The most curvaceous and beautiful girls. What are the types and varieties of figures in women and girls

A fad of the 1990s, the image of the thinnest model girl is a thing of the past, now rounded shapes are in vogue. Unless you've lived somewhere in a cave until today, it's obvious to everyone that the era of hourglass figures and reckless Hollywood beauties has taken over. The hallmarks of the ideal hourglass figure have mostly remained unchanged since the days of Marilyn Monroe, but in today's 2015 fashion, bigger seems to be better, and some Hollywood girls' speechless curves are no exception. Whether they were born with them or bought them, one thing is certain - these ladies are truly a hit.

1 Marilyn Monroe

Often copied but always inimitable, the classic beauty Marilyn Monroe will always serve as a model for a seductive hourglass figure. At a time when the media seemed to be dominated by thinner figures, Marilyn emerged to completely change the world's perception of beauty standards, and in the process she became a Hollywood legend and the idol of all little girls. Marilyn truly became one of the founders of the movement of girls with curvy shapes and will forever remain one of the most stunning beauties of Hollywood.

2 Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek with her gorgeous curves, beautiful long hair and perfect face is the ideal of a stunning beauty. Even while playing the role of an artless, tormented artist in the film "Frida", the radiance of Salma's beauty still made its way out, as it is difficult to keep her inside. In several scenes of the film "Frida" Salma in the full sense of the word laid bare all of herself, and men, as well as women, had to recognize the embodiment of beauty, which is Salma Hayek. Another natural beauty, the stars aligned and Salma Hayek was born.

3 Kelly Brook

Although not as famous as her buxom counterparts, Kelly Brook is certainly among the famous owners of a feminine figure, as her body perfectly embodies the idea of ​​​​an hourglass figure. Her tiny waist is complemented by captivating hips, and the size of her bra is a big injustice to many girls. With her classic Hollywood looks, Kelly is undeniably a seductive beauty not to be missed, and one of the hottest stars in the near future.

4 Tyra Banks

Tyra grew up as a tall, lanky teenager, and no one expected what a beautiful, full-breasted and seductive woman she would become. The first forms of Taira began to appear only at almost 19 years old, but as soon as they were discovered, she certainly received a divine blessing and acquired the correct shape. Tyra's height and roundness led her to a coveted job as a Victoria's Secret runway model, and from that moment on, Tyra built her empire on her beauty and intelligence.

5 Christina Hendricks

This seductive hottie is a resurrection of Hollywood glamor from yesteryear, quite literally, as she is the star of the hit series Mad Men, based on 1960s America. Ironically, this red-haired beauty had a hard time in high school at first. When Christina was a teenager, she was so teased and bullied in high school that she began to separate from her peers and turned to the Gothic style and ideology in search of refuge. Looking at her current incredible success and beauty, it's hard to imagine that she was once far from charming.

6 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett has all the charms and uses them flawlessly. With her perfect buttocks, captivating curve of the hips and curvaceous bust, this blonde beauty is blessed with stunning curves and is not afraid to show them off. Scarlett is another Hollywood star who has received the prestigious Esquire magazine's "Sexiest Woman Living" award, and with such piercing eyes and such a sexy body, Scarlett's award for this award is not at all surprising and, frankly, deserved.

7 Kat Dennings

With her trademark 1940s hairdo and gorgeous body with natural curves, this red-haired beauty is in the spirit of good old Hollywood glamour. This girl has it all: beautiful porcelain skin, perfectly rounded lips and a rich cleavage. When asked about what she does to make her body so mind-blowing, Kat admits that it’s nothing special and that it’s really difficult for her to stay away from junk food. Sorry ladies, but there's no secret way to get that look - this girl was just born that way.

8 Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt is a high school dream girl. She looks like a sweet and innocent girl from the house next door, but she has the form of a seductive Greek goddess who knows a lot about broken men's hearts. In the short-lived TV series The Client List, viewers saw Jennifer at her sexiest, as she played the role of a masseuse doing not-quite-legal "special" massages. This girl is a natural beauty, and her feminine figure will definitely go down in history as one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.

9 Jennifer Lopez

If you were interested in hip-hop in the early 2000s, then we are sure you most likely remember Jennifer Lopez's "My love don't cost a thing" video, and how can you forget it. In this sexy and sensual clip, Jennifer Lopez shows off her perfect curves in just a tank top and bikini bottoms. Her flat, tanned belly, paired with rounded hips and curvaceous buttocks, cements her position as one of the reigning queens of the hourglass kingdom, and 15 years later, at the age of 45, she is still winning hearts.

10 Mariah Carey

Even in her youth, Mariah had a curvaceous figure, but later something happened and her long, thin body seemed to become even more curvaceous. The multi-platinum singer isn't shy about showing off her brilliance and dressing up as one of her favorite characters, Jessica Rabbit, and it shows in the way she dresses. Mariah is the epitome of dignity, sass and captivating curves, and at 44, the R&B singer is still just as beautiful.

11 Beyoncé

Beyoncé is not only famous for her Grammy-winning curves, but she actually coined a new word in the English dictionary to describe her infamously curvy body. Voicing the expression "bootylicious" (translated from English: sexy, luxurious), Beyoncé soon initiated the movement of girls with curvaceous forms, proudly showing off her body and in her songs encouraging other girls to follow her example. Beyoncé has been hailed as the most beautiful woman in the world several times in a row, and those curves, plus her face and indescribable talent, we can only agree.

12 Kim Kardashian

The infamous Kim Kardashian became famous, literally, only thanks to her unimaginable forms. Kim is not a singer, not a dancer, not an actress, she is just an amazingly beautiful woman who became famous for her feminine figure. Again, no matter how much they argue about whether nature has endowed her with these “virtues”, but you can imagine these forms on many other people, and they still will not look like Kim. Whether you like her or not, she's sexy.

13 Nicki Minaj

Nicki's music video for "Anaconda" has become the subject of much legend and sparked a lot of controversy about society's current obsession with female buttocks and whether Nicki is a natural hourglass beauty or some kind of surgical change. The fact remains that whether she paid for these bold forms or was born with them, no one can rock them like Nicky does, and she brushes aside any doubt that everyone knows it with all the music videos she makes, in which the main role is played by her small-sized, but at the same time sexy body.

14 Iggy Azalea

Although she spent several years working in the music industry, Iggy Azalea seemed to have entered the music scene with some natural gifts. To say that everyone was a little surprised to find that Iggy was a New Zealand rapper is an understatement. But she shocked everyone even more when she showed off her unimaginably seductive charms, which could well compete with such buxom ladies like J. Lo and Beyoncé. Iggy broke all the usual stereotypes about rapper girls and looked great at the same time.

15 Amber Rose

If you're on Instagram, you couldn't miss the epic photo that Amber Rose posted recently. This shaved blonde beauty may have cut into Kim Kardashian's internet streak when she posted this snap, proving that just because you're a mom and recently broke up with your long-term lover doesn't mean you shouldn't look amazing. Amber's curves are just cosmic, and the barely visible bikini does a great job of showing them off.

The most beautiful female figures of all times and peoples

Disputes about female beauty have always been going on in the world - and will go on as long as people are interested in life itself. The ideal standards of their time are largely determined by the society itself. The pre-war time dictates the same conditions: more magnificent girls who are able to cope with the difficulties come into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry raises to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game.

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren has become the only winner of all the major awards of the world's major film festivals. Her collection of aphorisms was reprinted in several languages: Sophie, like the other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. The description of the appearance of this beauty can be cited by the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican in principle does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

Brigitte Bardot

And another icon that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

Marilyn Monroe

About the death of the first beauty of the world (and the title is well deserved) gossip almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, multiplied by a sharp mind and a lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

Dita Von Teese

Almost no one knows the name of Heather Rene Sweet - but Dita von Teese is known to everyone. The girl chose a voiced pseudonym almost at random, having drawn a surname from the phone book so that the Playboy editors had something to sign her candid photos. Dita brought up her sophisticated beauty with severe discipline and training, as a result, she rightfully won a place among the most beautiful women of the last century.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. The exotic appearance of the girl attracted the audience, critics praised her talent with might and main, and the directors used the beauty of Salma with caution - she easily pulled all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson stated that when the gods decided to bring down a copy of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek - and hell, we absolutely agree with that.

Beyoncé made her first steps on the stage in the company of charming girlfriends: Destiny's Child was considered one of the best R&B groups of that time. The girl's solo career went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name on the second line of the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits - and, believe me, there really is something to see.

Jennifer Lopez

One of the first significant singers of the beginning of the 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez's flattering epithets can be wasted for hours, without being afraid of at least a word to sin against the harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to climb to the very top of the starry Olympus - it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

Nicki Minaj

The very first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday headed the famous Billboard for nine whole weeks, which many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work, Nikki decided to show herself to the society - and the society was amazed. The figure of the girl is ideally suited to the requirements of the modern world: even the wax statue of the singer, stored in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

Scarlett Johansson

The tender age of Scarlett passed on the stage, smoothly transforming into Hollywood scenery. A good upbringing gave the girl the opportunity to shine not only with her body, but also with her mind: in addition to filming blockbusters, Scarlett records quite successful discs and even participates in the political life of the country. However, for most men, her magnificent figure will always remain in the foreground.

Kim Kardashian

Gorgeous Kim made herself - this applies to her popularity, and to the girl's absolutely gorgeous figure. Contrary to popular belief, Kim is distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her extraordinary mind: skillful work with famous brands, the launch of several popular products, and even a mobile game brought a lot of money to the Kardashian family.

Every day we see actresses, singers and models with perfect figures on TV screens. To achieve an enviable ideal for many of them is not easy. Diets, many hours of training, sometimes even surgery... And all this to have ideal parameters. We conducted a sociological survey in order to find out which of the modern foreign stars, in the opinion of our readers, has the most ideal figure. We bring to your attention the top 15 most beautiful figures of stars.

In 15th place is an American singer, actress, dancer

  • Age: 35 years old
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 64 kg
  • Parameters: 90-64-102

To maintain a beautiful figure, Beyoncé regularly diets, eats right and does fitness and dancing daily.

In 14th place is an American actress, fashion model, socialite

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Options: 92-68-102

Kim is naturally endowed with very magnificent forms, so she has to try to keep her body in good shape. She goes in for sports every day, keeps to a diet and limits herself in sweets.

13th place is occupied by a South African supermodel, one of the Victoria's Secret angels.

  • Age: 28 years old
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Options: 84-59-88

The girl maintains an ideal slender figure by training in the gym, yoga and boxing. Thanks to her excellent genetics, she does not have to adhere to strict diets.

In 12th place is the American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer and producer Jennifer Lopez.

  • Age: 48 years old
  • Height: 164 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 88-69-100

In order to maintain her appetizing forms, but not gain "extra", Jennifer intensively works out with a personal trainer, dances and adheres to fractional nutrition.

In 11th place is a Mexican-American actress, director, producer and singer.

  • Age: 50 years old
  • Height: 157 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Options: 95-63-94

To maintain a beautiful figure, Salma periodically follows a special diet, drinks plenty of water and goes in for sports (strength training, dancing, swimming).

In 10th place is an American actress.

  • Age: 50 years old
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Options: 91-64-92

To have the figure of a young girl at the age of 50 and with the presence of two children, one good genetics is not enough. Holly regularly goes to the gym and strictly monitors her diet.

9th place on the podium belongs to the singer and actress Rihanna.

  • Age: 29 years old
  • Height: 173 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Options: 90-62-92

Keeping fit Rihanna helps regular Pilates, dancing, karate and strength training with a personal trainer. in addition, the star periodically diets.

Our readers awarded the 8th place to the American actress and fashion model.

  • Age: 31
  • Height: 163 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Options: 86-56-86

Megan admits that she owes much of her beautiful figure to Pilates, and she does not starve herself.

In 7th place - American film actress and singer Scarlett Johansson.

  • Age: 32 years old
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Options: 94-63-93

Scarlett doesn't really like cardio, so she runs and goes to the fitness club only when necessary. But she tries to eat a balanced diet. On her table are always vegetables, fruits and lean meat. Although sometimes she can afford a cheeseburger or ice cream.

6th place for an American actress, singer, model Ciara.

  • Age: 31
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Options: 92-66-96

To maintain good shape, Ciara eats right, follows a strict diet, works out with a personal trainer and a choreographer.

5th place is taken by a Colombian singer, model and choreographer.

  • Age: 40 years old
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 48 kg
  • Options: 91-60-89

Maintaining a good figure Shakira helps a healthy diet and constant variety of workouts (gym, dancing, tennis, swimming, basketball).

In 4th place is an American actress.

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Options: 88-60-88

Jessica eats right, eats often in small portions. In addition, he works out in the gym.

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Options: 86-61-89

Having two children, Adriana is in great shape all the time. The supermodel admits that she tries to "eat food in its purest form", follows a special diet and drinks a lot of water. In addition, she dances salsa, does Pilates and strength training.

On 2nd place Nicole Scherzinger- American singer, dancer, actress, model.

  • Age: 39 years old
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 89-61-91

The motto in the nutrition of the beautiful Nicole is "Everything in moderation." She prefers healthy food and regularly practices yoga and strength training.

And, finally, the 1st place in our rating, according to readers, should be occupied by an English actress and fashion model.

  • Age: 37 years old
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 57 kg
  • Options: 98-64-92

Kelly is second only to Marilyn Monroe among the sexiest women in film history. She maintains her figure with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle (gardening, swimming, cycling).

All the girls in our top, of course, have beautiful figures and deserve the first place. Despite the different parameters of the figures, they are all recognized beauties.

If your opinion differs from the results of our survey, or, in your opinion, there are not enough other beauties with ideal proportions in our top, share your thoughts in the comments.

The world has never stopped arguing about the beauty of women, and it will always be so. However, the ideals of the figure are always changing, determined by the current preferences of society. A pattern has been noticed: in difficult war times, more magnificent forms come into fashion. Instinctively, men choose such young ladies as capable of coping with great difficulties. During periods of calm, the world extols the beauty of slender and flexible girls, and the modern fashion industry raises these preferences to an unattainable absolute. But there are girls who are out of the game - the whole world knows about them, they are loved, and their figure is admired.

These girls are true legends of their time. For example, the charming Marilyn Monroe bowed the men of an entire continent to her feet, capturing the minds and hearts of the most influential men of that time. Dita Von Teese conquered the theater stage, and even the highest church ranks admired the beauty of Sophia Loren at the peak of her fame. In our selection The most beautiful female figures in the world. Top 10» collected not just beauties, but owners of reference, ideal figures. So, let's begin.

Brigitte Bardot

The first number in our ranking "The most beautiful female figures in the world. Top 10" give the legendary Bridget. French actress Brigitte Bardot became a worldwide celebrity after the release of And God Created Woman in 1956. Icon and sex symbol of the roaring 1950-1960s. won the hearts of millions of men not only in Europe but all over the world. Brigitte Bardot was the only counterweight to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who completely took over North America.

In 20 years in the film industry, she starred in 48 films, after which she devoted her life to protecting animals. Brigitte Bardot is 81 today. She has lived in a villa in Saint-Tropez in the South of France since the late 1950s with a couple of hundred animals.

Sophia Loren

The second number in the ranking of the most beautiful female figures was taken by the charming Sophia Loren. The Italian actress Sophia Loren is the only one in the world to receive the main award at Cannes (in 1961), Venice (in 1958, 1998 and 2002), Moscow (in 1965 and 1997) and Berlin (in 1994) film festivals. Sophia Loren's aphorisms have been reprinted in several languages. Sophie is distinguished from other beautiful girls by an extremely sharp mind. At the peak of her fame, this Italian beauty received the highest praise from the archbishop of the Catholic Church in Genoa, who said that although the Vatican is against human cloning, an exception can be made for Sophia Loren. In the 1950s, the actress was considered the sex symbol of Italy.

The owner of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Sophia Loren acted in films from 1950 to 2013. Now Sophia Loren is 81 years old, like Brigitte Bardot.

Marilyn Monroe

The third number of the rating “The most beautiful female figures in the world. Top 10" give the legendary Marilyn Monroe. The first beauty of the world left us at the age of 37. 54 years after her death, Monroe continues to gossip, sometimes even more often than during her lifetime. This beauty was distinguished by wit and a lively character. This combination allowed her to conquer any male society and be a real queen. The figure of Marilyn Monroe was the best interpretation of the ideals of her time. Until now, many young girls are striving for her parameters.

Sex symbol of the 1950s, Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of sleeping pills on August 5, 1962 in California, USA.

Dita Von Teese

Fashion model, singer, and performer of a burlesque show, Dita Von Teese is little known under her real name Heather Rene Sweet, but under a pseudonym she conquered the whole world. The sonorous pseudonym the owner of one of the most beautiful female figures in the world chose almost at random, simply opening the phone book and naming the first name to sign her candid photos in Playboy magazine.

The sophisticated beauty of Dita Von Teese is the result of harsh discipline, training and attention to diet. We all know the result: Dita Von Teese is considered one of the most beautiful women of the century. At 43, Dita continues to be a significant figure in the fashion industry. She was married to Marilyn Manson from 2005 to 2007. He openly admits to plastic surgery (such as breast augmentation and tattooing) and travels exclusively in rare cars like the BMW Z4, Jaguar S-type and Chrysler New Yorker.

Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek, now 49, was the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress in 2003 for Frida. Having appeared in more than 30 films during her career, Salma Hayek remains a favorite of the audience for her exotic appearance and talent. From the first film projects, the directors had to strictly dose the presentation of Salma's beauty on the screen - without this, she could easily attract all the attention to herself, and not to the plot. Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson once said that when the gods decided to bestow their divine splendor on our world, they sent Salma Hayek from heaven.

In 2006, Salma Hayek played in the film Bandidas along with her best friend Penelope Cruz. Salma is now married to François-Henri Pinault. She speaks four languages ​​- English, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese. The last film on the agenda with the actress is "Killer's Bodyguard" in 2016.


R&B singer, actress, dancer and music producer Beyoncé made her stage debut with her adorable friends from Destiny's Child. Even more success came to Beyoncé when she started her solo career. The owner of one of the most beautiful figures in the world, Beyonce is also considered very influential: otherwise Forbes would not have placed her in second place in the ranking of the 100 most influential celebrities in the world.

To the delight of fans around the world, in videos and performances, Beyoncé always demonstrates all the advantages of her figure, wrapped in a wrapper of skimpy outfits. According to Billboard, Beyoncé is the most successful performer of the 2000s, for which she was awarded the title "Artist of the Millennium" from the same magazine. On account of the 34-year-old Beyonce 20 Grammy awards and 52 nominations. She has been married to rapper Jay-Z since 2008. In January 2012, the singer had her first child.

Jennifer Lopez

An American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer, producer, and businesswoman, Jennifer Lopez has received two Grammy nominations and three American Music Awards in her career. Throughout her career, Jennifer Lopez's recordings have sold 75 million copies around the world. According to Billboard, 46-year-old Jennifer Lopez is the 27th most popular artist of the 2000s.

One of the most important singers of the early 2000s, Jennifer Lopez is also the first beauty of her generation. A beautiful figure, combined with a strong character and talent, allowed Jennifer Lopez to make an incredible fortune. Having climbed to the very top of the star Olympus, Jennifer Lopez continues to act in films and perform on stage. Since 2011, she has been intermittently dating dancer Casper Smart, who is 17 years younger than her.

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj's debut album Pink Friday in 2010 became a real hit: he remained at the head of the famous Billboard for 9 weeks, which is rarely achieved by more experienced musicians. Allowing society to appreciate her work, Nicki Minaj struck with her figure, which perfectly matches the modern world. She is so perfect that the half-naked wax figure of 33-year-old Nicki Minaj in a provocative pose in Madame Tussauds even has to be guarded - now she is constantly guarded, stopping the vulgarities of museum visitors.

According to Forbes, Nicki Minaj is in the top 30 richest rappers of our time. The flamboyant beauty owns a Lamborghini Aventador, which was repainted in pink at her personal request.

Scarlett Johansson

American actress Scarlett Johansson is an example of how a combination of good manners, beauty of body and mind can open your way to Hollywood blockbusters. Also, 31-year-old Scarlett Johansson sings and takes an active part in the political life of the United States. However, a luxurious figure will always remain the main argument in favor of Scarlett.

According to the Jerusalem Post from 2014, Scarlett Johansson is included in the top 50 most influential Jews in the world, where she is ranked 18th. She is one of the victims of the theft of explicit photos from hacked iCloud accounts on September 14, 2011. Since October 2014, she has been married for the second time: together with Romain Dauriac, she is raising a daughter born in 2014.

Kim Kardashian

American socialite, reality TV star, actress and fashion model Kim Kardashian closes our ranking of "The most beautiful female figures in the world. Top 10". According to Kim, she made herself. This is true of both her success and her chic curves.

Contrary to popular belief, the main advantage of the 34-year-old Kim Kardashian is not only an outstanding beautiful figure, but also a sharp mind. Skillfully working with well-known brands, Kim launched several commercially successful products and even a mobile game, which helped the Kardashian family to earn a lot of money. In 2006, the whole world learned about Kim Kardashian as a figure in a new sex scandal. Becoming a homemade porn star, she shared the fame of Paris Hilton. Since May 24, 2014, Kim Kardashian has been married for the third time to rapper Kanye West, with whom she has two children.

Why does the same dress look different on you and your friend, even if the weight and height are the same? It turns out that you just have different types of female figures. The specific type of figure will depend on the characteristics of the development / structure of various tissues of the body (muscle, fat, bone), which is largely determined by genetics, although it can be adjusted through exercise and diet.

All women are beautiful and individual. Each body has its pros and cons. Therefore, in order to train more efficiently, choose the right outfits and look more attractive, you need to know your body type. How to define it? Today we will find out.

The figure is the original physique that was given by your parents (“inheritance”, so to speak), because it is more determined by genetics than lifestyle. Exercise and proper nutrition can only maintain a figure, while metabolism, fat distribution and muscle structure are extremely difficult to change without aggressive measures.

There are no ideal body types, but you can get closer to the ideal using various methods - sports and, again, proper nutrition. Although the right choice of clothes also plays an important role.

On a note! Ideas about the ideal female figure are constantly changing. So, in prehistoric times, very large women were considered attractive. In ancient times, the standard of beauty was a slender and graceful woman with long legs and small breasts.

Medieval beauty is, first of all, a mother. And therefore, the ideal figure of that time provided for the presence of a rounded belly, not very pronounced waist and hips - in a word, nothing feminine. This went on for a long time, but in the twentieth century, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal figure changed dramatically. Women with a flat stomach and long slender legs began to be considered beautiful. Then, in fact, the stereotype “90/60/90” appeared. But in reality, it is not so much individual parameters that are important, but their proportion.

For this reason, they began to classify the typical features of female figures. This classification is based precisely on the proportional ratio of shoulders, waist and hips. To be honest, it is not the only one (read more about other classifications below), but we will still start with the classics. According to tradition, female figures are compared either with vegetables / fruits, or with geometric figures, or with the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Why is 90/60/90 the standard for the perfect figure?

How to determine your body type?

According to the features mentioned above, there are 5 main types of female figures:

  • "apple";
  • "hourglass";
  • "triangle";
  • "rectangle";
  • inverted triangle.

If you want to know which type you belong to, you must prepare a centimeter tape and take only 3 measurements.

  1. Hips. Determine the volume of the hips at their widest part, making sure that the centimeter tape is parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist. Determine its volume by the narrowest part (slightly above the navel), while the stomach can neither protrude nor retract.
  3. Breast. Determine the volume over a regular non-push-up bra, focusing on the most protruding point. Keep the tape parallel to the floor.

After that, you can start evaluating your results.

  1. If the volume of the hips and chest is approximately the same, and the waist is 20-30 cm smaller, then you have an hourglass figure.
  2. If your legs are slender, and your stomach, waist and chest stand out the most, then you have an "apple" ("circle").
  3. If the volume of the hips and chest is approximately the same, and the waist does not really stand out against their background, then you are a real “rectangle”.
  4. If your shoulders look wider than your hips, and your chest is larger than your lower body, then you are the owner of a T-shaped figure (i.e., an “inverted triangle”).
  5. Finally, if the waist is visible, and the volume of the chest is less than the volume of the hips, then you are a “pear” (“triangle”).

Now let's get acquainted with the features of each of the types of female figures in more detail.

No. 1. "Hourglass" (other names: "guitar", "X figure", "eight")

The classic type of figure, the notorious "90/60/90" - this is just about him. Such women are distinguished by an equal volume of shoulders and hips, a clearly defined waist. In a word, the parameters are proportional. Excess fat, if it appears, is distributed over the hips and chest, although there are disadvantages here. So, "guitars" with extra weight can suffer from "ears" (this is also called "full hourglass"). However, in this case, the woman does not lose her thin waist.

On a note! The X-shaped figure was considered the ideal during Antiquity. And if you belong to the group of "eights", then we hasten to please: the main thing in your case is not to violate the harmonious proportions of the hips, waist and chest.

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to maintain the harmony of the bottom and top, emphasizing the curves. The X-shaped figure is good because almost any clothing is suitable for it., but in order to emphasize the curves of the body as profitably as possible, we recommend giving preference to:

  • fitted silhouettes;
  • belt at the waist as an additional accessory;
  • coats, blouses and raincoats with belts and A home;
  • high-waisted trousers/jeans;
  • dresses and sweaters with a round or V-neck;
  • pencil skirt.

Clothes that are not suitable for this type of figure:

  • low-rise trousers/jeans;
  • baggy outfits that hide the silhouette;
  • blouses / dresses with low / high waist;
  • straight-cut outerwear.

Proper training

To maintain a figure, strength training should be interspersed with cardio training. You can resort to any kind of cardiovascular activity (two half-hour sessions per week are enough).

On a note! The most famous representatives of the G8 include Monica Bellucci, Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Simpson, Sophia Loren, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian.

No. 2. "Rectangle" (other names: "square", "banana", "slender column", H-shaped figure)

In "rectangles", as noted earlier, the hips and chest are equal in volume, and the waist is either not expressed at all, or it is expressed, but weakly (for example, 70 cm with a chest volume of 94 cm). Obviously, this is a more athletic and athletic physique (compared to the same “eight”), in addition, it is possible to visually increase the insufficient waist bend. Emphasizing the features of the figure in this case is to maintain the harmony of the hips and shoulders, the visual narrowing of the waist. This can be achieved by creating additional volume elsewhere.

When a woman with such a figure gains weight, her silhouette becomes rectangular or O-shaped. Fat is deposited on the abdomen, forming a kind of "lifeline".

Wardrobe selection

Attention is focused on beautiful legs and waist, balance is maintained between the lower and upper parts of the body. Best for "rectangles" fit:

  • capris or classic straight trousers;
  • coat with a belt, fitted outerwear;
  • tops with thin straps;
  • jeans or tight-fitting trousers with a low / medium fit;
  • outerwear (including jackets) with a straight shoulder line;
  • A-line skirt;
  • dresses with zap A hom or without straps.

At the same time, owners of an H-shaped figure are advised to refuse:

  • oversized or baggy clothes;
  • pencil skirts;
  • outfits that open the stomach too much;
  • leggings;
  • dresses and outerwear of straight styles;
  • turtleneck;
  • tops, T-shirts with a neckline or sleeveless.

Proper training

To correct such a figure, cardio activity should be minimized, using mainly a stepper. The waist can be created with the help of exercises for the press and the use of a hula hoop. It is important that the workouts are intense, but short. Each muscle group should receive its load weekly.

On a note! Famous "rectangles" are: Mila Jovovich, Anna Kournikova, Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Keira Knightley.

No. 3. "Pear" (other names: "triangle", "spoon", "trapezoid", A-shaped figure)

It is rightfully considered the most feminine. It is characterized by rounded lush hips, slightly exceeding the shoulders in volume. In this case, the abdomen is usually flat, and the waist is quite thin.

Often pear women cannot boast of large breasts- they often have it flat, but a plastic surgeon, as you know, easily solves such problems. We also note that with such a figure, torturing yourself with diets does not make sense. The A-shaped figure is preserved both with excess and with model weight. Therefore, it is better to draw attention to beautiful hands, collarbones or neck, for which you just need to use the right clothes.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the hips by focusing on the upper body. For this you can use:

  • A-line coat, fitted outerwear;
  • jeans/trousers that flare down;
  • any fitted outfits with false shoulders (jackets, blazers, etc.);
  • dark trousers/jeans with a straight cut;
  • tops, blouses and T-shirts (sleeveless, off the shoulder or wide neckline);
  • a pencil skirt or an A-line skirt.
  • long straight coats, baggy outfits;
  • skirts / trousers with numerous weighting elements (lace, pleats, ruffles);
  • turtlenecks, blouses and tops with a neckline;
  • fluffy skirts (including flared ones), trousers with decorative elements on the belt/pockets;
  • massive and bright belts on the hips;
  • tight-fitting trousers (especially light-colored ones).

Proper training

To adjust the lower part, you can perform squats (the pace should be moderate), lunges and leg extensions on the simulator. Moreover, to achieve better results, squats can be combined into long series (10-15 repetitions each).

On a note! Among celebrities, the owners of such a figure are: Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé.

No. 4. "Inverted Triangle" (other names: T-shaped figure, "carrot", Y-shaped figure)

Women with this type of figure have narrow hips and broad shoulders. Legs are often leaner and longer than others. Various stylistic techniques allow you to visually increase the hips, reduce the shoulders and emphasize the waist. The best option for this is a straight cut, maximum details on the hips and a minimum in the chest area.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the top and bottom, while the waist should also not be forgotten. The most suitable clothing for this:

  • trapeze coat;
  • A-line skirts with large pockets or pleats;
  • blouses, tops and dresses with square or U-shaped necklines;
  • large thigh straps;
  • low-rise jeans/trousers;
  • tops/dresses with a frill below the waist.

However, it is advisable to avoid:

  • long skirts and pencil skirts;
  • straight long coats;
  • straight dark trousers;
  • baggy outerwear;
  • blouses and tops with a wide boat neckline;
  • jackets and blouses with voluminous sleeves;
  • voluminous bright jumpers / sweaters;
  • off-the-shoulder outfits.

Note! Famous owners of the T-shaped figure are: Angelina Jolie, Katherine McPhee, Demi Moore.

No. 5. "Apple" (other names: O-figure, "oval", "circle", "rhombus")

When compared with other types of female figures, this one is the most disproportionate, but it was precisely such women that were sung on the canvases of Rubens. The most prominent part of the body of the "apples" is the middle, i.e., the stomach and waist. The thighs and legs are relatively thin, as is the sirloin. In the case of weight gain, fat accumulates in this prominent part. Type of female figure "apple"

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to “stretch” the figure, emphasize the legs, neckline, and define the waist. To do this, it is preferable to use:

  • plain outfits with vertical tucks;
  • A-line coat, A-shaped outerwear;
  • outfits with large elements below the hips;
  • V-neck tops/blouses;
  • dresses with A-line silhouettes;
  • jeans/trousers with large pockets and flares.

At the same time, they are definitely not suitable for "apples":

  • tight skirts and pencils;
  • baggy clothes;
  • skinny jeans/trousers or low-rise;
  • short tops, turtlenecks;
  • outfits with ruffles, bright prints or decorative details on the stomach/shoulders.

Body type "apple": make up a basic wardrobe

Proper training

Weight loss requires regular cardio activity - for example, on a stepper or a treadmill. The waist can be shaped with a hoop and exercises for the abdominal muscles.

On a note! The most famous "apples": Britney Spears, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jessica Jones.

Video - Types of female figures

Metabolic typing of female forms

As already noted, the above classification is not the only one. Below is another one - by metabolic types. Let's get acquainted with it in more detail.

Table. Metabolic types of figures.

Name, photoShort description
The dominant gland in such women is the pituitary gland. Metabolism in this case is slow and sluggish, fat accumulates well, fluid is also retained well. Such ladies tend to be overweight since childhood. The type echoes the previously described "apple".
The dominant gland is the thyroid. The weight of such women is usually normal, often they even have a thin physique. This type has something in common with the "rectangle". Women look "boyish", have narrow shoulders, small breasts and sharp limbs.
The most feminine type. The activity of female hormones and ovaries is dominant. It is somewhat reminiscent of an "hourglass" and a "pear". Adipose tissue is distributed mainly on the buttocks and thighs.
The figure of such women is very similar to that of men - the shoulders are wide, the hips are narrow. Similar to the "inverted triangle". The predominant gland is the adrenal glands, which produce androgens.

How to determine the type of figure on the wrist?

This is really possible - according to the wrist, the body type is determined in medicine (especially in obstetrics). The size of the wrist indicates the thickness of the woman's bones in this part of the body. In this regard, the type of figure can be:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

The circumference of the wrist is an indicator also known as the Solovyov index. In the first case, it is less than 15, in the second - over 17, and in the third - from 15 to 17, respectively.

About new types of female figures

Few people know, but recently the female figure has changed so much that scientists had to supplement the usual classification with several new “vegetables”. This is, first of all, "nutmeg gourd". Something similar to an hourglass, but with a wider waist (over 25 cm - about 20-25 cm).

There is another figure "eggplant"- in fact, the same "pear", only the waist is not so pronounced. And finally "broccoli"- a type of figure resembling a "carrot", but with a more voluminous chest. By the way, thanks to plastic surgery, any “carrot” can quickly turn into “broccoli”.

Video - Choosing a dress depending on the type of figure

As a conclusion

As a result, we note that any female figure changes over time, far from being for the better. This is common knowledge. But Japanese scientists have found that age-related changes occur in a certain sequence. It looks like this.
