The concept of physical culture, sport, physical education. Meaning, tasks, conditions of physical education

The modern broad concept of "physical education" means an organic component of general education - an educational, pedagogical process aimed at mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture by a person. In other words, the goal of physical education is the formation of a person's physical culture, that is, that side of a person's general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education, whether we understand it or not, begins from the very first days after the birth of a new person.

The founder of the scientific system of physical education (originally - education), which harmoniously contributes to the mental development and moral education of a young person, is the Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) in Russia. Created by him in 1896, the “Courses of Teachers and Heads of Physical Education” was the first higher educational institution in Russia for the training of specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Graduates of the academy receive a higher physical education and become specialists in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values ​​by people. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical culture, or a teacher of the department of physical education. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "physical education" as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. In English, the term "physical education" can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term “en:physical culture” in the sense of our broad concept of “physical culture” is not in use abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical activity, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used. Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures the all-round development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are to a large extent manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the discipline "Physical Culture".

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health-improving, developing, educational and upbringing tasks.

Health-improving and developing tasks of physical education include:

Strengthening health and hardening of the body;

Harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the body;

comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;

Ensuring a high level of efficiency and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks, the total time of training sessions in the discipline "Physical Education" and additional independent physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week. (Kuznetsov V.S. 2000)

Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, he has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person with a wrong lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.

Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor.

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, tempering and, at the same time, protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age.

According to the World Health Organization (B03), "health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health:

Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

· Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.

· Moral health is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of a person's social life, i.e. life in a particular human society. The hallmarks of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral monster if he neglects the norms of morality. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health. Morally healthy people have a number of universal human qualities that make them real citizens.

A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy - he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty. (Leshchinsky L.A. 1995)

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various areas of our lives. An active and healthy person retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity, not allowing the "soul to be lazy." Academician N. M. Amosov proposes to introduce a new medical term "amount of health" to denote a measure of the body's reserves.

Let's say that a person in a calm state passes through the lungs 5-9 liters of air per minute. Some highly trained athletes can randomly pass 150 liters of air through their lungs every minute for 10-11 minutes, i.e. exceeding the norm by 30 times. This is the reserve of the body.

Let's take a heart. And calculate its power. There are minute volumes of the heart: the amount of blood in liters ejected in one minute. Suppose that at rest it gives 4 liters per minute, with the most energetic physical work - 20 liters. So the reserve is 5 (20:4).

Similarly, there are hidden reserves of the kidneys and liver. They are detected using various stress tests. Health is the amount of reserves in the body, it is the maximum performance of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their function.

The system of functional reserves of the body can be divided into subsystems:

1. Biochemical reserves (reactions of exchange).

2. Physiological reserves (at the level of cells, organs, organ systems).

3. Mental reserves.

Take, for example, the physiological reserves at the cellular level of a sprinter. Excellent result in running for 100 m-10 seconds. Only a few can show it. Can this result be significantly improved? Calculations show that it is possible, but not more than a few tenths of a second. The limit of possibilities here rests on a certain speed of propagation of excitation along the nerves and on the minimum time required for muscle contraction and relaxation.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, an optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Productive work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Human health is influenced by biological and social factors, the main of which is work.

A rational regime of work and rest is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. With a correct and strictly observed regimen, a clear and necessary rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest, and thereby contributes to strengthening health, improving working capacity and increasing labor productivity. A. B. Zherebtsov

The next link in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These violators of health are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

Many people begin their recovery by quitting smoking, which is considered one of the most dangerous habits of modern man. It is not for nothing that doctors believe that the most serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs are directly related to smoking. Smoking not only undermines health, but also takes strength in the most direct sense. As Soviet experts have established, after 5-9 minutes after smoking a single cigarette, muscle strength decreases by 15%; athletes know this from experience and therefore, as a rule, do not smoke. Does not stimulate smoking and mental activity. On the contrary, the experiment showed that only because of smoking, the accuracy of the test, the perception of the educational material decreases. The smoker does not inhale all the harmful substances in tobacco smoke - about half goes to those who are next to them. It is no coincidence that children in families of smokers suffer from respiratory diseases much more often than in families where no one smokes. Smoking is a common cause of tumors in the mouth, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Constant and prolonged smoking leads to premature aging. Violation of tissue oxygen supply, spasm of small vessels make the appearance of a smoker characteristic (yellowish tint of the whites of the eyes, skin, premature fading), and changes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract affect his voice (loss of sonority, reduced timbre, hoarseness).

The effect of nicotine is especially dangerous during certain periods of life - youth, old age, when even a weak stimulating effect disrupts nervous regulation. Nicotine is especially harmful to pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low-weight children, and to lactating women, as it increases the incidence and mortality of children in the first years of life.

The next difficult task is to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism. It has been established that alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of the systematic consumption of alcohol, a symptom complex of morbid addiction to it develops:

Loss of sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed;

Violation of the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system (psychosis, neuritis, etc.) and the functions of internal organs.

Changes in the psyche that occur even with episodic alcohol intake (excitement, loss of restraining influences, depression, etc.) determine the frequency of suicides committed while intoxicated.

Alcoholism has a particularly harmful effect on the liver: with prolonged systematic alcohol abuse, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver develops. Alcoholism is one of the common causes of pancreatic disease (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Along with changes affecting the health of the drinker, alcohol abuse is always accompanied by social consequences that harm both those around the patient with alcoholism and society as a whole. Alcoholism, like no other disease, causes a whole range of negative social consequences that go far beyond healthcare and concern, to one degree or another, all aspects of modern society. The consequences of alcoholism include the deterioration of the health indicators of people who abuse alcohol and the associated deterioration in the general health indicators of the population. Alcoholism and related diseases are second only to cardiovascular disease and cancer as a cause of death.

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. When talking about it, one should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of received and consumed energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for the normal development of a person, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and a number of other ailments.

The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. Nutrition should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of even one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver.

Not every one of us knows that we need to learn a culture of reasonable consumption, to refrain from the temptation to take another piece of a tasty product that gives extra calories or introduces an imbalance. After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to a violation of health. The human body consumes energy not only during the period of physical activity (during work, sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - maintaining a constant body temperature . It has been established that a healthy middle-aged person with normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for every kilogram of body weight.

The first rule in any natural diet should be: - Eat only when you feel hungry.

Refusal to eat with pain, mental and physical ailments, with fever and elevated body temperature.

Refusal to eat immediately before bedtime, as well as before and after serious work, physical or mental.

It is very important to have free time to digest food. The notion that exercising after eating aids in digestion is a gross mistake.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only a high level of digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, their complete assimilation at the cell level.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, contributes to maintaining health, high performance and prolonging life. (Kutsenko G.I., Novikov Yu.V. 1997)

People with chronic diseases need to follow a diet.

It plays an important role in health and the environment. Human intervention in the regulation of natural processes does not always bring the desired positive results. Violation of at least one of the natural components leads, by virtue of the interrelations existing between them, to the restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial components. Pollution of the surface of the land, hydrosphere, atmosphere and the World Ocean, in turn, affects the state of human health, the effect of the "ozone hole" affects the formation of malignant tumors, air pollution affects the state of the respiratory tract, and water pollution affects digestion, sharply worsens the general condition human health, reduces life expectancy. However, health obtained from nature is only 5% dependent on parents, and 50% dependent on the conditions surrounding us.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account another objective factor influencing health - heredity. This is the property inherent in all organisms to repeat in a number of generations the same signs and features of development, the ability to transfer from one generation to another the material structures of the cell, containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Affect our health and biological rhythms. One of the most important features of the processes occurring in a living organism is their rhythmic nature.

It has now been established that over three hundred processes occurring in the human body are subject to the daily rhythm.

Optimal motor mode is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercises and sports, which effectively solve the problems of improving the health and developing the physical abilities of young people, maintaining health and motor skills, and strengthening the prevention of adverse age-related changes. At the same time, physical culture and sports act as the most important means of education.

It is useful to walk up the stairs without using the elevator. According to American doctors, each step gives a person 4 seconds of life. 70 steps burn 28 calories. (Kuznetsov V.S. 2000)

General physical activity includes morning exercises, physical training, self-service work, walking, work in the summer cottage, etc. The norms of general physical activity are not precisely defined. Some domestic and Japanese scientists believe that an adult should take at least 10-15 thousand steps a day.

The Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture offers norms for the weekly volume of physical activity of students - 10 - 14 hours;

The main qualities that characterize the physical development of a person are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. The improvement of each of these qualities also contributes to the strengthening of health, but not to the same extent. You can become very fast by training in sprinting. Finally, it is very good to become agile and flexible by applying gymnastic and acrobatic exercises. However, with all this, it is not possible to form sufficient resistance to pathogenic effects. (Leshchinsky 1995)

For effective healing and disease prevention, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, combined with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide a growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases.

In Russia, hardening has long been massive. An example is the village baths with steam and snow baths. However, these days, most people do nothing to harden themselves or their children. Moreover, many parents, out of fear of catching a cold for a child, already from the first days of his life begin to engage in passive protection against colds: they wrap him up, close the windows, etc. Such "care" for children does not create conditions for good adaptation to changing environmental temperatures. On the contrary, it contributes to the weakening of their health, which leads to the occurrence of colds. Therefore, the problem of finding and developing effective hardening methods remains one of the most important. But the benefits of hardening from an early age have been proven by vast practical experience and are based on solid scientific justification.

Various methods of hardening are widely known - from air baths to dousing with cold water. The usefulness of these procedures is beyond doubt. Since time immemorial, it has been known that walking barefoot is a wonderful hardening remedy. Winter swimming is the highest form of hardening. To achieve it, a person must go through all the stages of hardening.

The effectiveness of hardening increases with the use of special temperature effects and procedures. Everyone should know the basic principles of their correct application: systematic and consistent; taking into account individual characteristics, health status and emotional reactions to the procedure.

Another effective hardening agent can and should be a contrast shower before and after exercise. Contrast showers train the neurovascular apparatus of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, improving physical thermoregulation, and have a stimulating effect on the central nervous mechanisms. Experience shows a high tempering and healing value of a contrast shower for both adults and children. It also works well as a stimulant of the nervous system, relieving fatigue and increasing efficiency.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life for many years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism. (Kutsenko G.I. 1997)

To develop strength, exercises that are performed cyclically should be used. They can consist of push-ups, cross step. The initial load should be minimal and increase as the results from the exercise are achieved, as soon as the physical condition allows you to cope with heavy loads.

If individual muscle groups are underdeveloped, special attention should be paid to their training, but the overall load should be reduced.

Muscular strength is one of the conditions for the development of such a quality as power, because in combination with speed, increasing strength due to training increases power. The greatest success can be achieved with the simultaneous development of high speed, strength and endurance.

Strength exercises with weights on the pectoral and shoulder muscles should be performed using shells weighing half the weight of the trainee plus 5 kilograms, for the legs - 75% of the body weight plus 5 kilograms.

1. In order to develop the muscles of the legs, you can use the so-called duck step - movement in a semi-squat, as well as squats, running and jumping. Different jumps develop certain muscle groups. In training, jumping from a place in length, jumping with an alternate lunge of the right and left foot forward, frog jumping, jumping rope, weight jumping can be used. Squats can also be different: simple squats, squats with a barbell, squats with a raise on the toes and a rotation of the body. All of these exercises can be used to develop leg and pelvic muscles.

2. For the development of the muscles of the lower back and the press, such exercises as pull-ups, push-ups, lifting the legs and body in the prone position, tilting with a load, “corner”, pulling the legs to the stomach in the hang are suitable.

3. For the development of arm muscles, you can use push-ups, pull-ups, handstands, work with a barbell and kettlebells, shot put. Such exercises well not only develop the muscles of the arms and shoulders, but also strengthen the joints. A set of exercises for the development of strength can be used without weights with shells. Very effective in this case are classes on the crossbar. The crossbar should be located at such a height that the legs do not reach the ground in the “hanging” position. The exercise consists in pulling up on the crossbar until the chin touches it. Matveev L.P.

The development of general speed is carried out in general physical training classes in the following way:

Running is the main exercise that develops overall speed. Short runs, 40-60 m, during training on the road, perfectly develop speed.

physical culture development

Physical education - part of the general culture of society, the combination of various activities aimed at achieving a person's physical improvement (health promotion, development of physical qualities, achievement of sports results, etc.). Level physical culture society (any society) depends on the level physical culture its members - physical personality culture - the degree of independent use of F. to. in the field of upbringing and education, in production, everyday life, in the organization of free time, leisure.

Sport - an integral part of physical culture, a means and method of physical education, a system for organizing competitions in various physical exercises. There is an amateur sport and a professional one. The purpose of sport as an integral part of physical culture, along with health promotion and general physical development of a person, is to achieve high results and victories in competitions.

Physical education - an organic part of general education; a socio-pedagogical process aimed at strengthening health, the harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, its physical abilities and qualities, the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities necessary in everyday life and production, activities, and ultimately to achieve physical perfection. The main means and ways of F.v. are physical exercises (natural and specially selected movements and their complexes - gymnastic, athletics), various sports and tourism, hardening of the body (the use will heal, the forces of nature - the sun, air, water), compliance hygienic regime of work and life, mastery of special. knowledge and skills in the field of the use of physical exercises, means of hardening, personal and social, hygiene for the purpose of physical development and improvement (the so-called physical education).

Physical development - the process of change, as well as the totality of the morphological and functional properties of the organism. F. r. of a person is due to biological factors (heredity, the relationship of functional and structural, the gradualness of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, etc.) and social (material and cultural standard of living, distribution and use of material and spiritual wealth, education, work, life, etc. .). As a set of features that characterize the state of the body at different age stages, the level of F. r. (along with fertility, morbidity, mortality) is one of the most important indicators of the social health of the population. The main means of directed influence on F. r. are physical exercises. In modern society, comprehensive F. r. of all groups of the population, the achievement of physical perfection is the social goal of physical education, the program and regulatory basis of which are nationwide programs.

What is physical education

The most important task in any family is to raise a healthy child. If children develop physically, a foundation is created on which the framework of a person's personality can be built. Unfortunately, modern statistics show that the physical development, as well as the health of children and adolescents, today leaves much to be desired. Ten years ago, children showed higher rates of physical development than they do now.

Physical education is the foundation for a child to develop harmoniously. Its significance is also great in the comprehensive formation of personality. It is this upbringing that creates the ground for it to be possible to fully work mentally. In order to work intellectually, you need to spend enough physical strength. If a child is sick, not tempered, then the efficiency of his mental activity is noticeably reduced, while it is easier for a physically healthy person to prove himself in productive work, it is much easier to overcome heavy loads, and overwork in such people is much less common.

Proper physical education contributes to the formation in the child of a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, demanding of himself. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the will. Good physical development is the result of physical education. Due to the fact that it is organized at the proper level, the physical strength of the child can not only be strengthened, but also improved.

Physical education in the family is a multifaceted process that covers the physical education and health activities of the child. It is desirable that he is engaged not only in physical education, but also in some kind of sport - this will help him develop strength and endurance. If we talk about the internal structure and content of physical education, then from this point of view, an important place is given to such a process as the formation of a child's real need for physical education, which can significantly improve health. If a person develops the habit of doing physical exercises, then it will be possible to improve his physical strength and overall performance, strengthen his will.

Physical education carries knowledge that will enrich the child's ideas about the essence and significance of physical culture and sports, about how they affect the development of the individual. Thanks to such knowledge, the horizons of children will be significantly expanded both mentally and morally. In addition, this way you can increase their overall culture.

Physical education involves the development of the child's physical abilities, the desire for sports activities. It can be light or weightlifting, sports games or swimming. When a child goes in for sports, does exercises, hardens, he, of course, becomes healthier and more resilient. In addition, daily physical education helps to be alert and energetic all day long, makes the figure toned.

The use of various physical exercises is nothing but methods of physical education. They are divided into specific and general pedagogical. Their first group is characteristic exclusively for the process of physical education, and the second is used in all cases of training and education. In order to solve specific problems that are associated with teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, the game method, strictly regulated exercises and the competitive method are used.

The generally accepted methods include verbal, as well as methods of visual influence. It is very important that in the methodology of physical education there is no method that could be considered the best. For the successful implementation of the complex of tasks of physical education, it is necessary to optimally combine various methods, based on methodological principles.

Physical education is:

Physical education

Physical education- the sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of conscious physical activity. physical education- a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities, improvement of his motor activity and formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation");

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • the level of health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

General information

The term "physical culture" appeared at the end of the 19th century in England during the rapid development of modern sports, but did not find wide use in the West and eventually disappeared from everyday life. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received its recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vseobuch held a congress on physical culture, from 1922 the journal "Physical Culture" was published, and from 1925 to the present - the journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture". Gradually, the term "physical culture" became widespread in the countries of the former socialist camp and in some countries of the "third world". The very name "physical culture" indicates its belonging to culture. Physical culture is a kind of general culture, a side of the activity of mastering, improving, maintaining and restoring values ​​in the field of physical improvement of a person for self-realization of his spiritual and physical abilities and its socially significant results related to the fulfillment of his duties in society.

Physical culture is a part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person by nature (from a religious point of view - by God) physical and mental abilities, but what is not less important, and the experience of affirmation and hardening of the moral, moral principles of a person, manifested in the process of physical activity. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people's achievements in improving their physical and, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities are reflected. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and abilities to improve them, constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the facets of the general culture of a person.

Means of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all manifestations of the life of the human body, are conscious (conscious) employment in a variety of physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which are invented or improved by the person himself. They suggest a gradual increase in physical activity from exercise and warm-up to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities grow. In combination with the use of the natural forces of nature (the sun, air and water are our best friends!), hygiene factors, diet and rest, and depending on personal goals, physical culture allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent physical condition for many years .

Components of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a certain independence, its own target setting, material and technical support, a different level of development and the amount of personal values. Therefore, sport in the activity sphere of physical culture is singled out especially, using the phrases "physical culture and sport", "physical culture and sport". In this case, “physical culture”, “physical culture” in the narrow sense can mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture is formed by people's physical culture activities as part of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and health improvement, improvement of motor capabilities, improvement of physique and posture, as well as physical recreational activities.

Physical recreation

Recreation (lat. - recreatio, literally - restoration) - 1) holidays, a change at school, 2) a room for rest in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human strength. Physical recreation is motor active recreation and entertainment using physical exercises, outdoor games, various sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, which result in pleasure and good health and mood, restore mental and physical performance. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Healing Fitness

Main article: Healing Fitness

Another, also unsportsmanlike in terms of goals, direction of physical culture is formed by therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), which uses specially selected physical exercises and, as already noted, some sports facilities for the treatment and restoration of body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and others. reasons.


Sport in the traditional expression "physical culture and sport" is not only taken out of the scope of physical culture in the narrow sense of this term, but also beyond the scope of physical culture in the broad sense, since it also includes physical activities not directly related to culture (for example, chess, checkers, bridge, billiards, shooting, a number of technical sports, etc.), suitable for the original meaning of the English word "sport" as games, fun, entertainment. In a broad sense, the modern concept of physical culture includes only sports based on the performance of certain physical exercises and high physical activity. The integral features of sports are pronounced competitiveness, the desire to win and achieve high results, which require increased mobilization of the physical, mental and moral qualities of a person, which are improved in the process of rational training and participation in competitions. Such a distinction between two different quantitative and qualitative levels of manifestation of a person’s capabilities and aspirations in mass physical education and sports is consistent with the well-known names “cultivator” and “athlete”.

Adaptive physical culture

Main article: Adaptive physical culture

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition “adaptive”, which emphasizes the purpose of physical culture means for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor of influence on the body and personality of a person. Knowledge of the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. St. Petersburg University of Physical Education. P.F. Lesgaft, the faculty of adaptive physical culture was opened, the task of which is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture of the disabled.

Physical education

Main article: Physical education

The modern broad concept of "physical education" means an organic component of general education - an educational, pedagogical process aimed at mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture by a person. In other words, the goal of physical education is the formation of a person's physical culture, that is, that side of a person's general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. The founder of the scientific system of physical education (originally - education), which harmoniously contributes to the mental development and moral education of a young person, is the Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) in Russia. Created by him in 1896, the “Courses of Teachers and Heads of Physical Education” was the first higher educational institution in Russia for the training of specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Graduates of the academy receive a higher physical education and become specialists in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values ​​by people. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical culture, or a teacher of the department of physical education. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "physical education" as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. In English, the term "physical education" can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term “en:physical culture” in the sense of our broad concept of “physical culture” is not in use abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical activity, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used. Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures the all-round development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are to a large extent manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the discipline "Physical Culture".

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health-improving, developing, educational and upbringing tasks.

Health-improving and developing tasks of physical education include:

  • strengthening health and hardening of the body;
  • harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the organism;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • ensuring a high level of efficiency and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks, the total time of training sessions in the discipline "Physical Education" and additional independent physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week.

see also

  • Physical education at school


  1. Nikolaev Yu. M. Theory of physical culture: functional, value, activity, resultative aspects. SPb., 2000, .
  2. Social and biological foundations of physical culture: Textbook / Ed. ed. D. N. Davidenko. Publisher: SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY, 2001, 208 with ISBN 5-288-02201-1

2. Physical education as a system, its structure. Purpose, tasks, bases and principles of the system of physical education

Physical education system – a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, which ensures the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Basics: 1. worldview. Worldview - a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity. The ideological attitudes are aimed at promoting the comprehensive development of the individual, strengthening and maintaining health for many years, preparing on this basis for professional activities.

2. Theoretical and methodical. Scientific provisions of the natural, social, pedagogical sciences, on the basis of which the "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" develops the laws of physical education.

3. Program-normative. Norms and requirements of state programs, standards of the Unified Russian Sports Classification, norms of the All-Russian Complex "Physical Culture and Health".

4. Organizational:

- state forms of organization (mandatory physical exercises in preschool institutions, secondary schools, vocational schools, the army, in medical and preventive organizations);

Public amateur forms of organization (a system of voluntary sports societies: Spartak, Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Labor Reserves, etc.);

Governance and management bodies (Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, State Duma Committee for Tourism and Sports, regional and municipal committees for physical culture and sports, relevant departments of the Ministry of Education, regional and municipal departments of educational bodies).

The purpose of the physical education system - optimization of the physical development of a person, comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities and abilities inherent in everyone in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities and ensure, on this basis, that each member of society is prepared for fruitful labor and other activities.

Tasks of the system of physical education:

1. Wellness (tasks to optimize physical development):

Optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person;

Strengthening and maintaining health, including hardening of the body;

Improvement of physique and development of physiological functions;

Maintaining a high level of overall performance for many years.

2. Educational:

Formation of vital motor skills and abilities;

Formation of sports motor skills and abilities;

Acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature in physical culture.

3. Educational (tasks for the formation of a person's personality):

Promoting the development of moral qualities;

Promoting the formation of behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society;

Promoting the development of intelligence;

Promoting the development of psychomotor functions.

Principles of the system of physical education:

The principle of influence on the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is revealed in two positions.

1. Ensure the unity of all aspects of education that form a harmoniously developed personality. In the process of physical education and related forms of using physical culture, an integrated approach is needed in solving the problems of moral, aesthetic, physical, mental and labor education.

2. Comprehensive use of various factors of physical culture for the complete general development of vital physical qualities characteristic of a person and motor abilities based on them, along with the formation of a wide fund of motor skills necessary in life. In accordance with this, in specialized forms of physical education, it is necessary to ensure the unity of general and special physical training.

The principle of connection of physical education with the practice of life (principle of application). This principle reflects the purpose of physical culture to the greatest extent: to prepare a person for work, and also, by necessity, for military activity. The applicability principle is specified in the following provisions.

1. When solving specific tasks of physical training, other things being equal, preference should be given to those means (physical exercises) that form vitally important motor skills and skills of a directly applied nature.

2. In any form of physical activity, it is necessary to strive to ensure the acquisition of the widest possible fund of various motor skills and abilities, as well as the versatile development of physical abilities.

3. Constantly and purposefully link physical cultural activity with the formation of an active life position of the individual based on the education of diligence, patriotism and moral qualities.

The principle of wellness orientation. The meaning of the principle lies in the obligatory achievement of the effect of strengthening and improving human health.

Questions for the test in physical culture

Questions for credits and exams

1. Types of automated systems that use databases and contain them as information storage subsystems.

2. The concept of an information system, database.

3. Life cycle of an information system.

4. Ascending and descending methods of database design.

5. Fundamental information objects of the subject area: entities, relationships and attributes.

6. Criteria for the optimality of data models in the database.

7. Levels of abstraction, conceptual, logical, physical data models.

8. The difference between databases depending on the method of data storage. local database. distributed database.

9. The difference between databases depending on the type of information stored. factual database. dynamic database. Documentary database. Graphic database. Integrated DB.

10. Definition, purpose, general provisions, differences. Database management system. Database.

11. Definition, purpose, general provisions, differences. Knowledge base. Expert system.

12. Semantic data model of the "Entity-relationship" type - ER-model. Entity attributes.

13. Varieties of connections in ER-models: 1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:N. Model examples.

14. Network data model.

15. Hierarchical data model.

16. Relational data model.

17. Object-oriented data model.

18. Three-layer architecture of the information system "Client-server".

19. The use of databases in computer-aided design systems (CAD systems).

20. The use of the database in automated software development systems (CASE systems).

21. Application of the database in office multimedia systems (OIS systems).

22. The use of databases in geographic information systems (GIS systems).

23. Application of DB in systems of remote sensing of the Earth from space.

24. Application of the database in interactive and dynamic Web sites.

25. The use of databases in expert systems.

In accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education, since 1994 physical culture has been declared a compulsory discipline of the humanitarian educational cycle.

Physical education It is part of the general culture of the society. Has spiritual, material values. Uses special means, methods aimed at the physical perfection of a person.

The basis of physical culture is expedient motor activity in the form of physical exercises, which allows to form the necessary skills, quotes, physical abilities, optimize the state of health and performance.

Physical culture is represented by a combination of material and spiritual values.

Material values ​​include sports facilities, inventory, special equipment, sports equipment, medical support.

Spiritual values ​​include information, works of art, sports, games, sets of exercises, ethical standards that regulate human behavior in the process of sports activities.

The result of the activity of physical culture is physical fitness and the degree of perfection of motor skills, a high level of development of vitality, sports achievements, moral and ethical development.

Sport- this is a part of physical culture, actual competitive activity, special preparation for it, aimed at achieving the highest sports results.

At the moment there are more than 20 sports. They are divided into cyclic (swimming, skiing), complex coordination (figure skating, gymnastics), speed-strength (weightlifting, cycling), sports (volleyball, boxing, football, hockey), martial arts (fencing, wrestling), all-around (triathlon). ), sports of an abstract-logical nature (chess).

Physical education- a type of education, the content of which is training, movement, education of physical qualities, mastery of special knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education. This is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of motor skills and the development of specific abilities (endurance, coordination, strength).

The means of physical education are physical exercises.

Physical exercise- these are motor actions performed to acquire and improve physical qualities, skills and abilities.

To the library for the teacher of physical culture and to prepare students for the theoretical tour at the Olympiad in physical culture.

The term "physical culture" appeared in England at the end of the 19th century, but was not widely used in the West and was soon replaced by the term SPORT (sport), derived from Disport - game, entertainment. Physical culture appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and was immediately recognized in all Soviet institutions, firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, and the journal "Physical Culture" was published. But after the collapse of the USSR, the appropriateness of using the term "physical culture" is disputed. The argument against is the fact that this term is not used in most countries of the world, with the exception of Eastern Europe, where for more than half a century the development of physical culture and sports was modeled on the Soviet system. Some propose to replace physical culture with the concept of "sport". The more literate believe that physical culture is a step forward compared to Western sports science. Physical education is the goal, and sport is the means to achieve it.(games, competitions). The foundations of physical culture were laid in, which combined military training, rituals and dances into a system. In Rus', physical culture also combined military training, rituals and dances, for example "". In modern Russia, traditions are forgotten, not everyone can even dance in Russian - health is not enough.

Physical education- the sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of conscious physical activity. Physical education- a part of culture, which is a set of values ​​and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities, improvement of his physical activity and formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation").

The main means of physical education are games and various physical exercises with a gradual increase in load. Starting with light training and ending with competitions, setting personal and general records. To achieve the result, only the natural forces of nature (sun, water, air), diet, hygiene, and rest are used. Indicators of physical culture in society:- the level and health of the nation; - the degree of use of physical culture in the areas of upbringing, education, everyday life and production.

Types of physical culture

1. Basic physical culture- this is a part of physical culture, where the foundation is laid - the base - the foundation for normal physical development and further improvement.

Basic physical culture is divided into preschool and school physical culture.

Physical education. This is a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education.

In physical education, there are two sides: physical education and the development of physical qualities.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that it provides the systemic formation of motor skills and the directed development of a person's physical qualities, the totality of which determines his physical capacity to a decisive extent.

Physical training is a process during which one or another level of physical fitness is achieved.

Physical training. This is the process of educating physical qualities and mastering vital movements. The term "physical training" emphasizes the applied orientation of physical education to work or other activities. Distinguish between general physical training and special.

general physical preparation is aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor fitness as prerequisites for success in various activities.

Special physical training- a specialized process that contributes to success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person's motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical fitness, which reflects the achieved performance in the formed motor skills and abilities that contribute to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is oriented).

Physical development- this is the process of changing the forms and functions of the human body under the influence of living conditions and education.

There are three levels of physical development: high, medium and low, and two intermediate levels above average and below average.

In the narrow sense of the word, physical development is understood as anthropometric indicators (height, weight, circumference-chest volume, foot size, etc.).

The level of physical development is determined in comparison with the normative tables.

From the textbook Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsova B.C. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports:

Physical development. This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

  1. Physique indicators (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, fat deposition, etc.), which primarily characterize the biological forms, or morphology, of a person.
  2. Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting the morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. Of decisive importance for human health is the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc.
  3. 3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Up to about 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development seems to be stabilized at a certain level. In the future, with aging, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and worsens, body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changing these indicators during life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. Successfully managing physical development is possible only if these patterns are known and they are taken into account when building the process of physical education.

Physical development is to a certain extent determined laws of heredity , which should be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, should be taken into account when predicting a person's ability and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to the law of age gradation . It is possible to intervene in the process of human physical development in order to manage it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the human body in different age periods: in the period of formation and growth, in the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, in the period of aging.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unity of organism and environment and, therefore, significantly depends on the conditions of human life. The conditions of life are primarily social conditions. The conditions of life, work, upbringing and material support to a large extent affect the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a certain influence on physical development.

Of great importance for the management of physical development in the process of physical education are the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of the forms and functions of the organism in its activity . These laws are the starting point when choosing the means and methods of physical education in each case.

Choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law of exercise capacity, one can count on the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a whole. Therefore, when choosing exercises and loads, mainly of selective effects, it is necessary to clearly imagine all aspects of their influence on the body.

physical perfection- this is a historically determined level of physical fitness and a high degree of health.

Physical perfection is one of the sides of the harmonious development of a person.

Physical perfection at different times has different physiological characteristics and depends on socio-economic conditions.

In recent times, physical perfection assumed three parameters:

  1. spiritual purity;
  2. moral perfection;
  3. physical harmonious and optimal development.

From the textbook Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsova B.C. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports.

physical perfection. This is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, which optimally meets the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1) good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, conditions of life, work, life; 2) high general physical performance, which allows to achieve significant special performance; 3) proportionately developed physique, correct posture, the absence of certain anomalies and imbalances; 4) comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided development of a person; 5) possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions; 6) physical education, i.е. possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use their body and physical abilities in life, work, sports.

At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of state programs in combination with the standards of a unified sports classification.

Sport. It represents the actual competitive activity, special training for it, as well as interpersonal relations and norms inherent in it.

A characteristic feature of sports is competitive activity, a specific form of which is competitions that allow you to identify, compare and compare human capabilities based on a clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, unification of the composition of actions (weight of the projectile, opponent, distance, etc.), conditions for their implementation and methods assessment of achievements according to established rules.

Special preparation for competitive activity in sports is carried out in the form of sports training.

As a product of social development, sport is an organic part of the culture of society and, depending on specific social conditions, acquires various features and forms.

Specific for sports is that its ultimate goal is the physical improvement of a person, realized in the conditions of competitive activity, without which he cannot exist. Competitive activity is carried out in the conditions of official competitions with the aim of achieving a high sports result.

Based on the foregoing, sport in a narrow sense can be defined as a competitive one, the specific form of which is the system of competitions, which has historically developed in the field of physical culture as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of human capabilities.

However, sport cannot be reduced only to competitive activity; it also has a deeper meaning. This is due to the social nature and purpose of sport in our society.

Achieving high sports results is impossible without a fairly well-established system of training an athlete, carried out in the field of diverse interpersonal contacts that develop between coaches, athletes and judges, organizers, spectators, etc. They are carried out at different levels, ranging from a sports team to competitions at various international levels.

Thus, sport in a broad sense represents the actual competitive activity, special training for it, as well as specific relationships, norms and achievements in the field of this activity.

The development of sports around the world has led to the emergence and spread of many individual sports, of which there are currently more than 200. Each of them is characterized by its subject of competition, a special set of actions, methods of wrestling and competition rules. The most common sports are included in the program of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games.

Along with the concept of "sport", the concept of "physical culture" or their combination "physical culture and sport" is often used. Sport is an integral part, a major component of physical culture. A number of social functions of physical culture extend to sports. However, not all sports can be attributed to the components of physical culture. This is due to the fact that the term "physical culture" is understood as an organic part of the culture of society and the individual, the rational use of physical activity by a person as a factor in optimizing his condition and development, physical preparation for life practice.

Such sports as chess, checkers, bridge, model design disciplines are not directly related to the use of physical exercises as the main means of preparing for sports achievements.

Although sport is one of the components of physical culture, at the same time it goes beyond its framework, gaining a certain independence.

The sports movement in our country and throughout the world, as a rule, embraces the practice of mass sports. A multi-million army of children, teenagers, boys, girls and adults, while playing sports, improve their health, get joy from communicating with people, improve in their chosen sports specialization, improve their physical condition, overall performance and achieve sports results in accordance with their capabilities.

Physical education

Berlin 1933: joint preparatory exercises.

Physical education- the sphere of social activity aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, developing the psychophysical abilities of a person in the process of conscious physical activity. Physical education- a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities, improvement of his motor activity and formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation").

The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

  • the level of health and physical development of people;
  • the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

The concept of "physical culture" appeared at the end of the 19th century in England during the rapid development of modern sports, but did not find wide use in the West and eventually disappeared from everyday life. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917, the term "physical culture" received its recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vsevobuch held a congress on physical culture, from 1922 the journal "Physical Culture" was published, and from 1925 to the present - the journal "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture".

The very name "physical culture" names something very important. Physical culture is part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only the centuries-old valuable experience of preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person the physical and mental abilities inherent in him by nature, but, no less important, the experience of asserting and hardening manifested in the process of physical activity of moral, moral principles of a person. Thus, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people's achievements in improving their physical, as well as, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities, are reflected. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills for their improvement, constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of the individual as one of the facets of the general culture of a person Social and biological foundations of physical culture.

To date, a number of theorists dispute the appropriateness of using the term "physical culture". One of the arguments "against" is that in most countries of the world, this term is generally absent from the scientific lexicon. The only exceptions are the countries of Eastern Europe, in which the development of physical culture and sports for more than half a century was carried out in the image and likeness of the Soviet system. In this regard, leading Russian sports theorists sometimes express polar opinions about the further use of the concept of “physical culture” in science: for example, A. G. Egorov believes that this term should be completely replaced by the concept of “sport” accepted all over the world. ”, while L. I. Lubysheva considers the scientific definition of physical culture a “step forward” compared to Western sports science.

At the moment, L.I. Lubysheva actively introduces the concept of "sports culture". Without entering into debate. it can be noted that this position is not productive, since, according to the main theorists of this field of knowledge (P.F. Lesgaft), the concepts of "physical culture and physical education" and the concept of sport should not be confused in principle. According to this scientist, youth destroy three things: wine, excitement and sports.

According to A. A. Isaev, it is quite logical to consider physical culture as a goal, and sport as a means to achieve it. It is for this reason that the definition of "sport for all" is becoming widespread, reflected more and more substantively at the international level - in the documents of UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the IOC. "Sport for All" puts physical culture in its rightful place as a qualitative characteristic, absorbing the activity components that once belonged to it. Theorists of physical culture of the Soviet school, wrote A. A. Isaev, actively resist the process of transformation of the meaning of physical culture, dictated by the change in socio-political dominants in the development of modern Russia. This circumstance, influencing managerial decisions, noticeably slows down the development of a sports policy in Russia that is adequate to the changes in society. This approach is the key to resolving methodological contradictions associated with the definition of the concepts of "physical culture" and "sport" [clarify]

Means of physical culture

The main means of physical culture, developing and harmonizing all manifestations of the life of the human body, are conscious (conscious) employment in a variety of physical exercises (bodily movements), most of which are invented or improved by the person himself. They suggest a gradual increase in physical activity from exercise and warm-up to training, from training to sports games and competitions, from them to the establishment of both personal and general sports records as personal physical capabilities grow. In combination with the use of the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water), hygiene factors, diet and rest, and depending on personal goals, physical culture allows you to harmoniously develop and heal the body and maintain it in excellent physical condition for many years.

Components of physical culture

Each of the components of physical culture has a certain independence, its own target setting, material and technical support, a different level of development and the amount of personal values. Therefore, sport in the activity sphere of physical culture is singled out especially, using the phrases "physical culture and sport", "physical culture and sport". In this case, under "physical culture", "physical culture" in the narrow sense, it is just possible to mean mass physical culture and therapeutic physical culture.

Mass physical culture

Mass physical culture is formed by people's physical culture activities as part of the process of physical education and self-education for their general physical development and health improvement, improvement of motor capabilities, improvement of physique and posture, as well as physical recreational activities.

Physical recreation

Recreation (lat. - recreation, - "recovery") - 1) holidays, a change at school, 2) a room for rest in educational institutions, 3) rest, restoration of human strength. Physical recreation is motor active recreation and entertainment using physical exercises, outdoor games, various sports, as well as the natural forces of nature, which result in pleasure and good health and mood, restore mental and physical performance. As a rule, classes at the level of mass physical culture for a healthy person are not associated with very large physical and volitional efforts, however, they create a powerful disciplining, tonic and harmonizing background for all aspects of his activity.

Healing Fitness

Another, also unsportsmanlike in terms of goals, direction of physical culture is formed by therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation), which uses specially selected physical exercises and, as already noted, some sports facilities for the treatment and restoration of body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and others. reasons.


Adaptive physical culture

The specificity of this activity sphere is expressed in the complementary definition “adaptive”, which emphasizes the purpose of physical culture means for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor of influence on the body and personality of a person. Knowledge of the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. St. Petersburg University of Physical Education. P.F. Lesgaft, the faculty of adaptive physical culture was opened, the task of which is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture of the disabled. In addition to working with people with disabilities, adaptive physical culture is aimed at using physical activity to promote social and psychological adaptation, prevention of deviations in socialization (for example, within the framework of this direction, the use of physical culture and sports for the prevention of drug addiction is being developed).

Physical education

The modern broad concept of "physical education" means an organic component of general education - an educational, pedagogical process aimed at mastering the personal values ​​of physical culture by a person. In other words, the goal of physical education is the formation of a person's physical culture, that is, that side of a person's general culture that helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education, whether we understand it or not, begins from the very first days after the birth of a person.

The founder of the scientific system of physical education (originally - education), which harmoniously contributes to the mental development and moral education of a young person, is the Russian teacher, anatomist and doctor Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837-1909) in Russia. Created by him in 1896, the "Courses of Teachers and Leaders of Physical Education" was the first higher educational institution in Russia for the training of specialists in physical education, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Graduates of the academy receive a higher physical education and become specialists in various fields of physical culture, including in the field of physical education, that is, the development of physical culture values ​​by people. In relation to work in higher educational institutions, such a specialist is called a teacher of physical culture, or a teacher of the department of physical education.

It is necessary to distinguish between the terms "physical education" as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its original (according to P.F. Lesgaft) sense of physical education. In English, the term "physical education" can be used in both senses. It should also be borne in mind that the English term "en: physical culture" in the sense of our broad concept of "physical culture" is not in use abroad. There, depending on the specific direction of physical activity, the words “en: sport”, “en: physical education”, “en: physical training”, “en: fitness”, etc. are used.

Physical education in unity with mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education ensures the comprehensive development of the individual. Moreover, these aspects of the general process of education are to a large extent manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly.

In higher educational institutions, the process of physical education of students is carried out at the Department of Physical Education through the discipline "Physical Culture".

The goal of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health-improving, developing, educational and upbringing tasks.

Health-improving and developing tasks of physical education include:

  • strengthening health and hardening of the body;
  • harmonious development of the body and physiological functions of the organism;
  • comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities;
  • ensuring a high level of efficiency and creative longevity.

It is believed that in order to fulfill these tasks, the total time of training sessions in the discipline "Physical Education" and additional independent physical exercises and sports for each student should be at least 5 hours a week.

Christianity about physical education

  • Christianity in the 4th century banned the Olympic Games and anathematized them as pagan

see also



  • Federal Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation

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