Is it boring to live in retirement? Activities that you can enjoy in retirement and earn substantial extra income

What if the pension cannot provide for all our desires and needs? How to prepare the ground to guarantee a carefree old age?

This article will tell you what it can be like working at home for retirees and help you find the answers to these questions! Here you will find the most relevant and safe ways to make money, thanks to which you can feel confident, independent and happy.

In addition, by working from home, you will plan your own employment, and you will have time for visits to your beloved grandchildren, needlework, hobbies and household chores. And this is important for someone who is used to fully devoting himself to work and work. So, what can a woman do in retirement: TOP of the most relevant vacancies.

Retirement is a great opportunity to realize your ideas!

In the life of almost every modern person, the economic component plays a rather significant role. Especially for those who plan to retire or are already "there". And this is not surprising, because if you are an ordinary, average resident of the country, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the size of your pension payments. Moreover, each of us has a desire to live well, and not just to survive.

In this regard, the question of what to do in retirement is relevant in order to be able to dress well, pamper yourself and your family with delicious treats, maintain your health, travel, give worthy gifts to children and grandchildren, and also keep yourself in shape (purchase cosmetic products). funds, visit beauty salons, go for a massage, etc.).

Believe me, no matter how old a woman is, she can even find an occupation to her liking in retirement, which at the same time will bring a good income. Here you don’t even know what is more important - a sense of satisfaction from your own employment and demand, or additional earnings and an increase in pension?

But for people doing what they love, another moment will be more burning. How to monetize your hobby to make money on it? By the way, not only pensioners can strive for this, but also many other people who want to stay “afloat” in our economically unstable time.

Many retired women want more than to sit on the watch in the entrance or get a part-time job as a cloakroom attendant. Especially if they have been engaged in responsible work in a prestigious position all their lives.

When you have certain skills and knowledge, and many years of experience behind you, when you retire, willy-nilly, you begin to think about where all this can be applied with profit and benefit. Therefore, retirement can be considered an excellent occasion to start doing what you love and realize your dreams.

"Such" are not taken as astronauts? Let it go!

Retirement is a unique period of life when you can finally do something, not because you have to, but simply because you want to. An excellent bonus to this will be the opportunity to receive additional income. Having a hobby, you can turn your favorite business into a business for retirees. Experience shows that older people can be just as successful as their younger counterparts.

And do not be afraid that work for pensioners will not bring the expected results. After a preliminary study of “supply and demand”, all you need is the desire to start something from scratch. Those who are interested in how to make money in retirement should motivate themselves properly and learn to look at different things outside the box. These are perhaps the most important, key components of success.

When looking for a suitable vacancy or idea for starting your own business, you need to rationally evaluate all the pros and cons. So, for women who decide to start a business from scratch in retirement, it is important to understand that it may not require financial investments and registration, but at the same time be economically profitable.

When looking for a suitable source of income in retirement, do not limit your flight of fancy. Yes, without start-up capital, the list of options will be sparse. But even so, you can choose the optimal field of activity where you can do what you love and get a good increase in your pension every month.

So, what should a retiree do on a well-deserved vacation? If you take an interest in the secrets of the success of rich people, you can see that many of them started with absolutely nothing to their hearts. And therefore, in any scenario, your prospects are not at all ghostly.

There are several conditions that will help pensioners who want to become financially independent to "unwind":

  • The main thing is not the lack of money, the main thing is the presence of a creative idea. If your project/experience/skills are unique and original, and at the same time the demand for them is very high, this will already be 50% successful.
  • The market (sales) of your idea should be wide, but not oversaturated. In this case, work for retirees on the Internet is great, where you can find a huge audience of potential consumers.
  • The goal must be clear. Having correctly motivated themselves, having a great desire to be successful, pensioners easily achieved their goal - of course, if it was clear. Fortunately, at present there are many sources that are ready to provide free information about training and planning, as well as promoting ideas.

Let's take a closer look at what home work can be for retirees.

Real ideas for extra income

Home-based part-time work for retired ladies is the most real, safe and comfortable source of additional income. Here, the success of the enterprise will depend directly on what you know how and what you want to achieve by doing a specific business in retirement.

It will be nice if you can match the type of your activity with the needs of your peers, pensioners. If such an audience is likely to be targeted, then engage in training or providing the following services to women aged 55+:

  • Production of traditional or exotic culinary masterpieces (on request).
  • Help in preparing for winter: canning and seaming.
  • Baking cakes and other sweets to order is an ideal job for young retirees who love and know how to make such treats.
  • Tailoring or knitting clothes to order for pensioners (people aged 50 and over).
  • Needlework with benefits: creating jewelry and exclusive decor.
  • Growing indoor, garden plants or seedlings.
  • Beauty treatments at home, haircuts, styling or manicures.
  • Massage with a visit to the customer's home or the provision of services in your "home office".

For those who are interested in how to make money for a pensioner with experience in IT technologies and PC skills, the following options for making money at home are suitable:

Separately, you need to talk about online counseling. For those who have a high level of education, know how to communicate with the target audience and are interested in what a retiree should do, counseling (coaching) can bring excellent financial rewards, and most importantly, the pleasure of being in demand and the realization that your knowledge can help someone.

Considering that hundreds of thousands of people turn to psychologists for help every year, you can try yourself as a healer of souls. If you have a wealth of knowledge and rich life experience behind you, as well as a computer connected to the network, then this is the ideal part-time job for retirees.

Of course, practicing psychotherapists must be qualified. This means that you will have to undergo training in order to be able to earn money by providing online (or offline) consultations to those in need. It is worth noting that many older people have already adapted to such a profession and earn good money as a connoisseur of human souls.

As we said earlier, in order to work as a retired psychologist, you need to take appropriate courses. This will help you learn new tricks and learn how to properly plan your work so that it brings income to you and benefits to those in need. But, like any other profitable business, coaching and consulting requires an initial investment. Fortunately, when you are retired, you have the opportunity to pay for your education and, having received the right to independent activity, start practicing.

Those who are engaged in the main work, but are already making plans for their future activities on a well-deserved retirement “vacation”, can also adopt this idea. Consultations can be held at a convenient time for you and your clients. By planning a schedule for extra work in advance, you can start practicing even before you retire.

By getting a part-time job in some firm providing psychological assistance to those in need, you can try your hand at this specialty and at the same time “fill your hand”. You can safely apply this experience in the future when you embark on an “independent voyage” after retirement.

Before finding a job, a pensioner needs to remember the wonderful words of one of the great political figures - Abraham Lincoln. The first president of the United States of America always said, "Most people are only as happy as they choose to be." And if you want to be a happy pensioner, just allow yourself to be one - do not be afraid to learn new things and open up new horizons for yourself. Author: Elena Suvorova

Old age hits everyone sooner or later. At a certain age, people retire and receive the status of pensioners. The state pays them a certain amount of money as support. In Russia, the size of pensions leaves much to be desired, so it is often necessary to think, for example, about what a woman should do in retirement in order to increase the profits of the family budget. Much depends on the health of the pensioner, but in general there are plenty of activities. The following are the most interesting and common ideas.

Retirement is not a sentence

Today in Russia the retirement age is not a verdict. The point is that men retire at 60, and women at 55. At this age, the beautiful half of society is still active. Only a few begin to suffer age-related diseases.

What should a retired woman do? How can you earn money beyond the retirement age? The answers to these questions will be given below. The main thing to remember is that a pension is not a sentence for working!


What to do in retirement? It’s not so important for a single woman or a family woman, it’s just that the first category of citizens has more free time. In any case, the retirement age is the period when women can finally take care of their household. Particularly gardens and gardens.

As additional income, they often use the sale of vegetables, fruits, berries and flowers that they themselves have grown. It's a good way to work. By selling surplus food, you can get a small increase in your pension.

This work does not require any special skills and knowledge from a woman. In addition, the majority of housewives after 55 years old are really fond of gardening and gardening. So, you can combine business with pleasure!

Culinary masterpieces

What else can a retired woman do? Many retirees are beginning to be imbued with culinary skills. And society, of course, will appreciate grandmothers with unusually delicious cakes, pies, buns and other dishes. Such dishes are sure to find their fans.

Therefore, it is worth using your culinary skills to earn money. And if before a woman was not particularly involved in cooking, then retirement is an ideal time for learning!

And to earn on your culinary skills, you can do the following:

  • prepare dishes to order;
  • sell prepared homemade food (for example, cakes and sweets);
  • organize cooking classes (by renting an office or right at home).

Unfortunately, this advice is not for everyone. After all, among pensioners there are those who have never learned to cook in their entire lives. In such a case, you will have to look for another occupation.


What should a retired woman do? At home, you can come up with a lot of interesting ideas for making money. For example, it's time to do needlework. Hand-made in Russia and other countries is in great demand, but its creation takes a lot of time. But in retirement it is full. You can create anything. For example:

  • sew;
  • to knit;
  • make toys;
  • weave;
  • make soap;
  • create handmade candles;
  • embroider.

All crafts can be sold at competitive prices. Some active retirees open their own business based on needlework.


What should a pensioner (woman) do in retirement? As already mentioned, at this time people have a lot of free time. Even those with large families.

You can use your writing skills to earn money. Always wanted to publish a book, but didn't have time for it? Retirement is a great prospect for becoming a writer!

Tales, short stories, fairy tales, fiction and scientific literature - all this can be the fruit of the work of a pensioner. Women often write a variety of recipe books and create books with master classes.

Skills to help

What do income-generating people do in retirement (women)? You can use your skills acquired throughout life. Or learn something new. In any case, retirement is a great time to sell your own accumulated knowledge.

For example, it is quite easy to solve the problem of what to do in retirement for a 55-year-old woman. After completing the relevant courses, she can provide services:

  • manicure / pedicure / nail extension;
  • hairdresser;
  • masseur;
  • tutor;
  • seamstresses.

Most often, it is these areas that are popular with retired women. But this does not mean that services in other areas are not available. In retirement, you can do whatever you want.

Transfer of experience

It is generally accepted that the older generation has a rich life experience. In most cases, it is. Basic life skills and abilities, knowledge and experience really accumulate in old age. And now every elderly person can keep up with the times.

It's time to pass on your experience to the next generation. Therefore, when thinking about what a woman can do in retirement, you can consider the following ideas:

  • organization of courses in cooking or needlework;
  • tutoring;
  • playing the role of a teacher (for example, at school, as a visiting teacher);
  • compiling and distributing master classes;
  • conducting trainings and lectures;
  • organization of master classes (classes).

Organization of any activities related to the transfer of life experience and skills is a great way to earn money. Often such activities eventually develop into a business. And this will help answer the question -

It has been repeatedly said that tutoring is in special demand. In particular, in foreign languages ​​and school subjects. Tutors make a good retirement income from their activities. You can do this both at home and visiting clients.


What else is there to do for a retired woman? You can devote yourself to the educational field. Women of this age are often recruited into kindergartens, circles and schools as educators. You can take advantage of this.

If you're used to going to work every day and fulfilling certain responsibilities, when you retire, you may feel empty: your time is now yours for the first time. But if you properly organize it, you definitely will not be bored. Retirement does not mean the end of an active life filled with interesting events. Now you have a lot of free time, and you can devote it to yourself.

Take care of your health

Hypodynamia is the scourge of our time. The lack of physical activity negatively affects the work of all body systems. The result is flaccid atrophied muscles, osteochondrosis, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases. And if a working person often does not have enough time to play sports, then retirement solves this problem. You can start jogging, join the pool, or take up yoga. The easiest way to maintain good health is morning exercises. A set of easy exercises, performed after waking up, will fill your whole day with a charge of energy and positive.

Start eating right

It is well known that proper nutrition is the key to health and longevity. And if a working person does not have the opportunity to adhere to the basic rules of proper nutrition - eat often, in small portions, give preference to steamed dishes - then it is a sin for a pensioner not to take this chance. Many people think that proper nutrition requires the purchase of some expensive products. This is not so - seasonal vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy and sour-milk products are inexpensive. And giving up smoked meats, sweets and alcohol, you can also save a lot.

Think about your favorite activities

If you liked to knit, sew, weave lace, grow, but there was never enough time for this, then now you can devote yourself to your favorite business completely. Maybe you like to solve crosswords, solve puzzles and logic puzzles - these creative activities are great for increasing erudition, training memory and broadening your horizons.

Reading Literature

Perhaps in your youth you were fond of reading books by your favorite authors, but in the cycle of life you abandoned this activity - now is the time to remember about. You can reread your favorite classics, or turn your attention to new authors who have been published recently. It is not necessary to buy expensive publications - you can sign up at the library and borrow books there.

Walks and new acquaintances

Reaching retirement age is far from the end of life. Do not hide from the outside world in your apartment. Even with a fairly modest budget, you can find something to your liking. Walk more often, visit museums, exhibitions, various courses, interest clubs. You will definitely find like-minded people with whom you can go on an excursion or discuss a recently watched movie.

Spend time with family and friends

Having a pension certificate does not make you less loved in the circle of your family and relatives. On the contrary, you have more time for pleasant communication with loved ones. You can help your children in the upbringing of their grandchildren, and you yourself can enjoy the minutes spent among those who are dear to you.

Sooner or later, work activity ends and we retire. That seems to be the long-awaited freedom! But many of us are faced with the question: what should a woman do in retirement to earn money? And not only because we are not satisfied only with household chores, garden beds or needlework.

What kind of business can a retired woman do?

The economic component here is also of no small importance, because. few people are satisfied with his pension. Any of us wants to live, not live out: eat and dress well, take care of ourselves and our health, travel, pamper our grandchildren with gifts.

Despite their age, many women can find a business that can generate income and satisfaction from being in demand. And you don’t even know what comes first: an additional salary for retirement, or a sense of self-realization in your favorite business.

Every person can find his favorite pastime, make it profitable for himself - that's what you need to strive for in our economically difficult time.

Many retired women want a little more than to serve as a cloakroom attendant or janitor for minimal pay. I want something more, especially if there is strength, and remarkable knowledge and experience has been accumulated.

Retirement is the period when you have the opportunity to realize your most daring ideas, to do something not out of duty, but to your liking. Your hobby can easily be turned into a business in retirement that will give you additional income.

Many people have the idea to start their own business. And there is no need to be afraid of this word. Practice shows that older people may well realize this idea. The question is how to find a business that does not require significant financial investments and will give results. The main thing that is required is a non-standard view of things and a willingness to learn and try new things.

When looking for an idea for a business, do not set limits for yourself: that they say it is difficult to do without start-up capital, that there is not enough strength or knowledge, that the prospects are too illusory. The history of many well-known businesses confirms that many of them were created literally from nothing. There is one important secret: a successful business does not start with money, but with an original idea that can be successfully sold. Another condition: you must have a clear goal, great desire and perseverance. And last but not least, a good site - everywhere now you can hear "Design studio, design studio ..." - business is actively moving to the Internet, and this should not be overlooked.

Age is also not a reason to renounce your aspirations. And at 60 and at 70 you will be able to put all your life experience and wisdom into action. Remember that many famous people have done the best in life at a fairly mature age.

What can a woman do at home to earn income

The most affordable job for a retired woman is working from home. It all depends on your skills and aspirations. A good option if you target your activities to your peers and peers, for example, start sewing clothes for the elderly or become a master of ladies' hairstyles for women 50+. This will be your target audience, among which you will promote your services and products.

Beauty and health:

  • massage parlor at home;
  • beauty salon (manicure, haircuts, skin care).


  • mini kindergarten at home for babysitting;
  • creative studio for children;
  • Skype teaching, tutoring in various subjects;
  • training in cutting and sewing;
  • creative needlework courses (knitting, painting, decoupage, weaving, etc.).


  • home preservation to order from vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • production of pastries and cakes to order;
  • preparation of festive dishes, salads, etc.

Organization of recreation and holidays:

  • home mini-hotel;
  • a private guide to the sights of your city and surroundings;
  • creation of scripts for weddings, birthdays and other events.

Fashion and creativity:

  • tailoring (mini-studio);
  • knitting exclusive things to order;
  • production of jewelry and interior items (beadwork, embroidery of paintings, gift design, etc.);

Internet technologies:

  • creation of sites for sale;
  • maintaining your own website and blog to generate income on contextual advertising;
  • freelance (writing articles for websites, writing tests; translating texts, writing diplomas and term papers, working with Photoshop, etc.);
  • computer literacy training for pensioners via Skype and offline.

These are just some of the opportunities that you can take advantage of when you want to start a business for a retired woman after 50-60 years old. It's great if you have a hobby that you can turn into profitable. The advantage of such an activity: no need to have start-up capital, ease of organizing work from home and a favorable cost-benefit ratio.

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I imposed several such coasters for hot dishes and presented them to all my friends and relatives on March 8. It turned out inexpensively, but the gift was made with soul. I don't know how to draw a knitting pattern, but if you look closely, these crafts are very easy to knit. Experienced knitters will figure it out quickly.

During this time I knitted 2 shawls. I gave the first blue one to a friend for her birthday, which she was very happy about. Too bad I didn't think to take a picture of her. Now I am knitting a third shawl.

Why did I take up knitting? I used to knit a lot with knitting needles, but I didn’t learn how to crochet. But now it seems to me that crocheting is much more interesting. And I knit for the soul and relaxation. Because it is impossible to sit all day at the computer. Of course, my eyes get tired from the computer and knitting, but I do it, which helps relieve tension and fatigue. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to problems later, so I got busy.

No, of course, I don’t spend all day knitting, blogging and studying at the school of bloggers. I still go to the literary living room, I shared the most interesting topics with you, for example, about or.

And I also told you about the walks that my friends and I take on skis, on a bike or on foot. I love taking pictures, especially nature. And our holidays too. I talked about one holiday - the day of our district. And recently I went to see off Zima, it turns out - it's so interesting and entertaining. Here are some photos from this holiday.

What to do as a retiree

You can find a lot of activities for the soul, which will give you peace of mind and add health:

  • growing flowers and vegetables;
  • sports, dancing;
  • travel to interesting places;
  • fishing or hunting for men, hiking in the forest in summer for mushrooms and berries;
  • embroidery, knitting and other types of needlework;
  • various hobby groups, etc.

How to make money in retirement

Of course, you won’t be fed up with hobbies alone. However, even here there is a wide field of activity. Some pensioners, after leaving their main job, develop a vigorous labor activity in a completely different area, which is a good source of additional income.
