Causes of a surge in aggression in adolescents. Aggressive teenager recommendations to parents

Aggressive behavior in adolescence– a natural scourge for the teenager’s relatives. When your child transforms into an ever-rude, door-slamming monster, it's not hard to get confused. Teachers are starting to complain that fights among the kids involving your teenager are becoming more and more common. He acts in a cocky manner. In response, parents make scandals for their children, trying to induce exemplary behavior in them. Conflict situations between relatives and children only intensify the situation. It is impossible to understand what to do. It is impossible to defeat a teenager. Parents notice that their child has become uncontrollable. In this article we will learn about the prevention of aggression in adolescence.

And at the same time, aggression in adolescence- one of the most frequent and typical signs of the arrival and existence of a crisis in a teenager. You are not the first and you will not be the last. In many families, after some time, this issue resolves itself. It is really important for relatives to understand what is going on with their child, what is signaled by his aggressive state.

Being unbiased, we can say that in some adolescents outbursts of anger and vulnerability are reduced to a minimum, which is provoked by physical transformations of the body and modification of hormones. And others wage whole “wars” in their family around their personality. This is the time when we need to talk about preventing aggression in adolescence.

Methods for preventing aggression in adolescents

The source for understanding the essence of preventing aggressive behavior in children lies in the phrase “he has become uncontrollable.” Indeed, people who have reached adulthood basically manage themselves. Or when an adult has made an agreement with another adult, he may not forcefully give him the right of partial control over his personal actions. For example, when applying for a job, a person, in exchange for a stipulated monetary remuneration, agrees that his manager must tell him what and how needs to be done within the framework of the work schedule. In exchange for reward, not force. And this means, in reality, preserving the right to dispose of one’s personality. Due to the fact that you can take a settlement at any time and look for other agreements.

As a result, it turns out that adults manage their actions independently, but children need parental care. It is they who determine what rules to introduce and take in the life of their child. And this is fair, because the child does not have the full experience, knowledge and strength to live, making decisions alone, and exist successfully. But it is worth considering that the child grows and becomes more experienced.

"Teenager"- the word itself speaks to itself, this is the time when a child says goodbye to childhood and faces maturity. If by this time the child was limited in freedom, and he was not explained in any significant way why he needed to adhere to this or that rule, but was only forced to follow it, then by the time of the crisis of adolescence such a child is absolutely sure: the right to make a decision is a question which is strength. And he immediately begins to show it. He needs this to win the right to be independent. It follows from this that if you have no desire to deal with the aggressive behavior of your own teenager on a full scale, prematurely begin to interpret, ask, and less often put forward demands by order. Increase his freedom of action little by little, long before he starts fighting for it. Of course, within such limits as it will be harmless.

Correction of adolescent aggression

Stop being bitter about his aggressive behavior. He will inherit you. You yell - he responds in kind. You are not condescending in your epithets; do not forget that he also has a vivid reserve of words. If you manipulate others, why do you think he won't do that? Stop setting a negative example.

Admit to yourself that in some ways your child is already big. And he can figure out some things on his own. Including, he has a personal right not to want something that you want from him. You don’t want him to obey every wish of strangers for about 30 years. Of course not! Actually, this is the time when your child gains experience in how to protect personal interests. Come to his aid right now. Share your knowledge on how to reach an agreement. And agree that sometimes he may not do what you wanted. After all, it is his own choice.

What is aggression?

Aggression, the manifestations of which most often cause a negative reaction from the people observing it, can also have a positive effect. Such a moment is considered to be an opportunity to discharge overwhelming emotions and a person to defend his positions and increase self-esteem.

But aggressiveness still needs to be controlled so as not to create life problems for yourself. It manifests itself especially strongly in adolescence, so it is important to understand the reasons for its appearance.

A person’s aggression means that he wants to feel power over someone, to subjugate him. It can be both internal, directed inward (auto-aggression) and external, the object of which is other people or objects. It can also be obvious and hidden. Signs of obvious aggression are considered to be an increased degree of conflict, assault, the ability to put pressure on others, and slander. And the hidden form is manifested by withdrawal into oneself, attempts at suicide.

Adolescence and aggression

Any person can have such character traits, but they are especially noticeable in teenagers. This is a concern for many parents who notice their children being angry and uncontrollable.

Also read:

Why do teenagers become aggressive?

It is a rare child who enters adolescence and does not change his behavior. As a rule, he becomes more aggressive. This is due to the restructuring of his body, the change in the characters of the same teenagers around him, who during this period begin to assert themselves, prove something to each other, and try to earn respect in this way.

There are cases of violence against less aggressive peers, who are designated as outsiders and mocked in every possible way - both morally and physically. They create their own groups and do not allow strangers there. The relationship with parents also changes. They seem stupid to teenagers, and their opinions are considered not worthy of attention. Teenagers are capable of hurting anyone, without making allowances for age.

There are several reasons for aggression in adolescents. Five of them are considered the most studied and confirmed by specialists.

The first cause of aggression in adolescents

The first reason for aggressive behavior in adolescents is considered to be constitutional predisposition. That is, a person who is initially irritable, suspicious, withdrawn, anxious, for whom it is important what others think about him, can become such a person.

The second cause of aggression in adolescents

The second reason for adolescent aggressiveness lies in the formation of such behavior under the negative influence of printed (newspapers, magazines) and electronic (Internet) sources of information. Television and computer games that involve scenes of cruelty, violence, and criminal elements in the plot have a strong influence on character.

The third reason for aggression in adolescents

The third reason why a person with aggressive habits may develop may be the family where the child grows up. If there is misunderstanding between family members, rejection or too much care for children, their pampering by adults, frequent insults, the relationship between parents and children is not colored with positive emotional shades, then all these moments can create the ground for nurturing a future aggressor.

The fourth cause of aggression in adolescents

The fourth case when a teenager can become aggressive involves earlier initiation of alcohol or drug use. In one of these intoxications, he becomes so liberated that he does not even realize how cruel and unpredictable he becomes.

The fifth reason for aggression in adolescents

The fifth reason for the emergence of the aggressive character of adolescents is the state of the environment and society as a whole at the time of the formation of their personality. With an unfavorable environment, problems with radiation, noise, and an overabundance of negative information, preconditions for aggression appear. Life during economic and other crises, in the absence of fair laws, and a feeling of hopelessness can also lead to protest behavior in a teenager, which can result in aggression.

The main influence on a child is still exerted by the environment where he grows up. Parents must understand that their child has not grown up yet, although he is trying to prove it to everyone. This is a difficult transitional age, when a teenager most of all needs love and understanding in the family, which can reduce unnecessary anxieties and prevent his aggressiveness from developing.

Hello, dear readers! Today I would like to talk about a serious problem - why teenagers are aggressive towards their parents. And for the most part, the whole problem lies not in children who behave inappropriately, but in parents who do not know what to do about it, and sometimes behave even more inappropriately. Let's look at the reasons for this behavior in children, find out how to deal with it and not ruin the situation.


Of course, teenagers are getting older. And first of all, this is felt at the physiological level. Boys' voice breaks, a mustache or beard begins to grow, and an uncontrollable sexual desire appears. Girls become familiar with menstruation and become more irritable.

In general, a person’s hormonal background changes. It is not for nothing that there is a separate name for this process - puberty. It is at this time that teenagers are faced with changes in their body, a surge of hormones, and mood changes.

One of my clients has a daughter. Diligent, obedient, flower girl. But as soon as she crossed the threshold of her fourteenth birthday, she became unrecognizable, as if she had been replaced. The behavior is completely incomparable to the sweet child she was.

In fact of the matter. This is no longer a child. During adolescence, we experience the most difficult emotions of our entire lives. You are not an adult yet, but you are no longer a child. There are no rights, but there are a lot of obligations. And at the same time, everyone strives to give you advice.

Don't forget about physiology. Be prepared for this. If everything is too serious and you notice catastrophic changes in behavior, then consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary hormones or other drugs that will make the maturation period easier for your child.

Two sides of the same coin

Another factor that may cause increased aggressiveness is attention. Here we are talking about both excess and shortage. Let's first look at the option of excessive guardianship.

The son may hold a grudge because of what he compares to disrespect and mistrust. It seems to him that he is an adult and can make his own decisions and be responsible for his actions.

Remember the saying “like a chicken and an egg”? You don't have to do that. Give freedom, open boundaries, trust your child’s instincts. Don't try to control his life. It's time for him to learn to do it on his own. What will he do when you are not around?

And lack of attention also has a bad effect on a teenager. It seems to him that you don’t care, that no one cares about him and that no one appreciates him. It is important for a person to feel supported and supported, especially during adolescence.

You may be very busy at work, you go out of your way to provide your son or daughter with a good education, which, naturally, costs a lot of money.

But how is he supposed to guess about this? Talk to him. Try to explain everything, listen to his complaints and grievances. Perhaps together you will find a way out of the situation. And don't be afraid to ask your children for help. They are already old enough to be your support too.

It is very important here to grasp that fine line and find the golden mean. You need to learn to give a growing person freedom and not turn it into permissiveness.

An important point - to your own child. You won't get far without it. Only by respecting your son or daughter can you come to an agreement.

If you don’t feel strong enough to cope with the fear for your son or daughter, then be sure to read the article “”. Understand that you need to let him out from under your wing, this is the only way he will begin his life.


Not only . For the most part, this applies to all adults. Teachers, aunts and uncles, grandparents, store assistants, high school students and high school students.

I don’t know why, but every adult considers it their duty to give parting advice to a teenager. Explain the principle of life, tell the “truth”, show the rules of the game. But no one takes into account that everyone has their own rules. And for the most part, no one is even interested in whether he needs this advice.

Remember, advice is valuable when it comes at the right time.

The reasons for the appearance of aggression may lie. One of my friends got a boyfriend after a divorce a few years later. The daughter could not find a common language with him, she was insolent and rude to the man in every possible way. Simply because it seemed to her that he was taking the place of a father in her life.

Only you can explain to your child that this is not so. That parents will always remain parents, mom will be mom, and dad will be dad. And no one will ever replace them. Step into your child's shoes before you scold him for his bad manners.

Another option is to change parental behavior tactics. When the baby was a child, they allowed him everything, bought new gadgets, gave gifts, exchanged one toy for another. As soon as my son becomes a teenager, his mother immediately begins to prohibit him. Prohibits staying out late, watching TV for a long time, or playing computer games.

And the teenager has a question: why suddenly they began to forbid him something? Watch yourself carefully.

First love. Oh, there are so many sad stories about first love. And this can also make a person terribly irritable and aggressive. Strong emotions and experiences, first date. Think back to yourself in these golden years.

Become an adult

I suggest you become an adult. Namely, learn to combine the roles of parent and adult in communicating with a teenager. Learn to communicate with him like an adult. Don't think that he is still a little child who doesn't know how to do anything on his own.

What to do and how to behave?

First, respect him. Don't enter a room without knocking, and definitely don't go in while your teen is away. This is a direct violation of personal space. You must understand that he needs this space where no one will poke his nose, where he can be in peace and solitude.

After all, you are unlikely to be pleased if your spouse or daughter rummages through your purse or underwear drawer without asking.

Second, establish adult contact with your teenager. What does it mean. Explain that you will not interfere, give a huge pile of advice and meddle in every matter. Make it clear that you are always there, ready to help, listen, and if he needs it, you will readily share your experience and give advice. But only when you are asked to do so. And not a second earlier.

Third, do not punish or scold aggressive behavior. Try to find out why this happens. Because of school or institute, because of friends or girlfriends, because of teachers and so on. Let them know what you're worried about, but don't interfere in areas that are no longer your territory. Read the paragraph above about advice at the right time.

Fourth, never yell back at your teenager. This is the worst option you can choose. Is your patience running out? Use breathing techniques, find a way to release your negative emotions, just not on your children.

Yes, parenting is a very difficult and nervous matter. But with the right approach, you will get a sane, intelligent and independent person who can achieve great success in life.

Why do you think children are aggressive? What pushes them to such behavior? How do you respond to your children's irritability? How was your teenage period?

Love your children and trust them!

Teenage aggression: why a child becomes uncontrollable in adolescence, what types of aggression are most common, manifestations of aggressive behavior during puberty and the main methods of dealing with them.

The content of the article:

Teenage aggression is a side effect of puberty that occurs in response to a growing child’s failure to accept reality. These may be individual parts of it (the attitude of parents, peers, complexes, the influence of social networks, etc.) or an unwillingness to come to terms with reality in general. In any case, a teenager’s aggressive behavior is a problem for everyone around him and for himself. Therefore it requires a solution.

Causes of teenage aggression

Adolescence is a conditional dividing line between childhood and adulthood. Crossing it, the teenager undergoes changes at the physical, physiological and psychological level. That is, not only his appearance changes, but also his internal attitudes, “filters” of perception of the world around him. Such changes are a lot of stress for a child. Therefore, under unfavorable circumstances for him, he simply “breaks down” and becomes aggressive. Depending on which of these circumstances predominate, the causes of teenage aggression are conventionally divided into several groups.

Family reasons for aggressive behavior in adolescents

Most psychologists put the influence of parents at the origins of inappropriate behavior in children of puberty: their upbringing methods, behavior, attitude towards the child and towards each other. And given teenagers’ extremely heightened perception of the environment, any “mistakes” by relatives can become a trigger for aggression.

The main family causes of teenage aggression include:

  • Extremes in education. In this case, the most significant are the education system and the level of attention paid to the child. Moreover, both excessive attention (overprotection) and its lack will be equally dangerous. In the first case, the teenager rebels, thus defending his right to freedom of choice - what to wear, with whom to communicate, etc. In the second, he chooses tactics of aggressive behavior to attract the attention of his parents. In the same way, a teenager can go against the rules set by strict parents or respond with aggression to permissiveness.
  • Social status and standard of living. As in the case of upbringing, either poverty or the wealth of his parents can most often negatively influence a teenager’s behavior. So, for example, some children may be angry at the fact that their parents are not able to give them what they want. This could be an expensive phone, a powerful computer, fashionable clothes, varied leisure activities, etc. In the same way, unmotivated aggression can be provoked by the opposite state of affairs, when the child has absolutely everything he wants. In this case, the spoiled teenager simply considers himself superior to others, which gives him the right (as he thinks) to behave provocatively.
  • Violence in family. A teenager's aggressive behavior may be a response to the aggression he sees in the family. And here there may be several options for the development of events: the first - he instinctively tries to protect himself from a cruel parent or relative, the second - he copies him. Ridiculing and humiliation by his parents in front of other people can be no less destructive for the teenage psyche.
  • Jealousy. Sometimes a child in adolescence chooses defiant behavior out of jealousy. The subject of teenage jealousy can be a new family member: the second child who has appeared in the family, the new chosen one of the mother (or the chosen one of the father), his (or her) children.
  • Family traditions. It happens that teenage aggression arises due to non-acceptance of established traditions in the family. This could be a habit of spending free time, a way of dressing, a social circle, a choice of profession or life partner, etc. With the help of aggressive behavior, the teenager tries to break such restrictions and go beyond them.

Biological causes of teenage aggression

Changes within the child can significantly “spoil” a child’s blood during puberty. Hormones are raging in him, his system of perception of the world is “bursting at the seams.” And if parents do not notice these changes in time, the child may “go downhill.”

The main biological causes of aggression during puberty:

  1. Youthful maximalism. In adolescence, a child desperately searches for himself, his values ​​and attitudes change very quickly, and the perception of the environment has two assessments - either bad or good, either black or white. There are no halftones in the life of a teenager. Therefore, a new model of child behavior that is not corrected in time by parents can turn into a protest against any discrepancy between reality and the “standards” invented by the child himself.
  2. Puberty. Raging hormones also often affect the behavior of teenagers, making them uncontrollable. Moreover, they are difficult to control not only for parents or teachers. They themselves are not always able to pacify their attraction. Therefore, it is important to timely and correctly redirect this young energy into a useful direction - into dancing or sports.

Personal causes of aggression in adolescents

Not only hormones, but also his internal state can turn a child into a tough teenager. It can be formed during growing up, inherited with genes, or appear as a result of upbringing. In any case, it will be directly related to the teenager’s personality.

The most important personal reasons for the formation of teenage aggression:

  • Diffidence. Quite often, behind the mask of an aggressive, world-challenging teenager, there is a child hiding in desperate need of support and understanding. It is precisely the lack of confidence in himself, his strengths and capabilities that forces him to build walls of denial and opposition around himself. The same feeling pushes him to assert himself at the expense of the weaker or to earn authority over the stronger.
  • Guilt. This factor may accompany the already mentioned lack of self-confidence or be its consequence. It is very easy to make a teenager feel guilty. Moreover, he can form it himself. But that doesn't mean he admits it openly. Many teenagers mask their feelings of inferiority under aggressive behavior.
  • Touchiness. Another character trait that provokes an acute reaction in a hypersensitive person during puberty to even the most harmless things.
  • Pessimistic mood. Distrust of people and life in general, a pessimistic view of the things that surround a teenager, can significantly affect his behavior.
The feeling that he (or she) does not meet the expectations of the world around him (parents, loved ones, friends, teachers and other people significant to the child) can also make a teenager aggressive. In this case, internal aggression towards oneself is projected onto others.

Situational causes of teenage aggression

Often, aggression in adolescence can be provoked by a certain situation that has had a significant impact on the child’s psyche. This may be an event related to the physiology of a teenager: a serious illness or its consequences, injury, physical defect that limits a full life. The feeling of inferiority in this case can result in aggressive behavior.

The destructive effect on the psyche of adolescents of certain content, which is “absorbed” by children from the Internet, TV and computer games in unlimited quantities, has already been proven. The most dangerous are films, games, videos, and posts with aggressive content. Plunging into such an atmosphere, the teenager takes on the role of a negative, but cool hero, and carries it into real life. He chooses forceful methods to solve problems.

Also, a reason to show yourself “in all your glory” in a negative sense can be the desire to please a member of the opposite sex or to impress her (him). If a child has not formed a normal concept of relationships between the sexes, there is no correct example of such relationships, he himself develops a line of behavior that, in his opinion, will demonstrate his strongest sides.

Types of teenage aggression

Depending on how a teenager’s rebellion manifests itself, his defiant behavior can be divided into several types.

The main types of teenage aggression according to the direction of manifestation:

  1. Overt aggression or heteroaggression. Such aggressiveness is aimed at everything that surrounds the teenager - people, animals, things. It can manifest itself in the form of fights, hooliganism, vandalism, insults, humiliation, use of profanity and defiant behavior. As a way of confronting the world, teenagers can use smoking, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, and vagrancy.
  2. Hidden aggression or auto-aggression. If dissatisfaction and rejection are directed inward by a teenager, it is quite difficult to notice it externally. Such children do not clearly show their dissatisfaction with reality, but the accumulation of negative energy still finds a way out in the form of nervous breakdowns, depression, neuroses, somatic diseases and even suicide.
Forms of teenage aggression by method of manifestation:
  • Reactive aggression. It is hostility that manifests itself in response to the same hostility. That is, it does not appear constantly, but “on occasion.” The trigger here can be a rude attitude towards a teenager - in transport, school, store, on the street. And the teenager simply cannot restrain himself from responding to rudeness with similar behavior.
  • Targeted aggression. This is the conscious, constant behavior of a teenager, manifested in disrespect for others, rudeness, fights, and defiant behavior. And it does not depend on whether he was rude or treated kindly. Most often, this method of self-expression is chosen by children with natural leadership abilities, who simply cannot cope with their temperament without outside help.

Manifestations of teenage aggression

Rebellion in the soul of a teenager depends on many reasons: the character of the child, the attitude of parents, friends, peers towards him, living conditions, etc. Therefore, manifestations of teenage rebellion can be very different - from periodic sharp answers to a question or remark to absolutely immoral behavior or cruelty.

The main forms of manifestation of aggressive behavior in adolescents:

  1. Physical form of aggression. Sets a goal to cause harm, pain, damage. Here, both inanimate objects and living beings can act as victims. It manifests itself in the form of hooliganism and vandalism on different scales - from breaking dishes at home to destroying public amenities (monuments, benches, bus stops, etc.). In the worst case, aggression is directed at people and animals. This is the most dangerous form of teenage aggression, since adolescents have not yet fully developed the concept of responsibility, including for the lives of others.
  2. Verbal form of aggressive behavior. A “lighter” manifestation of teenage protest, but no less harmless. Because even verbal insults and humiliation from other children can have dire consequences for the child’s psyche. Verbal aggression can manifest itself in the form of arguments, denial, foul language, criticism of other people, threats, ridicule, cruel jokes, expressions of hatred and resentment.
  3. Expressive form of aggression. It manifests itself in brightly colored “tones,” that is, in the form of physical movements (gestures, blows), expressed facial expressions (grimaces, dissatisfied facial expressions) and/or verbal statements in a raised voice or in the form of profanity.
  4. Direct aggression. In this case, all the teenager’s negativity is directed towards a specific object, which causes these very negative feelings in him. It can be expressed physically and verbally.
  5. Indirect form of aggressive behavior. This is a form when the teenager’s environment – ​​things, objects, people, animals – “pays” for some troubles, failures, or simply a bad mood.
  6. Hidden aggression. Protest, which manifests itself in the form of ignoring requests and comments. In this case, the child is absolutely calm, but at the same time does not hear what is being said to him. And if he hears, he is in no hurry to do it.

Ways to combat teenage aggression

The method of overcoming teenage aggressiveness will depend primarily on the specific case - the characteristics of the child himself, the degree and type of aggression and the reason that caused it. Therefore, the approach to solving such a problem should be purely individual. However, there are several universal rules of behavior for parents that will not only help correct the situation, but can also be used as preventive measures to prevent aggressive behavior in a teenager.

The most effective tips for parents on how to cope with teenage aggression on their own:

  • Reconsider your upbringing criteria and behavior: often it is mistakes in the educational process or the behavioral habits of parents that become the main reason for rebellious behavior in teenagers. Remember, no matter how your child speaks about you, you are his main role model. If you want to make it better, start with yourself. Be a positive example.
  • Be restrained and tolerant. Maintaining self-control even in the most critical situation in a family where there is a problem teenager can “kill two birds with one stone.” Firstly, a calm and reasonable analysis of the situation does not provide an additional reason for aggression on the part of the teenager. Secondly, this method of solving a problem shows the teenager that forceful methods are far from the only option for effectively resolving conflicts.
  • Give your child the freedom to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Of course, this advice also has its nuances - such freedom should not become absolute. You, as adults, experienced people, still need to filter out safe solutions that can be “skipped” and unsafe ones that could harm the child.
  • Become your troubled teen's best friend. It is quite natural that not all children have the ideal set of qualities - intelligence, beauty, health, strength, intelligence, talent. Therefore, support in your growing person exactly what he has. Praise him, support his endeavors, rejoice in his achievements, analyze his mistakes and failures. And don't limit yourself to just talking - spend more time with him outside the home. Organize joint recreation and leisure, support his hobbies, involve him in socially useful activities, and cultivate respect for elders.
  • Turn his seething energy into the right direction. Try to find an activity for your rebel that will help redirect his violence into a positive vector - a hobby, passion, sport, dancing, music, etc. Ideally, this should be done together with the teenager himself. Find an alternative that will take him out of the Internet or the influence of a bad company. And it is possible that the first attempt to transform teenage energy will be successful. But this is not a reason to stop.
  • Be sincere. Teenagers are extremely sensitive, so they are sensitive to insincerity. Do not forget that inattention to your child during adolescence can subsequently significantly complicate not only his life, but also the lives of the people who are nearby. Including the parents themselves. Children at puberty consider themselves adults, so treat and talk to them exactly as you would to adults, equal people.
Important! If the level of aggression has reached a critical level or all attempts to return the child to the “good” status have failed, seek help from a specialist. Don't waste time - teenage aggression does not arise and go away on its own.

How to get rid of teenage aggression - watch the video:

Aggressive behavior in adolescents is a marker of trouble in some area of ​​a child’s life. And it’s quite difficult to fight it. Therefore, you need to listen and participate in your child’s life even before puberty. For a child who feels like a full-fledged member of the family and society as a whole, loved, needed, capable, and self-confident, aggressive behavior will be simply unacceptable.

Teenage aggression is a defensive reaction to what is happening around. We encounter it more and more often in the modern world. Adolescent aggression as a social problem is one of its important manifestations. More often it makes itself felt in response to the negativity surrounding the teenager. After all, such behavior does not appear from birth. People, when born, cannot be cowardly or selfish; they become like this depending on the environment in which they live and develop.

The main reason is relationships in the family and close circle. Factors such as attempts to constantly control a teenager and putting pressure on him, unfounded criticism, lack of attention and love, contribute to the manifestation of anger towards the world around him. Aggression manifests itself at the age of 10-16 years, during adolescence. This is a difficult period for a child, when he goes through puberty, he changes as a person from the psychological side. Under the pressure of the changes taking place in him, the teenager is confident that he can cope with all adult issues on his own. He feels on an equal footing with the older people around him and wants their attitude to be the same. During this period, there is a desire to change and conquer the whole world, but children simply cannot realize all this in life.

Aggression in adolescence is more likely a defensive reaction to what surrounds him than an attack. During such a period, it is very important for parents to maintain this line: to make him feel like an adult, without forgetting that he is still a child. Give him attention and care. Most often, adults are simply not psychologically prepared for such manifestations of their child’s behavior and do not know how to help him or how to treat him. During such behavior, we simply do not know how to behave in this situation and what to do, how to help.

Manifestation of aggression in adolescents

Psychologists distinguish 2 types of aggression: hidden and open.

Open aggressiveness manifests itself in the form of causing harm to people and objects around him. The teenager so wants to show his authority among friends, thus self-actualization. If they fail, they begin to steal, drink, smoke, use drugs, engage in petty robbery, or commit suicide.

With hidden aggression, children keep everything to themselves and do not share their experiences and problems with anyone. They are quiet and submissive, not showing their displeasure. But, since negative energy did not find a way out for a long time, later nervous breakdowns, long-term depression, and neurosis occur.

Thus, attacks of aggression manifest themselves in the form of insults to relatives, and conflicts arise with parents. Teenagers humiliate everyone who seems weaker to them. They beat animals and engage in vandalism. If there is misunderstanding on the part of the parents, they may leave home. They create their own companies, in which alcohol and drugs are often welcome. Such companies have their own rules, their own jargon, jokes that are understandable only in this environment. Troubled teenagers who do not find understanding at home become comfortable there, and they spend more and more time with new friends, believing that this is now their family.

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Forms of manifestation of teenage aggression

In each teenager, aggression is expressed differently (depending on the character of the child and his relationship with the external environment). Main features of manifestation:

  • resentment (often offended without any particular reason at the whole world and at a specific person);
  • suspiciousness (the child does not trust anyone, has a negative attitude towards everyone);
  • indirect aggression (spreading gossip about someone, making malicious jokes);
  • physical aggression (constantly takes part in fights);
  • irritability (very short-tempered and rude without good reason);
  • verbal aggression (shows one’s attitude through threats and shouting);
  • hidden aggression (does not do what he is asked to do, saying that he forgot; tries not to fulfill the request for a longer time, or even forgets about it).

What are the causes of aggression in adolescents?

We consider 3 main reasons why aggression occurs in adolescence: situational, family and personal.

Personal reasons manifest themselves as follows:

  • the child feels lonely;
  • unconfident;
  • gets irritated for no particular reason and takes offense;
  • feels guilty about everything;
  • Hormones are activated due to puberty;
  • constantly thinks about the worst.

Situational reasons manifest themselves in certain situations in a child’s life:

  • disease;
  • watching violent films;
  • sitting for a long time at the computer, playing computer games;
  • poor nutrition.

With mental and physical stress, the body becomes overtired.

Parents cannot always restrain themselves, this does not justify them, but they also depend on many surrounding factors. Family causes of adolescent aggression arise due to the behavior of the parents themselves in front of their children:

  • often parents publicly humiliate and insult the child;
  • do not participate in his life, leaving everything to chance;
  • show indifference and hostility towards their child;
  • they do not allow him to express himself, suppress his desires and emotions;
  • control every step of the teenager;
  • They talk little about their love.
