The “right” bra - how to choose it? Can wearing a bra harm your health? How to determine your bra cup size: a,b c d e f g.

Finding the perfect underwear is no easy task. One mistake and the chic look will be instantly ruined. Meanwhile, it turns out that the risk of looking bad is not as bad as the fact that a low-quality bra can cause irreparable damage to women's health. Redness, heaviness in the shoulders, poor circulation and downward pressure - if, while reading these lines, you feel tightness or discomfort in the chest area, then most likely it’s time for you to immediately part with your old bra and look into your favorite lingerie store.

To make shopping faster and easier, remember the following eight signs, the presence of which is strictly prohibited from buying a bra.

Breasts keep falling out of cups

The first and most obvious sign that it’s time to visit a lingerie store is the wrong cup size. If, when bending over or jumping, your breasts are trying to “get out”, then it’s time to arm yourself with a centimeter and come to the conclusion that it’s time to switch to a smaller bra. This must be done, and immediately: after all, if the bra is not able to hold the breasts “in place,” there is a risk that very soon they will lose their shape under natural weight. The danger only increases if you wear one of these bras to the gym.

As a rule, if the breasts fall out from below, then the bra is too big for you, but if on top, then it’s small, which, in turn, gives no less reasons to think about changing the bra. The fact is that when choosing a smaller bra, the cups “cut” into the skin, which interferes with normal blood circulation and causes a feeling of stiffness and discomfort.

Do you feel heaviness in your shoulders?

It’s enough that half of us have already developed scoliosis due to heavy bags and a sedentary lifestyle - you shouldn’t overload your shoulders and back with an incorrectly chosen bra. The main rule in this case: straps should never cause discomfort. If you feel even the slightest heaviness, immediately discard this bra.

What are the dangers of straps that are too tight? The pressure that the chest puts on the straps causes them to “cut” into the skin and leave not only ugly marks on the body, but also cause swelling on the back. You begin to hunch over, your posture deteriorates, and the pain in your shoulders becomes permanent.

Solution: distribute the load between the shoulders and ribs. In fact, the bodice belt should take most of the weight of the chest, acting as something like a “shelf” for it. Straps are just a holding element, so if you have a large bust, memorize the above rule like a mantra.

The bra band does not fit tightly enough to the body

The following logically follows from the previous point: the bra belt “takes on” 80% of the load, so if it does not encircle the chest tightly enough, there is a risk that all the weight will be transferred to the shoulders. We have already written about how this threatens your beauty.

You constantly correct him

If you feel like you are literally struggling with your bra all the time, pulling it up and then pulling it down, this is a sure sign that the bra is not the right size for you. The most common mistake is to choose a model with small cups and a stretched waistband. On the other hand, a lot of discomfort can be caused by a too-tight base, due to which, among other things, our silhouette takes on a “lumpy” and unaesthetic appearance. Paying attention to the fasteners will help you avoid embarrassment: if, when trying on the bodice, they are tense and seem about to come off, then you should choose a bra one size larger.

He rubs you

It's bad when something causes discomfort. When it causes pain, it cannot be tolerated. If your bra has ever left calluses and redness on your skin, you should throw it away immediately.

Most often, painful sensations occur due to the fact that the skin under the bodice secretes sweat, as a result of which the friction produced by an incorrectly selected bra is felt more strongly. The correct choice of fabric (it should consist of natural fibers and allow air to pass through), moisturizing the skin, as well as selecting models in which the length of the belt and straps can be adjusted will help solve the problem. When choosing a bra for training, this rule, of course, works with particular rigor.

The straps are falling off

If the straps of your bra treacherously fall off during the day, despite the fact that you regularly tighten them every morning, then the outcome is inevitable: you need to discard it (or change the straps in it, if they are removable). As mentioned above, straps mainly play the role of insurance, so if you do not need additional support for your breasts, then you can completely neglect them (of course, provided that you pay due attention to the selection of the belt).

But if there is still such a need, or you just like models with straps, then when purchasing, pay attention to the strength of the loops, and also make sure that the bra belt is not located above the nipple line - otherwise, the straps will simply have nothing to support , and they will subside.

You have lost weight

No matter how many of us would like the opposite, unfortunately, with the loss of kilograms, we also lose precious volumes in the bust area. Unfortunately, you will have to accept this consequence and, when going to the store for a smaller wardrobe, also include new bras in your shop-list.

As a rule, breasts begin to shrink when you lose from 4.5 to 7 kilograms (of course, we are talking about cases where excess weight actually occurs). It is within this interval that our bust acquires its natural size and, most likely, will no longer decrease with the continuation of the diet. You can visually understand that it’s time to change your bra by looking closely at the cups and the belt. If folds appear on the edges of the cups, and a finger fits freely between the chest and the belt, then the bra is definitely too big for you.

The bra strap does not separate the breasts

A high-quality bra not only supports the breasts, but also separates the mammary glands so that each is “in its place.” If the jumper (the part of the bodice that is located in the very center) simply raises the breasts up and does not separate them, then such a bra will not only not last long, but will also spoil the appearance of the mammary glands, creating the effect that it is “glued together.” The same applies to bodices, in which there is no jumper at all, and the chest is supported only from the outer sides.

Summary: comfort, comfort and more comfort

If, no matter how closely you look, you do not see any external defects in your sconce, trust your feelings. Redness, tightness, sweating, a feeling of heaviness - even if you just think throughout the day about how your bra fits on you, it means it definitely doesn’t suit you. Remember: a quality bra is an extension of your skin and should never be felt at all. So, when choosing your next new thing, always try to choose your size, give preference to natural fabrics and adjustable models. In this case, you will not only look seductive, but also maintain the health of your breasts.

We wear a bra from adolescence to late old age. In a bra, our breasts are reliably supported and protected, do not sway when walking and do not interfere with vigorous movement. We wear them all our lives, without even suspecting the existence of any rules and, especially, medical contraindications.

And knowing about this is all the more important because the health of not only this delicate part of the body, but also the woman’s as a whole, depends on it.

Attention, if the bra...

It is not difficult to understand that the bra is chosen incorrectly. You need to pay attention to the following points.


Most often, problems arise in this area. In the place where the trapezius muscle passes, the straps often cut into the body and compress not only the soft tissues, but also the nerves passing there. You can tell that this has already happened by feeling numbness and decreased sensitivity in your hands. It is dangerous to let this happen.

If the straps put a lot of pressure on your shoulders, this means that the bra is not fitted correctly. Normally, the weight of the breast is distributed as follows: 90% - on the belt, and only 10% - on the straps. Without proper support, the chest pulls the shoulders forward and down. In such conditions it is not easy to maintain correct posture.

True, sometimes stooping appears due to the fact that a woman is dissatisfied with large breasts. For her, straightening her shoulders is guaranteed discomfort and embarrassment. And if the bra helpfully helps you shrink, problems with the spine and an eternally “tired” look are guaranteed.

Rib cage

The corset part plays a major role in supporting the breasts, but should not cut into the body. Any marks in the chest area indicate too much compression, which means a violation of blood circulation and lymph outflow. Lymphatic and blood vessels are responsible for proper metabolism in tissues: oxygen and nutrition must be supplied on time, and toxic elements must be removed. If the balance is upset, it will not only have a bad effect on the condition of the breast, but will also increase the likelihood of cancer.


A cup that is too small can also interfere with blood circulation. In this case, obvious marks on the skin are sometimes not noticeable, but any pressure in the area of ​​the mammary glands is dangerous.

Always pay attention to the underwire of your bra. Impacted bones not only interfere with normal blood supply, but also injure breast tissue. This can trigger the development of tumors.

The photo shows in green the approximate position of the bone with the correct cup size. With a small cup, the bone will always dig into the mammary gland.

Every woman should definitely have several bras of different sizes and shapes because breasts are the most variable part of the body. Size, sensitivity and shape are affected by pregnancy, feeding, weight fluctuations and even hormonal changes that accompany each woman's monthly cycle. When you have a choice, you can always wear the one that is perfect for today.

Why is push-up dangerous?

“Push-up” gives the breast an ideal shape and adds the missing volume, but for this it compresses the breast in an anatomically incorrect position. You don’t have to give up “push-up” forever, but such underwear is not suitable for everyday wear - only as a dress-up option.

Medical restrictions

In some diseases, wearing a bra can seriously harm your health. This type of underwear should be abandoned or its wearing limited in the following cases:

  • Women with implanted pacemakers should not wear bras;
  • For hypertension, looser models should be chosen;
  • With neoplasms, even benign ones, it is strictly forbidden to tighten and squeeze the breasts;

Doctors also believe that cancer occurs more often in women who wear a bra for too long, even without removing it at night. The “correct” underwear can be worn every day, but you need to sleep without it and not wear it for more than 12 hours in a row.

If you are faced with one of these limitations, your choice is the Comfort bra. The modest “appearance” of this piece of ladies' toiletry more than pays off with complete safety for health.

Bra without harm (Comfort bra)

Comfort bra can significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. This full-length, wire-free bra has wide straps and a waistband that looks a bit like a sports bra. Mainly natural fabrics are used.

In our country, such underwear is not widespread. But in vain, because from the point of view of health and convenience, nothing better than the Comfort bra has yet been invented. It is especially important to pay attention to bras of this type for women over forty.

Of course, the Comfort bra is not without some drawbacks - low-cut outfits and clothes with thin straps cannot be worn with it. But health should be put at the forefront, because without it there will be no beauty.

What materials to choose

Never allow the sauna effect to occur. Synthetic fabrics do not allow air to pass through well. Under such a bra, the skin will sweat and become inflamed. It's harmful to the skin and just plain unpleasant.

Today you no longer need to choose between beautiful elastic synthetics and unsightly-looking, but comfortable and breathable natural materials. Modern fabrics are not inferior to linen or cotton in terms of breathability, and stretch and fit no worse than nylon. In addition, in some models of underwear, the inner layer is made of fabric that is pleasant to the skin and perfectly absorbs moisture.

How do you know if a bra doesn't suit you? To do this, just look in the mirror and listen to your feelings. Choosing the right bra is not an easy task, but your comfort and health depend on it.

The bra is not for you if:

  • It compresses your chest.
  • Constantly slips and fidgets.
  • You sweat more than usual.
  • The straps constantly fall off or, on the contrary, dig into the skin.
  • You don't like the way your breasts look in that bra.
  • After several hours of wearing, marks from the straps, wires or bra clasps remain on your skin.

How to choose a bra size?

The right bra is, first of all, a bra of your size. The obviousness of this statement does not prevent millions of women from making mistakes and wearing underwear that does not suit them. The result is the inability to wear the clothes you like, dissatisfaction with yourself and even health problems.

Choosing the right bra size is not that difficult. First you need to try it on. Size charts vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so you shouldn’t blindly trust the numbers on the labels.

How to choose the right bra size:

  1. You should be comfortable in it. The right bra fits tightly enough to the body, but at the same time it does not press anywhere, does not dig into the shoulders with straps and does not rub under the underwire. Look at yourself in the mirror. Are there folds of skin above the bra? If yes, then it is too small for you. Take a different size.
  2. Move around. Move your shoulders. Raise your arms up, bend down. No matter what you move, your bra size will stay in place. Breasts too, by the way.
  3. Find your cup. The most common mistake when buying a bra is choosing the wrong cup. Your breasts should fit comfortably and completely within it. There shouldn't be any breasts outside the cups, even if you think it's very sexy. Excessive compression can lead to the formation of breast tumors.
  4. When trying on, fasten the underwear on the far right hook. As you wear it, the bra band will stretch, and you can tighten it by moving the clasp to the left.
  5. If your weight has changed by more than 5 kg, you definitely need to change your underwear size.

How to take measurements?

Size is the main criterion when choosing a bra. Different lingerie manufacturers have different sizing charts. And if the 80B model fits you somewhere, another company may have it too small or too large for you. It is worth measuring your breasts at least once a year, since our body can change, and with it the size of our underwear.

It is best to take measurements in a studio. There, specialists will take your measurements without errors. When this is not possible, ask someone to help you. All measurements must be taken in a standing position with your arms down along your body.

First you need to measure the volume of the chest just below the breast. Then – the volume of the breast itself. It is measured at the most protruding point. When measuring, the measuring tape should run parallel to the floor.

Finding the right bra based on these two measurements is much easier. Chest volume is a size number. The fullness of the cup, which is indicated in letters, is calculated by subtracting the volume of the chest from the volume of the chest. Below is a table of European sizes.

Choosing a landing

Lingerie comes in not only different sizes, but also different styles. How to choose the right bra that will fit you? When trying on, keep the following rules in mind:

  1. In “your” bra, the nipples will only look straight out. In well-fitting underwear, the nipples are located exactly in the middle between the shoulder and the elbow.
  2. The bra band should be parallel to the floor. Moreover, it should be at the same level both behind and in front.
  3. The main load should fall on the bra belt. If you remove the straps it should stay in place.
  4. The belt should not ride up. This indicates that the bra is too big for you.

Wear it correctly

Even though we wear one every day, not everyone knows how to wear a bra correctly. Following these rules will help you maintain the health and beauty of your breasts for a long time:

  1. Do not wear a bra for more than 12 hours.
  2. Change this item of clothing to a clean one every two days.
  3. Give preference to natural fabrics: cotton, silk, bamboo fiber.
  4. If you play sports, purchase a special bra for training with enhanced breast support.
  5. Nursing and pregnant women also need special underwear.

The right bra takes the pressure off your spine, corrects your silhouette, and can even help you visually lose a couple of pounds. At the same time, unsuitable underwear can provide insufficient support to the breasts, pinch the lymphatic arteries, cause spasms in the middle of the chest, and even increase the risk of getting sick. Let's look at how to determine a girl's breast size and choose the right bra for her.

Usually, the bra size is indicated on the manufacturer's labels. Often, special designations are not only indicated on the packaging, but also on a special tag sewn to the belt in the clasp area, so that a woman can easily see the size of even a printed product.

Most often, sizes are indicated according to the European system, that is, first a certain two or three-digit number is written (from 70 to 90 or more), then one or two letters of the Latin alphabet are indicated (from AA to DD and beyond). The first designation (numerical) means the length of the belt. It should correspond to the volume of the woman’s chest in the area under the breasts, where the belt of the product should be located. The letter designation indicates the depth of the cup. It should match your chest size.

Bra size chart by letters and numbers

Size charts - Milavitsa (Milavitsa)

But bras from different manufacturers may differ in size, even if the labels indicate that they are the same size. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you must try it on. When ordering lingerie online, it is better to focus on manufacturers you know.

Determination methods

There are 2 methods for determining the required bra size depending on your breast size. The first of them is traditional. The method assumes that 10 cm must be added to the volume of the area under a woman’s breasts and the resulting value subtracted from the volume of the chest measured in the area where the breasts are most convex. The resulting value determines the breast size and cup size. This definition system was invented back in the 30s of the last century, but now it is practically not used.

Instead of the traditional system for determining bra size, most countries in the world use a simplified one - the European one. Here the need to add 10 cm to the volume of a woman’s chest under the breasts is eliminated. Let's look at how to correctly take measurements using this method next.

What measurements should be taken to determine breast size?

Determining breast size without taking any measurements, “by eye” is problematic. With this method there is a high probability of error. So, sociologists believe that about 70-80% of women wear bras with cups that are not their size and do not know their real breast size.

Although breast size may vary depending on the phase of the cycle and fluctuations in a woman's weight, it can be measured fairly accurately by taking the following measurements:

  1. The volume of the chest under the chest to determine the required width of the belt and make further calculations.
  2. Bust volume at the most convex point.

Breast size 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – what is this?

Breast size is expressed as the difference between the volume of the chest below the breast and the fullest point of the chest, measured in centimeters. Each value corresponds to its own breast size:

  1. Volume from 10 to 12 cm corresponds to size 0.
  2. Volume 12-13 cm – 1 size.
  3. Volume 13-15 cm – size 2.
  4. 15-17 cm – size 3.
  5. 18-20 – size 4.
  6. 20-22 – size 5.
  7. 23-25 ​​– size 6.

If the value is above 25, every new 2 centimeters adds one to your breast size.

How to determine your bra size by girth under the bust: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90

The bra size is selected according to two parameters: the circumference under the bust and the cup volume. Depending on the girth under the bust, the length of the belt is selected. A properly chosen belt provides chest support and relieves stress on the spine. To check if the belt length in your bras suits you, just try to stick your fingers into the buttoned belt. A suitable belt should fit no more than 2 fingers or a thumb. If the belt can be pulled back enough to fit a whole hand or more, the bra is probably not right for you. You can additionally check this by lowering the bra straps from your shoulders. Breasts up to size 3-4 should be kept in the same position as they were when the harness was on, and larger breasts should sag only a little.

You can determine which belt size you need by measuring the volume of the chest under the chest using a centimeter. To do this, while standing or sitting, apply the tape to the area under the breast where the mammary gland ends. In this case, the tape should be parallel to the floor and, if possible, lie straight.

Commonly accepted bra band sizes are 70, 75, 80, 85 and 90. If the underbust girth you get when measuring is approximately halfway between the two indicated values ​​(for example, 83), you should try on a bra with a volume of a few centimeters more and less, so that determine which one best supports the breasts.

You should know that the belt of a new bra should always be fastened with the last hooks and at the same time be comfortable. During wear, the fabric may stretch a little and then it will be your turn to use the rest of the hooks provided.

How to determine your bra cup size: a,b c d e f g

There are two ways to determine your cup size:

  1. Measure your bust circumference at the fullest part of your bra while standing. In this case, the measuring tape should be parallel to the floor. The tape should not be allowed to lie on the body in an uneven line when taking measurements, as this will distort the measurement results. From the obtained value you need to subtract the volume of the chest under the breasts, and decipher the result using the instructions given above. This method is not the most accurate, since the bra may compress the breasts too much or vice versa, which will distort the results. And measuring the size in the same way without a bra is problematic if the breasts do not hold their shape or are large enough. In this case, it is better to use method No. 2.
  2. Measure your chest circumference with your back tilted so that it is parallel to the floor and at an angle of 90 degrees to your legs. This way, the breasts will not sag along the body and finding the highest point will not be problematic. Perform the procedure without a bra, but you can wear a tight-fitting T-shirt made of thin fabric if you need the help of another person to take measurements. Make sure that the measuring tape does not twist and lies in a straight line along the back. From the result obtained during measurements, you need to subtract the volume of the chest under the chest.

Typically, by measuring breast size in this way, women get results ranging from 10 to 28 or more centimeters. Each value corresponds to its own breast size:

  1. Size 0 – AA cup.
  2. Size 1 – A cup.
  3. Size 2 – B cup.
  4. Size 3 – C cup.
  5. Size 4 – D cup.
  6. Size 5 – DD cup.
  7. Size 6 – E cup.

S, M, L, XL – what size is this?

Busts without underwire, with less supportive effect, can be designated in sizes S, M, L and XL. These sizes correspond to the same sizes of outerwear. Bust S is suitable for women with a chest circumference at the fullest point of 81-86 cm; M - 86-94cm; L - 94-100cm; XL - 100-105cm.

How to determine breast size visually?

Determining breast size visually is quite difficult, because a woman can wear a push-up bra, put silicone pads in her bust, or, on the contrary, wear shapeless bras that hide volume. But even if you have the opportunity to look at the bust without a bra, the accuracy of determining the size without measurements is low. There are known cases when, without preliminary measurements, women independently considered their sixth and first sizes to be third, which clearly shows how different ideas about what visually looks like for different people differ.

The shape of the breast can help you get roughly oriented. So, a rounded shape, visually reminiscent of watermelons, can be for owners of size 4 and larger. Melon-shaped breasts with nipples sticking out in different directions come in sizes 3 and up. Breasts that do not hold their shape ("spaniel ears") can also be large. With other forms, a maximum of 2-3 breast sizes is possible.

How to determine breast size with your hands?

There is a way to determine breast size by how it fits in your palm. But you should know that such measurements are relatively approximate, since they depend not only on, but also on the size of the man’s palm. According to this system, if the breast fits into the palm so that it takes on the shape of a boat, this is the first size, if the breast almost completely fills the palm - the second, if it fits tightly in the palm - the third, and if you need to use a second hand to grasp the chest, this is the fourth or more sizes.

Comfortable cups

The right bra should have a cup size that is not too large for your breasts, but not too small. You can understand that the cup is small if there is no empty space between it and the breast, and if the bra does not hold its shape on its own, the large cup will sag, forming unsightly folds. Large underwear not only does not provide adequate support and visually lowers the chest line, but also looks unsightly under tight clothing or clothing made of light fabric, which emphasizes the presence of unevenness and gaps. To visually enlarge your breasts, it is better to buy underwear with a push-up effect, but always with a cup of your own size.

Those with large breasts often buy busts with cups that are too small. It should be understood that small bras will not make your breasts visually more attractive, but will only cause discomfort when worn, provide insufficient support, which is so necessary for the spine, and can even lead to cramps in the chest. You can understand that the bust cup is small by raising your hands. If at the same time part of the bra jumps up so that part of the breast sticks out from below, this underwear is not suitable for you. Also, a suitable cup should secure the breasts on the sides, preventing them from falling out of the bust, which will create unsightly folds in the armpit area. We can talk about a successful selection of underwear if, when bending, the breasts do not fall out of the bra, regardless of whether the cup is closed or more open.

Convenient tailoring

After wearing the bra, there should be no or minimal red marks on the body. Such traces can form for three reasons:

  1. Unsuitable fabric. Underwear should not be made from stiff fabric. It is better to choose seamless bras or lingerie made from fabric with a smooth structure than products with lace frills, which can leave marks on the skin that follow the structure of the fabric.
  2. The bra size is too small. If marks remain from the belt, it may be of the wrong diameter or fastened too tightly. This can lead not only to unattractive marks, but even to...
  3. The bra is too big. If the marks remain mainly from the straps, you need to check how well the belt holds the chest. To do this, you need to lower the straps from your shoulders with your bra fastened. In the case of well-chosen underwear, the breasts should only sag slightly. If your chest drops significantly without straps, the belt will not perform its supportive function because it fits too loosely on you. It needs to be sutured or the underwear replaced. Additionally, wider straps will help redistribute the weight.
  4. The straps are too tight. Many women think that straps are needed to lift the breasts, but in fact the breasts are held in place by the belt. The straps should be tightened loosely, so that the belt is located in an even line along the body, parallel to the floor.

Not only the appearance and health of your breasts, but also your self-esteem depends on how your bra fits. One large lingerie company conducted a study that found that 80 percent of women do not know how to choose bras. To avoid facing serious problems and always feel like a million-dollar beauty, study 9 points from this material. They will help you make the right choice. So…

1. Your breasts are “bulging” out of the cup.

If this point applies to you, then you are wearing the wrong size. This bra is definitely too small. Your breasts should not fall out or protrude above the cup at all - they should “lie” beautifully inside it.

2. Cups do not fit tightly to the chest

If your cups have a lot of empty space, then you need to reduce the cup size. We know that all girls want to have a “bigger” breast size, but if you buy a bra one size larger, your breasts will suffer: the friction that comes from the bra rubs and damages the skin of the breast. This leads to a lot of problems with the mammary gland (we don’t need this, right?).

3. Straps put pressure on your shoulders

Take a closer look: when you take off your bra, do red stripes from the straps remain on your shoulders? If the answer is “yes,” this means that the bra is too small for you, or you are tightening the straps too tightly (the norm is if you can freely put your finger under the strap). If you've loosened the straps but nothing has changed, go to the store for a new set of underwear. Those with larger busts should choose wider straps so they don't dig into your skin and your breasts get the right support.

4. The center part of the bra is out of place

Sometimes that tiny piece of fabric between the cups doesn't fit tightly to your breasts. This just means that you definitely need a larger bra size.

5. The clasp is not in place

One of the most common mistakes women make. The sides of the bra and the clasp should be parallel to the ground. If the clasp is on your shoulder blades, it means your bra is small, and if it is below your chest, it means it’s too big. In such cases, the bra does not provide the necessary support to the breasts, and therefore does not perform any function.

6. Breasts don't move at all

Okay, we know that everyone wants their breasts to have a little lift, but if your bra is constricting them so much that they literally won't move, you're probably wearing a bra that's too small for you. Breasts need a little room to breathe, so wear a bra that allows them to move a little, rather than one that is too small and deprives your breasts of air and space.
We all have that bra where the straps fall off every second. Guess what your bra is trying to tell you when it does this? That's right, it's too big on you! Change to a smaller size, or tighten the straps.

8. Bones dig into the skin

Another big problem. If you feel that they are pressing, digging into the skin, or simply moving left-right-up-down, this only means that you have chosen the wrong size. The bones should fit snugly to the body and not move. But under no circumstances should you force anything on you.

9. You feel uncomfortable in it.

If you constantly adjust your bra all day long or feel uncomfortable wearing it, this is definitely not the bra for you. It may be too big or too small, but when the bra fits your breasts, you'll hardly notice you're wearing it.
