Common dog breeds with photos. English cocker spaniel

Fashion changes not only for things, but also for dogs. Fashion and personal preferences largely determine the popularity of a particular dog breed. We don’t know what will happen in a few years. However, today, conditionally, we can distinguish the following leaders of dog breeds in terms of popularity in Russia:



The price of puppies of a particular breed varies greatly depending on many factors. In general, the following dog breeds can be identified as the most expensive in our country today:



Usually to rare breeds dogs include ancient breeds or completely new ones that have not yet gained sufficient numbers. There are also breeds that do not belong to either category, but their numbers remain unknown and small. However, the rarest dog breeds are usually those that are on the verge of extinction. So, the rarest dog breeds include the following breeds:



Although a large number of loves people big dogs, small dogs, or rather very small ones, or as they are also called toy (from the word toy) breeds, are becoming increasingly popular. This is largely due to living conditions in urban areas. However, other factors such as fashion trends and the emergence of new mini breeds are contributing to the trend. IN in this case we can say that size really matters and more and more people want to buy the smallest breed of dogs. Who are these smallest dogs in the world? Today these breeds include:



True dog lovers still prefer big dogs. And some people love very large ones. Today's most large breeds Dogs include the following breeds:



Of course, dogs are smart animals, besides, there are many breeds, but how to compare them in terms of intelligence and choose the smartest ones. And although there are no serious scientific research There have been no studies on this topic, but long-term observations and studies conducted allow us to draw some conclusions. Thus, it is believed that the smartest dog breeds are:



The most fast breeds dogs mainly belong to the greyhound group. Thus, the fastest dog breeds are:


Dogs are popular pets that are kept for a variety of purposes. Depending on the breed, the animal can be a hound, hunting, service or decorative. Dogs are not only different appearance, but also by habits, character and relevance. However, the most fashionable dog breed may vary depending on the country and time. However, if we consider the rating, the most popular ones around the world are taken into account.

Evaluation options

Each person prefers a certain breed, and sometimes a favorite animal, which has no breed at all, becomes a family favorite. However, when compiling a list of the most fashionable breeds, the preferences of breeders around the world are analyzed. But even in one particular country, the top lines often change; people’s preferences, wishes and content options change.

The demand for dogs also depends on the climate of the region, the mentality of the population, and important social tasks. However, there are always favorites from which you can make a ranking of dog breeds that are recognized by breeders around the world.

Popular dogs

When compiling the rating, experts relied on demand, popularity and took into account the size of the animal. In each size group, breeds were identified that were most often purchased by professional breeders and hobbyists.

The list of the most popular pets should start with dwarf breeds. Such animals do not exceed 35 cm at the withers, and their weight can be no more than 5 kg. It is thanks to their parameters that such animals have gained great popularity among breeders all over the world.

Judging by the reviews, caring for them is not burdensome. It is not forbidden to take them on trips and transport them to public transport without additional accessories. For city apartments, dwarf pets are the best option.

Reviews from animal lovers show that such breeds often resemble soft toy. They are fluffy, playful and beautiful. However, caring for them requires rational feeding, regular walks and examinations by a veterinarian. Only in this case will the pet be able to live long life.

The most popular dwarf breeds

Yorkies are quite popular in many countries. The owners are captivated by their attractive appearance. Silky wool is similar in composition to human hair, which is why pets are often treated various haircuts and hairstyles. According to the owners, the dogs are playful, very attached to the owner, but require attentive and caring treatment. It is especially important to follow the doctor's recommendations when feeding and regularly care for the coat.

The Pomeranian Spitz is not inferior in popularity. Its main advantage is its appearance. The dog looks like a small squirrel and has a rather pretty face. The breed is suitable for keeping in a small apartment. However, thick fur requires regular grooming. Your pet may get cold on walks in winter, so it is recommended to purchase special clothing for it.

The Pekingese can often be seen in city yards. The dog is not fussy to care for, but requires attention from the owner. When walking, you should take into account that your pet can fearlessly attack larger animals and suffer as a result. The Pekingese often knows no fear; he loves outdoor games and all kinds of toys. However, it should be noted that dogs are not friendly to children's pranks, so they are not suitable for families with small children.

It is interesting that fashionable dog breeds in Israel, despite the affection of residents for animals, are almost the same as in Europe. Among them, the Pekingese and other small pets come first. And here fighting breeds clearly of an aggressive nature are prohibited there.

Popular small dog breeds

Fashionable small dog breeds include the dachshund, pug and jack russell terrier. At the withers they do not exceed 40 cm, and the weight ranges from 5 to 10 kg. Animals are also suitable for keeping in city apartments and are easy to transport on public transport. But due to their large size, pets are more resistant to nutritional errors and less sensitive to temperature changes.

Pugs are very active. Reviews from breeders indicate that dogs constantly require games and love to go for walks. It should be noted that the animal is very inquisitive. During the walk, you need to keep an eye on him to avoid unwanted contacts. The breed is great for families with small children.

The dachshund, due to its body structure, always remains fashionable dog. Reviews from breeders confirm amazing devotion to his owner. But you need to be careful while walking. The dog has a very courageous disposition; it can rush at a large animal, protecting a member of its family.

The Jack Russell Terrier is an incredible bundle of energy. The breed is suitable for equally energetic owners. For athletes, hikers and just active people such a dog will become best friend. It is important that, according to reviews, she gets along well with children and forgives them minor pranks.

Medium-sized breeds

Fashionable medium-sized dog breeds include the Shar Pei, Chow Chow and English Bulldog.

Shar Pei is a leader among animals with an easy-going character and love for children. The breed is simply ideal for families with children. The only problem- these are the dimensions of the animal. However, it is quite suitable for keeping in an apartment. The Shar Pei is recognizable by its famous folds. It should be taken into account that the dog is prone to overeating, so it is necessary to adjust its diet and not succumb to provocations.

The Chow Chow is famous for its purple tongue. At one time the dog was at the peak of popularity, but is still a fashionable breed among breeders. Because of its thick coat, it is difficult to keep it in an apartment. It would be better if a separate enclosure was allocated for the dog, which winter time insulated. The pet gets along well with children, but requires regular walks.

A fashionable breed of dog is the English Bulldog, which looks quite menacing, but is quite a friendly creature. Reviews from breeders indicate that the dog is easy to train. The pet is very smart and will good friend child and devoted friend for the whole family.

Large pets

Large, fashionable dog breeds include Huskies, Newfoundlands and German Shepherds. It is not recommended to keep such animals in apartments. An aviary in a private house is more suitable for them.

The German Shepherd is popular all over the world. It lends itself well to training, so it is often used for official purposes. Good for home security.

Huskies have captivated many with their famous blue eyes. The breed belongs to the north and is a sled dog. The dog is very energetic, so it needs an owner who will devote a lot of time to it and walk it.

When considering the most fashionable dog breeds, you cannot ignore the Newfoundland. They are very large, but at the same time friendly. They get along well with children. Its thick coat allows it to be kept outside, but it is better to build an insulated enclosure.

In this article, we will introduce you to the most popular dog breeds with photos and names. Perhaps this will help those who want to have a pet, but have no idea what kind of pet they should be.

I would like to start our review with an introduction to ornamental animals. Experts believe that these are the most popular dog breeds in the world. This can be easily explained - miniature a pet does not require much space to keep, he eats very little, in bad weather you can cancel a walk if you train your baby to use the tray from puppyhood.

Popular dog breeds in Russia (decorative)

When purchasing such a tiny pet, you must remember that every dog ​​belonging to decorative group, has its own character and temperament. Its behavior towards family members and animals can be different, so before buying a puppy, study the behavioral characteristics of a particular breed so as not to be disappointed in your choice in the future and not make your friend homeless.

Yorkshire Terrier

The most popular dog breeds with photographs and names are often published by famous cynological publications in our country. They conduct surveys of owners and compile animal popularity ratings. For several years now, the Yorkshire Terrier has occupied a leading position in them. This is an ornamental breed that appeared in Yorkshire (Great Britain) in the 19th century. She was described as a small, blue-gray dog ​​with semi-long hair that came from a Maltese. It falls evenly on the sides, reminiscent of human hair. It has no undercoat, grows constantly, and falls out quite rarely. The huge advantage of these animals is that they hardly shed at all. But hair fragments, the smell of a dog, and its saliva sometimes cause allergies.

Animals that regularly take part in exhibitions have a luxurious coat, the length of which reaches the floor, which is gathered into a cute bun on the head and decorated with a variety of hairpins.

If the owners do not want to show their pet, then they cut it quite short, and if they do not want to leave a crest on the head, then they also cut the muzzle. The baby's weight should not be more than 3.1 kg, but it can be less without restrictions.

Despite its miniature size, the Yorkie is distinguished by such qualities as courage and determination, tirelessness and endless affection for its owner. He inherited them from terriers large sizes. This tiny dog ​​is friendly to all people and animals around him. More than other popular dog breeds, they need attention. The little one follows its owner around all day or sits in his arms. It should be noted that the Yorkie perfectly senses the owner’s mood and very successfully adapts to it. Such a cute pet enjoys playing, running, jumping, catching sunbeams, but at the same time never lets his beloved owner out of sight.


The most popular breeds of dogs, which we call decorative or indoor, live next to humans for many centuries. This little one, named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where it was first discovered in 1850, is no exception.

True, the described genus dates back to the times of the ancient civilizations of the Aztecs and Mayans, when this baby was considered sacred. Today there are two subspecies of dogs - with short and long hair. At first, this little one was used as a rat catcher on the ships of Spanish sailors, and later became an excellent companion. This is a very fast animal with instant reactions, fearlessness and a lively character.

Compared to other dwarf breeds, this baby has a very stable psyche. You are unlikely to meet a hysterical or cowardly Chihuahua. With his miniature size, this dog knows how to look down on everyone. Chihuahuas are very observant and curious - they immediately understand whether they are being taken for a regular walk or are visiting guests. Such a pet can watch with interest the owner who is sitting at the computer or watching TV. These cute dogs are endowed with one more trait - they are very touchy. If the owner starts screaming simply because he is in a bad mood, the baby can sit in his corner all day until he forgives the person for treating him unfairly.


Interestingly, the most popular dog breeds change from time to time. They are, so to speak, in fashion. For example, quite recently there were many Dalmatians in our cities, but today they are quite rare.

The same cannot be said about the Pekingese. He is always popular and always loved. This little one fluffy dog appeared more than 2000 years ago in China. They named it after the capital of the country. The Chinese call these four-legged friends Fu dogs. According to ancient legend, one day a lion, the king of beasts, fell in love and married a monkey. From this union a cub was born who had the proud character of his father and the funny appearance he inherited from his mother.

This dog, which lived in palaces, would hardly have come to Europe if the British had not once captured the imperial palace. They also took five dogs of this breed as numerous trophies. This happened in 1860.

The Pekingese needs to be groomed and cherished. This dog can hardly be called pampered or fragile; it knows no fear at all and is famous as an amazing entertainer.

The Pekingese always considers himself the main person in the house, demands maximum attention, therefore he feels more comfortable in a family where there are no children. This cute dog is arrogant and independent by nature, but at the same time loyal to its owner.

Popular dog breeds for large animal lovers

It's no secret that many people categorically do not accept ornamental breeds. They believe that a dog is called upon, if necessary, to protect its owner, his family, and home. For this group of readers, we will present popular dog breeds of more impressive sizes.

German Shepherd

These efficient and unpretentious animals are very smart, easy to train, obedient, they are well known to dog lovers all over the world. German Shepherds became famous for their fearlessness in all wars. Today they are also indispensable assistants in combat operations. In the distant past, these animals were used as shepherds, but today they have become sensitive and attentive guides, participants in search and rescue operations, and are in demand by the police.

According to dog experts, this best breed for the protection and protection of the house and its inhabitants.

Shar Pei

This dog with an unusual appearance is different high level intelligence, communication skills and wisdom. She has been since early age learns to distinguish between friends and strangers, recognizes the owner as the leader in the family.

It is impossible to deceive them by trying to appease them with a treat. Shar Pei easily tolerate temperature changes. Owners need to know that dogs are prone to allergies, so the diet should be prepared with the help of a specialist.


This is an incredibly beautiful, strong and clever dog. It requires minimal care, and many owners call her character angelic. Today, the Labrador is used in many areas of human activity - from a guide dog to a gun hunting dog. This clever girl is also in demand in the police.

If you need not a hunter and a guard, but a companion, best dog can not found. These animals are completely devoid of aggressiveness, they are charming and cheerful, they are kind to children, and sometimes become excellent nannies.


Popular dog breeds cannot be listed without mentioning this smart and strong dog. Rottweiler - large dog, capable of true friendship and boundless devotion to the owner. It is this trait - pronounced devotion to one person - that is the complexity of the breed. This handsome guy will not wag his tail ingratiatingly at the first person he meets. But he loves his owner to such an extent that he may not be able to bear a long separation from him.

The Rottweiler feels equally comfortable both in country house, and in a city apartment. The main thing for this breed is daily long walks with physical activity.

We presented you with the most popular dog breeds in Russia and in the world. Of course, this is only a small part of them. But we hope you do right choice pet

Why are some dog breeds more popular among breeders than others? What deserves such selectivity and why, over time, do previously so popular breeds suddenly completely fade into the background? There are many reasons for this: for example, sometimes popularity is influenced by such a changeable fashion, as in the case of decorative dogs, and sometimes by the appearance of a completely new breed, which leads to the displacement of the old one. Let's find out why some popular dog breeds are so in demand today.


Review of popular breeds among dogs

There is a world great amount breeds of four-legged friends, and each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. Below we will look at the most popular and famous dog breeds.

Tibetan mastiff

One of the oldest dog breeds in the world, whose homeland is snow-capped Tibet. It was the harsh conditions that provided the mastiff with strong bones, well-developed muscles and excellent endurance. And their thick coat, together with the same undercoat, provides protection even from extreme cold.

A distinctive feature is its resistance to many diseases. These dogs live quite a long time and often live up to 16 years or more.

Tibetan Mastiffs are primarily suspicious of strangers. But at the same time, they are quite smart and will not show aggression towards guests in the presence of the owner.

Lyon Bichon

This breed of dog is preferred by lovers of lapdogs, because they are distant relatives and are similar to them in almost everything.

The appearance of these dogs is interesting, which determines the popularity of the breed. The fact is that this breed is usually cut “like a lion,” that is, leaving hair only in front and at the end of the tip of the tail. As a result, Lion Bichon really looks like a miniature lion.

Pharaoh Hound

This breed of dog has this name for a reason. Their images were found on the walls of pyramids, which are known to be at least five thousand years old. This breed is unique in that it has almost completely preserved the appearance of its ancestors, since for hundreds of years it has not been mixed or crossed with other breeds.

The appearance immediately brings to mind associations with the words “grace” and “aristocratism”. The flexible body and stately posture, coupled with the red color, are indeed somewhat reminiscent of the festive robes of the ancient pharaohs.

The Pharaoh Hound is an excellent hunter, but especially loves to destroy small rodents. Brought up with a cat, she can get along quite well with it, but she will hate unfamiliar animals and will probably even try to kill them.


A dog ideal for living in an apartment. But few people know that this decorative cute creature was originally bred for the purpose of hunting rodents in the stables of Europe.

The Affenpinscher has a strong build, and their distinctive feature is a funny mustache and goatee. The dogs are distant relatives of terriers, albeit in miniature form.

All Affenpinschers are not very trainable - and this is not due to their poor intelligence, but to their stubborn and complex nature. Therefore, when raising such a dog, the owner will have to look for a long time to find an approach to it.

Thai Ridgeback

This breed is descended from, from which it inherited excellent health and courage. has an athletic build and well-developed muscles. Wool short length And high density on the back forms distinctive feature These dogs have a ridge (a short comb in the form of a strip of hair directed against the other hair on the back).

The owners of the Thai Ridgeback say that its character is more like that of a cat. Indeed, this dog is unobtrusive and has an independent disposition, loves its owner very much, is friendly to members of his family, but will rarely accept even one touch or attempt to pet it from a stranger.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Spitz's face is similar to that of a fox. The body is short and deep-chested. There are about ten colors of this species, ranging from black to orange.

All representatives of this species are different playful nature, so we are ready to tirelessly have fun with small children. At the same time, they are quite smart and can be taught many commands.

Akita Inu

One of the most beloved breeds in the whole world is in our popularity ranking. This proud Japanese dog in ancient times she performed the duties of a hunter. Akita Inu will fight even a large animal, such as a wild boar or deer, without fear. Now this dog can be kept in a city apartment without any problems, but know that its thick coat needs constant and careful care.

The legendary Hachiko, who is a representative of this breed, has become a symbol of canine fidelity - the dog always met his owner, who came home from work by train. But one day a man died suddenly at work. Hachiko waited for him at the station that day for several hours. Subsequently, the faithful dog came to the station every day for nine years until his death, waiting for his beloved owner.

Chinese dog Chongqing

Also one of the oldest breeds in the world, the Chongqing is a medium-sized dog with a muscular body and very short hair. Some dogs may even have no fur at all.

Despite its fairly strong build, Chongqing is not an aggressive dog. Moreover, her calm nature allows her to be kept in families with small children.

It is a guard dog, therefore, when the owner or family members are not around, it will not allow a stranger to enter the house. At the same time, they have a clear idea of ​​their territory and the need to protect everything that is located on it. Therefore, Chongqing will not kill small animals in cages and pens if they are on its “domain.” But still, these cages should be closed, otherwise hunting instincts may sooner or later take over.

Norfolk Terrier

It is no coincidence that representatives of this noble breed, originally from England, were included in our rating. Despite their small size, they are still larger hunting dogs who prefer walks in nature, but can feel great in an apartment if they are regularly walked and exercised.

All Norfolk Terriers have well-developed paw muscles, which allows them to run long distances and perform strong jumps.

Despite their hunting nature, they quickly find mutual language with children and will not bark at other people or large dogs without reason.

Saluki or Persian Greyhound

The Saluki is an ancient sighthound breed that is one of the most passionate small game hunters. A Saluki will not give the slightest chance to a gazelle or a hare if it starts chasing them.

Despite their gracefulness and apparent external fragility, dogs of this breed are quite hardy and fast. Their paw structure makes it easy to run even on sand. In fact, their slenderness is ideal for fast pursuit of prey. In some cases, in a fit of excitement, a Persian greyhound can chase game for several hours without a break.

Salukis are true representatives of the aristocratic animal world, who rarely bark and have an independent character. According to their owners, they rather carry out commands and orders when hunting as a duty, without showing a feigned and obsessive desire to show the owner their skills. But their waywardness does not prevent them from being excellent watchdogs and wonderful friends.

Photo gallery

Video “Aktia Inu is one of the most popular breeds”

This video contains information about a dog that became incredibly popular all over the world after the release of the film - Hachiko. The most faithful friend.

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Fashion for certain dog breeds changes. The choice should be made, paying attention to both the breed and the size, depending on where this dog will live: in a village house, a city mansion or in an apartment.

Fashionable breeds of small dogs

Small dogs can become reliable friend. They are cute, funny and affectionate. We'll talk about miniature breeds dogs that easily fit into women's handbag. Fashion for them last years only growing.

One of the fashionable little dogs is the Brussels Griffon. When you look at her, you get the impression that she is constantly surprised. This good-natured and joyful dog is ready to become loyal and true friend for the one who will give her love and affection.

Miniature Yorkshire Terriers are also in fashion. Currently, their popularity is at its peak. The weight of this smart and beautiful dog does not exceed three and a half kilograms. Another fashionable breed is the Pomeranian. Because of its plush fur, it resembles a bear cub. The Japanese Chin is a charming little dog that is always reserved in expressing its feelings, but is loyal to its owner.

The miniature Papillon looks elegant. This wonderful friend In addition, Papillon always gets along well with children. Gentle breed - West Highland White Terrier. Representatives of this breed are very gentle and patient. The little ball of wool is reminiscent of Bolognese. These fashionable dogs are playful and cheerful, in addition, they are long-lived.

Among the dwarf breeds, the Chihuahua is considered the smallest, and it also has the calmest character. Caring for a Chihuahua is very simple, but over time the dog becomes extremely jealous. To prevent your little pet from becoming willful, upbringing should be approached very seriously and thoroughly.

What dogs are most often kept in the city?

Choosing a dog that will live in a city apartment is always difficult, because you will have to live with it “under the same roof.” Another difficulty lies in the fact that someone in the family may be allergic. It is impossible not to take into account such circumstances as the area of ​​the apartment, as well as whether it is possible to walk your four-legged friend in a timely manner. Despite all these difficulties, you can find a way out if you want.

Dogs are rarely kept in the city large breeds, because they need a lot of free space. Most often these are dwarf and medium-sized dogs. There are no size restrictions if the city dog ​​lives in a private mansion. In this case, the owner of the mansion is free to choose a breed of any size.

Let's look at the most popular and “convenient” dog breeds for keeping them in the city. One of them is a poodle. The main difficulty of keeping him is the constant combing of his fur.

One of the best domestic breeds that is perfect for keeping in the city is the Pikinese. This dog cannot be called capricious or whimsical. In addition, she is unobtrusive, although she tries to attract attention to herself.

It is not uncommon to see a Cocker Spaniel in the city. This pet loves children, but walks with it should be longer, since the cocker spaniel is also a hunting dog.

A pug can be called a lap dog. This medium-sized breed is intelligent and cultured, although it is not very easy to train. Thanks to its short coat, caring for a pug is not difficult. You can appear with him without fear crowded places, since representatives of this breed are always friendly even to strangers. The ideal city dog ​​is the Scotch Terrier. He is not large in size, he is an excellent watchman and friend.

It must be said that sometimes large breed dogs are kept in the city. These may be those breeds that will not experience stress in modest-sized city apartments - these are the St. Bernard, the Irish Wolfhound, the Great Dane, and the German Shepherd. But the Caucasian, Australian shepherd, American foxhound, basset hound and greyhounds feel cramped and uncomfortable in the city.

Popular dog breeds in the village

When getting a dog in the village, it is important to make a choice depending on the conditions that will be provided to such a dog, as well as on the purpose for which it is needed. Suitable as security guards that scare off strangers with their appearance and size. four-legged friends the largest breeds are Alabai, Moscow Watchdog, Shepherd Dog. It is important for such dogs to have an enclosure or a large booth. Sometimes in villages you can see huskies and malamute dogs. By the way, the latter breed is considered one of the most aggressive. . It is not recommended to chain herding dogs, because they are accustomed to constant movement, long distances and freedom. Such dogs on a chain will suffer.

More often, in villages and towns, the most ordinary mongrels are adopted. They are excellent guards, in addition, mongrels become attached to their owners, they are smart, understanding and easy to keep.

The most popular dog breed in the world

It is difficult to name just one dog breed as the most popular dog breed in the world. There are several of these. Among them is the Labrador Retriever, perfect for families who prefer active image life and families with children. These dogs are kind and smart. They love movement, long walks, swimming in ponds.

Loved all over the world and Yorkshire Terrier. This is the merit small size and external data. One of the most beloved breeds is the German Shepherd. This is a fearless guard dog with incredible intelligence. German Shepherds are easy to train.

Among the most popular are the Golden Retriever, Beagle, BeaDog, Dachshund and Boxer. The poodle and shih tzu are no less popular.
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