The child is vomiting what to do for 1 year 3 months. Motion sickness or seasickness

It does not belong to the category of diseases, but is only their symptoms.

Involuntary contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach is a signal of a problem in any organ or system of the body. Vomiting syndrome that occurs without an increase in body temperature is a serious concern. In any case, there is a need to identify the causes of the syndrome.

Causes of frequent vomiting in three-year-old children

Unfortunately, vomiting in 3-year-old children is quite common. At the very first symptoms, and this is debilitating nausea, ending with the eruption of vomit, you need to call a doctor. The causes, diagnosis and treatment can only be determined and prescribed by a specialist.

There can be many reasons for vomiting in three-year-old children:

  • Food poisoning
  • Food obstruction
  • Acute appendicitis
  • Intestinal infections of various etiologies: salmonellosis, dysentery, rotavirus infection. Accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen and diarrhea.
  • Encephalitis and meningitis. The initial symptoms of the disease are incessant vomiting accompanied by high fever.
  • High levels of acetone in the blood. It occurs due to the difficulty of releasing glucose when there is a metabolic disorder in the child’s body. At the age of three the phenomenon is quite common. Has a long phase. Attacks of vomiting are repeated cyclically over several months.
  • A brain tumor has initial symptoms in the form of vomiting syndrome
  • body temperature from 39.0C and above

Food poisoning as a result of eating poor quality food

This vomiting has its own number of distinctive features.

Harbingers of vomiting in case of poisoning are increased heart rate and nausea. Coldness of the extremities is observed. The child turns pale before vomiting. The abdominal press takes an active part in the vomiting process, causing vomiting.

Traces of mucus or blood in vomit may be signs of hemorrhagic syndrome or peptic ulcer of the stomach. The picture of portal hypertension is extremely rare.

In case of bloody vomiting, attention should be paid to nosebleeds. It is blood coming from the nose that is a provocateur and causes false vomiting in three-year-old children.

Inability of the stomach to digest heavier food

Receiving heavy food with a child's weak stomach leads to spasms that prevent food from passing through the esophagus. The body's natural reaction is the gag reflex. Rapid nausea, accompanied by the eruption of vomit until the stomach is completely empty. In this case, the presence of bile is observed in the vomit.

Stomach pain is cramping in nature and becomes more frequent over time. The mucous membrane of the stomach becomes inflamed. Any meal leads to nausea and is accompanied by vomiting.

Acute gastritis has similar symptoms and can cause vomiting in a three-year-old child.

Acute appendicitis as a cause of vomiting

Appendicitis is a disease that requires surgical intervention. Its exacerbation is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and insomnia. The inflammatory process may not be accompanied by a rise in temperature at the initial stage. Three-year-old children cannot identify the source of pain and complain of pain in the navel area.

Vomiting can be caused by various manifestations of dysbiosis, some neurotic reactions, pathology of the nervous system, or an allergic reaction to taking certain medications.

What measures should be taken before the doctor arrives?

An attack of vomiting is very frightening for three-year-old children. Before the doctor arrives, you must:

  1. . Take him in your arms or sit next to you. Give him a container to hold in case he gags again.
  2. Prepare and give the child a saline solution to replenish fluid loss by the body. Give a flow of fresh air into the room, or open a window.
  3. If the child is lying down, to avoid choking on vomit, turn his head to the side and hold it.
  4. If the accompanying symptoms of vomiting are diarrhea, high fever, difficulty breathing, an emergency ambulance must be called.

As a conclusion, let us remind you what steps should not be taken if a three-year-old child is vomiting before visiting his doctor.

Firstly. You cannot independently perform gastric lavage on a child, especially if the vomiting process is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Secondly. You cannot independently prescribe painkillers, as well as antibiotics, antiseptics and antiemetics.

Third. Any unskilled intervention can change or erase the picture of the course of the disease.

Only a medical examination can give a conclusion about the nature of the disease and suggest a way to: is vomiting provoked by common worms, or the cause of the disease lies much deeper - in a metabolic disorder in the child.

Children of different ages may experience frequent vomiting - this is an alarming symptom that attracts the attention of responsible parents. This is a protective reaction of the body that occurs when dangerous, toxic substances enter the stomach, designed to remove them before they are absorbed and enter the body. This is an innate reflex initiated by the brain, which coordinates the work of the smooth muscles of internal organs, including the stomach and diaphragm. In addition to a reaction to possible poisoning, strong urges can be initiated by irritation, blocking the airways or larynx.

The phenomenon is observed at sea, in transport, and is initiated by motion. The vestibular apparatus cannot cope with the load, and motion sickness occurs. It often goes away with age; the pharmacy sells drugs that relieve the symptom.

In children 0 - 1 year old

In babies under one year of age, dangerous conditions arise when vomiting. The risk of dehydration is high; this phenomenon indicates problems of the digestive tract and nervous system. Urgent intervention from a doctor is necessary; a one-year-old child has a condition that warrants calling an ambulance.

Improper feeding initiates a negative process. After feeding, hold the baby in a column, do not allow unrestrained activity. At the age of 2-3 months, the baby burps during the digestive process, nausea is normal, preventing weight loss. By pressing the baby to the shoulder, stroking the back, mothers relieve attacks, the stomach calms down, accepts and digests food. Regurgitation while following feeding techniques is a reason to consult a doctor; constant vomiting occurs with pyloric spasm. Spasm of the pylorus of the duodenum - stomach prevents normal patency, food accumulates and is rejected back. Vomit without blood, curdled milk, bile - the digestion process was normal, food did not enter the lower parts of the system, it was expelled from accumulation. The disease is curable, you should consult a doctor for advice.

It is acceptable for the symptom to appear due to snot getting on the root of the tongue. Nausea during breastfeeding is observed in the initial stages of colds, when the temperature rises. Colds - ear pain, flu starts. Attacks during feeding are frequent, repeated - dysarthria, underdevelopment of the upper spine, nervous system. It is necessary to contact a neurologist, treatment is provided. Medicines stimulate urges, they happen after Nurofen and other drugs - they should be changed, the dosage reviewed, in consultation with a doctor. Do not give again. It is recommended to unsolder the baby and take measures recommended by the doctor.

Before school and in teenagers

Older children feel sick for other reasons. A child under 7 years of age experiences symptoms mainly due to worms and colds in the first stage of their course. Vomiting often begins at night, once. A repeated symptom is evidence of an infection caused by Salmonella and Klebsiella. The disease tends to manifest itself rapidly. Vomiting, pallor, and severe pain in the lower abdomen are observed. The temperature is high, 38 degrees. The child is subject to hospitalization, treatment is outpatient, inpatient.

Helminthic infestation is symptomatized by repeated vomiting at night and in the morning, loose stools are not detected. It occurs without fever, the stomach is completely cleansed, the masses contain mucus, food debris, and bile. Treated with deworming tablets. In spring and autumn, anthelmintic tablets are used prophylactically.

Acute gastritis is characterized by attacks at night, in the second or third hour after eating. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is initiated by poor nutrition, professional help is required, consult a doctor.

How can I help you?

Suspicion of poisoning, other cases require gastric lavage, freeing it from toxins, harmful, dangerous foods. It is necessary to drink warm water and wait for a new attack. It is allowed to cause artificially. The condition requires increased attention; a child under 8 years old runs the risk of choking or choking; he should be placed on his right side. Take the baby in your arms. Rinse the mouth with water to remove any remaining stomach contents.

This is a serious symptom, if the cause is poisoning, you should drink water, excluding juices, sweet teas, fruit drinks, and fermented milk. Water is allowed with the addition of soda, salt - 1 tbsp. per liter For a one-month-old baby and small children with breastfeeding, it is important to exclude dehydration; they are given means to restore water balance.

Medicines from the first aid kit

Age 3 years and older allows the use of pharmaceutical drugs. The parent can buy Motilium if infection is ruled out. They recommend Cerucal - a doctor's prescription is required, it is not a universal drug. For allergies, the root cause is treated. Nausea without vomiting – Smecta, adsorbents. At the age of 9 they give No-Shpu for spasms of smooth muscles. Adsorbents are always useful, activated carbon is used, treatment helps quickly. Overdose stimulates constipation.

Calling doctors, ambulance

Surgical diseases may occur; symptoms include vomiting in the absence of stool. If, with a fever, abdominal pain, the patient lies on his side all day, with his legs tucked under his legs - an attack of appendicitis, an ambulance is needed!

Dangerous situations, avoiding them and seeking medical attention

Even if parents are sure that vomiting is caused by snot, the child’s cry, abdominal tension, or excessive activity, it would be correct to observe the condition. There is no need to do much on your own, it is enough to give water to prevent dehydration, and exclude the main factors that can cause a recurrence of the manifestation. One-time vomiting without other symptoms is the norm; it occurs from overeating, physical activity after eating, or overexcitement. Perhaps the child choked.

But a fairly frequent manifestation, repeated, abundant, is a reason to contact a specialist; with additional symptoms, medical attention may be required urgently. While avoiding dangerous consequences, observe the child, find the cause of the phenomenon, and assess its danger. A large amount of information will be provided by the type of expelled masses, the period from the last meal, and the baby’s behavior before the attack.

A rapidly deteriorating condition, the presence of dangerous symptoms, suspicion of appendicitis, acute eating disorder, ulcer, perforation is a reason to immediately seek emergency help. Call an ambulance, describe in detail the child’s condition, symptoms, timely assistance will save the child’s health and life. Do not self-medicate; leaving a child without qualified help, even with slight suspicions, is dangerous.

Good parents will never ignore the health of their child. Such parents see right through their child, therefore, they will never miss any problems with his health, especially if he is vomiting and feeling sick. What to do in such a case Symptoms of an intestinal infection are one of the possible reasons why a child feels sick or vomits. But other provoking factors are also possible. At such moments, it is very important to find out what caused the illness in order to know what to do.

What to do if a child feels sick and vomits?

For example, in newborn babies it is very difficult to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation. Since these two physiological processes are interconnected. Typically, vomiting in a newborn occurs as a result of overeating or the body's rejection of food. When this happens, there is no need to worry too much as it is natural.

But your child may also experience nausea as a result of an intestinal infection. If, in addition to nausea, the child has a rash on the body, you need to wait until the intestines are empty and give the child an antihistamine. Do not forget to follow the age-specific dosage instructions.

If your child has a common infection that does not cause fever, then it does not need to be treated. Let the child’s stomach and intestines cleanse themselves of toxins. And most importantly, do not forget to give your child something to drink, as the body requires replenishment of lost fluid.

First aid if a child feels sick and vomits

If your child vomits once, then don’t panic. Perhaps this happened because the body was oversaturated with food and all the excess and undigested food, the body regurgitated back. Therefore, vomiting is not always the result of some kind of intestinal disease. But if vomiting continues, especially after each use of food, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

So what to do if the child feels sick and vomiting continues, the child gets worse and worse, the temperature rises, which does not go down, and the child’s condition only worsens, then urgently call a doctor. Since there may be a serious illness that requires immediate hospitalization and specialist supervision.

Nausea and vomiting in newborns can also be caused by an anatomical disorder of the esophagus. This problem can only be solved with the help of surgery. You can only find out about this problem with the help of an ultrasound examination.

If a child vomits like a fountain, this may be as a result of immaturity of the central nervous system, usually this happens in premature babies, as well as as a result of damage during childbirth. For treatment for this type of vomiting, you should consult a neurologist.

Nausea can also occur in a child as a result of stress, nervous disorders, or sadness. Pediatric neurologists and psychotherapists treat this type of nausea in children.

What to do if your child has symptoms of an intestinal infection?

Since these symptoms may be a consequence of an intestinal infection. The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner your child will feel better.

You should not forget that when vomiting, dehydration begins to rapidly increase in the child’s body, and therefore you need to give plenty of fluids. But the child will not be able to constantly drink a lot of water, since his stomach will become full and will reject the excess. Therefore, it is better to give the drink a little at a time, use teaspoons for this.

If the child refuses, pour water into his mouth using a syringe. Try to give drinks as often as possible, preferably every 5-10 minutes. You can steam black or chamomile tea as it works best as a drink.

Be sure to pay attention to the temperature of the liquid; it should be warm (in no case hot). Thanks to this, the liquid is very quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach.

In addition to liquid, if the child is nauseous, it is recommended to give drugs such as Regidron, Smecta, Enterodes. These funds help remove toxins from the body, give according to the schedule that was written above, i.e. every 5-10 minutes. Take your medications as follows. “Regidron” - dilute one sachet per liter of cold boiled water and give every 6-10 hours. “Smecta” - dilute with 1/2 cup of warm water. Give children under one year of age one sachet per day. “Enterodes” is diluted with 2.5 g of powder in 50 ml of boiled water. Children under 3 years of age should drink 100 ml per day.

What should I do if my child is vomiting and has a high fever while vomiting? If your child has a temperature no higher than 38 degrees, then there is no need to knock it down. But if it starts to rise, then you need to urgently give an antipyretic. You can use Panadol, Nurofen, Calpol. Do not forget to read the instructions for use of the drugs, since each of them can only be taken after a certain period of time, 5-6 hours.

After the vomiting has subsided a little, feed your baby only a dairy-free diet. But in no case exclude breast milk, as its antibodies will help the child cope with the disease faster.

It happens that children and adults experience nausea, which develops into severe vomiting. We will figure out why this could be happening, and also determine how to provide the patient with the necessary first aid, and at what point you should contact a medical professional.

Severe nausea and vomiting without fever in children or adults are the main causes

Let's list all the possible causes of nausea and vomiting in adults and indicate what other symptoms of painful conditions may still be present:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases. In addition to nausea, the patient may have belching, heartburn, and nagging pain in the abdominal cavity. But notice that there is no elevated temperature. The cause of this condition may be gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, hernia, gastric ulcer, functional dyspepsia, reflux and other serious diseases.
  2. Hepatitis. You may also experience yellowing of the skin, dark-colored urine, and light-colored stool.
  3. Impact, fall. Dizziness also occurs. The patient feels weak.
  4. Brain diseases, such as cancer, tumor, hydrocephalus and others. They cause the patient to experience infrequent vomiting, headaches, and an increase in blood pressure.
  5. Diseases of the vascular system are also a cause. In addition to nausea and vomiting, dizziness may occur, blood pressure may increase, or, conversely, it will decrease. The person will quickly get tired and feel weak. Diseases that cause such symptoms: hypotension, anemia, hypertension, etc.
  6. Diseases of the brain or improper functioning of the nervous and mental systems. For example, such diseases are tumors, neuritis, inflammation of the nerves. A person may lose balance and become dizzy. In addition, he may begin to feel sick.
  7. The most dangerous condition is the condition after rupture of cerebral vessels, or the appearance of an intracranial hematoma. The patient may suffer from nausea, a sharp headache, or even lose consciousness.
  8. Motion sickness when traveling in transport.
  9. Meningitis. It may cause not only vomiting, but also such symptoms as headache, drowsiness, acute pain in the back and chest. A person may feel feverish.
  10. Migraine. The signs listed in the previous paragraph may appear, but they will also include visual impairment and intolerance to smells, noise and even light.
  11. Anorexia, bulimia and other mental disorders.
  12. Medicines. For example, hormonal contraceptives, anti-tuberculosis or iron-containing drugs.
  13. Working at an industrial enterprise can lead to heavy metal poisoning. Vomiting may occur, accompanied by abdominal pain.
  14. Toxicosis.

The younger generation may experience nausea and vomiting with other symptoms, just like adults. Let us list the main causes and symptoms of the disease:

  1. In infants, this condition may be due to regurgitation, which occurs as a result of overfeeding. Rare regurgitation does not pose a danger, after which the baby feels normal. But due to frequent regurgitation, esophagitis can develop.
  2. Infants may experience not only vomiting, but also poor appetite. The toddler will not be able to gain weight due to frequent attacks. And the reason for this is the narrowed passage of the stomach, otherwise it is called pyloric stenosis.
  3. In children from 1 year to 4 years, nausea and even vomiting can be caused by a foreign body that the baby could swallow.
  4. A young child may experience not only vomiting, but also bloody stools, irritability, and abdominal pain. The cause of these symptoms is intestinal volvulus.
  5. A hernia can also cause not only nausea and vomiting, but also abdominal pain.
  6. Appendicitis. With it, babies also develop the above symptoms.
  7. Intestinal infection is also one of the reasons. The child develops a nagging pain in the tummy, diarrhea, and even a fever.
  8. A sore throat and cough can also cause vomiting.

Note that cyclical vomiting can occur in people of different ages, even children. The reasons for its occurrence are unknown. Experts note, along with vomiting, which manifests itself cyclically, other symptoms: abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness, diarrhea, fever. Cyclic vomiting should be treated immediately. If it arose out of nowhere and you notice it for several years, then it can develop into a migraine.

We study the type and content of vomit - when to consult a doctor?

Often young children cannot communicate what hurts. Of course, they don’t even know what nausea is. Parents can determine the causes of a painful condition by the type of what “comes out” of the baby’s body. In addition, adults can also determine by vomit what is wrong with them.

  • Yellow-green color

This shade of vomit means that the mass contains bile. It may “come out” due to food poisoning. As a rule, in case of poisoning or gastroenteritis, vomiting occurs several times a day. If vomiting persists for more than 2 days, you should go to the hospital. Fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain may also occur.

  • Pink color

This color of the mass confirms internal bleeding, which can occur due to diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastritis. In this condition, you should immediately call a medical professional.

  • Black or brown shade

These are clear signs that there is major internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity. It also appears due to the fact that the vessels of the gastrointestinal tract have burst due to some disease of the abdominal cavity. If you experience this condition, you should consult a doctor immediately!

First aid for children and adults with severe vomiting without fever

As soon as you notice that your child begins to feel sick or vomit, do not leave your baby for a minute!

There are essential measures that you can follow to alleviate your child’s condition.

Let's list what you need to do when a baby is sick:

  1. In case of food poisoning. First, calm the child down. He was probably afraid of vomiting. Secondly, stay hydrated. Every 15 minutes, offer your baby to drink 1-2 teaspoons of boiled warm water. As soon as the vomiting stops, increase the dose. You can give your newborn 1 tablespoon of water. Children usually develop diarrhea when poisoned. Dilute Smecta in a glass of warm water and slowly give it to the child from a spoon.
  2. If you have an intestinal infection, you should also rinse your stomach. It is important to call an ambulance. Only a doctor can prescribe a drug that should kill germs.
  3. If you have a concussion or bruises, consult a doctor immediately! There is no need to rinse. In case of injuries, you should put the baby in bed, lay him on his side and put a cold towel on his head.

If vomiting begins in children over 3 years of age, the cause should also be determined. Then - decide on the provision first aid:

  • In case of poisoning, children also need to undergo gastric lavage.
  • Let's drink half a glass or a glass of warm boiled water.
  • As soon as the vomiting stops, you can dilute 1-2 tablets of activated carbon or a bag of Smecta in a glass and force the child to drink it.
  • If there is an intestinal infection, the child also needs to be rinsed and call a doctor.

For other diseases, rinsing will not help. The doctor must prescribe the necessary medication to the child.

Important: You cannot induce vomiting in children! This can damage the esophagus. Just make sure that your body is not dehydrated. In the case when the child is unconscious, vomiting cannot be caused either!

As a rule, adults provide first aid to themselves.

To stop frequent vomiting, you need:

  1. Drink as much still water as possible. You should drink at least half a glass at a time.
  2. Induce vomiting yourself.
  3. Stop taking medications.
  4. You can drink ginger (it's sold in capsules), ginger ale, or eat ginger cookies.
  5. Drink juices - apple, cranberry.

One of the most frightening symptoms in a child, which always worries young and even experienced parents, is vomiting. A lot of questions immediately arise - what to do, how and how to help the child, do you need a doctor or can you cope on your own? In order to provide assistance correctly, it is necessary to know at least in general terms the main causes of vomiting, be able to distinguish them and correctly provide first aid.

Causes of vomiting in children.
Vomiting can occur in children of any age, from infants to teenagers, but the younger the child, the more likely it is to occur. In babies of the first year of life, vomiting must be distinguished from regurgitation, a physiological phenomenon in the digestive system that occurs due to the anatomical and physiological immaturity of the digestive system.

So - let's talk about the main causes of regurgitation and vomiting in normal and pathological conditions.

The norm for infants and artificial babies is infrequent regurgitation, approximately 2-3 times a day, up to 2 tablespoons of contents, lasting up to approximately 6-9 months.

Excessive regurgitation or even vomiting can occur during overfeeding, even in healthy babies; this usually happens with artificial babies, for whom the formula is diluted not according to the calculated volume based on actual weight, but according to the numbers indicated on the cans of the mixture (often greatly inflated). Then regurgitation or vomiting occurs without the participation of the abdominal muscles, there are no disturbances in well-being, and the process is not preceded by nausea and vomiting. This process is not dangerous and only requires recalculation of the amount of food with the pediatrician - with their correction, regurgitation is reduced or disappears completely.

In infants, the cause of regurgitation or even vomiting (sometimes even a fountain) is an improper latch on the breast with swallowing a large amount of air, or infrequent feedings with excessively greedy sucking. As a result, bloating occurs with the occurrence of colic and, as a result, overstimulation of the digestive system with regurgitation. This condition is also not dangerous for the child, but it requires consultation with a breastfeeding specialist and correction of attachment.

Frequent and persistent regurgitation can be symptoms of a neurological pathology, therefore, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to clarify the volume of feeding, and then a neurologist.

Vomiting is a conditioned reflex act with the release of contents from the stomach and esophagus into the oral cavity. Vomiting is accompanied by nausea, pallor of the child, restless behavior, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, cold hands and feet, and sweating. When vomiting, a characteristic sound occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles with the participation of the muscles of the neck and pharynx. In most cases, vomiting brings discomfort to the child (unlike regurgitation).

Causes of vomiting in newborns.

In young children, parents should be alerted to a fountain of vomiting in a volume exceeding the volume of what was eaten in the first 2-4 weeks of life. Vomiting appears immediately after feeding, profusely, with an admixture of bile, the child does not gain weight, and is restless. The child urinates very rarely, he rarely has stool. This is a symptom of a dangerous surgical pathology - pyloric stenosis, a defect in the outlet of the stomach, a very narrow opening between the stomach and the small intestine, which practically does not allow food to pass into the intestines.
Measures to help such a child include hospitalization in a hospital for reconstructive surgery with pyloric plastic surgery. After discharge from the hospital, the child leads a normal life.

Another cause of vomiting can be pyloric spasm (pylorospasm); this disease occurs due to immaturity of neuromuscular connections and untimely relaxation of the muscle after feeding. Girls are more often affected; it is characterized by periodic vomiting from the first days of life, of small volume and not constantly. Vomit usually contains food mixed with bile. Children do not lose weight, although weight gain may be slow. Helpful measures include more frequent feedings of a smaller volume, and observation by a neurologist and pediatrician.

Another cause of vomiting in young children with a lack of stool or blood discharge from the anus is intussusception or intestinal obstruction. With such vomiting, the stomach is mute, peristalsis cannot be heard, the child is pale, screams and does not allow the stomach to be touched. He must be immediately taken by ambulance to a surgical hospital and operated on.
Attention! Persistent vomiting in newborns and children in the first months of life is not harmless. This is always either a surgical or neurological pathology. They require immediate medical attention.

Vomiting in older children.
In children from about 6 months of age, vomiting is divided into organic or associated with pathology, which means dangerous to health, and functional, associated with the influence of external factors and not dangerous for the child.

Vomiting as a sign of danger.
- the most common cause of vomiting is. These are viral or microbial infections of the digestive system that affect the stomach and various parts of the intestines, most of which manifest themselves in addition to vomiting and a set of other specific symptoms. Usually this is fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and varying degrees of dehydration. Vomiting occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes and is a protective mechanism, an attempt by the body to get rid of viruses or microbes, as well as part of the food. To give your digestion a rest.
Measures to help with intestinal infections include calling a doctor and strictly following all recommendations, if necessary, hospitalization in a hospital, taking medications and fighting dehydration. General recommendations on vomiting will be given below.

One of the causes of vomiting in children under 3-5 years of age is a high temperature that accompanies ARVI, influenza, sore throat, otitis media or pneumonia. Vomiting occurs as a result of toxins entering the blood and affecting the brain's vomiting center, which are formed in tissues as a result of the activity of viruses or microbes. Typically, vomiting occurs at the height of the fever and goes away quickly after the temperature drops, even without treatment.

Vomiting can be one of the symptoms of damage to the central nervous system, if it is a birth injury - then it mainly manifests itself in the first few months of life. Vomiting occurs as a result of irritation of the area of ​​the vomiting center - compression by a tumor or hemorrhage, exposure to increased intracranial pressure, development of an abscess. Another cause of “cerebral” vomiting is exposure to toxins (for example, bilirubin in jaundice) or irritation of the meninges as a result of inflammation in tuberculosis, meningococcal meningitis, encephalitis, and concussions.
Neurological vomiting is persistent and does not bring relief to the child, weakening his strength, usually occurs at a height of increased intracranial pressure, is accompanied by headaches and sharp “brain” cries of the child, decreased pulse, impaired consciousness and even delirium.
Measures to help the child will be to immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize him in a hospital.

Vomiting without fever or signs of infection, but in connection with food intake, can be a symptom of digestive diseases - gastritis, ulcers, disorders of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Such vomiting occurs due to errors in nutrition, spicy, fatty or sweet foods; impurities in the vomit of mucus, bile or streaks of blood are especially dangerous.
Helpful measures include consultation with a doctor and strict adherence to all dietary and therapeutic measures prescribed by a specialist.

Sudden vomiting with pain in the stomach or right side may be a sign of acute appendicitis. Vomiting usually does not bring relief, occurs repeatedly, and the temperature may rise. Helpful measures include urgent referral of the baby to a surgical hospital and surgery.

In children who do not know how to cough effectively, vomiting may occur during coughing attacks - for example, with whooping cough, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis. In addition, vomiting can occur as a result of thick, viscous mucus flowing into the oropharynx and irritation of the root of the tongue, where the reflexogenic zone of vomiting is located.

Vomiting can occur as a result of exposure to toxins in the body - “toxic vomiting syndrome.” This occurs as a result of the action of toxic substances directly on the vomiting center of the brain, or due to irritation of internal organs and the receipt of impulses in the brain. This happens with metabolic disorders due to renal failure (ammonia intoxication), liver pathology and diabetes, and with disruption of the adrenal glands. Toxic vomiting occurs when poisoning with alcohol, drugs, plant poisons, etc.
One of the common variants of the development of toxic vomiting is acetonemic syndrome. The child’s body is still imperfect and with some dietary errors (lots of fat and few carbohydrates), acetone may accumulate in the body, which results in vomiting, abdominal pain, and dehydration.
Measures to help with toxic vomiting include desoldering and rapid removal of metabolic products; in case of severe poisoning, hospitalization and detoxification.

Parents' actions when vomiting.
1. Call a doctor at home; in case of a serious condition, call an ambulance.
2. Pull yourself together and calm the child.
3. Place or sit the child in a comfortable position so that if vomiting occurs, the masses do not enter the respiratory tract.
4. After vomiting, wipe the child’s face with a damp towel, give him a drink or rinse his mouth, and change clothes.
5. To prevent dehydration in case of frequent vomiting, give the child a tablespoon of liquid every 5-10 minutes. You can give special solutions Oralit, Regidron, Glucosolan, or still mineral water, alternating it with weak sweet tea.
6. If vomiting does not recur and the child asks to eat, give him some porridge or applesauce.
7. If you suspect that you have taken a toxic substance, rinse your stomach before the ambulance arrives - give 2-3 glasses of warm water to drink, then press on the root of the tongue, inducing vomiting. Remember, vomiting should not be caused if poisoning with acids or alkalis, phenols, or gasoline is suspected.

Benign vomiting.
These types of vomiting occur in emotional children and are associated with excessive excitability of the nervous system. With the help of vomiting, children attract the attention of their parents when they consider themselves deprived. Vomiting can occur as a manifestation of “bear sickness” when visiting a kindergarten, school, or before a performance or exam.

To actions that the child does not want to perform - force feeding, coercion to do something, punishment for wrongdoing. Typically, such children are capricious and selective in food. They do not have abdominal pain, intoxication, fever, or problems with stool.
- often vomiting can occur as a result of hysteria, due to the child’s severe overexcitation. Especially if he was punished or cried for a long time.
- in particularly sensitive children, vomiting may occur due to unpleasant pictures, exposure to unpleasant tastes or smells, or feelings of disgust.
- another option for functional vomiting is motion sickness in transport, irritation of the vestibular apparatus during a trip by car or train, bus, or flight on an airplane. Measures to help with this type of vomiting are not to feed the baby tightly or irritating foods before the trip, find a comfortable place where there is less shaking, and use special medications for motion sickness from the age of 2.

In any case, parents should remember that vomiting itself is a protective reaction of the body to pathological external and internal influences. Its appearance is a signal of a problem in the body and you need to approach it carefully, but without undue panic.
