The scenario of the autumn matinee for the preparatory group “Magic colors of autumn. Scenario of autumn entertainment in kindergarten in a preparatory group for school

Autumn holiday script.

Children enter the hall to the music.


When the sound of rain is heard, when colorful leaves circle in the air, falling from the trees, and flocks of birds fly south, we recognize this as signs of autumn. A bit of a sad, but wonderful time of the year, whose beauty has always been admired by poets, musicians, and artists. We also rejoice in autumn and dedicate our holiday to it.


Queen Autumn was coming
The hot summer said goodbye to nature,
And there is very little of it left.
You will go out into the field - along the edges of the road
Yellow withered grass.
Autumn claims.

Birds fly to warmer climes
And the trees are yellow in autumn.
Leaves are falling, circling in the air,
Slender birch trees tremble in the wind.


Asters bloom in my flower garden,
I'll make a bouquet, take them to the house.
They smell like autumn, bright flowers -
You will not find more beautiful than this beauty.

Wedges of cranes float across the sky
And in distant lands you and I are called.
Here they are, noisy, fly away into the distance,
We are a little sorry for the summer that has flown away.

Song "Autumn"
(at the end, the children go to the chairs)


Oh guys! I hear something strange .. Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

B.Ya.: Hello please! Came, not dusty, darlings
Oh…! Why am I saying this?! Hello, please come in
settle down, I'm very glad to see you!
I fixed my house
This is where I opened a cafe.
And the rumor went in the forest
Business lady is me!
I was waiting for you all to visit
Fly agaric baked.
Amazing time!
The holiday is now in the yard.

So that you are mine, I've been waiting for you! Oh, I forgot the most important thing to say that my cafe is not easy - autumn, and Queen Autumn herself is in a hurry to visit us, she brings us gifts.

Oh, guys, but we need to rehearse poems for the arrival of autumn .. So that she likes it?

B.I: Let's, let's!!! I'll listen for now. Suddenly she doesn't like it?

Bad Weather Poems:
1. It's raining all over the earth,
wet road,
Many drops on glass
And a little warmth.
2. Summer passed, ran, rushed off.
The sky frowns, and the rain drizzles.
There are very few warm days left.
Maybe nature is sad about this?

B.Ya.: Who said that autumn is a sad time?
With joy, the kids are jumping through the puddles!
I don't allow sadness
I invite you to play

The game "Who is more likely to run across the puddles."
(2 teams of 4 people participate. Each participant runs around the “snake” puddles (hoops lying on the floor), hiding under an umbrella, then passes the umbrella to the next player.)

B.I: Oh, well done, well done! Do you know how to solve riddles? Well, let's check it out now. I prepared the most delicious treat, for which you must guess everything. If you don't guess, I'll leave it to myself. Oh, what am I saying, I'm kind, not greedy, I've corrected myself. Here are my riddles:
I emerge from the garden
I grow up smart.
Eat me guys
Red…. (carrot)

The hedgehog was surprised in the field:
"That's a vegetable, a hundred clothes!"
And the hare ate with a crunch
Appetizing ... (cabbage)

He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice, people love for a long time,
Red, ripe ... (tomato)

I'm a pod, beloved home
Good brothers in it!
Each brother is green and smooth,
Each ball is delicious, sweet.

B.I: All my riddles have been guessed, here's a treat for you! (takes out a plate of fly agarics). Eat, help yourself fly agaric fresh, just collected.


Thank you Grandma-Yagusenka! Eat them yourself. Our children are full for the holiday came.

B.I: Well, whatever you want. I'll leave, I'll have dinner!
Music sounds, the Scarecrow enters the hall

B.Ya.: Who are you and where are you from? Why in this form at a holiday, in my cafe?

Scarecrow: I dress out of fashion
All the century I stand as if on a clock,
Whether in the garden, in the field-garden,
I instill fear in the flocks.
And more than fire, whip or stick,
Rooks, sparrows and jackdaws are afraid of me.

B.Ya.: Well, it's understandable that in the gardens and orchards it's impossible to do without you, but in my cafe, what good are you? You are all slackers and lazybones.

Scarecrow: Yes, you can’t cope without me, and you can’t spend the autumn holiday.

B.Ya.: So I believed you! what if you're cheating on me? And you, for starters, amuse me, hung Yagusya.

Scarecrow: Guys! I can't do without your help!

Vedas: Guys, let's help the Scarecrow and play a game:

Game: Move vegetables

B.I: Oh well, well done made me happy.

Scarecrow: Everyone knows that in autumn all people and forest animals make supplies for the winter. Have you prepared for the winter Yagusenka?

B.I: Of course, I always have a couple of delicious juicy fly agarics in stock. Just a meal.

Scarecrow: well, that's not the point. They are also inedible. Really guys?
I saw you have a garden, there must be something growing on it. Guys, let's help Yagusa, harvest.

Game: "Plant and harvest"

B.Ya.: It's fun with you Scarecrow-garden, and the guys help at the holiday, but only without Autumn-beauty and the holiday is not a holiday.

Scarecrow: Yagusya don't be upset, I know what to do. After all, autumn does not come alone, but with multi-colored leaf fall and doge. As soon as the autumn dance begins to spin in this hall, autumn itself will come to us.

B.Ya.: And right! Well done, great idea you came up with this.

Vedas: And you know what! Dear our guests! Our kids are ready to dance!

A dance is being performed.

(After the dance comes autumn)

Autumn: Hello guys! I am Autumn, I came to visit you. You are so beautiful! I see that you have been waiting for me! I came to you with gifts!

Vedas: hello dear autumn! We've been waiting for you!

B.Ya.: Give me Autumn the first gift. I tried my best here, from morning to night I did not close my eyes. Give me all the gifts.

Scarecrow: Oh you liar and greedy. Yes, if it were not for the guys, only fly agarics, but there was green melancholy in your cafe, and the holiday would not have happened.

B.Ya.: Oh, again I became greedy and mischievous. Forgive me, only good and kind, oh, how hard it is to be. Let's reconcile!

Autumn: Well done folks, you've reconciled. And now go to your home, there I also prepared gifts for you! A beautiful painted scarf is waiting for you, Grandma-Yagusenka. And you dear scarecrow new outfit!

B.I: Well thanks Autumn! Run faster, Scarecrow home! And then someone else will take my scarf! Goodbye guys!!

Autumn enters the hall to the music.


The trees also gave a festive outfit,

Look how the leaves burn with gold!

(trees come out)


In the autumn garden by the path

Aspen claps his hands!

That's why this week

Her palms turned red.

Oak is not afraid of rain and wind at all.

Who said that the oak is afraid to catch a cold?

After all, until late autumn I stand green,

So I'm hardy, so hardened!


Poplar - everyone knows it -

Height champion.

And get my top

It's not easy for you!

Because I grow 2 meters over the summer!


The birch is thin and tender

She put on a white dress.

And the sun's autumn light

Dyed the braids yellow.

Dressed like this every year

I welcome the arrival of Autumn.


Maple meets the very first coming of Autumn.

A cheerful round dance of leaves circles in the air.

The earth is quickly covered with a golden carpet -

Let the native fall asleep with a long winter sleep.


I am a smart mountain ash, on my shoulders a scarf.

The beads are as bright as fire, but don't touch them yet.

My beads are a decoration and a treat for the birds!

Birds love my treat on a winter day!


There are many trees in our forests, but not all of them are in our area!

Now we will play the game "Cotton - Silence". I name trees.

If such a tree grows in our area, clap. If not -

Apple tree. Pear. Raspberries. Mimosa. Spruce. Saxaul.

Sea ​​buckthorn. Birch. Cherry. Cherries. Lemon.

Orange. Linden. Baobab. Mandarin.

Well done boys.

Autumn: But I am still rich in my harvest. Look at my potatoes!

The game is being played "Collect potatoes with a spoon"

Autumn: And I also grew a good harvest of apples and brought them to you as a gift.
(Gives a basket of apples)

I thank you guys
You gave me the opportunity to rest.
At the holiday I am glad to have fun,
But soon I'm on my way back.

What are you, Autumn, it's too early to hurry!
At the festival we want to have fun.
And to make it more interesting
We will sing a song for you.

Song "Leaf fall"

It's time for parting
It's time to say goodbye, friends
I tell you goodbye
After all, I still have things to do.
See you next year!
I will definitely come to you!

Nomination: scenario of the golden autumn holiday in the preparatory group.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival in the group preparatory to school.

Children run into the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.


- Autumn invites us to its farewell ball,

She prepared for it

and decorated the room.


- Maple leaf round dance

Slowly floats along the walls.

And like splashes of bright paint

From some wonderful fairy tale

Berries and flowers plexus

Autumn gives us today

Last bloom!


- To the sounds of magical music

Autumn enters kindergarten,

Let her with rain and wind

Anyway, everyone is happy with her!

A girl dressed in autumn enters.


- You recognized me?

I am golden autumn

And the wind sings to me

Leaves braiding

In the hands of my basket

There's a little bit of everything in it!

Berries, vegetables and fruits

The most useful products in the world.

And I expect gifts from you

You dance to me now!


- on wet roads

The leaves lay

We collected them today in bouquets.

The prankster wind blew in our faces

“I give you leaves, children, for the holiday!”

Dance with autumn leaves.

Autumn (listening):

What is that noise, where did it come from?

It's raining down

Right behind me!

There is no place for you here, rain!

To the music, a boy in a rain suit runs in.


- I am the autumn rain, mischievous

Don't joke with me.

If I only want

I'll soak everyone to the bone!

Drops will jump along the path,

Beautiful leg lift!

Drop dance.


- In vain you scared us with cold rain,

The sun is shining in the sky again!

Children perform a song at the choice of the music director.


Why do people like autumn?

Children in chorus:

- It is famous for its rich harvest.

A child dressed as a bread loaf enters.

Bread Loaf:

- I'm a real loaf

With a crispy crust

To give birth to bread

People need to work hard!

Thanks to the sun for warming me

Didn't let the ears of corn die

And the rain asked

Give the grains strength

And gently the wind, walking in the wild,

Freshness pleased the grain field!


- Bread is praised everywhere,

Need it for any meal.

And people know all the words

"Father-bread is the head of everything!"

Round dance "Harvest-loaf".

Children walk in a circle holding hands.

“The harvest was grown together,

You don't need to remove it!

“Soon, soon, dear friend.”

We will feed everyone around!

Pies, bagels, buns

For Alenka and Ilyushka.

Well, a delicious loaf

Give everyone a piece!


- In the garden kingdom

We invite guests

It won't be boring, we promise!

The host brings the throne.

A child in a pea suit runs out.


- I am a pea! I am the local king!

They called me king of old.

People know without peas

Living in the world is very bad!

The potato girl comes out.


- Do not invent, peas,

And without you lunch is not bad!

Here is a potato, is it the case,

Got to love everyone!

The cabbage girl comes out.


- Oh, potatoes, you should be silent!

How much bad starch

It's settled on your sides,

Here is the cabbage, is it the case!

I make people slim

I'll fit in any dish!

The carrot girl comes out.


- I will stand closer to the throne,

Don't be afraid, I won't touch you!

I am beautiful and smart

Just very modest!

Let me sit on your throne

After all, everyone loves to eat carrots.

Boys come out - onions and garlic

- Well, no, carrots, let me!

You are not playing your part!

We are two brothers - onion, garlic

Let's make it right on time!


- We are a barrier to all diseases,

We need to sit on the throne!

The beet girl comes out.


- Can I stand on the side?

From me after all a lot of use!

Borscht, salad and vinaigrette

There are no beets at all!

The pumpkin girl comes out.


- Let me sit on the throne

It has become fashionable to eat pumpkin!

I will sit firmly on the throne,

I'm the most useful of all, that's for sure!

The boy comes out - a zucchini


- Come to me under the barrel,

I'm a useful squash!

We can't compete with them

Laughing vegetables in response.

Marching music sounds. The Cucumber Boy enters.


- A brave cucumber walks,

We finally found the king!


- In our kingdom - the garden

Only the useful grows

Everyone deserves to be king

Cucumbers agree with you!

I will sit on your throne by right,

I will bring glory to the kingdom!

The garden will be fine

Vegetables, forward to the beds!

The children take their places.


The ball is over

Fairy tale leaves

And Autumn starts its song again!

And joyfully we all asked together

Children in chorus:

Come visit us

Nomination: scenario of the autumn ball in the preparatory group.

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten in the village of Shunga
Location: Shunga village, Kostroma district, Kostroma region

The scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory group.


Target:: Activate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. To develop interest in the phenomena and objects of nature, to encourage children to expressively convey the characteristic features of various characters, their emotional experiences and moods Create a joyful holiday atmosphere with the help of musical, motor, cognitive activities.

Tasks: To develop emotional responsiveness in children.

To form a sense of beauty in children. Cultivate communication skills.

Leading. Guys! We have gathered because nature celebrates a wonderful time of the year, and what you will know if you guess the riddle.

That's an artist so an artist!

He gilded all the forests.

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been removed.

Please solve the riddle.

Who is this artist? (AUTUMN.)

Leading. Where is Autumn? Maybe she forgot the way to us? Let's call Autumn, Let's say about Autumn and sing.


Comes out to the music of Autumn. (MUSIC GOES AUTUMN SLOWLY)

AUTUMN. I am golden autumn

Bow to you my friends!

I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time.

Autumn walks along the paths slowly.

Leaves rustle under the feet of autumn.

So what, kids?

It's time to start our holiday.

Leading. Beauty Autumn, how beautiful your holiday is. And our children want to give you poems about Autumn.

1. In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain.

rustling underfoot,

And fly, fly, fly.

2.Colorful dress - Autumn outfit,

Maples and aspens stand in yellowness.

And over the fast river the willow is sad,

Only the mighty oak

Green is worth it.

3. Oak is not afraid of rain and wind at all.

Who said that the oak is afraid to catch a cold.

After all, until late autumn, the oak stands green.

So he is hardy, so he is green.

4. It became cold around, the birds flew away,

Soon there will be snowstorms outside the window.

Leaves yellow in the garden

The wind picks up.

It happens only once a year - in the fall.

5. How beautiful everything is around, on a golden autumn day.

Yellow leaves fly, rustle underfoot.

6. autumn walks, autumn wanders

The wind dropped the leaves from the koen

It's still winter, but not for fun

The squirrel drags nuts into the bins.

7. summer has passed, autumn has come

In the fields and groves, empty and depressing

The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights.

Vedas. And now for you, Autumn, the children will sing the song “WHAT IS IN AUTUMN IN THE BASKET?”

LEADING. Both in the garden and in the garden

Autumn has come.

Everything is ripe, everything is ripe,

What was in the garden.

And what grows in the garden, the children know and riddles will guess.

1. It grows in the ground in the garden.

Its taste is not sweet at all.

If it gets under your nose

Shed tears from him!

A sharp juicy friend.

Who is this? It's an onion!

2. It is green, tasty, juicy.

And it crunches very nicely.

We say handsome, fragrant .... Cucumber!

3. A fashionista is sitting in the garden

Do not count her clothes,

But they all look alike

They don't have clasps.

Let's try it.

And pat on the sides.

And let's say out loud ... Cabbage.

4. For a curly tuft

Dragged a fox from a mink.

Very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sweet sugar!

5. Tomatoes are boiled from it

They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

And he blushes for a reason -

Ripe, so they say.

LEADING. And now I'll guess a riddle for Autumn, you try to guess.

It is neither a vegetable nor a fruit, its name is a berry.

Striped, but not a tiger.

From above it is green, smooth.

In the middle - red, sweet.

It tastes wonderful, and his name is ... watermelon.

The game “Don’t drop the watermelon.” (2 children hold the “watermelon” ball between their knees, run to the high chair and return to their place).

Vedas. And now the guys will show you a scene for you.

Scene "Why the tomato turned red."

Leading: In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden (children-vegetables come out in turn and introduce themselves).

1. I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber!

2. Without me, the garden is empty, but my name is cabbage.

3. Without me, you, as without hands, need onions in every dish.

Tomato: I am a great tomato,

Red, very ripe.

Tomato Commander -

Strong and skillful.

Potato: Quickly everyone cooks spoons

If potato dishes.

4. TOMATO: Children have long loved the delicious sweet tomato.

Leading: The hostess loved her little green garden, and watered it every day.

Mistress: I will water my garden, he also drinks water. (Pouring from a watering can).

Host: Vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived together, never quarreled, but one day the tomato decided that he was the best, and began to boast

Tomato: I am the tastiest in the world: rounder, greener. Adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.

Cucumber: Listen, it's just laughter, Boast that you're the best.

Onion: He will not understand in any way, brothers, it is not nice to ask.

Leading: And the tomato kept repeating its own.

Tomato: I am tastier than everyone in the world, rounder, greener, adults and children love me more than anyone in the world.

Vegetables in chorus: He boasted, boasted and fell off the bush!

Leading: At this time, the hostess came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch. I took everyone with me, but I didn’t notice the tomato.

The hostess takes away the vegetables.

Host: I flew past the raven.

Crow: Kar! Kar! A shame! Nightmare! Didn't want to be friends with us!

Nobody needs you!

Leading: The tomato was ashamed! He wept and blushed with shame!

Tomato: Forgive me friends, take me with you.

Host: The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato and took it with her. Believe it or not, tomatoes have always turned red in the fall ever since.

The song "We carry baskets"

Vedas. Autumn, and the guys still know autumn ditties

1. We are autumn ditties

Let's sing for you now!

Clap your hands louder

Have fun with us!

2. How beautiful everything is around
Golden autumn day

Yellow leaves are flying

They rustle under your feet!

3. Autumn is a damp time,
The rain is pouring down from above.

People open up more

Colorful umbrellas!

4. Autumn is a wonderful time,
Kids love autumn!

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there!

5. There is no tastier than ripe apples,
The kids know this.

When we see apples

All at once we shout: “Hurrah!”

8. Autumn, autumn, goodbye,
We say goodbye for a year.
Smile at us goodbye
Winter is coming to visit us!

The game “Who will collect the most autumn leaves.

Vedas. Let the rain be cold outside the window, and we have fun

We will sing a song now, cheer up!

The song "Autumn autumn la la la"

Vedas. .Let the weather rage -

What are we to be sad about?

And at this time of year

You can dance.

DANCE "4 steps"

Vedas . Outside the window snow and wind -

We don't care about everything!

Come to us Autumn, bask.

Let's dance and sing!

Vedas. Dance "FALL, FALL LEAVES"

GAME "Who will collect more leaves"

Game "Collect vegetables"

Chair play.

AUTUMN. Well done! It's time for me to celebrate with other children.

LEADING. And our holiday has come to an end.

Awarding with diplomas.

Tatyana Makeeva

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preparatory group"AUTUMN TALE"

Children enter the hall in pairs, and stop in a semicircle.


Hello dear guests!

Today in our hall we have gathered you, friends,

So that in our autumn holiday children's laughter would ring,

So that friendship does not end, so that the music sounds,

So that there would be enough songs and dances for everyone.

These are songs, these are dances,

This is sonorous children's laughter, games, dances, round dances,

Enough joy for everyone!


Summer flew by quickly

Ran through the flowers.

Hidden behind the mountains

And misses us there.


And along the former summer paths

Roaming red beauty.

This Autumn - goldilocks

Creeped up to us like a fox


Leaf fall cleared

Through bushes and maples.

Soon we will look into the garden

Golden ringing.


Gifted by the guest autumn

Harvest of fruits.

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms.


So let's praise autumn!

Song, dance and play.

Meetings will be joyful

Together: Autumn is your holiday.

Child: 7

Autumn is a glorious time

Loves autumn kids.

We welcome autumn,

We sing the song.

SONG « Autumn» (music by M. Krasev)

(after the song, the children sit on the chairs)

The first couple comes out to the middle, they read poetry,


Lush sundress

covering the earth,

Walking to visit us

Autumn is golden!

Autumn festival in the forest,

Light and fun!

Here are the decorations

Autumn hung here!


Only the wind has blown

Did a lot of work right away.:

Dispersed the clouds in the sky

Tore the leaves from the tree

Spin them high

Scattered them far away.

We'll pick up the leaves

Let's dance with them!

Children dance dance "Naughty Autumn»

They sat down on the chairs.


How autumn is beautiful,

Let's remember her leaf fall.

Autumn bunches of mountain ash

Burning bright red fire

Where Autumn is golden? Here's the riddle, here's the secret

We sing songs here, but it's still not there.

Where are you Autumn? Respond! Where are you Autumn? Appear!

To the music enters the hall Autumn, in the hands carries a basket.


Hello my friends! Did you call me?

I Autumn is golden. Bow my friends.


Hello. Autumn,

We are very glad that now You are with us, And

you we Autumn,

We glorify with dances, songs, poems!


I'm always on happy holiday

Come to kindergarten.

I love to have fun

Play with kids.

I have a basket in my hands (shows

In her autumn gifts.

Everything I'm rich with.

Brought for the kids.

I brought vegetables

From the garden bed

But to know them

Guess riddles.

1. They threw off golden feathers from Yegorushka,

Made Yegorushka cry without grief. (Onion.)

2. Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,

She curled the frills thickly, and her name is ... (Cabbage.)

3. How riddles grew in our garden,

Juicy and round, so big,

green in summer, turn red in autumn. (Tomatoes.)

4. And in this garden - long riddles,

In this garden, Santa Claus hides a red nose in summer. (Carrot.)

5. Dried out in the hot sun

And breaks out of the pods. (Peas)

6. Green above, red below,

It has grown into the ground. (Beet)

7. I am long and green, I am tasty salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber.)

8. This is a vegetable - General

Vegetables to all the commander,

If you cooked it

Don't forget to take off your uniform. (Potato.)

9. Pink cheeks, white nose,

I sit in the dark all day long.

And the shirt is green

She is all in the sun. (Radish)

Well done guys, you solved all the riddles!

Autumn, you are a beautiful time of the year, cheerful, fertile and fruitful.

The children have prepared a gift for you.

Hey boys and girls come out to sing ditties!

Children sing ditties.


We autumn ditties

Let's sing for you now!

Clap your hands louder

Have fun with us!

Autumn is a wonderful time,

Loves autumn kids!

We go to the forest with baskets,

We find a lot of mushrooms there!

Nothing tastes better than ripe apples

The kids know this.

When we see apples

We all scream at once: "Hooray!"

We love beets, carrots

And cabbage too

Because vitamins

In vegetables and fruits!

Oh you are an artist Autumn,

Learn how to draw.

I'm at your job then

I will help you!

(I. Ageeva)

The stupid cloud did not know

What really autumn is here.

Fire forest outfit

Downpour puts out an hour in a row.

We watered our pumpkin

Morning, evening and afternoon!

The pumpkin has grown big

And now we live in it!

I'm a daring strong man -

I bend the horseshoe with my hand!

Because I chew

Carrots every day.

(I. Ageeva)

What is this piglet,

Where is the holey patch

Why can't you hear the squeal?

Well, brother, this is a zucchini!

(I. Ageeva)

We are on harvest festival

They brought vegetables.

After the exhibition, our chef

For a year we will cook cabbage soup!

That's autumn has come,

You can do it in a jacket.

Bought it for me in the summer

They didn't let it go.

(T. Petrova)

barely waiting for autumn

I love to be fashionable.

Oh guys enjoy

You are on my hat.

(T. Petrova)

Oh guys just look

You are on our girls:

Dressed from head to toe

Only the noses stick out!

Autumn, autumn, Goodbye,

We say goodbye for a year.

Smile at us goodbye

Winter is coming to visit us!


Oh and well done guys, you surprised me. You sang. danced. and poems were told to me. How glad I am that holiday came to you.

Music sounds.

Baba Yaga enters the hall on a scooter with goslings, sings to the tune "Merry Geese". A autumn and ved. They stand bewildered.


Lived at Yagusi

Two cheerful geese,

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

Goose paws scratch,

Feel the gifts

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

Take away, geese,

A basket for Yagusi!

One is cunning

Another greedy one

My geese, geese!

The goslings take the basket and run away.

BABA YAGA: Oh, red-billed, well done!

HOST: And what kind of guests are these?

AUTUMN: And they took our treat!

BABA YAGA: My carriage, my geese, my basket too!

HOST: How is yours? This Autumn brought for all the guys!

BABA YAGA: So what! I also have two baby caterpillars, hungry, they want to eat!


Baba Yaga, let's treat all the guys. And the geese will get it!

BABA YAGA: What more! If it comes to that, then they will take you! Come on, geese, wake up, turn around with evil force, with autumn drift away into the dense forest!

Geese take Autumn at your fingertips, flap their wings, go away. Baba Yaga remained

Grandma Yaga.

Ha ha ha you don't have holiday!And then ish have fun, dance songs for Autumn. You don't have it now, No!

Now I am your queen Autumn(sit on the throne)


What to do? Necessary Autumn bail out and we don't even know where the geese hid it. (turns to grandma)

Why are you Autumn stole? Give it away now!

Baba Yaga:

Be quiet, be quiet! Yes, there are a lot of you here .... Do you think you can handle an old grandmother? Dudki! I am not afraid of anything and no one, especially such children!

I know what Baba Yaga is afraid of!

First, fearless glance:

Brave Yagusa is not needed.

Also, happy laughter:

Laughter is a hindrance for a villain.

From a kind, gentle word

Grandma is ready to cry

And there is neither desire nor joy

Arrange the old nasty things.

Is Grandma really pretty?

Baba Yaga:

Well, okay, touched the grandmother. So be it, I will return to you Autumn, but only if you win three challenges.

The first task for smart guys. It's called "Say a Word".

(The girls went to get ready for the dance)

1. Autumn came to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course.

(leaf fall)

2. Colds scare them so much

Fly to warm countries

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks?


3. Here is a dome-mushroom on the leg,

It will protect you from the rain.

Pedestrian won't get wet

If you hide under


4. Early in the morning in the yard

The ice has settled on the grass.

And the whole meadow became light blue.

Silver sparkles.


5. Here is an old woman from the gatehouse

Dirt spreads on the path.

Wet bast shoes stick in the swamp -

Everyone calls the old lady.


2. Wet the field, forest and meadow,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this.


The phonogram of rain and thunder sounds, the grandmother gets scared and speaks:

Grandmother Yaga:

Oh oh oh something the clouds are frowning, it seems the rain is starting!

This is all autumn is everything.... I better hide for now (runs behind the curtain)

Girls dance dance "Cloud".

Baba Yaga:

OK. You have passed the first test. But you definitely won't pass the second test.

Can you tell poetry? It would be interesting to listen. (sit on the throne)

Guys, let's tell our guest poems.

(all children come out and become a semicircle)

Autumn in a hurry after a hot summer,

Dressed in red, yellow leaves,

Gray clouds, gray rain

We often take an umbrella for a walk,

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

It will jump, and then it will hide,

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice and cats.

.: Tassels of mountain ash blazed brightly

Dresses of aspens became golden

The sun blushes the groves and forests

All the guys know the rain

Play hide and seek with us

The rain will come and go,

He will disappear and return.

: In the sky, the clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

Children sing a song "Cap-Cap-Cap."

They sat down on the chairs.

Well, tell granny, are we all your assignments, have you gained weight?

Baba Yaga:

good good. Grandma was convinced. You know how to sing, you know how to dance, you read poetry ... but how beautiful it is. It's taken to the soul. My darling cheered up.

Well, okay, so be it, I give it to you Autumn. - Hey, red-bills, return Autumn.

Sounds music geese return autumn with a basket.

Here is your autumn beauty!

you have irritated granny yagulechka, I’ll fix it so be it. Well, it's time to go home, goslings, red-billed guys.

Oh, and where is my carriage! Goodbye.


Darling Autumn how glad we are. that we are together again.


How to thank you - I don’t know, I will do so many miracles

I'll go, I'll gild the whole forest, I'll give red beads to mountain ash

To birches - yellow scarves, a carpet on the ground

I'll insulate Yezhov's mink, and the wind, how happy he will be

When the leaves fall!

All gifts to you, friends!

I brought it today!

I don't leave you

I'll be friends with you until winter!

Guys let me play

And help pick mushrooms

1 Game "Collect Mushrooms Blindfolded" two children each.

They sat down on the chairs.

"Koloshi" run in spikes through an obstacle.

Without a beautiful dance

The holiday is not bright

Accept it Autumn,

Our dance as a gift

DANCE "Umbrella Dance" All children dance.


Autumn, we thank you for the rich harvest, for the bright colors, for such a wonderful time of the year.


Thank you guys, you made me happy.

Well, I say goodbye to you

In the forest autumn coming back!


Autumn goes to the music.


looked in autumn holiday in every home,

Because he walks autumn outside the window.

looked in autumn holiday in kindergarten,

To please both adults and children!

Finished holiday and it's time to say goodbye

But it won't be long before we part.

We will be glad to see you and see you again holiday with us.


To the music, the children leave the hall.


- create conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of each child;

- expand ideas about the autumn holidays;

- to involve children in active participation in various types of activities, parents - to help in choosing costumes, consolidating speech material;

- evoke a sense of satisfaction from participating in a festive event;

- to form the foundations of a culture of behavior at public events.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, leaves, a ball of thread, a saucer, a camera, sweets for a treat.


Autumn again, birds again

In a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again the autumn holiday

Comes to us in kindergarten.


The holiday today is unusual:

Crispy, tasty, cute.

People harvested

Now play as much as you want.

Enter Autumn.

Child. Look, Autumn has come to us, but it is somehow sad. As sad as this song.

Children perform the song "Autumn Forest" (music by V. Ivannikov, lyrics by T. Bashmakova).

Autumn. Hello my good ones! How elegant you are, not at all similar to each other.

Leading. Hello, autumn! We know that Autumn is a sad time, but you always came to us with songs, poems, fun games, and now you are sad. What happened to you?


My cranes went south

It suddenly becomes a little sad.

Children perform the dance "Crane Wedge" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

Leading. The cranes flew away, but this happens every year, so there is no need to be upset.

Autumn, Autumn, spin around and smile at the guys.

Remember, the bread is ripe in the fields,

It will be delicious in the bins.

Labor is not lost, the wheat is ripe,

We eat together bagels, kalachiki.

Children perform the Russian folk song "Bai kachi, kachi, kachi."

Thank you for the funny song and kind words. I want to tell you a fairy tale, and these two fellows will help me. What is your name?

1st boy. I am Timofey.

2nd boy. I am Vladimir.

Timothy. We are glad to welcome everyone on the Ural land.

Vladimir. We have a lot of interesting things in the Urals: semi-precious stones, famous craftsmen, fairy tales.

Timothy. Not just magic, but wedding.

Girl. And what about weddings?

Autumn. But how? Do you remember what month it is?

Girl. October.

Autumn. That's right, October, and October's nickname is the wedding man. People used to say this:

October is not an easy month

The autumn table is not empty.

Harvest was gathered in the fields, weddings were played merrily.

In the huts songs, dances, laughter,

Everyone is invited to the wedding.

Timothy. Wait, wait, what kind of wedding? What fun? Haven't you heard that in the tale we wanted to tell you about, the Tsar Father fell ill.

Vladimir. She cannot find a groom for her youngest daughter, so her head hurts day and night.

Autumn. I can’t go with you, but take my sheets. They will show the way to the fairy tale. Help the Tsar Father there, if you can.

Children perform a dance with leaves. Autumn leaves at the end of the dance.

Tsar. Oho-ho! As October came, I didn’t have any peace at all. Holidays in the houses, feasts in the huts. Beautiful girls are already waiting for their suitors. Only I can't find a groom for my youngest daughter. Now lame, now greedy, now poor, now pale. Oho-ho! As it used to be fun, they danced round dances and sang comic songs. One round dance I really liked. There they sang about a fly and a mosquito. When I close my eyes, I see this round dance right away.

The tsar closes his eyes, and the children go out and dance to the Russian folk song "Like at our gates."

Who made me so happy, what kind of girls and good fellows came to a fairy tale?

Leading. Hello, King Father. We heard about your illness and decided to help.

Tsar. Yes, my head still hurts, I don’t know what to do.

Leading. King father! You are fabulous. Have you forgotten about your magical things that can help?

Tsar. And that's right. I have one little thing - a ball. I don't remember who brought it. Wait, who are you all? Why don't I know what story you're from?

Leading. Not from a fairy tale, but from a kindergarten in the Urals.

Tsar. Are there suitors in your kindergarten in the Urals?

Leading. Of course, there are, only they can’t go to a fairy tale, so you need to look for a groom for your daughter in your fairy-tale kingdom. We will definitely help you guys. Wherever the magic ball rolls, there will be a good fellow. Maybe you will choose the groom to your liking. (She rolls the ball to the door, and Baba Yaga appears there.)

Baba Yaga. Well, how do you like it? I'm sitting in a hut, I'm not touching anyone, and suddenly someone snatched a ball on you. But I, grandmother Yaga, needed him so much. Ivan Tsarevich for a ball promised to shift the stove, chop firewood, amuse with a fairy tale. Look, there is no ball, and now Ivan will not come to me. It turns out that you, the Tsar-father, stole the ball.

Tsar. What are you, granny, I'm not joking. I am in sadness now. I don't know where to get a groom for my daughter. October is the time of weddings and fun, but I'm not up to joy.

Baba Yaga. If Ivan Tsarevich came to me, I would send him to you, but he won’t come. And who will melt the stove for me now, chop the firewood, and I also wanted to buy some cattle at the autumn forest fair. So now I will be left without a duck, a hen and a pig.

Leading. Grandmother Yaga, we will buy you a chicken, a piglet, and a cow.

A musical round dance game "We will buy, grandmother ..." is being held.

Baba Yaga. Thank you, darlings, thank you, killer whales. Oops, what's gotten into me? It didn't rain. (Opens a holey umbrella.) Father Tsar, let me hide you too, otherwise you will get wet.

The Tsar and Baba Yaga sit under a holey umbrella.

Leading. This rain is kind and cheerful.

Children perform the song "Rain" (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by N Solovieva).

Tsar. The rain is over. Change your umbrella with holes, I'm all wet under it. At the autumn fair, they sell a lot of goods, you can buy an umbrella there.

Baba Yaga. No, this is a gift from Vodyanoy with love. He swore eternal love when he gave an umbrella, and suddenly he will take it in marriage.

Tsar. Dream dream. Oh, look, the cloud is back, and there is no sense in sitting under your umbrella.

Baba Yaga. If you don't want to, don't come, and I'll hide under such beauty. (Opens umbrella and sits under it.)

Tsar. Baba Yaga, and if Ivan Tsarevich comes in, let him look at me and look at my daughter.

Baba Yaga. What are you talking about, is he going to trade his Vasilisa for someone? Think for yourself with your royal head.

Tsar. Why are you messing with my head then?

Baba Yaga. Stop! I have another magical thing. Now we will know for sure whether your daughter will have a fiancé this year. How old is she?

Tsar. Already sixteen.

Baba Yaga. Quite young, still in time to get married. But I'm already 116, and I still hope for marriage. Here is this little thing. (Blows the dust off the saucer.)

The Tsar and Baba Yaga stand in the center of the hall, bend over the saucer and begin to walk around.

Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a gold platter. Show us the bridegroom of the royal daughter.

Tsar. Nothing is visible, the image is bad.

Baba Yaga. Not bad, but no one is there. There is nothing to be upset about, your daughter will not marry this year, she will live with you.

Tsar. Let's ask about you?

They stand in the center of the hall, bend over the saucer and begin to walk around.

Roll, roll, pouring apple, on a gold platter. Show us the bridegroom of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Oh, look, it seems to show, only something is cloudy.

Tsar. I'm talking about a bad image, call the masters.

Baba Yaga. Look, look, red shirt. Oh, I can't make out the faces. Look, king, is he handsome or not?

Tsar. What to look at, some young. That's it, no more pictures.

Baba Yaga. Well, what else did you see?

Tsar. I saw that he was rich, he bought a lot of things at the fair. And like Ivashka they call. Yes, here is the one (points to the boy) whom the plate showed.

The Russian folk song “Where was Ivanushka?” sounds.

Baba Yaga. The saucer has deteriorated, it does not show it. This is a kid from a kindergarten, they have a lot of girls of their own. And the guy, of course, is handsome, just a prince-prince.

Musical round dance game "Tsarevich-Prince"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

The prince-king is walking around the city.

The bride is chosen by the prince-king.

You bow to the bride, lean against her cheek,

Tsarevich-king, prince-king.

Baba Yaga. I got very upset. None of the princes chose me.

Leading. Don't be upset, grandma. Chastushkas will always cheer you up, and our boys and girls know a lot about them.

Children sing ditties.


I was sitting on a mountain ash

Cats teased me

Little kittens

They scratched on the heels.


Who has a bath -

I have an aspen

Who has a girl

I have a beautiful one.


On my sundress

clubfoot roosters,

I myself am not a clubfoot,

Clubfoot groomsmen.


Grandma Lukerya went to dance,

There is no hair on her head, she put on feathers.


There is a glass on the table

And in a glass of dough.

Mom and dad, goodbye

I am already a bride.


Oh, stomp my foot

Let me drown another

No matter how much I trample

I still want to dance.


Don't look at me

That I'm small

I would like a hat and boots

I would be in what.


We sang ditties to you,

Is it good or bad

And now we ask you

For you to clap.

Leading. It is too early for our children to talk about weddings, but it was very interesting to be in a fairy tale. In Rus', weddings were played in October, and this was traditionally after the harvest. It's time for us to return to kindergarten, but we are glad that we met with you, Baba Yaga, and with you, Tsar Father.

Tsar. Goodbye, kids.

Baba Yaga. I’m waiting for you in my fairy tales, and don’t forget to invite me to your holidays.

Leading. An autumn song takes us to kindergarten.

Children perform the song "Autumn, dear, rustling" (music and lyrics by S. Eremeeva).

At the end of the song, Autumn enters, and the fairy-tale characters leave.

Autumn. Did you like the journey into a fairy tale? They consoled the Tsar-father and saw Baba Yaga. And I was glad to see you all healthy and happy. My time is also running out, and I need to give way to Winter.

Leading. At parting, the guys will delight you with poems.

Children read poetry.

1st child

Hello, hello, golden autumn!

Autumn is harvest time.

You see, Autumn, how we have worked,

As all summer in the field they were not lazy.

Lots of ripe cherries and raspberries

Lots of honey in bee houses.

We invite all the guys to visit,

The more we are rich, the more we feed.

N. Nekrasov

2nd child

Autumn, like an artist, painted the forest.

Niva, grove, rain - everything became magical.

A cobweb in the thicket of the Christmas tree is entwined,

The mushroom is silently dragging a businesslike hedgehog.

The forest stands crimson in luxury and sadness,

Under the color cover of mushrooms and milk mushrooms.

A. Khesin

3rd child

The street became deserted, you can not hear the noise of the guys.

And yellow leaves on the ground from birches, like gold coins, fly.

The clouds are rushing by in a crowd, and the cold is blowing around.

Cobwebs fly in the wind, the meadow is covered with hoarfrost.

S. Drozhzhin

Autumn. Thanks for the wonderful poetry.

Leading. And now we treat everyone with delicious tea, and even from a samovar.

Children perform the dance "Samovar". Then, together with Autumn, they are photographed for memory, and she treats the guys with sweets.
