Fluffy Bayla: instructions for use. Review: fluffy baila instructions for use Jumping from glass to glass

Every mother knows how hard it is to do household chores and entertain the kids at the same time. Until fluffy Bayla appeared in the house, I also had no idea how to manage everything!

A young mother is faced with a whole pile of responsibilities, and a mother of two children is faced with an unbearable burden. When I first gave birth to my second, I didn’t have a minute of free time. Then my baby grew up, it became easier. But! Cooking borscht, when one child wants to be constantly brought a rattle from the floor, and the second demands to be a criminal who will be arrested by a young sheriff... Well, in general, you can slowly go crazy. After a while, a new problem was added - the eldest son could not be pulled away from the computer, it only damaged his eyes.

My husband worked from morning to night, so he couldn’t help me with anything... And my children are so spoiled, you won’t surprise them with simple tchotchkes! But my husband saw the magical fluffy Bile and decided that our child would definitely like him. I made no mistake...

Our review of Fluffy Bile

Characteristics of the toy

One fine day, my hubby returns from work early and invites everyone to a family council. I thought something had happened, but he just brought fluffy Bile! (In fact, I bought 3 pieces at once at a discount!)

I picked it up and twisted it. Well, it’s so fluffy, really, about 20 centimeters. It spins in your hand like a loach!

We decided that it would suit our kids!

  • Tight packaging, you can immediately see that this is not a cheap Chinese trinket.
  • My husband took 3 multi-colored toys, I immediately thought that each child would choose his favorite color and, accordingly, a toy. (my husband bought the third one for himself, apparently...).
  • On the back of the package there are 3 drawings with options for using the Magic Worm. But I didn’t understand much from the pictures; I think children are better at it.

The kids immediately rushed to print it and look.

How the Magic Fluffy Bile works

My husband and I decided to look up how this wonderful toy works on the Internet. We immediately found out that the Magic Worm (that’s what it’s also called!) is made in 6 colors! Well, at the same time I saw the cost, I was convinced that my husband didn’t spend a lot of money.

Watched the video! Wow toy! He does real tricks.

The principle of operation is essentially simple:

  • A fishing line is attached to the fluffy (on the nose), which causes it to move.
  • You attach the fishing line to your belt or hold it in your hand, and the toy repeats the movements you make.
  • You can’t see the fishing line from the side, it seems that the worm is alive and obediently follows your orders.

The kids, after watching the video with us, immediately ran to try it.

How to use?

Well, in general, when the kids had enough of playing and went to bed, I also couldn’t resist and went to do tricks with the Magic Worm. It's interesting!

  • I took it in my hands and simply changed my palms, holding the fishing line taut. I substituted first one worm, then the second, and from the outside it seemed that it was running through my hands!
  • I remembered the videos we watched. I took 2 glasses from the kitchen and tied the toy to my belt. The principle is the same as in the previous trick, you simply substitute first one glass, then the second. Bailo the fluffy jumps from one to another as if alive!

Using the same simple manipulations, he ran along my arm to my shoulder and wrapped himself around a pencil. I’m already far from these children’s games, but I had so much fun! It's like I'm back in childhood!

Advantages of Fluffy Bile (Magic Worm)

The whole family couldn't be happier! Finally! FINALLY! My children have something to do throughout the day. The youngest is still too small, of course, to teach his little worm tricks. He simply drags it along with him on a fishing line, squeezing it constantly.

But the toy really revealed a new talent for my eldest son! I have him as a magician now! He only comes to the computer to watch a new video, and then hurries to try out the trick! He even comes to school and begins to show his classmates his tricks. Several mothers have already asked me where I bought such a wonder; they want to buy it for their children too.

My husband is not far away... He also sits with his little orange one, playing on weekends. It seems like a toy for children, but he is also incredibly interested in it! We are no longer in such a hurry to watch football, how to gather our kids and surprise us with new tricks!

Now I calmly do household chores while the magic worm entertains my kids, helping them develop imagination, imagination, and hand motor skills. The main thing is that both the eldest child and the youngest found a use for it.

My kids no longer get bored when we take a long car ride to visit my husband’s parents – they sit and play! Even when we are going to travel, packing our suitcases, we always take a worm. You never know, the hotel won’t have a children’s room...

I tell everyone that ordering a toy is very easy on the Internet! When we were looking for videos, we came across dozens of online stores. Fluffy Bayla is freely sold in the Russian Federation, even in some stores, but you will probably have to search for a long time. It’s easier to order right away and get it delivered!

Sometimes I come up with new games for the kids with a worm. You have to be on the wave with your kids! We are organizing family competitions for worms! Lots of fun everyone!

I am glad that the toy is safe! I know that my little son will not be able to swallow it, and if he wants to chew it, it will not harm him.

In short, if you don’t know what to give your child, then the fluffy Bayla Magic Worm is a great idea! My family is much happier after the purchase. Maybe this is an accident, or maybe joint games are really so important! And this miracle can help you! Buy!!! You will play together and enjoy!

If you want to surprise and please your baby, give him a new toy as a gift, which is called - Fluffy Bayla .

Fluffy Bayla is an unusual toy that allows you to create miracles and show tricks. Your child has long dreamed of becoming a real wizard, then the moment has come to fulfill his fairy-tale wishes.

The toy is not expensive. If you are satisfied with a high-quality Chinese fake, then you can buy Fluffy Baylo at any market for approximately 30,000 BYN. rub. Large supermarkets and online stores of children's toys sell real Fluffies and cost much more, around 190,000 BYN. rub.

The news portal “site” had the opportunity to get up close and personal with Fluffy Bayla, so popular today, and did not notice any significant difference between a real toy and a high-quality Chinese fake. Therefore, we boldly assert that it is not worth overpaying.

So, what can Fluffy Bayla do?

And he can do a lot: jump, crawl, crawl from one hand to another, funny hide his face, slide between his fingers and get out of the most difficult situations. Any skills of Fluffy Bile will depend entirely on the efforts of your child.

If your child is too small, then you will have to demonstrate the abilities of Fluffy Bile yourself. However, believe me, the baby will be indescribably delighted.

The Fluffy Bayla toy is made of fleecy fabric that is pleasant to the touch. A very thin fishing line is attached to Fluffy's nose, which is attached to a cardboard spool. The reel is placed in the waistband of trousers or attached to clothing at waist level and they begin to demonstrate amazing tricks starring the wonderful and playful Fluffy Bayla.

Fluffies are sold in a wide variety of colors: yellow, blue, pink, light green, orange, etc. Everyone can choose an amazing toy pet to suit their taste.

Fluffy Bayla video:

For people who work as animators or clowns at children's parties, Fluffy Bayla is a real find, because having learned to master the technique of controlling Fluffy, you will be able to organize real performances.

We bring to your attention a very clear video course “Tricks with Fluffy Bayla”:

- Don’t know how to switch your child from the tablet? Buy fluffy Baylu!

Advantages: positive emotions, children's delight, for holidays,

Disadvantages: no

I remember eating on the train, usually everyone was sitting there dissatisfied, after work, loaded with their own work and problems. A man comes in with 2 plastic cups and something starts jumping around in there. Everyone looks at once, in shock, what kind of animal is this? How so? Magnet? What a miracle?

Miracle is the fluffy Bayla.

This is what he looks like. Comes in different colors. Fluffy.

Looks like a fluffy worm.

With the help of fluffy Bayla, you can show various tricks, how Bayla spins on the handle, jumps from cup to cup, says “no” or “yes,” makes sudden movements, moves between his fingers.

Half the train was delighted with fluffy Baila. Everyone smiled and bought for the children. It is sold in a box, there is a link to the website, and you can simply search on the Internet and watch magicians with their unusual beast.

A great gift for children to distract them from the computer or tablet, and boys can surprise girls. So I advise you to buy a fluffy for your children or grandchildren! You can also show the kids tricks with the help of the fluffy one!

On the train in the direction of the Moscow region, the fluffy Bayla cost 150 rubles.

Whoever has more money or a pity can make it himself, you don’t need a lot of intelligence.

Read my other reviews on review sites (I write about useful things and tell everything in detail) by typing my nickname in the search bar.

Today the fluffy toy Bayla is very popular, the instructions for which are considered secret, although no secret has existed for a long time. This once again proves the truth of the thesis that everything ingenious is simple. The little snake seems alive in the skillful hands of the sales demonstrators, so those who see this trick for the first time are surprised and amazed by the cute, nimble animal.

What kind of miracle is this?

The movable worm is produced in China, and it is no longer a novelty on the toy market. In the USA, this game has been sold under the name Magic Worm since 2005. And in 2012, the fluffy Baila (Russian Federation) began to be actively advertised in our country. The instructions for use are presented by sellers as a secret that only those who bought the toy can comprehend. Snake sales points, where sellers demonstrate a surprisingly agile and obedient animal, are always surrounded by admiring spectators. To all their questions, cunning advertisers invariably answer that only his owner will reveal the secret of the fluffy Bayla, the instructions for which are inside the package. So what is it really: an ordinary scam or a miracle toy?

What is the secret of the mobility of a funny toy?

  • crawl between fingers;
  • jump from palm to palm;
  • use a pencil as a horizontal bar;
  • swirl in a transparent glass;
  • demonstrate emotions, for example, being scared and happy, kissing your owner.

And yet the instructions suggest that in fact all this is done with the help of a thread tied to the magician's button. It only takes a little practice to revive the magic worm.

What is a snake made of?

Materials used in production: polyester and nylon (the body of the animal and thread or fishing line), paper, plastic - that’s the whole fluffy Bayla (RF). The instructions included in the kit make it clear that all tricks are based on the simple tension of an invisible thread, the length of which can be adjusted so that it is convenient to perform any tricks. The optimal length is equal to the distance from the elbow to the fingertips of a person. To masterfully move, jump and spin, the fluffy does not require mechanisms or batteries.

The plastic eyes and line tip can come off quickly. It is recommended to glue these elements immediately. The color of the toy can be chosen to suit every taste. There are several bright colors on sale: Baila yellow, orange, blue, indigo and green. The plastic eyes slide funny around in circles when performing tricks.

You can find complaints about the quality of the toy online. Toxic materials used by unscrupulous manufacturers to create the fluffy furry have led to allergies in children. Therefore, when making a purchase in a store or ordering online, you should make sure that the seller is offering an original toy and not a cheap fake.

Where to buy and how much it costs

You can buy the toy in large stores, where they often set up mobile trading stalls in which sellers skillfully manipulate the fluffy animal for hours. A good alternative would be to order Bail on AliExpress.com. Fluffy Bayla, instructions for it have a price on this site of only 45-50 rubles. Regular online stores often unreasonably inflate the price of a movable snake tens of times. By declaring secret instructions, advertisers present the fun with furry in our country as a sensation, but this is just a successful marketing technique. The secret of the instructions has long become an “open secret,” so you shouldn’t overpay a few extra hundred for something that you might not even like.

Do children need a toy?

Will the instructions help children easily understand how to play with the fluffy Bayla? To be honest, parents will need to watch video tutorials and master classes together with their baby, and then jointly learn tricks that will make the snake moving and entertaining. If you have patience, the result will meet your expectations, and the child’s delight and pride will know no bounds. In the future, he will be able to demonstrate his skills not only at home, but will also boast of masterfully controlling a cute toy in kindergarten, at school and in front of his friends in the yard. Having shown resourcefulness, it is possible to organize fun competitions between children, the winners of which will be the owners of the most obedient and artistic snakes.

In addition, Bayla the fluffy has a positive effect on the development of children:

  • forms fine motor skills;
  • promotes socialization, because those who have mastered all the manipulations inevitably face wild popularity;
  • develops the child's imagination and imagination in the process of inventing new tricks.

Parents and children can create a magical story about Bayla and his native furry tribe, who live on a lost island in the Pacific Ocean. While having fun with the toy, the child will act out this fairy tale, inventing new adventures with his active friend in the leading role.

Is it difficult to learn to control a fluffy snake?

At first glance, it seems that controlling a snake is an extremely complex process. The art of control requires gradual improvement of the simplest manipulations with hands and invisible fishing line or thread. The secret of the fluffy is that he moves only together with his owner, on whose speed and dexterity of hands the success of the tricks depends. Don’t be upset if, after several attempts, you still haven’t managed to learn how to perform magic tricks beautifully, because professionals have been training for months, honing their skills. You need to be patient and continue your lessons. Success depends on how great the desire is to learn how to quickly and masterfully handle the toy. If you really want to achieve mastery and become an outstanding magician, then this toy can give an impetus to the fulfillment of your dreams.

How the fluffy Bayla moves. Instructions for use

So, one end of the fishing line is tied to the magician's belt, and the other is attached to the tip of Bile's nose. To create the illusion that the snake is moving towards its owner, you need to:

  1. Place your hands in front of you so that the fishing line is on your palms.
  2. Move your hands, alternately moving them one in front of the other.

Fluffy is shy:

  1. Take Fluffy by the nose and position him so that his muzzle hangs from your clenched palm.
  2. When moving his hand forward, Bayla crawls into the palm, creating the impression that he is running away and hiding, embarrassed by the audience.

The toy jumps from glass to glass:

  1. Place Bile in a clear glass.
  2. Arrange the glasses so that one is slightly higher than the other.
  3. Alternately lift up one or the other container. Due to the tension of the thread, Fluffy jumps from glass to glass.
