Remedy for dry corns on the foot. Creams and ointments based on lactic acid


Almost everyone knows what dry calluses on the feet are, they are also called corns. This phenomenon is widespread, as it occurs as a result of constant friction or pressure on certain areas of the skin of the feet. Outwardly, dry corn looks like a seal, thicker on the sides and decreasing towards the periphery. Its appearance is due to hyperkeratosis - increased reproduction and hypertrophy of epithelial cells.

Such a disease is not contagious and does not pose a danger to human life, but greatly interferes with normal movement and brings severe discomfort. Therefore, most people would like to know how to get rid of dry calluses on their feet quickly and effectively.

Causes of formation and types of corns

For the prevention and proper treatment of any problem, it is necessary to understand its etiology. It is also necessary to understand what factors can provoke the appearance of corns. An increase in pressure on a certain area of ​​​​the foot or constant friction can appear as a result of internal and external causes:

  • loss of skin elasticity due to age-related changes;
  • insufficient amount of moisture in the skin;
  • malabsorption of nutrients as a result of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • flat feet;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular diseases;
  • foot hyperhidrosis;
  • spur on the bone;
  • obesity.

The main factor that causes such a phenomenon as a callus on the foot is wearing uncomfortable and low-quality shoes with high heels and narrow toes. Often corns occur during jogging, gymnastics, ballet, long walking.

Dry calluses of the foot can be of three varieties:

  1. Hard callus - often appears in the heel area or at the base of the sole. As a rule, such formations rarely cause discomfort during movement. Sometimes a person may experience an unpleasant sensation when pressed.
  2. Soft - may look like a wound, as it has an open surface. Alternatively, it has a bubble inside. Often appears in the spaces between the fingers. When pressed and walking causes significant pain.
  3. Rod. In this case, the corn has a cone-shaped root that goes into the depths. In the central part, a transparent or darker and denser formation is visualized - a rod. It is localized on the fingers and the back surface of the joints. Callus when walking more often than others causes severe pain.
  4. A little less often, a vascular form of callus is observed, with vessels inside, as well as a fibrous form with a pronounced compaction in the form of honeycombs.

Mechanical methods of disposal

How to get rid of dry corns forever? The simplest is to cut them off with a blade or remove them with a pumice stone. But real corns will not get away from this, moreover, with such an impact, an infection can be introduced.

If you turn to professional cosmetologists, they can list more effective options and offer modern treatment for dry calluses on the legs without the risk of getting unwanted complications. In addition, in advanced cases and the presence of core deep calluses, the option of removal using anesthesia is likely.

At the moment, there are such basic ways of how to get rid of dry hard corn:

Treatment with medication

In case of contraindications to mechanical removal, treatment with medications can be carried out. In order to know how to treat dry corn, you need to consult a doctor. Usually in this case, such medicines are used:

Treatment with folk remedies

The treatment of corns on the feet with folk remedies is widely practiced. These methods of getting rid of this problem help many people, but only if they are properly prepared and used. We should not forget that before treating corns, you need to consult a doctor.

There are many ways to treat corns at home. But to get a positive result, you need to spend some time and make efforts. To choose a removal method, you need to consult a specialist.

Calluses on the legs cause discomfort and pain when walking, so they must be treated. There are dry and wet types, depending on the type and cause of the appearance, therapy may differ slightly.

Dry calluses are yellowish seals. Often they have a rod that penetrates deep into the tissues. The most common cause of them is chronic skin trauma from wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes that cause constant friction or pressure. As a result, a keratinized crust is formed, which protects the cover from aggressive influences.

Depending on the location, there are:

  • calluses between the fingers and toes, that is, where there is no hairline;
  • on the outside of the big toes or little toes;
  • on the metatarsus - under the fingers on the feet.

The callus between the fingers can cause significant discomfort.

External causes include:

  • prolonged wearing of uncomfortable or improperly selected shoes;
  • shoes with high heels or thin soles;
  • wrong gait;
  • socks or tights made of synthetic fabric that does not allow the skin of the feet to breathe.

Among the internal causes of dry painful calluses are known:

  • diseases of internal organs - liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • excess body weight;
  • excessive sweating of the legs;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • flat feet, valgus deformity of the foot;
  • endocrine pathologies, including diabetes mellitus;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • fungus.

Overview of the most effective ways

In home therapy, pharmacy remedies for corns are used, which have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects:

1. Wartner is an applicator pen impregnated with a special gel. Before using it, it is better to steam the leg in hot water for 5 minutes. Then the keratinization is treated with a nail file, washed and wiped dry. A cream is applied around the callus, and the gel is applied directly to the seal.

2. A patch based on salicylic acid, for example, Salipod, will help get rid of the seal on the finger in a few procedures. The skin is pre-cleaned and degreased. The plate is warmed in the palms and attached to the sore spot for 2 days. After the patch is removed, a foot bath is made and the remnants of corns between the fingers are removed.

3. Ointment Super Antimozolin effectively fights dry calluses and corns. The composition of the drug includes lactic acid and urea. They perfectly soften keratinization. The medicine is applied to the problem area in a thick layer and a patch is glued on top for a couple of hours, after which they try to remove it with a pumice stone. Repeat the procedure daily until complete recovery.

4. Ointment Bensalitin with benzoic and salicylic acid has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect. The medicine is applied to steamed dry skin, a patch is glued on top and left for several hours.

5. Nemosol cream with glycolic and salicylic acid has keratolytic properties. The medicine will help soften and separate the corn from the skin, relieve inflammation and eliminate the infection, if any. The cream is applied, the patch is fixed on top and left to act for 1 or 2 days. Then the hardened area is rubbed with pumice stone. If it did not work out from the first procedure, repeat the sessions every 3-4 days.

6. The drug Stopmozol with lactic acid is used only after consulting a dermatologist. It is impossible for the product to get on healthy skin, as this leads to burns.

7. Pasta 5 days. It contains lanolin, salicylic acid and petroleum jelly. The drug is applied to the affected area under the patch for 12 hours. After the time has elapsed, the callus on the leg is removed with a pumice stone. It usually disappears after 3 treatments.

8. Cream Healer contains urea, which dissolves coarseness well. The product is applied to clean, dry skin once a day and is not washed off.

9. A solution of Supercleaner corrodes the coarsened cover. The legs are steamed, the formation is glued on all sides with a plaster to prevent burns, and the remedy is applied pointwise twice a day.

10. Foot Relax cream with salicylic acid is applied every evening. It helps to get rid of even dry old calluses, effectively eliminating roughness and pain. The product is used after the bath.

11. At home, you can make foot baths with a teaspoon of ammonia. This method of treatment involves adding liquid soap and a spoonful of soda to the water. The procedure lasts up to 40 minutes. Then the skin is treated with pumice.

12. Glycerin has excellent emollient properties, so it is used instead of a cream at bedtime, applying to the foot and problem areas.

13. Therapeutic mask with aspirin makes the skin soft and smooth, relieves dry calluses. To prepare it, 10 tablets of the product must be crushed into powder and add a little water until a thick consistency is obtained. The medicine is applied, a plastic bag and a woolen sock are put on the leg. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.

14. Hydrogen peroxide helps with dry formations, it softens well. Make a foot bath with it, adding a tablespoon of the product. The water should not be very hot. The legs are kept in the pelvis for about 40 minutes. After the bath, when the skin softens, treat with pumice. Treatment is carried out daily until the problem is completely eliminated.

It is necessary to treat dry corns with pharmaceutical products carefully, observing safety precautions so as not to get burned. Therefore, healthy skin will have to be protected with a cream or sealed with a plaster.

Folk remedies

At home, the following methods of treatment are used:

1. Compress with tea tree essential oil. Feet should be steamed in the bath, cleaned and wiped dry. The radish is rubbed on a grater to make a teaspoon. Add to it 5 g of honey and 10 drops of tea tree oil. The gruel is applied directly to the corn. At the same time, healthy skin is covered with several strips of the patch. A warming bandage is applied on top of the compress and left overnight. In the morning, the cover is cleaned, the therapy in this way is repeated daily until it disappears completely.

2. From corns at home, natural propolis will help. During the treatment, the plate is applied to the steamed and cleaned skin of the finger and fixed with adhesive tape. The procedure is repeated daily.

3. A reliable way to remove corns, according to many reviews, is a compress of grated potatoes and onions. Take an aloe leaf and cut it lengthwise. The vegetable mixture is placed between two layers of gauze. Apply to the skin of the foot, where there is corns, an aloe leaf, and then a mixture. From above, the leg is unwound with plastic wrap or compression paper and fixed with adhesive tape. After waking up, the compress is removed, and the affected area is smeared with cream. Treatment is continued until the corns are eliminated.

4. To achieve softening of the roughness of the house, you can use this remedy for dry calluses on the toes. Apply to the corns a crumb of bread soaked in vinegar. The ingredients are mixed so that a slurry is obtained, which is placed on the leg all night. From above, the foot is wrapped with cellophane and the bandage is fixed with a plaster. In the morning, the corn is easily removed with a pumice stone. With chronic corns, you will have to apply this method of treatment several times.

5. In order to remove dry callus on the toe, use a couple of drops of vinegar essence, a spoonful of butter and an egg. Everything is mixed and left in the problem area overnight. In the morning, cleanse the skin of the finger.

Preventive measures

Since dry corns rarely hurt, they are usually not detected soon. But the older the seal is, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, it is recommended to take preventive measures:

  • Choose socks and tights made from natural materials. Unlike synthetic products, they will absorb excess moisture. It should also be borne in mind that rough seams can rub the skin, which is fraught with new corns.
  • If you have a long walk, then you should put on thin and then thick socks on your feet. Hosiery must be selected according to size. They should not squeeze the feet and fingers or fall off.
  • Socks are changed daily.
  • Shoes are selected in size from natural materials so that the skin of the feet can breathe. The toe of the shoes should not squeeze the toes.
  • You can not wear new shoes without first breaking in to avoid chafing. It is recommended to wear it for an hour a day a week before going out. Places of increased friction - fingers and heel, must be treated with petroleum jelly.
  • You need to have a patch and a bandage with you, so that if you experience discomfort, immediately seal the cover and prevent the occurrence of corns.
  • Regular lubrication of the skin of the feet with a moisturizer will help to avoid dry growths.

It is quite possible to get rid of corns at home using methods using pharmacy and folk remedies. But treatment should not be postponed for a long time to avoid inflammation and pain.

With the appearance of corns that form when wearing new or uncomfortable shoes, everyone has encountered in their lives. And if at a young age the problem is limited to a painful watery blister, then over the years, when metabolic processes begin to slow down and the skin becomes dry, keratinization occurs in places of rubbing, small cuts or injuries, which at first does not cause much inconvenience. However, if you do not get rid of such skin hardening immediately, they imperceptibly turn into the so-called dry callus.

may appear in various places, but still their favorite place is the feet and palms. Formed on the toes, heels and soles of the feet, with deep rods or in the form of corns, they give their owner a lot of inconvenience and suffering, both physical and aesthetic.

So, how to treat the unfortunate dry calluses and corns with folk remedies at home?

Dry corn is found in two types:

  • soft callus has a hard core, surrounded by not too coarsened tissue and extending rather deep, usually appears between the fingers
  • hard dry callus most often occurs on the outside of the fingers, on the soles of the feet, and has a radial hard thickening around the shaft

In addition to dry corns, the so-called calluses. They usually occur at fracture sites, regardless of their location. As a treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed. In extreme cases, resort to surgical intervention. In the presence of callus, physical activity, hypothermia and overheating are prohibited.

There are many ways to get rid of dry corns at home. To do this, you need to be patient and strictly follow all the procedures, since interrupted treatment drives the problem even deeper. Successful removal of dry calluses is possible in the early stages, while old calluses are successfully removed by laser, liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction), radio wave method or electrocoagulation in beauty salons and medical institutions. With concomitant fungal infection, cryo- and laser exposure are the most optimal. How to treat calluses on the legs in traditional ways.

Treatment of dry corns with folk remedies at home

The procedure for removing dry corns, in fact, comes down to extracting the rod. Since this is not easy to do, before applying any corn remedy, the problem area must be steamed well, and the softened cornification should be cut off with nail scissors or wiped off with a pumice stone.

During treatment, the dry callus stem is removed after 1-2 weeks of daily use of folk remedies at home, with noticeable relief, and in place of the former callus, a deep hole from the stem is visible, which tightens over time.


Modern pharmacology offers many effective keratolytic, disinfectant drugs that get rid of annoying dry corns and corns.

This and the well-known corn plaster "Salipod" and a patch for corns "Compeed", pasta "5 days", balm "Mountain celandine",Kolomak, 10% salicylic ointment in combination with benzoic acid and much more.

For the treatment of callus, it is necessary to steam the legs in hot water with the addition of a few drops. tea tree and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Dry the skin with a terry towel, then cut a hole the size of a corn in a regular adhesive plaster. Stick the patch on the corn, while the corn should be completely open. After the healthy tissue is isolated, salicylic ointment is applied to the corn, and another patch is sealed on top. After 8 hours, the patch is removed. The corn softens so much that it can be removed with ordinary pedicure tools. If necessary, the procedure is immediately repeated.

Folk remedies used at home are suitable for treating corns on any part of the legs: on the fingers and between the toes, on the foot, sole, heel and even on the little finger. Despite the abundance of pharmacy offers, these recipes are still very popular. Here are some of the most effective ways to remove dry calluses on your feet.

Soda soap baths. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap in 1 liter of hot water. Steam hands or feet for 15-20 minutes, then remove softened excess skin with a pumice stone or manicure tools. Then the skin is dried with a soft towel and lubricated with a nourishing cream. Adding chamomile infusion to the bath noticeably speeds up the result, and 72% laundry soap also helps fight the fungus. Repeat the procedure daily until complete recovery.

Soda gum baths. A hot foot bath is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water. A regular patch with a cut hole is applied to the dried, cleansed of excess skin, the diameter of which repeats our dry corn. Then 2-3 drops of fir resin are applied to the corn itself, sealed with another piece of adhesive tape on top. Repeat the procedure every other day until complete recovery.

Onion peel compress- the easiest and most popular method of getting rid of dry corns at home. Dry onion peel is poured with a table bite and infused for 2 weeks. Then the husk is applied to the steamed corn, smeared with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream and left overnight. The procedure is repeated every day until complete relief.

Vinegar baths. In very hot water mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (6%), steam the foot daily until the water has completely cooled, remembering to remove the softened part of the corn. Then dry the skin with a soft towel and lubricate the dry corn with 10% salicylic ointment. Cover the affected area with a napkin, fix with a bandage and put on a cotton sock. Repeat the procedure every day for 7-14 days.

Lemon compress. It is good to steam the legs, remove the keratinized excess with a pumice stone. Then put a piece of lemon peel on dry corn, press and bandage. Remove the bandage after a few days. The corn falls off on its own.

Pepper plaster. On the steamed and peeled dry corn, glue a pepper patch cut to the size of the corn, but 3-5 mm larger. Fix on top with a regular plaster. Do not remove for several days, then the corn should be torn off on its own. If this does not happen, repeat the procedure.

Compress with tea tree oil. Steam legs, clean, wipe dry. Prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon grated radish and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the gruel directly to the corn, covering healthy skin with a patch applicator. An insulating bandage is applied on top. In the morning everything is removed, the corn is cleaned. Repeat the procedure daily until complete cleansing of rough skin.

Propolis. A plate of natural propolis is applied to the steamed and cleaned problem area, fixed with adhesive tape. The procedure is repeated daily until complete healing.

Should be remembered: it is easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later. To prevent the appearance of corns and corns, you need to give preference to comfortable, loose shoes made from natural materials, stockings and socks should also be made from natural fibers. In addition, the skin of the hands and feet must be continuously looked after, softening creams should be used, and keratinized skin particles should be removed in a timely manner.

Calluses are located not only on the surface of the skin, but also spread deep into. Thus, areas of very dense, keratinized skin are formed, which can irritate the nerve endings when walking. And that causes a lot of discomfort.

To remove corns, first of all, you need to stop tight, uncomfortable shoes. Women who have developed dry calluses should stop using stilettos, even if these shoes suit them very well.

If the corns are superficial, they can be eliminated in a relatively short time. It is necessary to soften the skin every night before going to bed, taking hot foot baths. Add a few drops of liquid detergent or essential oils (for example, from juniper, eucalyptus) to the water. After the bath, carefully remove the softened stratum corneum with a pumice stone. As a rule, superficial corns disappear within 1-2 weeks.

You can also contact a specialized institution to remove corns. The doctor will cut off the corn with a small knife. In some cases, surgery may be needed, for example, if the appearance of a callus is related to the structure of the bone.


Calluses are small areas of hard, rough skin that appear when it is subjected to excessive pressure or friction. Most often, corns appear on the feet, especially on the toes, on the heels and between the toes.

The most common cause of calluses on the feet is inappropriate footwear for example, if she is too tight, or wearing heels.

Other reasons may be walking without shoes, wearing shoes without socks, or physical activity that puts pressure on the feet.

In people with growths, curvature of the toes, damaged sweat glands, scars and warts corns appear more often.

Usually, corns cause a lot of discomfort or discomfort to a person, and removing the source of friction or pressure helps the corns to heal.

Here are a few home remedies that will allow you to get rid of calluses quickly and permanently.

How to get rid of calluses on feet

Rubbing with a pumice stone is one of the most effective methods. It removes dead, rough skin, reducing pain and speeding up healing time.

· Before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water for 10 minutes to soften the skin.

Gently massage the affected area with a pumice stone for 3-5 minutes, then pat dry gently.

Soak a cotton pad in castor oil and place on the corn. Cover with plaster and leave overnight.

Remove the patch in the morning and apply castor oil several times a day.

Repeat the procedure for several days until the corn disappears.

Remedies for calluses on the feet

white vinegar

White vinegar is another great proven method for getting rid of corns. The high acidity level of white vinegar helps to soften hard skin and also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, reducing the risk of infection.

· Before going to bed, mix one part white vinegar with three parts water.

Soak the corn with this solution.

· Cover the area with a band-aid and leave overnight.

· The next morning, lightly rub the thickened skin with a pumice stone or an emery file.

Apply olive or coconut oil to soften.

· Use this method once a day until the callus is removed.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural exfoliator that helps get rid of the dead skin covering the callus, which in turn promotes healing.

· Add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda to a bowl of warm water.

Soak your feet in the solution for 10-15 minutes and then rub the affected area with a pumice stone.

· Another method: Mix one teaspoon of baking soda, some lemon juice and water to make a paste. Gently apply, cover with a plaster and leave overnight. The next morning, wash off the paste with water and lightly rub with a pumice stone.


Another good home remedy for corns is lemon. The acid in the lemon helps soften the skin and the callus will fall off over time.

· Apply some fresh lemon juice on the corn and leave to dry. Do this at least 3 times a day.

· You can also soak two cloves (spice) in one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice for 15 minutes. Then remove the clove and apply lemon juice on the corn. Leave it until it dries and apply the juice again. Repeat several times a day.

Another use: Mix one teaspoon of brewer's yeast with a little lemon juice to make a paste. Apply the paste on the corn, apply a patch and leave overnight.

How to get rid of corns at home


Garlic is a natural antioxidant that has antibacterial and antifungal properties that prevent infection.

· Rub half of the garlic on the corn. Leave to dry and apply the patch, leaving overnight. The next morning, remove the patch and rinse your feet with warm water. Repeat this procedure every day until the corn disappears.

· You can also try the following remedy: cut 2-3 cloves of garlic into small pieces and make a paste out of them. Apply the paste on the corn, cover with a plaster and leave for 3 days. On the third day, when you remove the patch, the corn will also come off. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

· Another remedy: make a paste of two cloves of garlic, add some vinegar to the paste and apply on the corn. Top with a cotton pad and secure with a band-aid. Leave on for 2-3 hours, remove the patch and wash the area. Repeat the process until the corn is gone.

Vitamin E or A

Pop a vitamin E or A capsule and rub the oil into the corn.

Leave the oil on for a few minutes and then put on a cotton sock before going to bed.

Repeat daily until the callus is gone.


Aspirin is a source of salicylic acid, which is often used in callus treatments.

· Crush 5-6 aspirin tablets and mix them with the same amount of apple cider vinegar and water.

· After you have made the paste, rub it into the area of ​​the callus and secure with a band-aid. After 10 minutes, the callus will soften enough to be removed with a pumice stone.

Dry callus on little toe

Due to the fact that the little finger is located close to the surface of the shoe, it is more prone to the appearance of corns.

To get rid of corns on the little finger, you must first find out the cause of the corns. Here are some tips to help you get rid of corns on your little finger:

· Wear thick socks. This will help absorb the pressure.

Apply moisturizer or petroleum jelly to soften calluses.

· If a bubble has formed, stick a bactericidal plaster on the little finger.

· You can apply gruel from garlic, celandine juice, potatoes or aloe to the corn at night.

· Use special stickers or silicone pads for shoes to reduce friction.

Corn treatment

Corn with a rod is one of the most unpleasant formations that cause pain and discomfort to its owner. A core or ingrown callus looks like an area of ​​rough skin with a hole. There are several methods for treating callus:

Drilling- with the help of a special apparatus, the area of ​​​​the corn is drilled out, and anti-inflammatory antifungal drugs are placed in the resulting wound.

Cryotherapy- a method of cauterization with liquid nitrogen, with the help of which keratinized tissues are burned.

Laser treatment helps to get rid of the most difficult corns when it is cut to length with a laser.
