Why does the skin on the soles of the feet peel off. Why does the skin peel and peel off on the feet and what to do about it

The feet are almost always closed from the human eye, so few people pay attention to them: they do not hurt and do not bother. They take care of them only when problems begin: the skin on the feet peels off, peels off, cracks appear, the color of the nails changes.

Why do such changes occur with the skin and with the nail plate?

Top 10 Reasons

The health of the skin of the feet depends on many factors. There are many things to take into account: nutrition, lifestyle, clothing, hygiene procedures.

Experts identify the main causes of unhealthy skin on the feet.

  • Toe and foot nail fungus. The skin between the toes, on the foot, on the heel turns red, flaky, covered with cracks. The color and shape of the nail plate changes, the skin pattern becomes more pronounced, the foot swells.
  • Improper foot care. The upper layer of the epidermis is renewed on the feet every 4 weeks. The skin starts to peel off. It is necessary to do a pedicure to clean the feet and heels from a layer of dead cells.

Otherwise, the epidermis thickens, calluses and corns appear. Unwanted growths on the feet will begin to crack, which will provoke fungal or infectious diseases. The skin is flaking off.

  • Why does the skin on the feet peel off with regular foot care? This may be due to the negative effect of chemicals on the skin.

Chlorinated water, improperly selected shower gel, use of detergents for the bath bowl - all this is bad for the skin of the feet. It becomes dry, the upper layer of the epidermis is destroyed, the skin exfoliates in large areas.

The skin of the feet often dries out and requires constant care.

  • Narrow shoes made of artificial material. In low-quality shoes, the skin of the feet stops breathing. There is a violation of microcirculation, nutrition of the skin.
  • Incorrect metabolism or hormonal failure in the body. Most often, such disorders are observed in women after 45 years, when they are going through the menopause period.
  • Skin diseases: allergic manifestations, eczema, psoriasis, congestive dermatitis.
  • Exposure to high and low temperatures on the skin of the feet: frostbite or burns.
  • Prolonged antibiotic treatment. Medicines destroy the beneficial microflora inside the body, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin. She climbs not only on the feet, but also on the palms.
  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis: insufficient or excessive amount of vitamins and minerals. An imbalance occurs in the skin, which affects its condition.
  • Frequent stressful situations. There are many active points on the feet that are connected with the central nervous system. With nervous overload, cortisol and adrenaline are released into the blood. Cortisol slows down the formation of collagen fibers, adrenaline reduces blood flow to the legs.

The skin on the feet can peel off not only in adults, but also in children. The reasons for this phenomenon are similar.

The delicate skin of babies requires special care

The bathtub should be cleaned with neutral detergents, rinsing it thoroughly. In addition, parents should purchase clothes and shoes for children only from natural materials.

Drug treatment of the fungus

Fungal spores can develop under the nail plate, affecting the entire nail and soft tissues of the fingers. There is reddening of the skin, a slight swelling, the nail becomes yellowish.

The fungus infects the tissues between the toes and moves to the feet. It penetrates into the upper layers of the dermis on the feet: the skin loses its elasticity and begins to peel off.

Why should you see a dermatologist? The fungus can progress, and the disease will go from mild to severe: ulcers appear on the feet, the nail plate is deformed, the person feels pain when walking. Treatment of fungus is complex. It will be aimed at relieving pain, destroying fungal spores, restoring the skin: its blood circulation, nutrition, elasticity.

Independent use of popular ointments and gels will not get rid of the infection

Only a dermatologist will prescribe the right course of treatment.

  • Baths with potassium permanganate; they are designed to disinfect the skin. For baths, it is necessary to prepare water with a temperature of +40 0 C, dilute potassium permanganate powder in it so that the water becomes dark in color; duration of baths 20 min.

Taking a bath is a pleasant procedure with an antiseptic effect.
  • If the skin on the feet is very peeling, then it is necessary to remove large areas. Why is it necessary to do this? It is necessary to open access to places damaged by infection.
  • After the baths, the feet are dried with a clean towel: it should be individual. After each use, the towel must be washed and boiled for 30 minutes: laundry soap and washing powder are used for the solution.
  • An antibiotic cream is applied to clean and dry feet: Ketoconazole, Terbinafine, Diprogent. The drugs will remove the inflammatory process, destroy the spores of the fungus.

After the ulcers and cracks on the feet have healed, antifungal agents are used.: "Lamisil", in the form of a cream or spray, "Candide", "Nizoral". In severe forms of the disease, tablets are prescribed: Itraconazole, Lamisil. Treatment for foot and toenail fungus can take up to 3 months.

Treatment of foot fungus will not be effective without eliminating the causes of infection.

It is necessary to change socks or tights 2 times a day: preferably wear cotton socks. Shoes should be treated upon arrival home with a 40% vinegar solution: moisten a cotton pad, wipe the shoes from the inside.

Folk remedies for the treatment of skin on the feet

Folk methods of treating skin on the feet are resorted to if the dermatologist has not identified a fungal infection. After examining the patient's lifestyle, the doctor will determine other reasons why the skin on the feet will peel off: malnutrition, stress, tight shoes. A dermatologist may recommend folk remedies for treatment.

Mandatory in such cases, foot baths.

  • In 3 liters of water, dilute 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt: the water should not be hot, the duration of the bath is not more than half an hour.

Sea salt is known for its healing properties.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and calendula, pour boiled water, cook a decoction in a water bath. Let it brew for 2 hours. Pour the decoction along with herbs into a bath bowl, add warm water so that the solution covers the toes. The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes.
  • From a fungal infection, a decoction of horsetail, chamomile, mint helps well. It will take 40 g of herbs per 2 liters of boiling water. After the solution has cooled, it is diluted with warm water not higher than +40 C.

To get rid of old skin on the feet, use a pumice stone or scrubs.

For scrubs, you can take the following ingredients:

  • sugar is mixed with glycerin to a thick consistency, dry mint leaves are added to the mixture: the scrub is stored in a closed cream jar in the refrigerator;
  • coffee beans, almonds, cloves are ground on a coffee grinder: the ingredients are taken in 1 tsp; the product is applied to wet feet and massaged for 5 minutes;
  • mix 10 crushed almonds, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and honey: you can add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream; rub the toes and feet with the resulting scrub.

After the baths and scrub, the legs are rinsed and a mask is applied to the feet..

  • As a mask, it is recommended to use thick oatmeal boiled in milk. Porridge is applied in a thick layer on the feet, wrap the foot with a plastic bag. After 20-40 minutes, the mask is removed.
  • A mask of potatoes, milk, and yolk will moisturize the skin of the feet. You will need 3 potatoes, ½ tbsp. milk, 1 egg yolk: make mashed potatoes. You can add sea salt to it.
  • The fastest way to prepare a dry mask: ½ tbsp. ground oatmeal is mixed with almond and chamomile oil. The mask is left overnight.

The next step is the use of a fat cream. A capsule of vitamin A or a few drops of vitamin D is added to it.

Oily cream with vitamins moisturizes and tones the skin of the legs

If there is no time to prepare masks and scrubs on your own, then care products can be purchased at a cosmetics store.

When choosing pharmaceutical products, it is worth considering the following recommendations.

  • Bath gel is chosen on a plant basis.
  • Scrubs with abrasive particles of medium size. Instead of scrubs, pedicure socks are often purchased. They are filled with vegetable oils and lactic acid. Substances will well cleanse the skin of the feet from unwanted manifestations.
  • There should be two foot creams: oily night and day. Instead of a night cream, ointments are often used: Salicylic, Losterin, Bepanten, Skin-Cap.

If the skin is flaky during pregnancy, then you should choose an ointment that does not contain retinol.

The substance may adversely affect the fetus. Experts recommend using salicylic ointment.

Salon procedures

The pedicure master will examine the feet, talk with the client to find out why the skin on the feet is peeling off. After the diagnosis, a set of procedures can be offered. Their action will be aimed at getting rid of the upper layer of the epidermis, which is flaky, removing inflammation and swelling, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the feet.

Pedicure is presented in the following options:

  • Classic: soak the skin of the feet in the bath, and remove the top layer of the skin. Use graters, pumice, cutters, machines with blades. The skin of the feet and fingers is processed. Ointments and creams are used to nourish and soften the skin. The disadvantage of a classic pedicure: the skin quickly regenerates and thickens.
  • European: this is a classic pedicure, but files and graters with smaller abrasive elements are used to remove the skin;
  • Hardware: foot baths are not done, feet are cleansed on dry skin. The grinder removes a thin layer of the epidermis without affecting or injuring young skin. Disadvantage: the result is noticeable after 3-4 procedures. After the session, the skin of the feet is moisturized with a cream.
  • SPA. All procedures related to water are called "SPA". The difference from the classic pedicure is that for baths they use a bowl with a massager and a decoction of medicinal herbs.

The skin begins to exfoliate already at the first stage of the pedicure. Instead of graters, creams and spatulas are used to remove areas of flaky skin. The procedure is pleasant and gentle for young skin.

  • FISH-SPA is a fish pedicure. In a large aquarium with Garra Rufa fishes, feet are lowered. The fish begin to clean the feet from the stratum corneum, calluses, corns. Fish do not have teeth, they remove the skin with their lips. Harry Roof's saliva has an anti-inflammatory effect.

FISH-SPA - a pleasant and healthy type of pedicure

After the procedure, the skin becomes pink, soft, elastic; The session is accompanied by pleasant relaxing music. After the SPA, the masters can offer a foot wrap or massage. It is recommended to take sessions 1 time in 2 weeks.

How to prevent flaky skin

For some reason, they often forget about the legs during hygiene procedures, but they need the same thorough daily care as the face.

The skin on the feet will not peel off and become inflamed if you follow some rules for foot care.

  • Feet should be washed in the morning and evening.
  • For morning procedures, choose a light cream that is well absorbed: it will soften the skin of the feet.
  • In the evening - a rich cream: it will moisturize the skin and provide it with good nutrition.
  • 2 times a week you need to use a foot scrub.
  • Once a month - do a pedicure.
  • In the sauna, swimming pool, public changing rooms, always use shoes that can be easily washed.
  • Choose socks made from natural fabrics.
  • Change socks 2 times a day.
  • Always dry shoes after use.
  • It is not recommended to wear the same pair of shoes every day: it must rest for at least 28 hours.
  • Once a week, treat the inner surface of the shoe with acetic acid.
  • Avoid dehydration: drink fluids at least 2 liters per day.
  • Saturate the diet with enough vitamins.

Vitamins in the diet should be regardless of the time of year
  • When treating with antibiotics, it is necessary to take drugs that normalize the intestinal flora.
  • Observe the humidity regime in the room: this is especially true for the summer and heating period. Humidity should be at least 45%.

Despite the fact that the feet are almost always closed, this is not a reason to leave them unattended. Feet should be pampered with comfortable shoes, SPA treatments, and cosmetics.

Only regular foot care will make the heels pink, and the skin on the feet - tender and soft.

Natural remedy for dry skin of the heels. Video expert advice:

How to remove cracked heels at home? Detailed instructions in the video:

All about foot fungus: causes, symptoms and proper treatment. Details in the video review:

Each person can find that he suddenly peels and peels off the skin on his feet. What to do? First, do not panic: this is a fairly common phenomenon. And secondly, try to find out the possible cause of this misfortune - the effectiveness of the treatment will depend on this. After all, this can be a simple cosmetic defect that can be easily eliminated at home, or it may be the result of a serious illness that will have to be treated in a hospital.

Causes of peeling skin on the feet.

The sooner you understand the reason that provoked peeling of the skin on the feet, the sooner you can get rid of this trouble. Go through everything that could affect the condition of your legs in such a negative way:

  • insufficient skin hydration if you have dry skin or it becomes dry during a hot period;
  • fungal diseases;
  • general vitamin deficiency;
  • lack in the body of some certain vitamins and minerals - zinc, vitamins A, E, D or group B;
  • climate change;
  • negative atmospheric factors: frostbite or a condition close to it, as well as severe sunburn;
  • if you have to constantly use too hard or chlorinated water (so frequent trips to the pool can also cause such a misfortune);
  • synthetic clothing;
  • improper drinking regimen (less than 1.5 liters of fluid per day);
  • too narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
  • allergy;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system, stress and depression;
  • age-related skin changes: loss of moisture, wilting;
  • long-term use of any potent drugs;
  • negative skin reaction to cosmetic procedures (epilation) or products (soaps, shower gels, creams that you regularly use).

If you are sure that it was this factor that caused such a disgusting phenomenon as peeling and peeling of the skin on the feet, eliminating the problem will not take you much time. It will be much more difficult if you cannot determine the cause. But in any case, you can alleviate the condition by following some of the "golden rules" for foot skin care.

Care for flaky feet.

These rules can and should be observed not only for the treatment of skin diseases of the legs, when an already large surface of the feet is covered with flaky, gradually peeling spots. If you learn these simple rules, you can always be sure that the skin of your legs is perfectly beautiful and well-groomed.

1) Every day in the evenings, it is necessary to treat the skin with a pumice stone so that the dead particles of the epithelium are removed faster and make room for the formation of new, young cells.

2) You need to get used to daily foot baths. Moreover, the first should be warm, and the second - cool.

3) Each time the feet should be thoroughly wiped with a terry towel.

4) Every day, apply a rich nourishing or moisturizing cream to your feet, which must be marked “for feet”. It is better to purchase a cream rich in various vitamins and minerals.

5) Do not apply any products to the feet if the skin is damaged by wounds or microcracks. First you need to treat them with hydrogen peroxide.

6) You need to regularly use multivitamin complexes to prevent beriberi.

7) Proper nutrition is the main prevention from flaky skin: fresh vegetables and fruits are a must on your daily menu.

8) For several minutes a day, it is imperative to lie or sit in such a way that the legs are in a position higher than the head: this improves blood circulation.

9) If the skin on your feet has begun to peel off, do not wear open shoes for a while, and also exclude shoes with heels from your wardrobe. It will be possible to return to them only after recovery, but even then with restrictions.

10) Never do foot baths with too hot water.

11) To make any foot bath healing, add soda, lemon juice or vinegar to it (a tablespoon of the substance per 1 liter of water).

12) After any cosmetic procedures with legs (especially epilation and depilation), it is necessary to lubricate the feet with cream.

13) Try not to stay in a room with very dry air for a long time. If necessary, ventilate such a room regularly.

14) Synthetic clothing for the feet is undesirable, so carefully examine the composition of the tights and socks that you purchase: they must contain at least 95% natural materials. And during the peeling period, this indicator should be all 100%.

15) Sport is another prevention for peeling feet, as physical activity improves blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Proper care of the feet, especially if the skin on them becomes your problem and headache, will greatly alleviate your condition. If you still use the recipes of folk remedies that effectively eliminate the peeling of the skin on the feet, the treatment will proceed at a rapid pace.

The best folk remedies for feet.

There are several fairly effective folk remedies that can soften and moisturize the most flaky skin, as well as prevent the process of peeling. When choosing a recipe, pay special attention to the ingredients: in order to use these products regularly, their components should be at your fingertips at any time.

Laundry soap.

In the evening, lather wet feet with laundry soap (it is better to take 72%) and leave them like this until morning. Wash off in the morning and repeat the procedure every three days until complete recovery.

Salt baths.

Once every three days, you can still do the following procedure. Dissolve table salt in warm water (a tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water), dip your feet in this bath for 15-20 minutes. Salt has excellent cleansing and disinfecting properties.

Herbal baths.

Herbal foot baths can be done daily. Pour a warm decoction of one of the medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula or nettle into warm water (a glass of herbal decoction per liter of water). Herbs have soothing and healing properties. It is recommended to soak your feet in such a bath for 20-30 minutes.

Many people wonder what to do if they have skin problems on their feet. The correct answer can be only one - if possible, consult a doctor. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is imperative to find out the cause of this skin defect and try to get rid of it on your own, at home. But everyone should understand that without consulting a specialist, it will be much more difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to do this.

Peeling, dryness of the skin of the legs is a common complaint of modern people. To fix the problem, you can use pharmacy products or homemade beauty recipes. But for a complete cure, an accurate diagnosis is required. Knowing why the skin peels off on the feet, you can find an effective and sure way to deal with a cosmetic defect.

The dermis is an organ that serves as a reliable barrier against negative environmental factors. When it starts to flake off, peel off, itch, not everyone knows how to act and treat.

Changes related to age

Every year the skin becomes thinner, poorly retains moisture and begins to crack and exfoliate. The culprit is the process of disappearance of collagen fibers involved in the formation of the dermis. As a result, the water-lipid layer ceases to cope with its functions and there is a violation in the production of sebum, the volume of water in the cells decreases, etc.

Unbalanced diet

In a healthy diet, there must be a sufficient amount of vegetable oils, seafood, fruits and vegetables, and fish.

With the development of beriberi, the epidermis on the legs begins to dry.

It is important to drink enough liquid up to 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

The foot can flake due to the frequent use of coffee drinks, prepared meals from fast foods, alcohol and smoking.

Often the reason lies in an allergic reaction to cosmetics, materials, food. Also, the skin of the legs can react to aggressive hair removal procedures - depilation, sugaring.

Infectious and somatic diseases

Detachment of the skin can develop against the background of a fungal infection. The entire foot or one toe or heel may be involved in the process. An additional symptom is itching. The patient needs specialist advice. Fungal diseases are dealt with by a dermatologist who will prescribe a scraping and a blood test.
Cosmetic problems can develop as a result of the progression of exofoliative dermatitis, psoriasis, Kawasaki syndrome, eczema. Treat the source, not the effect.

Infection and fungus are not the main culprits of peeling. A number of somatic diseases can give signals to the body in the form of cracks and dryness:

  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney pathology;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Steroid hormone medications can also cause flaking, even when taken for a short time.

Pregnancy provokes hormonal disruptions, and the skin on the feet can peel off and cause discomfort and pain.

External irritants

If the skin on the soles of the feet is peeling, then the first thing to do is to analyze the following points:

  • Prolonged exposure to water with the addition of bleach and other chemicals.
  • Shoes, tights, socks made of artificial non-breathable materials. Such things do not allow oxygen to pass through, interfere with the normal respiration of cells, as a result, the local temperature and the sole rise, the foot begins to get wet.
  • Dry indoor air during the heating season.
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. A tan looks beautiful, but it calls for dehydration, and the dermis can begin to exfoliate, burst, and peel.

Proper medical care and elimination of irritating factors will restore beauty to the legs.

What to do if the skin of the legs peels off

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, a number of measures are needed to restore the functioning of the cover. Home care option is one of the most preferred among women.

№1 Mix the yolk of one egg with 1 tsp. butter. Enter 2 tsp. grated potatoes and baby cream. Apply the mixture to pre-steamed skin and wrap with cling film and a warm towel. Remove the compress after 20 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

№2 Peppermint bath will help get rid of dryness and restore skin tone. To prepare it, you need to grind dry mint and mix in equal proportions with calendula and chamomile herbs. Pour 1 l. boiling water, leave to infuse for several hours. Pass the decoction through a sieve and add to warm water. Soar legs for 30 minutes. After the procedure, treat each limb with a nourishing lotion so that dead cells begin to exfoliate faster.

№3 On a steam bath, heat 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Combine with the same amount of olive oil. Dry skin is treated, every crack and wound. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Pharmacy funds

The pharmacy offers a wide range of products that will stop the peeling of the skin on the feet.

The most popular of them:

  • Extra. This cream will give freshness, disinfect, prevent fungus and unpleasant odors.
  • Gehwol drug. Maintains water-lipid balance, suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Refreshing balm. A good helper for outdoor enthusiasts. Relieves itching, refreshes, improves blood flow.
  • Akriderm. Heel syndrome relieves ointment and cream. They relieve itching, eliminate allergies, inflammation and swelling.

If an infectious disease is not detected, then the doctor may prescribe vitamins.

Cosmetic procedures

If your heels are peeling, and not a single folk method helps, it's time to go to a beauty salon. Professional treatment will bring quick results.

The specialist will perform a peeling, which helps the keratinization to peel off. This is necessary so that new healthy skin can form on the damaged one.

Next, the feet will be treated: paraffin therapy or chemical masks and treatments to increase moisture levels.

Massage: the whole foot is worked out, each finger, toe and ankle, so that blood circulation improves, and the limb is nourished with useful substances and oxygen.

Places of localization

The dermis can peel off in different parts of the foot. Depending on the location, the cause can be determined.

If the heel cracks:

  • avitaminosis;
  • fungus;
  • insufficient humidity in the room;
  • contact with synthetics;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • age;
  • chlorinated water;
  • climate change;
  • allergy;
  • stress;
  • taking medications.

Feet flake under the influence of the same factors, but they are joined by diabetes and a variety of endocrine disorders.

Why does the skin peel off on my toes? The problem occurs as a result of infection with bacterial or fungal infections. Less often, the condition provokes an allergy. The dermis may itch, redden or turn yellow, exude a fetid odor.

Hygiene rules for peeling feet in an adult and a child

To improve the condition of the feet, the following rules must be observed:

  • Remove dead cells every day. Pumice will come to the rescue.
  • It's good to dry your feet after a shower.
  • Daily contrast baths with vinegar, soda or lemon.
  • Treat cracks with peroxide before applying cream or ointment.
  • After the procedure, apply a remedy.

An important condition is that the skin of the child must be treated with gentle preparations.

Preventive measures

To avoid repeating an unpleasant situation when the skin peels off, doctors recommend:

  1. Avoid wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes.
  2. Increase the amount of clean water you drink.
  3. Timely treat exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Wear underwear made from high-quality natural materials.
  5. Follow a balanced diet.

Feet experience serious stress every day and it is not surprising that one day they begin to signal problems and lose their attractiveness. Cracked heels, dryness, itching and peeling feet require the right approach to treatment and care. In the fight, it is important to observe a complex that heals from the inside, helps old cornifications to peel off, and a new healthy layer to grow in their place.

Sometimes problems with the skin are found on the toes: it cracks, peels and bubbles may appear. Why this happens and how to deal with such a nuisance - we will tell below!

Reasons for peeling skin

The first reason why fingers begin to peel off is dermatitis caused by chlorine and surfactants, which are contained in washing powder.

If you have excessive sweating of the legs, you should not turn a blind eye to this, as sweat makes the skin loose, which makes it easy for fungi and bacteria to penetrate into it. To get rid of sweaty feet, you must constantly do foot baths with decoctions of oak bark and chamomile.

If the skin on the toes peels off in the spring, then the body lacks vitamins A, C and E. Also, if there is not enough vitamin A, nails can break, hair falls out and dandruff appears.

Another reason why the skin peels off the legs may be a fungus, it is very difficult to get rid of it, so it is useless to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor in time.


A good prevention of fungal diseases is hygiene, as well as a number of preventive measures:

  • you can not wear the same shoes every day, they must stand 28 hours after they were worn;
  • be sure to wear socks when your feet sweat, then you need to change socks twice a day;
  • wear loose and comfortable shoes, the skin of the legs should breathe;
  • To get rid of sweaty feet, you need to use antiperspirant deodorants.

If the skin between the toes peels off, then this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • increased sweating;
  • sunburn;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • the presence of corns;
  • an excess of vitamin A;
  • fungal infections;
  • eczema.

Why is the skin peeling off the heels and feet?

The skin peels off the heels and soles most often due to eczema that occurs during a change in the weather in warm weather, then the skin dries out and dehydrates very quickly. To prevent peeling on the feet of the skin, you must follow a special diet, take care of the skin and moisturize it.

In order to avoid problems with the heels, you need to drink plenty of water and moisturize them with creams. But if the peeling does not stop and is accompanied by itching, pain, bleeding, then an urgent need to contact a dermatologist.

Another reason why the skin peels off on the legs is a change in the weather. When the temperature is high and there is not enough moisture, the skin on the legs becomes dehydrated and dry.

For some reason, staying in shoes for a long time leads to the fact that the skin between the fingers begins to peel off. This is due to the fact that heat transfer and air aeration are disturbed. Soap, chemicals, and excess moisture can also be a problem.

How to take care of the feet from which the skin peels off?

It is necessary to follow some rules for caring for the feet, namely:

  • Every day it is necessary to treat the skin on the legs with pumice to remove dead cells and make room for the formation of new ones;
  • Do contrast foot baths every day;
  • After each washing, the feet should be wiped well with a terry towel;
  • Every day, apply oily creams with minerals and vitamins on the feet and heels;
  • Do not apply any funds to the feet when there are wounds and cracks, but first you need to treat them with peroxide;
  • Constantly use multivitamins;
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily;
  • To improve blood circulation, you need to lie down for a couple of minutes a day so that your legs are higher than your head;
  • If the skin on the feet peels off, then do not wear heels for a couple of days;
  • Don't bathe in very hot water;
  • In the baths you need to add lemon juice, vinegar and soda;
  • After any procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the feet with cream;
  • Do not stay in a room where the air is very dry;
  • Go in for sports - it improves metabolic processes and blood circulation well.

Folk remedies in the fight against peeling skin

You can use simple recipes to get rid of dryness, roughness and cracked heels. Here are some of them.

Use of laundry soap. It is necessary to lather laundry soap on wet feet in the evenings and leave it until the morning, and then wash it off, repeating the procedure once for three days and until complete recovery.

Salt baths. Dissolve table salt in warm water and lower your feet for 20 minutes. Repeat every three days.

Herbal baths. Make a decoction of herbs such as nettle, calendula and chamomile. Pour it into warm water and soak your feet for 30 minutes. Repeat every day.

The health and beauty of the feet can be disturbed by peeling and dryness. Noticing that the skin on the soles of the feet is peeling off, the reasons that contributed to this are unknown, it indicates that the problem that has arisen should be urgently addressed. Theoretically, you can live with dryness, but over time, it becomes a reason for the formation of bleeding cracks, so you should not turn a blind eye to the problem. Depending on the cause, you can deal with it yourself or with the help of a doctor.

Varieties of causes

The reason that became the culprit of the skin peeling has one of the following characters:

  • insufficient care and hygiene
  • external factors
  • diseases or problems with the body

The issue of poor care is the easiest to solve. It is worth washing your feet daily, moisturizing and nourishing the dermis with a fortified cream, pampering with baths based on various components. Rough dermis should be removed with a special pumice stone, scrub, and a sanding file for the foot. By the way, you need to remove calluses and dead cells regularly once a week.

External factors

It is possible that the skin on the soles of the feet is covered, the causes and treatment of this were external factors. The most popular problem is to save on shoes, socks, tights. It is important that shoes, especially everyday ones, are comfortable, do not press, and are of good quality. Any footwear that doesn't fit, is too tight, or is made from artificial materials will cause foot health problems over time. It is undesirable to constantly walk in closed shoes, for example, in sneakers all year round. By the way, too open shoes or slippers give full access to the foot to all negative external factors. The same can be said about tights and socks, because synthetic materials prevent air from entering, which makes the dermis dry, then peel off, peel off, crack. It happens that prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures leads to health problems.

It is realistic to discover this cause on your own, but you will have to get rid of it in the hospital. External factors include conditions such as chemicals, ultraviolet rays, moisture, dry air. Prolonged contact with them worsens the condition of the skin of the foot. Climatic conditions are a more complex issue, which is very difficult to solve. Prolonged or regular exposure to hard or chlorinated water dries out the epidermis, causing dryness and flaking. One of the most striking examples is visiting the pool.

Home hard water is softened by boiling or using vinegar, citric acid. You should beware of cosmetics, foot creams, scrubs or shower gels that have an aggressive chemical composition.


Unfortunately, diseases are “invented” for all organs and parts of the body, the feet are no exception. The following diseases or malfunctions in the body can threaten the legs:

  1. Fungal infection affecting the feet.
  2. Hormonal disorders.
  3. Lack of vitamins. It occurs against the background of malnutrition, the presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  4. Incorrect or disturbed metabolism.
  5. Varieties of skin diseases such as allergies, psoriasis, eczema.
  6. Prolonged depression, severe stress or emotional stress. This is due to the fact that there are biologically active points on the feet that interact directly with the nervous system.

Among the above ailments, the fungus is the most common occurrence. He chooses legs with characteristic excessive sweating, because he loves moisture, warmth, darkness. Pay attention to this information is for those who prefer to wear closed shoes. The disease can be recognized not only by peeling of the skin, but also by an unpleasant odor, severe itching, brittle nails and a change in their color. Without an appropriate course of treatment, the disease will not disappear on its own.

Causes of foot problems in children

When the skin on the soles of the feet peels off, the reasons for an adult are clear, but for children they are slightly different. The immunity of a little man is formed gradually, therefore it reacts sharply to the influence of any external factor. Peeling of the children's dermis is due to the following factors:

  • allergies to chemical household chemicals, food;
  • worms;
  • diaper rash
  • stress.

Diseases do not spare the little ones, so you should be wary of dysbacteriosis, beriberi, fungus, Kawasaki syndrome. Caring parents should monitor the daily hygiene of their babies and be sure to inspect the delicate skin.


Foot cream should be used daily, applied with massage movements before going to bed, at the end of evening hygiene procedures.

  • For foot baths to be beneficial, the water should be warm, not hot. Herbal decoctions, aromatic oils, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, sea salt have a positive effect.
  • Laundry soap 72% is considered an effective tool in the fight against peeling. Apply to dry skin and leave on all night. Wash off in the morning with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  • It is advisable to have two main pairs of shoes and wear them every other day so that each pair has time to dry.
  • If your feet sweat a lot, you should change your socks at least twice a day.
  • If the dermis on the feet is already peeling off, it is not recommended to walk in heels, lifts or sandals.
  • You should drink about two liters of water daily so as not to maintain the hydrobalance of the skin. Eat balanced healthy food. In autumn and spring, take a vitamin complex.
