Help to get into kindergarten. How to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a residence permit: options without availability

Faced with the bureaucracy, many new parents are intimidated. Our author, an experienced fighter and mother of two sons, wrote detailed instructions for us on how to arrange a baby in kindergarten, despite all the difficulties. The devil is not as scary as he is painted - tested on yourself!

Our columnist: Anna Zharova is a typesetter, mother of two sons aged 3 and 12 and one pug, loves to create and get up with her “gang”, cross-stitch, write beautiful code, learn new trends in IT, has a weakness for gadgets.

As soon as my second child was born, I, remembering my experience with my first son, immediately enrolled him in a kindergarten. For here the principle works: "Whoever got up first, that and slippers."

The first information about how this is now done was received where it usually is - on the playground. After that, I got on the Internet, found an electronic registration site for kindergarten, registered and - voila! - We got in line. I tell you exactly what to do.

Action algorithm

In connection with the reform of the educational system, you can sign up:

1. Through the public services portal:

2. By contacting the MFC in your area

First option.

If you are registered on the portal, then simply enter your personal account and go to the "Education, study" section. Next, find the section "Kindergartens", choose an entry in a kindergarten.

You can search for the educational institution you need in advance here:

Please have the following information handy when filling out the form:

Series and number of the child's birth certificate;
Address of registration of the child at the place of residence or stay in the city of Moscow;
Information about benefits (if any);
Passport details of the applicant.

Second option.

You go to the MFC with the same set of documents, but you will also need the child's SNILS. Submit the same application and wait for a response from the educational institution.

Before enrolling in the kindergarten, you must issue a medical card and bring it to the kindergarten along with documents confirming the benefit (if any).

Short stay group

After registering in the electronic queue, I received a notification by mail and the address of the MFC, where copies of documents must be submitted within 30 days. She brought it in, received a piece of paper with a registration number and went to the very end of the queue.

Then the most interesting begins. I walk somehow with a child on the playground, a familiar mommy comes up. Word for word, and she says to me: “But we go to the GKP!” When I asked what kind of unseen animal it was, it turned out that the GKP is a group of short stays in kindergarten. Children are enrolled in it after a year and a half. Stay time - 3.0-3.5 hours, without food.

There is also the so-called CIPR (Child Play Support Center). Stay time - 1 hour. A kid aged from one to one and a half goes there with his mother. In our educational complex, such a group was canceled due to unprofitability.

My husband and I decided that the child will go to the GKP after the new year - in mid-January, the baby turned one and a half years old. The design process has begun.

To apply, I had to go to OSIP (closed in December 2015), after which they sent me an SMS, an e-mail and even called with a request to come to the educational complex in the Department of Preschool Education for further paperwork.

Since 2016, an application has been submitted either through the public services portal or directly to the MFC in your area, then you will be invited to the educational complex to which the kindergarten is attached.

When I arrived, I wrote a statement, scanned the documents and told to wait. Fortunately for me, at that moment the head teacher of the kindergarten came, where I wanted to send the child, I talked to her, we discussed all the details, and she asked me right on the spot for copies of all the documents, saying that she was waiting for us after issuing a medical card.

In the kindergarten itself, they will give you a contract, which will indicate the amount of payment per month, approximately 800-850 rubles. If you are a beneficiary, then pay nothing.

We go to the group for 3.5 hours every day. Three days we are there in the morning, and two days - in the evening. This is done so that the child gradually gets used to the kindergarten regime, educators.

Registration of a medical card

This is a special, incomparable pleasure. It begins with an appointment with the district police officer, who will tell you exactly what, from whom you should find out and to whom to show the child.

Important! If your child has passed medical examination, it is valid for a year. Unfortunately, I only found out after I filed a complaint with the health department.

So, to get a medical card, you need:

go through all the main doctors (ENT, surgeon, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, dentist and pediatrician, he is also a district doctor);

take blood, urine and feces tests (enterobiosis, worm eggs);

additional studies (if the child has chronic diseases or other health problems);

vaccinations. You should not be afraid - they will take you to the kindergarten, even if you do not have all the required vaccinations, but if there are children in the group vaccinated with a live polio vaccine, you will be “dropped out” of the group for 60 days;

certificate of contact with the infection, which must be taken the day before going to the garden.

Bottom line: the whole design took me 1 week (for someone up to 1 month), but this is in a good scenario. I damaged my nerves a lot. I had to write a bunch of complaints about the entire system. But on Monday, they began to issue a medical card, and on Friday I already handed over a medical card to kindergarten.

I like GKP because the child has time to get sick with many "sores" before he gets to a permanent place in the garden. This is important for those parents who work. While you are still on maternity leave, you don’t need to ask for leave, you don’t need to take sick leave either.

My child went to kindergarten at one and seven months old. I will answer any questions you may have right away.

The child was in diapers, but you can bring without them. They will sit on the potty and clap their hands together when everything works out. If by - pants change.

Be sure to give a bottle of water to the garden, except for your baby, no one will drink from it. We also gave us cookies and a chopped apple. The child is completely exhausted after being in the kindergarten. We usually fell asleep on the way home.

The procedure for granting a place in a kindergarten in Russia is determined by several federal and regional laws. One of the main conditions for enrolling a child in a kindergarten is the presence of registration in the municipality on whose territory the preschool institution is located. However, situations where the parents of a family live in one locality and are registered in another are not so rare. The absence of a residence permit does not mean at all that it is impossible to send the baby to a kindergarten at the place of actual residence.

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A temporary document is also a document

The best option in this situation is to try to get a temporary residence permit at the place of actual residence of at least one of the parents. Then all problems will be solved by themselves. This registration gives mom or dad the right to contact the local education department and apply. The Early Childhood Specialist should tell you what documents are needed, but the following are usually required:

  • one parent's passport
  • child's birth certificate
  • application in the prescribed form
  • a document that gives the right to receive a particular benefit

If you live in a rented apartment, talk to the owners. Many go to provide tenants with temporary registration without the right to housing. This is especially true for those who come to the big city from the region. Make sure to take photocopies of all documents in advance.

If the father is a military man, the child must be put on the waiting list at the place of residence, regardless of where the family is registered

If nothing happens with the registration

It is possible that the owner of the rented apartment will refuse you. Do not worry, the child still has a chance to get into kindergarten. If you rent an apartment through an agency and you have a supporting document (for example, a lease agreement), you can safely arrange your baby in a kindergarten at the place of residence. Again, you need to contact the local department of education. In this case, a copy of the contract for renting an apartment is added to the set of documents that is mandatory for all. In this case, the specialist has the right to put on the queue without registration.

What if it's unofficial?

Many families, especially in big cities, rent apartments without any official registration. Mom and dad are registered somewhere in another district of Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city and do not want to send the baby to a kindergarten in "their" areas, which can be located at a considerable distance from the current home. They consider it inappropriate to issue even a temporary residence permit. There is an informal procedure for getting into a kindergarten. It is not fixed anywhere, but it is used quite often. Check with your nearest nursery to see if there are spaces available. Queues do not exist in all cities, and it is quite possible that in this case you will be lucky. Talk to the manager and explain the situation. If there are free places, she will gladly take your baby, because she is interested in every child. Per capita funding has been introduced in educational institutions, and an “extra” pupil means receiving additional funds both from the budget and from parental fees. But this option is possible only if there is no queue in the area, and this is far from being the case everywhere now.

They lived happily ever after, they had many children, and this is the end of the fairy tale ... Surely the end? And here's how it's not. If in fairy tales the vicissitudes of life end here, then in real life everything is just beginning. A child was born - everyone is happy, and everyone seems to be fine, but it turns out that a family with a child needs much more money.

And the amount on which a childless couple not only could live, but also allowed themselves to relax for their own pleasure, is now not enough for the most necessary things. And if during pregnancy the expectant mother planned to take full maternity leave and devote it all to the child, now it is required that she, along with her husband, go to work. But now it is not so easy to implement this: with whom will a small child who needs careful care and constant supervision remain?

Not a single grandmother, no matter how much she dreamed of grandchildren, signed up for a round-the-clock job as a nanny, and very soon she will not stand it. The child must be sent to kindergarten, but today it is very difficult to get there without a queue. We will acquaint you with what recommendations experts give in this matter, and by following simple rules, you can quickly and without waiting in line to get to kindergarten. And this will provide an opportunity for the mother to go to work and breathe more freely in material terms.

New system: are there any positives

The new system has been in operation since 2006. Considering that you are now reading this article, we can draw an obvious conclusion: getting into kindergarten has not become much easier, and the queues are still long.

How was it before? Before the reform, parents applied to the kindergarten they were interested in, communicated with the head, who put them at the end of a very long line. And many were waiting for the moment when the child could get into kindergarten until the child should have already been sent to school.

It was possible to speed up this process: to purchase for the kindergarten some equipment, furniture, interior items necessary for them, and, in the language of jurisprudence, to give a bribe. It is clear that such a practice is illegal, and that is why the innovation was adopted.

Now all information about how busy preschool institutions are is collected in a single database. Parents turn to this database and they are informed in detail about how things are with fullness in nearby kindergartens. After that, the most suitable one is selected, after which the parents receive a referral. With this direction, the head does not have the right to refuse admission to kindergarten. To join the queue for this commission, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Birth certificate of a child as a document confirming your right to apply for a place in a kindergarten.
  2. Passport of the parent - preferably one who is registered in the territory in question. This is optional, but will make the process much easier for you.
  3. Medical card in the form F26. It will contain information from the main doctors that will confirm or deny the need for your child to go to a specialized type of kindergarten. If the child is healthy and does not need special conditions, such a card is often unnecessary, but it is better to have it with you just in case.

If you are eligible for certain benefits that make it possible to get into kindergarten out of turn, you need to bring documents confirming this. It could be:

  • certificate from the place of work: children of judges, policemen, military personnel, prosecutors, investigators, teachers are entitled to an indulgence;
  • certificate of disability: children of disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, as well as people who have had radiation sickness, have the right to get into kindergarten out of turn;
  • certificate from the place of study - for children of students;
  • other documents.

Getting into the commission is also not easy. This organization does not work every day and only a few hours at most. If you arrive at the time of its opening, you run the risk of standing at the end of the line with a three-digit number. This is the time to remember the times of scarcity and come a few hours before opening. It’s not a fact that you will enter the top ten, but most likely you will get an appointment that day. But in no case should you drag a child there: out of pity, no one will give up their place, everyone is the same there, you only torture the child.

In addition, keep in mind that places in the gardens are occupied and vacated very slowly. You should not expect that today you will go to the commission, and tomorrow along the red carpet to the sounds of fanfare you will introduce the baby to the coveted kindergarten, and you yourself will run to work. Of course, maybe you will be offered a kindergarten, where you can come tomorrow without a queue, but you are hardly ready to pay for a kindergarten as much as some pay for a university.

Getting a ticket is not the worst thing!

But now the commission has been passed, the ticket has been received, and the kindergarten is not somewhere in the distant future, at the end of a huge queue, but after a month, and then your problems end? And again no!

Now you need to collect documents for the child, without which not a single garden will let you in for a cannon shot. This package includes:

  • a written statement from the parents;
  • medical card of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000);
  • vaccination card (form 63);
  • medical insurance policy of the child (copy);
  • birth certificate of the child (copy);
  • birth certificates of all children in the family;
  • a copy of the 1st page of the passbook (to receive monetary compensation in the amount of 20 to 75%);
  • certificate of receipt of TIN (copy).

If you are entitled to certain benefits, then the documents for them should be collected additionally and attached to this package.

The fact that the voucher is valid for only two weeks makes this process particularly poignant, and kindergartens do not intend to wait longer. If you come with a full package, but later you will simply be kicked out of the queue, and your Sisyphean labor will begin again.

The centralized system has solved some of the problems of setting up kindergartens, but the number of child care facilities is growing much more slowly than we would like, and children are born, grow up and need more and more new places. What to do? Take all the documents necessary for queuing for kindergarten and sign up as early as possible. Many begin to record when the children are only a year old, some almost immediately after birth. In addition, there is always the possibility that a new kindergarten will open, which, if not take your baby, then at least pack most of the queue in front of you.

There is another way to get around the queue: get a job as a nanny, cook, teacher or nurse in a kindergarten, and then the child will be accepted there, but kindergartens do not always have such an opportunity.

The issue of placing a child in a kindergarten is decided by each family individually.

Some are arranged by acquaintance. Parents, who are allowed by the family budget, make out the baby in a private kindergarten. Most people have to wait in long queues for the coveted place. Let's try to figure out how to arrange a child in the garden today.

What you need to know about the waiting list for kindergarten

Given the shortage of places in pre-school public institutions, parents should start worrying about a place for their baby in kindergarten in advance. This will significantly increase the chances of getting a kindergarten closer to home.

The queue for kindergarten has been a topical issue for several decades. Already from the moment the baby is born, you should hurry up and register in the electronic queue, booking a place in the desired kindergarten. In this case, you must specify the date of admission to the institution.

Today, there is an acute shortage of places everywhere, so you can wait several years for your turn. It should be noted that most kindergartens accept kids from 3 years of age.

Registration in the electronic queue

Today, there are two options for the process of registering in line for the purpose of obtaining a seat. Parents can register themselves on the region's website or with the help of an employee of any kindergarten. When registering, you must specify:

Parents' data;
- child's data;
- the number of the birth certificate;
- date of admission to the institution;
- numbers of selected preschool institutions;
- the priority of each specified kindergarten;
- Availability of benefits.

It should be noted that an electronic appeal does not cancel the real one at all. Not later than 30 days from the date of filing the application on a special website, you must come to the district administration for documentary confirmation. If the deadline is missed, the application must be re-registered.

Documents for kindergarten

After electronic registration, you can contact the commission and ask for a ticket to a preschool institution. If there is a referral, not a single kindergarten will be able to refuse a child to provide a place. Documents that are required to apply for a coveted voucher:

Application from parents or persons with these rights;

Birth certificate of the child;

Passport of any of the parents or representative of the child;

If there is a privilege for admission to a preschool kindergarten, you must present the appropriate document.

Medical card form F26.

Seat Allocation Process

After submitting the above documents, you will be listed in a single information database. This fact gives the right to enter the specified kindergarten on a ticket. In the case of registration in one or more institutions, a place must be provided if there is a place in this preschool institution in the group of the corresponding age category. Moreover, in the absence of a free place, distribution is carried out in other preschool institutions of the district that have places. At the request of the parents of the child or his legal representatives, it is possible to allocate a place in other areas.

Decoration in kindergarten

If a referral has already been received from the commission, within a period of 1-2 weeks, the following documents must be submitted to the current head of the kindergarten:

Application for enrollment in the name of the head;

Parent's passport, a copy of the main pages of the document;

Birth certificate;

Citizenship stamp, its copy;

Documents that confirm the availability of benefits.

A kindergarten nurse writes out a referral to a pediatrician for a special medical commission. The polyclinic nurse must issue a medical card for educational institutions (according to form No. 026).

How to enroll a child in a kindergarten on the public services portal?

Private kindergartens

In addition to the state, there are many private kindergartens. They help to effectively cope with the urgent problem of overcrowding in public preschool institutions, while offering better and more comfortable conditions. Private gardens have their advantages:

Small groups. Small groups of children are formed in private gardens, thanks to which each child receives an individual approach and attention. This makes it easier to adapt to an unusual environment and has a beneficial effect on the comprehensive development of the child.

Highly qualified young staff. All educators in private kindergartens have specialized higher education, experience in educational public institutions. They perceive new trends in pedagogy, and show a creative approach.

Modern decoration. Private kindergartens are located in ideally renovated old or new premises. Therefore, in private institutions there are no problems with communications, and the interior of the premises is modern and stylish. Private preschool institutions are equipped with all necessary equipment.

Expanded educational program. In private kindergartens, special attention is paid to the educational process, so educators actively use modern teaching methods for preschoolers, combining systems and programs of various authors. In this case, illustrations, visual aids and handouts are used.

The difference between private kindergartens and state institutions is in the variety of delicious food, in the presence of security guards and in the schedule of work of preschool institutions. Most private kindergartens work longer than public ones, and some are open around the clock. The editors of the site hope that our article will help you arrange your child in kindergarten.
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