Stylish ways to wear gaucho pants this spring. What clothes and shoes can go with gaucho trousers? Gaucho pants

Cropped trousers that expose the instep and ankle are invariably attracting the attention of fashion designers, delight women and give pleasure to men. The reason lies in the fact that such clothes draw attention to the grace of ladies' legs and give the image lightness and sophistication. Ankle-length women's trousers look very impressive on TV stars and photos of glossy publications. Therefore, it is not surprising that we also immediately want to wear similar clothes. But the insidiousness of trendy models lies in the fact that in reality they can not only make legs slimmer, but also present them in the most unfavorable form. Who are cropped trousers, what to wear with and how to choose the right models? Listen to the advice of stylists.

Ankle-length slim trousers

Pipe models of a straight cut, tapering downwards, look best on women with the correct proportions of the body, not too wide hips and slender legs. Because of the shortened length, this style is also called 7/8. When choosing stylish pants, pay attention to several parameters.

  • Product width. Do not wear overly tight pants - this will deprive your legs of grace and give the model the look of athletic leggings. In addition, a strong fit in the hips and groin area leads to the formation of unsympathetic folds and creases in the fabric. Such clothes make it difficult to move and spoil the gait.

  • Size. Buy pants only in full accordance with your physical parameters. In small clothes, you run the risk of looking like a sausage in a dough. Large size will make the figure baggy and awkward.

  • Textile. The material for tailoring should be as practical and comfortable as possible. Stretch trousers made of thin cotton create a pleasant feeling on the body, but look perfect only on fashion models. In real life, such clothes cause inconvenience. By wrapping your leg in sticky material, you run the risk of showing the world your cellulite folds and skin irregularities. Underwear is clearly visible under such a fabric, which in general gives the impression of cheap clothing. A comfortable fit is provided by materials of medium density with a small addition of elastane (2-3%). These trousers keep their shape well, do not wrinkle and do not stretch on the knees. Softly following the contours of the figure, narrow ankle-length models look elegant and feminine.

For going to a party or for walking in the fresh air, it is appropriate to choose trousers in bright colors. A voluminous thin oversized sweater, an elongated tunic or a spacious cardigan look harmoniously with them.


A popular model is a style of loose pants with side pockets, cut diagonally, soft creases at the waist. The legs taper slightly downward, ending at the narrowest point of the lower leg. As an alternative to traditional jeans, the practical and comfortable chinos are very popular.

This is a great option for overweight people. Choose a fabric that holds its shape well. The folds or tucks on the belt should not be very deep - this makes the silhouette heavier and gives the hips massiveness. Small fan assemblies or ordinary tucks look best.

In order for trousers above the ankle to look harmonious in any look, it is advisable to select the upper part in light colors. This will shift the focus from the unfortunate lower torso to the face. For example, blouses of blue, white or lemon color are quite suitable for blue trousers. Looks good and set, selected in a single color scheme. In such clothes you will look much slimmer and more elegant. Cropped chinos are in perfect harmony with hand-knitted jerseys, printed T-shirts.

Classic ankle trousers

The model is suitable for almost any woman, representing an excellent element of a business set. The straight cut gently hugs the silhouette of the hips and legs, correcting minor imperfections. Pants with an ironed arrow in front and behind look especially good. A clear vertical line visually lengthens the legs and gives the figure more harmony, which is especially true for petite girls.

Neat inner pockets and the complete absence of decorative elements perfectly neutralize the excess pomp of the hips and fullness of the legs. It is not necessary to choose only strict black trousers. The classic model looks great in blue-blue, gray, green, beige tones. Complementing the trousers with a thin blouse, a tight-fitting turtleneck, a short fitted jacket, you will get a perfect set for the office, business and friendly meetings. Model shoes and a stylish clutch will be the logical conclusion of a harmonious bow.

Other types of ankle trousers

In the fashion world, there are many other styles of shortened models, from which you can choose the right options for yourself.

  • Gaucho pants– wide waistband and smoothly flared cut from the hip. Pants are only recommended for women with long and slender legs.

  • culottes- wide trousers that look like a midi skirt.

  • boyfriend jeans- a model with trousers tucked just above the ankle.

  • Carrot- the name of the model confirms the external resemblance to the orange root crop. Wide at the top and very narrow at the bottom, the trousers are great for women with narrow hips and slender legs.

For ankle-length pants to give you pleasure and adequately decorate the image, do not forget to follow the rules that will help you make your legs longer and slimmer.

  • The high heel elongates the figure and adds height.
  • Landing products should be strictly along the waist line. An underestimated belt shortens the legs, an overestimated one violates the proportions of the body.
  • The presence of arrows on the legs creates the illusion of slender legs.
  • The length of shortened products should end only on the narrow part of the leg. Pants can be ankle-length or slightly higher.
  • The bottom edge of the trousers should be so narrow that the transition from it to the leg is minimal. A large difference between the width of the leg and the thickness of the lower leg leads to a visual disproportion of the figure and the illusion of short legs.
  • Lovers of loose and spacious trousers resembling a skirt need to stop at a length tending to a midi.
  • If the trousers have side cuts, then their depth should not exceed 30-40 mm.

What shoes to wear ankle pants with?

High-speed models will help reduce the effect of shortened legs. In the cold season, tight pants look great with ankle boots or closed shoes. Pay attention to the fact that the edge of the legs slightly covers the top of the shoe. If the legs are shorter, then put on beautiful socks or socks made of organic cotton.

The amazing, romantic and incendiary style of the Latin American gaucho came to Europe thanks to the hippie subculture, who adopted the style of dressing and decorating themselves with all sorts of decorative elements from the Argentine cowboys. Elegant and exotic cropped trousers that do not reach the ankle border instantly fell in love with European fashionistas and were highly appreciated by the couturiers of the Old World. This dress detail emphasizes the grace of women's legs and gives the lady's silhouette some kind of playful lightness in a carnival style.

However, gaucho trousers are quite an insidious element of the wardrobe. With the wrong selection of companion items, they are able to visually shorten the lower limbs, violating and distorting the normal proportions of the figure. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the stylistic subtleties of this whimsical, but charming and incredibly stylish gift of the silver country cowboys. Gaucho style is characterized by loose tunics, loose shirts, wide layered skirts.

However, what is perfect for Latin American Indians and residents of the endless Argentine pampas is unlikely to look appropriate on the streets of European cities. But even here, stylists and fashion experts offer many harmonious combinations and exclusive looks with gaucho trousers. Today, these are predominantly flared models of spacious cropped pants that allow women with a figure of any type to look stylish, exclusive and unsurpassed.

Compliment to the figure

Tall girls with a model appearance can painlessly wear not only traditional wide gauchos, but also their modern form-fitting modification. But for short ladies, it is recommended to abandon styles up to the middle of the calf and pay more attention to gauchos of the 7/8 format. Spacious pants tend to visually reduce the length of the legs and give the silhouette a heaviness and squat. For them, the best option would be pants with arrows that visually increase growth.

Lush ladies need to be careful with such trousers, since the same visual effect highlights problem areas in terms of extra pounds, making them more massive and noticeable. The option with arrows here will also be the most acceptable way out, since an additional vertical will mitigate the negative effect, and possibly completely eliminate it.

Perfect Ensemble with Gauchos

Argentinean gaucho trousers are in perfect harmony with any sports style clothing. They can be worn in alliance with sneakers and an olympic shirt. Moccasins and a short sports jacket will look great paired with them. Addition of trousers from the silver country to smart white blouse and mules will create a festive silhouette. Gauchos look incredibly impressive in a bohemian style, where a plain shirt, shoes with original decoration and a bandana tied around their heads are considered the best companions for them.

As a replacement for a bandana, you can use a bright neckerchief. The main thing to remember is that the choice of such trousers and other elements of the wardrobe ensemble requires a thoughtful and creative approach. Only then will the female figure look truly advantageous.

Gaucho pants are definitely making a deserved return to women's wardrobes. Find out more about these amazing pants in the article below.

Contrary to popular belief, women love to wear loose clothing. We are not always looking for something that hugs the figure and accentuates the curves of our bodies. When we do this, we can expect ulterior motives. But otherwise, we just want to relax in something that is not tight, comfortable, and also looks elegant. And just when you thought there was no such piece of clothing for women that could do all of the above, gaucho trousers decided to return to fashion. Don't know what gaucho pants are?

Gaucho trousers are mostly women's clothing, or girls' clothing if needed. Let's see what is the basic structure of gaucho pants. It's mostly with high waisted pants that go just below the knee. They are wide, and completely free right from the hip, all the way to the knee. They can be attributed to the type of capri pants, but the difference is that capris are always straight. But not in the case of gaucho pants. The belt at the waist is usually thick and wide. There may or may not be loops for attaching a belt. These pants are extremely comfortable, primarily because they are loose and roomy (for lack of a better word). The best part is that women of any body type can wear gaucho pants. These pants are also perfect for overweight women! You can pair them with running shoes and a blazer for a trekking trip. Or you can wear them with a smart shirt and wear it as a semi-casual office outfit. Another plus is that black is not the only color that looks good on these trousers. You can have them in different colors and styles. While the basic scheme remains the same, you can definitely try different colors and designs. You can also pair printed gaucho pants with a simple t-shirt and bandana for a totally bohemian look.

Now you know everything about this fashion item, let's look at how and when it was born. Gaucho pants as a fashion trend was quite common in the 1950s and 1960s. Initially, they were very similar to capris. They were more used as an outfit only occasionally. But soon, as it was seen, because the clothes were comfortable, they began to wear them day after day. The gauchos were then modified and made into a loose version of the capri pants. This version gained popularity for a while and has remained so to this day. So much so that women consider gaucho pants to be party wear as well. Pair them with some simple accessories and high heels for a professional look!

Fashion is fickle and very changeable, and therefore, it is simply impossible to keep track of all its novelties. Well, designers are in a continuous search for fresh ideas, one way or another helping to diversify women's wardrobe. Often they look for inspiration in the culture of different nations, because the ethnic style is an inexhaustible source for experiments. The national costume not only looks original, but also carries a special energy. Of great interest is the style of Gaucho in clothing, which is based on the culture of the nomadic people. Many lovers of ethnicity will like clothes in this exotic style for Europeans.

Intricate patterns, rich color ornaments, unusual cut, stripes, ruffles - all this is an integral part of the clothes of this style direction.

Gauchos are the descendants of South American Indians and Spanish conquerors. These proud people did not recognize any authority, had their own language and culture. They were engaged in cattle breeding, constantly wandered from place to place. With their free way of life, occupation, they resemble cowboys. The national costume reflects the gaucho's desire for independence: clothing should not restrict movement. At the same time, things emphasize the individuality of a person, clearly indicate his belonging to this people. Gaucho culture bears traces of the influence of Indian tribes, clothing and accessories contain motifs and ornaments characteristic of the indigenous peoples of South America. It is known that this style came into fashion somewhere in the early 70s, although a tribe with this name was formed in the 16th century. That is, in order for this stylistic direction to receive wide publicity, it took several centuries. Well, the style gained popularity thanks to the hippies, who adopted the design of things from this people.

The women were excellent riders. Actual clothes.

In the old days, the women of this community wore puffy skirts, frilly blouses, and embroidered belts.

Style Features

Characteristic elements of the Gaucho costume: voluminous trousers, high boots, a vest with pockets, a narrow-brimmed hat, a neckerchief, a poncho. So let's say, a neckerchief protected from mosquitoes, a poncho perfectly warmed in cold weather and often served as a blanket. Mandatory accessories: leather belt, wide woven belt on top for attaching knives and tools. Moreover, many elements were repeated in both men's and women's costumes. Characteristic differences, indicating belonging to the weaker sex: a wide skirt, a blouse with ruffles, massive jewelry.

Representatives of this social group wore clothes exclusively from natural fabrics: wool, leather, suede, cotton, silk. This style is characterized by layering, the color scheme resembles the natural colors of nature, mostly brown tones. After all, for a nomadic people, a meager landscape of desert and steppes is accustomed to. Clothing in sand, terracotta or white looks original thanks to the rich finish. Geometric or floral patterns are widely used. Mandatory elements: appliqué, fringe, tassels, rivets. As a spectacular addition, jewelry made of beads, leather and feathers was used.

The light color represents purity. Denim is very relevant. Volumetric decorations were and are appreciated in this style to this day. A cozy poncho is the main attribute of the image.

fashion images

Fans of ethnic style can safely opt for Gaucho. This dress looks unusual, attracts attention. For a complete hit in the image, you can make an ensemble of all the elements of this direction. Use, for example, wide Gauchi trousers, a white shirt, a short jacket with embroidery, and a fringed scarf casually draped over one shoulder. Such a suit is recommended for going out, especially in combination with stilettos and massive jewelry. If desired, you can wear a hat with a narrow brim.

The hat will complete the look perfectly. Bright motives are what you need.

An interesting option for everyday life: a loose silhouette dress made of plain fabric or with floral ornaments. Mandatory accessory: wide belt. As an addition, you can use a fringed cardigan. Shoes: sandals, ballet shoes, ankle boots.

Stylish bow.

Culottes are the best fit for this style - wide trousers that do not reach the ankle. They can be worn with a loose-fitting short sweater. In hot weather, a blouse with flounces is well suited, a stylish accessory: a silk neckerchief. Footwear: ballerinas, ankle boots.

Gaucho trousers, also known as culottes, are extremely popular.

It is quite possible to wear flared jeans, complementing the image with a turtleneck and a leather belt. If you want to use more accessories, then you should pay attention to the leather bracelet and rings with stones. Shoes: lace-up boots, boots.

Characteristic accessories: earrings with feathers, a necklace made of beads, beads, stones, various amulets and talismans, a narrow-brimmed hat, a fringed bag, translucent neckerchiefs, leather bracelets, massive necklaces.

Additional photos

Most likely, Gaucho style clothing will not lose its relevance for many more years, you must admit, since this trend has successfully existed for so many centuries, it means that it is clearly destined to go a very long way! And this is wonderful, because you want to admire such things, you want to try them on and certainly wear them, catching the enthusiastic glances of people around you.
