Project primroses in the preparatory group. Presentation "Project: Primroses in our kindergarten" project (senior group) on the topic

Lyubov Koptenko
Ecological project “Primroses” in the preparatory group

Ecological project« Primroses» V preparatory group"Why Chicks"

Educator: Koptenko L. A.

Type project: medium term (March April May)

Children's age: 6-7 years

Object of study: primroses

View project: information and research

Participants project: teachers, children, parents

Relevance project:

Familiarizing senior preschool children with nature is one of the important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is important that the knowledge gained is not presented in isolation. Children should always see the connection of a particular species with the environment, its influence on this environment.

Ecological Education is one of the main directions in the education system; it is a way of influencing children’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, and understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, since they not only help us breathe, but also treat us from diseases.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also part of living nature that needs to be known, protected and protected.

Project, developed by me, can be used in joint organized activities in senior and kindergarten preparatory group.

Target project:

Create conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities, enriching children’s speech, and develop children’s connected speech.



1. Expand and enrich children’s active vocabulary on this topic;

2. Consolidate the acquired knowledge about primroses, growing in our region, their characteristics, healing properties.


1. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual perception;

2. Develop the ability to navigate in space;

3. Develop monologue and dialogic speech;

4. Develop creativity and imagination;

5. Develop ecological and aesthetic education.


1. Create a desire to know stories, legends about primroses:

2. Encourage moral relationships between peers:

3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work:

GCD for familiarization with the outside world;

Reading fiction, poems;

Examination of illustrations and photographs;

Guessing riddles;

Implementation stages project


Stage I Observation of the awakening of the earth, the appearance of thawed patches, first shoots, primroses.


1-3 weeks

Collection and analysis of literature on this topic

Development of an implementation plan project

A selection of illustrative material.

A selection of poems, riddles, songs, fairy tales, myths, legends.

Stage II Main

4 week - May 1 week

Making riddles and puzzles.

Reading legends and tales about primroses.

Memorizing and reading poems.

Reading fiction,

Conversations: “Flowers in legends”

GCD “K” visit the primroses”

Examination of illustrations, postcards with images of flowers.

Didactic games “Find a plant by description”, “Me and the forest”, “What grows where?”

Drawing flowers

Bloom observations primroses.

Stage III Final

A flower grew in a clearing,

Like an arrow, a stalk,

And on a thin stalk -

Bright blue bells.

Yellow, fluffy

The balls are fragrant.

It will protect them from the frost

In their branches.

He is the flower prince-poet,

He is wearing a yellow hat.

Encore sonnet about spring

He will read it to us.

On a forest thaw

A small flower has grown.

Hiding in dead wood


You will find them in Holland,

They are held in high esteem everywhere there.

Like bright glasses

There are flowers in the parks there.

Poems about primroses:

Hello, my dear flower,

The forest is a spring guest!

How beautifully you have blossomed

Here in solitude!

The breeze will smile

And he plays with you.

The sun caresses you merrily all day long. (Ya. Akimov)

He looked timidly: Won't the children break it?

But the children said kindly: "Grow!"

We won't touch you: everything must bloom,

So that the whole earth becomes elegant around:

This copse and green meadow!

Guys running around the grass in a crowd

And the snowdrop blooms - delicate, blue! (Yu. Kapytov)

I found a snowdrop yesterday

On a thawed forest patch

Delicate blue flower

Smells like sun and spring

Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window,

The birds sang merrily:

Chiv-chiv-chiv – spring has come!

Finger game:

One two three four five,

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger went into the forest

(extends little finger)

I found this snowdrop finger,

(extends ring finger)

this crocus was discovered

(extends middle finger)

I saw this primrose

(extends index finger)

Well, this one just looked!

(extends his thumb and tickles his palm)

Reading legends and tales about primroses


Dandelion is one of the first appears in spring, like a yellow sun in young green grass.

In the morning, in a sunny clearing without a clock, you can find out the time. At 5-6 o'clock the sun rises and the dandelions open. By evening, the yellow lights go out and close. The dandelion loves the sun so much that it does not take its eyes off it - it turns its flower head after it.

But dandelions are not always yellow and look like the sun. Time passes, and the yellow petals are replaced by white fluff.

The white fluffs are seeds. The wind blows, the seeds scatter far, far in different directions. They fall to the ground and sprout. New flowers appear.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant. A medicinal plant is a plant that is used in medicine for treatment. Dandelion leaves and roots are used to treat cough and improve appetite.

And people make very tasty jam from dandelion flowers. And it's not just people who use dandelions. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to fly to dandelions. They eat dandelion sweet nectar. And the bees then make dandelion honey from it - thick and fragrant.

Let's not pick dandelions and preserve beauty. And the bees will thank us for saving the flowers for them. And we will admire the beauty of this flower, and of all nature. Dandelion is a favorite delicacy of moose.

The Legend of Dandelion

One day the flower goddess descended to earth. She wandered for a long time through fields and forest edges, through gardens and forests, wanting to find her favorite flower. First she came across a tulip. The goddess decided to talk to him:

What are you dreaming about, Tulip? - she asked.

Tulip, without hesitation, answered:

I would like to grow in a flowerbed near an ancient castle, covered with emerald grass. Gardeners would look after me. Some princess would adore me. Every day she would come up to me and admire my beauty.

The tulip’s arrogance made the goddess sad. She turned and wandered on. Soon she came across a rose on her way.

Could you be my favorite flower, Rose? - asked the goddess.

If you sit me near the walls of your castle so that I can weave them. I am very fragile and delicate, I cannot grow anywhere. I need support and very good care.

The goddess did not like the rose's answer and she moved on. Soon she came to the edge of the forest, which was covered with a purple carpet of violets.

Would you become my favorite flower, Violet? - asked the goddess, looking with hope at the small graceful flowers.

No, I don't like attention. I feel good here, on the edge, where I am hidden from prying eyes. The stream waters me, the mighty trees shield me from the hot sun, which could damage my deep, rich color.

In despair, the goddess ran wherever her eyes were looking and almost stepped on a bright yellow dandelion.

Do you like living here, Dandelion? - she asked.

I like to live wherever there are children. I love to hear their noisy games, I love to watch them run to school. I could settle down somewhere whatever: along roadsides, in courtyards and city parks. Just to bring joy to people.

The goddess smiled:

Here is a flower that will be my favorite. And now you will bloom everywhere from early spring until late autumn. And you will be the children's favorite flower.

Since then, dandelions bloom for a long time and in almost any conditions.

How did dandelions appear?

Spring walked through the city,

She carried the wallet.

Bright paints and brushes

She needed to buy it.

She opened her wallet,

And the coins hop, hop, hop! -

They rolled around, ran away,

They became dandelions.


Flowers are a symbol of the enduring beauty of the world. They make our lives richer and more joyful, awaken in a person a love for goodness, for everything beautiful. Birthdays, dates with your beloved, weddings, anniversaries, memorable dates... and all this is certainly accompanied by flowers.

Since ancient times, flowers have accompanied special events in the life of a person, who, in addition, attributed mysterious powers to them.

All flowers have their own legends and stories.

In the spring, the Sun and the Rainbow went for a walk. The Sun walked and sent its rays, mixing with the iridescence of the rainbow, to the Earth. Falling to the ground, they turned into flowers - yellow, orange, red, blue, white.

When the Sun reached the North, the rainbow had only two left. colors: purple and white.

The purple color, mixed with the sun's rays, fell on a small bush, and it became covered with lilac flowers.

And the white color scattered over the ground gave white lilac.

Happiness saw beautiful flowers and hid in their petals. Since then, they believe that finding a flower with six petals on a lilac means touching Happiness.

Lilac - first feeling of love.

Who doesn’t know the beautiful, blue as the southern sky, field cornflower. An ancient legend tells: once the sky reproached the ears of the grain field for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me,” it said, “flowers send me their fragrance, forests send me a mysterious whisper, birds sing, but you do not express gratitude to me, although it is none other than me who fills your roots with refreshing rain.” and I make full grains ripen in your golden ears.”

“On the contrary, we are grateful,” the ears of corn objected, “we adorn the earth with an ever-waving and swaying sea of ​​greenery. We cannot express our gratitude in any other way. We have no way to ascend to you. Help us, and we will shower you with affection and talk about love.”

“Okay,” said the sky, “if you cannot come up to me, then I will come down to you.”

And so the sky ordered the earth to grow wonderful blue flowers among the ears of corn - particles of itself.

Once upon a time, a myth says, centaurs lived on earth - half horses, half people. Chiron, famous for his knowledge in medicine, was considered the wisest among them. One day a fierce battle broke out, and a poisoned arrow fired by Theracles accidentally seriously wounded Chiron. But the wise centaur did not die, he managed to find a plant that eased his suffering - it was a blue flower - cornflower.


When I was born then first What I saw was the sun. It was bright and beautiful. I was still thinking about what color shirt to wear. Looked around: green grass, and above - a golden bright sun. It smiled at me and stroked me with its warm rays. The sun is kind, warm, warms everyone, and therefore flowers bloom from its warmth. And I wanted to become like the sun. The sun heard my request and painted my shirt golden. And the color of the leaves was given to me by a soft emerald grass - ant. And since then we have been great friends. The sun wakes up - and I am with it. The sun goes to bed - and I close my golden sun head. And the grass protects me from strong winds. And in bad weather, when it rains, the dandelion hides its head, and small insects also hide in dandelions from the rain. And when the sun comes out, the flowers again pull their heads towards it to say to him: "Hello Sunshine!"

And when a dandelion ages, it changes its sunny color to silver. And with the help of the wind it disperses its seeds around. And with the arrival of spring, new dandelions appear to meet the sun again, because they are so similar to it.



“The English call the snowdrop a snow drop or a snow earring. For the French and Italians it is a snow driller, for the Czechs it is a snowflake, and for the Germans it is a snow bell. However, not all snowdrops are white; they also come in purple and pale yellow. These plants love spring so much that sometimes its faint breath is enough for their petals to open and shine with happiness.”


There was snow on the forest edge. Everything around was as if covered with a thick blanket of thick white fur. The spruce and birch trees were chilly wrapped in fluffy shawls. The stream did not gurgle under the winter shroud. It seemed that it would always be like this... And let the sun shine brighter, as if accidentally burning through the winter blanket - the snowflakes compacted into sharp pieces of ice did not see this as a threat to their dominion. Naive warming will be followed by frosts and snowstorms again, fresh snow will cover the thawed patches cleared by the hot sun... So they thought. But once…

No, this is necessary! What an impudent fellow!

Dare to appear with such green leaves in our time!

And himself, himself! Pretending to be white, masquerading as us!

And it's pink inside!

One word - clueless dreamer! Hopelessly behind the times... - So the ice flakes and snowflakes hissed and crunched, surrounding in a tight ring a small snowdrop that had made its way in the very middle of a tiny thawed patch. Looking suspiciously at the stranger, they tried to envelop him in their frost, laughed and whispered, again and again discussing: how stupid it is - now, after four months of undivided reign of the winter element, which seems to have conquered the whole world, to believe in some kind of warming and grow - almost among the snowdrifts - as a pink flower. “Nothing,” they gloated, “soon the frost will strike again, and this plant will not have time to blink its stamen before it turns into an icicle similar to us. Doesn’t he understand that the time for flowers passed already six months ago! They have exhausted themselves, withered, faded - autumn proved this - and the era of winter has come. Now the forest community does not need these naive grasses. Snow is the highest development of nature, its reality!”

And Snowdrop reached out to the Sun, which warmed him, and tried not to pay attention to the icy grinding. He absorbed the life-giving warmth and light with all his petals, tried to absorb more of them in order to warm the earth near him... The creatures of winter were furious, trying with all their might to freeze firstborn of spring. Having lost patience, they shouted at the top of their voices to him:

Stop persisting! Cover yourself with frost, become just like everyone else! Stop reaching for warmth when there is so little of it in this world where winter has won!

And then Snowdrop spoke. He raised his tender head and said quietly With:

Poor stupid ice floes! Do you really think that the Sun, which gave me life in the midst of your dominion, cannot, in the very place where you want to reign forever, arrange a beautiful garden in which I will be the smallest and most inconspicuous flower... And become like you... Stop striving for the sun warmth... But this is my life. ”

He didn't have time to finish. The snowdrifts shook with the insane laughter of myriads of prickly ice floes, reveling in their superiority over a tiny living flower... But a month later, the stream was babbling, and the edge of the forest was covered with a delicate carpet of young grass, in which dozens and hundreds of flowers rejoicing in the Sun were dappled.


Target: to arouse children's interest in the world around them.

Tasks: to form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, the desire to become a friend of nature, to cherish and protect it; expand children's understanding and knowledge of spring forests primroses, about their significance in our lives; develop children's speech, activate attention and memory.

Vocabulary enrichment: lungwort, anemone.

Activating the dictionary: primroses.

Progress of educational activities

Educator: The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field,

The ice on the lakes is cracked

It's like they split it.

The clouds are moving faster

The sky has become higher

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and paths

And on the willows with silver

The earrings glow. (S. Ya. Marshak.)

What signs of spring did you hear in this poem?

– What else, besides young leaves, will decorate the forest? (children's answers)

– When they appear first flowers in the forest? (As soon as the snow melts and the first thawed patches) .

– The most first That's what flowers in the forest are called - primroses. Which are you familiar with primroses?. (Children's answers).

Now we will go to visit primroses and we'll see how incredibly beautiful the meadows are in the spring when they bloom primroses?

And we will travel by train to the music from the cartoon “Train from Romashkovo”.


On snow-covered hummocks

Under a white snow cap

We found a little flower

Half frozen, barely alive.

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.

Blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else. (Snowdrop)

Why is this flower called a snowdrop? (the snow has not yet melted, the snowdrop is already breaking through and reaching for the sun)

What flowers are these? Describe them. (Tender, beautiful, first, fragile, unusual, early, spring, white, blue, purple).

A folk sign says: “The first flower breaks the ice? How do you understand this proverb? (Children explain the meaning of the proverb.)

The snowdrop came out of the ground at dawn.

He looked timidly: Won't the children break it?

But the children said kindly: “Grow up!

We won't touch you: everything must bloom!”

The guys are running in a crowd on the grass,

And the snowdrop blooms - delicate blue!

Why can't you pick these flowers?

(They are listed in the Red Book)

Finger gymnastics:

A tall flower grew in a clearing (hands up)

On a spring morning I opened my petals (palms in a boat shape)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals (palms connected with backs)

Together they give roots underground. (Open your fingers)

The multimedia shows a slide with a clearing of snowdrops.


The teacher gives a description of the coltsfoot without mentioning the name of the plant, then opens the picture, continuing the story.

This flower grows in open places, it is first plant, which will feed bees and bumblebees with its nectar (sweet juice). This plant produces flowers first and then leaves. It has a thin stem, which is covered with fluff in order to protect the flower from the cold. One side of the leaf is soft, warm, affectionate, like a mother; the other is smooth, cold, like a stepmother, hence the name of the flower - Mother and Stepmother.

On a slope, in a meadow, barefoot in the snow, -

The first flowers, yellow eyes.

This is a medicinal plant, its decoction helps treat cough. Slide


Golden and young became gray in a week,

I’ll hide a former dandelion in my pocket.

Let's give the dandelion some beautiful words: what is he like? (fluffy, golden, round, airy, medicinal). Dandelion decoction helps develop appetite, and a salad is also made from dandelion leaves.

Imagine that you are small flower seeds. You were planted in the ground in a flowerbed. A warm ray of sunlight fell on the ground and warmed the seeds. Small sprouts sprouted from them, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the spring sun has warmed up, and small sprouts begin to grow quickly. Here is a sprout that has gained strength, drilled into the ground and finally got out into the fresh air. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are reaching for the light, the sun. How good! A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and finally unfurls its petals. At first the petals seem a little wrinkled, but then they straightened out, and everyone around saw a beautiful spring flower.


Dressy sisters

Guests are greeted all day,

They treat you with honey. (Lungwort)

Lungwort - appears in early spring. On the stem of this plant, some flowers are dark pink, others are lilac, and others are bright blue. What word does the name of this flower come from? (honey). Why? (Because the flowers of this plant are filled with sweet fragrant nectar). What insects need this flower? Lungwort loves bright sunlight. By the color of a flower, bees immediately determine whether it contains honey or not. There is very little honey in the unopened pink buds. When the honey accumulates, the flower turns lilac, and when it fades, it turns blue. They drink tea from the dried leaves and stems for sore throats and coughs.

Lungwort, what is it like? (sweet, honey, pink, blue, beautiful, fragrant, aromatic)


Look how beautiful our meadow has blossomed. Children, who knows the name primrose, which begins with the sound “l”. (Lily of the valley)

Name more words that begin with the sound “l”.

(boat, skis, horse, lamp, varnish, swallow, weasel)

Now say that sound softly (l). Name words that begin with the sound “l”. (Ice, leaf, love, face, line, forest)

Now I will tell you about a book that contains rare plants and flowers.


In Russia, any early spring flowers are called snowdrops. They can be blue, yellow, white. Trembling lungwort and string, hairy corydalis, coppice and coppice. All these and many other plants are popularly lovingly called snowdrops. Sometimes it seems that they grew up and bloomed in early spring specifically to decorate the not yet very friendly forests and bring joy to people. And it’s even more offensive that people don’t appreciate it.

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If all: both me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

Primroses do not stand in water - they wither instantly. And most importantly, people destroy beauty! Man's love for snowdrops turned out sadly flowers: They have become rare. Many are listed in the Red Book. In the future, you and I will create the Red Book ourselves in order to introduce other children to rare species of flowers.

Our journey to visit has come to an end primroses.

Children, did you enjoy our trip?

What are the names of the flowers that first appear in spring? Name them.

Why can't you collect these flowers in bouquets?

What is the name of the book where rare plants are written?


I I'm walking through a green meadow,

The dew dries on the leaves,

The wind shakes the grass elastically,

Don't crease our flexible stems!

We are for the eyes and for the hearts a - joy,

Decoration of the native land.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Participants: teachers, children, parents.

Duration: 2 MONTHS .

Relevance: Children do not have enough ideas about primroses, why they are called that, and where and how they grow.Children have insufficient understanding of caring for the nature of their native land and the skills of correct behavior in nature; environmental consciousness has not yet been formed, and its foundations are laid in preschool age.

The environmental topic has been relevant for many decades. Society, in the interests of present and future generations, takes the necessary measures to protect the environment. Currently, it is becoming increasingly necessary to formulate preschool children. To this end, our kindergarten carries out a variety of environmental work with children, where children have the opportunity to acquire environmental knowledge, learn to observe natural objects, conduct simple research in nature, and begin to understand that nature needs to be treated with care. Most primroses are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Without the help of the population, it is useless to take efforts to protect primroses. Primroses in our forests form, not everywhere, continuous colorful carpets, which people gradually destroy. Therefore, we must make every effort to ensure that this effort, that this beauty pleases not only us, but also future generations...

Objective of the project: give an idea of ​​early flowers - primroses.Development of thinking and imagination. To form a caring attitude towards the nature of the Lipetsk region.


1. Educational:

Find out what primroses are, how they differ from other flowering plants, what are their characteristics;

Expand children's knowledge about primroses;

Formation of a caring attitude towards wild plants;

Teach respect for nature;

Arouse interest, give new knowledge, show fragility and defenselessness

2. Educational:

Fostering love for the nature of the native land;

Fostering an ecological culture.

  • Reinforce the idea of ​​spring and its signs
  • Development of children's cognitive abilities in the process of joint research activities.
  • Clarify and expand children’s ideas about their native nature
  • Foster love and respect for nature
  • Intensify joint activities of parents and children th
  • To introduce a culture of behavior in the surrounding world, to preserve and protect primroses.

Expected result:

  • Children’s acquisition of the necessary knowledge on the topic: “Primroses.”
  • Children have developed a strong interest in nature.
  • Enriching children's vocabulary.
  • Successful intellectual and personal development of children.
  • Development of children's cognitive activity.
  • Parent involvementlei into the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.
  1. Preparatory stage

Project activities


Implementation deadlines

Studying the level of knowledge on the topic

Determine children’s current knowledge about primroses and spring flowers


Selection of methodological literature

Methodological support for the project

Selection of fiction

Project information support

Making didactic

manuals on the topic "primroses"

Providing the project with visual materials

Writing class notes

Planning upcoming work

  1. Content stage

Educational conversation

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about primroses


D/i “What has changed”, “Say differently”

Develop thinking, intelligence, observation

Reading stories by N. Usova “Violet”, “Lily of the Valley”

Practice using comparisons, selecting definitions, synonyms in a given word

environmental games “Run to the named flower”, “Find out by description”

Develop observation skills and coherent speech

Drawing “Beautiful Flower”

Learn to draw a flower, conveying its characteristic features

Game "Say the Word"

Activate children's speech.

Composing the story “Spring in the Forest” D/exercise. “Select and name the flowers you know”

Develop coherent speech, activate the verb dictionary and vocabulary of signs

Modeling "Tulip"

Develop skills in working with plasticine, in particular making a background on a cardboard base

Consultation for parents ""

Introduce parents to the requirements of the program on the topic “Flowers”

Listening to music concert "Spring", Tchaikovsky "Seasons" "Spring"

Learn to listen to music

outside of class

Application "Snowdrops for Mom"

Joint activity of children and parents to create handicrafts “primroses”

Develop a system of productive interaction between participants in the educational process. Learn to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities.

Exhibition of illustrations, books, photos of various flowers

Generate interest in the book, explain how important the drawings are in the book.

Conversation about "Primroses"

To consolidate children's knowledge about primroses. Find out what parts the flower consists of. Why is it necessary to protect flowers, and what role do they play in nature?

Reading the fairy tale “Twelve Months” to children

Continue to teach children to understand the genre features of fairy tales.

Memorizing the quatrain "snowdrop"

Activate attention and memory, develop coherent speech.

Application "primroses"

Learn to create a composition from ready-made parts by gluing them onto the background

D/i “Yes-no”. Reading P. Solovyov’s “Snowdrop”

Development of logical thinking, intelligence, endurance.

Creation of an album “primroses of the Lipetsk region” for viewing.

Summarize children's ideas about the variety of colors.

Modeling “Flower Glade”

Strengthen the ability to sculpt flowers.

Mimosa applique.

Learn to create a composition from ready-made parts by gluing them onto the background

3. Final stage

Organization of cognitive and speech activity “primroses”

Summarize and systematize knowledge about flowers in the forest and in the garden. To form a sustainable interest in inanimate natural phenomena.


Exhibition of joint works by children

And the parents are “primroses”.

Present the results of joint creativity of parents and children

6-10 day

Presentation of the album for viewing “Primroses of the Lipetsk Region”


I'm walking through a green meadow

The dew dries on the leaves,

The wind shakes the grass elastically,

They whisper: don’t tear us apart, don’t!

Don't crease our flexible stems!

We are a delight for the eyes and the heart,

Decoration of the native land.

As soon as the snow melts in some places, the first spring plants, white, yellow, pink, blue, immediately reach for the light. These are primroses - amazing plants that have adapted to bloom when there is no foliage on the trees in the forest, and every warm ray of sunlight reaches the very ground. These plants have evolved important adaptations for early spring flowering. They are distinguished by their unusual haste - they are born immediately after the snow melts and develop quickly, despite the spring coolness. After a week or two they are already blooming, and after another two to three weeks they have fruits with seeds. At the same time, the plants themselves turn yellow, lie down on the ground, and their above-ground part dries out. And living underground organs remain in the ground - roots, bulbs, rhizomes, which give life to the next generations of plants.


  • As a result of comprehensive work on the topic “primroses”, children became acquainted with plants - primroses. The children had a desire to learn more about these plants, the children consolidated the knowledge they already had and discovered new things for themselves, as a result of which preschoolers develop a greater interest in the world around them, a desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it.
  • Children's assimilation of knowledge about primroses fosters a caring attitude towards nature, and this leads to the development of skills of environmental consciousness towards the nature of their native land.
  • As a result of the implementation of the project, children's cognitive activity has intensified, creativity, thinking, and imagination are developing, and children's vocabulary is being enriched.

It is in kindergarten that children receive their first information about various plants and learn a lot of new and interesting things about various plants. And it is at this preschool age that the foundations of environmental consciousness are laid. Therefore, it is extremely important during this period to show the child the beauty of nature and the diversity of plants.

When working with children, the following forms are widely used:

Exhibition of crafts and drawings together with parents;

Stories, conversations on getting to know primroses;

Examination of illustrations, photographs, exhibits;

Productive activity (after the story and demonstration, the teacher provides the children with the opportunity to engage in productive activities).

Philosophers and psychologists emphasize that creativity in any field of human activity is the creation of an objectively new, previously uncreated work. The specificity of children's creativity lies, first of all, in the fact that a child cannot create an objectively new thing for a number of reasons (lack of certain experience, limited necessary knowledge, skills, etc.). One of the important means of encouraging and developing children's creativity is exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts. They are systematically organized in group rooms of the kindergarten. At the same time, the works of all children are exhibited, and not just those who have good skills. Such exhibitions delight both children and parents.

But introducing children to something new requires special preparation, which includes expanding the knowledge of teachers and parents in the field of the topic “primroses” and selecting illustrative material. In the junior group of MBDOU d/s in the village of Mayak, during the project, consultations ““, a sliding folder, and others were presented to the attention of parents; special literature, photographs, open viewings of classes on introducing primroses, a joint exhibition “Primroses”. Group teachers expand their knowledge by reading specialized literature and reference books. The group has selected visual and illustrative material: reproductions, photographs, products, etc.

Children and adults educational project

Ecological project "Primroses"

Developer: Pirozhkova Olga Evgenievna

Brief summary of the project:Introducing children to primroses. Joint activities between parents and children, “Dandelion” crafts for the exhibition. The final part of the project is entertainment.

Project duration(time of project work): 1 week

Project participants:teachers, primary school children, parents

Educational area:Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development

Relevance: Children do not have enough knowledge about primroses. The project solves the problem of increasing children's speech activity, improving coherent speech, and developing vocabulary.

Objective of the project:

Formation of ideas about early flowers - primroses.

Project objectives:

Reinforce the idea of ​​spring and its signs.

Foster love and respect for nature.

Intensify joint activities of parents and children.

Project support:(methodological materials, educational materials, electronic materials, TSO)

Expected result:

Children’s acquisition of the necessary knowledge on the topic: “Primroses.”

Development of children's cognitive activity.

Enriching children's vocabulary.

Project activity products:

Exhibitions of products of children's activities, joint creativity of parents and children.

Presentation of project results:

Material as a sample for creating and implementing projects

Project implementation work plan


Action, event

Participants responsible



Stage 1: preparatory

1 Studying the level of knowledge on the topic


Children have insufficient understanding of primroses

One week before the start of the project

2. Selection of methodological literature



3. Selection of fiction


Selected poems and fairy tales on the topic

Within a week before the start of the project

4. Production of didactic material on the topic



Made attributes for all types of activities

Within a week before the start of the project

5. Writing notes



Within a week before the start of the project

Stage 2 (basic, formative, practical)

1. 1 half day:

looking at illustrations

Reading "The Tale of a Dandelion."

Watching a dandelion while walking

2nd half day:

D/exercise “Listen carefully”, “Choose a word”.



Children got acquainted with primroses and their characteristic features

1 day

2.1 half day:

Watching dandelions in the morning.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

Drawing “Flowers grew in a meadow…”

2nd half day:

E logical games

“Run to the named flower”, “Find out by description”



children learned to draw a dandelion in an unconventional way

Day 2

3. 1 half day:

Learning the round dance “Dandelion”

GCD on the topic: “Here and here, here and here dandelions bloom...”

2nd half day:

Game "Say the Word"

Observing a dandelion in the evening.



got acquainted with the rules of behavior in nature, experimental skills


Day 3

4. Joint activity of children and parents to create “Dandelion” crafts.

Children and their parents

Involving parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

3-5 day

5.1 half day:

Memorizing the quatrain “Dandelion”

Modeling "Dandelion".

2nd half day:

Outdoor game "Dandelion"

Consultation for parents

"Want to know everything"

Working on the presentation “Primroses”



Teacher, parents



learned a new game

consultation and presentation completed

4 day

6.1 half day:

1. Entertainment “Merry Dandelion Day”.

2nd half day:

Listening to the music of Vivaldi 1 concert "Spring", Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" "Spring"





Creating a joyful mood

listened to a piece of music

5 day

Stage 3: control and diagnostic, final

2. Crafts exhibition

Encouraging active parents

View the presentation.


joint creativity of parents and children crafts “Dandelions”

3-5 days

Possible risks of project implementation:climatic conditions

Applications to the project(summaries of GCD, holidays, entertainment; description of games, manuals, other teaching materials)


NOD "Here and here, there and here dandelions bloom"

Target: Forming children's knowledge about dandelion.


Develop the ability to identify the characteristic features of a dandelion and name its parts.

Activate vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas from the child’s surrounding life.

Develop fine motor skills.

To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature.

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development

Individual work:teach children to agree nouns with adjectives

Activating the dictionary:stem, smooth, rough

Expected result:

Means for carrying out the educational process:

teaching aid – “dandelion”, objects –jug of water, cloud, sun, saw, axe, vase, scissors, shovel, watering can;yellow caps; table for benefits; for drawing: tinted paper, potato stamps, water, yellow gouache, wet wipes; Recording of the cuckoo's voice.

Preliminary work:

  • Observations of spring phenomena in nature.
  • Looking at illustrations of dandelions.
  • Drawing, dandelions.
  • Memorizing poems about dandelion, reading a fairy tale

Educator: Warm spring days have arrived. I suggest taking a walk to the meadow

Music is playing


It's good in the green meadow,
The birds sing loudly there.
Along the path, along the path
The children are having fun.
Here is the cuckoo calling to the children:
- Ku-ku, ku-ku!
The children answer the bird:
- Ku-ku, ku-ku!

A fox appears, runs across the meadow and picks flowers.


I'll walk through the meadows
There are flowers there;
How beautiful they are
These May days.

Educator: Children, look, who is that walking in the meadow?(Fox)
- Hello, fox, what are you doing?

Chanterelle: I’m collecting flowers, I’ve already filled the basket full, the last one remains to be picked.(Walks up to a dandelion and picks it)

Educator: Oh, little fox, what have you done?
- Tell me, children, can I pick flowers? Why?
(If you pick them, they will wither)
- Right! Bees and wasps, bumblebees and butterflies flock to the flowers to feast on the sweet nectar. Insects and bugs spend the night in the fluffy petals, because at night the flowers close their heads and the insects feel warm and cozy there.

Children read a poem by T. Sobakin

If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower,
If everything - both me and you -
If we pick flowers,
They will remain empty
And trees and bushes...
And there will be no beauty
And there will be no kindness
If only you and me -
If we pick flowers.

Chanterelle: Forgive me, I won't pick flowers anymore. I’ll run and tell all my forest friends that they shouldn’t pick flowers.

(The fox leaves the teaching aid - “dandelion” to the teacher and leaves)


The fox picked a flower,
Here's the head, here's the peephole,
Here is a green leaf
Here is a green stem

- Children, look, what is the name of this plant?(Dandelion)

– Let’s take a look at what dandelion has?(Stem - answers are accompanied by a show).Tell me which stem is long or short? Thick or thin? Smooth or rough? Yes, the stem of a dandelion is long, thin, smooth, and looks like a tube; it can break easily. What else does dandelion have? That's right, leaves. What kind of leaves does a dandelion have?(The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: green, soft to the touch, shaped like a Christmas tree, the edges of the leaves are carved).What else does this plant have? That's right, amazing beautiful yellow flowers.
– Do you think this dandelion is feeling good or bad?
– By what signs did you determine that he needs help?
(He has a sad face and is crying)
- Let's try to help the dandelion. Look, there are objects on the table. Which of them will help the dandelion become cheerful?

The teacher suggests looking at the objects on the table: a jug of water, a cloud, the sun, a saw, an axe, a vase, scissors, a shovel, a watering can.
Children complete the task and explain why they chose these particular items: they put a dandelion in a vase, pour water from a jug. The teacher, unnoticed by the children, “changes the dandelion’s facial expression.”

Educator: Well done! You know very well how to help a dandelion so that its mood changes. Look, he's smiling.

Golden dandelion,
You and I have become friends.
And like the sun in the grass,
You smile at me.

Educator: In the evening, when the sun goes to bed, the dandelion closes its petals and also falls asleep. And in the morning, as soon as the sun appears in the sky, the flowers wake up and expose their delicate petals to its warm rays. Let's now imagine that our small delicate fingers are flower petals.
Our flower is still sleeping, its petals are closed.

Finger game "Flowers"

Our yellow flowers
Children join their slightly bent palms - “bud”.
The petals are blooming.
They spread their fingers to the side, their wrists are connected - “a bud has opened.”
The breeze breathes a little,
Gently blow on the “flower”.
The petals are swaying.
They swing the “flower”.
Our yellow flowers
The petals close.
They connect their fingers - again a “bud”.
They shake their heads,
Shake the “bud” left and right
They fall asleep quietly.
The closed palms are folded into fists - “the flowers are sleeping.”
Early in the morning all the flowers
They make a “bud” again, gradually lift it up - “reaches towards the sun.”
The petals will bloom again.
Spread your fingers to the sides.

A child reads a poem:

The sun dropped
Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown -
The first young one!
He has a wonderful
Golden color,
He is a big sun
Little portrait!

Educator: Look how beautiful the dandelion is! What do you think he looks like?(To the sun and other answer options)How is this flower similar to the sun?(It's the same round and yellow)

Educator: But this flower is not yellow at all.(The teacher shows a dandelion, on which, instead of yellow petals, there are already ripened seeds - white fluffs.)Children, do you think this is a dandelion?

A child reads a poem:

Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
When he grows up, he will dress up
In a little white dress:
Light, airy.
Obedient to the wind.

Educator: This is also a dandelion. But instead of a beautiful yellow flower, white fluffs appeared - seeds. If the wind blows carelessly, it will fly around my dandelion. Blow like a breeze - let the fluff fly far, far away.

Breathing exercise- the children inhale and exhale, pursing their lips - the teacher shows.The dandelion seeds will scatter and new dandelions will grow from them. Dandelions grow everywhere: in the forest, in the meadow, in the yard, and we have a lot of them on our site. They are very beautiful on green grass.

– And now, I suggest you turn into dandelions and play. (The teacher puts hats on the children)

Outdoor game "Dandelions"

Along the edge of the groove,
On the grass sofa
A cheerful crowd
Dandelions have spread.
Here the sun rose,
The ball rolled.
Looking for the red sun
Where are the dandelions?

yellow dandelion,
I'll rip you off.
Dandelion yellow

Hid in the grass.

The teacher, not finding the “dandelions”, leaves.

Educator: Children, the fox picked off all the dandelions, and the meadow became empty. I suggest you turn our green meadow into “golden” again. We will take stamps and draw dandelions.

Collective work “Golden Meadow”– drawing dandelions on tinted green paper (potato stamp)

Dandelions are everywhere
On spring grass:
Flashed in the yard
They fled across the mountain,
They hid in a ditch.

Educator: Look how beautiful it is - yellow dandelions have bloomed on the green meadow! Children, what does a dandelion look like? Who knows the name of another flower very similar to dandelion?

Educator: Our walk has come to an end, it’s time for us to go to kindergarten.

The music sounds, the children return to the group.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A dandelion grew in a clearing,

Join your hands, depicting a “bud”.

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

Open your hands, unclench your fingers.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

To the rhythm of the words, move your fingers apart and reconnect.

Together they give roots underground!

Bring your hands together with the backs of your hands and move your fingers—the “roots.”

Evening. Yellow flowers cover the petals.

Squeeze your intertwined fingers tightly.

They quietly fall asleep, their heads hang down.

Place your hands on your knees.

D/exercise "Listen carefully"

Goal: Development of thinking, intelligence, observation,

auditory perception,

nurturing friendly relations between children.

Children are encouraged to listen carefully and clap their hands when they hear the word “dandelion.”

Dandelion, sofa, trailer, dandelion, drum, dandelion, boy, dandelion.

Dandelion is a wild flower because no one cares for it. Dandelion grows almost everywhere: On its high stem,

Rising to the heights

It grows on the path too,

Both in the hollow and in the grass.

D/exercise "Choose a word"

Goal: To develop in children the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Yellow like the sun.

Round like...

Soft like...

White like...

Fluffy like...

Fragile as...

What an amazing flower!

Round dance game "Dandelion"


Introducing children to a new game;

Development of the ability to coordinate movements in accordance with the text and intonation expressiveness

Children stand holding hands in a circle. For the chorus, they walk in a circle around a child wearing a Dandelion hat.

Chorus. Dandelion, dandelion,

How good are you!

Dandelion, dandelion,

You look like the sun!

They stop and turn in a circle. Depicts weaving wreaths.

1. Let's pick dandelions

And we will weave our own wreaths.

We are wearing yellow wreaths

Let's be like sunshine!

Children holding hands walk in a circle.


They stop and walk in small steps into a circle.

2. Where are the dandelions?

Yellow flowers?

Instead of dandelions -

White fluff!

They blow on a child in a Dandelion hat and scatter to the sides like dandelion fluffs.

F - f - fu - y - y!

When the teacher says, “The breeze has died down,” the children again stand in a circle.

D/ game "Dandelion"

Goal: to consolidate children’s basic knowledge about the structure of plants


Cut-out pictures depicting parts of a dandelion (stem, leaf, flower).

Game task: put together a dandelion from cards and name its parts

Outdoor game "Dandelions"

Goal: Development of activity in physical activity, the ability to follow basic rules

Children - “dandelions” in yellow hats run freely to the music. When the music ends, they run to their chairs. The teacher reads a poem by V. Danko:

Along the edge of the groove,
On the grass sofa
A cheerful crowd
Dandelions have spread.
Here the sun rose,
The ball rolled.
Looking for the red sun
Where are the dandelions?

Then the teacher goes to look for the “dandelions”, who are hiding, covering their faces with their hands, saying:

yellow dandelion,
I'll rip you off.
Dandelion yellow

Hid in the grass.

The teacher, not finding the “dandelions”, leaves. Children - “dandelions” in yellow hats run freely to the music. The game repeats itself



Enriching children with new, vivid impressions

Decoration: the playground is decorated with colorful balls, flags and rattles.

Material: bell, soap bubbles,

Characters: presenter, clown Dandelion, children.


How many children gathered on the playground. Look,

how beautiful it is all around! Guys, can you run, jump, play and have fun? (Children's answers). Well done! Let's check it out. Today is our holiday - Happy Dandelion Day.

Show how you clap your hands (children show) And how do you stomp your feet?

You are doing great. Well, guys, let's invite guests to our place to make it more fun (The presenter rings the bell, the clown Dandelion appears to the music).

Clown. Hello, kids: both girls and boys.

I'm a funny clown Dandelion,

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

Have fun, friends!

Presenter . We can't sit still,

We love to have fun

We are not too lazy to play and sing,

We could dance all day!

Children, let's show Dandelion how we dance.

(Children perform “Knock-knock” to the music)

Clown. Guys, what's my name? (children's answers)

Presenter. And we also know a poem about you!


The sun dropped

Golden ray.

The dandelion has grown

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

O. Vysotskaya

Presenter. Look Clown Dandelion, we look like you too

We are all yellow, like little suns.

Physical education minute

Dandelions are starting to grow. They begin to slowly get up.

They grow, they grow, they grow.

The wind blew. Hands up, slight swaying.

Dandelions are swaying.

Evening came,

Dandelions close up, squat, hands on head.

The sun came out

The dandelions woke up, slowly getting up again, hands up,

They shake their heads. They sway in place.

Enjoying the sun. They smile.

These are such funny dandelions

Growing in our meadow

Clown. And now, so as not to get bored, I suggest you play. Do you agree?

Presenter. In an even circle one after another

Let's walk happily.

Everything Dandelion will show us

That's what we will do.

(Clown shows “Clock”, tilts right/left)

Clown. Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this:

Tick-tock, tick-tock

We can do this too,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

(The presenter repeats the words of the game “In a circle”)

Clown. Our feet walked, stomping, stomping,

Straight, straight along the path, top, top, top,

And they clapped their hands clap-clap-clap,

Egorka and Antoshka clap-clap-clap.

That's how we do it, let's make it more fun

Top-top-top, clap-clap-clap.

Well done, kids. Now let's see if you can jump.

(The presenter repeats the play words)

Clown. My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you

(Children jump on the spot, trying to jump as high as possible).

Presenter. Guys, let's show Dandelion how we run.

(The game “Run to Me” is played)

Presenter. One, two, three - run!

Clown. Oh, how fast and dexterous you are. Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you.

I recently learned how to make big soap bubbles. Shall I show you now? (Yes).

Clown . Do you know how? answers

(To cheerful music... children blow bubbles)

Clown . And now, my friends,

I want to take you for a ride.

(Children line up like a train and, together with Dandelion, sing a song ... “We are going, going, going...”)

Clown. This is our stop, we've arrived!

Guys, I really enjoyed playing with you, and you?

(Children's answers)

Clown. But, alas, the time has come to say goodbye, kids.

Thanks for the holiday. Goodbye.

Presenter . And thank you, Dandelion. Come and visit us in kindergarten, we

We will be very happy!

The Tale of a Dandelion


Introducing children to a new fairy tale.

Forming a desire to respond emotionally to the beauty of the surrounding nature.

One day a small sprout appeared in the grass, looked around and thought:

– I wonder what I’ll be like when I grow up? I wish I could become beautiful, beautiful, bright, bright!

A warm rain passed, a sprout rose higher - and suddenly I saw the sun in the sky.

- Wow! I wish I could grow up like the sun, thought the little sprout.

The sun looked from above, smiled - and the sprout became a yellow dandelion. Every day he revealed himself in
green grass and shone on all the insects like a little sun.

But one day a dandelion looked at the sky and saw a cloud there - white, white, fluffy, fluffy.

- Wow! I wish I could become like this cloud, thought the yellow dandelion.

The cloud looked down - and the dandelion turned into a light white cloud on a leg. A breeze blew - the cloud crumbled into many, many small fluffs, and they scattered far, far over the clearing.

Quite a bit of time passed - and where the fluff landed, small sprouts appeared. These are dandelions. Soon they will become yellow like the sun, and then white like a cloud. And if you blow on them, the fluff will again fly far, far away.

Come to the clearing and try it!

How a dandelion chose an outfit

Once upon a time there lived a dandelion in a green meadow. Every morning he opened his bud and showed everyone his yellow sunny outfit. Butterflies, bees, bumblebees flew to visit him and gasped in surprise:

- Oh, what a beautiful flower! How brightly he dresses!

But the dandelion didn’t like his outfit. Butterflies wore colorful dresses, bees and bumblebees wore striped suits, and only he was always yellow.

- Maybe turn blue like a cornflower? - thought the dandelion. – Or red, like a poppy? Or maybe colorful, like pansies?

But none of the outfits seemed good to him. There were so many flowers around, and he wanted to be special, unlike anyone else. The dandelion got upset, hid in the grass and decided not to show itself again.

But one sunny day butterflies flew to the meadow and froze on the blades of grass:

- Oh, what a beautiful flower! What a wonderful outfit he has - white, fluffy, like a cloud!

-Where, where is this flower? - Dandelion began asking the butterflies. – I also want such a festive outfit! – and suddenly realized that everyone around him was admiring him. This is it - a light, airy, snow-white miracle flower!

Since then, the dandelion began to wear his new outfit and delight his friends every day and give them a good mood.

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Slide captions:

“Primroses in our kindergarten” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 30 “Beryozka”” of the municipal formation of the city district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea Project Shkurina Olga Andreevna teacher of the 1st speech group 2016

Type of project: educational - gaming. Type of project: creative, research. Project duration: short-term (two weeks). Subject of research: primroses growing in our kindergarten. Children's age: senior preschool. Project participants: teacher, children and parents.

Relevance Children do not have enough understanding of primroses, as well as why they are called that. Primroses are listed in the Red Book of Crimea. The need to develop environmentally correct behavior in nature. Increasing the speech activity of children. Involving parents in the design and research activities of children in an educational organization.

Objectives To consolidate the idea of ​​spring and its signs. Expand your understanding of primroses. Developing children's curiosity during the project. To cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land. Intensify joint activities of parents and children. Activating children's vocabulary.

Expected result Children will acquire knowledge on the topic: “primroses”. To form a sustainable interest in the nature around us. Enriching children's vocabulary. Development of children's cognitive activity. Form correct environmental behavior in nature. Involving parents in the pedagogical process.

PIRUMFLOWERS The snow has not yet melted everywhere, but the first spring flowers are already appearing. The first flowers that appear in early spring are called primroses. In Rus', primroses were lovingly called lambs. There was a custom: to throw the plucked lambs under your feet and trample them - for longevity. “Spring Tales” The primroses woke up with a multi-colored fairy tale, and the sky with a blue radiance, with a cherished song... Lira Likbez

Primrose The most famous is primrose, the name of the flower is translated as “first to bloom.” The British have the primrose as their favorite flower. It is grown in gardens and vegetable gardens, taken with them on trips, and given to loved ones. According to English fairy tales, gnomes hide in primroses, and if you go out into a clearing in the spring, you can hear a choir of gentle voices coming from the flowers. The Danes are sure that the princess of the elves herself was turned into a primrose.

Primroses From March until the very month of May, Spring walks through the forest and field, removing the chain mail from the flower buds, releasing plenty of beauty into the wild. The snow crust has been parted by the woods, Look - there is a discreet bouquet in the clearing, Bright glimpses of the sunny primrose, Small sparkles of the onion... A. Vasiloi

Snowdrop folded According to Russian legend, once the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the brave Snowdrop straightened up, straightened its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed the fearless flower, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring. The British call snowdrops snow drops or snow catkins. The Germans are like a snow bell.

“Pearl snowdrops” They will break through the deadwood with dream sprouts Pearl snowdrops – Milky flowers. I won’t take the snow-white buds home! – Don’t collect snowdrops: Let them grow in the forest! A. Savostyanov SNOWDROP Snow-white, small Climbed out in a thawed patch. He is not afraid of snow, he smiles at the sun. L. Polyakova “Flower riddles” In thawed forest patches We see the flowers of spring: White, tender First ones... (snowdrops). N. Agashkova

Crocus (saffron) Crocus (or saffron) is no less beautiful. In the East, the plant is considered an ancient spice. The Arabic "za-fran" means "to be yellow", but the flower itself is a pale purple color. Crimean crocuses are protected and need protection.

Crocuses are bathing in the snow, That's it! These are the tricks! - Crocuses are ready to charge! Boys came out of the earth, raising their fingers to the sun! One and two, and three and four: Leaves apart, Smiles wider! Everyone who sees it smiles: Crocuses in the snow... Bathing! N. Kapustyuk “Flower riddles” Yellow, white, blue; They grow empty on the ground. Spring has its tricks: Bloomed...(crocuses). N. Agoshkova

Spring Chistyaka An early flowering plant, Chistyaka has not five, but more petals; its leaves are not cut, but rounded. It is often confused with buttercup anemone. At a quick glance, these plants can be confused. Chistyaka flowers in sunny places are visited by pollen-eating beetles, flies, and bees.

Fragrant violet One legend tells that one of the beautiful daughters of Atlas, pursued by the burning rays of the sun god, turned to Zeus with a prayer for protection, and the great Thunderer hid her in a shady grove, turning her into a flower.

At the sunny edge, the violet blossomed, its lilac ears quietly raised. She is buried in the grass, From raking hands, But someone will bow to her, And you can immediately see: friend! E. Serova. The fragrant violet blossomed in spring with a delicate aroma and filled the whole forest. ***Where is the violet, my flower? Last spring Here the stream watered her with a fresh stream?.. She is not here; spring has passed, and the violet has bloomed.

If only white flowers bloomed in the field, You and I would soon get tired of admiring them... It’s good that there are daisies, Roses, asters, cornflowers, Dandelions and porridges, Forget-me-nots and frying... How beautiful is the colored world, The multi-colored globe! A. Shlygin

Sources used: From earth to sky. Atlas - identifier: book. For students beginning class / A. A. Pleshakov. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2015 - 224 p. Author's photographic material by O.A. Shkurina.

Environmental project in the middle group


Project type: educational - research, group

Project participants: children of the middle group, teachers, parents.

Project duration: short-term (2 weeks)


When conducting an ecology lesson on the topic: “Spring is red,” the children arose interest and many questions when considering the issue of primroses. Questions arose of the following nature:

Why are primroses called that?

Why do they appear first?

Why aren't they cold?

Why don't they freeze?

Which ones appear first?

And all the children had a desire to see them in nature.

The desire of children to learn more about the first flowers determined the choice of the topic of this project, since children do not have enough ideas about primroses, why they are called that, and about where and how they grow. They cannot always accurately and completely explain the meaning of familiar words or select adjectives and verbs for nouns. Children's stories are not complete enough. The project solves the problem of increasing children's speech activity, improving coherent speech, and developing vocabulary.

Next to the kindergarten there is a section of coniferous forest where you can observe the blooming of primroses.

Objective of the project: give an idea of ​​early flowers - primroses: find out what the first flowers appear on the territory of a kindergarten, in the forest, find out why primroses should be protected, create a photo album “Primroses”.

Development of thinking, imagination, coherent speech.

Tasks: strengthening ideas about spring and its signs,

familiarizing children with plants - primroses, instilling a caring attitude towards them,

developing the ability to admire growing flowers, see and perceive their beauty,

development of creativity, thinking, imagination,

development of children's cognitive abilities in the process of joint research activities.

nurturing love and respect for nature

intensifying joint activities of parents and children

Expected result:

Children’s acquisition of the necessary knowledge on the topic: “Primroses.”

Children should develop a strong interest in nature.

Enriching children's vocabulary.

Successful intellectual and personal development of children.

Development of children's cognitive activity.

Involving parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

Stage 1: preparatory. Selection of literature and materials for the implementation of the project. Collection and development of methodological materials on the project problem.

Stage 2:

Form of work

Looking at the illustrations “Spring primroses”

To consolidate children's knowledge about spring and its signs; expand your understanding of spring primroses; develop children's speech.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Primroses”

to form in children an idea of ​​primroses, reinforcing the signs of early spring; introduce children to one of the first primroses - “mother and stepmother”, clarify what parts the plant consists of, cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, a desire to take care of them.

"Conversation about Primroses"

Teach children to distinguish and correctly name the first spring flowers, highlight their characteristic features, and clarify knowledge about their meaning in nature. To foster a caring attitude towards Primroses and nature, to help them see beauty.

Examination of the illustrations “Snowdrop”.

Introduce children to the spring flower - snowdrop.

GCD in the middle group “First spring flowers”

Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of spring;

Reading stories by N. Usova “Violet”, “Lily of the Valley”

To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about primroses, to arouse interest in primroses,

practice using comparisons, selecting definitions, synonyms in a given word.

Educational conversation


to form in children an idea of ​​primroses,

Word game “Describe the flower”

Develop the ability to describe a plant and find it by description.

Reading the story by P. Solovyova “Snowdrop” Memorizing the poem by P. Solovyova “Snowdrop”

To develop children's knowledge about snowdrops. Strengthen children's knowledge about snowdrops.

Board game “Collect a flower”

Find out what parts the flower consists of.

Application "Mother and Stepmother"

Create a composition from ready-made parts by gluing them onto the background

Write a story about primroses

Imagine that you turned into a snowdrop, tell us what happened to you in the forest?

Round dance game “We went to the meadow”

Develop a sense of rhythm, combine movements with words.

Lesson “First flowers”

learn to convey the color of a spring flower; improve children's drawing skills; develop the ability to independently select and draw flowers; consolidate knowledge of colors and the ability to carefully use gouache

Memorizing the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova

Help children remember a new poem, consolidate knowledge about the appearance of a dandelion.

Making a general coloring book: “Primroses”

Children draw an outline of a primrose for later coloring by another child.

Exhibition of children's works

Present the result of children's creativity.

Expected Result: Children have developed knowledge about primroses.

Children's cognitive activity develops.

Children understand the need for a careful and caring attitude towards flowers.

They are able to reflect their impressions in drawings and creative works.

Working together with parents.

Creation of the album “Spring Flowers”

Entertainment “We are spring flowers”

"Conversation about Primroses"

Goal: To teach children to distinguish and correctly name the first spring flowers, to highlight their characteristic features, and to clarify knowledge about their meaning in nature. To foster a caring attitude towards Primroses and nature, to help them see beauty.

Progress of the lesson:

Dunno with a basket of flowers (pictures, drawings)

N. - Thanks to the bright day, the warm sun, the first spring flowers!

V. - Dunno, why are you so cheerful, you even forgot to say hello to us.

N - Hello guys, I'm in a hurry. I was invited to a birthday party. I ran into the forest to pick a large bouquet of spring flowers.

V. - Dunno, never do this again! Guys, is it possible to collect spring flowers? - No.

Guys, let's tell Dunno why you can't collect a bouquet of spring flowers. And you, Dunno, sit down and listen.

Guys, what time of year is it now (Spring). What month (March) Who can tell me what happens in the spring (It gets warmer, the snow melts, the first flowers raise their heads)

Let's show how flowers bloom in a clearing.

Game "Flower"

Early in the morning it is closed (the hands are closed into a flower)

But closer to noon (swells, makes a bud)

Opens petals (opens, divides into petals)

I see their beauty.

In the evening the flower again

Closes the corolla (fingers closed with unopened flower)

And now he will sleep

Until the morning, like a chick (hands under the cheek)

You will find out which flower is the first to rise from under the snow from the riddle:

The first to crawl out from under the snow, in a thawed patch,

He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop anemone)

Anyone who wants to, find a snowdrop in Dunno’s basket. This is how beautiful the snowdrop is. Why is it called a snowdrop (it comes out from under the snow) This flower can be called brave (it is not afraid of frost) It is also called anemone. (Because it always sways on its stem, even from the slightest wind) He appears first and is in a hurry to please us with his white flowers.

What other flower appears in spring? Coltsfoot. It has a wonderful golden color. He is a big sun, a small portrait. Look and tell us about the flower. (It has yellow petals that look like rays of the sun) The middle is also yellow, like a basket. Bees love to collect nectar from mother and stepmother flowers. Mother and stepmother is a medicinal plant. Pay attention to the leaves. The underside of the leaf is soft, warm and tender, like your mother's hand. And the top side is cold and unpleasant. That's why this plant is called mother and stepmother. The leaves and flowers are brewed and drunk for coughs during illness. Therefore, everyone should treat these flowers very carefully, admire them and leave.

And this, guys, is what flower is in Dunno’s basket?

This nickname is not without reason, to cure a cold,

At a beautiful flower. Lungwort will help you.

A drop of juicy nectar, if you go to the forest, don’t forget

And fragrant and sweet. Bow to the lungwort.

Dunno, remember that the lungwort is easy to recognize by its flowers: the flowers on the stem are pink, red, purple and blue. This is how colorful the lungwort is. Bees and bumblebees are flying towards her from all sides.

Lungwort is a medicinal plant. Our children know that lungwort cannot be used to make bouquets!

Guys, what do flowers need to grow? (Light, heat and water).

What gives us light and warmth? Sun? Let's say thank you to him. But it’s not just plants that need the sun. We also love to play in the sun, right?

Game "Sunshine and Rain"

Let's hide behind the backs of the chairs! This is your house. However, the sun is shining, let’s go for a walk: The sun is shining through the window

Our eyes squint

We clapped our hands

And run outside!

Round dance "Spring has come"

Look, a cloud is approaching, quickly hide in the house.

Rain, rain, rain

Drip, drip, don’t be sorry.

It's raining, it's raining more,

The grass will be thicker.

The cloud hid behind the forest,

The sun is looking from the sky.

And so pure

Good radiant.

If only we could get him

We would kiss him!

It's raining, leave the house. Sit down on the bench. (The bell rings). Guys, what flower rings so wonderfully?

Lily of the valley was born on a May day,

And the forest protects him.

It seems to me that he's been hit...

It will ring quietly.

And the forest will hear this ringing,

And birds and flowers.

Let's listen, what if

You and I will hear.

Who will find this flower in Dunno’s basket. Is this flower beautiful? Yes, he is afraid that he will be picked, and therefore he hides under the trees. It takes a very long time to grow. Five or six years pass and only then does it begin to bloom, giving us its beauty and a very subtle fragrant smell. They are bred by seeds and therefore if we pick them, there will be no seeds and no new lilies of the valley will grow.

How about Dunno, are you going to pick flowers? Silent. He's probably ashamed of his behavior. Are you guys going to pick flowers? No! That's right, guys.

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower.

If you and I are together,

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

Go Dunno, and don’t pick flowers anymore.

Where do they get flowers to give for a birthday? - you ask.

These flowers are specially grown in gardens, greenhouses and sold in flower shops.

All these flowers that we talked about today are called primroses. Many of them have become rare plants and therefore need protection. And if you see a sign like this (a crossed out hand picking a flower), what will you do? Will you pick it? Let's hang a poster (sign) at the entrance to the kindergarten so that everyone knows that there are very few flowers left in nature. Flowers need to be protected and protected!

Lesson summary “First flowers”

Goal: to develop children's creative imagination.
Objectives: learn to convey the color of a spring flower; improve children's drawing skills; develop the ability to independently select and draw flowers; consolidate knowledge of colors and the ability to carefully use gouache; cultivate a love of fine art and nature.
Equipment and materials: illustrations with flowers, A4 paper, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin.
Preliminary work: reading and memorizing poems about spring flowers; tinting paper, looking at colors.

Progress of the lesson

Spring has come. The sun began to warm up, and the first flowers bloomed in the thawed patches, what guys? (snowdrops) That's right! What other spring flowers do you know? (daffodils, daisies, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, mimosa, tulips, etc.) Many flowers grow in spring! Any flower is beautiful and wonderful! Everyone has their own unique smell, but what do you think they have in common? That's right, every flower has a stem, bud, petals and leaves. Let's admire them! Look at the illustrations.

Educator. Do you know poems about flowers?
Children read poetry.
Grows through the snow
Grows through the snow
To the sun's rays, flower,
Small and tender
Little white snowdrop.
(N. Masley)
As soon as the frosts go away,
Mimosas will bloom.
On shaggy chickens
The branches are similar.
(T. Mozhaika)
Lilies of the valley
Like carved peas
On a high leg
Forest lilies of the valley bloom
Right next to the path.
(N. Nekhaeva)
Elegant dresses,
Yellow brooches,
There's not a speck
On beautiful clothes.
So funny
These daisies
They're about to start playing
Like children playing tag.
(E. Serova)
The sun just warmed up brightly,
but it's not hot yet.
Multi-colored sundress
Dresses our tulip
(D. Demon)
Physical education minute
(Children squat)
1, 2, 3 – flowers have grown! (rise slowly)
They reached for the sun - (stretch on their toes)
They felt nice and warm!
The breeze flew by
The stalk shook (tilts to the sides)
Swung to the left
Bent low.
Wind, run away!
Don't break the flowers! (they shake a finger)
Let them bloom, grow,
They bring joy to children (spread your arms to the sides)
Educator. Guys, let's draw a tulip.
(The teacher shows techniques for drawing a vase and a tulip; draws a stem, bud, leaves, selecting the necessary colors). Children draw (while drawing, you can turn on a quiet melody).
At the end of the lesson, the teacher praises all the children and notes successful work. Organizes an exhibition of works. The teacher provides individual assistance.

GCD in the middle group “First spring flowers”

Educational field: “Artistic creativity”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical Education”, “Reading Fiction”.

Program content:

Expand children's understanding of the characteristic signs of spring;

Strengthen the idea of ​​flowers (stem, leaves, bud);

Introduce the plant world;

Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

Develop the ability to draw flowers independently using non-traditional forms of drawing - with crumpled newspaper;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

Continue to learn how to make a whole from parts;

Develop logical thinking, concentration, attention;

Handouts: paper tinted with blue paint, leaves for a flower cut out of green paper, yellow gouache, napkins, color illustrations with images of primroses.

Preparatory work: reading stories, poems about spring; looking at illustrations depicting primroses; observing spring changes in nature.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, guys. Today I want to talk to you about flowers, but first I want you to guess a riddle:

The beauty walks

Touches the ground lightly

Goes to the field, to the river,

Both the snowball and the flower.

Children: Spring.

Educator: That's right, it's spring. All living things in nature - animals, people, plants are waiting for the arrival of spring! Why is everyone waiting for her so much? Guys, what does spring bring to us?

Children: It's warm.

Educator: That's right, in spring there is a lot of sunshine and warmth. Spring begins with the melting of snow, then the ground is completely free of snow, and the ice on the rivers melts. Nature awakens from winter: buds swell on the trees, migratory birds arrive, the first grass and the first spring flowers appear. Which is the first flower? Guess the riddle:

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.

Children: Snowdrop.

Educator: That's right, it's a snowdrop. That's what they called him

because it grows under the snow. He appears with the first solar

warmth, very beautiful and most delicate flower. After the ground warms up, more flowers appear. Guess which ones for yourself:

The sun looks like a sprout.

Not a blade of grass, not a leaf:

The very first one appeared.

yellow small flower

Children: Coltsfoot.

Educator: And a very beautiful, delicate flower appears:

It blooms in May,

You will find him in the forest shade:

On a stalk, like beads in a row,

Fragrant flowers hang.

Children: Lily of the valley.

Educator: Let's admire these beautiful flowers that spring brings us. Shows drawings depicting spring flowers: Lily of the Valley, tulips, coltsfoot, daffodils and others.

Educator: Children, is it possible to pick primroses?

Children: You can't.

Educator: Correct. Reads a poem by T. Sobakina to children

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower...

If EVERYTHING: both ME and YOU -

If WE pick flowers

They will be empty

And trees and bushes.

And there will be no beauty.

Educator: Guys, look, Little Bee has come to visit us. He is so sad and sad and asks for your help. He is so absent-minded that he mixed up all the pictures (showing small pictures). So he asks for your help, so that you and I can use these small pictures to put together a large picture with a picture of a flower. Guys, let's help Little Bee in trouble?

Here's a look at what pictures you need to put together from small ones.

Nastya will help Little Bee put together a picture - here’s a big picture for you and you need to put one together from small pictures (she gave out whole cards and their parts to all the other children). All the guys put a picture in front of them and fold it. In the process of work, I watch with Little Bee how the children complete the task, I suggest looking at the sample more often.

Well done guys, now Little Bee is calling us to the meadow to play. One, two, three we turn into flowers.

Physical education minute:

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty. Stretch, arms to the sides.

Flowers reach for the sun,

Stretch with them too. Stretch, arms up.

The wind blows sometimes

But that's not a problem. They wave to represent the wind.

Flowers bend down

The stems are lowered. Tilts.

And then they get up

And they still bloom. They stand up depicting the “heads” of flowers with their hands raised.

Educator (speaking for the little bee): Children, you are so great, you know there are very few flowers on my lawn. Please draw me some spring flowers, and I will take them to my lawn and collect nectar.

Educator: Therefore, I suggest you draw spring flowers and admire them in our drawings. To do this, we need to remember what a flower has? Children list the structure of a flower: stem, leaves, bud. Educator: The first flowers have already appeared on our site. What are their names? Children: Coltsfoot. The teacher shows a picture of a primrose.

Educator: Let's draw them. But first, let's do some gymnastics for our fingers:

We have been blooming in the spring grove for years in a row.

(Show the crown of the trees with your hands, bend your fingers towards your palm, as if counting)

The snowdrop squad is writing these lines to you.

(Imitation of writing with a finger on the palm; “bouquet” of open palms)

Guys, we are afraid! Everyone wants to rip us off!

(Wrap your arms around yourself as if you were scared)

Guys! We are afraid of cold, tenacious hands!

(repeat the movements of the first line of the 4th verse; bend the outstretched fingers like claws)

The earth is green.

(“Draw” a circle-Earth in front of you)

Beautiful and kind

(Pat yourself on the head)

We appeal to you, children:

(Move your arms forward, palms up)

“It’s time to protect us!”

We will draw the stem with cotton swabs. And you will draw the buds with crumpled newspaper. We will glue the leaf when the flower is ready. The children get to work, then an exhibition of children's work is organized. The little bee praises each child.

Educator: (speaking for Little Bee) Thank you, guys, now our lawn has become richer and brighter with flowers! Well done, goodbye!

Lesson summary application “Mother and Stepmother”.

Tasks: Artistic creativity:

Improve children's skills in the ability to perform technical work

applications; ability to cut a square diagonally.

Strengthen children's skills in application acquired earlier.

Reinforce the idea of ​​the color yellow.


To consolidate and expand children’s ideas about spring: signs,


Introduce the first spring flowers that grow in the forest and in

field (snowdrop, coltsfoot). Show the similarities and differences between these

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Socialization: Develop children's creative abilities.

Strengthen children's ability to do work using non-traditional

application techniques.


Strengthen children’s ability to use the adjective “yellow” in speech

in gender, number and case.

Develop speech, visual, auditory attention and communication skills

children's abilities.

Preliminary work:

Reading works about spring. Learning poems, proverbs,

sayings on the topic. Examination of paintings from the series “Seasons. "Spring came".

Material and equipment: hard brushes; glue, scissors; paper

different textures of yellow and green colors.

Progress of the lesson:

The grass is turning green

The sun is warming up.

The day is coming

When does this happen? (spring).

Today I want to tell you guys a fairy tale.

It's called "The Yellow Fairy Tale"

After winter came spring (The little bear woke up from his winter sleep

and went for a walk through the spring forest (. It was warm, spring

day. The gentle, YELLOW sun was warming up. Somewhere

Blades of grass were peeking out, but there were no flowers yet. Mishka looked around

sides, sat down on a hillock and asked:

Sunny, it’s already spring, but why are there no flowers?

“They will be now,” answered the sun. And together with their YELLOWS

a handful of YELLOW flowers cast rays of light onto the clearing.

The petals of these flowers puffed up and looked like YELLOW rays

Do you know what they are called? – the sun asked the bear cub.

Of course I know! These are dandelions! - answered the bear cub.

But no! These flowers are called coltsfoot. They appear in the spring

the very first. Look, they don't even have leaves, but flowers

glowing in the clearing under my YELLOW rays.

And I walked through the forest and saw snowdrops. So they appear first

“snowdrops,” answered the bear cub.

Right! - said the sun. This is how the snowdrop and coltsfoot are alike - this

the very first spring flowers. But the difference is that

Snowdrop is a forest flower, and coltsfoot is a field flower. Look what

they are different: the snowdrop has wide, white petals, while the petals

Coltsfoot flowers puff up in different directions and they are YELLOW.

I got it! - said the bear cub. The first whites appear in the forest

snowdrops, and in the forest clearing - YELLOW coltsfoot flowers.

So these flowers are evil? – asked the bear cub. My mother is a bear

she told me fairy tales in which all stepmothers are evil.

The sun smiled and answered:

Coltsfoot is a kind flower. It was called that because its leaves

flowers are special: one side is warm, soft, delicate, like

your mother. And the other is cold, slightly rough.

“Like all stepmothers in fairy tales,” said the little bear.

The YELLOW sun laughed and gave another handful of YELLOW

Phys. a minute (movements along the text):

Our fingers are flower buds,

YELLOW petals open.

The sun's YELLOW rays were having fun in the meadow

And the flowers bloomed.

Guys, come on, let’s make our own clearing of coltsfoot flowers, like in “The Yellow Fairy Tale.”

You guys are great!

We worked hard!

Flowers of unprecedented beauty grew in the clearing!

Take your flowers

And take it home to mom!

Tell the “Yellow Fairy Tale” about them,

And keep your knowledge for a long time!

Abstract of the educational activity "Primroses"

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”, “Reading fiction”.
Program content: to form in children an idea of ​​primroses, reinforcing the signs of early spring; introduce children to one of the first primroses - “mother and stepmother”, clarify what parts the plant consists of, its characteristic features of morphology and reproduction, identify its role in nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, a desire to take care of them.
Material: pictures depicting mother and stepmother, her main parts. Preliminary work: conversations about the arrival of spring, primroses, the meaning of plants in nature and for humans; looking at pictures of primroses, reading fiction about them.

Progress of the lesson:

There is a knock on the door, the Old Man - Lesovichok appears:
- Hello guys! Just now I was walking towards you, I look around and I don’t understand: is it still winter or has spring already come? (Spring!)
Old man - Lesovichok: How did you know that spring has already come? (The sun began to get hot, the snow melted. It became gray. Thawed patches appeared, and streams of melt water ran here and there. On the hills, from under the snow, the first plants appeared. Rooks flew in).
Under the very eaves,
Right at the window
Caught in icicles
Spring sun.
Sparkling, tears run down the icicles
And the icicles melt - funny pieces of ice
(I. Demyanov)
Old man - Lesovichok: But it’s still cold.
Children: So it’s early spring. And at this time of year it can be cold. It may even snow and there may be frosts at night.
Old man - Lesovichok: And you said that you can meet the first plants. Do you know what the plants that are the first to greet spring are called in one word? (if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them by asking leading questions, leading them to the word - primroses)
Old man - Lesovichok: What primroses do you know? (snowdrops)
The Snow Maiden cried
Saying goodbye to winter
She followed her sadly
Strange to everyone in the forest.
Where I walked and cried,
Touching birch trees
Snowdrops have grown -
Snow Maiden's tears.
(T. Belozerov)
Old man - Lesovichok: And on the way to you I saw another plant of primroses. Do you want to know which one? (Yes) Then get ready. (Children gather). Let's get on the magic train and hit the road.
The children stand one after another, the whistle “oo-oo-oo-oo-oo” is heard and the “train” departs to the “Primroses” station.
Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, what do you see in this clearing? (Plants) These plants are also primroses, and they are called mother and stepmother. Repeat its name. (Children repeat)
Educator: Let's carefully look at the mother and stepmother and describe her. What parts does it consist of? (Root, stem, flower) Can we see the root? (No, why? (Because it is underground). Then let's look at the root in the picture. (Shows a picture) Mother and stepmother have a very powerful rhizome. It has several branches on which buds form, from which new plants grow. Now describe the stem, please. What is he like? (Thin, short) These are not long stems; brownish scales grow on them, which fit tightly to the stem. Take a closer look. What is the stem covered with? (Light fluff) What do you think is the benefit of fluff and scales to a plant? (Fluff and scales protect the mother and stepmother from the cold in early spring). What is on top of the stem? (Flower). What is its shape? (Round) What color? (Yellow). What kind of plant does the mother-and-stepmother flower resemble? (On dandelion).
The sun dropped
Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown
First, young
He has a wonderful
Golden color.
He is a big sun
Small portrait.
(O. Vysotskaya)
Educator: If you look carefully at this flower, you will see that it is not simple. It consists of many small flowers. This is to survive in cold weather. One such small flower will simply freeze, but together they are not afraid of anything.
Guys, what don’t we see in this plant now? (Leaves. They will appear later, in late spring - early summer. Leaves will grow from brown scales). Look at the picture. What are the leaves in color and shape? (These leaves are unusual. Large, dark green in color: they are smooth, hard on top, and whitish below, covered with a soft mat of hairs). When you run your hand over them, they seem to be warm. For this feature, the plant received its name: the upper side of the leaves is the unkind “stepmother”, the lower side is the kind “mother”. Do you remember why this plant is called that? (yes) Well done.
Old man - Lesovichok: And here’s what else I know about my mother and stepmother. When its flowering period ends, another amazing transformation occurs. Its stalk begins to grow quickly, stretches out and carries ripening seeds high up. Nature has provided them with a small air cushion - a parachute, which helps the seed fly away from the mother plant, look at the picture (shows the picture. When the seed lands, the parachute disappears. This is how the mother and stepmother reproduces the seeds. Remember how else she reproduces? (buds) on the rhizome) I propose that at the beginning of summer we meet again with the mother and stepmother and see everything with our own eyes. Do you agree? (Yes) Now let’s smell the flowers. Do they smell? (Yes) The bees really love these flowers, they collect nectar from them , and at a time when there are no other flowering plants. In turn, the mother - and - stepmother protects droplets of sweet precious nectar. Do you know how? (In the morning she covers the flowers, and before bad weather and at night she closes them, preserving the nectar.) Waking up after a long day severe winter, bees and bumblebees fly to the flowers of this amazing plant for honey. Beekeepers have long known about this wonderful quality of the mother and stepmother and love her for it. And the dried leaves and flowers of this plant are used as a medicine to treat coughs.
Physical exercise. O.V. Uzorova
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
(Stretching - arms to the sides)
Flowers reach for the sun
Stretch with them too.
(Stretching - arms up).
Educator: Guys, isn’t this an interesting plant? (Yes)
Let's repeat once again what it is called. (Children answer)
-Why is it called that?
-Why are the mother and stepmother a primrose?
- What helps her survive in cold weather in early spring?
- How does this plant reproduce?
- Why do bees love their mother and stepmother?
- What are the dried leaves and flowers of the plant used for?
Old man - Lesovichok: (reads a poem)
On the thawed patch - the first flower
How defenseless and small he is!
The sharp wind shook him,
He bent the stem to the ground,
Freezing in the pre-dawn darkness,
But the brave flower survived!
I will kneel before him,
I touch the petals with my hand -
How much wisdom and patience
There's gold in this drop!
T. Sharygina.
