A comic, win-win lottery. New Year's lottery

New Year is a holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale, gathering close and dear people. Accordingly, preparations for the celebration must correspond to the scope, otherwise the entire event will be reduced to simple eating, with a few congratulatory words. If you decide that you will be the organizer of the holiday, we recommend that you prepare in advance. Today, among other entertainments, comic predictions and lotteries are becoming increasingly popular.

A prediction is a warning about an event that is going to happen in the near future. Whether we like it or not, it is human nature to be interested in our future. Nowadays there is no shortage of various predictions - all kinds of astrologers, fortune tellers and fortune tellers, so people are tired of serious prophecies in their lives.

Comic predictions for the new year are, in addition to a fun pastime, also a fresh look at forecasts for the near future. We are sure that the gathered guests will appreciate your ideas and receive great moral satisfaction.

Friends, your prophecies can be completely different - long, describing every action, or very short, written in prose or poetry, the most important thing is that they are funny, bring laughter and joy to others.

Submitting predictions for the lottery

Let's first consider the possible presentation of predictions, and then offer examples of text.

Prophetic balls

To do this you will need ordinary inflatable balls, small pieces of paper and a pen. We write down the predictions on pieces of paper, roll them up into a tube, put them into a ball and inflate it. Balls can be tied to guests' chairs, or they can be distributed during fortune telling. Having burst the balloon, the person reads out loud the prediction associated with his life. The more fun the prophecy, the more positive it will bring.

When preparing in advance for a session, you can specially age the paper (by dipping it in strong tea or onion solution) or make it bright, colorful with a beautiful rope. This will add a touch of mystery or celebration, depending on what you choose.

Pot of predictions

Everything is simple here, we take pre-prepared dishes, put folded bags with comic wishes. We pass the pot around in a circle, each guest takes out one package and reads it out.

The container can be covered with worn paper, giving the dish an outdated look, or the paper can be aged in advance.

Gypsy chest

There is a deep-seated stereotype about gypsies that says they are all excellent fortune tellers, and this is a great way to use them in your comic prophecies.

Having dressed up as a gypsy in advance, you or one of the guests enter the room with a chest filled with predictions. The presenter invites each invited guest to take out one package in turn and read it out.

The main thing here is not the forecasts for the future themselves, but the presentation. It would be great if a gypsy would take on the role and, with the expression that is unique to them, hold a competition.

Prophetic Cookies

Remember the quote: “everything ingenious is simple, and everything simple is brilliant”? It is this aphorism that underlies this competition. To prepare it you will need fortune sheets and cookies. True, you will have to make the cookies yourself, however, if you have the opportunity to purchase them, why not. For those who want to create something original, we offer a recipe for making cookies.


  • Eggs, 3 pcs;
  • 50-70g wheat flour;
  • 50g butter;
  • Spices as desired;
  • Sugar, powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk, beat the white until foam appears, add flour, sugar, spices as desired, mix until smooth.

A little advice: when beating the egg whites, do not be overzealous; if you beat for too long, a large number of air bubbles will appear and the dough will begin to rise quickly as the temperature rises.

  1. Spread baking paper on a baking sheet and grease with butter, preheat the oven to 180-200 C. Use a teaspoon to place even circles on the baking sheet.
  2. Place in the oven for about 6-7 minutes, as soon as the edges turn golden, take it out and turn it over, add a piece of paper with fortunes, and fold it in half. Next, taking the cookies by the ears, bend them.
  3. Place on the table and wait until it cools completely.

Miracle dumplings

The next event has some similarities with the previous one, the difference is that instead of cookies we use dumplings. This old game is almost forgotten today, but it is perfect for making predictions with family and loved ones. The secret is in the item that we place along with the filling, which carries a certain meaning.

  • Orange peel - a loved one will give a gift;
  • Peanut - a romantic meeting is possible;
  • Cherry - to good luck in business;
  • Peas - comfort and prosperity will reign in the house;
  • Walnut - health will improve;
  • Buckwheat - a sudden increase in finances;
  • Mushrooms - a life full of peace;
  • Money – sporting victories;
  • Grain is a full cup of wealth;
  • Raisins are an unexpected temptation;
  • Cabbage - wages will skyrocket;
  • Caramel - a romance is possible;
  • Potatoes – promotion at work;
  • Cranberry - expect changes in your personal life;
  • Ring – wedding;
  • Hot pepper - possible problems at work or at home;
  • Dried apricots are great news;
  • Carrot - meeting new people;
  • Meat - financial success;
  • White thread - you will have to be away for a long time on company business;
  • Green thread – travel abroad;
  • Black thread - quick business trip;
  • Thread with knots - problems that were not expected;
  • Cucumber - a new passion;
  • Button - you will buy something from clothes;
  • Sugar - the year will be successful;
  • Apple - your work will be appreciated.

Lottery with three predictions

To do this, we write wishes or prophecies on pieces of paper, at the rate of three prophecies per person. We fold the leaves beautifully and mix them in a bag. It is proposed to pull out the bundles one by one, reading out loud.

Secret desires

To prepare for the competition, you need to prepare funny images of a person’s basic desires. You don’t have to draw it yourself; you can choose pictures from magazines or print them out, attach the images to a rope, and pull the rope. We blindfold the guests, untwist them and bring them to a stretched rope, giving them the opportunity to choose the leaf themselves. Images may be completely different.

Similar materials

Preparing for the New Year celebration involves not only decorating the premises and preparing Olivier, but also thinking through entertainment. It doesn’t matter how you plan to celebrate the holiday - with your family or in a friendly company, you can create an interesting program for any occasion.

One of the universal entertainment options is the New Year's lottery. Of course, not apartments and cars will be raffled off, but comic prizes. After all, the New Year should be cheerful and cheerful, only in this case, guests and family members will remember the holiday with pleasure.

Why is a comic lottery for the New Year a universal entertainment? This option is perfect for both children and adults; you just need to choose the right prizes and come up with a raffle scenario.

A few important rules

To prevent the New Year's lottery with “jokes” from becoming a reason for resentment and disappointment, you need to remember a few important rules:

  • the lottery must be win-win, all participants must receive prizes;
  • the prizes should be different (if you give everyone the same thing, it won’t be interesting), but approximately equal. For example, if one prize is a paper napkin, and the other is a bottle of expensive cognac, then you cannot do without offense;
  • It is desirable that the prizes be “universal”, that is, suitable for every guest. For example, it will not be very pleasant if a seventy-year-old grandfather wins mascara, and a five-year-old child gets shaving foam.

How to prepare for fun?

In order for guests to enjoy the New Year's lottery with funny prizes, you need to prepare in advance for the entertainment. The training program includes:

  • purchasing prizes;
  • preparation of lottery tickets;
  • drawing up a prank script.

Choosing prizes

Purchasing prizes is the most difficult, but also very interesting stage of preparation. First you need to decide on the theme of the lottery. It is clear that the main theme is New Year, however, the composition of the company must also be taken into account.

For example, if a lottery is held for children, then you can choose sweet prizes - candy, kinder surprises, fruits. You just need to pay attention to the fact that there may be children in the company who, for health reasons, cannot eat chocolate or, for example, oranges. If you are planning a house party, then such restrictions in terms of the choice of products for guests are usually known. Therefore, prohibited products should be excluded from the list of possible prizes.

You can prepare cute children's books or small toys as prizes. A good option for prizes are coloring books, sets of colored pencils, paints, etc.

If the lottery is organized for a group of young people, you can choose prizes from the 18+ series, of course, if there are no minors in the company. When organizing a prize draw for a corporate party, you can choose various stationery items as prizes - pens, sets of paper clips, glue, etc. If you play with this simple prize with humor, it will be accepted with pleasure.

Of course, the choice of prizes is largely determined by the financial capabilities of the organizers. If the budget is small, then small gifts are bought - decorative candles, figurines of symbols of the year, keychains, refrigerator magnets, etc. If you can spend a significant amount, you can purchase more significant prizes - chocolate sets, good tea, coffee, champagne, etc.

Prizes with meaning

It’s customary to guess on New Year’s Day, so guests will certainly enjoy the “Look into the Future” lottery. To carry out this entertainment, you can purchase the usual small prizes, but each of them will have a certain meaning that predicts the future. Of course, predictions should be as kind and positive as possible.

Here are some examples:

  • comb - you will become noticeably prettier in the coming year;
  • felt-tip pens - life will sparkle with new colors;
  • a small package of cream or processed cheese - you’ll be rolling around like cheese in butter all year;
  • chocolate - your life in the coming year will be sweet;
  • a box of pushpins - a lot of sharp but pleasant sensations await you;
  • carrot - love-carrot awaits you;
  • a pack of sparklers - your life will be bright and festive;
  • tangerine - your health will be excellent.

You can use almost any gift in this way. The main thing is to avoid negative forecasts, even humorous ones.

We prepare lottery tickets

Having decided on the prizes, you can begin making lottery tickets. If you don’t have time, then you can do it simply, print tickets on a printer and roll them into a tube or envelope. But you can approach the process creatively.

Since the New Year is a magical holiday, the lottery tickets for the New Year's lottery can be unusual. For example, they can be given a non-standard shape - by cutting out snowmen, Christmas trees, and snowflakes from paper. You can decorate your tickets with New Year-themed stickers or drawings.

To make your home lottery even more interesting, tickets can be hidden in cute containers. It is convenient to use plastic boxes from Kinder Surprises. If there are children in the house, then, as a rule, it will not be difficult to collect the required number of plastic containers.

Another interesting option is to hide lottery tickets in walnut shells. To do this, you need to split the nuts exactly in the middle. The nut kernel needs to be removed (this component is included in many New Year's dishes, so the product will not go to waste).

The halves of the nuts can be painted with gold paint (it is convenient to use paint with an aerosol spray). After the paint has dried, a lottery ticket is placed in the shells, then the halves are glued together. You don't need to apply a lot of glue, otherwise it will be difficult to separate them. If desired, before gluing the halves together, you can put a thin satin ribbon inside to form a loop. In this case, nuts with lottery tickets can be hung on the Christmas tree.

How to hold a draw?

So, the win-win lottery for the New Year is almost ready, all that remains is to figure out how to hold a ticket draw. You can come up with a lot of options. The simplest option: put all the tickets in one large container (hat, vase with a wide neck) and mix. Each participant will then be able to take the ticket of their choice.

Another raffle option is to hang tickets on a Christmas tree or just on a thread. Each guest will have to come up and remove (cut off) the ticket he likes.

Tickets can be sold, but since we are holding a humorous lottery, you don’t have to pay in money. You can purchase a ticket by completing a small task: reading a poem, singing a song, jumping on one leg, etc.

The distribution of winnings can be organized according to the principle of presenting awards at competitions and festivals, that is, each participant goes on stage (in the center of the room) and is given his gift to the applause of those present. If desired, the winning participant can make a toast or simply congratulate those present, but this, of course, is not necessary.

If you take a creative approach to organizing the New Year's lottery, this entertainment will definitely delight those present and give them a great mood.

One of the popular entertainments during the holidays is a comic lottery. Be it a birthday, anniversary or wedding. The toastmaster can hand out lottery tickets to guests at the entrance or immediately before the drawing; at a wedding, lottery tickets can even be sold for a nominal fee. If there are a lot of lots, you can play the lottery throughout the evening, with breaks. Each ticket is assigned a number, starting with the first. The lottery must be a win-win, so prizes are given to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. We offer you sample texts for drawing lots of comic lotteries:

1. For your kind eyes, a souvenir - read (Fairy Tales).
2. A thing that does not go out of fashion. (Laces).
3. Here’s a lighter for you, use it, don’t mind. (Box of matches).
4. When you go for a walk, to keep your pants from falling off, you need to have a steel pin with you. (Pin).
5. Who is the happiest among us? Get that basin. (Pelvis).
6. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, the boxes will come in handy. (Box of matches).
7. Let the bride’s smile suddenly touch your eyes, and the good mood will never leave you.
8. Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - a box of matches. (Matches).
9. Accept this (Button) and walk around the world with joy.
10. You will have to live with the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar).
11. Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
12. You are desperately lucky - you will receive (Sandwich).
13. Your winnings are special. You will read about everything in the world in the newspaper. (Newspaper).
14. Pour this into this glass and drink quietly. (Disposable cup).
15. I hand over your winnings with confidence, use them in your business. (Sheet of paper).
16. Whoever receives a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer).

17. Even the old man Koschey himself swept away the dust from his ears. (Brush).
18. Dear comrade, get (Candy), Just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
19. Here is the ticket, so the ticket, don’t rummage through the numbers, Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).
20. Since you got a chocolate bar, it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).
21. Extend your hand. Get the onion head. (Onion).
22. You are a tough nut to crack, which means good luck awaits you! (Peanut).
23. Although this cream is inedible, the smell is simply incomparable! (Coconut cream).
24. To avoid eating in the canteen, get a bay leaf. (Bag with bay leaf).
25. If you want to be strong, like a gin, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
26. Don’t drip on your neighbor, and win a napkin. (Napkin).
27. Today you are not the hero of the day, a laurel crown does not shine for you, you better accept from us (a bag of bay leaves).
28. Something will not happen to you, this item will be useful to you. (Condom).
29. So that you can keep your money, we hand you a wallet. (Wallet).
30. We give you a piece of chintz, you can get married again. (Handkerchief).
31. Somehow it’s not even clever, but now for you (Carrot).
32. And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice packet).
33. Don’t be bored in the evenings - drink aromatic tea (Tea).
34. Soccer ball substitute. (Old tin can).
35. It will help you remember an object from long past childhood years. (Dummy).
36. The lottery is not a scam. Here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth).
37. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice. (A handful of small coins).
38. You will receive a rusty nail, I ask you not to be angry, because even the most rusty nail will be useful in the household. (Nail).
39. You won a spoon. Go and eat a little. (Wooden spoon).
40. If suddenly a child starts crying, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and make him shut up. (Beanbag).
41. Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
42. This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
43. Antique hanger. (Nail).

44. Vessel for drinking strong drinks. (Thimble).
45. Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your winnings are ahead.
46. ​​We wanted to win a flashlight. You only got the ball. (Balloon).
47. The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
48. To shave very cleanly, you will need this tool. (Blade).
49. The tulle was eaten by moths yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!
50. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will give me a ride on it. (Machine).
51. Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).
52. There is no more practical gain than a garbage bag. (Garbage bag).
53. While the boss is “taking the shavings off” from us, calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug).
54. You don’t have striped pants, but you do have a cigarette. (Cigarettes).
55. Why should you have a wallet? Put your money in a bag. (Plastic bag).
56. A delight awaits you for your heart - a big increase in salary! (Yogurt "Uslada").
57. Nothing is a pity for good people. Get it as soon as possible, comrade, (Jump rope).
58. Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with nozzle. (Comb).
59. You didn’t win a penny, but a real (Ruler).
60. And for dessert we have. There is a pill for you. (Vitamins).
61. We are giving you (a notebook) so you have something to write on.
62. And great love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of dish sponges).
63. You are a welcome guest with us. As a gift to you (Valuable nail).
64. For your sweet smile, given to us now, We present you with this (Button), let it make you happy.
65. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
66. Come on, dear little friend, have some (Pie).

67. I don’t have a typewriter, we offer this item. (Kernel).
68. So that the wind doesn’t blow your cap away, here’s a gift for you (Paperclip).
69. This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon).
70. Straight from the department store (Toilet paper).

71. After a glass, have a snack. This is a very important matter. Here's a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin).
72. Don’t get sick, be strong, we give you (Pills).
73. Who is so joyful there? As a keepsake for you - (Thermometer)!
74. Everyday matter, as they say, this thing may come in handy. (Cork).
75. You got a flower - a rose, It does not wither from the frost. (Rose).
76. Your winnings are like manna from heaven; you got a piece of bread. (A piece of bread).
77. And this decoration is just a sight for sore eyes. (Beads made from paper clips).
78. You don’t need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard).
79. Receive your winnings quickly as a gift - (Balloon).
80. You bought an unlucky ticket, show us a 100 ruble fine for diapers.
81. To find out your income, a notebook will come in handy. (Notebook).
82. This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
83. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens).
84. I will not give up (Kefir) for any good in the world.
85. You are extremely lucky: kiss the neighbor on the right!
86. You and your companion will never be lost; you will never come home hungry from any guests. (Spoon).
87. You (Postcard) came across it, that’s how it was supposed to be with us.
88. You would like a piano, but you got a calendar. (Calendar).
89. (Notebook) - this is a small thing, but this is what you wanted.
90. Give this book to your future baby. (Children's book).

91. If there is a first aid kit in the house, then you also need a candle. (Candle).
92. Now you will have to buy a child so that you have someone to suck on the pacifier. (Pacifier).
93. Make a smart face, you won the egg. (Kinder surprise).
94. Happiness fell into your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes).
95. There is no more important book than you, only you are the writer in it. (Notebook).
96. To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! (Pen).
97. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle).
98. Since you are no longer at your desk, cards will come in handy in life. (Deck of cards).
99. Don’t be sad, don’t grieve, get up and kiss your neighbor. (Kiss the neighbor).
100. Evil lottery fate, The clothespin is only given to you. (Clothespin).
101. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
102. To save you from suffering, we won hand cream. (Hand cream).
103. Open your mouth wider, you will get a roll of paper. (Toilet paper).
104. To look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car).
105. With the dream of a shortage, you will run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet it (Paper napkin).
106. Your winnings are yet to come, but for now, look at others. (Additional number).
107. Success awaits you today, Get your nut. (Walnut).
108. Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, there is no doubt, you got not three candies, but three pieces of paper from candies.
109. You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue your work! (Soap).
110. Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (Banana).
111. Receive this tube as a gift, so that every tooth shines in the sun! (Paste).
112. Enjoy yourself, my friend, a little - you got (three candies).
113. Happiness fell into your hands, you got a big apple. (Apple).
114. Don’t be bored today, get Indian tea. (A pack of Indian tea).
115. To keep your hair in order, you will need an oven mitt. (Hair band).
116. Although your name is not Thekla, But you got beets. (Beet).

117. Seal of a small enterprise. (Eraser).
118. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).
119. If you want to be rich, be it. (Wallet).
120. Washing machine "Baby". (Soap in a soap dish).
121. Oh, what a great fellow you are, get a lollipop. (Chupa Chups).
122. We give you toothpaste so that you have teeth. (Toothpaste).
123. You are well-versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us all year. (Horseshoe).
124. You got this soap to wash your hands cleaner. (Soap).
125. In life you have to hope for the best. Take glue if life doesn’t stick. (Glue).
126. Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. (Children's cars).
127. Forget for a moment how much this joke costs. Said in advance, dear attention. (Kiss the neighbor).
128. In life, anything happens and it can even happen, if you tarnish your reputation somewhere, (A clothespin) will help dry it.
129. You are the best, you will see that the glass is for you, you will get a hangover. (Glass with vodka).
130. Don’t be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
131. The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle).
132. To keep the jar full, you need (a lid).
133. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up (Pencil).
134. Pet control product. (Velcro for flies).
135. You will walk around with your hair beautiful, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo).
136. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! (Coffee).
137. Even though people say that vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a reward. (A glass of vodka).
138. The turn has reached you, a fresh bar (“Mars”) for you!
139. Whether you need it or not, Here’s lipstick for you (Lipstick)!
140. For an overgrown baby - wonderful (Nipple)!

There is very little time left before the New Year and many are thinking about how to organize a New Year's party so that all the guests have fun. The most win-win option is to organize a New Year's lottery, then everyone will be involved, everyone will have fun and everyone will be able to receive a gift.

Ensure yourself a fun New Year, perhaps with the right organization. If you decide to hold a lottery, then you need to think through everything to the smallest detail in advance, otherwise it won’t be “fun”.

Here are some questions to consider in advance:

  1. Think over the theme of the evening. The most logical thing would be to play with the theme “2019 is the year of the Pig.” Those. choose appropriate costumes, prizes and jokes.
  2. Think through the scenario. The scenario is drawn up based on the theme of the party. It is not necessary to write down every point. It is enough to write down a few jokes and remarks, on the basis of which the evening will be built. Give the direction, and the guests will help create the rest of the “fun.”
  3. Figure out how the lottery will be organized, make tickets and prepare all the necessary attributes. The cards should be bright and remind you that this is still a New Year's lottery. Perhaps they can be made in the form of small snowflakes or cockerels.
  4. Buy gifts, comic souvenirs. It is best if the lottery is playful and win-win, with cool prizes. You need to make sure that everyone gets a small prize.

How to play tickets

In the case of a regular lottery, we buy the coveted tickets. In the New Year version, there is no need to spend money, coupons are won and earned in different ways:

  1. A lottery ticket can be given away as a reward for a wish fulfilled, such as a song sung, a poem recited, or a dance performed.
  2. Tickets can be hung on the Christmas tree in the form of bow toys.
  3. Tickets can be won for participating in competitions. For example, during the evening, organize various competitions, for which the winners receive valuable prizes, and the rest get the chance to take part in a win-win promotion.
  4. Place all the tickets in one large container, such as a hat, vase, basket, bag. The host walks with a basket around the guests and asks riddles; whoever guesses right takes the coveted ticket.

Presentation of prizes

After each guest has received a ticket with numbers, you can begin distributing gifts. Each participant, in the order of the tickets, goes to the toastmaster and picks up his gift, which are numbered next to him. At the same time, presenting gifts in verse will look very original and fun. For example:

  1. To avoid a sour year, get some delicious Mustard!
  2. Dance and rejoice quickly, because your prize is the Belt!
  3. Number 5 is yours, and the gift is a Pencil!
  4. Vitamin C as a gift, so that life is in order!
  5. Here's a Lollipop, you're great!
  6. Here's a friend and a treat, delicious Cookies!
  7. Here's a beautiful Magnet to always attract you home!
  8. Here's a postcard for you, and I'm expecting a smile from you!
  9. Open your pocket wider, I give you a Calendar!
  10. So that everything goes smoothly in the family, catch Chocolate soon!

If you cannot come up with short couplets yourself, then feel free to open the Internet, where you will find many options.

Lottery for children

Children are looking forward to the New Year with special desire. And they are ready to receive gifts many times a day. You can arrange a separate New Year's lottery for them. Of course, for this you will have to gather at home not just a couple of children, but at least 4-5, so the game will be more fun.

The children's lottery can be played as follows:

  1. Turn on fun background music, preferably New Year's music.
  2. Instead of numbers, you can come up with riddle poems describing the gift. Riddles are written down on pieces of paper and wrapped in candy wrappers or plastic Kinder Surprise containers, which are placed in a plastic drum or large bag.
  3. Children take turns approaching the bag, they are blindfolded and they take out their “ticket”.
  4. The child opens the container and reads out the prizes.

Riddles can be in the form of poems or leading questions:

  1. Delicious, sweet, sometimes chocolate, this is... “Candy”.
  2. Get it soon, my friend, You treasured book, read it quickly, it’s very interesting.
  3. To give you something to surprise me with. What do you use to do your hair, that’s right – a comb!
  4. Happy New Year, I wish you joy, and as a gift I give you a teddy bear.
  5. We draw with it, write clearly, without problems, and it’s called a Pen!
  6. So that you are happy, kind, playful, I will give you a beautiful doll.

It’s not worth holding such a quiz for a long time, because... Children, having received their gift, quickly lose attention.

The New Year's lottery differs from others in that only friends or close family members play it, and no money is spent. This creative activity is sure to please your guests. And in order not to spend too much money on surprises, you can buy inexpensive souvenirs:

The most important thing in the New Year's lottery is to create a festive mood. Gifts are not that important here. Proper organization and a cheerful attitude will help you spend New Year's Eve fun and bright.

