Wedding dresses for pregnant women at 9 months. How to choose a wedding dress for pregnant brides? Which wedding dresses are best for pregnant women

Getting married in a position is not just an exciting, but also an extremely responsible step, the preparation of which should be approached carefully and carefully. Nowadays, a pregnant bride no longer surprises or condemns anyone. After all, the unborn child is the fruit of love, so the main responsibility of potential parents is to create a strong family for the baby. The child, while still in the tummy, captures the mood of the mother. If you feel comfortable and relaxed during the holiday, the baby will rejoice with you.

Is it possible to marry pregnant

Many pregnant women who plan to legitimize their relationship with their lover and the father of the unborn child involuntarily raise the question of whether to hold a wedding while in position. Literally 30 years ago in our country, pregnant girls strove to quickly get married, until the stomach became very noticeable. Marrying a pregnant woman was considered at least not decent. Such an act was condemned in society.

Nowadays, many pregnant girls, about to get married, try to follow old traditions, take into account folk signs. For example, according to customs, only a virgin has the right to wear a snow-white wedding dress. That is, if the bride is going to marry pregnant, she should choose an outfit of beige, pink, blue or any other shade.

One of the well-known ancient signs associated with the marriage of a pregnant girl is the tying of the belly with a red ribbon. Such a ritual will help protect the unborn baby from the evil eye. To do this, a wide red fabric is tied on the bride's bare belly. This tradition encouraged brides to wear luxurious red evening dresses on the second day of the wedding. After the wedding night, the newly-made wife may well find herself in an interesting position.

Is it possible to get married while "in position"?

If the groom and the pregnant bride are Christians, then their desire to get married is quite understandable and justified. Thus, a loving couple will ensure God's blessing to the children. There are different opinions about the wedding of a pregnant woman. Some are firmly convinced that sex before marriage is fornication, so they categorically oppose the wedding of pregnant brides. Others take a more loyal point of view, believing that a pregnant girl has the right to receive a church blessing.

To resolve this issue for yourself, you should consult with the ministers of the church. Marriage is a great sacrament. The modern church has every right to bless the legal marriage of two Christians. Any priest will say that it is not forbidden for a bride to get married while pregnant. As for the ceremony itself, the process lasts about an hour, during which the bride and groom must stand. In case a pregnant woman becomes ill, there should be water and a bench nearby.

These days, a pregnant bride and groom no longer have to sneak into the registry office to avoid judgmental looks. At the same time, there is no need to arrange a modest tea party in the circle of relatives and friends instead of a magnificent celebration. A modern bride, being pregnant, can afford to put on a luxurious dress, make a beautiful hairstyle and make-up, celebrate such a significant event with the desired scope.

How to choose a wedding dress for a pregnant woman?

Modern fashion designers offer the richest assortment of wedding dresses for pregnant women. The choice of a suitable style directly depends on the size of the bride's tummy. In the first trimesters, when the tummy is almost invisible, a happy expectant mother can afford to choose any model. However, during this period, pregnant women often suffer from toxicosis. There is a risk that the bride will vomit right during the celebration. Therefore, the wedding, as a rule, is planned for a later date, when physiological changes are already becoming noticeable.

A pregnant bride must carefully select the style of her wedding dress so that during the celebration of the solemn event she feels not only perfect, but also as comfortable as possible. Classic silhouettes "trapezoid" or "empire" are ideal for a bride in position. This bridesmaid dress is decorated with an elegant satin belt, which is tied under the bust. The length of the skirt can vary from maxi to a cocktail version just above the knee.

Comfort is paramount for a bride who marries pregnant. Choose an outfit made from natural fabrics. Avoid tight-fitting, synthetic materials. The bride should not wear a dress with a lot of mesh, internal seams, lace. The abundance of such decorative elements is likely to cause the development of itching, irritation. Jewelry that will be in contact with the skin of a pregnant woman must be made of high-quality metal.

Beautiful and comfortable underwear

A pregnant bride should carefully choose not only a wedding dress, but also underwear, which should be made of high-quality natural fabric. Choose from cotton, linen or silk. In pharmacies, especially for pregnant women, special slimming panties and bandages are sold. They fit snugly to the body, support the stomach, emphasize the silhouette of the bride. A bandage for a pregnant woman should be made of natural fabric with a small addition of microfiber or lycra.

Party shoes

Newlyweds have to spend almost all day on their feet, so the choice of shoes for the pregnant hero of the occasion should be approached very carefully. The best option for a bride in position is flat shoes. If you still want to spend this holiday in heels, choose the most stable models, avoid high stilettos. Excessive load on the legs, especially in the early stages, increases the risk of miscarriage. Under no circumstances should a pregnant woman wear tight shoes all day.

Many brides, because of the expectation of a baby, deprive themselves of the pleasure of spending a bachelorette party in the company of close friends. A pregnant girl does not have to refuse such a fun pre-holiday event. If everything is properly planned and thought out, the bachelorette party will not harm the health of the bride or the child, and the positive emotions of the expectant mother will only benefit. The ideal place for a pregnant party is the bride's house, where she will feel as comfortable as possible.

If you decide to spend a bachelorette party in a cafe, take care of the menu in advance, as well as that your table is located in the non-smoking room. In summer, when the weather is nice, have a fun picnic in nature. The spa is another great place to host a women's party. Keep in mind that the sauna is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, so choose only procedures that are safe for yourself. If you decide to have fun at home, arrange a cooking master class, a funny photo shoot, a pajama party, an impromptu movie theater - there are a lot of interesting ideas.

Beautiful photo session of a pregnant bride and groom

Wedding fashion is actively developing these days. This applies not only to outfits and hairstyles for young people, but also to the theme of the holiday. Modern brides and grooms do not get tired of coming up with original plots for weddings, organizing real show programs. An important place is occupied by photographs that for many years preserve the memory of this amazing and incredibly significant day in the life of any family. A wedding photo session with a pregnant woman is characterized by a number of specific features.

Needless to say, the bride, who is expecting a baby, has a lot of interesting opportunities for filming. If the wedding is scheduled for the summer, arrange for outdoor shooting. Almost all ideas for a pregnant photo shoot focus on expecting a baby. The pictures are incredibly touching and romantic. Shots taken on a sun-drenched field or in a blooming park are always bright and fabulously beautiful.

If the wedding will take place in winter, look for an institution with a beautiful interior in advance or organize a photo session at home. A professional photographer will offer the bride and groom to use original thematic props, including booties, rompers, children's suits, soft toys, and signs with inscriptions. Participation in filming is far from simple. During the photo session, there must be a place where the bride could sit down. A pregnant woman should have clean water at hand.

A wedding dress for pregnant women is a normal attribute of the modern social order with its system of civil marriage and cohabitation without official documents. A young couple often seals an already existing relationship with a magnificent ceremony at the moment when future offspring is planned or unexpectedly appears.

But after all, every girl wants to wear a wedding dress - even in an interesting position, so the demand for such models is high, and many options have been developed. The right choice takes into account the duration of pregnancy, the appearance of the bride and her preferences.

Careful selection of the intended wedding dress usually results in some limitations.

Definitely do not wear a dress with a fluffy skirt for a long time, because a solid bodice will put pressure on the belly of the expectant mother and may harm her growing child.

But the common misconception that it is easier to hide pregnancy with such a dress does not always correspond to the truth. Some styles achieve their goal much better if the period is already decent, but at an early stage (1–3 months), a fluffy dress perfectly solves all the main tasks.

The outfit is chosen for several reasons, the main of which is the attitude of the bride herself to a fait accompli. If she wants to hide her pregnancy and is in the early stages, almost all styles will suit her.

A more limited range of bridal dresses, designed to veil the belly at 7 months, has been developed, but they almost do not achieve their goal.

You will have to think carefully not only to choose the right dress that solves the main tasks, but also to carefully select decorative details, accessories and jewelry that will distract unfriendly or just attentive looks.

The newlywed, who absolutely does not care what others think, can simply be guided by considerations of common sense, maximum convenience and aesthetics, so only a fish dress and a tight-fitting low-cut dress fall off for her, and even then in the later stages. Simply because they differ in silhouette, in which a bulging belly does not look very nice.

It is advisable to buy an outfit already knowing the exact date of the wedding, otherwise the bride may simply not fit into the provided dimensions if she made a little mistake with the estimated date, or the baby grows faster than planned. Only a dress fitted to the figure, bought on the dates of pregnancy corresponding to the date of the wedding ceremony, will look good. Acquired with a margin, it will sag, and in marriage with some delay it will be unaesthetically tight around the stomach.

In addition, such a wedding dress will not be comfortable enough for the expectant mother in her difficult and interesting position.

Another selection criterion is the quality and composition of the fabric so that no allergic reactions occur on the skin.

This issue is especially relevant in the warm season, but in any case, it is better to prefer natural fabric, because during pregnancy there is sometimes increased sweating or individual immunity to certain polymer components.

Therefore, you should choose natural silk or cotton, and if you want something lush, airy and light, you can choose chiffon or crepe as the main material.

The main materials in such dresses are satin, silk and chiffon made from natural fibers. Lace can be used for trimming large segments only if it is on a natural basis.

Greek style

A Greek-style dress will suit any bride, if only because its standard feature is a cut with a high waist.

Traditional decor with gold or silver embroidery in a stylized Greek ornament, handmade lace and asymmetrical draperies are a characteristic feature of the Greek style. But such outfits became popular not with a waistline, but with the ability to combine draperies, simple silhouettes and skirts extended to the bottom without weighting fastening, as in dresses with hoops and crinolines.

A characteristic feature of Greek-style dresses is considered to be a waist under the bust and a beautifully decorated back. A hint of sexual attractiveness is present in a strict classical style, the silhouette is stretched in a vertical visual plane, de-emphasizing its convex part, closing it with softly draping folds.

At the same time, enlarged breasts are emphasized, and wide, falling three-layer straps or drapes shifted to the shoulder help the bride feel as comfortable as possible and not feel tired from a long day.

In the new wedding season, the main emphasis is on a seductive neckline, and a train from the waist in front, which certainly accentuates the overall perception not on the bulge, but on the uniform spill of the flowing fabric.

The decor welcomes handmade lace, artificial garlands of small flower heads and stylized embroidery in the style of Greek ornament. Handmade embroidery is the main trend of the coming year, and traditional white lace is changing to woven, pastel colors - blue, silver gray, golden beige or pale pink.

The same colors prevail in the choice of a non-white wedding dress, but they were also last year, and this season a non-standard, but eye-pleasing mint color has been added to them. For the Greek style, there is a traditional triad of natural materials - chiffon, silk and satin, to which satin and georgette crepe were added.

Chiffon is allowed only natural, but only if the dress does not have pleats or corrugations, because the folds on it do not look very advantageous. In the Greek style, as well as in the Empire style, the use of bows is welcome. They flatter the lower body when used on the back, or detract from the belly when worn in front.

Outwardly, Empire and Greek are subtly similar, but in Greek, less outrageous and pompous details are used, and accessories are selected for the most pronounced stylistic purpose.


Short dresses can also be in the Greek style, but the Empire style only suggests floor-length dresses, so short models for pregnant women are recommended when the bride has beautiful legs or does not want to attract attention to herself.

The times of outrageous dresses with a long multi-layered skirt at the back and a short bell-tie in front are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and they are being replaced in wedding fashion by dresses in a delicate or classic wedding style.

For painting, which is not given much importance and where only relatives are present, they often pick up a short dress that is not white and then use it as an evening dress.


This is the most traditional of the models for the bride in an interesting position, which has undeniable advantages. Such outfits are extended to the bottom and help to easily hide the flaws of any figure. In addition, they can satisfy several requirements of the bride for the chosen outfit at once:

  • elegant, because on a long skirt flared to the bottom, you can place any number of details, and add as many draperies and folds as you like;
  • lush, but not with a corset, which is contraindicated for the expectant mother, and can successfully notice the coveted princess dress;
  • look good with a V-neck on the back, which organically complements a beautiful outfit;
  • allow, unlike the Greek style, a veil of any length, with any accessories.

For a bride who does not want to draw attention to a rounded waist, but wants to attend the ceremony in a traditional wedding dress, this is the best option.


Fashion 2018-2019 is gradually abandoning puffy dresses for newlyweds who are in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but it fully allows their use in the early stages, if the design is not very heavy, and the bride is not afraid to damage the growing baby.

With train

A train is a great detail of a wedding decor that is appropriate for a dress of any style.

In the new season, it is attached to the shoulders and waist, from the middle of the thighs, and can be fixed on the arm or dragged along the floor. The trend to use a train from the shoulders and below the length of the dress has made the transformer train in demand, which you unfasten after the official part.

To the floor

This is a traditional length, which is appropriate in any version of the bride's outfit and uses any version of the skirt: from a puffy bell and year, to a flowing maximum flare. There are no contraindications during pregnancy for such a length, and the main choice of the proposed products of fashion designers is in this version.

How to choose

Just three years ago, puffy dresses prevailed in wedding collections for the bride in an interesting position. But for a period of 3 months or more, they do not meet the medical standards set by doctors for the condition of the mother, who should think not only about her health, but also about the long-awaited baby.

The dress of the bride in the last stages of pregnancy must meet the following requirements:

  • weight no more than 2 kg, so that during a joyful day the woman's body is not subjected to stress and overwork;
  • decorative design is not overloaded with large and massive decorative elements, because the figure has already increased, and an overabundance of attributes will visually enlarge it even more;
  • sewn from natural fabric to avoid complications in the condition, allergic reactions, fainting, hyperhidrosis and skin irritation;
  • bought just before the ceremony, so that it elegantly fits the figure, does not hang in a bag and does not fit;
  • professionally selected: emphasizing the favorable features of the appearance, the dress should conceal and hide the stomach a little;
  • did not constrain movements and did not press, did not contain solid elements like a corset and other elements that could be traumatic for the child.

The choice of model may depend on the gestational age and the individual characteristics of the figure, but in the ranking of wedding collections in 2018, the first place was shared by the Greek style and the modern Empire style.

Then, in second place, A-line and floor-length flared dresses. Short and lush lost their leading positions and began to be used only in the early stages.

The wedding day should be remembered by any bride, and pregnant women often have inexplicable whims, so you should not interfere with her making her own choice, it is better to delicately correct it or invite a professional stylist.

But you should not give too much benevolent advice, because a girl who is preparing to get married in an interesting position and puts on a wedding dress already has sufficient courage and maturity of choice.

Here you will see some more interesting styles of wedding dresses for the bride in position:

How successful it will be depends on her taste and sense of proportion, but there are no ugly brides, and pregnancy gives women a special charm. So you can safely entrust her with the choice of a wedding dress and send a person whom she trusts shopping with her. Do you have an opinion on this matter? And if it is, please share it with us, and we will discuss it.

Pregnancy is an important event in the life of every woman. And these days it is not uncommon when they get married, expecting a child. Many of the brides are confused by this fact: pregnant women try to postpone the wedding, believing that they will become the object of gossip or will look unattractive.

Neither argument has the right to exist, since the times when the pregnancy of an unmarried girl was considered a shame have sunk into oblivion, and today you can find many incredibly beautiful dresses for pregnant brides in bridal salons.

Watch video wedding dress options for expectant mothers:

The styles of wedding dresses for pregnant women take into account the anatomical features of the body of a woman carrying a child, so they are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. A pregnant bride dressed in such a dress will feel very comfortable and may not be afraid for the health of her baby.

All wedding dresses for expectant mothers must meet the following conditions:

  1. They should not put pressure on the stomach and chest of the bride, who is at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. They can only be sewn from natural fabrics that are hygroscopic, soft and elastic. All these requirements are met by natural silk and satin, as well as lace fabric woven from threads of natural silk or cotton.
  3. The quality of the seams must be very high: it is unacceptable that they rub the skin, causing discomfort.

So, what kind of wedding dresses of the 2015 season can make a pregnant bride irresistibly beautiful?

Fashion trends in the world of wedding dresses for pregnant women 2015

In general, trendy maternity wedding dresses are designed in full accordance with the bridal fashion trends of 2015, although this category of wedding dresses is a special trend that has several main styles.

A-line dresses in the 2015 season are presented in two variations: extremely simple tunic models and more spectacular dresses, richly decorated with hand embroidery, exquisite bows and a large number of decorative elements. The latter option is most suitable for brides of dense physique.

  • Puffy wedding dresses are good for brides with short pregnancies. An almost imperceptible tummy completely allows a young mother to dress up in such a dress.
  • Short wedding dresses for pregnant women, contrary to popular belief, are quite capable of decorating a bride of a fragile physique with beautiful chiseled legs.

We have listed the most sought-after styles used by fashion designers creating outfits for pregnant brides. It remains only to emphasize that when choosing a fabric for such a toilet, fashion designers prefer materials with a matte, devoid of shine texture.

In full accordance with the fashion trends of 2015, dresses for pregnant women:

  1. Can be completed with bolero capes.
  2. Decorate with luxurious trains.
  3. Modeled with sleeves of various lengths.
  4. Comes with comfortable shoulder straps and drop-down shoulders.

Which wedding dress for pregnant women to choose? What is worth considering?

When choosing an outfit for a pregnant bride, first of all, you should think about her comfort, so a wedding dress should be:

  • Elastic, devoid of a tight corset. The elasticity of the material will provide the bride with freedom and ease of movement.
  • Extremely light, made of airy fabrics. The total weight of the outfit should not exceed two kilograms. Otherwise, by the end of the evening, the bride may feel too tired.
  • Elegant, emphasizing the beauty of rounded shoulders and plump chest. In this regard, nothing compares to Greek style dresses.
  • For long periods of pregnancy, it is better to refuse too puffy skirts, sleeves and large decorative elements: bows, buttons, artificial flowers and luxurious embroidery. Being grouped at the waist and hips, such decorative elements can make the bride's figure too heavy.

Dresses with low lacing or with vertical lace inserts will help to give harmony to the figure of a pregnant bride.

  • If the bride has chosen a long dress, then it needs to be hemmed a few days before the wedding ceremony, otherwise the rapidly growing tummy (if the wedding falls on the second trimester of pregnancy) can lift the hem of the already hemmed dress.
  • The color of the dress is also important. A wedding dress for a bride expecting a child should be devoid of glitter. The most suitable colors are:
  1. matte shades of light pink,
  2. light green
  3. pale blue
  4. beige flowers.

Watch video options for white and colored wedding dresses for pregnant women:

White color, as you know, visually expands the figure, so it is better for full brides to refuse a snow-white outfit, opting for a dress of champagne, ivory or skimmed cream.

Lush wedding dresses for pregnant women

Lush wedding dresses for pregnant women are widely represented in the collections of 2015.

Ah, that lace wedding dress!

Wedding dresses for pregnant women, made of elegant lace fabric, are so beautiful that they do not need any additional decorative elements. In rare cases, wanting to achieve a stunning effect, they are decorated with beads and rhinestones.

A bride expecting a baby, dressed in a lace wedding dress, seems especially feminine, touching and tender. Despite this, some brides tend to visually hide pregnancy from those around you. This can be done by choosing the right style of a lace dress. For this purpose, the following models will cope:

  • A-line lace dresses will hide a rounded tummy due to an overestimated waistline and a significantly flared fluffy skirt.

    Light transparent draperies, additional layers of thin lace fabric on the skirt will easily disguise even a strongly protruding tummy.

  • Lace dresses in antique empire style, with a deep neckline, will accentuate the beautifully rounded chest and create a clean, flowing down line that tactfully and gently covers the tummy.
  • Lace bustier dresses, equipped with a corset, are quite suitable for brides in early pregnancy. You should just not overdo it with tightening the corset.
  • Lush lace dresses of short and medium length are suitable for brides with chiseled slender legs. In this case, the emphasis will inevitably move to them and divert attention from the grown tummy.

Models of lace dresses for pregnant brides can have narrow and wide straps, as well as various sleeves.

The sleeves on such dresses can be of various lengths, only romantic "lanterns" that can give the bride's figure additional volume are undesirable.

A tight-fitting lace dress is quite appropriate for a bride who is not ashamed of her pregnancy and does not hide it. In this case, the tummy can be emphasized by tying the dress under the bust with a wide satin ribbon belt.

Lace wedding dresses for pregnant women do not need frills, ruffles, or bows, especially in the plump waist area: the figure of a pregnant bride does not need additional volume, and lace is quite decorative in itself.

When choosing the color of a lace dress for a pregnant bride, you should give preference to dresses in soft pastel colors.

Buying a lace dress for a bride expecting a baby should be done shortly before the wedding ceremony, since the inexorably growing tummy may simply not fit in a dress bought a few weeks earlier.

Short dresses are becoming increasingly relevant in the collections of wedding dresses for pregnant brides in 2015, and couturiers offer options for models designed for a variety of pregnancy periods.

Short dresses for pregnant women are distinguished by a special cut and the presence of special elastic inserts in the abdomen and in the decollete zone. What short wedding dress is suitable for a bride with a pretty long pregnancy:

  1. First of all, this is an outfit with a trapezoid silhouette, expanding already at the very top of the dress.
  2. Cropped dress in an antique Empire style with a waistline starting just under the bust. The elements passing under the bodice give a special charm to such outfits: thin straps, wide satin ribbon belts, skillfully embroidered braid.
  3. A dress with a high waistline.

All of the above styles are distinguished by the fact that the expansion of the hem begins above the tummy, as a result of which it becomes less noticeable. It is worth paying attention to the comfort of these models, which do not tighten the stomach of future mothers at all. In all these models, it is permissible to use puffy multi-layered skirts made of light fabric, which make the figure of a pregnant bride more elegant.

  • A bride with a short pregnancy can choose a short dress, the hem of which has an interception at the bottom. Similar models were relevant in the 20s of the last century.
  • A straight short dress made of lace fabric, decorated with a beautiful bow made of a wide satin ribbon, will add incredible touching to the image of the expectant mother, since her delicate position in such a dress will not remain a secret to anyone.
  • A short dress with open shoulders is also quite appropriate for a pregnant bride. The only contraindication for this option may be too plump chest, which can slip out of the bodice.

The main advantage of a short wedding dress for pregnant women is the light weight of the outfit, which is of great importance for the expectant mother.

Beautiful wedding dresses for pregnant women in the Greek style are always popular for many seasons. And 2015 was no exception. The simplicity of the cut, the extraordinary femininity of the models, emphasizing the beauty of the bride expecting a baby, as well as the comfort experienced by the bride, dressed in such a dress - this is the reason for this popularity.

Greek style suggests the presence of:

For the manufacture of dresses in the Greek style, only light fabrics are used: taffeta, veil, silk, chiffon and guipure, since they have the ability to drape easily, forming soft folds.

The Empire style appeared at the beginning of the nineteenth century thanks to the Empress Josephine (wife of Napoleon Bonaparte). In fact, it is a simplified modification of the Greek antique style, so the Empire style wedding dress is almost indistinguishable from the dress in the Greek style.

What are the stylistic differences between these styles? Empire style dresses:

  1. Differ in a smaller number of draperies.
  2. They have a simpler and rather closed bodice design.
  3. Unlike Greek dresses, they can have both medium and short lengths.

In all other respects, Empire style dresses are kept in the classical Greek style. When choosing an empire-style dress for a pregnant bride, you should provide some margin in the bodice area, since by the time of the wedding, the breasts of a young mother can change significantly in size.

Wedding dresses for pregnant women for 6 months with a photo

A bride getting married at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy will no longer be able to hide her significantly enlarged tummy from the eyes of those present at the wedding, so when choosing a wedding dress, she first of all needs to think about her own comfort and the comfort of her baby.

Styles of wedding dresses at this stage of pregnancy:

Wedding dresses for pregnant women for 8 months with a photo

Pregnant girls in wedding dresses can be irresistible in the very late stages of pregnancy. Everything that we said about convenience and comfort becomes even more important during this period.

The outfit for the bride, who will become a mother in a few weeks, must meet the following requirements:

  • It should be not only attractive, but also extremely comfortable.
  • It should not contain any synthetics that can cause an allergic reaction. The wedding toilet of the bride at the last stages of pregnancy should be sewn only from natural fabrics.
  • The color scheme can include any pastel shades. From a pure white color, weighting the figure, in some cases it is better to refuse.

The styles of dresses listed in the previous section of the article are quite appropriate in the eighth month of pregnancy. The only exceptions are dresses with a straight silhouette, which can put pressure on a strongly grown tummy.

Is it worth it to rent a wedding dress for pregnant women?

This question is asked by families whose budget is very limited: after all, the cost of a wedding dress is a significant part of the funds allocated for the celebration.

Benefits of renting a wedding dress:

  1. You will save a significant amount by not buying a dress that will last you only one day.
  2. By renting a dress, you can afford a toilet that you could never buy with cash, since its full cost exceeds your modest income.
  3. You will get rid of the headache about what to do with the dress after the wedding.

As a counterargument to the decision to rent a dress, one can cite the superstitious belief that a pregnant woman can be damaged by the energy of the previous owner of the wedding dress. Another disadvantage of rental is the fear of spoiling an expensive dress, and it is known that any unrest is contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

With great impatience, the girl is waiting for the moment when her beloved will call her his wife. I want to be irresistible, the most charming on the solemn day of the wedding. But what if the bride is in an interesting position, preparing to become not only a beloved wife, but also a happy mother? What are wedding dresses for pregnant women, what should be considered when choosing such an outfit? Let's find out.

Features of dresses for pregnant women - styles

Stylists have developed many models of wedding dresses for girls in position. Most of these models are not loose hoodies hanging on the figure, but exquisite clothes that emphasize the dignity of the female figure. Pay attention to how solemnly they look in the photo.

A woman who is expecting a baby usually gains weight, so the chosen style should visually make the figure slimmer. High-waisted models will divert attention from the rounded tummy, lengthen the girl's legs, visually adding a few centimeters to her height. Such a garment will not create inconvenience for the child, since the tummy area will be completely free.

An A-line dress also looks elegant, which will fit at the top and gradually expand downward. Especially beautiful outfits of this style, made of light flowing fabric. The skirt, like a wave, falls over the figure, hiding the fullness of the bride.

Greek style

Greek-style wedding decorations are firmly in vogue. Their distinctive detail is a high waist, starting right from under the bodice, and from it - a loose, falling skirt with soft folds. Such a divine wedding dress will give you lightness, freedom of movement, and in the early stages of pregnancy will hide your interesting position.

Such decoration can be decorated with a wide ribbon under the chest with embroidery, pearls or lace, as well as a large beautiful bow. The decor of the waist and skirt area must be reduced to a minimum, and the decollete line can be emphasized by choosing a bodice with embroidery, rhinestones, and original appliqués.

For sewing a Greek dress, chiffon, silk, guipure, and other synthetic fabrics that drape easily are suitable. After all, folds and gathers should fall smoothly and softly, like waves. If there is still enough time before the wedding, make sure that the bodice is a couple of sizes larger at the time of buying / tailoring the dress - the volume of a pregnant woman's breasts can increase rapidly.

puffy dresses

In the early stages of pregnancy, girls are unlimited in choice - they can look after dresses of any style, and even magnificent ones. The figure of a pregnant woman begins to gradually round off, and a lush style will help to successfully hide all the flaws. The main rule is to avoid embellishments with many buttons, ruffles, bows, and other massive details, they will only draw attention to the tummy.

Let the guests look at the beautiful sloping shoulders. Try on models with bare shoulders and a fluffy skirt. It is better to choose dresses without sleeves. If you really want a corset, buy one, but make sure that it does not pull too much on the stomach. For you now the main thing is the health of your crumbs, so the fabric should not squeeze, but create maximum comfort for you and your baby.

A bride with perfect legs can afford a short puffy wedding dress.

Looks great on pregnant women V-shaped neckline, which flawlessly emphasizes the chest.

Short dresses

If a girl is pregnant, this does not mean at all that she should dress in a long, wide robe. Not at all! Pregnancy adorns a woman, she blossoms and smells sweet. A dress of medium or short length is a great option in which all the advantages of a girl's figure will stand out.

For those who do not want to get confused in long, wide skirts, designers have developed models with a short length. Such dresses look no less solemn than long ones, and are especially relevant in the summer season. In them, the bride has the opportunity to emphasize the dignity of her figure and sexuality, to show beautiful legs.

Tight-fitting short dresses are acceptable in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the figure has not yet undergone major changes.

At a later date, when the tummy begins to stand out, short A-line outfits will do.

In the later stages, it is preferable to choose an Empire style attire - styles with falling waves from the chest, or a free cut.

Choosing a dress by pregnancy

First trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, any style is suitable for the bride and groom, because the size of the waist, breasts have not yet increased, the bride has not gained excess weight. Designers are advised to stay on models with a low waistline. Lowering the visual center, they will make the silhouette slimmer.

A good option would also be dresses with vertical pleats starting from the chest and ending at the buttocks. An elegant bow or other element under the bust will attract the attention of guests, concentrating their eyes on the upper part of the figure.

An outfit with a bare back will create an irresistible, feminine look. And if the bride has beautiful legs and a petite figure, a short pastel-colored wedding dress will suit her, which will emphasize her fragility. For example, a straight cut with straps decorated with embroidery or pearls looks very good.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the A-line style with a slightly high waistline and a beautiful train will also work well. Just do not overdo it with a belt or corset, the lacing should not be tight.

How beautiful this option looks on the bride, watch the video:

Second trimester

In the second trimester, when there is a tendency to increase weight and the tummy is already noticeable, feminine, charming Empire style styles will help to hide it - a tight-fitting bodice, the skirt starts under the chest, it falls off in beautiful waves, as if flowing down. The high waist, located above the tummy, can be emphasized with a belt or ribbon. A beautiful, long veil will complement the image.

A-line dresses with a slightly high free waist and seductive necklines will help to hide excessive fullness.

third trimester

At such a long pregnancy, the bride may not fit into a standard dress. Therefore, you need to buy a large size, fitting it to the figure. This service is provided in wedding salons. Choose the most free and simple style. The silhouettes will be the same as in the second trimester - empire and trapeze.

Watch a selection of popular wedding dresses for pregnant women in the video provided.

Dress accessories

A pregnant bride is already charming in itself, so the accessories for the wedding dress should not be bright and defiant, you must strictly adhere to the measure. A string of pearls will look elegant and cute.

Choose shoes with flat soles, soft, comfortable, preferably worn in advance.

A beautiful veil will help to complement the wedding look - the length, the texture of which is selected for the model of the dress. If the bride does not want to be in a veil, she can weave a sprig of flowers into her hair or put on a beautiful hairpin.

  • When choosing a wedding dress, consider its weight. A girl carrying a child will be comfortable in dresses made of light fabrics, the optimal weight of which will not exceed 1.5-2 kg.
  • The parameters of the figure of a pregnant woman are rapidly changing every day. In order not to miscalculate with the size, buy a wedding dress shortly before the wedding day.
  • The length of wedding dresses is usually a few centimeters longer than expected. If, after trying on the dress, you decide that it needs to be hemmed, it is better to do this shortly before the wedding so that the growing tummy does not lift the front edge of the dress.
  • Choose outfits with a high waistline and a deep neckline - in such a model, you and your tummy will be comfortable and easy.

What options for wedding dresses for pregnant women did you like? Leave your comments.

Luxurious puffy, fitted lace, short ... - no, we are not talking about ordinary wedding dresses. For the “interesting position”, fashion designers and designers offer many magical and unearthly wedding dresses from year to year. The choice of materials and styles is huge - you don't have to settle for something you don't like. Rather, on the contrary - choose from hundreds of comfortable and chic.

Styles of wedding dresses for pregnant women

  1. Babydoll dress. A familiar model with a voluminous skirt will not hamper movements on a solemn day, while reliably covering the stomach. Most often found in length above the knee, but there are also midi length models. Such dresses made of fabric that keeps its shape look beautiful - then the skirt looks like a classic bell. Modest and simple girls may like the same cut, but from a soft fabric that falls in folds down.
  2. Lace case. One of the most elegant models of short wedding dresses for pregnant women. Thin, delicate lace leaves a feeling of sophistication and impeccable taste of the owner. A satin bow under the bust, colored or matching the dress, will be the highlight of your outfit.
  3. Lace maxi dress. The floor length looks more feminine. A straight cut looks restrained, while an A-line dress that expands freely downwards will suggest thoughts of carelessness and girlhood.
  4. Laconic silhouettes. This includes all wedding dresses for pregnant women at 5 months, which do not differ in a heap of fabrics, embroidery, flowers and other details. A simple style that gently outlines the beautiful forms of the bride is able to conquer with its honesty and unpretentiousness. These dresses are the case when you do not need to say much, because the most important thing has already been said. It is only worth adding an unusual headdress: a headband, a wreath or a hairpin.
  5. Nymph dress. Greek style in hairstyles, clothes and shoes does not leave fashion shows. So among the wedding dresses for pregnant women at 5 months there are models that resemble the outfit of a fairy or a forest charmer. By this time, let your hair down, weave flowers into them and choose low-speed shoes.
  6. Assemblies and coquettes. Most models of wedding dresses for pregnant brides have a high waist. But what descends from it below is your choice. A separate category - dresses with a lot of
