Shugaring at home recipe with lemon. The role of citric acid in sugaring

Hair removal at home with sugar is possible, and even useful (with the exception of contraindications). To your attention are offered the main recipes that have already been tested by the fair sex on personal experience.

If the list does not contain the recipe that you use, be sure to write)

Sugaring recipe with citric acid

  • 250 grams of granulated sugar (10 tablespoons);
  • one and a half teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and put on a small fire. Stir occasionally until the sugar is all dissolved. And stir again until the mixture boils. And when the brew begins to boil, stir more diligently, otherwise the caramel will burn. When the pasta has acquired a honey color - it's time to remove from heat.

The consistency of caramel for shugaring should be such that it would be possible to roll a ball without problems. And you can not finish cooking and use a recipe using strips. The advantage of citric acid is that, compared to natural lemon juice, the concentration does not need to be guessed (because lemons are different in acid). If the acid is shifted, the caramel does not harden, as it should, less - non-plastic.

Sugaring recipe for 10 tablespoons of sugar

  • 250 grams of sugar (10 tablespoons);
  • one tablespoon of water;
  • half the juice of a lemon (the juice should be enough to completely wet all the sugar);

Cook as in the previous version. If you didn’t follow up and the color has already become dark brown, then the mixture is digested and will be too hard. If the mixture is boiled for about 1.5-2 minutes, then it will be possible to use fabric or paper strips under the strips (the paper should be thick).

Recipe 3 ( shugaring at home again with citric acid )

  • 6 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 0.6 tablespoon of citric acid;
  • 2 tablespoons of water;

Over low heat, stir occasionally until golden brown. When the mixture begins to foam, add citric acid. Notice how the color gets darker. The tool should become sufficiently viscous. Remove from the stove and leave to cool caramel for depilation .

Recipe 4

  • 3 tablespoons or 65 grams of granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of water;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;

Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. Continue to cook and do not forget to stir until the pasta begins to turn a dark yellow color. Let the paste cool. You can pour additional cold water into another container to wet your fingers with it. When the mixture has cooled down, it can be applied to the hairline without preliminary “massage” and hair removal can be carried out with sugar. .

Recipe 5

  • 3 sugar, 1 water, 0.5 lemon juice (or citric acid);

Pour everything into the container in which you will cook. Put to cook on low heat. Stir occasionally until the color of the mixture resembles caramel. Pour the paste into another container and let it cool. Such sugar paste is suitable for hair removal with a ball.

Recipe 6

This composition is also suitable for hair removal with thick shugaring.

  • 10 tablespoons or a glass of sugar (250 grams);
  • 7-8 of the same tablespoons of water;
  • juice from half a large lemon;

Mix everything and put on a small fire. When the caramel begins to boil, stir the substance without stopping. Continue for about 10 minutes. By this time, the color should turn to honey, and the consistency should resemble syrup. Remove from the stove and do not touch - let it cool. After the mixture has completely cooled, it should resemble plasticine.

Sugaring paste (Recipe 7)

  • 20 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 8 of the same spoons of water;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;

Mix all the ingredients in a metal bowl and put on the stove to bask over low heat. Stir occasionally until the mixture boils. Now reduce the heat as soon as you can and continue to cook, stirring constantly, until a dark amber color is obtained. The viscosity should be such that when you lift a spoon with the mixture, drops do not fall from the tip, but slide lazily like liquid honey or molasses. Did you get this effect? Remove from stove and pour into a jar. This amount of the mixture is enough for several depilation procedures. The cooled mass can be hard, but with kneading it becomes softer and when the ball stops sticking to your hands, it means that it is ready. caramel epilation.

Recipe 8

The volume that is prepared is enough for the entire summer season.

  • a kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 64 ml of water (8 tablespoons);
  • and slightly less (7 tablespoons) lemon juice;

Combine water, sugar and juice in a saucepan and place over high heat. For about one minute. Stir and after another minute reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover the mixture with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. After another 10 minutes, granulated sugar will begin to melt, continue to stir. After 10 minutes, the paste will begin to boil again. Boil again for 10 minutes. Stir the mixture and continue to cook it for 5 minutes, but already removing the lid. Total, 45 minutes. Now pour the paste into a storage container. The mixture must be allowed to cool before use. To avoid getting burned do not use hot sugaring!

Recipe at home 9

Put everything in a saucepan, put it on a low power stove or fire and, stirring constantly, cook the mixture until it turns brown. Watch the process so that granulated sugar does not stick to the container and does not burn. Pour into a storage bowl and let the sugaring cool for at least 10 minutes. A properly prepared mixture does not spread on the palm of your hand and easily rolls into a ball.

Recipe 10

  • 500 g of granulated sugar;
  • 32 milligrams of water (4 tablespoons);
  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice;

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on the stove at low power. Cover with a lid. Stir every 5-10 minutes to keep the sugar from burning. Cool the mixture, and feel free to use sugaring .

Recipe with citric acid 11

  • 130-150 g of sugar;
  • 30 ml of water;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;

All mix and put to bask on low heat. Cook for about 25 minutes, while not forgetting to stir. The mixture should become golden in color, and the consistency will be such that in your hand you can roll a ball from a piece of paste, tactilely resembling plasticine. Let the mixture cool down and proceed with the procedure.

Sugar hair removal at home as effective as shugaring in the salon. Success lies only in experience and the selection of a recipe that is convenient for you. Read about it in the next article.

Every woman is familiar with the problems with vegetation on the body, each has her own favorite method of depilation. But, the use of sugar paste is considered the most popular technique. Let's discuss how sugaring paste is prepared at home, as well as how ready-made formulations are used.

Features of sugar depilation

Before preparing a mixture for shugaring at home, it is necessary to understand some of the features of the procedure. Some girls find common points between depilation with sugar and wax. In fact, the sweet technique is radically different from the wax technique, and has the following features:

  • sugar paste for shugaring at home can be used on various parts of the body, including the most delicate area (bikini);
  • sweet mass consists only of natural ingredients;
  • during depilation, there is practically no pain;
  • the procedure does not irritate the skin, and after depilation, the appearance of ingrown hairs is excluded;
  • during the session, a self-prepared mixture for shugaring at home, not only eliminates vegetation, but at the same time saturates the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with nutrients;
  • when applying and removing the sweet mass, you must follow a certain technology (applied against the growth of hairs, and removed according to growth). This method of applying the composition allows you to get rid of undesirable consequences after the session.

One of the main advantages of the sugar technique can be called the low cost of the procedure when performed independently. All that is required to prepare a mixture for shugaring at home is a recipe and natural ingredients that every housewife has in the kitchen. Sugar, lemon juice (citric acid) and water are the components of the sweet composition for depilation. Next, we will learn how to cook the mixture for shugaring, and what varieties of sweet mass exist.

The best way to make sugar paste with citric acid

What is the best citric acid sugar paste recipe? Each girl has her own way of preparing a sweet mass for depilation, and the components of the composition do not always coincide. You can try several options for the sweet composition before you find the one with which the procedure is most comfortable.

It is not difficult to prepare shugaring with citric acid at home. Try the classic method, which has been tested by many girls who perform the procedure on their own:

  1. take sugar (6 tablespoons), citric acid (0.5 tablespoons), warm water (2 tablespoons);
  2. to prepare a mixture for shugaring, you will need a container (preferably made of enamel with a thick bottom so that the sugar does not burn);
  3. mix sugar with water, and put the saucepan on a small fire. While stirring, watch as the mixture begins to change color, from transparent to golden;
  4. Now it's time to add the lemon. Mix well and cook the mass until the color of dark honey.

At home, the recipe for shugaring with citric acid can be slightly changed by replacing the lemon with lemon juice (half a fruit).

The finished sweet mixture must be transferred to another dish to cool the composition. If you are going to perform the procedure immediately after cooking, then the temperature of the finished product should be slightly higher than room temperature. With a cosmetic event scheduled for another day, the cooled, prepared mixture can be put in the refrigerator. Before applying to the skin, the sweet mixture can be heated in a water bath. You can familiarize yourself with the details of preparing a shugaring recipe at home in the video below.

Now you know how to cook sugaring with citric acid, but there are many other interesting ways to create a sweet product for depilation.

Interesting ways to prepare a sweet mixture

The correct recipe for shugaring involves the creation of a plastic, viscous mass of various densities. The consistency of the mixture depends on the proportions of the components that create its composition. A well-designed product should not stick to the fingers and spread over the skin. Look at the photos of shugaring recipes at home below.

Check the mass for readiness as follows: take a small piece of the product and roll it into a ball. If the ball turned out and does not stick to your hands, then the product is ready for depilation.

honey recipes

Try the honey sugaring recipe, which provides the following benefits to the sweet formula:

  • has a nourishing and soothing effect on the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • acts as an antiseptic;
  • helps to heal minor damage to the skin (cracks, wounds, scratches);
  • moisturizes dry skin, eliminates peeling.

Try making sugaring paste with honey:

  1. take sugar (250 g), lemon juice (1/4 cup), water (2.5 tsp), honey (2 tbsp);
  2. mix the ingredients for the sweet mixture well in a saucepan, and send to a small fire;
  3. cook, stirring, until the composition boils;
  4. when cooking, pay attention to how the composition changes in color and consistency. The mass should be similar to viscous honey.

Transfer homemade honey shugaring to another dish and set to cool. The proposed recipe for soft sugaring paste with honey is designed to perform several procedures.

Cooking in reserve

If you constantly do not have enough time, you can cook pasta for shugaring at home in reserve. You will need more products, but you don’t have to worry about preparing the sweet mass for subsequent procedures.

A great homemade shugaring pasta recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. we take sugar (20 tablespoons), lemon juice or acid (6 tablespoons), water (9 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon);
  2. first mix sugar with water, then put on a small fire;
  3. stirring the mixture, add honey, then lemon;
  4. the sweet mixture should be the color of beer;
  5. after boiling, turn off the heat and leave the composition under the lid for 2 hours.

After two hours, stir the mixture again. Now the product is ready, and you can perform depilation.

Composition with fructose

As already mentioned, there are many mass recipes for shugaring. All methods have common features regarding cooking technology, and the difference is visible in proportions. But, the masters recommend preparing a mixture for shugaring at home from unusual, or rather not quite familiar components. The only condition for preparing the sweet mass is that all components of the composition are only natural products.

You can try the recipe for sugar paste for fructose shugaring, which does not contain sugar. Such a mass differs from the usual special plasticity. You can buy fructose at any supermarket that has a diabetic section.

To prepare shugaring at home for one time, a fructose-based recipe looks like this:

  1. take fructose (powdered, white product) 6 tbsp. l., lemons (½ tbsp.), water (2 tbsp.);
  2. an aluminum pot is suitable for cooking. Mix the ingredients, put on a small fire. While stirring, bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency;
  3. the cooking process will take approximately 7 minutes. The mass should resemble caramel;
  4. turn off the gas, cover the container with a lid and leave the composition to infuse for 10 minutes.

Do-it-yourself shugaring prepared according to the recipe should be viscous, but not sticky to the fingers.

We use the microwave

You can make a shugaring mixture at home in the microwave. Using the stove, you can prepare a one-time portion, or take large proportions so that the sweet mass is enough for several procedures. Consider giving a recipe option on how to make shugaring at home in the microwave.

You can make a sugar cane mixture at home. You will need the same amount of ingredients as with a large recipe (see the plate), only dark sugar (from cane) is used instead of regular granulated sugar. It is believed that with this composition there are more minerals and B vitamins.

Without citric acid

Watch how to make shugaring paste at home in the video, which shows various cooking options for the composition. For example, for a change, you can replace citric acid with apple cider vinegar. If there is no apple cider vinegar, then ordinary vinegar will do.

Thanks to the vinegar in the composition of the product for depilation, the mass is plastic and can be used to remove hair on any part of the body. Try the exact recipe for shugaring at home with the addition of vinegar:

  1. you need sugar (8 tablespoons), honey (2 tablespoons), water (1 tablespoon), vinegar (1 teaspoon);
  2. vinegar is added to the mixture last, when all the components are completely dissolved.

It takes about 15 minutes to prepare the recipe for the sugaring mixture with vinegar.

On herbal teas

In cosmetology, various plants, extracts from flowers and decoctions are used to prepare body care products. Compositions based on herbal infusions have a calming and disinfecting effect on the skin.

In various do-it-yourself shugaring pasta recipes, water can be replaced with herbal decoctions. With the help of such compounds, it is possible not only to qualitatively clean the skin from vegetation, but at the same time fill the treated areas with nutrients.

To prepare a shugaring recipe at home on herbal decoctions, you can use plants such as chamomile, calendula, dill, sage, linden, mint, lavender.

You can make a mixture for shugaring with herbs in the same way as the classic composition, only instead of water, a vegetable infusion is taken. Regardless of the plant chosen, you need to take a teaspoon of dried herb and pour boiling water over it. Any decoction is infused for about 15 minutes.

Fast Cooking

When there is not enough time, and depilation needs to be done right now, do not despair. There is a wonderful mass recipe for shugaring at home, which can be completed in just 10 minutes. The components for the composition are ordinary, and are taken in the following proportions:

  1. sugar (10 tablespoons), ½ lemon juice, water (1 tablespoon);
  2. put the sugar in a saucepan, squeeze the juice from the lemon on top;
  3. add water and mix everything;
  4. put the saucepan on a slow fire, and while stirring, bring to a boil;
  5. after boiling, continue to stir the mixture constantly for about 5 minutes.

Turn off the heat, then mix the resulting mass for another 2 minutes until it becomes golden. There should be no bubbles on the surface of the prepared composition. Ready and cooled mixture can be stored in plastic. You can watch a video on how to cook shugaring at home in a quick way.

Sweet portions for several treatments

Girls who regularly remove body hair with a sweet composition will appreciate the following recipe for making shugaring paste at home, where large proportions and a slightly different cooking technology are needed:

  1. take 1 kg of sugar, lemon juice (7 tablespoons), water (8 tablespoons);
  2. mix the ingredients, then put on high heat for a few seconds. Stir quickly, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil under the lid for 10 minutes;
  3. watch the consistency of the sugar. As soon as it starts to melt, stir immediately, and leave under the lid for another 10 minutes;
  4. when the mixture looks like caramel, let it boil and close the lid again for 10 minutes;
  5. when the mass begins to bubble and foam appears, mix again, remove the lid and let stand without fire for 5 minutes.

Pour the finished product into another bowl, set to cool. The mass will cool down to the desired temperature after 3 hours, so you should not try to pick up a piece of pasta before this time. To complete the sugaring recipe at home in stages and correctly, read the suggested recommendations again before cooking.

Watch how sugar paste sugaring is done at home in the video, which shows step-by-step actions in detail. A large portion of the finished product will last for a long time. So, 5 balls rolled from the paste will go to treat the legs, 3 balls will be enough for depilation of intimate places. Unused, prepared composition can be stored under a tight lid in the refrigerator for about three months. On the day of the depilation, the required amount of the sweet composition is heated in a water bath.

Secrets and rules for preparing a sweet composition for depilation

Now you know how to cook shugaring at home and you can choose any recipe that you like best. In order for the procedure to be comfortable and pleased with the result, it is necessary to follow some rules on how to cook shugaring at home according to the recipe:

  • regardless of the recipe chosen, the product is cooked only over low heat;
  • during cooking, constantly stir the mixture so that the sugar melts and does not burn;
  • if the mass bubbles, then immediately reduce the fire.

The cooking time for each sugar shugaring recipe at home is different, and depends on the number of components taken.

In order to avoid problems during depilation, it is necessary to competently, in compliance with the proportions and recommendations, prepare shugaring at home, the recipe of which can be chosen according to preferences.

Sugar hair removal is a whole adventure. But if you learn how to do it correctly, other means for removing unwanted hair will seem very imperfect to you.

Sugaring allows you to remove small hairs from the root, during this procedure, the hair follicle is destroyed. This means that the skin will be smooth for a long time after such hair removal. The sugar method of hair removal is natural, hypoallergenic, suitable for sensitive skin.

Of course, when you tear off the caramel mass from the skin, it hurts a little. But regular epilation makes you feel worse! After shugaring, there is no irritation, the remnants of the sugar mixture are easily washed off with warm water. It seems that these advantages are more than enough for you to try this wonderful home remedy.

Advantages of sugaring

How to make hair removal with sugar


  • 6 art. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. water
  • 1 tbsp. no top citric acid


  1. Mix water with sugar and put on a small fire. After boiling, add citric acid. Stir the pasta while cooking.
  2. When the color of the sugar paste becomes honey, check the readiness - drop a little into a glass of water. If the drop does not spread - the mixture is ready!
  3. Pour the paste into a plastic container and let it cool to room temperature.

VIDEO: Shugaring at home: citric acid pasta recipe

  • When epilating, sprinkle the area of ​​​​skin with unwanted hair with powder or talcum powder. apply sugar film against hair growth. Stretch the skin as much as possible and tear off the film along the hair growth. On the first try, all the hair will not come off - do not be surprised, this is normal.
  • Repeat the procedure one more time. The discomfort from such hair removal is worth the result: when the hair does not appear for 2-3 weeks, there is no bristle - this is a delight ...

P.S. Muslim women, who remove hair from almost the entire body without fail, have been using the sugar method since ancient times. Sugar hair removal is suitable even for the bikini area and underarms ...

The sugaring procedure is becoming increasingly popular, replacing traditional waxing. It's all about the effectiveness and naturalness of this method of hair removal compared to the rest.

Salon services will be expensive, but you can learn how to cook shugaring with citric acid at home.

Depilation with sugar paste, or shugaring, was carried out by women from the time of Cleopatra. This method of hair removal has passed through the centuries and is now available to all the fair sex.

Due to the high demand for the procedure, many salons have retrained their employees, the number of people who want to learn this technique is constantly increasing.

Advantages of sugaring

Recipe with citric acid

Everyone can do shugaring at home according to a recipe with citric acid. For this you will need:

  • 2 tsp warm water.
  • 6 tsp Sahara.
  • 2 tsp citric acid (or lemon juice).

In order to find out if the caramel is ready, you will also need a small container of cold water.

Cooking paste for shugaring:

1. It is necessary to mix sugar with water until a homogeneous consistency, then put on a slow fire, stirring the mixture constantly.

2. If the transparent composition begins to turn golden and looks like amber, then it's time to check it for readiness. To do this, a small part of the mixture must be placed in a container with cold water. Its transformation into a drop indicates the readiness of the composition, if it blurs, then you need to continue cooking further.

3. When the sugaring paste is ready, citric acid or juice is added to it. But you still need to stir so that there are no grains. The mass should be homogeneous and have a pleasant golden color.

The paste needs to sit for a while. so that its temperature drops to a comfortable level. When it cools down to 30-35 degrees, then you can safely use it.


Instructions for shugaring at home

  1. A small portion of the paste must be taken in hand and kneaded. Actions with caramel resemble plasticine modeling. When the mixture softens and becomes a pearly shade, you can apply it to the skin on which you plan to epilate.
  2. Important advice! The paste is applied in the opposite direction of hair growth, and removed along with growth. This technique makes it possible to remove not only the hair, but also its bulb, which provides a long-term result.
  3. It is best to do sugaring on hair 2-3 mm long if they are longer, then irritation may occur. When the hair has grown more than the prescribed norm, it is better to do the epilation in a different way before that.
  4. The movements to remove the sugar mixture must be sharp and precise so that the hairs disappear completely and the first time.
  5. It is best to stretch the skin before removing the paste, and after the procedure, run your hand over the treated area.
  6. First you need to do shugaring on more sensitive areas of the skin, then on the rest.

Despite the difference in the rate of hair growth in each person, in most cases the skin remains smooth for 20 days.

To keep your hands dry while shugaring at home, it is convenient to use napkins. It's best to always keep them somewhere nearby. Talc will also come in handy here, with which you can sprinkle your hands. Wet wipes are suitable for removing the remains of the sugar mixture from the hands.

On sensitive areas, such as the bikini area and armpits, apply a little bit of the paste in a thin layer to reduce pain and skin irritation.

It is not necessary to cook a new pasta each time. It can be perfectly stored for three months, provided that it is sealed.

If you didn’t like or didn’t like this method, we advise you to try threading - see.

Moisture should not get on the mixture, and it is better to choose room temperature. To do epilation next time, you just need to warm up the paste in your hands and you can start shugaring.

Sugaring is a cosmetic procedure to remove unwanted body hair. To carry it out, it is not at all necessary to recover in the salon. This procedure can be done at home. To do this, you will need to prepare a special composition, the use of which requires. The recipe with citric acid of this composition is the most popular. But before we tell it to you, I would like to say a few words about the benefits of holding.

The most important advantage of shugaring at home with citric acid is saving money. In beauty salons, this procedure costs a lot of money. But why give them to someone if you can do hair removal yourself?

The second advantage of sugaring is that this procedure allows you to remove unwanted hairs from the body for a long time. The effect is observed for 3-4 weeks, and for some of the fair sex it is much longer. This happens because the adhesive paste that is used during the procedure contributes to their root part. As a result, they recover for a long time and only then begin to appear again.

It is worth noting that many women have noticed that after regular use of shugaring, the hair becomes thin and then stops growing altogether. Therefore, if you want to get rid of unwanted body hair once and for all, then you just need to try this procedure at home.

And the most important advantage of this epilation method is that, unlike a razor, the paste does not injure the skin. After shugaring, irritation and rashes do not appear on it. Therefore, this procedure can be used to remove unwanted hairs from any part of the body, including for epilation of the bikini area.

The disadvantage is the technique of preparation of the composition and its application. Not all women succeed in preparing a sticky composition of the required consistency the first time. The result of this is a poor-quality procedure. Many women complain that when shugaring at home, hair removal occurs partially and they have to return to forgotten razors to correct the situation.

Therefore, if you decide to try this hair removal method, you need to properly prepare the sugaring paste with citric acid. To do this, you must strictly follow the instructions that are described below.

Preparing for sugaring

Sugaring at home with citric acid is a very painful procedure. Therefore, before using it, you should either thoroughly steam the skin or freeze it. In the first case, a hot bath with sea salt is ideal, and in the second, ice. It should be used immediately before applying the paste, holding it on the areas of the body where unwanted hairs are planned to be removed, for about 1 minute.

Do not sugar at home if you have recently epilated. For the procedure to be truly effective, the length of the hairs must be at least 3 mm. Otherwise, the paste will not be able to capture all the hairs and the quality of the procedure will definitely not satisfy you.

What do you need to make sugaring paste?

Pasta for shugaring with lemon is very easy to prepare. To do this, you will need all three ingredients that are in every home. This:

  • water (preferably bottled);
  • granulated sugar (can be replaced with honey);
  • lemon.

A special sticky mass is prepared from these ingredients, which will then be the main tool for removing unwanted hairs. It is only necessary to cook it, following the exact instructions.

Easy with citric acid. But only at first glance. During the preparation of pasta, many women face such a problem as the wrong consistency of the composition. As a rule, at first it turns out either too liquid or too thick. And if you don’t manage to cook sugaring paste the first time, don’t be upset. Try cooking it again. For the second or third time, you should be fine.

So, how to cook shugaring with citric acid? To do this, you need a clean saucepan, preferably white. This will allow you not to make a mistake with the color of the pasta, which indicates its readiness. It should be a light amber color.

In this saucepan, put 8 tablespoons of granulated sugar and add 2 tablespoons to it. water. Next, add citric acid in the amount of 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. or freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. If you have liquid honey at home, then you can add it to the resulting composition, but not more than 1 tsp.

Thoroughly mix the mixture that you have in the saucepan, cover it with a lid and put it on a slow fire to cook. Do not open the lid for 2 minutes. During this time, the mixture should boil. After which it should be stirred. Before boiling, sugar should turn into syrup. If the mixture is too thick for you, then this indicates a lack of liquid, so it should be added (maximum 2 tsp).

Further, the preparation of shugaring with citric acid requires your constant presence. Stir the resulting mixture so that it sticks to the bottom of the pan. At first, the sugar will become transparent, but then its color will begin to change and darken. You are required not to miss the moment when the paste becomes a light amber color without redness. This will take you approximately 10-12 minutes. If you overcook the mixture on fire, it will turn brown and you will end up with a lollipop instead of a sugaring paste, and you will have to start all over again.

After the composition for hair removal is ready, you need to turn off the fire and wait until all the bubbles disappear from its surface. Then pour it into a dry plastic container and let it cool for several hours at room temperature. If you want to speed up this process, the container can be refrigerated. Only in this case is it possible for steam to settle into the composition, as a result of which it will not become the consistency that is needed. So it's better not to rush and let the mixture cool naturally.

It will be possible to use the sugaring paste when it becomes slightly warm, elastic, but firm. Subsequently, during the procedure, you will have to constantly heat the composition in a water bath.

How to make sugaring with citric acid, you now know. It remains only to figure out how to use the cooked pasta. To do this, pick up the composition you made and start kneading it in your hands until it becomes soft.

Then make a cake from the resulting ball and press it to the surface of the body where you want to remove unwanted hairs. Spend a couple of stroking movements against hair growth, and then remove the paste from the skin. You need to do this with sharp movements.

After that, knead the same paste again in your hands and apply to another part of the body. One prepared ball is enough to make a complete epilation in the bikini area or on one leg.

At first, shugaring will be carried out very slowly. But once you get the hang of it, you can epilate in minutes.

If you have never done this procedure, then we recommend that you first visit the salon and do it there. You will be able to see exactly how sugaring is carried out, and after that you can do it at home without any problems. If there is no opportunity to visit the salon, then watch the following video, which describes in detail the technique for performing shugaring at home:

Video with a master class of home sugar hair removal "Shugaring"
