Increased sweating of the feet in a child causes. Causes of excessive sweating and treatments

Excessive sweating can be a sign of a serious medical condition. Therefore, with increased sweating of the legs in a child, you need to consult a doctor.

Sweating in a child

Sweating is an integral part of thermoregulation and metabolism of the body. The doctor can determine the norms for sweating in a child, based on the age of the child.

Children under 1 year old

In the first year of life, the sweat glands of the crumbs are only developing. Therefore, the hands and feet of the baby are often overheated or supercooled.

The main indicator of the child's attitude to the surrounding heat will be the temperature of his feet. Unfortunately, many mothers make the mistake of wrapping their baby too tightly. Such excessive care leads to the appearance and irritation of the skin.

Another no less common reason why a baby's legs and arms sweat may be hypertonicity of the extremities. Signs of this violation are the clenching of the fists and the baby's attempts to stand on tiptoe. When observing such symptoms, you need to tell the pediatrician about it. Then he will prescribe the massage and exercise therapy necessary for the treatment of hypertonicity to the child.

Most often, sweating of the legs and hands is observed in children who are artificially fed, who were born prematurely, who are prone to allergic reactions, or who have gastrointestinal diseases.

Children aged 1 to 5 years

At this time, the child shows high mobile activity. He jumps, runs, crawls or just spins. Sweating in this situation is completely normal. And it will be enough just to wear lighter shoes.

But if the child's feet often sweat for no apparent reason, then this may be a reason to contact the pediatrician.

Over 5 years old

During this period, the danger of occurrence disappears. But there is an intensive restructuring of the body at the hormonal level. Therefore, during this period, stress, stress, or any emotional shock can be the reason why a child's feet sweat.

Why does a child's feet sweat?

The child's feet sweat not only due to external factors, but also due to a number of diseases. Negligent attitude to this symptom can lead to very serious consequences.

Pathologies that cause sweaty feet are as follows:

  1. Damage to the central nervous system, heart or blood vessels. At the same time, the baby also has sharp drops in blood pressure.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Malignant neoplasms.
  4. Rickets (lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body).
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, the legs can smell bad and sweat.
  7. Kidney diseases.
  8. Heatstroke.
  9. Respiratory diseases.
  10. Helminths. An accompanying symptom may be skin irritation or a rash.
  11. Infections.

Parents should be alerted not only by the fact that the baby's feet begin to sweat a lot, but also by their smell. Since the sweat of a healthy baby does not smell, has no color and is easily washed off clothes with ordinary water.

Other reasons why a child's feet sweat a lot may be external factors created by parents and the environment:

  • drinking large amounts of liquid or products that promote sweating;
  • stuffy or heavily heated room;
  • heredity;
  • frequent stress and anxiety;
  • poor quality of clothing or footwear materials (synthetics provoke sweating and can cause fungus);
  • completeness;
  • excessive wrapping;
  • overeating or overfeeding breast milk.

In any suspicious case of excessive sweating in a child, it is better not to pull and not draw conclusions about the disease on your own, but immediately seek medical advice. After all, sweaty feet can be for very serious reasons.

Sweating feet as a symptom

If a child's hands and feet sweat due to diseases, then hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • capriciousness, emotionality and irritability;
  • lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue;
  • hyperthermia;
  • dyspnea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • skin rashes or irritations;
  • stool problems;
  • lack of appetite.

If children have some of the symptoms mentioned, then a visit to the doctor's office is a must. Only a specialist can tell you exactly what to do with such symptoms.

  • The neurologist will determine the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypertonicity of the extremities.
  • The cardiologist will conduct a series of studies and check the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The endocrinologist will check the condition of the thyroid gland and conduct studies on the level of hormones in the body. Such an examination will help to identify diseases of the endocrine system.
  • The pediatrician, by examining and prescribing laboratory tests, will be able to draw conclusions about the presence or absence of rickets, or other diseases. If necessary, the child may be given referrals to a nephrologist, urologist or psychiatrist.

Treating sweaty feet

If the baby's legs sweat excessively, then the doctor may prescribe vitamin D (Aquadetrim), massage, exercise therapy, or constant monitoring by a pediatrician and a neurologist. In the case of this problem in older children, it is most often recommended:

  • foot massage;
  • tempering procedures (will help not only to stop sweating, but also increase the immunity of the child);
  • a complete change of shoes;
  • baths with herbal preparations of oak bark, sage or string;
  • talc, powders or creams that prevent sweating.

More often than other drugs, doctors prescribe to patients:

  • Aquadetrim (1-2 drops per day for the prevention of rickets);
  • Teymurov paste (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent), which must be rubbed into the legs for 2 minutes before going to bed, and be sure to wash off in the morning;
  • burnt alum, which must be poured into socks before going to bed;
  • Chlorophyllipt (solution), which allows you to remove inflammation and odor when the child's feet sweat due to diseases;
  • zinc ointment, drying the skin;
  • Calamine cream, which prevents the occurrence of harmful bacteria;
  • boric acid, which removes inflammation and disinfects the skin.

Often, parents who no longer know what to do if their child's feet sweat, resort to traditional medicine:

  • solution of oak bark for bathing;
  • horsetail and birch leaves for baths;
  • potato starch as a foot powder;
  • lotions with lemon juice;
  • soda-salt solution for washing feet;
  • baths with apple cider vinegar;
  • steaming legs with oats.

Before using these funds, you need to make sure that the child has no contraindications and allergic reactions to the components of folk remedies.

Why do feet sweat and smell

As mentioned earlier, the sweat of children under 12 years of age does not have a pronounced odor. But sometimes the baby's feet can not only sweat, but also smell. This may be a symptom:

  • helminths;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fungal diseases (often due to poor quality or clothing);
  • rickets;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • decrease in the immunity of the child;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

What to do? To eliminate an unpleasant odor, you can use special ointments, deodorants, gels, sprays, baths or essential oils.

Children are very playful, they run and jump a lot.

Often, their parents notice that the legs of their child sweat a lot. Some of them are wondering: is this normal and how to get rid of sweaty feet in a child?

First, remember what sweating is for. Thus, the body tries to regulate body temperature, does not allow itself to overheat, removes toxins.

However, excessive release of moisture may indicate a malfunction of the body, some kind of disease or infection. Why do some children also have bad feet? What is the cause of foot hyperhidrosis and pungent odor?

There are actually many reasons, but you should not draw pessimistic conclusions ahead of time. In order to be sure that this process is due to something bad, you need to consult a doctor. Only a therapist can determine which system of the body has failed and tell you which specialist you need to go to.

Let's analyze the reasons why a child's heels sweat:

  • Has your child complained about? It is worth listening - for him it can be corny or just uncomfortable. In this case, the leg does not receive the necessary amount of air - it must circulate.
  • - leatherette, etc. They do not allow air to pass through and breathe to the leg, retain moisture. Because of this, it overheats and the sweat glands begin to secrete more water to stabilize the temperature.
  • How well do you choose clothes for a child? Tight and made of synthetic materials also do not allow the legs to breathe well. Because of this, sweat does not evaporate and the foot remains wet.
  • The cause may be various diseases. They must be accompanied by a number of specific symptoms: fever, irritability, or lack of it. Sweating feet may indicate problems with the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive systems, metabolic disorders, kidney or liver failure, decreased immunity, rickets. If you notice that profuse sweating of the feet is accompanied by at least one of the above manifestations, this is a wake-up call to get worried and take your child for a consultation with a doctor.
  • If one of the parents notices this, then it may simply be hereditary hyperhidrosis - the body's tendency to increase sweating. In this case, this is the norm for a child.
  • Also, strong sweating of the lower extremities can be an age factor. Thermoregulation is formed in children under 7 years old and the feet sweat the most.

Feet may sweat for no good reason, but sometimes parents get worried. For example, what to do when a 10-year-old girl has sweaty feet. They are uncomfortable and the girl too. We will analyze all the recommendations a little later.

If you notice that something is wrong with your child, he feels differently and this is accompanied by sweaty feet, take him to the doctor!

It is extremely unpleasant when the feet stink. This is just a sign that with a high degree of probability there are health problems. However, the causes of the smell can be very different - from weather conditions to serious illnesses.

The most common of these are:

  • . It is more difficult for a growing body to cope with unnecessary fat.
  • fungal infection. Because of this, a child, like an adult, often sweats his feet and smells unpleasant. The fluid that the sweat glands excrete has no smell. But, interacting with bacteria, it acquires a pungent odor. Hygiene must be at the proper level, the legs must be washed every morning and evening.
  • Drinking more liquid than necessary. In this case, the body does not have time to remove it naturally and does this through sweating.

To be sure that this is a really serious problem, go to the appointment with the pediatrician. And he will already tell you which specialist to contact exactly in this case.

It is worth remembering that before you start taking any measures, you need to determine what contributes to the appearance of profuse sweating and fetid odor. Only then can treatment begin. Also, you do not need to use everything at once - start with basic hygiene.

How to get rid of severe sweating of the feet in a child:

  • Compliance with meticulous hygiene. It is required to wash the problem area and change socks at least 2 times a day. It is advisable to purchase a spare pair of shoes so as not to wear one every day. This is necessary in order to let it dry. Do not wear reused socks or tights if they have not already been washed. Otherwise, microbes will again penetrate the skin through sweat.
  • The use of children's or to normalize the work of the sweat glands. This will also help you deal with the problem.
  • The use of baths with medicinal herbs and essential oils. Lavender oil is good at fighting odor spreader and preventing bacteria from developing and spreading.
  • Special application to combat odor and excessive sweating of the feet. There are actually a lot of such funds, so you can pick up what you need.

  • You need to let your feet breathe. Tight or small shoes are not suitable at all. Only with natural shoes the foot will feel comfortable. It is also important to wear boots that are appropriate for the weather and not overheat them.
  • Wash your child's feet twice a day and massage. It can include the simplest exercises: patting, circular massaging, pinching - in general, everything that improves blood circulation.
  • If sweating is accompanied by other complaints, it should be immediately. He will be able to make the correct diagnosis.
  • You should not "play doctor" and independently make a verdict about the disease. No need to resort to folk remedies before going to the hospital. Do not rush to search the Internet for “signs of rickets” or “how to find out if a child has cancer” if you know that sweating is one of the signs. There will be many symptoms that coincide with thousands of different diseases.
  • Don't delay making an appointment with the doctor. When a child of 6 years old has sweaty legs, this is normal (provided there are no third-party complaints). But when a child is 8-10 years old and his limbs sweat a lot, then the cause must be diagnosed immediately.

Do not panic ahead of time. But it is also better to find out the cause of increased sweating in a child as soon as possible. Then its elimination will be timely, which means that the child will be healthy and all worries will disappear from you.

Everyone knows that a person sweats due to the action of the sweat glands, it is normal if you run and sweat, or sweat during an illness with a high temperature. Just like the body, our feet sweat. In adulthood, this is almost the norm, but that's the way it is. But what to do if the child's feet sweat? Many parents, noticing that their child's feet are sweating, are worried, maybe their baby is sick with something? At the age of up to a year, the mechanism of heat exchange is still underdeveloped in babies, therefore, at this age, sweating of the legs is normal. If everything is fine after a year, this process should go through. Let's look at the main reasons why a child's feet sweat a lot.

The main reason is warm unnatural shoes. Also, most parents dress their children very warmly, because they do not move much, they will still freeze. It is not right. Strongly wrap the child is not worth it. Especially to wear various synthetic tights, socks. It is necessary to use natural clothes and shoes, because they allow air to pass through, and the skin breathes in it. The next reason is heredity. In most of these cases, sweating will go away with time, you just need to wait. Rickets is also an important reason for excessive sweating: the child sweats, sleeps poorly, an unpleasant smell of sweat, poor appetite. Incorrect functioning of the thyroid gland is also the cause of sweating. In both cases, you need to contact a specialist for advice and appropriate tests. Worms: in the course of their life, they affect the entire body, including the sweat glands. In this case, the appearance of a rash on the skin is also observed. It is worth taking tests for eggs of the worm. Another reason why a child's feet sweat a lot is the malfunction of the vascular system of the body, or vascular dystonia. In this case, it is worth visiting a neurologist. Treatment is possible with properly selected physical exercises, with hardening and taking air baths. We have analyzed the main causes of excessive sweating of the legs in a child, come on, let's pay attention to the methods of treatment and prevention.

How to reduce sweaty feet in a child?

If all the same sweating in a child due to any diseases, then the methods of treatment will be announced to you by a specialist doctor. Let's take a look at preventive measures. The main reason why the child's feet sweat a lot, as mentioned earlier, is the large number of clothes on the child, which means we wear smaller and non-synthetic clothes. We monitor the dryness of socks and their cleanliness. We prefer cotton socks. And in winter, you can also wear woolen socks, they breathe, can absorb moisture, while remaining dry. And pay attention to shoes, for young children to buy only natural and high-quality shoes. Bathing the baby in a bath with sea salt or adding foam based on coniferous extracts. It helps to relieve tension and calm down. Foot baths with the addition of string, sage, oak bark. After such procedures, the child's legs can be lubricated with baby cream or powder. Well helps to reduce the level of sweating of the feet therapeutic foot massage. Massaging the soles of the feet, stroking, pinching, rubbing. Get wooden massagers and massage with them.

In the summer, let your child's feet be more in the fresh air, walking barefoot on pebbles, on the grass. And if you have the opportunity to go to the sea, then use it, sea salt water and the summer sun are wonderful help with sweating. It is possible to start the hardening procedure, but this should be taken seriously, doing the procedures regularly. Dear parents, watch your child, watch his diet, sleep patterns, it is possible that sweating arose due to the peculiarities of the development of his body, and there is no reason for concern. But at the same time, be vigilant, and if you have questions about why your child's feet sweat a lot, contact your pediatrician.

Often parents go to the doctor with a problem when the child's feet sweat. Increased sweating is called hyperhidrosis. The disease can occur at any age. Its appearance can be influenced by both external and internal factors.

The sweat glands in the baby begin to function by the end of the third week of life. But their final formation continues during the first six years. Throughout this period, the body reacts sharply to any changes, and in many children the legs, armpits, and neck sweat.

Why does my child's feet sweat a lot? In addition to the immaturity of the sweat glands, there are other features that lead to excessive sweating in infants:

  1. The skin of children is thin and very vulnerable.
  2. High fluid content in the skin.
  3. In newborns, blood flow is much faster than in adult children. Blood enters the limbs in large quantities, so the legs and arms sweat.
  4. Narrow ducts do not allow the accumulated fluid to be fully released.

Children born prematurely, artificial babies, small patients with diseases of the digestive tract and prone to allergic reactions are susceptible to excessive sweating.

There are quite harmless reasons why the feet of one-year-old children sweat.

If the baby's legs and other parts of the body sweat, you should pay attention to clothing. There is no need to wrap up the baby, it is better to choose clothes from high-quality, natural materials, such as linen or cotton.

The hot air in the room leads to increased sweating. It is recommended to ventilate the room daily and monitor the humidity of the air. Comfortable for a full-term baby is considered to be an air temperature of 20-22 degrees, while the humidity should be equal to 60%.

It is worth putting diapers on the baby as little as possible. After water procedures, it is useful to keep naked for about 10 minutes. It is worth abandoning cosmetics, especially if they have a greasy base.

The cause of severe sweating of the hands and feet in an infant is often a lack of vitamin D (rickets disease), which is manifested by increased work of the sweat glands, drowsiness, poor sleep and appetite, dry mouth, and baldness of the occipital region. Sweaty feet smell bad and are sticky to the touch.

Muscle hypertonicity leads to the fact that the legs are in a tense, stretched state, and the arms are clenched into a fist. At the same time, parents can observe that the child's feet and hands are sweating.

Sweaty legs and arms of the baby are observed during teething. A sweaty baby becomes irritable, sleeps and eats poorly, body temperature may rise.

The problem in preschool children

Why does a child sweat certain parts of the body, including the legs? There are cases when external factors lead to increased sweat formation on the feet, after the elimination of which the problem disappears:

  1. Feet may sweat due to tight, poor-quality shoes.
  2. Tights and socks made of synthetic material lead to a violation of heat transfer processes, an unpleasant odor and a fungal infection join.
  3. A rare change of linen, the lack of regular water procedures cause the body to sweat and become covered with prickly heat.
  4. Finding a child in a room with hot air, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  5. No air baths.
  6. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Overweight. During any physical activity, more energy and fluid begin to be spent, as a result, the child sweats a lot.
  8. Overwork, fear, stress.
  9. Excess fluid intake. Children at the age of 4 show increased physical activity, so they drink a lot.
  10. Taking certain medications can cause side effects in the form of sweating in the baby.

What else can cause sweaty feet? Some diseases can cause excessive sweating of the legs in children, especially at the age of 5 years:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by a violation of vascular tone. As a result, blood flows to the legs and other parts of the body in different quantities.
  2. The cause of increased sweating can be diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. Pathological processes occurring in the respiratory tract. For example, tuberculosis is characterized by coughing, a prolonged slight rise in body temperature, and loss of appetite.
  4. Pathological processes occurring in the lungs or kidneys.
  5. Infectious inflammatory processes caused by viruses and bacteria.
  6. Oncological neoplasms.
  7. Feet sweat and smell in the presence of endocrine diseases.
  8. Helminth infestation.
  9. Fungal diseases of the feet in a child.

If the feet sweat a lot due to a disease, then other signs will definitely be present. For example, body temperature may rise, the child becomes whiny, irritable, the quality of sleep and appetite worsens, skin rashes are observed, and stool may be disturbed.

It should be alert that along with sweating, the feet stink. Sweat is sticky and can even change color. First of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist, a cardiologist.

In children older than 6 years, sweating may occur due to increased physical activity, changes in diet, stress. You may find that the feet are smelly and uncomfortable for the child.

In a teenager, the formation of sweat on the legs can most often increase due to stressful situations, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and chronic diseases of internal organs. Many teenagers move little, sit at the computer more, dishes appear in the diet that provoke a change in the work of the sweat glands (spicy, salty dishes, chips, carbonated drinks).

Ways to solve the problem

What to do if the baby's feet sweat? If the legs of a child sweat, then treatment begins with a change in external conditions:

  1. Ventilate the room every day for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Bathe regularly or simply wash your hands and feet with soap.
  3. Every day, the child's legs need to arrange air baths. For this purpose, socks and shoes are removed for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Be sure to do gymnastics with the baby.
  5. It is best to choose socks and tights from cotton, linen, wool and change them every day.
  6. Shoes for children should be chosen from high-quality materials, such as leather or canvas. Shoes need to be dried well after wearing, so you need to have a second pair in stock.
  7. The baby should be breastfed for as long as possible. The diet of an adult child should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Salty, spicy, sweet dishes are excluded.
  8. It is not recommended to swaddle the baby tightly or use warm clothes.
  9. Bathing water can be made with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, string, chamomile, oak bark.
  10. Baby foot powder helps dry the skin and prevent bacteria from growing.
  11. An atmosphere should be created that excludes stress, conflict, excitement and anxiety.

If the causes of sweating of the feet in children are found, the appropriate treatment is prescribed. Medicines for sweaty feet that can be used in childhood:

  1. Increased sweating is reduced by Teymurov's paste. At the same time, it disinfects the surface and relieves inflammation. The paste is rubbed into the skin for two minutes before going to bed. In the morning it is recommended to wash off the composition. Approved for use in children older than one year.
  2. Zinc ointment helps with hyperhidrosis. It dries, disinfects and stops the growth of bacteria. A thin layer of the product is applied for 15 minutes three times a day. It is allowed to treat sweating and skin irritation in children under one year old.
  3. Chlorophyllipt solution reduces sweating, eliminates unpleasant odor and inflammation. It should be used with caution in young children, as it can cause allergic reactions.
  4. Cream Calamine does not allow the development of inflammation and irritation, prevents the attachment of fungal and bacterial infections. After application, a protective film is created against damage. Approved for use in children under 3 years of age.

Simultaneously with all pharmacy and folk remedies, a child can be prescribed sedatives, for example, Novopassit, Glycine, Persen. Inside, you can brew a decoction based on valerian, motherwort, St. John's wort, lemon balm or mint. Vitamin complexes, immunomodulators and anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed.

Excessive sweating of the feet in children may be a variant of the norm or indicate dangerous abnormalities in the body. The allocation of a normal amount of sweat is considered a natural process. If it is produced too much, you should consult a pediatrician.

When dealing with such a complaint to a doctor with a child of 2-3 years old, the specialist will first of all suspect rickets. In more rare cases, this pathology is detected before the age of 5 years.

It is important to bear in mind that profuse sweat production often accompanies this process, but in itself is not its symptom. Dr. Komarovsky claims that rickets can be confirmed only after appropriate research has been carried out.

Other causes of excessive sweating include the following:

  • Wearing shoes, socks, tights made of low-quality or synthetic fabrics. Such materials are quite poorly breathable. This provokes an increase in the process of heat transfer and activation of excess sweating.
  • Changes in the life of the baby after birth. During fetal development, a stable temperature is maintained. After childbirth, body reactions are inconsistent. This is especially true of the process of formation of internal organs.
  • Excess fluid intake. Increased sweating of the feet in a child may be due to the large amount of water consumed. This is due to the evaporation of liquid through the pores in the form of sweat.
  • Violation of the temperature regime. Increased indoor temperature also often provokes excess sweat production. Thus, the body is protected from overheating.
  • genetic predisposition. Feet may sweat in a child if one of the parents has similar problems.
  • The presence of excess weight. The higher the body weight of the child, the more he sweats. This is due to increased stress on the organs and systems of the baby. During the performance of any movements, the baby's body spends a lot of energy and produces an increased amount of fluid.
  • stressful situations, diseases of the nervous system, excessive fatigue. All these factors provoke a violation of the work of the thermoregulation center.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Problems with metabolic processes.
  • Vegetovascular and endocrine pathologies. The legs of a child sweat heavily due to damage to the thyroid gland and an increase in blood pressure.

Increased sweating of a baby at 5-7 years old is often associated with ordinary overheating. The risk of such problems increases when wearing tight shoes made from low-quality materials.

If the air in the room where the baby is located is very dry and hot, he will sweat not only in his legs. Against this background, irritability or anxiety often appears. In a stuffy room, well-being can significantly worsen and a headache appears.

The onset of sweating at 10 years of age may be the result of onset preparing the body for change hormone balance. Typically, these problems occur at night.

Important! In some situations, excessive sweating indicates various problems in the work of the heart, blood vessels, or nervous system. It can also indicate endocrine disorders, kidney failure, lack of vitamins and minerals.

One of the most common causes of hyperhidrosis of the legs is helminthic invasion. In this case, in addition to increased sweat production, skin rashes, dysbacteriosis, and a tendency to allergies appear. Such children are often prone to chronic bronchitis. In this way, the body tries to remove toxic substances that are secreted by helminths.

Read also: Excessive sweating in a 4-year-old child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Excess body weight and an insufficiently active lifestyle provoke metabolic disorders and the appearance of hyperhidrosis at 4 years or at another age.

Features of sweating

To establish the causes of this violation, it is necessary to analyze the clinical picture of the pathology. If, in addition to the signs of excessive sweating, other symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. Feet can sweat with serious damage to the internal organs. In such a situation, the following symptoms often appear:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increase in temperature;
  • increased irritability;
  • general fatigue;
  • deterioration or complete loss of appetite;
  • skin rashes, persistent allergic reactions, development of urticaria;
  • disorders in the digestive system.

If excessive sweating is accompanied by additional manifestations, you should consult a doctor. In such situations, consultation of narrow specialists is usually required:

  • Neurologist. This doctor will be able to identify vascular dystonia, determine the stage of its development and assess the possible risks. In most cases, this condition is not particularly dangerous. In such a situation, sweating can be corrected by physical activity and hardening of the body. Sometimes it is necessary to use sedatives or sedatives.
  • Endocrinologist. This specialist can examine the thyroid gland and assess the state of metabolic processes. In such a situation, it is required to use drugs to restore the work of the affected organ.
  • Pediatrician. This specialist will be able to identify rickets. In some situations, follow-up consultation with a neurologist is required. To cope with the disease, it is necessary to take vitamin D. The doctor can assess the child's condition if a helminthic invasion is suspected. After laboratory tests and clarification of the diagnosis, the necessary therapy is selected.

Ways to treat sweating

If there is increased sweating of the baby up to a year, you should not worry too much. At this age, babies have an imperfect system of thermoregulation. That is why the body cannot cool the body.

To get rid of hyperhidrosis of the legs in a baby, you need to use the following methods:

  • In winter, children under 2 years of age should be given 1-2 drops of Aquadetrim. This tool is vitamin D, which is used to treat and prevent the development of rickets.
  • Undergo preventive examinations by a neurologist and pediatrician. With a decrease in muscle tone, a course of therapeutic massage will help to cope with the problem.
  • With an increase in intracranial pressure or the development of pyramidal insufficiency, the use of agents that normalize the functioning of brain. This treatment helps to cope with increased sweating.

Read also: Excessive sweating in a 10-year-old child: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Important! Most often, the appearance of hyperhidrosis is due to excessive maternal care. Many women dress their children too warmly. At the same time, active foot movements in warm shoes lead to sweating. In addition to an unpleasant odor, it can cause a cold.

In addition to traditional methods, you can use folk remedies for sweaty feet in children. The most effective include the following:

  • Take crystals boric acid, grind to a powder and apply every morning to the areas between the fingers. The soles of the feet are treated in the same way. In the evening, feet should be washed with warm water. This procedure is carried out for 2 weeks. Change socks during the period of therapy should be every day.
  • Take oak bark and grind it to a powder. Put in clean socks and put them on the baby. Repeat the procedure until the sweating is halved. Further therapy cannot be continued, since there is a risk of developing intoxication of the body.
  • Take alum in the form of a powder, pour into socks, then put them on the child. This procedure is absolutely safe, because it can be carried out for a long time. In addition, alum can be diluted with water and used to rinse the feet. To prepare a healing solution, a fifth of a small spoonful of burnt alum should be mixed with a glass of boiling water. After cooling the water to a comfortable temperature, you can lower your legs into it.
  • An equally effective remedy for excessive sweating is saline solution. It is made on the basis of 1 teaspoon of salt, which is dissolved in a glass of water. Wash your feet with this product before going to bed. Cool composition is used in the morning. In this proportion, you can use soda.
  • Make it strong decoction of oat straw and use it for baths. The duration of each procedure should be 20 minutes. In the same remedy, you can also pour a decoction of oak bark, which is prepared in the proportion of 100 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water. The mixture should be boiled for at least 30 minutes over low heat.
  • Deal with sweaty feet and bad breath birch leaves. It is enough to apply them between the fingers, as well as to the soles.
  • For cooking chlorine composition you need to take a quarter of a small spoon of bleach and mix with 3 liters of boiled water. Add baby soap to the resulting product to obtain a foam consistency. With this composition, you need to wash your feet and wipe them dry.


Some children suffer from excessive sweating due to eating disorders. These problems may be due to the consumption of spicy foods. These include, in particular, garlic and red pepper. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to remove these dishes from the daily menu. If the baby sweats a lot, it is not recommended to give him a smaller amount of liquid. This can cause dehydration.
