Recipe for growing nails at home. How to grow nails quickly at home

It is impossible to imagine a modern beauty without a manicure in the proper form, harmoniously complementing her sophistication. female image. Well-groomed hands with shining healthy nails are a kind of indicator of neatness, neatness and self-care. But at what cost is this result achieved? After all, you have to constantly work to eliminate fragility, strengthen the nail plate, and stimulate growth. It is the latter that is considered a difficult task, requiring significant effort and the use of special tools. And I really want the manicure to become longer and more beautiful in as soon as possible. But in 1 day? There are methods designed to help with the answer, which will be discussed further.

True beauty is natural

In order not to worry every day about framing their own fingers, many women resort to such a trick as nail extensions. But there are also supporters of naturalness who do not recognize artificial forms. And it’s okay that there is more hassle with natural nails, because they need to be regularly monitored and corrected as they grow. But real men value everything natural - this is undeniable. Of course, lucky are those ladies who have no problems with this from birth, while others have to try with all their might to improve at least what they have.

Therefore, we will be patient and install it step by step, in 1 day at home. To begin with, it would be a good idea to identify the factors that accelerate and slow down this process. The first include:

  • competent use of a manicure set;
  • sufficient intake of vitamins;
  • improved blood circulation in the fingers;
  • hormonal changes.

To the second:

  • diet poor in nutrients;
  • mechanical damage to nails (bad habits);
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • indelicate use manicure tools;
  • ignoring hygiene;
  • temperature changes.

Taking these features into account, we can consider different options how to grow nails in 1 day, and choose the most suitable ones specifically for yourself.

Option one: massage

This method will require patience and will prove its effectiveness only after certain time. You don't even need the help of a specialist. Every evening, on the eve of your usual bedtime procedures, massage your fingers. This will speed up blood circulation, which means the flow of nutrients to your nails, which will promote their growth. The main condition is systematicity. Soon this tradition will not be a burden to you, but a joy.

Option two: paraffin therapy

In order not to suffer from the problem of how to grow nails in 1 day, you can resort to one more effective way, which is in no way inferior to massage in effectiveness. She simply has magical properties: And useful elements enriches, stimulates blood circulation, and saturates with oxygen. The only caveat is that to carry out the procedure you will need to tinker with melting wax or cosmetic paraffin. But for a truly purposeful woman, this is a completely surmountable obstacle.

Option three: baths

Representatives of the fair sex, racking their brains over how to grow nails in 1 day at home, have a great time method will do with the preparation of special baths. Moisture itself is very good for your hands, but adding a little healthy ingredients like lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt to the liquid can help you eliminate some defects in the nail plate. This refers to fragility, brittleness, and slow growth. You just need to set aside a few minutes a day to carry out the manipulations of dipping your fingers into the miraculous solution. Just keep in mind that at the end you should not rinse your hands under running water; you will wash away the nutrients, and then all your efforts will be in vain. Better use a napkin and apply moisturizer.

Another advantage of this option is that you can use it together with your daughter, who will feel like a real little princess taking care of a decent manicure. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about how to grow nails in 1 day for children. Most importantly, this method is absolutely safe for health.

Option four: vitamins

How to grow nails in one day at home? Resort to vitamins. This wonderful remedy, which does not require large financial costs. We are talking about E, which can easily be found on pharmacy shelves. Wash your hands thoroughly, or better yet, steam them in very warm water and start rubbing the substance into your nails. In principle, regular iodine will also work well, just use a brush. Don't let the yellowness scare you: if you have a vitamin session before the weekend, by the beginning working week There will be no trace left of the ugly shade. Here's how to grow your nails in 1 day!

Option five: cream

This method is quite controversial, since opinions on its effectiveness differ. If you ask girls on a forum how to grow your nails by 1 cm in one day at home, some will advise you to work your own magic on a special cream that will help accelerate growth. The mixture is simple to prepare: take regular pepper, add half a teaspoon of red pepper, mix and add twenty drops ordinary water. Heat in a water bath, cool and apply the resulting mixture to your nails. Good result will also demonstrate a cream made from melted cocoa, almond and olive oils, as well as vitamins E and A.

Option six: disguise

If all the options listed above are not satisfactory, and you are looking for a more radical approach to how to grow your nails by 1 cm in 1 day at home, then you should resort to camouflage. It provides two options to choose from: the use of invoices or extensions of acrylic or gel analogues. In the first case, buy special glue and a set of nails made of plastic or nylon, and then with dry hands begin to apply blanks with drops of glue applied to them. When everything is dry and hardened, cover the right varnish- and the manicure is ready.

The second point is more costly and time-consuming. You will have to purchase an extension kit, which includes plastic templates and special gel. You will need to tinker with polishing the surface of the nails, then fix the shapes and start coating with gel. The latter must be repeated several times, and in between, dry under a lamp. Upon completion of the procedure, get rid of the templates and use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape. This technique will be of interest to those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to grow nails by 2 cm in 1 day at home.

Option seven: hygiene

It will be redundant to talk about the beauty and health of nails if the basics are not observed. A set of manicure tools should belong to one person, this is an individual, personal thing. Equally important is treatment with disinfectants, which will help avoid infection. If you follow these rules, you can begin caring for your nails with a light heart so that they always remain a source of pride and a brilliant detail of your image.

On the eve of the holidays, women often wonder: how to grow nails quickly? A neat and beautiful manicure emphasizes the elegance, sophistication and chic of the fair sex. There are many reasons for brittle nails: a lot of chemicals are used, women are often addicted to diets, newfangled cosmetic procedures, perform homework without gloves or protective equipment.

All this leads to nails becoming dull, brittle, and stains and cracks appearing on them. They become deformed and peel, and a poor-quality manicure can even “give” a woman nail fungus.

In order for nails to be strong, long and healthy, they must constantly experience care and self-care. To do this, you need to do hand baths, massage, apply nourishing cream, feed the nail plate.

To grow your nails quickly, use our tips


  • Make a finger bath. You will need: 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 5-6 drops of iodine. Dip your fingers into this solution for 10-15 minutes. This procedure must be done daily for a month. In addition, during this period you need to lubricate the nail plate with iodine at night. First the nails will be yellow, but by morning this effect will disappear;
  • A bath of salt and iodine helps to grow long nails. Dissolve a level tablespoon of salt in 200 ml of water and also add 5-6 drops of iodine. At night you need to lubricate your fingers with cream. Carry out such procedures for 2 weeks;
  • Sea salt is more concentrated, so for a bath with one tablespoon sea ​​salt you should take 500 ml of water and iodine. You can use this method for two weeks.

Growth stimulants

Ready-made ones will also help you grow your nails quickly. cosmetics from pharmacies or stores, or cuticle massages with the addition of vitamins A and E.

Take any ready cream for hands and add the contents of one capsule of vitamin A and E. Carefully apply the cream to the skin of your hands and cuticles with light massage movements.

Medicinal herbs

Nourishing decoction of medicinal herbs It will also help you grow long nails quickly.

For one glass of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of dry herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort and.

Strain the infused broth and dip your fingers in it for 15-20 minutes.

Repeat herbal baths 2-3 times a week for two months.


To grow your nails in a week, add to the above procedures a massage based on olive or almond oil with the addition of essential oils. You will need 1 tbsp. spoon base oil and 2-3 drops of essential oil.

High-quality manicure

To avoid fungal infection and receive a quality service, you must remember that only a competent manicure done by a professional and careful master will allow you to grow long nails, as well as maintain their beauty and health.

The salon also offers services such as hand masks and paraffin therapy. These procedures have a nourishing and rejuvenating effect.


Take specific, targeted vitamins. This mainly concerns complexes containing vitamins A and E. These components improve the condition of not only nails, but also hair and skin.

This is especially important in the autumn-spring period. You can also use dietary supplements, but you must be sure of their safety and effectiveness.


Vitamins that enter the body from natural food are absorbed much better. To grow long nails, add liver, greens, dairy products, butter, fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese and eggs.

Eat jelly and aspic more often. Since iodine and vitamin D play an important role in the formation of the skeletal system, include seafood, broccoli, nuts and figs in your diet. Adequate nutrition will allow you

Natural and well-groomed nails are always in trend. Many people dream of beautiful fingers, but modern life leaves its mark on beautiful ladies. Constant bustle and lack of time lead to keratinized cuticles and brittle nails. What should girls do who want to grow their nails and maintain their aesthetic appearance? Should I consult a fortune teller or visit a salon every three days? Let's consider the possible options.

Step 1. Balanced diet

Healthy and nutritious food can cope with any problems, in particular brittle nails. The right diet promotes their accelerated growth, prevents delamination, thickens the plate and saturates it essential minerals. Vitamins that form the nail: A, B, C, E. Minerals necessary for the full growth of nails: iron, calcium, zinc.

Vitamin A accelerates growth, it is found in following products: butter, carrots, beef liver. Alcoholic drinks and caffeine reduce the production of the vitamin, so try not to consume them.

Vitamin B promotes rapid growth and thickens the nail plate. Thanks to it, complex microelements are better absorbed in the body. Eat more green vegetables and fruits, milk, eggs and brewer's yeast.

Vitamin C eliminates yellowness due to smoking and also fights premature aging of the nail plate. Due to a lack of vitamin C, nails become brittle and begin to peel. Eat all citrus fruits, gooseberries, black and red currants. Stock up on ascorbic acid and take it 3 times a day.

Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant. It removes all toxins from the body, accelerates the release of fluid and improves blood circulation. Vitamin E is found in green vegetables, butter, sunflower and olive oils, as well as in liver and meat.

Iron is found in apples, buckwheat, lentils, peas, cabbage, mushrooms and prunes. It promotes accelerated blood flow and makes the nail grow faster.

Calcium is included in dairy products. Eat cottage cheese, cheeses, all kinds natural yoghurts. Don't forget eggs, almonds, oranges, cabbage, sardines, raisins and dates.

Zinc can be found in pork, lamb, bananas, oatmeal, beef and buckwheat. It controls the distribution of proteins in the body and promotes tissue elasticity.

Step 2: Choosing the right shape

Now you need to decide on the shape of the nail plate that is right for you. It is known that an oval contour contributes to the delamination of the nail, and a soft square quickly breaks the edges. What to do, you ask. The answer is simple - create the most convenient shape without corners and burrs.

For these purposes, purchase a glass file 1.5-2.0 mm thick from a specialized cosmetic store. Start filing your nails from the center to the edge, without changing the trajectory of movement. Carefully process each finger, eliminating all cracks and delaminations. To grow long nails, it is important to create the soil for them.

Step 3. Baths to accelerate nail growth

These funds traditional medicine used every day if you have the opportunity. Don't be lazy to make decoctions and mix ingredients. Thanks to simple steps, you will grow your own nails many times faster.

Oil based bath

  • olive oil - 30 ml.
  • castor oil - 10 ml.
  • almond oil - 10 ml.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • sunflower oil - 30
  • iodine - 3 drops
  • glycerin - 3 drops

Combine all the oils and microwave for 20 seconds. Add glycerin and iodine, then dip your fingers into the mixture. Wait 5 minutes, do not wash your hands with water, but simply wipe with a napkin.

Bath based on sea salt and orange

  • crushed sea salt - 70 gr.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 80 ml.
  • iodine - 5 drops
  • melt water - 80 ml.

Mix water and salt and microwave for 1 minute. Add iodine and juice to the solution, dip your fingers and wait 15 minutes.

Soda bath

  • baking soda - 30 gr.
  • iodine - 5 drops

Dilute soda with water and heat. Drop iodine, dip your fingertips and wait 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to use an oil-based bath (the recipe is listed above) for double results.

Herbal bath

  • chamomile - 20 gr.
  • sage - 20 gr.
  • St. John's wort - 20 gr.
  • burdock root - 20 gr.
  • plantain - 20 gr.
  • dry white wine - 100 ml.

Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 2 hours. Next, take the decoction, heat it and add wine, then carry out the procedure for 35 minutes.

Lemon bath

  • lemon juice - 200 ml.
  • iodine - 3 drops

Squeeze all the juice from two or three lemons to make 200 ml. Put your fingers down for 20 minutes. You can also use a similar “dry” recipe: cut the citrus into 2 parts and stick dry fingers into the pulp of each of them for 10 minutes.

Step 4. Masks for accelerated nail growth

The funds are used whenever possible, but at least 3 times a week. The ideal option is to prepare the composition every other day. Do not allow breaks between the bath and the mask for more than 40 minutes.

Gelatin mask

  • gelatin - 35 gr.
  • glycerin - 10 gr.

Pour boiling water over the gelatin and let stand for 30 minutes. Add glycerin, mix everything and dip your fingers into the mixture, after moistening them with cream. Wait 25 minutes.

Beeswax mask
Place the wax in the microwave and heat until completely dissolved, but be careful not to let it boil (bubbles will appear). Next, dip your fingertips into the container and immediately dip them into cold water so that the composition sets into a crust. Leave the mask on overnight, wearing cosmetic gloves from natural cotton. This mask differs from all others in the duration of the procedure and the maximum result within 10 days after daily use.

Chili pepper mask

  • ground chili pepper - 20 gr.
  • hand cream (glycerin must be present) - 40 g.
  • sparkling mineral water - 30 ml.

The mask is applied after a bath of sea salt and orange (recipe listed above). In preheated mineral water add pepper and cream. Bring the ingredients until completely dissolved. Cover the cuticle and nail area with generous layers, wear plastic gloves, and keep the mixture on for 25 minutes. It is highly not recommended to use the chili mask more than once every 21 days.

Mint mask

  • fresh mint - 1 medium bunch
  • chamomile - 35 gr.
  • vegetable oil- 20 ml.
  • oatmeal - 35 gr.

In 300 ml boiled water soak mint and chamomile, wait 4 hours. Add flour and stir to avoid lumps. Pour in the oil and cover your nails with the resulting mixture, leave the mixture on for 45 minutes.

Olive mask

  • pitted olives - 7 pcs.
  • chamomile - 30 gr.
  • St. John's wort - 30 gr.

Make a decoction of herbs, mash the olives with a fork. Remove chamomile and St. John's wort from the pan with the mixture and mix them with the olives. Apply to your fingers, wait 35 minutes and rinse off with the prepared decoction.

Creamy mask

  • cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 100 ml.
  • rye flour - 40 gr.
  • gooseberries - 30 gr.
  • black currant - 30 gr.
  • raspberries - 30 gr.

Grind the berries in a blender, add flour and dilute the ingredients with cream until thick. Leave for 5 hours, covering your fingers with plastic or cotton cosmetic gloves.

Step 5. Fixation and strengthening

Buy a special one at the pharmacy medicinal varnish « Smart enamel" The company produces a series for strengthening, growth and restoration of nails. There is a separate bottle responsible for accelerated growth, it costs about 150 rubles.

The product is applied in two layers to the nail plate, then removed with nail polish remover the next day, after which the application is repeated again. The course varies from 14 to 21 days. “Smart enamel” accelerates growth and nails grow back in two weeks, provided you follow the recommendations, the effect has been proven more than once.

Can't grow your nails? Pay attention to your daily diet, it should be balanced, including all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Eat more dairy products, fruits, vegetables and meat. Give your nails a shape without sharp corners or burrs, then select a bath and prepare the mixture. Use masks for nail growth; all recipes presented include ingredients that can be found in any pharmacy and grocery store.

Video: how to grow nails in a week

There probably isn't a girl who doesn't dream of beautiful and... Now there is a procedure in a beauty salon that allows you to extend your nails, give desired shape. It is not always possible to resort to this method various reasons. In addition, it is not recommended to carry out this procedure constantly; nails need rest from any type of coating. But there is still a way out, knowing the secrets and rules of how to quickly grow nails at home, you can take care of your nails yourself and have the perfect manicure.

Possible methods, factors that affect growth

Before we talk about how to grow long nails in a week or a month, it is worth understanding that the growth of the nail plate depends on several factors. Only when all the rules are followed and due attention is paid to each of the factors will success be guaranteed.

Nutrition and vitamins

Without proper, nutritious nutrition it is simply impossible to grow healthy beautiful nails. Without vitamins A, C, E, B, nails will break and become thin. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to your diet, namely:

  • You simply cannot do without vitamin A; it is responsible for the growth of the nail plate. The diet should include foods such as carrots, butter, and liver. But coffee and alcohol can significantly reduce the amount of vitamin in the body.
  • So that the nail does not have, is not subjected to premature aging, you cannot do without vitamin C when the body does not receive required quantity vitamin, the nails begin to peel and break.
  • To strengthen and better growth Vitamin B is needed, which also helps to better absorb microelements in the body. You need to pay attention to products such as eggs, milk, greens.
  • One more no less important vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties, improves blood circulation, which promotes nail growth. Pay attention to greens, eggs, meat, butter, liver.

No less important for nails are minerals:

  • A mineral such as zinc controls the formation of proteins and promotes tissue growth. It is found in bananas goat milk, which should be present in the diet.
  • But without such a microelement as calcium, the formation of a nail plate is generally impossible. It is worth consuming dairy products, since they contain the highest content of this element.
  • It is worth paying attention to products such as buckwheat and apples, they contain iron, which promotes the growth of strong nails that do not break.

If you balance your diet and introduce everything necessary elements, the improvement in the condition of the nails and their growth will be noticeable in a short time.


Even if you know all the secrets of how to grow long nails without the correct shape effective result unlikely. Need to give your nails correct form, it is individual for each girl, the main thing is that it is comfortable. Also get rid of hangnails and sharp corners, a manicure file will help you cope with this and it is better to use a plastic one, since careful and gentle care, which will not disturb the nail plate. The grain of the nail file also matters; it is better to choose a fine-grained one; the movements should be from the base to the center of the nail.

Growth baths

  • Oil and. To prepare such a bath, you need to take any vegetable oil that is available and heat it a little. Then add a few drops of iodine and glycerin to it, after which you can dip the marigolds into the resulting mixture for several minutes. This great way, helping to nourish and accelerate the growth of the nail plate.
  • Sea salt. You need to take 2 glasses of warm water and dilute 15 g of sea salt in it, then dip your nails in the solution for 15 minutes. It is better to use the procedure 2 or 3 times a week. For a stronger effect, you can add a couple of drops of iodine.
  • Soda. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in 1 glass of water (warm), and keep your nails in this solution for 10 minutes. After which you need to rinse and lubricate with cream. It is allowed to use such baths several times a week. For greater effectiveness, you can also add iodine.
  • Herbal infusions. You will need to collect herbs: burdock, chamomile and St. John's wort, but it is allowed to prepare a bath only using chamomile. You will need 2 tablespoons of this mixture per glass of boiling water, then leave for 30 minutes. For a comfortable and effective reception It is necessary to warm up the infusion, after which you can lower the marigolds for 20 minutes. This procedure must be carried out daily for at least a week.
  • Lemon. You can use lemon in two ways. First, just cut it in half and immerse it in the marigold pulp for 3 minutes. Second, prepare a bath of lemon juice and a few drops of iodine, take 10 minutes daily.
  • Milk. To prepare, you will need 0.5 cups of milk and 5 plantain leaves (fresh). You should heat the milk and add chopped leaves to it, then cool to a pleasant temperature and put the marigolds in the bath for 15 minutes.
  • Calendula. You will need 2 tablespoons of calendula and string, which should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, after which you can carry out a 15-minute procedure.
  • Celandine. You should pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with a glass of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of salt (sea), let it brew a little and you can take a bath for 15 minutes, lowering the marigolds.

Before using the bath, remove the nail polish and wash your hands thoroughly. There is no need to increase the dosage or time of treatment. After the procedure, you need to apply cream to your hands. You should always take into account the fact that a person may have individual intolerance to the components.


In order to improve blood circulation in the nail plate area and thereby stimulate nail growth, you need to massage at the base of the nail plate. In addition to stimulating growth, the nail will become stronger and will not peel off. During the massage you need to use cream or vegetable oil. This massage is especially useful and indispensable if a girl plays the piano or types a lot.

Paraffin therapy

Another way to quickly grow nails at home is paraffin therapy. The method involves applying wax or paraffin (cosmetic) to the cuticle, which improves blood circulation and brings more oxygen to the nail, thereby stimulating growth. If the procedure is carried out at home, an alternative is beeswax, but it needs to be natural and pure.

  • For such therapy, you should heat the wax in a water bath so that it is in a liquid state, but does not burn your hands. When the required consistency is achieved, you should dip your nails in it for a few seconds, remove it and let the wax on your fingers cool. When it cools down, there will be so-called caps on the fingers, they should be covered, a glove is suitable for this. Ideal option leave in this state overnight, but if this method is not possible, you should leave for at least 3 hours. If this procedure is carried out daily, the result will be noticeable within a week.

The fastest ways

There is a method that will tell you how to grow nails in 2 days, but this method should not be abused.

  • You will need 0.5 teaspoon of ground red pepper, to which add 20 drops of water and a little hand cream. This paste needs to be heated a little, and then the nails should be dipped in it for about 15 minutes. This procedure is quite unpleasant and a burning sensation is felt during it; precautions should be taken and not touch your eyes with your hands.

Can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store special remedy, which is designed to stimulate nail growth. This effect occurs due to the composition, which includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, essential oils In addition, they take care of the nail plate.

Tips for proper care

  • In order for your nails to be strong and not break or flake, you need to use rubbing oil. Olive, grape, apricot and others are suitable for such procedures. In addition to rubbing, they can be used for baths and massage; such procedures will also strengthen the nail plate.
  • You can use cranberries as fresh, and frozen. To do this, you need to crush it into a paste and apply it to the area around the nail.
  • You can also use olive oil, apply to the plate and put on a glove, leave it overnight, the beneficial effect is noticeable the very next day.
  • Another method is effective: pour gelatin (2 tbsp) with warm water (4 tbsp), let the gelatin swell. Then dip the marigolds into the resulting slurry for 15 minutes.

In order to protect your nails as much as possible and promote their growth, you need to protect yourself from factors that negatively affect the nail plate.

  • Be sure to protect your hands and nails in frost and cold; you should wear gloves.
  • Remember what your nails need daily care and nutrition, cream should be applied.
  • When washing dishes and cleaning, especially when using chemicals, do not forget about rubber gloves.
  • It is mandatory to rest your nails from polish; they must rest and receive enough oxygen.
  • Avoid nail polish remover with acetone.

Thanks to simple ways and rules, you can see how to quickly grow nails at home, nourish useful substances and strengthen. But it is worth remembering that you cannot increase the proportions of prescriptions and increase the time of procedures.

A woman simply must take care of the beauty of her hands, otherwise all efforts aimed at creating an ideal image will come to nothing. Beautiful manicure- this is aesthetically pleasing and attractive, while sloppy and unkempt nails can forever scare away your interlocutor.

In some cases simple manicure not enough, because sometimes you want to appear in the role of a seductress or femme fatale, and this look requires long nails. But what if you can’t grow natural long nails due to lack of time or constant exposure? external factors, and your hands should be perfect just the other day? The article will tell you how to grow your nails by 2 cm or more in 1 day at home.

How to quickly grow nails at home

Let's not lie: growing long nails in a couple of days is simply unrealistic, because it contradicts all the laws of human physiology. For rapid growth nails need to be fixed good nutrition, take vitamins and protect nail plates from exposure to frost and household chemicals, and all this takes time.

Even the use of special masks and baths aimed at increasing blood circulation in the nails will give results in at least 1 week and not earlier. But quickly give your hands a refined and feminine look It's still possible! And now we will tell you how to do this.

Let's say it's on your nose important date and you should look simply stunning. The outfit has already been prepared and jewelry has been purchased, but the whole look is ruined by the nails. How can this be? How can you grow your nails in 1 day? You still haven't given up on the idea of ​​conquering others long nails? Then let's resort to proven women's secrets and tricks.

If you have extra money and you can spend it on your needs painlessly for your wallet, then feel free to sign up for a beauty salon and get your nails done with gel or acrylic. Specialists will take into account all the nuances and in the shortest possible time will make your hands a source of pride.

But there are also pitfalls here: the extension process is quite an expensive undertaking, and also keep in mind that once you have extended your nails, you will be required to make constant corrections, and this also requires money. Even remove gel nails It just won’t work, because if you do it at home, you’ll probably damage your nail plates, and salon procedure again requires financial costs. And if you are not ready for this, we will grow your nails yourself, at home!

Perhaps you don’t have enough time to go to the salon, but you have tried to extend your nails more than once with the help of professional means and equipment? Then, after reading this, you will do everything correctly and beautifully. And if you have never done self-building, then we recommend gluing on false nails.

How to grow nails quickly: false manicure

To work you will need:

  • standard manicure set;
  • degreaser;
  • protective varnish for the adhesive base;
  • set of nails;
  • special glue;
  • hot water needed to soften the plastic;
  • napkins.

The importance of making the right choice

It is very important to choose quality false nails that will apply naturally. nail plates minimal harm. Experts recommend purchasing kits from manufacturers such as Pretty Women and Broadway Nails, because they are quite safe, and in addition, they have been tested over many years of use in European countries.

One more nuance: false nails can be held securely only with high-quality glue! Leading manufacturers regularly try to improve the composition of the adhesive, approaching ideal formula, which would not only guarantee the strength of adhesion, but also take care of the nails. So don't skimp on glue!

Specialized stores will certainly offer you the most wide range false nails You can choose tips natural shade or already painted in a specific color. If you love decor on your nails, pay attention to artificial plates with rhinestones and patterns.

Be sure to ensure that the size of your nails matches your nail plates and the thickness of your fingers. It’s great that today you can choose nails of any curve and different lengths, which also guarantees an ideal result.

Important: Before gluing your nails, make sure that the natural nail plate is not damaged, otherwise the likelihood of your nails becoming infected with viruses or infections will increase!

Pasting stages

Let's start with the fact that it is first important to provide maximum and effective care for your hands. So let's get started: filming old varnish, we make a bath for hands and nails. Then we carefully and carefully remove the cuticle area and process the nail plates with a nail file, giving them an aesthetic shape.

After this:

Advice: Please note that glue usually dries very quickly, so the gluing process cannot be slow.

There are tips on sale with an adhesive layer already applied. This significantly speeds up the process, but such nails usually last much worse. In this simple way you can grow your nails at home in 1 day. Yes, it's not natural manicure, but how beautiful and bright!

If something goes wrong during the work and your nails do not stick, it means that you most likely purchased low-quality raw materials, which is why we recommend paying special attention to this.

After gluing, you may feel some discomfort, but this condition will pass fairly soon and you will get used to it. Now you can start decorating your nails. Some girls paint on their nails with needles and even toothpicks! And if you are not a supporter of experiments, buy a set of special brushes and sticks in advance. At the end of your nail design, do not forget to cover your nails with a sealing layer of clear varnish. Tips for correct application varnish

Sometimes it may be necessary to shorten artificial nails. This can be done using scissors and a file with fine grains, but it is still better to immediately glue the tips of the selected length.

How to care for glued nails

If you did everything correctly, your glued nails will last up to 2 weeks, even if you continue to lead your previous lifestyle. But even if you bought the highest quality nails and glued them well, after a while the natural plate will grow back, and the appearance of the manicure will become unaesthetic. In addition, your natural nails There will obviously be a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which will lead to brittleness and peeling, so the nails will still have to be carefully removed.

It’s not enough to grow your nails at home, it’s also important to do the following:

  • do not use acetone-based solvents to remove nail polish, otherwise there is a chance of dissolving the plastic;
  • If artificial nail lost adhesion to the glue and began to move, direct a layer of hot air from a hairdryer onto it, due to which the glue will heat up, and all you have to do is press the tip and fix it in the right place;
  • Do housework wearing protective latex gloves.

As you can see, you can quickly grow nails at home in 1 day, but it is important to take into account that natural nail plates will still have to be given time to recover, because minor damage and degeneration of the plate is inevitable.
