronova. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008. - 282 p. - (I give my heart to children).

This collection is a successful attempt to present in one edition the content of the most important area of ​​educational work at school - the development of a sense of patriotism in adolescents. Targeted programs, development of interesting events, creative activities, educational games and quizzes, scripts for evenings, performances by a propaganda team or a theater studio - all material is designed to help solve one of the most pressing problems of modern Russian society. The objectives of the events: to develop in the younger generation a sense of respect for the history, traditions, culture of Russians, to instill pride in the heroic pages of the past, responsibility for the present and future of the country, readiness to defend the Fatherland and create for the sake of its prosperity.

Zhirenko, O. E. I am a citizen of Russia!: class hours for civic and patriotic education: grades 1-4 / O. E. Zhirenko, E. V. Lapina, T. V. Kisileva. - Moscow: Wako, 2008. - 160 p. - (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management).

This manual contains scenarios for classroom hours focused on the formation of civic consciousness among students in grades 1-4, on expanding and deepening their knowledge about the history of their Fatherland and fostering love and respect for the Motherland. The content of class hours covers different aspects of Russian life in the past and present: cultural traditions, military victories, symbols and shrines.
The proposed book will help the teacher in the long and delicate work of educating worthy citizens of Russia. The publication is addressed to class teachers, deputy directors for educational work, social pedagogues.

Agapova, I. A. We are patriots! : class hours and extracurricular activities grades 1-11 / I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova. - Moscow: Wako, 2008. - 368 p. - (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management).

The publication contains scenarios for school events focused on the formation of the patriotic consciousness of students, the expansion and deepening of their knowledge about the history of their Fatherland. Meaningfully class hours and cognitive quizzes cover all aspects of Russian life in the past and present: cultural traditions, military victories, symbols and shrines, achievements of science and art. The manual will be useful to a wide range of readers - class teachers, head teachers for extracurricular activities, employees of centers for children's creativity.


Povarov, K. S. Mission to children: forms and methods of work with children and youth under the programs of spiritual, moral and military-patriotic education / K. S. Povarov. - Moscow: IEOPGKO, 2007. - 144 p. - (Recovered generation).

Orthodox teachers are given recommendations on how to organize the leisure of schoolchildren in Orthodox camps, clubs, children's and youth organizations. Where will you get a job? You will find specific tips based on experience already gained, useful links and phone numbers.

Socio-pedagogical project "It's not for nothing that the whole of Russia remembers": methodological material. - Moscow: New education, 2011. - 119 p. - (Library for institutions of additional education for children).

This project focuses the attention of the pedagogical community, children and parents on the reconstruction of the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, contributes to the development of a sense of pride, patriotism for their fatherland. Also, the project provides information support for the dissemination and coverage of the most interesting and effective, socially significant methods, programs, events dedicated to the preparation and celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Russian Victory in the Patriotic War.

Agapova, I. A. Patriotic education at school: popular science literature / I. A. Agapova, M. A. Davydova. - Moscow: Iris-press, 2002. - 224 p. : col. ill. - (Attention: children!).

Collection of scripts for extracurricular activities (classes, competitions and quizzes) for grades 4-11. Russian nature and traditions, military achievements and pages of history, heroes of Russia and its symbols - this is the content of the book. Authors of the collection: psychologist and playwright I.A.Agapova (for the scripts of plays for children and youth she was awarded the title of "Dramaturg of the XXI century") and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.A.Davydova (winner of the competition of journalists "Law and Order and Society" for a worthy contribution in the formation of the rising generation of Russia).

RASINA M.A., librarian of the department of methods of working with funds

slide 2

“Moral and patriotic education of preschool children” Vetokhina A. Ya., Dmitrenko Z. S. and others. The manual presents the planning of work on the moral and patriotic education of children for different age groups of the kindergarten, as well as class notes in this area of ​​work of the preschool educational institution .

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"Towards Victory Day" Belousova L.E. The book contains 9 conversations that tell about the main events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The manual contains all the illustrative material necessary for classes. The illustrations are made on coated paper.

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"Heritage" Both a true story and a fairy tale Solovieva Elena Viktorovna The manual presents the program and planning of work on the moral and patriotic education of children of preschool and primary school age based on familiarity with traditional national culture. The book includes stories about the lives of prominent patriots, cultural figures and defenders of the Fatherland, as well as scripts for theatrical productions of literary works with a bright educational focus.

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"Heritage. Program for familiarizing children with traditional national culture” E. V. Solovieva, L. I. Tsarenko The manual reveals the methodology of patriotic and spiritual and moral education of preschool children based on the traditions of the cultural heritage of Russia. It contains a program of work with children and widely tested abstracts of complex classes that combine the game, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic and creative aspects of children's activities.

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"Days of Military Glory" Patriotic education of preschoolers (for work with children 5-7 years old) MB Zatsepina The manual presents a methodology for working on the patriotic education of preschoolers through organizing and holding events dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day; contains scenarios for holidays and entertainment, integrated blocks and abstracts of classes, literary material (epics and fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, poems), a workshop program, etc.

Slide 7

"Miracle Heroes of the Russian Land" by E. A. Nikonova The book is a textbook for the implementation of the State program for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation. The manual introduces children to the most significant events of the heroic history of the Fatherland, its heroes - from epic miracle heroes to soldiers and commanders of the Great Patriotic War. The book tells not only about military events related to the history of Russia and the modern army, but also about Russian state symbols, about sports and the Olympic Games, about a healthy lifestyle. The book forms in children the initial ideas about the heroic history of their native country, brings up interest and respect for the traditions, ancestors that defended the Fatherland from enemies.

Slide 8

"State symbols of the Russian Federation". Visual and didactic manual. E. Krasnushkina The visual material offered in the manuals can be successfully used in classes on familiarization with the outside world, for the development of speech and thinking, in speech therapy games, for the development of logical thinking, when teaching children of preschool and primary school age a foreign language.

Slide 9

Moral education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines VI Petrova, TD Stulnik The manual presents a program of moral education for children aged 2-7 years and guidelines for it. The purpose of the manual is the development of humane feelings in children, the formation of ethical ideas, skills of cultural behavior, social and social qualities.

Slide 10

"We live in Russia" N. G. Zelenova, L. E. Osipova The manual offers a system of work with children aged 6-7 years on civil and patriotic education. It presents calendar-thematic planning, detailed notes of classes, matinees, entertainment. The proposed classes are interconnected thematically and represent a complete picture of information about the native land, culture, native country - Russia, its past and present. There are: author's didactic games, folk signs about the weather, etc., as well as criteria for diagnosing the level of knowledge and skills of children.

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"We live in Russia" N. G. Zelenova, L. E. Osipova The manual offers a system of work with children aged 5-6 years on civic-patriotic education.

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"We live in Russia" N. G. Zelenova, L. E. Osipova The manual offers a system of work with children 4-5 years old in civil and patriotic education.

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Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. MD Makhaneva The manual presents guidelines for the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers in the classroom and at non-regulated times. A thematic plan of work in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, exemplary scenarios for classes and holidays are offered to the attention of teachers. The methodological recommendations highlight various forms, methods and techniques of the educator's activities that ensure the effective implementation of the tasks of the moral and patriotic education of children in a preschool educational institution.

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“Classes on patriotic education in kindergarten” Lyubov Kondrykinskaya The manual is practical and easy to use, contains planning, outlines of classes and entertainment on the topics “My home is my family”, “Russian folk culture”, “The capital of our Motherland is Moscow! ", "Earth is our common home", "Defenders of the Fatherland".

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"To the children about the Great Victory!" A. P. Kazakov, T. A. Shorygina The manual presents classes-conversations dedicated to the Second World War and the most important events of the Great Patriotic War: the beginning of the war, the defense of Moscow, the decisive battles, the victory of our country over Nazi Germany, the liberation of the peoples of Europe from fascism . The proposed material is simple in form, accessible in content and can be used in conducting classes on the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers and younger students.

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“To preschoolers about their native country” by N. F. Vinogradova This manual presents one of the possible options for organizing classes with preschoolers to get acquainted with their native country. Work on this manual is carried out in conjunction with the book "My Country: Russia". The book contains 30 conversations - examples of how you can build these activities, making them interesting and exciting for children. The presence of an approximate scenario for each conversation, methodological recommendations, historical comments will greatly facilitate the work of the teacher.

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“For preschoolers about Moscow and their native country” T. V. Smirnova, T. Yu. Filippova

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“What the coat of arms can tell us...” LV Loginova The manual presents a system of work with children of senior preschool age to familiarize themselves with the state symbols of Russia. Non-traditional forms of work with children, parents, a creative approach to the study of the topic contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical process, the solution of the main task of patriotic education. Colored inserts are a game material that allows you to significantly expand the knowledge of preschoolers about their native country.

Slide 19

"To preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland" Kondrykinskaya L.A. The manual provides guidelines for practitioners of the preschool educational institution on building work with older preschoolers on the topic "Our army is the defender of the fatherland." The collection contains planning of work with children, summaries of classes and entertainment, forms of work on interaction with the family of pupils, practical material, which is placed in the sections: "Bogatyrs - defenders of the Russian land", "Heroes of 1812", "Children about the Victory Day".

Slide 20

Patriotic education of preschool children. Aleshina N.V. The attention of readers is offered a system of work to familiarize the children of the middle group of kindergarten with the world around them. The manual is built on the following topics of familiarization: family, kindergarten, hometown, our homeland, adult work, the objective world.

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"Education of tolerance in children in a multinational environment" Vostrukhina T. N. The manual presents the experience of the preschool educational institution in the formation of tolerant relations between preschoolers. The forms of methodical work with teachers are shown, focused on raising children in the spirit of tolerance, on the formation of a child's interest and love for their people, their traditions, values, as well as understanding and respect for other peoples, their culture and customs.

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"We live in Russia" Vladimir Stepanov A great feeling makes a small person big. This book is about our Motherland, its expanses, peoples, customs, its history and heroes.

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Patriotic education of children 4-6 years old: Komratova N.G., Gribova L.F. The manual contains materials on familiarizing children of the middle and older groups with their native land: the content and technology of familiarizing children with their native land, planning activities, programs, notes.

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Patriotic education of children aged 6-7 Komratova N.G. The book contains materials on familiarizing children of 6-7 years old with their native land: the content and technology of the educational process, activity planning, programs, summaries of games and activities.

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“My native home” by N. Arapova-Piskareva The program of moral and patriotic education of preschool children. The appendix contains extracts from the most important state and departmental documents in the field of education. The publication is addressed to employees of educational authorities and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

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"My country" Natarova V.I. Kapukhina N.I..A. The cycles are united by the themes Primordial Rus', We all came out of nature,. Russia. Golden age. The content of the book contributes to the development of the creative potential of a preschooler and the formation of moral and ethical standards. The manual presents cycles of classes on different types of children's activities: cognitive, artistic and speech, artistic and creative, musical.

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"Educating a Little Citizen" Kovaleva E. The manual presents models of civic education, starting from preschool age, including thematic blocks, scenarios, notes and grids of classes with children of different age groups. The material is based on practical experience in preschool institutions in Murmansk and Apatity.

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