Program for the New Year's holiday game competitions. Cool New Year's competitions and fun games

Everyone's favorite holiday is just around the corner New Year. One of the important components of a fun and exciting holiday is active games And original competitions, which do not allow anyone to remain on the sidelines and unite all participants in the New Year celebration. Competitions can be completely different - games, for ingenuity, for ingenuity, for sleight of hand with the use of light fraud, for the especially uninhibited there are erotic competitions. To make the New Year's Eve memorable for a long time, and in the photographs you remember the enthusiasm of that evening and the smiles of your friends, spend them.

Competition "Pass the Parcel""
Necessary: prepare the package - take candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper
Everyone sits around the table and the presenter says: “We received the package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let’s find out!”
Guests begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time.
Whoever unwraps it last gets the package.

"Stick Your Nose" Competition
Necessary: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

New Year's competition "Real Santa Claus"
You will need: many small unbreakable items: soft toys, books, boxes, etc.
All items are placed near the leader, the rest of the players portray Santa Clauses, among whom we have to choose the real one. The presenter takes turns handing out one item to the “grandfathers”. A player who fails to hold onto and drops any gift leaves the game. The one who turns out to be the most dexterous and does not drop anything is declared the “real Santa Claus” and receives a prize.

New Year's game "Discoverers"
Necessary: a lot of balloons and markers
Each player receives balloon and a marker. The host invites the players to “open” new planet. For this certain time(for example 3 minutes) you need to inflate your balloon and draw as many “residents” on it as possible. Whoever had more residents after time was the winner.

Ice cream competition
Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream - so a competition is being announced to name the ice cream. Everyone takes turns naming the types of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

New Year's competition "It was my ball!!!"
Necessary: 2 balloons
The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try right foot crush the enemy's ball. Recommended to play house shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or wearing stiletto heels are not allowed to compete).
Winner: the one who “bursts” the opponent’s balloon with his foot faster.

New Year's competition " Christmas tree"
To play you need: stool or chair - 1 piece, girl - 1 piece, clothespins - a lot.
Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can even divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded.
The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

Competition "New Year's Song"
Necessary: hat and leaves with words
In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Each guest takes turns taking notes out of the hat and sings a song - necessarily a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written appears on his leaf!

Competition "The most attentive"
This New Year's competition is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text:

I'll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately:

“Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.”
“When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - twice, or better yet 10 times."
“A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!
“Once I had to wait 3 hours for a train at the station...”

If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “Well, friends, didn’t you take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it?”

New Year's competition "Vocabulary spruce"
Name one by one the words in which the word SPRUCE “grows.”
The main condition: the words must be nouns in the nominative case. The participant who cannot name the word is eliminated from the game.
Examples of “dictionary trees”: Caramel, pipe, blizzard, potato, housewarming, Monday, etc.

Competition "New Year's Scrabble"
Guests at the table are divided into 2 teams. They are asked to take turns naming the names of feature films in which the main action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Everyone is called in turn.
Winner: the one who said the name of the film last.

Cheerful new year tradition"Wishes"
Each of the guests is given three pieces of paper and in three versions he completes the phrase - “next year I will definitely...”.
The pieces of paper are put into a hat, mixed and the hat is passed around in a circle. Each guest takes a piece of paper out of a hat and reads the text out loud.
For example, a young man’s statement that I will definitely give birth to a child next year, etc. brings great joy to others...
The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants.

New Year's games"Alphabet"
The presenter says that he has a small gift for everyone, but he gives gifts to educated people.
The presenter suggests playing the alphabet game. The first letter of the alphabet is A, and the first player must come up with a New Year's greeting phrase starting with the letter A, for example, he says: “An astronomical salary for you.” Then the next player says with the letter B: “Be happy” and so on for each letter of the alphabet, each player who comes up with the phrase is given a gift.
But the funniest thing comes when the alphabet reaches the letters, Ж, П, ы, ь, Ъ.

New Year's game "Cutting out snowflakes""
Necessary: regular white paper napkins and scissors.
The host distributes a napkin and scissors to the guests.
The task of each player is to cut out a snowflake from a napkin the fastest and most beautifully.

New Year's game "Napkin Tug"
Necessary: a napkin and several cocktail straws.
The napkin breaks into several pieces. On each piece we write the name of the prize. Between the opponents, place a piece of napkin on the table with the wording facing down.
At the command "Start!" Opponents must use a cocktail straw to pull the napkin towards them.
The second version of the game is to write on a napkin funny task. In this case, the loser must complete this task.

Costume competition
You need to buy masks, noses, glasses, jewelry at the wholesale market in advance, pick up old dresses, skirts, scarves, etc.
Guests draw lots to decide who should prepare which costume. There may be tasks such as Snow Maiden, clown, Indian.

Competition "Frosty Breath"
There are three snowflakes on the table. Participants blow on them to make them fall off the table. When all the snowflakes fall, announce that the one whose snowflake fell last won (so he froze it to the table).

Cooking competition
Participants in the competition are given plates and given the task of making an original salad from the treats available on the table.
And then, blindfolded, you have to feed your dish to another participant.
Winner: the one who fed the other most carefully.

Competition "Who has it?"
Chairs are arranged in a circle in the room. The players, men and women, sit on them. Father Frost or Snow Maiden starts the game (the second option is preferable). She is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the Snow Maiden walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, she stops and sits on the lap of the person she stopped next to. The one with whom the Snow Maiden sat must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: “Who?” If the Snow Maiden guesses who she is sitting on her lap, then the “unmasked” one becomes the driver. It is prohibited to touch participants’ hands when guessing.

Competition "Best Snow Maiden"
Each of the Santa Clauses must dress the Snow Maiden chosen by him in the way he, in his opinion, should look modern Snow Maiden. You can use everything that the Snow Maiden is already wearing, plus any additional items, clothes, Christmas tree decorations, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.
The winner is the Santa Claus who creates the brightest and unusual image Snow Maidens.

New Year's competition "Best Artist"
Several couples take part in the competition, which are teams.
The goal of the competition: to draw a New Year's landscape in a short period of time.
One player is blindfolded and given a canvas and brushes - in fact, he will paint the landscape.
The other player’s task is to direct the drawing process (say “right”, “left”, etc.).
It turns out very funny. The team that is supported by the audience wins.

Competition "Resourceful Snow Maiden"
Each girl is blindfolded, and the young men are hidden in their clothes. Christmas decorations. The girl must find a Christmas tree decoration from her clothed companion as quickly as possible.
The most “resourceful” one wins, i.e. the Snow Maiden who finds the most Christmas tree decorations.
Everyone receives Christmas tree decorations as a souvenir of the evening, and the “resourceful” girl receives a separate prize.

Competition "Christmas tree toy"
Necessary: colored cardboard, scissors, clothespin, blindfold.
Young people are invited to cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. After young man They put on a blindfold and offer to attach the toy to the Christmas tree.
It is necessary to encourage young people so that they do not orient themselves in space and do not guess in which direction the tree is located. Afterwards, the young people walk towards the Christmas tree, the hall freezes, because most people move anywhere, but not towards the Christmas tree. However, you are not allowed to wander around the hall - according to the rules, you must hang the toy on the first object you bump into. It could be the boss's ear or the leg of a chair.
Won the one who came closest to the tree/or the one whose “tree” was the most original.
The originality of the “Christmas tree” is determined by the volume of applause.

  • Fortune Cake
  • Joint toast
  • Table competitions and games
  • Who wants what?
  • Favorite dish
  • Guess the gift
  • Find the treasure
  • Round dance
  • Don't drop the snowflake
  • "Elements of the New Year"
  • Find the symbol of the year
  • Faster to the finish line
  • Competitions and games for young people
  • Two hands for two
  • Who will drink faster
  • Character biography
  • Competitions and games for corporate events
  • Build a snowman
  • Advertise a body part
  • Don't guess the hare
  • Funny intonations
  • The conversation is out of place
  • Plans for the year
  • Preparing for the lottery
  • Prize draw for children
  • Comic lottery
  • New Year's games and entertainment for the family

    New Year's Eve family circle– one of the most cozy celebration options. Everyone knows each other well, no one is nervous, and New Year's games and entertainment for the whole family only contribute to greater rapprochement.

    Guess the relative

    One participant has their eyes closed and gloves are put on their hands. The rest of those sitting at the table approach him one by one; the participant, blindfolded, must determine which of the relatives is standing in front of him. The game is complicated by the fact that it is not so easy to recognize a loved one while wearing gloves.

    The thicker and warmer the gloves the participant puts on, the more difficult and funnier it is to guess the relative. Players standing in front of the participant wearing gloves make faces and the game becomes more interesting.

    Remember the names of the heroes

    “The Irony of Fate” is a film that has become a symbol of the New Year festivities, which is why the competition is associated with it. The players take a piece of paper and a pen, and on command everyone begins to write down the names of the characters in the film. Everyone writes the names of the main characters, but the winner is the one who remembers as many names of the secondary characters as possible.

    Gift to the Sage

    For this entertainment, buy a T-shirt, shirt or sweater specially white. All those present write congratulations on these clothes, be sure to draw New Year's picture. The author himself wins original congratulations, and the T-shirt is given to the oldest person sitting at the table.

    Competitions and games for an adult company

    Competitions and games are a great opportunity to get positive emotions, get to know people better in a stranger or in your own company. It’s not difficult to choose competitions suitable for adults who like active entertainment, and for those who like quieter ones.

    Remade fairy tales

    Participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. The task is to rewrite famous children's fairy tales in the style official documents: minutes of a party meeting, plan for a meeting or medical history. The one who wrote the funniest fairy tale wins.

    Pass the cucumber

    This game is good for big company, where everyone responds responsively to humor. Participants choose one leader, around whom the rest stand in a close formation, placing their hands behind their backs. The players pass the cucumber to each other secretly from the host, trying to bite off a piece of it unnoticed. The presenter carefully watches everyone and catches the participant with the cucumber.

    Congratulations in the alphabet

    When the guests have already drunk a little and relaxed, they are invited to make toasts in alphabetical order. Guests begin each congratulation with a specific letter. The more they pick kind words, the better. With a new toast, the wishes become more interesting and funnier.

    Games for quiet guests

    There are lovers of active games, and there are calm guests who like entertainment, which they take part in at the table or while relaxing on the sofa. It is very important to take into account the interests and preferences of such people, so they have their own entertainment in store. Most often these are people old age or such a character. Yanking them active competitions, there will be a reason for discomfort, both for them and for the rest of the guests.

    Fortune Cake

    Before the celebration begins, the organizer cuts the paper into squares. He writes a prediction on each one. The paper is placed on a tray so that no one notices the prediction, and then the guests take turns pulling out their “piece of the pie.”

    If desired, the organizer prepares a real pie. Brought sweets always pleases those with a sweet tooth sitting at the table. And it’s convenient to write a New Year’s wish on cardboard stand under each piece on the reverse side. Those who do not eat sweets are offered a separate bag with a wish.

    Joint toast

    The game begins when it is time for toast. One of the guests makes a wish, but at some point interrupts him. The next player continues this toast and so on in a circle until it is the beginner’s turn. He finishes his toast and everyone present drinks. It will be funnier if the beginner has to summarize the wishes of all the other guests. However, if a person does not have phenomenal memory There's no point in insisting.

    Table competitions and games

    Table entertainment is for those who have already done enough running in other competitions and now just want to relax. But no one has the desire to stop the fun that has already begun, so the competitions continue at the table.

    Who wants what?

    The presenter brings each player a bag of tokens. Each one has one letter written on it. The participant pulls out the first one he comes across and quickly comes up with and pronounces out loud a word starting with a given letter. The funniest part begins when the presenter announces: “That’s how we found out who wants what for themselves next year!”

    Favorite dish

    The competition starts with the one who is determined by lot; it is better if it is an adult who is not very picky. Those sitting at the table take turns pricking a fork with one piece of the dish they love most. The fork reaches the participant from whom they started, and he eats everything from the fork in one go. Whoever succeeds takes the prize, and another participant starts the game.

    Guess the gift

    The presenter pulls out any small gift or a souvenir and places it in the hands of one of the participants. The one with eyes closed guesses what is in his hands. If within a minute he does not name his item, then the souvenir passes into the hands of the next participant. The game continues until someone guesses correctly. He gets the souvenir, and the game continues with a new gift.

    New Year's games and entertainment for children

    Families with children of different ages often gather around the same table. Adults are faced with the question of how to cheer them up. To do this, they come up with or select ready-made funny competitions with interesting prizes for each child.

    Find the treasure

    Adults quietly slip a note to the children, which gives a hint where to go and where to look for further instructions. Children follow the instructions, find the second note with the following actions. The result is a kind of quest. Where at the very end they come to a box with candies, fruits and New Year's paraphernalia.

    Children will get bored quickly if there are too many action notes. It’s better to do 4-5 pieces so that the guys think about the instructions, but don’t get bored. When creating assignments, be guided by the age of the children.

    Round dance

    Children dance around the “Christmas tree” in the form of a blindfolded participant. Everybody sing New Year's song, and at a certain moment the leader stops the round dance. The Christmas tree participant guesses who is standing in front of him; if the answer is correct, then the person named takes the place of the Christmas tree, and the round dance continues its way around him. The game continues until everyone plays the role of the “Christmas tree”. This will avoid resentment among other children. But there is no point in delaying the process unnecessarily, when the guys are tired, it becomes immediately obvious from them. Move on to another competition.

    Don't drop the snowflake

    Participants are given a snowflake made from a piece of cotton wool. The task is to blow the snowflake upward, preventing it from falling on the floor or another surface: a table, the back of a sofa. The winner is the one whose snowflake stayed in the air the longest. He was given a gift balloon, which will have to be inflated with one exhalation.

    Competitions and games for schoolchildren

    Organizers at the school come up with entertainment for students every year. Santa Claus is always present at the matinees and gives gifts to all the children. The only condition is participation in competitions, charades and entertainment.

    "Elements of the New Year"

    The participants form a circle, and the leader - Santa Claus - approaches each one in turn. Players name one item each related to the holiday. The one who does not have time to come up with anything is eliminated, and the one who says the last word wins.

    Find the symbol of the year

    Santa Claus talks about the symbol of the New Year and invites schoolchildren to find all the objects with the image of this symbol. Players find items within a certain amount of time, and the one who finds the most wins.

    Faster to the finish line

    Players choose a pair and go to the starting line. The task is to jump to the finish line. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Participants in a pair jump in turns, not simultaneously. The main thing for them is to jump a greater distance, and speed plays a less important role.

    Competitions and games for young people

    They are coming up with other entertainment for young people. As a rule, young people are active, creative, and it is quite easy to cheer them up. Cool competitions It’s just a good way for them to spend their time.

    Two hands for two

    The participant finds a mate. They hug each other around the waist with one arm and leave the other arm free. One participant is given free hand paper, and the other scissors. The pair must cut out a given figure - a snowman or a Christmas tree. The couple whose figure is recognized as the most successful wins.

    Who will drink faster

    Participants are divided into teams and each is given a container with low-alcohol or soft drink. Be sure to choose the same containers with the same amount of liquid. Each team member takes a straw, and on command everyone begins to drink. Those whose capacity empties faster win. The main thing is not to laugh during the event, because you might choke, then there will be no time for fun.

    Character biography

    Participants choose one fairy-tale hero for themselves so that no one gets the same one. Over a certain amount of time, players come up with a biography for their character. After that, they take turns telling their story, and the others guess who they are talking about. The one whose hero is revealed the longest wins.

    Competitions and games for corporate events

    A corporate party is a special celebration of the team, at which it is very important to maintain the right atmosphere so as not to offend or humiliate anyone. Funny competitions help colleagues feel relaxed and make everyone happy at the party.

    Build a snowman

    Three people participate in the competition. Each person is given three balls, adhesive tape, and a felt-tip pen. Players make a snowman out of balloons, and the one whose snowman is called the cutest wins.

    Advertise a body part

    The presenter calls two young men and asks them to choose two ladies. Then the presenter asks why they chose them, what exactly attracted them, while he hints at a certain part of the body with ambiguous gestures. When young people answer this question, the presenter offers to advertise this part of the body of his chosen one. The one whose advertising is more original and funnier wins.

    Don't guess the hare

    The presenter selects a participant to whom he explains that he is portraying a hare and leads him out of the hall. The rest of those present are given another task - to offer as much as possible more options without naming the hare. The performer returns to the hall and depicts a bouncing bunny with all parts of his body. The audience expresses even the most ridiculous guesses, but the hare participant does not know about this, at a loss as to why no one understands. The end of the competition is the go-ahead from the presenter about the end of the performance, then the essence of the task for the audience is revealed to the participant.

    Funny competitions for any company

    Whatever the company, the most important thing is to have fun during the holiday. Funny competitions defuse the situation, help vacationers find common language. Cooperative games and competitions bring participants together, becoming their common pleasant memories.

    Funny intonations

    One participant says a wish phrase, and everyone else takes turns repeating it, but with a different intonation. The one who does not come up with any new intonation is eliminated, and the one who pronounces the phrase with the largest number intonation shades.

    The conversation is out of place

    Two players are chosen and given the roles of boss and subordinate or doctor and patient. The boss or doctor puts on headphones with loud music playing, and a subordinate or patient asks questions related to work or health. The participant wearing headphones cannot hear anything, but answers questions. Everyone else evaluates the adequacy of the dialogue. Then participants can change roles.

    Plans for the year

    Those present write on a piece of paper three of their wishes per next year. The more they use their imagination, the better. The papers are mixed in one bag or bag, everyone takes turns pulling out one of them. It's funny when the father of the family wants to give birth to a child or go for a manicure. And a respectable lady will want a new optical spinning rod or screwdriver.

    How to conduct a New Year's lottery or draw

    The New Year's lottery is usually held at the end of the holiday, when guests are tired and want to go home. Small gifts will delight everyone present and replenish the piggy bank positive impressions. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

    Preparing for the lottery

    To begin with, the organizer issues lottery tickets. Since this New Year's lottery, then the presenter draws a stand in the shape of a Christmas tree or a snowman. Next, he hangs the tickets on the tree, and the guests choose the one they like. At the very end there is a drawing for prizes: New Year's paraphernalia, useful little things or funny gifts.

    The organizer gives tickets to those present not for money, but not for free either. Those who want to receive a prize tell New Year's poem, asks the others a riddle or sings a children's song.

    Prize draw for children

    Children usually celebrate the New Year at home in the company of relatives, but the school also organizes such entertainment for children as prize drawings during matinees. At the entrance to assembly hall Children are given numbers. As prizes, Santa Claus pulls out a gift from his bag corresponding to the number lottery ticket. They're pranking small gifts:
    packaging of cookies;
    a box of chocolates;
    a bag of fruit;
    coloring book;
    Christmas tree toy;
    kinder surprise.
    The number of prizes from Santa Claus must correspond to the number of numbers distributed, then everyone will be happy with the drawing.

    Comic lottery

    Such a lottery will amuse any company thanks to its funny prizes. The organizer uses the following items as prizes:
    toast magazine;
    pen with New Year's drawing;
    postcard with funny congratulations;
    clothespin for not poking your nose into other people's affairs.
    A comic lottery will amuse many of the assembled guests, but some may be offended. Therefore, it is advisable to carry it out only in a well-known company that understands such humor.
    During the New Year celebration, everyone has fun and gets a boost of positivity for the whole coming year. Even if the company is diverse and of different ages, with the help of games, competitions and positive mood Vacationers easily smooth out minor conflicts and contradictions.

    After active dancing, sitting at the table, guests participate in the next competition. The presenter offers to remember all the New Year's attributes. Guests take turns naming the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc. The one whose name is the last one wins.

    Fun mitten

    Guests stand in a large circle near the tree, cheerful New Year's music plays and a mitten with forfeits goes around in a circle. The host can turn off the music at any time, trying to do it so that each of the guests has a mitten. Whoever the music stops on takes the phantom out of his mitten and performs a certain action, for example, dancing the hopak or transforming into the president and congratulating his people, or maybe doing the splits or kissing a neighbor. In general, forfeits can be absolutely anything (it all depends on the company).

    New Year's chimes (funny)

    When guests gather, some of them are given task tokens at the entrance; you can even sell them for more intrigue. The tokens indicate that the invitee must complete some task at a certain time. It’s very funny when, in the middle of a toast, one of the guests suddenly crows or starts dancing a twist on the table.

    New Year's Villain

    For this competition you need to print out several photos (pictures) of a New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yaga or the Grinch - the holiday thief. The presenter must use scissors to make a kind of mosaic from whole photos (simply cut each photo in a chaotic order). The mosaic of each picture with a New Year's villain is packaged in a separate box or bag. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 3 people. Each team receives a box with pieces of the picture and at the command “start” the guests begin to put together the puzzle. But that's not all. The whole picture (photo) with the New Year's villain will hang on the Christmas tree. And, as soon as a team has successfully completed the puzzle and seen who the New Year’s villain is, its participants must find this villain on the tree and save the New Year from him (simply tear the picture off the tree). Whoever did it won.

    Everyone dances

    Everyone is standing around the tree. The presenter turns on cheerful New Year's music and names a hero for each song. And the participants must dance in the appropriate style, for example, now snowflakes are dancing, and now hares are dancing, and now fur seals are dancing, and now shy Snow Maidens are dancing, and so on. Prizes will be awarded to the most artistic and active ones.

    Burn it with fire

    In China there is a ritual - to burn money for the New Year so that there will be prosperity and happiness in the coming year. This competition is best held at the height of the holiday, when guests after champagne are full of courage and enthusiasm. Whichever guest burns (with the help of a lighter and a bowl) more money than the rest (in total) is recognized as the winner, and at the same time the richest person of the coming year.

    Symbol of the year

    When everyone is tired of running, jumping and galloping, you can devote time to the competition for imagination and creativity. Each participant must, in 5 minutes, come up with something to make out of and actually make a symbol of the year, for example, make a muzzle or an entire pig (dog, rooster, etc.) from food on the table. The symbol of the year can be made from anything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas tree decorations or any other interior items). Based on the voting results of all guests, the most beautiful and creative crafts, and its author will be awarded a prize.

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

    Guests are divided into pairs and not necessarily only: guy-girl. Each pair identifies its own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple takes turns taking their phantom out of the bag, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples have pulled out their forfeits and found out their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates the guests of the corresponding nationality. It will be fun and interesting for everyone to take New Year's greetings from Santa Claus - the Chinese and his Snow Maiden or from the Old Slavonic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, is for the most artistic and active.

    Wearing masks

    All guests honestly close their eyes, the host puts on masks for everyone. Only the host knows which masks will go to whom, but the guest himself will not see his own mask. When the masks are on, the guests open their eyes and look at each other. For some time, guests of the holiday should communicate with each other as it should be to communicate with a “hero” in a specific mask, for example, you can offer meat to a lion and call him “his majesty” or “king”; you can ask Santa Claus when there will be gifts or how long it takes to fly on a sleigh to our country, and so on. Guests who quickly guess which hero mask they are wearing will receive prizes.

    Dolphins in a snowdrift

    Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of people and line up. In front of each team there is a chair on which there is a basin or other container full of cut out snowflakes. Among these snowflakes there should be the same number of candies hidden as there are participants in the team. At the command “start”, each participant in turn runs up to the bowl, dives in with his head and takes out one candy, then a second, a third, and so on until the end. Whose team completes the task the fastest and passes its test is the winner.

    The New Year with the smell of pine, tangerines and gifts is getting closer and closer. It's time to think about how you would like to spend this wonderful magical holiday.

    There can be many options. If you decide to celebrate this New Year with your family and close friends, then it’s time to start preparing New Year’s competitions for your company. Competitions for the New Year should be fun, “winter”.

    It is desirable that they contain a variety of New Year's attributes: confetti, tangerines, Christmas balls, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. In organizing New Year's competitions great value has their versatility. Competitions for the New Year should attract and interest both adults and children (if their presence is expected).

    New Year's competitions at the table... or near it

    In a jar

    For clarity, you can put a three-liter jar on the table. The task of everyone sitting in turn is to name any objects that will fit in the container. The competition can be complicated by saying that these items must be somehow related to the New Year. Then the fun begins. Guests name the item and argue that it is a New Year's item.

    New Year's alphabet

    Everyone sitting at the table must congratulate all the guests, but his toast begins with a specific letter from the alphabet. But you don’t have to choose - everyone knows the alphabet, so the letters come strictly in order. It's funny to watch how some characters try to remember what letter they got.

    What's in your pants

    Having sat down at the table, the guests pull newspaper quotes from the presenter’s bag. It will be more interesting if, instead of a bag, you glue together such an envelope-pants. The guest gets up and artistically declares: “And in my pants...” The end of the sentence is the phrase that he fished out. Of course, the presenter will have to try hard first, but the result is worth it.

    "A" and "B" were sitting at the table

    The competition is held between teams, each of which is asked to choose any letter of the alphabet. And now each team takes turns naming dishes known to it that begin with its letter. Those who answer last win.

    New Year's toast

    Guests are given cards with different abbreviations. TASS, housing and communal services, Ministry of Internal Affairs, OKA, traffic police, air force, etc. The competitor’s task is to prepare a short toast, the words of which will begin with these letters. The toaster drinks to the bottom, the rest - in support of the best toast.


    The host conditionally divides the table into two teams, giving each of them a chocolate bar. The participants’ task is to take a bite and pass the chocolate to their neighbor, but without touching it with their hands. The winner is the team that eats the chocolate bar first without depriving anyone. The last participant makes a sign and the whole team shouts in unison: “Happy New Year!”

    Sweet couple

    The game goes in circles. Each participant names a famous, famous, fairy-tale or real couple. The presenter starts a conversation and says: “Father Frost and Snow Maiden.” And then everyone demonstrates their intelligence. The one who names the last pair wins the competition.

    At the zoo

    Each participant writes the name of the animal on a piece of paper and puts it in common box. Now anyone who wants to takes out one note and, without reading, attaches it to his forehead. By asking leading questions spectators, he must guess which animal he represents. Next chance is given next guest etc.

    The New Year holiday is the most beloved and anticipated celebration that adults and children look forward to. On this night, I want not only to please guests and household members with exquisite and delicious dishes, but also have an interesting time. Joint leisure will help diversify the competitions for the New Year 2019. Think through the scenario of this event in advance so that all those gathered have unforgettable experience and a great mood.

    • New Year's games with family
    • Guess the face
    • New Year's Pathfinder
    • Family relay races
    • Round dance
    • Cheerful artists
    • Repetitions
    • Surprises from the New Year's bag
    • Table competitions
    • Say the letter word
    • Secretary and boss
    • Find your match
    • Toasts
    • Competition for the best classroom design

    New Year's games with family

    Most people traditionally celebrate the New Year with family and friends. On festive feast They gather with pleasure, prepare gifts for each other, children learn poetry. New Year's games and entertainment for the family are easy and relaxed. Everyone knows each other, there is no constraint or tension. You can arrange it with your family large number fun that will appeal to adults and children.

    Guess the face

    For the competition, you will need medium-sized mittens so that they can fit the hands of both an adult and a child. Another necessary attribute is thick scarf. Everyone, without exception, can take part in the fun. The game is played as follows:
    1. Someone who wants to guess the face is brought to the center of the room.
    2. A scarf is tied over the eyes of the guesser.
    3. Put the prepared mittens on your hands.
    4. In different orders, family members approach the guesser and present their face to him.
    5. A blindfolded relative, feeling his face with his hands in mittens, must determine who is in front of him.
    6. You are only allowed to touch your face and hair.
    7. As soon as the guesser says correct option, the bandage is removed.
    To make the competition more difficult, those who are guessed can be misled by changing their height or hairstyle.

    New Year's Pathfinder

    For this competition, you should prepare cut out snowflakes in advance. You will need at least 30 of them. One of the household members is sent to another room while the rest of the family hides snowflakes throughout the room. Places for hiding can be very different and unexpected. You can put a snowflake in your pocket, throw it on a chandelier or hide it under a salad bowl.
    When all the snowflakes are hidden, the person who will look for them is called into the room. Relatives should help the search with comments like “cold” and “warm.” As soon as the seeker is very close to the hiding place, the relatives should start shouting “hotly”. Children especially love this competition.

    Take care of your shooting device. Family photos or videos during fun times - excellent memory material. Live faces and spontaneous funny pictures will give you unforgettable emotions and memories every time you view them.

    Family relay races

    Relatives gathered at the same table during the feast can take a break without leaving the table. All those present should be divided into two teams. You can categorize participants by gender, children and adults, or by generation. The competition is held as follows:
    1. You need to pass the apple held between your chest and chin to the next team member as quickly as possible. The receiver must also pick it up by grabbing it with his chin.
    2. Each family member is given one toothpick, which he must press between his lips. The first in the chain is to put a ring on the toothpick. The task is to pass the ring along the chain as quickly as possible using toothpicks held in the mouth.
    3. The first participants need to quickly whisper a word, which they must also quickly and quietly pass on to the next one after the “Start” command. The team that at the end correctly names the word given by the presenter wins. Speed ​​and whispers can play funny joke. The last one in the chain may end up with the most unpredictable option or set of letters.
    There are many competitions for children and adults gathered to celebrate the New Year. You can play Crocodile, sing songs, ask riddles.

    New Year's entertainment for kids

    For children, New Year's holidays are often held separately. When the chimes strike, most often the kids are already asleep or very capricious. Organize your children's party separately. This could be an event in kindergarten or at home. In addition to treats, consider various entertainments. It will be great if one of your loved ones dresses up as Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Select an appropriate musical selection from New Year's and children's songs.

    Round dance

    What New Year's Eve celebration would be complete without a friendly round dance around the Christmas tree? Place a dressed up green beauty in the middle of the room and walk around her, humming a well-known popular song. It is better to mix children and adults so that the procession is friendly and fun.
    Who can name more New Year's songs?
    It is worth preparing a bag with small gifts, sweets or fruits in advance. Children are asked to name as many songs as possible that mention winter, New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, snowflakes, snow and gifts. Reward the kids with a small prize for their answers.

    Cheerful artists

    For the competition you will need two large sheets of paper. You can glue 4 sheets of A4 size or regular notebook pages using tape. Children are given one marker each different colors and are divided into two teams.
    Large sheets of canvas are hung on the wall. The task is to draw one element for each child as he sees the New Year. Each team must draw one picture in total. For example, one child runs up and draws a Christmas tree, another - snowflakes, a third - Christmas tree decorations, etc.
    There is no need to determine the winner in this competition. Both teams should receive equal prizes. Prepare sweet gifts, books or toys for each participant in advance. The homemade paintings made together can later be framed and kept as souvenirs.


    A presenter is invited for the competition. It’s better if it’s Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. Children are placed in a semicircle. The goal of the game is to touch yourself on that part of the body that the host says out loud. At the same time, he touches himself on completely different parts of the body. For example, Grandfather Frost says “Ear!” and grabs his nose.
    This is very funny competition, which develops children. The leader must alternate between correct and incorrect actions. It is difficult to identify a winner in this fun, so you can reward all participants with sweet prizes.

    Surprises from the New Year's bag

    The presenter or Santa Claus goes to the center of the room with a bag in which small gifts are hidden. These could be sweets, fruits, small toys, mini-books. Children gathered around must guess riddles. It is not necessary to touch only New Year theme, you can ask interesting questions about fairy-tale heroes and animals. The fastest and most active should be rewarded with a gift. Make sure that not a single child is left without a reward.
    If one of the children is shy, Santa Claus can pretend to be deaf and approach a separate modest child to hear the answer.

    Table competitions

    During the celebration of the night of transition to the next year, guests should not only be deliciously fed, but also interestingly entertained. If the premises do not allow for active games, table competitions will come to the rescue. They liberate everyone present, get to know each other better, and allow them to be creative.

    Say the letter word

    The table competition is suitable for both children and adults. The leader at the table names any letter of the alphabet, and all guests must name words starting with this letter, which they can show in the room. For example, many objects can be named with the letter C - table, chairs, napkins, etc. The last one to name the word wins. If you liked the fun, you can complicate the task by naming some less popular letter. For example, B, F or Y.

    Secretary and boss

    To play the game you will need to make it in advance small text in several copies. Everyone gathered is divided into pairs. One of the tandem participants needs to stuff his mouth with nuts, bread or fruit so that it is difficult to speak. This is the "boss". He is given a piece of paper with the text. His partner, the “secretary,” will have to write down the words that his boss dictates to him. The winner is the pair whose version is closest to the original. Showing the “secretary” what is written on the sheet to the “boss” is prohibited.

    Find your match

    You should prepare stickers in advance on which you need to write the names of famous couples of fictional, fairy-tale or movie characters. For example:
    Ruslan and Lyudmila;
    Romeo and Juliet;
    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie;
    Galkin and Pugacheva, etc.
    Men and women have their names pasted on their foreheads in a chaotic manner. It is forbidden to give hints to each other. Everyone’s task is to find out through questions whether they are a couple of the person being interviewed. His interlocutor should answer only “yes” or “no”. The result is a very fun idea.
    New Year's Eve adult company
    A feast in an adult company and at parties for young people is often accompanied by drinking. Cool competitions with alcohol can be organized to excite guests and make New Year's Eve cheerful and sociable.


    All you need for fun is guests, their imagination and good mood. Each person present in turn must say New Year's toast followed by a drink and a snack. It is important that the intervals between toasts are not small, otherwise all participants will quickly become intoxicated. The next person’s task is to deliver a speech without repetition.
    Poured, drank, ate
    To play you need two chairs, two bottles of strong drink, two shot glasses, two saucers with snacks cut into slices. All guests are divided into two teams and located in one part of the room. Chairs, alcohol, dishes and snacks are placed on the opposite side. After the starting command:
    the first participant must run up to the chair, pour it into a glass alcoholic drink and go back;
    the second participant must get to the chair as quickly as possible, drink the contents of the glass and return;
    the third participant must quickly arrive at the chair and take a bite;
    the fourth participant pours again, etc.
    The winner is the team whose bottle is drunk faster and whose snack is all eaten.

    You can place lemon without sugar on a saucer. The company will receive a lot of positive emotions looking at the faces of those who have the fate of having a snack.

    New Year's lotteries
    In the company of adults, you can hold comic lotteries. For this purpose, various small items with a shocking and humorous description. For example, a light bulb can be characterized as an antique crystal chandelier from the 19th century, an ordinary pen like a Louis XIV feather, an ordinary piece of fabric like Philip Kirkorov’s pocket. All small prizes must be hidden in a bag or box.
    The lottery itself for the New Year is carried out in the following sequence:
    all guests take numbers from a hat;
    the presenter calls the number;
    reads out the description;
    gives a funny gift.
    The more interesting and pompous the description, the more expectations the guests have and the funnier the result. Comic lotteries can be carried out both at home and at a corporate event.
    New Year's competitions at school
    School holidays provide a great opportunity for children to express themselves. For schoolchildren, you can announce a competition for best decoration class, hold a New Year's costume ball, perform performances by artists.
