Technological map of the lesson on the application “Visiting autumn. leaf fall


for the senior group.

Date of:


Educational area: Creation

Chapter: Application .

Subject: Subject "Autumn leaves"

Target: cut and paste leaves;


To form the ability in children to cut leaves from paper folded in half by cutting off the corners of the rectangle;

Develop fine motor skills of the hand;

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Bilingual component: leaf - zhapyrak

Vocabulary work: maple, birch




Actions of the educator

Children activities



Inclusion of children in educational activities, motivation;

Turning on the music - the song "Leaf, leaf, leaf fall - Who is to blame for this? .."

Children gather in a round dance, perform basic movements in a circle, repeating after the teacher

Organizational - search.

Main part

Organization of a conversation with children “Why do the leaves fall?”

Issues for discussion:

What is the song about?
- Why are the leaves falling?

When does it happen?

What else happens in autumn?

Activation of children's speech on the topic: "leaves"

productive activity

A story about the possibility of preserving a piece of autumn through the creation of an application

Familiarization of children with the rules of safe work with scissors (how to hold, pass, etc.)

Providing assistance in compiling a composition, creating applications (methodological techniques - explanation, demonstration)

Performing exercises in accordance with the text:

The clouds are spinning in the sky

Every step is a puddle.

Autumn day frowns

Leaf fall on the street.

Creeps along the way

Yellow blizzard.

Answer questions

Productive activity: creating an application through a story, demonstration by a teacher. Children take their places at the tables, sit down.

Examination of the illustration "Rules for working with scissors"

Compilation of compositions, creation of applications

Children gently sway from foot to foot

Walking in place with high knees

Hands on the belt, turn left, right

Spinning in place

Easily run in circles

Reflective - corrective

Summing up the activities. Fixing the material

The game situation “Tell me” is to invite the children to play the situation, as the child tells his mother how he created the application in the kindergarten.

Creating an exhibition for parents

Children are divided into pairs, distribute the roles of "Mother - Child"

Children distribute their works in exhibition places

Expected Result:

Playback: cut leaves from paper folded in half;

understand: how to arrange the ornament in a rectangular shape;



organized learning activities

for the senior group.

Date of:


Educational area: Creation

Chapter: Application .

Subject: The plot "Toy (dog)".

Target: cut and paste a toy;


To form the ability to place an object on a sheet of paper, to see the shape of various parts of an object, their structure, cutting off the corners of a rectangle and a circle

To improve in children the ability to use scissors, glue, a napkin;

Develop fine motor skills of the hand, imagination;

Cultivate respect for toys .

Bilingual component: toy - oyynshyk

Vocabulary work: proportions

Equipment: album, glue stick, scissors, napkin, oilcloth, colored paper, toys



Actions of the educator

Children activities



Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

The teacher offers to solve the riddle:

Lives in the yard

In a personal house-kennel,

And for everyone he doesn't know

She growls, then barks (dog)

Today a friend came to our lesson.

Who guessed what we will do in today's lesson?

Children guess the riddle about the dog.

Organizational - search.

Display toys - dogs.

Examining the sample.

What is the shape of the body and head?

What else does a dog have?

How many paws does she have?

Offers to perform the application of a toy - a dog from parts.

Cutting method reminder.


The puppy was playing in the yard

Jumped, ran and counted:

"One - jump and three nods,

Two - head to the right,

Three - turn left" -

And ran to the gate

Then he sighed and sat down.

He was tired and relaxed.

Work in subgroups:

1. Draw by dots.

2.Cut picture.

Completing of the work.

Help advice, individual work.

Examine the toy.

Answer questions, describe the structure of the dog.

Think about which parts of the dog which geometric shapes resemble.

Perform physical minute movements in accordance with the text.

Perform tasks in groups.

They independently select material for applique work, stick a dog toy from parts.

Reflective - corrective

Summing up the lesson:

Guys, Buddy thanks you all for your help! And, saying goodbye to you, he wants to shake hands with everyone.

Children with great pleasure approach the toy, squeeze it, hug it, saying goodbye to the dog.

Expected Result:

Playback: the shape of various parts of the object, their structure;

understand: how to place an object on a sheet of paper;

Apply: cutting and pasting skills.


organized learning activities

for the senior group.

Date of:


Educational area: Creation

Chapter: Application .

Subject: Decorative "Autumn Carpet".

Target: decorate the carpet with a pattern of autumn berries and leaves;


To form the ability to compose an image, using the technique of folding paper in several layers, to cut out several identical plant elements;

To improve in children the ability to use scissors, glue and a napkin;

Develop eye, fine motor skills of the hand;

Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Bilingual component: carpet - keel

Vocabulary work: pattern

Equipment: album, glue stick, scissors, napkin, oilcloth, colored paper, herbarium



Actions of the educator

Children activities



Hello children! What beautiful autumn leaves lie in front of you! We all collected them on a recent tour of the park and dried them. Remember how beautiful it was in the park, what bright colors were around.

Name the trees you saw there?

(oak, maple, linden, etc.)

Children are sitting at tables, dried autumn leaves, glue, a glue brush, a sheet of white paper lie in front of them.

Children's answers.

Organizational - search.

Didactic game "Disassemble the leaves"

Let's now remember which leaf belongs to which tree. I will hang in front of you on the board an image of three trees 1-oak, 2-maple, 3-linden. And you divide the leaves into three piles on your tables, respectively.

The teacher makes sure that the children correctly lay out their leaves, coming up and quietly correcting the mistaken children.

Well done everyone! What are the leaves of an oak tree? List their signs. (wavy edge, color yellow, green)

What about maple leaves? (uneven, sharp edges, yellow, green, red).

Linden leaves? (the edge is jagged, heart-shaped, color is yellow).

Do you remember how the leaves rustled under your feet while walking?

Now stand up and show how you walked on the leaves. From your seats, shuffle onto the carpet.


We are autumn leaves

They sat on the branches.

The wind blew, they flew.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind picked up again.

And lifted all the leaves.

Turned them round and round.

And put it down on the rug.

I so want to remember these bright colors for a long time, so that on cold winter evenings they warm our group. What can we do with you?

With leading questions, lead the children to guess how to make an application of leaves in the form of a carpet.

Pick the leaves you need and lay them out on a piece of paper.

Why is it necessary to apply glue very carefully on dried leaves? (leaves are brittle).

The teacher offers to glue the leaves, carefully lifting each leaflet.

Children begin the task by laying out the foxes, in accordance with the sample: 1 - oak leaves, 2 - maple leaves, 3 - linden leaves.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children imitate the rustling of leaves with the sound sh-sh-sh.

The children shuffle over to the carpet and stand in a loose position.

Children imitate the actions of the "leaves" in accordance with the text of the poem.

The children go to their places at the tables.

Children guess.

Children lay out an invented pattern on paper.

Children's answers.

Children stick leaves on paper

Reflective - corrective

What wonderful patterns you have! Now these wonderful carpets will always delight us, even when the leaves on the street wither and hide under the snow.

Children show their works to each other, admire them, rejoice in their achievement.

Expected Result:

Playback: image, using the technique of folding paper into several layers;

understand: how to arrange an ornament in a rectangle;

Apply: cutting and pasting skills.


organized learning activities

for the senior group.

Date of:


Educational area: Creation

Chapter: Application .

Subject: Story "Autumn Festival"

Target: reflect in the work the impressions of the holiday;


To form the ability of children to build their work in accordance with the rules of composition, perspectives based on a social event;

Improve the skill of working with templates, ready-made patterns, the ability to use scissors, glue and a napkin;

Develop creativity, attention, fine motor skills of the hand;

Encourage children to follow safety rules at work. Bilingual component: autumn - kuz

Vocabulary work: leaf fall

Equipment: album, glue stick, scissors, napkin, oilcloth, colored paper, illustrations



Actions of the educator

Children activities



1. Organizational moment:

Autumn. Sprinkled

All our poor garden.

Leaves are yellowed

They fly in the wind.

What season do you see in the picture?

The picture shows autumn. In autumn, the trees change their dress. What color are the leaves on them?

How can you call them in one word?

Trees in autumn are very beautiful. Then all the leaves are sprinkled.

Listen to a poem

Answer questions

Show autumn leaves cut out of colored paper. Children name their color.

The leaves are multi-colored.

Organizational - search.

2.Main part:

Look at our tree. Let's guys dress up the tree in autumn attire. Let's take paper leaves, smear them with glue and stick them on the branches of a tree, on the grass, and against the background of the sky, depicting leaf fall.

(Mode show)

Work is being organized.

The teacher helps the children in arranging and gluing the figures.


We, autumn leaves, sat on branches,

The wind blew - they flew.

We flew, flew, and quietly sat down on the ground.

The wind picked up again and picked up the leaves.

He turned them around, circled them and lowered them to the ground.

The children are sitting at the table.

Children lay out colorful leaves on the background and carefully glue them.

Children imitate the movement of leaves while reading a poem: they squat, run on their toes.

Reflective - corrective

Guys, tell me, what did we do today?

Look, guys, what a wonderful autumn forest we have! Together we did this work together.

They answer questions.

Children talk about their experiences.

Expected Result:

Playback: the ability to build one's work in accordance with the rules of composition, perspectives based on a social event;

understand: how to arrange an image on a sheet of paper;

Apply: the skill of working with templates, ready-made patterns.

Rodionova Vera Anatolievna
Presentation "Technological map of the sequence of applications from natural material"

Topic of the lesson: « Application from natural material"Mushrooms".

Age: Preparatory group

Materials and equipment: Hard brush, PVA glue, lentils, rice, white sand, dry grass, mushroom images on the sheet.

Stage images in material:

Children, using a hard brush, applying PVA glue to the images of the mushroom stem.

I make sure that the glue is distributed over the entire surface of the silhouette of the mushroom leg.

White sand is poured onto the applied glue. Shake off excess sand that did not get on the glue. I remind you that the stem of the mushroom is white. I make sure that the sand is sprinkled on the entire surface covered with glue

Using a hard brush, apply PVA glue to the images of the mushroom cap. We fill the upper part of the mushroom with lentils, the lower part under the hat with rice. Shake off the excess.

I make sure that the glue is distributed over the entire surface of the silhouette of the mushroom cap.

I remind you that the mushroom cap is brown on top. I make sure that lentils and rice are sprinkled on the entire surface covered with glue

We decorate the background with dry leaves and dry grass.

I suggest that the children decorate the mushroom with leaves of their choice.

Review of completed works.

Related publications:

Summary of educational activities for children of different ages on applications from natural material Topic: "Autumn bouquet."

A good tradition of our family is a trip to the autumn forest, where my children and I are sure to collect beautiful autumn leaves, which we will later.

Every autumn, our kindergarten traditionally hosts an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials. My daughter and I, of course, take part.

A sprawling maple grows on the territory of our beloved kindergarten. Stepping for a walk with a group of youngsters, their gaze is involuntarily.

Autumn has come into its own. The trees turned yellow, the temperature dropped, it was cold in the morning. It's raining, the sun rarely peeks out from behind.

Presentation of the exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Autumn Fantasies" Our kindergarten hosted an annual exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Autumn Fantasies". The craft competition is organized with a purpose.

Summary of the GCD for the application. Subject: Hedgehog. Age group: preparatory group for school. Purpose: The development of cognitive interest in children.

Technological map of the OOD for applications in the second junior group. Theme: "Bouquet of flowers"

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Target: Development of children's interest in applications


Tutorials: To teach children to create a subject application, to consolidate the skills of using glue.

Developing: Develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills of hands, color perception, creativity

Educational: To educate children in independence, patience, perseverance, accuracy

Targets: Has a developed imagination. Shows curiosity. Shows the ability to hear others and seeks to be understood.

Implementation means:

Visual: visual aid "Flowers", a ready-made sample of work
Verbal: poem by B. Blinnikov, E. Krasnov
Multimedia: presentation on the theme "Spring flowers"
Vocabulary work: activation in the speech of children of nouns (spring, flowers, stem, leaf)
Materials and equipment: landscape sheet, appliqué details (stem, leaf, bud). Glue, glue brush, napkins.


I. Introduction

Guys, what time of year is it? Why did you decide so? (Spring. Everything around is green, grass has appeared, flowers are blooming, etc.)
- Right. Tell me, where did you see the flowers and what kind?
- Poem by B. Blinnikov

Only the sun warmed brightly,
But it's not hot yet.
multicolor sundress
Wears our tulip.

E. Krasnov's poem "Forget-Me-Nots"
Forget-me-not blue eyes
They look trustingly from the grass:
Kind, naive, alive -
Like the smallest kids.

By the stream, in the lowland and in the cool,
In the middle of a sunny day
As if asking, looking straight into the soul:
"Do not break, but do not forget me!"

Did you like the poems? What colors are they talking about? (tulip, forget-me-nots)
What parts of flowers do you know?

Presentation "Spring Flowers"

Guys, let's look at the screen, what spring flowers do you see?
- What color are they?
- Which do you like best?
- When do they bloom?

II. Main part

Today we will draw a bouquet of these flowers. Let's all say the magic words together to make our flowers bloom.

Finger gymnastics:

It's closed early in the morning
But closer to noon
Opens the petals, I see their beauty.
By evening, the flower closes the corolla again,
And now he will sleep
Until the morning, like a chick.

(The hands are tightly closed. The palms move away from each other, the pads of the thumbs are pressed to the ends of the index hands, resembling a bud. The hands are connected at the wrist, and the fingers smoothly diverge in different directions, resembling an opened flower. The fingers are closed, forming a closed flower. Hands hands return to their original position, put the hands under the cheek, simulating a dream).

For today's work, we need a sheet of paper, application details (stalks, leaves and buds, glue, glue brush, napkins, work surface.
-First we glue the stems, then the leaves, and then the flowers-buds.
How should the details be painted? (all, all edges)
- Show me how to hold the brush.
Children take their brushes. I make sure that they hold the brushes correctly (two fingers hold the brush just above the metal part, the brush lies on the third finger).
- Right. Take your parts, spread with glue and stick.

III. Final part

Exhibition and analysis of children's works.
At the end of the lesson, the children look at each other's work, and the teacher praises all the children.
- What beautiful bouquets you got!


"Flowers and Butterflies"
In a clearing (on the floor) 3 flowers grow:
Red Rose (learned a lot)
Blue cornflower (it was interesting, but something is not clear)
Chamomile (much remained incomprehensible, it was interesting)
Children turn into butterflies and take their places in the flower they think is theirs.

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