Merry Christmas greetings in prose are beautiful. Congratulations for your beloved

About what should be congratulations on Christmas is not written in church books. There are strict rules on how to prepare for this. important holiday what important church traditions to fulfill. But, as for congratulations, here, perhaps, only one thing can be said: words should come from pure heart and from a pure soul. It's better to say it in your own words.

Of course, you can just wish each other a Merry Christmas, and if this is done from a pure heart and with good intentions, then this is already good wishes on such a bright and wonderful holiday. But often there is a desire to say something big and immeasurably deeper. After all, Christmas is much more than just gifts, a family dinner. This event has an important spiritual component.

Merry Christmas greetings in prose

Every person gets tired of the monotonous everyday life. It seems that everyday and material problems are endless and they have been stretching since the paradise lost by Adam and Eve. On this festive day, you just want to stop, look at the stars and remember that somewhere in the sky the Christmas star is burning. This means that there is hope and faith in the best. Let's not forget this even during the most difficult life difficulties.

In cold space, most likely very far away, a Christmas star burns. She gave hope to every person for peace of mind. Christmas night is fabulous, not in vain, the kids of this period are waiting for a miracle, lovers confess their feelings, and people who quarrel must make up. Congratulations on a great miracle, Merry Christmas.

When the earth puts on a snow-white coat of snowdrifts, the so-called "Christmas mood" appears in the soul. These days fill the soul with the expectation of the holiday, the expectation of a bright and so important Christmas for every person. Let not only during this magical period, but every day in your soul there be happiness, peace and love, mercy and kindness, mutual understanding and, of course, prosperity.

Everyone knows that Christmas Eve is wonderful and magical. No matter what wish you make that night, it will surely come true. But there is one condition: faith in the soul and heart. I wish that all your wishes come true, first of all, thanks to strong faith.

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. This good news spread all over the world more than two thousand years ago. She illumined humanity with faith in salvation. Since then, this blessed and bright holiday has been celebrated every year. May the light of Christmas illuminate our souls, fill our hearts with love and inner harmony saving faith. And I also wish every person unlimited happiness. Because if a person is happy, then he is ready to share his happiness with everyone around him.

Christmas holidays are a fabulous time. Not only children, but also adults are looking forward to it. In these frosty days, I wish you to be able to forget about all the problems, but simply look into your future with faith and optimism. There, dreams come true, and all the wishes are sure to come true.

I want to wish you only one thing, but very important: may all the wishes made on Christmas night be fulfilled. Sincere faith and a pure heart, full of kindness and love, will help in this.

congratulations on the bright Christian holiday. May the Nativity of our Savior give the soul faith, warmth and hope, love, patience and mercy. May God take troubles and misfortunes away from your home.

On Christmas Day I want to wish you and your family good health, happiness and good luck, love. Merry Christmas and may the Christmas star illuminate your path and the path of people close to you every day.

At all times, as well as more than two thousand years ago, the Nativity of Christ was a magical event. All over the world this day is celebrated in the company of the closest friends and family. I wish you unlimited happiness in life and sincerely hope that such a wish from me will not come as a surprise to you.

The bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ is coming, I wish peace and tranquility always reigned in your house. Let your eyes burn warmly, let there be a lot of love in your heart.

Congratulations on the holiday of Christmas. I want to wish you happiness and good luck, may luck accompany you in all matters. It is also extremely important that troubles and misfortunes bypass you and your family.

This beautiful winter day- Christmas. The day the Lord Savior was born. I wish you peace in the house and peace in your soul, I wish you warmth in relation to loved ones. May all your undertakings in life pass under the bright light of the Christmas star.

In England, once, praying to God, they asked for the sun, for work and for a small amount of entertainment. I wish you that all this is necessarily present in your life. So that for everything that happens to you, you are grateful to God and do not forget that everything is his plan.

On this holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I want to wish you that all your ideas about a happy, calm and charitable life must be present in every day. May the Lord keep you and your family, help in difficult times.

Everyone knows that on Christmas Day Santa Claus delivers gifts to everyone, especially kids. But in this beautiful winter period not only adults, but also children sincerely believe in magic, in a miracle. I wish to keep this faith in my heart for a long time. May your path be sanctified by the Christmas star.

I wish that on Christmas night Santa will give everyone the best gift in their lives. This is a smile, good mood, inspiration and good luck, goodness and health. Of course, let everyone be surrounded by love, close people and only true reliable friends.

I want to congratulate every person on this bright Christmas night. I wish that all your dreams come true: on time, bring a lot of joy. So that goodness and love are constantly present in life. Let the heart be filled with joy, let the melody of happiness play in it.

As you can see, congratulations on Christmas cannot be said to be very different from each other. It's about love, goodness and luck. It is very important to do everything possible so that your congratulations, and especially for Christmas or other religious holidays, came from the very depths of the pure and good heart. In such a situation, it will be possible not only to say pleasant words to another person, to do good to him, but to bring happiness and love into your life.

As you know, all good and kind must return to a person's life. Therefore, the more kind words more will be said at Christmas good deeds done in life, so everything will come back to you in more. The main thing is that everything comes from a pure heart, and not from selfish motives or because it is “necessary”.

One of the greatest holidays in Christian tradition, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th Gregorian calendar. According to legend, two thousand years ago on this day, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born to atone for the sins of mankind.

Exact date the birth of Christ is unknown. At the beginning of the 4th century AD. The Roman Church decided to celebrate Christmas on December 25th. Eastern churches - Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Cyprus connected the feast of the Nativity with the feast of Epiphany until the 6th century AD, celebrating it on January 6th. (According to one of the versions, December 25 was chosen because this day fell pagan holiday birth of the sun.

Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas in a special way. In the churches on Christmas Eve, a special evening service is held, and in the morning of Christmas Day a solemn service begins, glorifying the birth of the Savior, the Son of God.

Before the holiday, believers keep the Nativity fast (40 days). The eve of the holiday is called Christmas Eve, on this day you need to keep strict post(in Ukraine, 12 Lenten dishes are prepared this evening. Required condition- feed all domestic animals, because, as the old people say, an angel descends from heaven and asks each animal if it is hungry - and if so, then misfortune awaits a bad owner).

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday, I wish you peace and kindness, love and happiness, prosperity, success and good health. May the guardian angel protect you and your loved ones from all troubles, and may faith, peace and grace reign in your soul. So bright holiday Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Let this magical holiday fill your life with light, warmth, joy and prosperity. I wish you peace, kindness, love, family comfort. May the guardian angel protect you from all troubles and hardships!

Merry Christmas. And on this bright holiday, I want to wish you to see only the good in the world around you and find all the good in people, give hope to loved ones and make your dreams come true, sincerely believe and never forget about simple human happiness. I wish you to appreciate everything that you have and enjoy every moment of your life.

Congratulations on a bright holiday - Merry Christmas! Let there be comfort and peace in the house, loved ones are happy and healthy. I wish only good and that all magical night wishes have come true.

Merry Christmas! This is the most wonderful and magical day of the year. May the bright holiday fill the house with warmth and joy. Close people will always be healthy and happy. May everyone's heart be filled with peace and kindness on this bright day.

Merry Christmas and sincerely wish you a reliable bright angel behind your back, good hope and happiness in your heart, prosperity and good luck on your way, love and understanding in your family, goodness and peace in your home. May God keep you and your loved ones.

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday, I would like to wish peace and tranquility in every home, kindness, mutual understanding, prosperity, love, happiness, peace of mind, success in all endeavors, more joy good health and all the best! May all expectations come true and the most cherished dreams come true!

Merry Christmas! Let your home be filled with warmth and comfort. All dreams come true, even the smallest ones. The hearts of loved ones and relatives will be warmed by love and care. The surrounding people will be kind and sympathetic. And the Christmas star always lights the way!

On the bright holiday of Christmas, we wish you good and happiness, well-being and comfort in your home, warmth, mutual understanding and support in the family. May your life be peaceful, calm, happy.

I congratulate you on Christmas and with all my heart I want to wish you good health, good fortune, bright hope, sincere love, real happiness, true luck, undoubted success, beautiful dream, inextinguishable faith and brave forces. May your angel always lead you on a large and even road.

On this bright holiday, on the most magical day of the year, I want to wish you that life turns into a beautiful fairy tale. AT good fairy tale where evil spells are powerless, where good always triumphs over evil, where friends are always ready to help and support, and happy love lasts forever!

Christmas is the one fabulous holiday in which all dreams and wishes come true. That is why on this wonderful day I wish you only good health, only easy luck, only a loving environment. May the sun not leave your home and your hearts. Merry Christmas!

On such a bright holiday, which gives people faith in miracles and deliverance from torment, I would like to wish faith in all the best and kind, because anyway a person with a pure soul will receive a lot of joy and his life will be happy and long. Because the Nativity of Christ brings additional strength and an invincible spirit.

The holiday is approaching, and snowflakes fall right into the outstretched palms with a promise of happiness and good magic. May all your unsolvable riddles find their logical answers before Christmas. May the days be filled with the crystal happy laughter of your children. May the wish come true and harmony with yourself and loved ones reign.

Each holiday of the Nativity of Christ brings wonderful moments, unforgettable moments of happiness and grace. May today's holiday bring you the fulfillment of all bright thoughts and help you find your path leading to complete harmony souls and bodies. Praise the Lord and love one another!

I congratulate you on Christmas and sincerely wish you to meet this holiday in a warm family atmosphere, in the circle of your closest and dearest people. Let your house be filled with laughter and fun, good mood. Boundless happiness, good health, sincerity and kindness, all the best to you.

May the Nativity of Christ be favorable to you and not deprive you of joy and faith in beauty! I want to see only positive in any life situations and charge with your optimism and indefatigable energy of the people around you. Lightness to your heart, excellent health and well-being in the family!

When Christmas night sparkles with stars, let the cherished and most good wish yours will be fulfilled. May the future bring understanding of the meaning of life and awareness of one's own happiness! Let the past come only with bright memories, and the present remain joyful and successful!

Let your Christmas fairy tale be very cheerful, kind, happy, filled with magic, magic and pleasant surprises. Happy Christmas to you!

Let there be frost and a blizzard outside the window, but the house is warm and joyful, the lights on the Christmas tree are merrily sparkling, and every family celebrates Christmas. Be happy in the circle of relatives, surrounded by loving hearts and loved ones. And may the grace of the Lord be with you.

Merry Christmas! Let snowflakes gently descend from heaven, sparkling in the rays of light with incredible lights of joy and hope, warming the soul on a winter day! After all, only a miracle can resurrect faith, love and magical hope!

Today is a magical holiday - Christmas! And let the candles burn with hope and love today, the stars in the sky glow with happiness, and only sincere faith enters the house with frosty air, which brings miracles with it!

On the day when billions of stars are born in the sky in anticipation of a miracle, holy christmas, I wish justified expectations, fulfilled hopes and long-awaited magic! After all, happiness comes not just in moments of expectation, but in moments of absolute faith in it!

On this frosty Christmas evening, congratulations on the upcoming holiday! May the star that lit up in heaven illuminate your life path, and the Lord bless you for all good deeds!

May this bright holiday star of bethlehem will touch your hearts with a ray and peace will be born in them from above, love, not knowing the words me, and the kindness that covers everyone and everything. And may the Savior of the world keep you under his protection.

Merry Christmas. I wish you not to get sick and not to mope, I wish you to take only money and joy at your own expense, I wish you not to swear with your good angel and always sincerely believe in magic. Merry Christmas and all the long, beautiful, rich, luxurious, happy life!

Merry Christmas. May only good thoughts be born in your head, may big plans be born in your life, may only bright feelings be born in your heart, may emotions of happiness be born in your soul. I wish you angelic patience, tireless inspiration, charming love. And let everyone's hope die last, and let yours live and live!

I do not wish you to be a sweet angel, because they will use it, I wish you to always remain yourself - a strong and courageous person who will always be able to find a fun adventure for his ass. May every day a genius, a smart girl and a pro be born in you anew. Merry Christmas. I wish you not to be ill and bask in life.

Merry Christmas! I wish you caviar on the crust, a smile from ear to ear with happiness, angel wings behind your back, ruffled feathers from love. May the Lord deliver from lousy days, and give days of bliss and steepness.

I congratulate you on Christmas and wish from the bottom of my heart that the table is bursting with goodies and delicacies, that dear little men gather at this table, that money is lying around in the house wherever you go, that happiness is sticky and sticky and cannot escape from you anywhere .

I congratulate you on Christmas and wish from the bottom of my heart that it always be like this: the stomach is full, the pockets are full of wealth, the head is full bright ideas, the soul is drunk with happiness, and the heart is directed towards the course of love and good luck.

Merry Christmas. May your tummy always be full and your face happy. I wish you to light and anneal, go crazy and drive on the opposite luck. And I also wish to click any problem like the Nutcracker and enjoy the intoxicating happiness of life.

Merry Christmas! Let the festive table burst with treats, the house - from a large number people, and the mouth - from laughter, joy and Have a good mood.

Merry Christmas. I wish you a wonderful, interesting, funny fairy tale life, like Gogol about Christmas, I wish you not to mess with the devil, never find yourself in a bag, not to remain at a loss and enjoy every day.

I wish you a merry Christmas mess, plentiful feasts, moderate libations and carols without injuries and incidents. May your homes always be hospitable, refrigerators stocked, guests happy and well-fed. Let money, luck and success snowball fall on your head and swirl in an avalanche of well-being. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas greetings in prose 2019

We all get tired of the same everyday life , household and material problems, from the endless pursuit of Adam and Eve's lost paradise. But in these holidays There is a reason to stop and look at the stars. Somewhere out there, in cold space, a Christmas star is burning. She gave us hope and peace of mind. Therefore, on this fabulous Christmas night, both adults and children are not consciously waiting for a miracle. And a miracle will surely happen: the children will receive the toys they dreamed of, the lovers will confess their feelings to each other, and the quarreled spouses will reconcile. I congratulate you on a great miracle - Merry Christmas!

In this winter time when the earth was dressed in a snow-white fur coat of snowdrifts, and Christmas mood filled my soul with an exciting expectation of the holiday, I wish you a Merry Christmas. May your hearts sing with happiness, your souls be filled with kindness and mercy, and peace, love, mutual understanding and prosperity reign in the house. Be sure to make a wish today, because this fabulous night it will surely come true.


Merry Christmas! As more than two thousand years ago the good news of the Birth of the Savior illuminated all mankind, the whole world, so may the blessed light of this great holiday illuminate your souls today and fill your hearts with love for your neighbor, inner harmony, saving faith and boundless happiness.

Christmas and new year holidays - it fairy tale which not only children but also adults look forward to. In these frosty winter days, we all forget about our problems and look to the future with optimism and faith. Our aspirations and dreams seem to us easily feasible, and troubles are insignificant. I wish you positive mood throughout next year. May all the wishes that you make on Christmas night come true.


I congratulate you on a bright Christian holiday - Merry Christmas to our Savior! May faith, hope, love, mercy and patience live in your soul! May God take away all troubles and misfortunes from you and your home. Good health, happiness, good luck to you and all your loved ones. Merry Christmas!


AT Christmas evening, dozens of lights are burning in the house, the dizzying smell of fresh pastries, and the soul is so light and joyful that you want to hug the whole world! In these moments full of good Christmas magic, please accept my congratulations on Christmas and wishes of happiness and love!


R Christmas at all times was considered a magical event, and today it is known all over the world as a day, the evening of which should be met in the company of the dearest, closest people! Today I congratulate you - and for sure it will not come as a surprise to you that I wish you unlimited happiness!

D very much! A bright holiday is coming Christmas May peace and tranquility reign in your house, your eyes sparkle with warmth, and your heart be full of love! May happiness and luck accompany you in all your affairs, and let troubles and failures pass by! Merry Christmas, my love!

AT on this beautiful winter day, when our Savior Lord was born, I want to wish you peace in the house, peace in your soul, warmth in relationships with loved ones, and that in all your undertakings you have a guiding Christmas star!

AT ancient times in England there was a prayer:
"Give us, God, a little sun, a little work and a little fun.
Give us our hard earned struggle, Our daily black bread and some butter.
Give us health and mercy, Give us also some songs, and a fairy tale, and a book.
Give us, God, the opportunity to Become better for ourselves and for others, Until all people learn to live like brothers ... "
Wonderful words, which contain all the ideas of the people about happiness, about a calm, charitable life. I say this prayer every year on Christmas Eve. And her simple but true magic words, elevate my soul ... Let's drink for a bright Christmas holiday and thank God for all his gifts!

To then he is well-behaved all year round, may receive gifts from Santa Claus at Christmas. We are no longer children, but we still believe in miracles and of course, we behaved very well! So let on Christmas night Santa give us the most the best gifts! Smiles and good mood, inspiration and good luck, good health and generosity! And of course, let each of us be surrounded by love, close people and true friends every day!

AT magical Christmas night, I congratulate you and wish you a fabulous life! Just imagine all your dreams - and believe that the time has come for them to come true, filling your days with joy, kindness and love! May a cheerful melody always play quietly on your heart that you are happy!

R Christmas is the most magical and family celebration in a year when it seems that the air is saturated with the expectation of miracles and new achievements. I wish you a Merry Christmas, my love, and I want to confess my love again! Together with you, we created our family, in which we found meaning and true happiness! May your dreams come true, and may your heart always be light!

With At the end of Lent, a holiday, Christmas, comes to us, we are waiting for the rise of the first Christmas star. May the precepts of our Savior be your life creed. “Let everyone always be merciful to the weak, the orphans, the sick and the poor.

P I congratulate you on Christmas and give you this modest bouquet compliments: beautiful appearance, excellent character, sweet smile, beautiful eyes- it's all about you! May everything that you dream about, what you wish, come true on this magical night. I wish you joy, love, kindness, health and luck with good luck. May fortune accompany you and be always favorable. Still great and great personal happiness, let it warm every day, fill the heart with love and warmth. Merry Christmas - a bright, beautiful and happy holiday!

R Christmas night is incredibly long, and besides, it often turns out to be especially dark and snowy. But what do we care when in our homes we are surrounded by comfort, holiday and relatives! I sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and wish you all the best! May your life please you with the fulfillment of desires and real love the closest people!

To When Christmas comes, we wait for a miracle as much as if we were still children! So let the magic happen for us at least once a year, on this wonderful night, giving us the long-awaited and quite rightly deserved happiness! Let there be no sorrows and disappointments in your life, because it is much better to live full life and smile every day!


R Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is the day of forgiveness bright feelings the day when love triumphs. May the cannons fall silent on this holiday and not a single rocket rise into the air, except for fireworks! May God give peace and rest to the soldiers! And let love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!

At an amazing holiday - Christmas - is equally wonderful for children and adults, for dreamers and skeptics, for those who try to take care of every minute, and for those who are in no hurry ... Today I congratulate you with great pleasure on Christmas and sincerely wish you starting from this magical day to live infinitely happily!

P mouth the most good holiday Christmas will be the most enjoyable for you. And may the Lord himself give you humility and fortitude. And may divine grace enter every home. And let the Christmas fairy tale give you moments of joy. Merry Christmas to you.

AT this wonderful Christmas evening, when our whole family gathered for festive table, I want to wish everyone to feel the divine light and warmth in their souls.
May our hearts unite in grateful prayer to the Redeemer who saved the world.
For Christmas!

AT this festive Christmas evening, when all families gather at the festive table, I want to wish good and light, warmth and prosperity to everyone. May the long-awaited peace come to the whole planet on this day.

With Today, for many people, Christmas is just secular holiday, they hardly know its ancient origins... But has this holiday become less wonderful for them? Not at all! The streets of the cities are transformed by this day, all in the lights of garlands and festive showcases, and the houses are filled with the merry laughter of families gathered for the holiday and the aromas of Christmas treats. On the eve of this amazing holiday I congratulate you and wish you and your family happiness!

AT Christmas night outside the window is dark, snow is quietly falling in white flakes or a blizzard is sweeping, and the house is warm and cozy, the Christmas tree is flickering with lights and gifts are waiting in the wings ... The hours of a magical night flow like a honey river, when you can guess the most secret desires and they will certainly come true ... On the bright holiday of Christmas, I want to wish the whole family love and joy, good luck, inspiration and health, in a word, everything with which you can become truly happy!

L beloved! I congratulate you on Christmas! May this bright holiday bring you warmth, happiness, joyful mood! May the eyes of my beloved always sparkle with victories and optimism! Let all adversity bypass our family, work brings joy, children will delight with success! And may a miracle happen on Christmas!

To It's so good that this Christmas we are not alone, and there is someone to share with us magical, sweet, like cinnamon cookies, moments! Today, accept my congratulations, as well as a wish for the fulfillment of all desires! Let your life be filled with joy, desired victories and good mood!

E On this wonderful Christmas evening, our whole family gathered at the festive table in a single desire to feel the divine light and warmth in our souls. Let our desires unite in grateful prayer to the Redeemer, who through suffering saved the world and all of us. For Christmas!

X I want to New Year and Christmas in your hearts reigned triumph! Houses overflowed with love and happiness! To avoid bad weather! To be lucky with enviable constancy! Children brought only pride and success! And so that you proudly carry the armor of the whole life!

Dear little sister! Congratulations on Merry Christmas - the brightest holiday on earth! May your house be full of friends, the table be covered with many dishes, may hospitality and kindness always be eternal guardian angels protecting your family hearth! May the cup of love be full and filled with happiness your heart! Be happy!

P congratulations on Christmas! Today I want to wish you everything that is best and bright in the world! May love reign in life, may dreams come true! Believe that your future is wonderful, and may you always have the strength to make it so, keep your happiness in warm hands, at the very heart, and multiply it!

Dear friend, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on Merry Christmas . On this bright holiday, I want to wish you well-being. prosperity, understanding and peace of mind. May luck always smile at you, and misfortunes bypass. Be happy and happy holidays

My love! On a bright holiday Christmas I want to kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly and take you to our beautiful Christmas tree, under which gifts are waiting for you! And I have one more gift for you, probably the biggest ... my congratulations to you, wishing you sunny happiness and better mood, my words that you - best girl around the world and together with you, this Christmas is a thousand times more beautiful!

H it may be more beautiful on Christmas Day than to get together friendly company together with close, dear people? On this beautiful day, I want to wish my beloved and only, my husband, always keep with you like faithful dog, good luck and enjoy every day, smile and give your love to your family!

E that Day happens only once in a lifetime, birthday, the most memorable and unforgettable day, the day of appearance " little miracle"to the light of God. This is a miracle, a secret with seven seals, the most secret and desired! Therefore, we celebrate each subsequent year of life so joyfully and cheerfully! I congratulate you on the accomplished magic that you have created yourself!

My beloved parents! I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! My congratulations should reach you, I know that for sure! I want you to read my words and smile, smile that I love you very, very much! I love you because you are the best Dear people on earth, because until now (despite my age) you live for me, my thoughts, my deeds ... Because you have done so much for me, invested, cared for, protected and loved! You undoubtedly deserve the best, happiness, health, good mood! Let the Christmas holiday be bright and warm, even though we are so far apart! I love you, Merry Christmas!

AND Do you hear Santa's sleigh rushing somewhere in the sky, how the bells ring on the necks of deer and the rustling of gifts piled up in a mountain? accept my sincere congratulations Merry Christmas! May a miracle happen for you on this magical night, and in the morning you will find in your house not only long-awaited gifts, but those gifts that have always been considered the most valuable - love, luck and true happiness!
