Rules of conduct in public places. Behavior in public places

Rules and reminders of safe behavior in the city and in nature.

Every place has certain principles and rules of conduct. This applies to parks, streets and forests. In each of these places you need to behave in a certain way. This will keep you safe and minimize the risk of accidents.

There are many dangers on the streets. Despite the fact that we are used to being in a noisy crowd, it can be unsafe.


  • Always let your loved ones know where you are going.
  • Don't walk alone in the dark streets. Get out on the bright side of the road.
  • Do not wear jewelry if you are going to come home late.
  • If strangers approach you and ask you to take you to a certain street, explain how to get there, but do not see them off.
  • Do not hang your keys on your belt or around your neck.
  • If someone is following you or following you, go to a supermarket or other public place where you can get lost.
  • Do not go with strangers if they promise to show you something or give money for the delivered luggage.
  • In public places, do not shout, attract attention. Keep order.
  • Do not participate in unauthorized actions and do not engage in skirmishes.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke in public places or at bus stops.
  • Help the elderly and children.
  • Take care of state property, do not break shop windows and do not violate the integrity of buildings.

When children reach a certain age, they must be taught the rules of behavior in public places. Such places include parks, parking lots, public transport, shops, metro, underground passages. Children should definitely be taught etiquette and rules of conduct in public transport.

Street rules:

  • A lot of danger on the streets is associated with the movement of vehicles. In our country, right-hand traffic.
  • If there are no sidewalks, then you should walk towards the traffic that is traveling in your direction.
  • Do not cross the carriageway in places where there are no traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
  • Do not run out onto the road when public transport arrives. Be sure to look around.
  • If you are driving on the road, then your clothing should have reflective elements.
  • In winter, do not walk under houses, in order to avoid icicles falling on your head.
  • Do not walk where it is slippery, and the paths are not strewn with gravel or sand.
  • Do not get into arguments with passers-by, especially if they are drunk.
  • Children should be taught not to hide in cars and abandoned buildings while playing.
  • Children should not go with unfamiliar people and show how to get to a certain house at a specific address.

Public places include metro, bus stops, shops and parks. In order not to get into trouble and not run into trouble, you should follow the basic rules.


  • Let women and children get on the bus or minibus, help the elderly get into the transport.
  • Do not go down into mines or tunnels, do not go behind the fences.
  • Walk around the tram in front, and the trolleybus, bus and cars behind.
  • Don't yell on public transport. Speak quietly to the interlocutor, leaning over your ear.
  • Try not to talk on the phone, call the caller after you arrive at your destination.
  • Hold on to the handrails and do not walk on the vehicle while it is in motion.
  • Entering the transport, pay the fare and take empty seats.
  • Give up your seat to a pregnant woman, a woman with a child, or an elderly person.
  • Do not take food or drinks with you on the subway or bus. You can have a snack in the park or at home.
  • If the place is very busy, then it is necessary to cross to the other side of the street using an underpass.
  • Do not sit in a vehicle with your legs wide apart. When exiting, do not push, but ask you to let you through.
  • Try not to disturb anyone by talking loudly. Don't yell at those around you.
  • If you are on the street in a crowd and you need to stop, move to the side so that passers-by do not bump into you.
  • If you are at the cinema or theater, be sure to remove your hat. It can interfere with others watching the performance.
  • Do not make noise or gesticulate in the cinema, you can provoke a conflict. Do not beat the beat with your feet at a concert.
  • If you are late for the cinema, then try to walk very quietly to your seat.

With the onset of warmer weather, many are in a hurry to please themselves with delicious kebabs. Someone goes fishing and also does not miss the opportunity to enjoy a picnic. In nature, too, it is worth behaving according to certain rules.

Rules of conduct in nature:

  • Wear closed clothing even in hot weather. It is desirable that the arms and legs are covered. This will not burn and protect the skin from insects.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with soft soles. Sneakers are not exactly suitable shoes, as they hurt to walk on rocky terrain.
  • Do not light a fire in a clearing with dry grass or trees. It is also worth moving away from a place with stones, under which there is dry grass.
  • Do not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries. Do not touch birds and animals, avoid nests.
  • Do not wash dishes and clothes in water bodies. Also, you do not need to relieve yourself in the bushes. Dig a hole, and after you leave, fill it up.
  • Walk through the forest in zigzags and do not take short cuts. Going down steep slopes is very dangerous. Jumping over ditches or pits is also not worth it.
  • Do not set up a tent or camp near anthills and wildlife burrows.
  • Try to get home before dark. At the same time, do not turn off the paths and paths.
  • If you are lost, then go and listen. You need to follow the noise, it will lead you to the settlement.
  • Do not use perfumes and perfumes, as they can provoke insect bites.
  • Do not turn on loud music, this will attract wild animals and make them aggressive.
  • Do not drink water from lakes and reservoirs. Whether this water is suitable for ingestion is not known.

As you can see, in every place you need to follow the safety rules. This will help you save life and health, as well as avoid conflict situations.

The ability to behave in public places in various situations not only tells others that you are a well-mannered and cultured person, but also facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates warm and stable relationships.

Etiquette in public places

The requirements of etiquette in public places are not absolute: their observance depends on time, place and circumstances. That is, behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under one circumstance may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances.

At the entrance

  • According to etiquette, a man lets a woman forward, a subordinate-chief, a junior-senior. If people of the same position, gender and age collide at the door, the one who is closer to the door yields.
  • If you come home with a guest, you need to let him go first. If a person is visiting you for the first time, or if it is dark outside the door, you must enter first with the words: “Let me see you out,” and hold the door, letting the guest through.

On the stairs

  • When climbing up, the woman goes first, the man can be in front only if the stairs are dark, shaky or steep. When descending, the man goes first.
  • If an elderly person or a boss comes towards you on the stairs, you need to take a step to the side, stop and let the walker pass. The same should be done by a man in this situation in relation to a woman.
  • The side of the stairs on which the railing is located is the privilege of children, the elderly and the weaker sex. The man must give them a place at the railing.

In the elevator

  • If you are in an elevator without an escort, you must press the button yourself. If with a man - this is his duty.
  • A man should let the woman go ahead and stop behind her (unless, of course, he accompanies her).

In the shop

  • At the door of the store, first let people out, and only then enter yourself.
  • When making a purchase, do not tire the seller and those around you with petty whims and protracted indecision. When approaching the cash register, keep a wallet with money ready so as not to look for them at the last moment

At the restaurant

  • Remember that the phrase: “I invite you” means that they will pay for you, and the phrase: “Let's go to a restaurant” means that everyone pays for himself (unless, of course, the man has discussed this moment with you in advance) .
  • Do not put your phone, smartphone, etc. on the table. This will mean that you are not interested in what is happening around, and the phone plays a more important role in your life than the people around you.
  • The head waiter always draws conclusions about who will pay, according to who enters the restaurant first: that is, the one who invited to the restaurant should enter first. If visitors are met by a porter, then the man lets the woman go ahead, after which he must find empty seats.
  • Don't move your head around looking for a free seat, don't rip out the menu, and don't take the initiative if you're walking with a man - that's his privilege.
  • Do not rush to sit down at the table, wait for the man to move a chair for you.
  • Leaving the restaurant, the man must let the woman go ahead and give her clothes.

In theater and cinema

  • You can not be late for the beginning of the performance or film.
  • Come to your seats facing the seated, not with your back.
  • Sit quietly in your seat without bending over. different sides and not twisting (especially if you have a lush hairstyle).
  • During a performance or viewing a picture, do not interfere with others: do not talk, do not wave your arms, do not tap your hands to the music, do not laugh out loud.
  • Do not leave the hall during the action or some time before its end - this is ill-mannered in relation to the actors.

In transport

  • At the entrance to the transport, children, women, the elderly and those who occupy a higher position are first let through (if you suddenly met them on the bus). When leaving the transport, the men go first to give a hand to the woman and those who need such help.
  • Children, the elderly, the disabled and women should occupy seats in transport. If all the seats are occupied, and you see an old man entering, a woman with a child or a pregnant woman, be sure to give up your seat.
  • Before you sit in an empty seat, ask those around you for permission - perhaps someone simply did not have time to take a seat.

On the street

  • Oncoming people on the street need to be bypassed only on the right side, to overtake passers-by - the same way.
  • If a man is sometimes allowed to smoke on the street, it is unacceptable for a woman.
  • On the go, do not speak loudly and do not wave your arms, especially if there is something in them (umbrella, bag, etc.).
  • A man on the street should always go to the left of the lady. Only military personnel who need to respond to a military salute can go to the right.
  • On the street you can not laugh loudly, communicate noisily, stare at other people.
  • If someone calls you impolitely on the street (for example: “Hey, you!”), Do not respond to this call. Better silently pass by and pretend not to hear.
  • Don't eat on the go. It is permissible to eat ice cream or a pie on the street, standing at a stall or kiosk or sitting on a bench.

General rules

Many perceive the rules of etiquette in public places as something shameful and difficult to implement, but in fact they are quite simple - this is elementary politeness, a culture of speech, a neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions:

  • When entering a room, always say hello first.
  • Indoors, you can keep your gloves and hat on, but be sure to take off your hat and mittens.
  • Let a man carry a bag with groceries and things, but do not allow him to carry a handbag or an umbrella behind you, a removed jacket or coat - it looks ridiculous.
  • When using perfume, observe moderation. If you still smell your perfume in the evening, know that the rest have already suffocated.
  • If your companion greeted someone (even a person you don't know), you should also say hello.
  • When leaving the house, your appearance should be neat and tidy, shoes cleaned.
  • If you are insulted in a public place, never respond to rudeness and, moreover, do not raise your voice - do not stoop to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.

In public places (and at home too), always remember that you are a lady and behave accordingly and with dignity and demand the same from your companion.

Correct and dignified behavior in society is the main indicator of your upbringing, education and inner essence. Looking at your behavior, the ability to behave decently, behave politely and present correctly, any person will have a positive impression of you. But, unfortunately, many do not know what to do in public and often get lost in conversations, or even worse, begin to behave vulgarly at the same time. To prevent such mistakes in the future, you need to know and adhere to at least the basic rules of etiquette.

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Photo gallery: Correct behavior in society and in public places

The first thing it would not hurt to learn, especially for a Russian person, is to be attentive to the people around you and to consider their opinion, otherwise you will embarrass everyone, and first of all yourself. If you say everything that comes to your mind, you will pass for an ill-mannered, bad person and you will no longer be respected. In society, you should always keep at ease, and for this you need to have a good general development (in order to have a general development, you need to communicate more, read, go to theaters, watch educational films, and so on). It will help you always stay on top in any situation, for example, find an interesting topic for conversation, keep up the conversation and answer any questions correctly.

Many people have a habit of remembering other people's mistakes or slandering those who, for some reason (often the reason may be ordinary envy), are unpleasant to them. And it is very important to know that in no case should such conversations be supported, even if you also do not like the person being discussed. Any of your conversations and gossip can be immediately transferred by third parties to this person, and sometimes even in a distorted form and in a different sense. But simply to stop backbiting out of fear that all the rumors will reach the person under discussion is not enough. It is important to understand and realize that gossip is baseness. Try not to stoop to that level.

In any society, they love "light" and cheerful people, so if you like to joke, try to do it in a way that does not hurt someone's pride and feelings (do not make fun of fat or thin people, do not make fun of names, surnames, etc.).

In a conversation, never interrupt the interlocutor, first let him finish his thought, listen to his phrase to the end and only then ask questions or answer something. But if it so happened that you were interrupted for no good reason, then do not rush to shout and react wildly, listen with dignity and silence to criticism and objections, knowing that you are having a conversation with an ill-mannered person. Also, when talking, try not to call those present faceless “he” or “she”, call them by their names. When communicating, always consider the age, position, interests, life principles and character of the interlocutor. Any person must be treated with respect and care.

A polite person will never forget to say hello first, to accompany any request with the words “please”, “be kind”, etc., to thank for the service rendered or to apologize for someone's inconvenience.

Tact (sense of proportion) is always inherent in a cultured, educated and educated person - this is the ability to find a form of communication with people, feel their mood and reckon with them, taking into account the peculiarities of their characters.

The ability to behave not only in a company, but also in public places is an equally important indicator of your level of upbringing, development and culture.

If you decide to go to the theatre, you must learn a few basic rules of etiquette. Appearance is of great importance: women are advised to wear an evening dress (men - a tailcoat or a tuxedo), too frank or casual clothes in this case will play against you (this is a sign of bad taste). In winter, it is recommended to come with a change of shoes. Changeable shoes are rented to the cloakroom along with outerwear. Hats are always removed, and lush hairstyles and perfumes that are too fragrant are inappropriate. It's disrespectful to be late for a show. The man is always the first to enter the hall, showing the tickets. You should make your way to your place facing those sitting along the row. If you are already sitting, then stand up and give way to a neighbor in a row. You must not make noise in the theater and you must turn off all cell phones. In no case should you talk, make noise, rustle, eat during the performance (there is a buffet and intermission for this). It is customary to show admiration (without whistling and stomping) at certain moments, usually after the end of each act (or at the end of particularly successful scenes) and at the end of the entire performance.

If you are walking down the street or going somewhere on business, follow the rules for pedestrians, because this is not only a sign of politeness, but also a necessity. It is customary to walk along the sidewalk on the right side, without pushing and giving way (if there is no sidewalk, then you should go towards the traffic). When crossing the street, noticing an elderly or disabled person, offer him your help. It is indecent to blow your nose, sneeze, pick your nose, yawn loudly on the street. Never throw garbage on the road or sidewalk, there are special bins for this.

Before entering a pharmacy or a store, first let those who leave it, it is especially useful for people from our country to know this, since this rule is violated daily. If you notice that an elderly person, a pregnant woman or a disabled person is near you, let him go ahead. It is not recommended to take animals with you. With a lit cigarette or ice cream, they also do not enter the store.

If you use public transport, then try to follow the following rules of etiquette. When entering a bus (metro, trolleybus, tram, etc.), first of all, let other passengers get off. You can not linger at the door (it is recommended to go to the salon). You should always give way to the elderly, pregnant women, young mothers and the disabled. A sign of bad manners and indiscretion is also a loud conversation and laughter in public transport.

If you are invited to visit, it is not recommended to be late. If it is still not possible to arrive on time, be sure to warn the hosts about this. It is indecent to closely examine the furniture and other attributes of the interior in the apartment, as well as ask questions about their cost, otherwise, you will demonstrate your ignorance.

Why do you need to know and follow the rules of behavior in public places?

    The rules of conduct in public places need to be known and observed in order to maintain order and for the safety of oneself and others. If you want to be respected by the people around you, you need to treat them accordingly. Treat others the same way you would like to be treated.

    There are rules of conduct, the violation of which leads to isolation from the society in which you violate them.

    If the violation is of a criminal nature, then the isolation will be physical - arrest, several days + scattering, trial, etc.

    If the violation is moral and behavioral, but not criminal, then the society itself will repel you, because it does not want to communicate with you. After all, you do not follow the rules of behavior of this society, which means you are an outsider. And society will not help you in difficult times, will not support you, because you do not support it, violating the norms of behavior in this society. I think it's all fair.

    Something like this...

    Simply, so as not to look like a black sheep, so as not to be looked at with judgmental or evaluating views. And in general, the rules of conduct were not invented in vain, this is a manifestation of respect for the people around you.

    Imagine that not only you, but also all other people will cease to follow the rules of conduct ... It will be chaos in which only boors, lawless people and anarchists will want to live. Elementary rules must be observed even out of self-respect.

    It is necessary to know and follow the rules of behavior in public places in order not to harm yourself, people around you and nature. A cultured person will always follow the rules of conduct. It's nice to talk to such a person.

    In general, the rules of conduct, it is desirable to observe not only in public places. Just in public places, non-compliance with these rules is especially striking and causes indignation of others. It's not for nothing that they say that how you treat people is how they treat you.

    In order not to look like a redneck, because they can say so about you if you slurp and do not follow the rules of behavior at the table. And also in public places, so that you do not throw sidelong glances.

    Rules of conduct are necessary for a harmoniously developed country, so as not to be like animals, to be people in the end, to be developed, educated, to respect other people, to be cultured, culture is morality.

    In a public place, we are not alone and it is not always pleasant for those around us, what we are used to doing at home. In public places, we are forced to observe certain norms of behavior and we want the same from others. For example, not everyone is pleased to be with a drunk, foul-smelling and swearing person. This is where the rules are needed.

    You need to follow these rules so as not to be a black sheep in society. Whatever you are considered crazy. Since the prevailing mentality in society is a long-term phenomenon. You may not be accepted into this society if you do not follow these rules.

Class hour

Subject: Rules of conduct in public places

Goals: Introduce children to good manners and rules of conduct in

in public places.

Cultivate respect for others;

Develop a sense of tact in children.

Lesson progress

Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you.

Today we will talk about politeness and rules of behavior in public places.

Who knows how politeness is shown? That's right, it manifests itself primarily in the words, as well as the tone in which they are said.

Guys, what do you think, are polite people born or made? Of course they do. You should use polite words as often as possible, from which it becomes happier, warmer, brighter. There is great power in these words. A kind word can cheer up a person in a difficult moment, it can help dispel a bad mood. And today let's check what "magic words" you know. (Kind)

Even ice blocks melt

From the word warm ... (thank you)

Green old stump

When he hears ... (good afternoon)

The boy is polite and developed

He speaks at a meeting ... (hello)

When we are scolded for pranks,

We say sorry... (please)

Both France and Denmark

They say goodbye ... (goodbye)

But not only your words must be kind, your actions must also be reasonable, clear, such that you never have to blush and be ashamed of them.

The topic of the class hour is "Rules of conduct in public places."

    Public places are places where people gather.What do we call a public place? (Public Me hundred - a place where people gather voluntarily or necessarily to
    relax, solve some business, study or work).

    What public places do you know? (Cafe, street, transport, school, theater, cinema).

In public places there are many people of different ages.
Each of them must be able to communicate with each other. We all are in
cinema, store. We are satisfied with the purchase or performance,
we are in a good mood. After all, a kindly spoken word leaves a trace in the soul for the whole day. While in society, you
follow the rules of communication, the rules of politeness. Which we just talked about. - What rules do you know? (rules of the road, rules of conduct on water, rules of conduct in the forest, etc.)

Well done! And now we learn new rules. To do this, let's play puzzles.

1. This riddle is about a very important public place in the life of every person:

In this establishment

Everyone has been through.

Doubles, geniuses

Marks received.

Artists studied here

Singers, gunners.

I go here too

And you, my friends. (School)

Guys, you have been schoolchildren for six months now. Tell me how to behave at school.

Game "Do you know the rules"

Get up from the desk.

If you agree with this rule, raise your hands up, and if you do not agree, sit down.

1. If you want to answer the teacher's question, raise your hand.

2. Greet an adult entering the class while standing.

3. If you want to answer the teacher's question, shout from your seat.

4. Entering the class, you can shout: "Hello!"

5. You need to rest during the break, so you can run headlong down the corridor.

6. If you really need to ask something, you can interrupt the conversation of adults.

7. You can run and play noisily only on a sports or playground.

8. Help each other always and everywhere. "One for all and all for one".

9. No need to snitch.

10. At school, everyone is responsible for themselves, so there is no need to help each other.

Well done boys! Never made a mistake!

And now a riddle about the next public place.


You look outside - the house is like a house,

But there are no ordinary tenants in it, There are interesting books in it

Stand in tight rows

On long shelves

Along the wall

Collected fairy tales of old

And Chernomor,

And Tsar Guidon,

And the good grandfather Mazai ... What is the name of this house?

Try it, guess!(library) Scene in the library.

There is a wonderful country in the world,

Her name is Library.

Adults and children come here

Because books live here.

But in the country a large library

There are special rules:

You need to know them

These rules, I'll tell you, are six.

How do you enter the country of the Library, (reads Sofa)

Don't forget to say hello to everyone.

And behave with dignity and calmness,

Polite and quiet, my friend, be!

Clear, clear, concise, quick

And when you get what you need

Say "thank you" politely.

Return the book

Necessarily within the time specified in it,

To this book without a problem

If these rules guys

Will you strictly comply

Then the country Library,

Will be happy to welcome you!

How should you behave in the library? What is a reading room? (Slide) 3. The following public place:

I'm going here to drink tea.
And to buy sweet cakes.
Here I will taste salad and pilaf.
Everything here is what you want. This is ... (Dining room)

Rules of conduct in the dining room.

Why wash your hands before eating?

Is it possible to have champagne in the dining room?

Why can't you talk while eating?

in the dining room

1. It is necessary to enter the dining room in an organized manner, without shouting or pushing, observing order.

2. Wash your hands before eating.

3. While eating, do not talk or move your dirty plate towards your neighbor.

4. After eating, clean up your dishes.

5. When leaving, thank those who fed you.

4. Theater

The theater is opening!

Everything is ready to start!

Tickets offered

For a kind word!


theater, concert, cinema.

1. Get yourself in order.

2. Calculate the time: in the cinema - take off your hat, in the theater - undress in the wardrobe and get a number.

3. Do not litter, do not run in the lobby.

4. Take your seat. Walk along the row facing those sitting, apologize.

5. hurry to leave the hall before the end of the performance: you will have time to get dressed

6. talk during the performance


What a wonderful blue house!

There are a lot of kids in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And powered by gasoline (bus)

Let's play a game of right or wrong.

in transport

1. enter the transport only after a complete stop of the transport;

2. hold on to the handrails in the cabin;

3. buy tickets from the driver only at the bus stop;

4. give way to the elderly, the disabled and small children.

5. Exit through the front door, and enter through the back.

6. push other passengers with your elbows, rushing to the exit.

1. distract the driver with conversations while the vehicle is in motion and knock on the cab glass;

2. open the doors of the transport during its movement;

3. stick your head and hands out of windows.

4. Do not attract undue attention, damage public property


Summary of the lesson

Our lesson is coming to an end. As a parting word, I would like to read a poem.

If you are educated, even if you are polite,

They will never say bad things about you.

You will give way to the old lady in the transport.

Helping mom, buy bread for dinner.

You will not chat with a friend in class

And don't forget to say "thank you".

You will put things in order in the room, of course.

And congratulate your friends on the holiday cordially.

You can't interrupt adults in a conversation.

And in misfortune, you will always help a friend.

The weak in defense, right, you can’t refuse,

About the other, of course, you can’t say bad words.

A polite child is a treasure!

Everyone will be happy to meet you!

What did we talk about today? (On the rules of conduct in public places)


Guys, so always be polite and well-mannered!

Thank you for your attention!



    Walking down the street, do you like to look into the windows and stare at the passers-by?

    After eating sweets on the street, do you carefully wrap the candy wrapper into a small ball and, so that it does not roll under your feet, throw it on the lawn?

    On the street, a passer-by stops you to ask how to get somewhere, are you in a hurry and therefore silently, shrugging your shoulders, pass by?

    Is it necessary to say hello to a person if I saw him in the morning? And how should it be done?

    Is it necessary to be polite to a rude person?

    Who ends the conversation first?

    Should a girl thank a boy if he gave her a seat on the bus?

    How to address an unfamiliar adult?

    How to get acquainted?

    Do you think that guests should leave food on a plate to show that you are not greedy or hungry?

    Can a table napkin be used as a handkerchief?

    You will receive a gift, put it aside and say: “Thank you. I'll check later, or do you do something else? How?

    To make it more fun, do you get on the ice cream bus?

(The winner is the one who received more chips for the correct answers. Then the jury sums up the results and announces the winner).
