Wedding ceremonies of different peoples of the world. Interesting wedding traditions from around the world Wedding traditions from different nations

No matter where in the world the wedding takes place and what nationality the newlyweds belong to, the wedding will be the most joyful, bright and memorable event in their lives. And yet - how many countries and peoples, so many wedding customs, traditions and beliefs exist. Almost all of them are rooted in ancient times and today may seem strange, incomprehensible and not always appropriate, but, nevertheless, all of them have their own hidden, secret meaning, so they are carefully stored and passed down from generation to generation. You will no doubt be interested in learning about how weddings are celebrated in different parts of our planet, or perhaps you decide to include some funny and unusual tradition in your own wedding script, adding a “zest” to the usual ceremony and making your wedding special and, of course, unforgettable!

IN America and in England every bride makes sure that on her wedding day she has something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue (something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue). Also, in the English countryside, the bride and her guests walk together to church. The procession is led by a little girl, who scatters flowers along the road so that the life of the bride flows happily and is filled with flowers. For happiness, brides sew some kind of amulet to the edge of the dress, for example, a small silver horseshoe. In Scotland, the groom, in order to accept the bride into his family, after they have uttered all the due oaths, must throw a tartan scarf with the colors of his clan around her shoulders and stab it with silver pins. And in the English county of Wales, there used to be a very exotic tradition of matchmaking: a boy and a girl were tied with a rope, leaving a knot, and then they went to bed. If the “tied” did not want to marry, then the knot was untied at night, and if the knot remained intact, then from that night they were considered the bride and groom.

The Indians of the tribe Navajo living in the USA, the traditional wedding dress is painted in four colors, each of which represents the direction of the world: black is north, blue symbolizes south, orange is west, and white is east. At the ceremony, the couple faces east, from where the sun rises, which symbolizes the beginning of a new era in the life of the young.

On Bermuda the top tier of the wedding cake is decorated with a tiny sapling. After the wedding, young people plant this tree in front of their house as a sign that their marriage will last as long as this tree grows.

German wedding traditions include the Polterabend ritual. On the evening before the wedding, the bride's friends come to the door of her house and smash dishes and plates on the threshold. It is believed that the fragments bring good luck to the bride. After that, the bride traditionally treats those who came with a glass of wine or a cup of tea with a pie to thank them. The next day, during the ceremony itself, the bride must have bread and salt with her in order to spend her whole life in abundance. The bridegroom brings grain, which means wealth and good luck. The guests cover the path with fresh spruce branches, which the bride and groom will walk after the end of the ceremony, which symbolizes good luck, hope and wealth in the future family life. For this, guests are given handkerchiefs so that they can wrap the food left over from the holiday in them and take it home.

IN Austria newlyweds, approaching the registry office or church, should make as much noise as possible to scare away evil spirits. Therefore, they tie empty tin cans and other rubbish to cars. The bride adorns her veil with myrtle, which is considered the flower of life. When young people enter the church, children, most often a boy and a girl, carry a basket of flowers behind them, and when they leave after the wedding, they shower these flowers on their way.

On the bed of the newlyweds Greece children should run first - it is believed that after that the young couple will definitely have healthy and happy offspring. Also in Greece, on the clothes of young friends and girlfriends, an eye should be depicted, which will protect the young couple from failure. The groom's godfather is the guest of honor who crowns the couple and leads them around the altar three times. On the day of the wedding, the bride puts a piece of sugar in her glove so that the love of her and the groom will always remain sweet.

Seeing the marriage cortege in Hungary, all the cars on the street begin to honk, thereby greeting and congratulating the bride and groom. The traditional gift of the groom to the bride is a bag of coins, and the bride to the groom is three or seven (lucky numbers) handkerchiefs. According to Hungarian custom, the bride will happily dance with each of the guests, but this dance is not free and can cost a tidy sum. There is a similar tradition on the other side of Europe - in Portugal. In the Portuguese "dance of money", a guest who wants to dance with the bride puts money in her shoe, which is offered to him.

There is a "dance of money" and in Poland- guests attach money to the bride's dress to buy a dance with her. And in Polish villages, friends and neighbors weave a wreath of rosemary leaves and adorn the bride's hair with it.

Danes consider the most successful wedding omen to get married on Valentine's Day - then the husband and wife will love each other all their lives. On the wedding table, there must be a Danish marzipan pie, decorated around the edges with candles, fresh fruit and medallions with portraits of the bride and groom.

According to the old French tradition, the newlyweds should drink for their happiness from a large bowl with two handles.

Very interesting and romantic wedding customs in Belgium- there the groom, about to propose to the girl, plants a “Maypole” under the window of his beloved - a birch or a Christmas tree. And the girl, as a sign of consent, arranges an "afternoon snack with sweets and coffee." On the eve of the wedding, the girl must embroider her name on a handkerchief, which she then takes with her to the marriage ceremony. Then he inserts it into a frame and stores it until the next family wedding.

But in Holland a festive wedding dinner is arranged before the ceremony, and not after it, as in other European countries. At dinner, there must be sweets called "bride sugar" and spiced wine called "tears of the bride."

IN Bulgaria when the bride and groom leave the feast, they are showered with figs.

IN Spain the groom gives the bride thirteen coins, thus showing that he can take care of her and support her in family life. Throughout the wedding ceremony, the bride keeps these coins with her in a special purse.

In many African countries during slavery, black couples were prohibited from marrying and living together. To express their love for each other, young people in front of everyone jumped over a broom, which was a symbol of the beginning of their "married life". And today, African newlyweds make a jump over a broomstick after the wedding as a sign that the hard times of slavery are not forgotten. And the bride puts on beads made of shells before the wedding as a symbol of purity and purity.

IN Nigeria the girl must recover well before the wedding, otherwise she will be returned to her parents.

IN Kenya girls before the wedding decorate their hands and nails with ritual patterns of black and red. The drawing lasts for a whole year, symbolizing the new status of a woman. Another notable tradition that exists in Kenya requires the husband to wear women's clothes for the first month after the wedding. For what? So that he can feel the full weight of the female share.

according to custom India, the father of the bride meets the groom as the most honored guest and washes his feet. The bride serves the groom a traditional wedding drink of sour milk, honey and butter, which is also served to the dearest guests. The groom's brother or another male relative after the ceremony showers the newlyweds with flower petals to drive away unclean spirits. For the same purpose, coconuts are twisted three times over the heads of the young. Hindus wear wedding rings not on the ring finger, but on the thumb.

IN Iran the groom must give the bride an expensive gift to the bride - a house, an apartment, or at least a large amount in gold coins. The bride should also give the groom something expensive, such as a ring or a wedding suit. At the wedding ceremony, women rub the crumbs from two sugar heads over the heads of the newlyweds so that they will always be lucky.

During Chinese During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom drink wine and honey from goblets tied together with red braid - red symbolizes love and joy.

Vietnamese Newlyweds walk not one, but two whole weddings: the first is arranged by the groom's parents, the second - by the bride. At the wedding, it is customary for newlyweds to give watermelon seeds - a symbol of fertility in Vietnam.

In the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan the bride and groom drink nine sips of sake rice vodka at the wedding. It is believed that after the first sip they officially become husband and wife.

Traditions of bride kidnapping exist or have existed in many countries, from Japan and Italy to England and Albania. However, by the middle of the 19th century, almost all over the world, these customs had disappeared or were even banned by law, although in some places, for example, in Chile, they have survived to this day.

Russian wedding traditions

What about in Russia? Our country is also rich in a variety of wedding customs and traditions. You may know about some of them, and some will become a discovery for you.

First of all, Russian custom says that the groom should not see the bride on the eve of the wedding - this is considered a bad omen. The wedding morning begins with the ransom of the bride. This is an echo of an ancient custom, when, in order to avoid incest, a wife was taken from another tribe, whose members were often enemies of the groom’s clan, and it was possible to “get” a wife from them only by appeasing them properly. The groom goes for his betrothed with the "team", that is, the most faithful and close friends. Relatives and friends of the bride on the way of the groom create a variety of obstacles that the future husband must successfully overcome.

The bride and groom must travel to the registry office in separate cars. Why? This is an echo of an old tradition, according to which the groom with best men came to the church before the chosen one and waited for her at the entrance. Immediately after registration, the newlyweds go for a ride in the beautiful places of the city. And the tradition of "humming" with the whole cortege echoes similar European customs of making noise as loudly as possible to ward off evil spirits. boy, small - to the girl.

Also recently, a very beautiful tradition has appeared to release a pair of white doves into the wild, as a sign of the beginning of a new life for the young.

Upon returning from a walk to the wedding feast, the newlyweds are greeted and showered with small sweets, coins and rice - so that life is sweet, rich and fertile. In addition, according to the old Russian custom, parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt, bringing them a loaf on an embroidered towel to meet them. The bride and groom must bite off a piece of loaf without touching it with their hands - and the one who bites off a larger piece will be the master in the house.

And then the feast begins, during which the guests, according to a well-known tradition, shout "Bitterly!" in chorus. Surely many are wondering where it comes from - why is it bitter, who is bitter? And this tradition is explained as follows: before, the bride walked around the guests with a tray on which they put money, took a cup, drank and said: “Bitter!”. So the guest confirmed that it was vodka in the glass, and not water, after which he could kiss the bride. Gradually, this custom was replaced by a playful demand for kisses from the newlyweds themselves.

And here are two traditions borrowed from the West and quite new for our country. The bride must throw the wedding bouquet to unmarried friends, and the one who catches it, according to the sign, will marry next. Just as the bride throws her bouquet to her unmarried friends, the groom throws the garter taken from the bride's leg to his single friends - the one who catches her marries first.

The groom must carry the bride to the bedroom in his arms in order to protect her from damage that evil sorcerers, at the request of envious people, could bring to the threshold of the bedchamber. Before the newlyweds enter the house, an unlocked lock must be placed under the threshold, and as soon as they enter, the lock is locked with a key and thrown away. This is done so that the marriage is long and prosperous.

The wedding day for the bride is one of the most important in her life. Wedding traditions vary from country to country (and often even from region to region), but most have some things in common: friends, family, and lots of food! Although more and more honeymooners are ditching some of the old traditions in favor of a modern style, culture still has a big impact on the celebration of this special day. Here are the most fascinating wedding traditions from around the world.


During a traditional Japanese wedding, the bride must wear not only a white kimono, but also a hood. Moreover, she must be made up in white from head to toe to emphasize her purity. Modern Japanese brides often change their outfit several times a day. Initially, they use the traditional white kimono, then red, and finish the celebration in a white wedding dress that matches the Western style.

The union of spouses symbolizes a drink drunk together. As soon as each of the newlyweds take a sip, they are considered husband and wife.


Indian weddings vary greatly depending on the region and the religion of the bride and groom. Most Indian weddings follow centuries-old rituals and often last for several days.

One of the most memorable Indian wedding rituals is the mehendi ceremony, during which the bride's hands and feet are dyed with henna. Friends and relatives often participate in this ritual.


In China, brides traditionally choose red over white (since the color is associated with funerals), although more and more girls are opting for white western-style dresses for their wedding. Most brides who do this simply swap out the traditional red dress for a white one in the middle of the wedding party. The red color symbolizes good luck and helps protect the newlyweds from evil spirits. Wedding dresses are often decorated with images of a golden phoenix and a dragon, which symbolize male and female power.

On the day of the wedding, the groom picks up the bride from the house, where she is waiting for him surrounded by friends. According to tradition, they must tease the groom and not let the bride go with him until he “convinces” them of this by paying money.

Women in China tend to get married quite young due to social pressure. 30-year-old unmarried women are often referred to as "old maids".


In Mauritania (a country in West Africa), it is generally accepted that women with a full figure bring good luck and prosperity to marriage. It's no secret that many modern brides decide to go on a diet to look good in their wedding dresses, but Mauritanian girls go out of their way to put on the extra weight.

Do you think this is every woman's dream? Hardly. The fact is that many Mauritanian girls are force-fed from childhood until they become overweight in order to make them more attractive to men.


In Jamaica, a wedding is usually an important event that brings the entire community together. According to an old tradition (which is now rarely practiced), the villagers would gather outside to see the bride, who should look her best. When it seemed to the villagers that she did not look good enough, they began to criticize her. In that case, the girl had to go home and dress up to look her best.

It is customary for a Jamaican wedding to bake a lot of cakes. During the ceremony, they are carried by married women dressed in white, which symbolizes the happiness of the young wife.


On the eve of the wedding in Germany, it is customary to follow a tradition called Polterabend. This holiday is a kind of combination of a bachelorette party and a bachelor party, where friends of the bride and groom are invited. During the holiday, you should break the plate to attract good luck.

Traditional games are often played at German weddings, such as Baumstamm sägen, during which a couple tests their strength by sawing a wooden log. Another game is Brautentführung, during which the bride's friends must kidnap her and the groom's task is to find his lost wife.


In Afghanistan, green is considered a wedding color, because in Islamic tradition it represents prosperity and paradise. On the day of the wedding, the hands and feet of the bride are covered with henna, just like her relatives. According to tradition, henna on the little finger helps unmarried girls find a groom.

A wedding is a huge event in Afghanistan that lasts over three days. It includes both a religious ceremony and a feast in which family and friends participate.


Mexican weddings are often very colorful. Although in some regions of the country, according to tradition, the bride must wear a simple white cotton dress, she can decorate it with yellow, blue and red ribbons to bless her marriage with food, money and passion. Grooms usually wear a light-colored loose shirt.

Mexican weddings are heavily influenced by religion. During the ceremony, the groom must give the bride 13 gold coins, which symbolize Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles. After the couple have exchanged vows, the priest should wrap woven flowers or rope around their necks to show that they are now connected.


In the Italian region of Tuscany, black was the traditional color for wedding dresses! Yet these days, brides all over the country opt for white dresses and veils. The tradition of throwing rose petals or confetti on the happy couple has remained unchanged.

As a wedding treat, guests often receive delicious sweet almonds coated in white sugar, and the amount doesn't have to be an even number. It is believed that since two people have become one, almonds should also not be divided equally.

All you need is Love

A wedding is a special occasion no matter where you live! It doesn't matter if it fits all wedding traditions or defies stereotypes, the most important thing is the celebration of love between a happy couple with family and friends.

A wedding is one of the oldest traditions in the world, which is common to people in all countries and at all times. People in different countries may have differences, but the celebration of love is what brings us all together.

A wedding is one of the most common ceremonies around the world. It is not surprising that in different parts of the world their own, very special and unique traditions associated with the holding of this celebration have developed. After all, everyone wishes the young spouses a happy and prosperous life. And various actions that have been formed over the centuries are called upon to help in this.
European traditions
In Finland, when giving a gift to newlyweds, it is customary to name the price of the gift. Therefore, all the invitees pay increased attention to this moment so as not to lose face in front of the audience.

Croatia has a tradition of throwing apples into a well. This is supposed to bring financial well-being to the young, as apples are a symbol of wealth.

The French bride traditionally has to pretend that she does not want to get married. During the entire period leading up to the marriage, she cries and makes attempts to run away from the wedding. It was believed that a girl behaving in this way is virtuous.

Rites in Asia
A mandatory gift that each guest in Malaysia gives to the bride and groom is a boiled egg. The fact is that in this country the egg symbolizes prosperity and security.

For the Bedouin, it is extremely important to set the most generous wedding table. The main custom is the preparation of such a dish. Eggs are laid on top of the cooked fish. Then it is folded into a pre-prepared bird, which, in turn, is put into a fried ram, and that one into an already cooked camel. Such a dish is a must at a Bedouin wedding ceremony.

In Korea, geese and ducks are symbols of eternal love. In this regard, they must be present at the wedding celebration.

A Pakistani girl who is getting married leaves her father's house, carrying the Koran on her head.

The wedding customs of India are very unusual for the modern world. The fact is that in this country a girl is allowed to marry from the age of 16. But a young man can become a groom at the age of five!

One of the most controversial traditions still exists in Bali. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have their teeth filed. And this is done without any anesthetics. The fact is that there is a belief on the island that the newlyweds who have passed this ceremony are not involved in evil spirits.

American customs
African Americans consider it a must to have a broom at their wedding. This tradition dates back to slave times. Any marriage ceremony among slaves was prohibited. Therefore, lovers had to look for all sorts of loopholes. Then a tradition was born, according to which jumping over a broom was considered the beginning of married life.

The Mexican bride and groom are tied to each other by their shoulders with a lasso. This is considered a symbol of the strength and inviolability of their union.

In Bermuda, birthday cakes are attached to real trees, which are planted near their homes at the end of the wedding. Such a wedding tree is given great attention, as it is believed that it will bring happiness to the newlyweds. Therefore, it is very important that his eyelid is as long as possible.

Wedding rituals in Africa
Kenya is famous for its unusual attitude towards marriage. There, the wedding is played only after receiving confirmation of the bride's pregnancy. And after marriage, the groom begins to wear his wife's clothes. This has been going on for at least three months. It is assumed that in this way a man can share the hardships of pregnancy with his wife.

A wedding is a rather fascinating and interesting ritual. Since ancient times, there are different customs and traditions that are associated with the wedding. From a very early age, all girls dream of being a wonderful bride, and boys dream of creating a strong, reliable family and being a good owner.

Every country has different traditions and rituals. Sometimes they can be very unusual, strange, interesting and shocking. In all countries of the world, a wedding has the same meaning, but it is carried out in different ways. Of course, it is not possible to see all the countries of the world, but everyone is interested in at least approximately knowing about unusual traditions at a wedding.

Every nation has its own customs and traditions


There is a rather strange custom in this country. If a couple in love is about to get married, then the future spouses should spend a night of love and affection in their parents' hut. All the relatives of the newlyweds gather in the hut that night, as well as livestock. It is necessary to spend this night in complete silence so that neither Olin's relative wakes up. If the hero-lover nevertheless woke up one of those present, then he has to run away from his relatives, who are very angry.

If he manages to catch up, then the future husband has to endure beatings from relatives. The groom before such a night lubricates his body with palm oil, it helps to endure beatings much easier.


Among the inhabitants of the Sahara, it is believed that the beauty of a woman is indicated by her fullness. The fuller a woman is, the healthier and more beautiful she is. Therefore, parents begin to fatten girls at the age of twelve. The completeness of the girl guarantees her a successful marriage. If a girl is thin, then this means that she does not have a wealthy family, so few people want to connect their lives with her.

Poor girls are put in special huts, where they sit alone and are fed high-calorie food. They are given fatty couscous, millet balls cooked in butter and milk, milk.

Mothers usually take care of their daughters. If the mother is not able to fatten her daughter on her own because of poverty, then she exchanges daughters for a while with a friend or relative. If the girl resists eating, then the father intervenes in the process.


In this country, the equality of wife and husband is welcomed. The newlyweds spend their first wedding night in a rather unusual way - they are locked in a basement covered with pine needles. Previously, young people are given traditional gifts - shoes and a hat. In the basement, they compete to see who gets these trophies.

If the wife gets a hat, it means that in marriage she will be loved and happy. If she still gets a shoe, then this will mean that for the rest of her life her husband will be under her heel.


On the day of their wedding, the newlyweds go to the chuppah. They will make this trip while passing the synagogue, while they are accompanied by their parents. Khuppa - canopy, which symbolizes the tent in which the newlyweds lived in ancient times. Under the chuppah, the young people take a ritual small sip of wine, after which the rabbi will bless the bride and groom.

After the blessing, the groom presents a ring as a gift to his bride. The ring must be gold, without stones and dyes. The simpler the ring, the better, because if the ring is too expensive, the guests present may think that the bride chose the groom only because of his wealth. After that, the official part of the Jewish wedding ceremony ends.

Jews never hold a wedding on holy holidays and on the Sabbath. Two witnesses must be present at the marriage.


In this country, the wedding ceremony begins with the morning singing of the monks. After that, the bride, groom and their relatives treat the monks. The head monk sprinkles the newlyweds and all the guests present with holy water, while the rest of the monks continue to sing. After that, everyone goes to the temple. In Thailand, there is such an interesting tradition - the bride's friends and her relatives on the way to the house of the future wife distribute gifts to people they meet on the way. This procession is called Khan Mark.

In Thailand, it is generally accepted that the most favorable month for a wedding is August. Therefore, the largest number of marriages falls on this month. It is believed that a couple married in August will have a strong, happy and reliable family.

In the villages of Thailand, people generally marry at the age of nineteen to twenty years, and in the cities at the age of twenty-nine to thirty-five.


In Greece, there is such a custom that the newlyweds' bed, on which they will spend their wedding night, children must first run. This is done so that the couple has healthy offspring. Also, at a Greek wedding, an eye should be depicted on the clothes of relatives and friends of the newlyweds. It is believed that such an eye is able to protect the newly-made family from misfortune and failure.


In Kenya, it is customary to paint the bride's nails and hands with special ritual patterns on the wedding day. In this case, paints of red and black colors are used. Such a pattern is kept on the body and on the nails of a woman throughout the year; it symbolizes the fact that women are now a new status.

A very interesting tradition in Kenya is that the husband must wear women's clothes throughout the year. It is believed that in this way he will at least a little be able to feel the burdens that have fallen on the female lot.


In this country, a couple in love who decides to get married turns to a fortune teller who helps set a date for the wedding. In ancient times, Korean fortune-tellers determined not only the wedding day, but also the most prosperous hour for the wedding. It is customary to invite a large number of people to a Korean wedding.

It is believed that the more people - the happier the couple will be. After the wedding, the young people present each guest with a glass of wine and bow. The guests, as a sign of respect for the young, present them with money as a gift. There is also a very old tradition - the mother-in-law and the father-in-law throw a zhuzhub into the bride's skirt, which is a symbol of male offspring. Thus, the bride expresses the wish to have healthy sons.

In our concept, a traditional wedding is associated with a white fluffy dress, a strict groom's suit and a large festive table. But not in all countries of the world weddings are celebrated in this way. Many nations honor their traditions and celebrate marriage especially.


In Malaysia, most wedding ceremonies are held in the Muslim tradition. Brides often opt for purple, purple or cream colored wedding dresses. The ceremony is held on a special platform. This is a special wooden gazebo, beautifully decorated with flowers.

Before the wedding day, the bride is given special henna patterns, which is very similar to a similar ritual in India. In Malaysia, there is a very unusual ritual of signing a marriage contract. It is a special contract, which is considered a gift from the groom to the bride. Before the banquet, the groom with his attendants must pick up the bride, who is waiting for him at the agreed place. This whole ritual is performed to the sound of a drum. Traditionally, a banquet is considered important at a wedding in Malaysia, which is held in the evening.


At Japanese weddings, brides often wear two dresses throughout the ceremony - white and red, although sometimes there may be more. The wedding customs of Japan are very different from the traditions of other countries, because most marriages are concluded by agreement - a man and a woman marry not for love, but for mutual benefit. The girl is looking for a wealthy partner, and the man is looking for a good housewife who will look after the house and take care of raising children. Of course, love marriages are also made in the Land of the Rising Sun, the number of which is growing every year, but there are a lot of contractual marriages today.

Preparation for the wedding takes at least 6 months, so it is customary to send out invitations at least 2-3 months before the wedding. Future spouses traditionally exchange mokuroku, scrolls that list all the relatives of the second half. If the newlyweds know everyone by name, they will be able to make a good impression on the new family. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts even before the wedding. They are called - engagement gifts (yuino). The groom's family gives the bride a gold or platinum diamond ring. If the family income is not high, then with a stone suitable for the bride according to the sign of the zodiac. It is also customary for the bride to give money for the wedding. Japanese weddings rarely cost less than $80,000. The bride, in turn, gives her groom a ring, but of a much lower value.


Today, most young Romanians play weddings in a modern style. However, traditional attire can still be seen in more remote areas. Although Romania is small, each of the regions has its own wedding dress.

Romanians begin their wedding ceremony on Monday. Since the first day of the week symbolizes the creation of a new family. The groom with his parents should come to the young house early in the morning. Then everyone goes to the church and the marriage ceremony is performed. In addition to the parents of the young, the planted mother and father are allowed to be present.

According to tradition, after the wedding in the church, the young people come home and greet the guests with bread and salt and a full glass of wine. Then all the guests go to the tables and sit down. The traditional menu of a Romanian wedding includes cabbage pies, sour soups, goose and duck giblets, pickles and, of course, wine drinks. Before sitting at the table, young people must bow to their parents.

Then they apologize to the guests for all the mistakes that may be made during the wedding ceremony, and then the fun begins. In the evening after the holiday, according to tradition, the planted mother leaves the feast first, as she has to make a bed for the young. Under the bed, she puts a thorny bush that will help overcome every hardship in family relationships.

Then the planted mother returns to the table, takes the newlyweds by the hands, walks with them three times around the table, and then the young people go to the bedchamber. From that moment on, women sing sad songs at the table, and this is how the traditional Romanian wedding ceremony ends!

Saami, Northern Europe

The Saami are the indigenous inhabitants of Lapland. Their traditional dresses can tell a lot about their owners. For example, square buttons mean that a person is married, while single people use clothes with round buttons.

On the eve of the wedding, all relatives gather at the bride's house, where the groom presents gifts to relatives that they agreed on earlier. Usually, the father-in-law as a token of respect, the young man presents a cup of silver - this is the first and main gift. The second most important gift will be a huge copper or cast iron cauldron. The third is a bed, that is, deer skins, a sleeping place will be made of them. The gifts for the mother-in-law are as follows: a silver belt, a solemn and elegant dress, a neck ornament made of silver circles. The groom should give other relatives silver spoons, a necklace, and similar pleasant trifles. A gift should be for each relative of the bride, otherwise the bride may not be given to the young man. The wedding is celebrated the next day, first - the wedding, and only then the feast. The couple put on suits specially tailored for the solemn occasion; renting things from the Sami is considered bad form.

Sri Lanka

>The bride is always the center of attention on her wedding day. However, if you find yourself at a traditional Sri Lankan wedding, you will most likely not be able to take your eyes off the groom.

Here, during the marriage, national wedding rites are fully adhered to. As a rule, the newlyweds dress in local clothes, and the wedding procession consists exclusively of elephants. The bride carries a bouquet of bright flowers. The couple is accompanied to the venue of the ceremony by a small company of girls and boys. During this period, the representatives of the weaker sex perform national wedding songs, and the guys perform traditional dances. Drums set the rhythm for songs and dances. The young are declared husband and wife in an arch specially erected for this - poruva. It is decorated with lotus flowers in pink and white, this is also a tribute to tradition.

One of the beautiful rituals is the exchange between a pair of betel leaves. During the entire ceremony, they make this gesture 7 times. According to the beliefs of local residents, this should bring happiness and love to the next 7 generations. As a sign that the husband and wife are ready to take care of each other throughout their life together, they eat rice that is boiled in coconut milk and water. After the newlyweds exchange rings, their little fingers are tied with a thread of gold and water is poured over them from a silver goblet. During the observance of this tradition, a special prayer is read.


Red or pink wedding dresses are the traditional choice for brides in Indian culture. In the northern regions, married women draw a red dot in the center of their foreheads.

Indian marriage has a feature that distinguishes it from others - it is not the young, but the groom's parents who form a young married couple. They choose a future wife for their son, negotiate with her parents about the upcoming wedding. A girl may not know her betrothed at all, but she can only submit to her parental will. This tradition was formed several millennia ago, but has not changed a bit since then, despite the large number of castes and cultures in India.

According to tradition, in India, before arranging a wedding, the parents of the young people carefully study their horoscopes, choose the date that is optimal for this event, and future relatives are invited to the bride.

After an agreement on the wedding is concluded between the parents, a meeting of the young is organized, or rather, two meetings - first at the bride's house, and then at the groom's. These meetings are called "ashir-vad" in India. Parents bless the marriage, the engagement is made. According to the wedding traditions of India, the newlyweds prepare gifts for each other, and they are also generously presented by their parents and close relatives. It takes about two months from engagement to marriage.

A wedding in India is a special celebration, they prepare for it for a long time, spend a lot of money. If the family is wealthy, the wedding costs from 15 to 20 thousand dollars. 700-800 guests are invited, who need to be provided with accommodation, as well as refreshments for many days, because the wedding with all the preludes lasts more than a week.


In Scotland, the groom traditionally wears the kilt of his clan. After the marriage ceremony, he should wrap a scarf decorated with the colors of his clan around the bride's shoulders. This symbolizes her membership in a new family.

The day of the wedding is strikingly different from our norms. The Scots, oddly enough, prefer weekdays for a wedding, because. believe that on weekends you need to take a break from any business, including weddings.

To confirm the seriousness of intentions, the Scottish groom gives the bride an unusual brooch (Luchen booth). This brooch attracts happiness, luck, health. It is for this reason that later the young wife decorates the outfits of her children with this brooch, thereby protecting them from any life negativity.

Also, the groom can give his beloved an elegant silver spoon- a symbol of material well-being. Wedding ring sometimes passed on to a girl by inheritance, the groom can do without a ring at all.


>Although Pakistan is an Islamic state, its traditions have much in common with Indian ones. For example, the bride's hands are decorated with intricate henna patterns. A red wedding dress is also considered traditional.

Unsurprisingly, the bride price, which is an integral part of the wedding ceremony in many Muslim countries, is not given in Pakistan. It's just not accepted here. Moreover, the bride's side is equally responsible for the wedding celebration.

A wedding in Pakistan is usually celebrated over four days. On the first day of the wedding, the bride's side and the groom's side celebrate the upcoming marriage separately from each other. This event is informal and is a small rehearsal of the future celebration. On this day, everyone is dressed mainly in orange and yellow colors. There is an explanation for this: despite the fact that today the Pakistanis profess Islam, the yellow color, which is preferred at such events, is an echo of other beliefs that dominated the territory earlier. For example, among Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, this color is a religious symbol.

The second day of the celebration is called "Mehndi", which translates as "henna" and this is no accident. The fact is that on this day there is a ceremony of staining the hands and feet of the bride with henna. For this, special masters are invited, and often the whole family of the bride takes part in this ritual. On the same day, the groom's side brings her wedding dress for the bride.

The third day is called "baraat" and is the most important in the entire wedding ceremony. Literally, the word "baraat" is translated as "the transfer of the bride to the husband's family." The religious ceremony and the civil marriage ceremony take place simultaneously. On this day, the mullah first goes to the groom and, after reading the appropriate prayers, takes his consent to marriage. The necessary documents are signed, and then the mullah goes to the bride. There he also conducts this ceremony and, having collected the signatures of the bride on the relevant documents, declares this couple husband and wife.

After marriage, the bride can be taken to the groom who has already arrived. Both are dressed in red. By evening, the bride is already leaving for her new home, she is going to the groom's family. Usually, when saying goodbye to relatives, the girl cries.

The fourth day, Valima, is the final day. The newlyweds appear before the guests in a new capacity. Now they are a separate family. Guests give young people gifts, mostly money. On this day, a rich table is also laid for the guests, and a real wedding feast awaits the guests.


You may be surprised, but Ethiopia is the only country in Africa where Christianity is the official religion. The majority of the population belongs to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, so the wedding ceremony here resembles a Russian one.

On the wedding day, the groom and his friends go to the bride's house. But the parents of the young close the doors in front of them. To get into the dwelling, they must dance, sing songs and invent jokes so that the door is opened for them. As soon as the groom gets inside, friends sprinkle aromatic tinctures. This is a symbol of the beginning of married life.

The wedding table of this tribe is very modest. There are no delicacies and gourmet treats here. Ethiopia is a poor country, and I treat my guests to what I cultivate myself. First of all, cutlery is not used here. All food is eaten with the hands. There are no traditional plates either. Instead, figs. This is a yew cake, which is placed on the bottom of a tin dish, and a treat is already applied on top.

The hostess of the house treats the guest of honor with the most delicious piece, which is called gourshya. She puts it in the guest's mouth with her hands. Refusal can greatly offend the hostess.


Indonesian weddings can vary greatly from island to island. This country has become home to over 300 ethnic groups and has 6 major religions. Is it any wonder that different cultures and civilizations have mixed in Indonesia.

There is a beautiful tradition in Indonesia. Every couple wishing to tie the knot must plant two trees. Three trees are planted if people start family life a second time.

All wedding preparations in Indonesia are public in nature. Only a large number of people can organize a wedding (an entire Indonesian village or a street in a city). The preparation of wedding celebrations in Indonesia is undertaken by a specially created committee. His duties include: organizing a festive table, building a huge canopy in case of rain, preparing tables and chairs for guests, ordering an orchestra that will play live music.

Caucasian peoples

During a traditional Caucasian wedding, the groom usually wears a Circassian coat and a sword attached to his belt. Brides choose a white wedding dress with national motifs.

At a Caucasian wedding, you will never hear the cries of "Bitter". Firstly, such liberties are not acceptable in Muslim customs, and the groom gets the right to touch the bride only on the wedding night. And secondly, it happens that at a holiday young people sit in different rooms and physically cannot kiss each other.

The bride should behave quietly, modestly and preferably keep quiet during the entire wedding ceremony. Here's another inconsistency with European generally accepted behavior. No prepared joint dances, throwing a bouquet and drinking champagne from a shoe. One continuous innocence and chastity. But the guests are allowed everything. By the way, many young people have the opportunity to make new acquaintances just at the weddings of their friends or relatives.


Traditional wedding dresses in China should be red. In this country, the white color symbolizes times of mourning and funerals. After marriage, the groom removes the red veil from the bride's head.

A Chinese wedding is a lot of fun. On wedding days, the brides come to the grooms' house. Wedding corteges go under fireworks and fun. During the fun, wedding dances of a unicorn or a lion are performed. It symbolizes benevolence, prosperity, good luck and business reputation.

In the house where the bride lived, the groom is given two sticks with which to eat. So they assume that sons will start faster. When the bride goes to the groom's house, grain and rice are scattered in front of the bride. It means a symbol of fertility. Mirrors are attached to the back of brides' dresses. This will protect them from all evil spirits and other negative energy. When the bride crosses the threshold of her future husband, she must step over the saddle, because the Chinese translate the saddle as the world.

Some residents invite guests on a short excursion to Mount Ba'dan and into the valley to show the beauties of the area. At noon, the groom with his attendants (shawah) - these are friends, relatives and guests, go to the bride's house and return with her. Those who remain at the groom's house go to pray and later join the multi-course meal. After that, all (men) gather in some kind of public hall, in fact kat, where they drink tea and chew kat. The whole thing continues until twilight prayer (up to 5-6 hours depending on the time of year). Chewing khat is still accompanied by songs and music. With the onset of darkness, to the same music - drums and wind (horns) - the bride is brought. Everyone pays their respects to her, standing in one line. Here the marriage contract is signed.

After the husband leaves the bedroom on the wedding night, he is greeted by friends who share a celebratory meal with him, including the main festive dishes and sweets. And again - dancing and dancing!

A Nigerian guy who wants to get married must go to his bride through a living corridor of her relatives. To prove that he is ready to endure all the hardships and difficulties of the future life, the bride's family must beat him hard with sticks.
