Congratulations to grandfather 70. Congratulations to grandfather

You have always been an optimist:
And when I became a soldier,
I firmly believed that it would be better!
He didn’t give up!

Yes, there is hope in your eyes
And now it burns as before:
This world is big and lost
You loved and understood!

Let's say "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts!
Where, in whatever region you are,
You stood firmly on dry land,
The spirit of all loved ones was lifted!

I am sure of only one thing, I say boldly:
My grandfather’s heart warmed everyone around me!
Apparently, there is a fire burning in him - like in a children's book -
Adults and boys respect the old man...

He will find an approach to everyone and encourage everyone!
After all, the heat burns inside - even though it looks gray...
That fire is unquenchable: do not fill it with water,
My dear grandfather is so talented and smart!

And now, when I rush to him with a gift
The fire is burning unbearably bright!
Sparkles dance in the eyes of sincere laughter:
Apparently the grandfather is happy that his grandson has arrived!

We chose a postcard for grandfather:
We searched for a long time, because we are picky!
Walking into a bookstore for a moment,
We seriously doubted...

There are postcards for money - big ones!
It's a pity, everyone is drawn without a soul...
We also saw famous art there,
Only the pictures, alas, are unpleasant...

And finally, when there was no strength,
The grandson grabbed the postcard with his pen!
“Exactly for grandpa!” - we concluded,
The poem was composed and handed over right away!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday,
And, for starters, wish
Absence of any doubts
Be lucky, be happy!

After all, seventy is not yet a hundred!
There is a lot of luck ahead,
When the hand of the Lord takes hold -
Hold on, don't fall!

The main thing here is to keep your posture,
Greet every day with a smile,
And raise the bar higher and higher,
And don’t lower your head!

What grandfather can do, no one can do!
Will calm the little ones if sleep disturbs them,
He will read a fairy tale - out loud and with expression,
He'll hide a cookie under his pillow!

What grandfather knows, no one will remember!
A boring day will be filled with tales and tales,
The verse will help you learn, since it doesn’t work out,
Every now and then someone turns to grandpa!

No one can handle what grandpa did!
He raised his daughter to be smart and beautiful!
He built a good house, settled his relatives...
On his birthday we dedicate a poem to grandpa!

Guess my riddle
Who treats us to sweets?
Gives books and toys,
Does it often rub the top of your head?

Grandpa, of course it is!
He knows our secrets
He knows how to console a crybaby,
Wipes the blot off his nose!

And he is wiser than everyone else,
He is not shy in front of a boor,
He leads the whole family -
It will help and encourage!

My grandfather is also an artist,
At least go to the theater now!
So strong, tall, broad-shouldered,
He asks to be in the frame!

Since I decided to film the story,
I brought the camera...
Grandfather has settled down here
“Shooting? No problem!"

He told me everything about life,
Broadcasts into the lens...
He would have gone to Hollywood
He just doesn’t want to!

Seven is a lucky number
Seventy is even more beautiful!
Sum it all up
Slowly, not overnight,

Remember everyone who was with you
Who led you by the hand into the light,
Who did you wander with in the crowd?
At the young age of seventeen...

A childhood full of love
Youth, which is so important...
Contains many joys
The life that is given to us from above!

I would like to congratulate my dear and beloved grandfather on his Anniversary! This is a very important day for all members of our large family, because for each of us my grandfather is a special person. For me, my grandfather was always a mentor and adviser with whom I could consult and have a heart-to-heart talk. I want to congratulate you, dear grandfather, on your Anniversary and wish you health and long life. You have dedicated your whole life to your family, now the time has come for us to take care of you, so I wish you only health, and we will do the rest for you. We hope you enjoy today's holiday, because we have been preparing for a very long time. Thank you for everything you have done for us, now we want to help you in everything. Happy holiday, dear grandfather! This is just the beginning of a new stage in your life. Believe me, it will be as interesting as all the previous ones.

I would like to congratulate the oldest and wisest person in our large family. My beloved grandfather, you are a very important person for me. It was you who was next to me when it was very difficult for me, when there were many problems. You helped me and supported me so much that it seemed to me that I was capable of anything. I admire you and your willpower, because you are a very strong person who never stops at anything. I congratulate you on your anniversary! You are turning seventy today, but you don’t see it at all. And outwardly you look young, and your inner world is still so young, so only we know how old you really are. And let it remain a secret to everyone. Always be healthy, grandpa, because you already have everything else. We all love you very much, we are proud of you, dear grandfather! Happy holiday!

We had been waiting for this day for a whole year, because grandfather promised that he would definitely celebrate his anniversary. And I love my grandfather’s anniversaries, because these holidays are held in the most interesting way, the whole family, relatives and friends of our beloved grandfather gather. Grandpa, I wish you health! In my opinion, this is exactly what you lack, and yet you have so many ideas and plans, so many goals that you will definitely need health. I also want to wish you endless energy and strength so that you can achieve the desired results. Know that all the people who have gathered here today love and appreciate you very much. You have played a significant role in the lives of each of us, and we will always be grateful to you. Thank you for everything, and especially for being in our lives. We love you very much, our dear hero of the day! Let everything be the way you want it.

For me, my grandfather is a person who evokes great respect in everything. I am never bored or uninterested with him, because he is a well-read and educated person. He can give useful advice. His advice has helped me out many times, for which I will be eternally grateful. I would like to wish you, dear grandfather, good health on your Anniversary day. You yourself know that everything else can be bought or received as a gift, you can achieve this or earn money, but with health it won’t work out that way, unfortunately. Lately you have often complained of feeling unwell, but I want you to always be in excellent physical shape and in a good mood. I will do everything to make you happy, because at one time you did everything for me. Happy holiday, dear birthday boy! We all love you! And we will do everything for you!

I want to congratulate my beloved grandfather! Today is his real anniversary - seventy years old! This age deserves respect, and the person who has a holiday today deserves double respect, because he lived a very difficult life, experienced many ups and downs, but remained a Human, with a capital “H.” He never spared anything for his children, grandchildren, his wife and parents. He found time for everyone, even if he was very tired, he still listened carefully to my stories and read me bedtime stories. I remember all this very well and will never forget. My grandfather, I really want you to be happy and healthy. Believe me that I will do everything to ensure that this is exactly the case. The time has come for your well-deserved rest, and now we will take care of you, and not vice versa. We all sincerely congratulate you! Let everything in your life be the way you want!

My parents had to work a lot when I was little, so they left me with my grandparents, whom I love immensely. Today my beloved grandfather celebrates his anniversary. Grandpa, you are already seventy years old, but believe that for me you will forever remain that young and active grandfather who constantly came up with new games for me and my friends. I have never been bored or uninteresting with you. When I was little, I loved to dream, and you said that all my dreams would definitely come true. Today I can say that they came true, but only thanks to you, because it was you who were with me when I entered the university, you helped me do difficult tasks. I will always be grateful to you for everything, beloved grandfather! Happy holiday to you! May all your dreams come true too! We love you very much!

My grandfather is a real man, about whom so much is said, and I was personally able to verify this. You had a difficult life, there were many problems and questions that seemed impossible to solve, but you dealt with it all. I wanted to become exactly like you, so that you too would be proud of me. You are a strong person, serious and responsible, you know how to achieve good results, and you are not afraid of difficulties. I still continue to work on myself to get at least a little closer to you. I would like to wish you health and happiness. Always be as cheerful and active as you are now, because we all love you just like that. This age - seventy years - should not affect your worldview. We will do everything to make you feel happy and loved. Happy holiday to you! Know that our entire family loves you and is proud of you.

My beloved grandfather celebrates his Anniversary today! We know that you don’t like holidays, especially your birthdays, so we decided to have a quiet family evening to just sit in a warm circle and talk. Grandpa, I want to say that you are simply a wonderful person whom I will never cease to admire. I want you to always be happy, to smile and be healthy. We are all worried about you, worried and love you very much. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me, because it is simply invaluable. You always repeated that I would achieve a lot because I don’t know how to lose, but it was you who instilled all these qualities in me! My grandfather, you are a very important person for me, who should always be by my side, so I want to wish you good health. You deserve the best from us.

I really want to be the first to congratulate my beloved grandfather on his holiday, on his Anniversary! Today you turn seventy years old, but I want to confidently say that you are exactly that age only in your passport. You are so young and active that we sometimes wonder where you have so much energy. Always remain as cheerful and cheerful as you are, because that’s exactly how we love you. We wish you good health, happiness and success in everything! Know that we all love you very much, we are proud of you and your successes! You are a role model for all of us. I always spoke with pride about my grandfather, whom I called the strongest and most courageous man who is not afraid of anything. Happy holiday to you, beloved grandfather! May this holiday be one of the best in your life. And we will try to keep it that way.

My most beloved and dear grandfather, I sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! Today you turn seventy years old, but we decided that we will not say your age, because it does not correspond to reality. You differ from others in your life position, that is, you always know how to find something positive even in the most terrible situations. You never despair, you never lose control of the situation, so even at this age you continue to work because you want to achieve even greater success and results. You are a very kind and fair person. Everyone loves you, even your co-workers at work. I congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish you the most important thing - good health! I also want to wish you good luck, because you definitely won’t rest until you achieve all your plans.

Our hero of the day is a very interesting and cheerful person who decided to gather all his loved ones to arrange a real holiday. Grandpa, you are a very important person in the life of each of us. For me personally, you are a mentor who knows how to support and give useful advice. I often think about what you would do on mine. I don’t know how this happens, but the solution comes immediately. I congratulate you on this holiday, on this bright and bright holiday, on your Anniversary! Let this day be one of the best in your life, and for this today we will do everything possible and impossible. Thank you for everything you did for us, and continue to do now. You love your family very much, which, believe me, reciprocates your love. And now everyone should have fun and congratulate our beloved birthday boy! The birthday boy himself should be especially happy and have fun.

Congratulations on your 70th anniversary:

At my grandfather's

Today is the anniversary

He turned one

Seventh decade

He is the most expensive

Beloved and dear,

He knows why

In the world you and I

He's seen everything

He's a smart general

We want to wish

Don't be sad

Let it be

Strengthen the spirit

(Lev Leshchenko)

There is not a day without worry.

On your anniversary holiday,

I want to tell the truth:

... (name), you are a prankster!

So show your passion

Like a Mexican macho!

May women have success!

I can't do otherwise!

(Valentina Tolkunova)

May your head be gray

There is no need to be afraid of old age.

You are still full of fresh strength,

To laugh at troubles!

To always be healthy,

Try to play sports.

To this I drink my glass!

Your wife was kind to you,

She spoke tender words more often.

So that there is always enough pension,

So that the soul would be young.

So that the eightieth anniversary

There are many bright days ahead:

Pump up honey for the winter,

Put all supplies in the cellar,

Plant trees under the window,

Good things to hear from people -

Life is all about little things!

And for your seventieth anniversary

Congratulations from doctors:

The entire council of doctors,

Who came to this holiday,

I examined the hero of the day,

And, of course, I was stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,

Heart, kidneys, spleen,

Brains were also appreciated

On the subject of blues, melancholy.

Taking the convolutions of the depth,

And intestinal length,

Having calculated the metabolism,

The width of all holes

The conclusion was this:


Overall this copy

Cheerful, healthy, not at all old.

We conclude:

Doesn't need treatment!

Is it just to relax?

and for another hundred years!

Congratulations from grandchildren:

Our beloved grandfather is simply top class!

If only he had been in a robe and a turban, then he would have

For people and animals - those who are in pain,

Grandfather can do everything - create miracles,

A fairy tale - if something hurts, the pain is to speak,

And gifts from him often appear, -

This means our grandfather is the most wonderful!

We love you very much - that’s also clear!

Congratulations from the Pioneers:

Both the October soldiers and the pioneers.

We came to congratulate grandfather Vitaly!

We say without despondency and laziness:

(They sing a song.)

We, the pioneers, “want a glass.”

We came to congratulate grandfather Vitaly!

Presenter: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony for our anniversaries to join the pioneers.

Dear grandfather!

Please accept our congratulations,

And instructions for life.

Promise us not to get sick,

Getting younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored,

Every day is easy to meet.

Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!

Presenter: Do physical exercises

And in the garden digging in the beds,

Don't forget about your grandchildren

Invite me to visit you more often.

Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!

Matryoshka performance:

Come to us for our anniversary

The nesting dolls have arrived.

Matryoshka dolls: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.

First bagel - get to work!

The second is that mom gave birth!

The fifth donut is for the lyceum!

And the sixth is for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour it quickly!

Ditty competition

Presenter: Well, dear guests, aren’t you tired of having fun yet? No? Then let's continue our holiday! The next competition is the most fun. This is a ditty competition. To carry it out you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, a funny ditty should be heard, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

Song Our young grandfather!

To the tune of "Junior Lieutenant"

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

And anyone here will say who will respect us all - he, only HE.

Our dear grandfather, you are so young,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years are not a problem and you are always with us, even if you are far away.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Our dear grandfather, you are so young,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years are not a problem and you are always with us, even if you are far away.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Grandfather turns 70 / anniversary scenarios

A beautiful name given at birth!

There is so much softness and so much fun in it,

Mobility, lightness and optimism,

Almost forgotten by us! - altruism.

Vitaly has all these qualities!

And we would like to honor Vitaly

Arrange a day of celebration. There is also a reason:

After all, he is the birthday boy, our glorious man!

General congratulations:

It's very difficult to express in words

What's on our minds today...

No songs, poems

We can't surprise you anymore.

How we love you, how dear you are to us,

Can you find words about it?

How we want you to be cheerful

There was, perhaps, still up to a hundred years!

So that illness does not torment you,

My soul didn’t care for the children,

Your wife was kind to you,

She spoke tender words more often.

So that there is always enough pension,

So that the soul would be young.

So that the eightieth anniversary

You also met in a circle of friends.

I didn’t sigh that my life was all behind me,

There are many bright days ahead:

Pump up honey for the winter,

To visit my grandchildren in the city more often.

Put all supplies in the cellar,

Plant trees under the window,

Good things to hear from people -

Life is all about little things!

And for your seventieth anniversary

We all need to drink quickly!

Congratulations from doctors:

The entire council of doctors,

Who came to this holiday,

I examined the hero of the day,

And, of course, I was stunned!

Ear, throat, nose, liver,

Heart, kidneys, spleen,

Brains were also appreciated

On the subject of blues, melancholy.

Taking the convolutions of the depth,

And intestinal length,

Having calculated the metabolism,

The width of all holes

The conclusion was this:


Overall this copy

Cheerful, healthy, not at all old.

We conclude:

Doesn't need treatment!

Is it just to relax?

Maybe go to the sea.

To the Ob Razlivnoe,

To the Siberian Sands.

Or on your own hacienda,

On the lawn, under the bushes!

In active mode

Obsessed with a stormy life,

Sports, honey and labor,

The house will be a full cup!


Dear grandfather! Cheburashki came to visit us and, having learned that there was an anniversary here, I wanted to congratulate you.

We didn't come in vain -

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you,

In life, be visible

Unfortunately, it's my birthday,

Only once a year!

The hero of the day, our friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine!

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful...

We cannot count all your merits.

Cheburashka: Let your life flow

And without sorrows, and without troubles!

May your health be strong

and for another hundred years!

Congratulations from grandchildren:

Grandfather's birthday. Who is he with us?

Our beloved grandfather is simply top class!

What can I do to please him? How to give thanks?

On Grandpa's birthday, who should we compare him to?

If our grandfather were completely gray,

With a long, very long white beard,

If only he had been in a robe and a turban, then he would have

We would call him “Grandfather Hottabych”!

If our grandfather was in a white robe,

With a bag of medicines and vaccinations

For people and animals - those who are in pain,

We would call him “Doctor Aibolit”!

If our grandfather was gray-haired, big-nosed,

With a white beard, in a cotton wool wig,

If he brought us a bag of gifts, -

We would call him “Grandfather Frost”!

Grandfather can do everything - create miracles,

A fairy tale - if something hurts, the pain speaks,

And gifts from him often appear, -

He alone can cope with three wizards!

This means our grandfather is the most wonderful!

We love you very much - that’s also clear!

There is no better grandfather in the world, that’s without a doubt!

Be healthy! Live a hundred years! In a word, happy birthday!

Congratulations from the Pioneers:

(A team of five people is given packages. They contain a tie and a cap. After changing clothes, the participants are given cards with words.)

Host: And now the floor for congratulations is given to the guests of honor. (The “pioneers” enter.)

We, the pioneers, are the children of our country!

There is no one happier than us in the world.

To be with you again today,

We came to congratulate the hero of the day!

His whole life serves as an example for children

Both the October soldiers and the pioneers.

We came to congratulate grandfather Vitaly!

We came to you to learn from the elders,

How should you drink so as not to get completely drunk?

How should you eat to keep your figure?

We came to congratulate grandfather Vitaly!

We say without despondency and laziness:

We don't know about generational conflict.

You, grandfather Vitaly, are younger than us,

We must take your example in this too.

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country.

Grandfather Vitaly, we have been in love with you for a long time.

We can't find a better friend -

We came to congratulate you today!

(They sing a song.)

Let the blue nights fly like fires!

We, the pioneers, “want a glass.”

It's high time for us adults to pour:

We came to congratulate grandfather Vitaly!

Leading: Now we will hold a solemn ceremony for our anniversaries to join the pioneers.

Dear grandfather!

Please accept our congratulations,

And instructions for life.

Promise us not to get sick,

Getting younger every year

Don't be sad and don't be bored,

Every day is easy to meet.

Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!

Leading: Do physical exercises

And in the garden digging in the beds,

Don't forget about your grandchildren

Invite me to visit you more often.

Be ready!

Jubilee: Always ready!

(Drum roll, they tie a tie on the hero of the day.)

Matryoshka performance:


Dear guests! Hit your hands.

Come to us for our anniversary

The nesting dolls have arrived.

Wooden spoons, rosy nesting dolls.

They want to congratulate the hero of the day,

Give a gift and play on spoons.

Matryoshka dolls: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.

First bagel - get to work!

The second is that mom gave birth!

Third - that they got married and had children!

And the fourth is for success, which is present, but not for everyone.

The fifth donut is for the lyceum!

And the sixth is for the anniversary! And the seventh - pour it quickly!

Don’t lose our gift, wear it for everyone on the holiday.

(Each bagel is on a ribbon. The bagels are presented to the hero of the day.)

Ditty competition

Presenter: Well, dear guests, aren’t you tired of having fun yet? No? Then let's continue our holiday! The next competition is the most fun. This is a ditty competition. To carry it out you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the mischievous competition. In response, a funny ditty should be heard, performed by a representative or representatives of the second team.

At the end of the competition, you need to sum up the results: determine which team members performed the most ditties. The winners are awarded prizes (this can be candy, fruit, souvenirs, etc.) and medals “For the best performance of ditties.” The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal “For resourcefulness and fun.”

Song Our young grandfather!

To the tune of "Junior Lieutenant"

Our dear grandfather, sit and listen,

You are the best when you are young.

For some reason you don’t dance, for some reason you don’t dance. Ooo

Our dear grandfather with a strange smile,

Could easily become a screen star

You are already a star, but on TV there are only show-offs. Ooo

Our dear grandfather, you are so young,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years are not a problem and you are always with us, even if you are far away.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Our dear grandfather in honor of the round date,

Everyone came to you, your guys, grandchildren gathered,

And there’s still a carload of great-grandchildren, but later.

You called us all, and thank God,

We don't have many holidays,

And anyone here will say whoever respects us all is he, only HE.

Our dear grandfather, you are so young,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years are not a problem and you are always with us, even if you are far away.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Our dear grandfather, you are so young,

Everyone wants to dance with you.

Years are not a problem and you are always with us, even if you are far away.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Our young grandfather, we will live forever,

And don’t hide the smile from your face.

It’s very, very difficult for us without her.

Today is your 70th birthday!
Congratulations to you, grandpa!
I wish you happiness, many bright days,
And let them leave troubles forever!

Well, is this age for you?
There is still so much to do in life!
May your destiny give you a dream,
Health knows no bounds!

Dear Grandpa, I hasten to congratulate you
At 70 I want to wish you
May life be beautiful and glorious,
So that you meet only good things in fate.

I also wish you good health,
And strength, and vigor, and warmth.
I want to say with great love:
How good it is that you exist in the world!

I wish my grandfather with all my heart
On this holiday I only wish you health,
Let life beautify sometimes
Everything that is created with love!

I wish you good luck in life,
And human happiness,
Let love live in the soul,
And it will only be real!

I congratulate my grandfather on his anniversary,
I'll give it to him today.
I smile all day long
And we will catch a goldfish.

Let's ask her to fulfill her wish,
We will surround you with attention.
Make a wish quickly,
And blow out 70 candles on the cake.

Grandpa, you are the best
You are a bright bright ray.
You, grandchildren, adore us,
You allow us to do everything.

Today is, of course, your day,
After all, it's your anniversary.
You've turned 70
And you are grateful to fate.

We wish you love,
Just don't run away from her.
More health and good luck to you,
And an unprecedented harvest at the dacha.

Grandpa's 70th birthday
We need to celebrate it soon.
We will hug you, grandfather,
We'll prepare lunch for the table.

Let's celebrate it with friends,
We will bring the cake with candles.
Blow out the candles grandpa
We will be glad to see you soon.

70 years old - gray hair,
Well, it’s spring in my soul, as before!
Grandfather, our dear man!
You are the best, live another century!

We love you, we respect you,
We wish you health and happiness!
May there be many cloudless joyful days
There is still a crowd of family and friends waiting for you!

On this glorious solemn day
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Here you have risen one more step -
Today we celebrate 70 years!

No matter how many years go by, you don’t get any older,
Start living every day over again.
You have come a very long responsible way,
But it's still far from the end.

Be cheerful and have less pain,
Your 70th birthday is just the beginning!
For your health and for your anniversary
On this day we will raise our glasses!

Dear grandfather, you are 70 years old!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you a big hug of happiness,
And let the smile never fade!

I wish you never to be sad,
Drive away bad thoughts
After all, there is still a lot to be done in fate,
And health depends on happiness!

Let your head be covered with snow -
Always be as young as you are.
Best wishes
We want to tell grandpa now.

We will see so many more springs,
70 is not the age for you.
“Remember, you are the best in the world” -
We will whisper, sincerely loving!

Seventieth anniversary
At my beloved grandfather's today,
Let there be many pleasant guests
On this wonderful annual holiday,

Good health for many years to come,
And the mood is good from now on
Let him never leave again
And all your family will be nearby!

Voice congratulations on your Anniversary on your mobile phone

Seventy years - gray hair,
Well, it’s spring in my soul, as before!
Grandfather, our dear man,
You are the best, live another century!

We love you, we respect you,
We wish you health, good luck and happiness!
May there be many cloudless, joyful days
There is still a crowd of family and friends waiting for you!

Seven tens, grandfather, you’re celebrating,
Congratulations, dear.
Everything in life was given to you
At a very difficult price.

But he was always strong in spirit,
So I want to continue
Stay cheerful, strong,
Never lose heart.

Bogatyrsky health,
Optimism and all the best,
Let problems come before charisma
They raise the white flag.

There is an honorary hero of the day in the family,
Grandfather is seventy today,
But he's not old yet
Although his years fly by.

You carried me in your arms,
He played soldiers with me,
We caught fish in the ponds
I bought ice cream!

And on your holiday, thank you,
For everything you've done for me,
I'm a grandfather, I love you,
May the Earth carry you forever!

What can I wish for you, grandfather?
Overseas crabs for dinner,
Quiet, pleasant weather,
Grandmothers nearby fashionable.
So that she takes care and doesn’t worry,
So that your body is full of strength,
To run for a pension
And my grandfather was the best!

At seventy you smile,
Even with false teeth,
Bite tenaciously into this life,
Live life to the fullest!

Thank you, grandfather, for the invitation.
For an anniversary birthday.
Thanks for the open laughter,
And for fishing, mountain snow,
What happened in my young life.
Thank you, grandfather, for the wisdom of your thoughts!
May you be seventy already
But you are still young at heart.

I wish you health and vigor,
I dream of going on a hike with you again,
As before, walking with a backpack
And open the world in a new way!

You are not left out of work,
Your youth is alive:
It's okay that she turned gray
Daring head.

Living is not easy,
You live at least to be a hundred years old.
Seventy is a respectable age,
Very much like a grandfather.

Seventy is a lot
You lived a glorious life:
Congratulations to the elder
And we kiss from the heart.

I wish my grandfather on his anniversary,
Seventieth birthday celebration
Forget about sadness quickly,
And taste different joys.

Health so that it does not fail,
Longer to keep the heart beating.
More often to have luck in business,
We strived to make our dreams come true.

I am my beloved grandfather
I wish you at 70
Never meet grief
Lots of happiness and victories.

Stay strong, stay kind
Play more with your grandchildren
And smile more often
Hug me tighter.

May it be at any time of the year
You will always be healthy.
You are the head, the head of the clan,
I'm ready to obey you!

Long life canvas
Woven over the years.
Our beloved grandfather,
We're glad you're with us.

Don't get sick and don't get old,
Don't count your gray hairs.
Many more bright days
They will form into pictures.

At 70 years old, my dear,
Grandchildren congratulate.
And prosperity and love
They wish from the bottom of their hearts!

Grandfather, most beloved,
70 years is your anniversary.
The grandchildren gathered to congratulate
Wish you happy days.

With your wise smile
Make people's hearts happy.
And then there will be no life
Gloomy and stormy days.

We will be with you
And we will support you in difficult times,
Let people around you know:
We have the best grandfather!

Summer, month of August,
The beginning of a new day.
The sun and birds are a joy,
All this is for you!
How many years have passed?
How much more is to come?
We loved, we love and we will
Love you with all my soul.
Today, on your birthday,
I want to wish, as before,
Health and inspiration,
So that hope does not die.
Let everything come true
What hasn't come true yet
And every day
Was something good
Let the joy of life
Doesn't leave.
We love. We will not stop loving you.

Today is your birthday
Grandfather, you are worthy only of admiration,
Happy 70th birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Let there be no obstacles on the way.
Let every day turn into a holiday,
Let luck fly on its wings,
May fate generously reward you in full,
May fate always be favorable.

Happy 70th birthday, grandpa, congratulations,
I wish you great success in everything,
May the years be riches for you,
Let a bright star illuminate the path.
Let the sun of luck shine for you,
May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil,
Let everyone love you, understand you,
Reliable friends always surround you.

Today, grandfather, is your 70th birthday,
Accept compliments and gifts quickly,
With all my heart I wish you joy, goodness,
May you have a long and happy life.
May health only increase,
May you have a long, long time,
Greet every day with a smile,
Be an optimist. Never be bored.

Happy anniversary, my beloved grandfather!
Seventy years is an honorable age,
Let luck be a faithful neighbor,
Take your health seriously!
So that everything you dream about happens,
Warm your soul with eternal happiness!
May trouble never happen again in life,
Consult wisdom quickly!
