The best congratulations on vacation in prose and poetry. Vacation congratulations to a colleague

Oh, this cherished word is vacation. For a person who is tired of everyday workloads, it causes awe. With his head held high, the employee leaves the hateful office and heads to warmer climes. But everything has its end, which means that the time comes when you have to return to work again. To help a colleague cope with the first working day after a vacation, the team often speaks personally or gives a postcard with pleasant, encouraging wishes. In this article, you can find the right words.

For boss

"For some time, the life of our team has changed: everyone was not working so actively, day after day was gray and dull. This is due to the absence of a wise leader who always knows where to direct the energy of his subordinates. Now you are with us again! We hope that the forces accumulated during the rest, they will be partially transferred to the team, and it will work even more productively.Forward, with new ideas for better results!

Our team is a family, and you are its head. Like all children, we should not be left unattended for long periods of time. The team is glad that now we will work in full force. When a leader is inspired to new achievements, then subordinates adopt this feeling. Together with you we will achieve our goals!

The boss's vacation evokes different emotions. Joy from the opportunity to relax a little, envy (exceptionally white) from the emotions experienced by another person, longing for the one who from the first minutes sets the tone for the entire working day. But the leader is sure to return, which means that the atmosphere in the team comes full circle. We hope that during the rest you replenished your strength and patience in order to return to duty again! Please accept my congratulations on the first working day after the holidays!

Colleagues of the weaker sex

"A woman is always beautiful, but decorating the world around her is not an easy task. She requires a lot of strength that needs to be replenished. Then you left us, which made the whole team very upset. Now we are together again, and a light tan and a sea of ​​​​photos for a long time will remain the envy of all colleagues.Let the memories of a wonderful vacation brighten up sometimes difficult working days!

Our postcard on the first working day after vacation is a way to show how much we missed your company. The male half of the team, with expectation and bated breath, counted the days when they would see one of the most beautiful members of the team again, and the female half, in turn, suffered from a lack of information. We all breathed a sigh of relief, because now the employees are in place and working life will be the same. May joyful memories not be overshadowed, and the smile does not leave your face! The next vacation is just around the corner!

For male colleagues

"Rest... How tiring it must be to be torn from day to day between going to the beach and a serene sleep in a hotel room. But now you do not have to experience these torments, and a loyal team and a sensitive boss will make sure that work does not cease to bring pleasure, and the vacation seemed just a waste of time! This is all, of course, an irony! We are sure that a change of scenery and a break from the bustle of the city did you good. We are very glad that you returned to our ranks again!

Keep our congratulations on the first working day after the holidays! We know that you are a very energetic and active person, and therefore a long absence of work is a burden for you. But the team suffered no less! We have lost the soul of the company and are very glad that you have started working again!".

funny congratulations

"To brighten up the first working day after the holidays, cool congratulations from your favorite team are what you need! Now your life has meaning again, we have appeared (which, in principle, is the same thing). We wish you to steadfastly meet Monday morning, cope with work and replenish the collection of magnets on the refrigerator!

It took us a long time to get used to your absence. Even the guard noticed that someone had not greeted him for two weeks. We are happy to congratulate you on your first working day after your vacation and wish you new achievements, high wages, delicious coffee and only pleasant troubles!

Getting started is not always easy. To please a colleague, congratulate him on the first working day after the vacation. The support and love of the team will brighten up the difficult ones and allow you to tune in to the right wave.

Let your vacation be full of impressions! New meetings and joyful minutes! In the fireworks of bright entertainment, I wish you to relax! rating: 26 ↓

We wish you in nature in a hammock - eat barbecue and drink cognac, and the whole vacation is the only way! 41 ↓

Have a happy rest in the midst of nature, gain new strength so that your rested look will amaze everyone around us! 38 ↓

Congratulations on your vacation) I envy ... You will sleep as much as you want, dance, hang out at parties! In general, I wish you a cool, super long rest! 31 ↓

Let only a fair wind blow, let the sea of ​​happiness be stormy, and the shore warm and azure! 33 ↓

Rest your heart
Don't rush to Barcelona!
And in Thailand, what to do there,
Just groom your body?
Go as you are to the country,
Take all your relatives into the bargain!
Here the adrenaline will trample
Your vacation will go well! 32 ↓

Have fun with all your might, spend your time not in vain, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your long-awaited vacation! 42 ↓

I wish you to spend your holidays in beautiful and cozy places. Find peace of mind among the wonderful nature. Forget about the fact that there are things to do, worries ... After all, it's so good to relax, it's a breath of freedom! 29 ↓

Each person realizes his right to rest with great pleasure, so from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a good rest, with pleasure, with a feeling that the rest is enough for a long time! 36 ↓

It's great when the labor season is over! You don't have to get up in the dark, pierce your eyes, hurry somewhere, dine with something and somehow, and you can just relax ... Replenish your strength and zeal! With what I want to congratulate you! 41 ↓

Congratulations on the long-awaited vacation, let the minutes not rush as before! Let the idleness last longer! Have a good rest! 35 ↓

Enjoy the sun, unearthly sea,
And a wave that foams playfully.
Beach, sand, sea surf...
Enjoy everything that is beautiful there! 39 ↓

So the rest before you joyfully opened,
Take some money with you, you did a great job!
Relax, have fun and forget work
Let all your worries go now! 40 ↓

Vacation, vacation at last
Worries fly away!
On the sand, on the rocks,
Well, you like, on a chair,
Or in the hall by candlelight -
The main thing is to rest! 39 ↓

Colleagues sob and envy gnaws at them -
After all, an employee goes on vacation ...
Who will help them finish the urgent project?
Who will be the support of a reliable hand?
You will enjoy freedom with might and main,
Walk, have fun, dive, sunbathe!
And even let yourself sleep!
And we - to keep a labor watch here ...
So here is a friendly covenant for you:
For everyone, pull away, excuses do not count!
On the conscience now rest, in two or three shifts!
Come back and ask for a detailed report!

I wish you to spend your vacation with fun,
Preferably in someone else's bed!
Long hot kisses
But don't play too hard there!
Let the hugs be passionate
Insatiable and beautiful!

Daily to work, sometimes even on Saturdays,
As soon as you go to bed at night, it's time to get up.
Rest is a must
To work again with inspiration.
Holidays have finally come, it's time
I congratulate you on it!
You can now have fun from night to morning,
Health, gain strength and spend time not in vain.

Here is your rest
Happy to open
Take some money with you
Nice job you did!
Relax, have fun
And forget work
Don't get mad at the boss
Worries fly away!
On the sand, on the rocks,
Well, if on a chair -
Only in the hall by candlelight
To rest!
And yet - shout, frolic,
Forget embarrassment.
For the days to pass
Like one moment!

Congratulations mate, you are not alone!
You now get freedom sip
It is quite pleasant to accompany you on vacation -
We will be doubly glad to meet again!
And while our lucky man flies to sunbathe,
We will continue to keep the working watch,
Indulge in vacation dreams too
And enviously think - "Well, how are you there?"
Don't forget about gifts from warm lands!
We will drink tea for your successful vacation!
We will wait for resort souvenirs
In impatience, the calendar is interrupted here!

Cases have already been postponed
And thoughts are not about work.
Thoughts are circling in my head,
How to buy everything by Saturday.
Swimsuit new update,
And you need a skirt.
And a red bag to my pants
I'll buy it as a reward.
I deserve my rest
I'll go to the black sea,
I will swim, drink wine,
and wake up at noon.

Long awaited! There is no other word
To describe this happiness!
The chains of office collapsed,
It's time to rest!
Vacation is a time to enjoy
All paths are open to you:
You can just lie at home
Or enjoy your vacation.
Hiking, beaches and trips,
Beckon near and far lands!
There are many great options!
Happy long-awaited vacation!

Precious boss, the team is in tears!
Are you flying away from us to the beauties of the Maldives?
To the pyramids? To the beaches, to the azure waves?
Without you, how do you order us to cope here?
Vacation is sacred, but what about us here?
So worthy who can lead here?
Come back soon, we'll miss you
And diligently work, and faithfully wait!
We wish you a great rest
May your every journey be pleasant and easy!
So that dreams and fantasies brightly come true -
And then - back to work life!

Congratulations on your vacation, great holiday,
Let there be enough money for a big cruise,
Companies are fighting for your person,
They offer discounts every day - a surprise!
Unlimited vacation let it give pleasure,
Romantic meetings, sighs until dawn,
Exotic countries, beaches, awards,
Let the body be filled with strength and soar!

From colleagues and from work
You will rest for a month
Your worries will pass
Those who will replace
Until you gain strength
And improve your health
Sleep before lunch;
In a word - relax!

Leaving the workplace
Inconsolable tired colleagues,
Remember - vacation time is lovely,
But it's not for everyone!
We want you to relax
Enjoy, don't live by the clock!
Inspired to return to work,
Passing the baton to us!
We will wait for you from absence
Stand at work like a rock!
Maybe even sharpeners and pens
From yours we will not melt the table!

Rest your heart
Don't rush to the Canary Islands!
And in Thailand, what to do there,
Just groom your body!?
Go as you are to the country,
And take your mother-in-law into the bargain!
Here the adrenaline will trample
Your vacation will go well!

You are lucky, dear friend!
A couple of days - and you're flying south!
You will sleep as much as you want, dance,
Hang out at cool parties!
Ah, the Canary Islands, the Caribbean, Taiwan...
Step on that edge,
That the usual everyday working melancholy
Will change to the beach and to the surfboard!

Noisy workdays,
The long-awaited vacation has arrived!
May it be unforgettable
You rightfully deserve it!
May it be full of impressions
New meetings and joyful minutes!
In the fireworks of bright entertainment
I want you to rest!

You're going on vacation, that's cool
You are already lucky, what can I say?
I wish you bad weather
Plans could not interfere.
Rest you to the fullest
Sea, sun, beaches and sand.
So that later there is still enough money,
Do not overtighten the belt.

You are like a working bee
Everything worked and worked
Hands not working at all
And now seriously exhausted ...
Vacation awaits you legal
So consider it your duty
Rest, my friend, to the fullest,
To be remembered for a long time!

What a joy not to go to work.
And turn off your phone, to hell.
Roll around all day and sunbathe.
Go to bed late, don't get up early
And let the computer gather dust on the table.
And the mouse is motionless next to him.
We wish you fall in love on vacation!
Feel free and alive!

Go away work
But today is not Saturday
Little vacation now
Even every hour counts.

Rest and relax
Every day you smile
And don't think bad
I congratulate you with a verse!

Hello sea, clouds!
Hello Golden Sun!
Vacation time has come
Time in life is precious!

Rest for a hundred years
And forget about everything in the world
Tan you in a swarthy color,
Be free like the wind.

Vacation is a glorious fun
Looking forward to it,
Let in parties and a hangover
You will make good use of your time!

We congratulate you on the onset of your long-awaited vacation, wish you a good rest, get unforgettable emotions and impressions, gain strength for further labor exploits.

Cheers cheers! The time has come.
Work gave us rest.
I congratulate you on this.
For vacation, you are responsible.

You spend it wisely
Not to regret later.
Be bolder and away from doubt
To the world of dreams and relaxation.

We congratulate you, vacationer,
You deserve your rest, of course,
We wish you a great rest
Gain a lot of vigor and strength,
You travel, visit countries,
And get a lot of impressions
But don't forget about work.
And bring us the rays of the sun!

Many months in a row
You, immersed in work,
Completely forgot the rest
More and more needing it.

On vacation I wish
Rest for a whole year.
Let the soul roam
And the body will rest!

Congratulations on your vacation!
Relax, cheer up.
Full of strength, confidence
Come back to us later.

I wish you joy
Happiness for you.
Cheerful and healthy
Be you forever.

Let it be great
Rest is yours.
There are many in your life
May it be good.

Finally the last day
Came before the holidays.
You are a voluptuous moment
I've been waiting for a whole year.

I want to take a walk
And gain strength for you.
To happily return
To your labor path.

Every day of idleness is sweet
Certainly to be.
So that about all your problems
Definitely forgot.

Finally waited
After all, they are going on vacation soon.
And you always work
when others are resting.

I want to tan in the sun
And in the sea for a long time to swim.
I want a lot of champagne
Happy for a year to stay.

I want to rest "on glory",
And go on a cruise.
To gain new strength
And every day for a surprise!

We wish you to rest
Starting with walks, a bright path -
Go to the theater or cinema
Where haven't been for so long!

You can rush to the sea
Where you can also relax
To visit wonderful salons,
Keep up with fashion.

Charging should be done
And do not be shy about sports in life,
You rest 100 percent,
No extra coefficients.

So that you return to work,
They plunged into it with a choke,
And they did great
Everything is identical to orders!

Finally the time has come
When you can get some rest
Let go of the heavy burden
And go somewhere on vacation!

We congratulate you on your vacation
And envy even a little bit,
We wish the warm sea, the sun,
Have fun, dive deeper!

Vacation to inspire
And dating, and even romance,
Above the sky to have a mood
Visit many countries together!

Congratulations on the best day of the working year,
Vacation so long-awaited by the very beginning,
You can do everything at once or nothing,
Everyone approaches his ideals in rest,
I wish you only excellent weather,
Arrange things in your personal life,
So spend those sweet vacation days,
So that they become the most vivid memory!

Eleven months of the year we are waiting for him,
Desired from the problems and worries of his vacation,
My congratulations on his first day,
From morning to sleep until lunch will be a sure sign,
And then hourly, according to a verified plan,
Relax and have fun, get high all the time,
Don't waste a minute - everything is of course,
And the holiday dear to the heart will not last forever!

Even if you didn’t throw the soil with a shovel,
All the same, I waited with trepidation for the vacation month,
Even those who work in the entertainment industry
You must have your rest from this,
For this happiness thanks to our constitution,
That respects our rights in state institutions,
I greet you - the holidays are just beginning,
Now the circumstances and the weather would not let us down!

Glory to vacation, glory to its beginning,
The first day, like meeting a ship at the pier,
What will this holiday season bring?
Where will our mortal body still carry,
So that there are no wasted days, it's a pity
Only the past is over, look at the next one in the distance,
Vacation is not shalam balam, but a serious matter,
Plan and relax fun, joyfully, boldly!

The very first vacation of the long-awaited day,
And I want to act actively, and I'm too lazy to move,
It's not too lazy to go to the airport only at 4 in the morning,
Where the board is waiting for departure to Miami,
Congratulations on the start of the holiday to all vacationers,
Do not pierce the golden days and be prepared
Swim, lie on the beach and have fun from the heart,
To live up to vacation was worth being born!

Close your office, pack your suitcase,
On a plane, fly away from the hustle and bustle of the city,
And hurry, before your boss changes his mind,
And you suddenly didn’t come up with an urgent job!
Feet in hand and run before it's too late
I'm telling you now, quite seriously,
Grab the start of your vacation by the tail,
And be a free man, start right now!

Vacation start! What a sweet moment!
There was a bright light at the end of the tunnel
Now everything will be the way you want
And you won't even ask your boss for permission!
Congratulations! You are now, like a wind in a field,
You can go to sleep, even at dawn,
Do not go to work in the morning, alarm clock - goodbye,
May your vacation bring you pleasant memories!

Farewell colleagues, urgent matters away!
Today I'm going home with a smile, tipsy,
And tomorrow I won't come to your stuffy office,
And I'll be back in a month!
Tomorrow I will lie among the palm trees,
And take sunbaths on the body,
Envy me friends and sigh languidly,
And with the beginning of the vacation, my colleagues, congratulate me!

Something stuffy became me in the workplace,
It's somehow cramped here for us all together,
Maybe it's time for me to take a break
I'm going to pack my suitcase and have a good trip!
I sat here with you, it's time for vacation,
This thought never left me in the morning,
And most importantly, our boss agrees with me,
He allowed me to change the landscape outside the window!

Congratulations on the start of your vacation!
On the runway came your mood,
And nothing can change its course
Chief agrees, so be it!
Relax, come back, we are waiting for you,
And we'll go on vacation right after you,
There was also a desire to relax,
Take your breath away from hard work!

I suggest you not to overwork much today,
I suggest you leave your job for a month,
Vacation time and you are the first on this list,
Farewell! Let me know how you're doing by email!
Do not show up at the workplace for a month,
With colleagues we will take you on the road with a song,
Congratulations! Have a well-deserved vacation!
And bring us souvenirs from your trips!

Let the beginning of your vacation give you freedom!
Let the body fully feel the nature,
Let the weather do its best for you
May happy moments never be forgotten!
Let this stage of time work for you
May you have rest - the highest class,
Enjoy first class
And let there be only peace in your heart!
