Dark skin in intimate areas. How to whiten black armpits at home

Pigment spots often appear in the intimate area, which can create a “dirty” effect. Today, body whitening is considered extremely popular in beauty salons. It affects the labia, armpits, nipples, anus, scrotum and abdominal line. The targeted complex provides gentle lightening without harm to the epidermis. To reproduce the technology at home, you must have basic knowledge regarding the procedure.

Why does the skin in the intimate area darken?

  1. Friction. Many girls do not think about the fact that underwear can mechanically damage the delicate dermis of the intimate area. Constantly wearing tight and synthetic clothing contributes to the appearance of keratinized scales, which darken over time. To correct the situation, you need to choose panties according to size and give preference to natural materials.
  2. Disruption of the endocrine system. Skin in intimate places may indicate the development of various pathologies that are directly related to production by the pituitary gland. Also, the cause is often changes in the functioning of the adrenal glands for the worse. In such cases, pigmentation appears not only in intimate places, but also on the elbows, stomach, knees, and armpits. Measuring hormones in the blood and subsequent treatment if necessary will help correct the situation.
  3. Skin injury. The consequence of improper depilation or hair removal can be darkening of the epidermis. Over time, irritation develops into age spots, which turn black with each subsequent procedure.
  4. Pregnancy period. Throughout pregnancy, many girls experience discomfort, which manifests itself in a change in the shade of the labia. The nipples and inner thighs also darken significantly. This feature is due to hormonal imbalance; the body is rebuilt in a different way. In most cases, the defect disappears automatically 3-4 months after the birth of the baby.
  5. Excess body weight. Overweight people often experience increased sweating in the groin area and inner thighs. If we add to this the constant friction of the skin and the “sweetness” between the fat folds, pigmentation develops in the intimate area. In addition to using targeted lightening products, it is recommended to go on a diet.
  6. Exposure to UV rays. It is not recommended to expose skin in sensitive areas to ultraviolet radiation. Many girls forget about this when they sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium without using special cosmetics with SPF protection. Such actions provoke a strong production of melanin and, as a result, the formation of dark spots.
  7. Varicose veins Dilation of the veins often provokes impaired blood circulation in the groin area. This phenomenon is accompanied by swelling of the labia and excess pigmentation, since stagnation of the circulatory system provokes changes in every system of the body. If a person suffers from varicose veins, it is recommended to take blood flow tonic tablets once every six months.
  8. Kidney and liver diseases. If pathological changes are noticed in the body that affect the gallbladder, stomach, liver and kidneys, the metabolism of cell pigments may slow down. Neoplasms on the walls of internal organs provoke darkening, so it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination and eliminate the causes.
  9. Age. The skin in intimate areas has the unpleasant tendency to darken as it ages. If you add the period of menopause to age-related changes, the result is obvious. Insufficient production of sex hormones provokes the appearance of age spots.
  10. Skin fungus. An infection in the groin area can cause changes in melanin levels. Pathogenic bacteria grow well in a humid environment. If the fungus is not eliminated in time, the production of pigments will be disrupted. To eliminate the problem, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.
  11. Intoxication. The result of long-term use of antibiotics and other potent drugs is often a change in the level of pigments in tissues. It is worth paying more attention to the use of chemotherapeutic substances and sulfonamides.
  12. Contraception. The skin in the bikini area darkens due to hormonal imbalance. If contraceptives were selected incorrectly, and the dosage was often exceeded during administration, pigmentation will soon make itself felt. Contact your gynecologist if darkening of your intimate area is caused by birth control pills or other medications.

It is important to understand that home remedies do not provide immediate results. Sometimes, to achieve an effect, it is necessary to carry out procedures regularly for 1-2 months. Be patient and follow the instructions carefully.

  1. St. John's wort and clay. Buy dry St. John's wort herb at the pharmacy, take 25 grams. and scald 100 ml. boiling water Let it brew, strain. Pour 45 g of liquid mixture. dry white or green clay, mix. You need to get a paste-like mass. Distribute it over the dark spots of the bikini area, leave until hardened. Rinse with warm water and use a moisturizing lotion.
  2. Cucumber and yogurt. Rinse the cucumber and cut off the “butts”, turn the fruit into pulp using a food processor. Combine the product with 60 gr. thick natural yogurt or sour cream. Distribute the mask over darkened areas of the skin and leave for a third of an hour. Remove with water, repeat manipulations 2 times a week.
  3. Tomato and currant. Wash the ripe tomato and dry it. Make a cross-shaped cut in the center of the fruit and place the tomato in boiling water. After 1 minute, remove with a slotted spoon and plunge into cold liquid. Remove the peel and turn the fruit into porridge. Add 100 gr. red currants, 40 gr. honey, 15 gr. ripe strawberries. Transfer the mixture to a blender and grind. Distribute over dark areas of the intimate area, rinse after half an hour.
  4. Honey and lemon. Wash the citrus fruit, remove the “butts”, chop into pieces. Grind in a blender to a paste, add 45 g. liquid honey. Transfer the mixture to a dark glass jar and let stand for 3 hours. After this period, scoop up some of the contents and apply to problem areas. Do not wash off the mask for 10 minutes.
  5. Cream and cucumber. Remove the peel from the vegetable and chop in any convenient way. Add 35 gr. nourishing or moisturizing cream, add 10 g. gelatin. Leave the mixture to swell. When this happens, stir the mixture. Distribute a thin layer over problem areas. Leave for 25-35 minutes, rinse carefully. Use the composition every other day.
  6. Cucumber and cottage cheese. Mix 30 gr. high fat cream (from 22%) with 60 gr. homemade cottage cheese. Grind the cucumber in a meat grinder and add to the previous mass. Make a mask by applying the mixture to the darkened areas of the groin and armpits. Leave for 25 minutes, remove with water. If desired, you can replace the cream with sour cream.
  7. Parsley and kefir. Wash a bunch of fresh parsley, chop in a blender or mince until the juice comes out. Pour in 45 ml. high-fat kefir, add 20 ml. lemon juice or chopped citrus pulp. Blend the mask until smooth. Apply the composition to the dark areas in the groin area and armpits, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water, repeat the manipulations once every 3 days.
  8. Yeast and grapefruit. Squeeze the juice from one citrus fruit, do not discard the pulp. Add 20 g. baker's yeast, leave until swelling. When the mixture rises, stir until smooth. Apply the mask to darkened areas of the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove excess with a cosmetic sponge, carry out the procedure once every 5 days.
  9. Radish and butter. Natural oils have amazing brightening properties. Choose the composition taking into account your personal preferences. Burdock, olive, corn, castor, and almond are suitable. Combine 30 ml. selected product with 50 gr. crushed radish into porridge. Distribute over problem areas, massage in circular movements. Rinse off excess after 20 minutes.
  10. Lemon and coffee. Take 45 gr. extra-fine ground coffee grounds. Combine the products with lemon juice to obtain a thick scrub. Exfoliate the bikini line (not the deep area), massage the skin in a circular motion with light movements. After 3 minutes, rinse off, be sure to use a delicate cream.
  11. Medicinal plants. Prepare a collection of herbs from which you want to make an infusion. You will need yarrow, chamomile (inflorescences), St. John's wort, hop cones, strawberry or currant leaves. Take 7 grams. each component, add hot water and let stand for 1 hour. After this period, add egg yolk and 30 ml. lemon juice, stir. Wipe the mixture onto problem skin every day.
  12. Apple vinegar. You will need a product whose concentration does not exceed 6%. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 3:1. Wash your armpits and let them dry. Distribute the composition with a cosmetic sponge and leave until absorbed. Do not wash off, repeat the manipulations every other day for half a month.
  13. Lemon juice and peach. Grind the peach into a puree, first removing the stem and seeds. Add 35 ml. lemon juice, 4 gr. potato starch, 3 ml. vitamin A in ampoules. Mix the mixture and distribute it with a cosmetic brush over problem areas. Wait about 20 minutes, rinse.
  14. Potatoes and milk. Rinse 1 tuber with water and cut off the skin. Grate the fruit on the fine section of a grater, add 25 ml. milk and 30 gr. honey. Distribute the resulting mixture over dark areas in the intimate area and leave for half an hour. Remove with water, repeat steps 1 time every 4 days.
  15. Peroxide and cottage cheese. Rub through a 45 g sieve. fat cottage cheese, add 2 ml. 3% hydrogen peroxide. Separate 1 chilled egg yolk here and beat the mixture with a blender. Make a mask, evenly distributing the mixture over problem areas. Leave for about 10 minutes, remove any residue with water.

Find out the true causes of darkening of the skin in the intimate area and eliminate them. Use folk remedies using lemon juice, parsley, cucumber, medicinal plants, hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar. Do not exceed the exposure period; apply cream after the procedure.

Video: skin whitening in the intimate bikini area

It is very important for the fair sex to constantly maintain and improve their beauty. Women care about more than just how their hair, skin, face, arms or décolleté look. Many ladies also devote a certain amount of time to caring for intimate areas and maintaining their aesthetic appearance. One of the common problems that brings discomfort to a woman’s life is darkening of the labia and skin in the groin area.

This prevents a woman from wearing open swimsuits in the hot season or beautiful underwear. In some cases, a girl may even be embarrassed to be naked in front of her loved one and does not want to show off her intimate areas during sex. Therefore, whitening of the labia is a very relevant procedure and helps women gain self-confidence.

In order to effectively eliminate the problem, you first need to understand the reasons that led to its occurrence. The skin on a woman’s labia is very sensitive to the negative effects of various internal or external environmental factors. Sometimes darkening of the skin in the groin area may indicate the development of certain diseases in a woman’s body. The main causes of darkening of the labia include:

  1. Microtraumatization of the skin due to incorrectly selected underwear: too tight underwear disrupts normal microcirculation in the tissues of the groin area, and constant friction leads to the appearance of microtraumas on the delicate skin of the labia. This can cause your skin to become dry and dark over time. Therefore, to maintain the beauty of your intimate areas and the health of the reproductive system, it is advisable to give preference to underwear made from natural materials that fits your size;
  2. Consequence of removing unwanted hair: during shaving, waxing or sugaring, trauma to the skin also occurs. If these procedures are performed incorrectly and the woman does not take the time to prepare the skin before depilation and moisturize it after hair removal, the skin on the labia may become darker;
  3. Incorrect tanning: the skin in the groin area is very thin and delicate, it needs additional protection while in the sun. Tanning in a solarium or on a nudist beach without the use of special means to eliminate the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation leads to disruption of the synthesis and metabolism of melanin pigment. As a result, the skin in intimate places becomes darker. Also, excessive tanning can lead to more severe pathologies, such as various skin tumors;
  4. Pregnancy: Darkening of the labia majora, nipples and armpits during pregnancy is considered a physiological phenomenon. This condition is not dangerous to the health of the woman and the child and, as a rule, goes away on its own after the baby is born;
  5. Natural age-related changes: the skin of the external genitalia in women darkens with age. This process is associated with changes in a woman’s hormonal system. The intensity of darkening of the skin depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. This condition is not considered pathological and does not require specific medical correction, but a woman can effectively fight it in order to maintain her beautiful appearance;

The above reasons can be corrected very easily. To do this, you only need to slightly change some of your habits or make some efforts to improve the appearance of the external genitalia. However, in some cases, darkening of the skin in the groin area can be a symptom of some serious pathologies.

Diseases of the endocrine system (Cushing's disease and syndrome, Addison's disease) may be accompanied by darkening of the skin of the labia. Also, changes in the skin in the groin can occur with tumors in the stomach, liver diseases and poisoning by various chemicals.

Therefore, if, in addition to dark skin on the labia, you are bothered by other alarming symptoms, you need to urgently be examined by a doctor.

Lightening the labia at home

If you are sure that the darkening of the delicate skin on the external genitalia is in no way connected with the development of any pathological condition in the body, then you can try to cope with the problem yourself using various easy-to-perform procedures. But before you whiten your labia at home, it is important to remember whether you have allergic reactions to various foods and cosmetics.

If you have a tendency to allergies, then it is better to leave the solution to the problem of darkening of the labia to specialists.

Having chosen a time convenient for you, at home you can use one or more of the following methods:

  • Mask with lemon, parsley and kefir: parsley juice has an excellent whitening effect, and lemon helps strengthen blood vessels and restore normal microcirculation of the skin of the labia. For the mask, mix one tablespoon each of parsley and lemon juice, then add kefir (2 tablespoons) to them. Instead of kefir, you can use sour cream. Apply to the darkened area and rinse with warm running water. after 10 minutes. After every four days of this procedure, you should take a short break (1-2 days);
  • Another simple method is to use the pulp of a fresh cucumber: for the mask you will need a finely grated cucumber (you must first peel the vegetable) and a nourishing cream. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio, wrap the resulting pulp in gauze and apply to the labia for 10 minutes;
  • Mask with white cosmetic clay: lightening the labia with white cosmetic clay will be more effective if you add lemon or parsley juice to the mask. White clay is a very affordable cosmetic product and has not only whitening, but also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The mask should be applied for 10-15 minutes and then rinsed off with cool water;
  • Rubbing with citrus and berry juices: If possible, during the day you can wipe problem areas with a slice of lemon or grapefruit. Among the berries, strawberries and wild strawberries have good whitening properties. After wiping, the juice must be washed off with running water;

To avoid such unpleasant consequences from procedures as dryness or irritation, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the skin after using a whitening product. Home whitening methods are very easy to perform and have low cost ingredients. However, to achieve the desired result, you will need to regularly use whitening masks, which takes quite a long time.

Professional whitening in beauty salons

If you are thinking about how to lighten your labia in a proven and reliable way, then you should definitely consult with a highly qualified cosmetologist. Thanks to modern technologies, women have the opportunity to painlessly and effectively whiten their intimate areas. Procedures in the salon can be aimed either at getting rid of the superficial, dark layer of skin, or at normalizing melanin metabolism.

Various chemical peels are usually used to remove dark epidermis. These products contain active ingredients such as citric, glycolic, and lactic acid. Peeling also consists of many other components of both natural and synthetic origin.

Before using this or that product, the cosmetologist must conduct a special test to rule out that the woman is allergic to the peeling components. The result of peeling in the salon will need to be consolidated using a special whitening cream at home.

Also, lasers can be used in salons to whiten intimate areas. In addition to whitening, the procedure also has a rejuvenating effect, the skin becomes more elastic and its appearance improves. Laser whitening is recommended once every 6 months and to maintain the effect, a woman needs to ensure sufficient vitamin C in her diet.

When choosing a salon whitening method, first of all, pay attention to the qualifications and experience of the specialist to whom you entrust the procedure in such a delicate area.

The disadvantages of in-salon bleaching of the labia include the high cost and the need for repeated procedures to maintain the effect.

Relatively recently, a new trend in whitening has emerged among both sexes. And we are not talking about teeth or hair dyeing - all this is already yesterday. The so-called intimate whitening is gaining popularity - lightening the anus, labia, and even whitening the nipples. It is assumed that such a procedure raises self-esteem and allows you to be bolder and more confident in bed fantasies.

Whitening private parts: who needs it?

Controversial fashion

When it comes to whitening everything, Japan is the undisputed leader. In the Land of the Rising Sun, fair skin is highly valued: it indicates good taste, health and proper self-care.

In Europe, it has always been believed that the dark color of intimate parts is natural, and therefore healthy. However, films for adults have made their contribution. In them we can observe vaginas, anuses and other places improved in all respects, the “upgrade” of which in many has created complexes and forced them to look for information about bleaching the anus and other intimate places, reviews about the procedure and its effect. And it is precisely such “modified” ideas about the beauty of the body that provoked the emergence of new erotic fashion canons.

In the United States, bleaching of intimate areas, particularly the anus, is currently becoming increasingly popular. Courteney Cox (Monica from the series “Friends”) once resorted to lightening the anal area; the authoritative magazine Marie Claire once devoted several pages to this delicate topic.

As for domestic stars, the name of Valery Leontiev is usually mentioned in connection with anal bleaching, after whom other famous personalities, representatives of the “golden youth” allegedly flocked to the offices of specialists (mainly foreign ones).

Intimate whitening – reasons to apply

It is believed that lightening intimate parts is especially popular among gay men - for obvious reasons. But, according to experts, it is resorted to not only by those for whom the view “from the rear” is of particular importance. For various reasons, the skin near the anus, in the groin, labia, etc. can be much darker than the rest of the body (we will leave the natural change of color as a result of a rush of blood due to excitement out of the equation).

Usually people with fair skin face this problem, but this is not always the case. The area of ​​the labia and anus that is too dark is usually a hereditary sign. Discoloration occurs in women and men of all ages and is caused by excessive accumulation of melanin. Frequent visits to the solarium also contribute to this. During menopause, some women develop spots in the vulva area, noticeably more intense coloring of the genital area.

Regardless of the reasons and their objectivity, many people are embarrassed by the “coloring” of their intimate parts. Often it becomes the cause of complexes, the inability to feel free and comfortable in intimate situations.

Closer to the body: how to whiten private parts

The procedure is very simple and involves using a special lightening ointment for several days. You can buy a special powder for the labia - by the way, men can also use it. Nipple whitening requires more technical progress: the method is similar to the technique of tattooing. Light paint is applied to the nipples (especially their contours). There are also strong whitening creams, but their prices are quite high.

Let us dwell in more detail on such a procedure as anal bleaching. Everyone knows that the skin in the anal area is darker than on other parts of the body. If this circumstance bothers someone greatly, you can resort to the anal bleaching procedure. After making a decision, you first need to go to a dermatologist. He will give the necessary advice, inform about existing opportunities in this area and determine whether the cause of the darker skin around the anus is some kind of disease (this can happen).

Anal whitening: cream as the main remedy

What is the secret of lightening creams?

To achieve this goal, two groups of products are used: regular skin-whitening creams (for example, for the face) or creams specifically designed to lighten such delicate areas.

The purpose of this cream is to suppress the production of melanin. Most products contain ingredients such as hydroquinone or kojic acid. It should be noted that they do not enjoy a very good reputation in the medical world and are the subject of serious controversy. Thus, hydroquinone applied to the skin can cause unpleasant side effects, such as itching and irritation. In addition, many sources call hydroquinone a carcinogen. Kojic acid can also cause skin irritation.

In different countries this circumstance is taken into account. For example, in Germany, product packaging must clearly indicate that the drug contains hydroquinone. Many skin whitening products from the USA contain this substance in a concentration of 4%, but in Europe, particularly in Poland, hydroquinone can be used in cosmetics in a very small concentration - a maximum of 0.3 percent. But the use of kojic acid in cosmetics is generally prohibited, for example, in Switzerland.

  • Whitening the anus with cream can be entrusted to a specialist at a beauty salon - of course, if he offers this kind of procedure (it has not yet become an ordinary procedure). In addition, if necessary, you can use anal whitening cream yourself at home, although the price makes this an expensive endeavor.
  • It is usually not recommended to lubricate the skin with this preparation more than once a day. But in practice it depends on the product used.
  • It’s good to apply the cream at night: it can “work” calmly while you sleep.
  • Sensitive skin around the anus may react differently to the bleaching product. If disturbing symptoms appear - itching or other unpleasant sensations, you should stop using the cream.
  • Intimate whitening at home also includes other “folk” methods. Here, traditional skin lightening agents can be used: lemon juice, bodyaga, parsley, fresh cucumber, fermented milk products, etc. However, their effectiveness may be questionable, so to achieve a better result, you can immediately resort to “heavy artillery”.

Laser whitening of intimate areas

Although the market offers various anal whitening creams, the effect of their use is not always satisfactory. Therefore, more and more people are looking for solutions to their problems in the field of aesthetic medicine. A procedure that helps all sufferers reduce the dark coloration of intimate parts is laser whitening. From year to year it becomes more and more popular.

How is the procedure done?

Whitening the anus (as well as the labia, etc.) is carried out with an erbium laser, for example, Fotona Dualis SP. The required areas are bleached with a laser beam. This procedure is non-invasive, safe, and virtually painless. However, the patient may still feel some pain during the procedure. Therefore, during the treatment, anesthesia in the form of a cold air stream is used to ensure complete comfort. To reduce discomfort, the Cryo 6 Derma Cooler medical device can be used. Typically two procedures are performed two to three weeks apart.

After the intervention, irritation and redness of the skin may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to intensively moisturize the treated area until it is completely healed. In addition, you should not have sexual intercourse until the infection is completely cured.

When can you expect the effect?

It appears gradually. The real effect of lightening the anal area and other intimate areas can be assessed after approximately four weeks. There is also a bonus: bleached skin becomes not only lighter, but also more youthful and tender.


  • pregnancy
  • infection, damage to the epidermis in the intimate areas
  • malignant formations

So, cosmetology and modern technologies give us the opportunity to intervene in the natural state of affairs. Whether we should change the appearance of certain parts of our body, which was created by nature itself, is a debatable question. If we lighten up our private parts, will it really make us more attractive as a woman or a man? Whether to chase fashion, use new-fangled means or “not to bother” or fight one’s complexes – everyone decides for themselves.

The unpleasant problem of darkening of the armpits is familiar to many women firsthand. This leads to the emergence of self-doubt and the development of complexes. You have to wear closed clothes. Before talking about ways to correct the situation, it is worth finding out the reasons for its occurrence. This approach will allow us to determine the factors that lead to darkening of the armpits.


The effect of dark spots depends on several reasons. By eliminating them, you can quickly get rid of unwanted consequences. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get beautiful and undarkened armpits. Main reasons:

  • some types of cosmetics (depilatory cream, deodorant) contain ingredients that have an aggressive effect on delicate skin;
  • violation of shaving technique;
  • remnants of dark hairs;
  • changes at the hormonal level, requiring the use of special medications;
  • allergic reaction to synthetic types of fabric;
  • some features of clothing cut;
  • uncontrolled exposure to the sun or solarium;
  • smoking.

In some cases, dark spots may appear as a result of a combination of several factors. The armpits also change color due to the following diseases: diabetes, obesity, liver disease, fungal infections. Increased sweating causes darkening. If the problem is not medically related, you can whiten your skin at home. If this is a manifestation of the disease, then you need to visit a doctor.


Taking good care of the delicate skin in the armpit area is a great way to prevent the appearance of dark spots:

  • Once a week you should exfoliate to get rid of dead cells;
  • care products must be gentle;
  • synthetic things that fit tightly on the figure cause increased activity of the sweat glands. You will have to abandon them and give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • , as a strong factor of irritation, it is better to change to hair removal methods with wax or sugar. At the same time as unwanted vegetation, keratinized epidermal cells will be removed;
  • For the same reason, do not use depilatory cream.

To ensure that the skin in the armpit area retains its natural color and does not darken, it is important to follow all the rules. Otherwise, the whitening effect will not last long.


There are many recipes to get rid of dark spots on the skin at home. The compositions do not require expensive components and long preparation times.

POTATO A slice of potato or juice from it can help whiten the skin of your armpits. For visible results, rubbing is performed 3 times a day for a week. At the same time, irritation is relieved.

CUCUMBER Cucumber masks are suitable not only for the face, but other parts of the body. Apply vegetable juice to dark spots every 2 days to obtain results.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE A solution of a weak concentration of the substance (3%) is applied to the armpit area with a cotton pad. Do not overuse the product or use a more concentrated drug. This may cause dryness or chemical burns.

LEMON JUICE Rub the dark spots with a lemon slice, leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer. For particularly sensitive skin, add turmeric or honey to lemon juice until a paste forms. Apply the product for 10 minutes, then rinse.

WHITE CLAY To whiten your armpits, the actions will require regularity (at least three times a week). The powder is diluted with warm water until creamy. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, after which it is removed under a running shower. For greater effect, you can add lemon, parsley, and cucumber juice.

OATMEAL Oatmeal is ground in a coffee grinder and then diluted with kefir. The composition should not be very liquid in order to adhere to the skin. Exposure time 20 minutes. After this, wash off the mask with warm water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

BAKING SODA The substance acts as a mild cleanser. To prepare the mixture you will need: a tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of olive oil and the white of one egg. After mixing until smooth, massage dark spots for 2 minutes, rinse and dry with a towel. For a visible effect, at least three procedures will be required.

APPLE VINEGAR The mask will not only help get rid of darkening, but will destroy bacteria and unpleasant odor. It is important to choose a product with a 5% concentration. It is mixed with rice flour in a 1:1 ratio. The composition is applied to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash off with warm water. A week-long course will rid your armpits of stains.

ORANGE ZEST Dried orange peel powder is mixed with water to form a paste and applied to the armpit area. The skin should be dry. After a quarter of an hour, the composition is washed off with cool water. This method is not only able to whiten dark spots, but will remove dead particles and cleanse pores. Use every other day for a week will be required to achieve desired results.

TALC If the problem arose from the use of an alcohol-based deodorant, talc will help. Its action will ensure dry and clean skin and reduce the level of sweat.


Excess fat in the armpit area can lead to darkening, so it is worth adopting a set of exercises for this area. They are simple and easy to do at home. To bring yourself back to normal, you need to combine aerobic and strength exercises. The former are aimed at strengthening muscles, the latter eliminate reserve fat reserves. Swimming with crawl will give a good effect. Lessons of 40 minutes 3 times a week will be effective.

If for some reason this cannot be done, you can add push-ups and exercises with dumbbells. At home, they will be replaced by plastic water bottles. To perform it correctly, the body is bent at an angle of 90°, arms are spread to the sides. You need to stay in this state for 5 seconds. After this, the hands are slowly lowered down. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

You can use a rubber ball (diameter no more than 35 cm). It is squeezed by hands in three positions: above the head, at chest level and below. Repeat 4-5 times, maintaining even breathing during the exercise.

If you clasp your hands in front of you, making maximum effort, you can do without the ball. Withstand the tension for 15 seconds and relax the muscles. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 10.

Doing the plank will have a good effect on all muscles. Doing this exercise 5 minutes a day can improve your fitness.

In order to permanently whiten dark spots in the armpit area, it is worth solving the problem comprehensively using all available means, and then the desired result will not be long in coming.

In the constant pursuit of perfection, many women are ready to do anything. Now you can help eliminate excess pigmentation on any part of the body for almost anyone. Beauty salons offer a whole range of services to restore normal skin color. But not everyone can undergo these procedures: some girls do not go to salons due to excessive shyness, while others may not be able to afford salon procedures. Don’t despair, because you can try to get rid of unaesthetic darkening of the skin at home. In this article we will look at how to whiten skin in intimate places using folk remedies.

Do I need to lighten it?

An impeccable appearance is not only about beautiful shoes, clothes, accessories, and makeup. An impeccable appearance means, first of all, healthy and beautiful skin. Oddly enough, this applies not only to visible parts of the body, but also to intimate places. It is in these areas that the skin is more prone to darkening (pigmentation).

For some women, such pigmentation becomes a real problem and causes complexes. These impressionable, and not so impressionable, people feel discomfort every day, and not just in a swimsuit on the beach.

The main causes of darkening of the skin

Before you begin the fight to restore skin color, you should identify and eliminate the reasons that may cause violations.

It is no secret that the saturation of skin tone depends on the concentration of pigments (melanins) secreted by cells (melanocytes). If the metabolism of these substances is disturbed, changes in the color of the skin begin to occur. At the same time, the skin is darker, the more melanin is produced.

Important! This reaction of the body is a protective reaction to the influence of external factors, which is why hyperpigmentation occurs (dyschromia, persistent discoloration of the skin). It is expressed by dark spots on the skin, and intimate areas are no exception.

Let's look at the main reasons why this problem may occur.

Excess body weight

Excessive sweating in the groin folds, which is often observed in obese people, leads to darkening of the skin color in intimate places.

Effect of ultraviolet rays

When visiting a solarium or sunbathing naked, you should use sunscreen cosmetics. Ignoring the use of these products leads to increased production of melanin, and, accordingly, to the formation of darkening of the skin in the intimate area.

Incorrect depilation

Excessive pigmentation may appear due to injury and irritation of the skin during removal of unwanted hair with wax or razor.

Mechanical effect on the skin

Too tight, uncomfortable underwear, especially made from synthetic materials. How to remove dark skin between legs? Give preference to underwear made of soft jersey, without rigid lace trim.

Infectious and fungal diseases in the groin area

In places where moisture accumulates, such as the groin folds, pathogenic microorganisms and yeast fungi like to settle. They can cause disruption in the production of pigments. This pathology can be eliminated with a course of treatment prescribed by a dermatologist.


Congestion in the pelvic area disrupts the outflow of venous blood in the external genitalia. This is often accompanied by hyperemia and swelling of the labia minora and majora and discoloration of the skin in intimate places.

Important! In the presence of this disease, the use of special drugs – venotonics – is indicated.


Excessive pigmentation of the skin of the nipples, inner thighs, labia minora and majora is observed in most women during pregnancy. This is called chloasma.

How to whiten the skin in the bikini area in this case? Just wait. This condition is considered normal and goes away a few months after childbirth, and it is due to the fact that blood circulation increases and hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body.

Diseases of internal organs

Skin pigmentation in the perineal area may be associated with pathological processes that occur in the body. In most cases, this is due to tumors located in the stomach, diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

How to whiten the skin in intimate places in this case? — To establish an accurate diagnosis, for which it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in a hospital.

Other reasons:

  • Use of hormonal contraceptives. Skin pigmentation in the intimate area can be caused by an imbalanced hormonal balance in the body, which is caused by incorrectly selected medications or their dosage. Seek advice from a gynecologist to review therapy if darkening of the skin occurs while taking medications or birth control pills. It is quite possible that a change in therapy will solve the question of how to whiten the skin in the intimate area.
  • Endocrine disorders. Abnormal hyperpigmentation of the skin not only in the perineal area, but also on the knees, elbows, abdomen, and armpits can be caused by various pathologies that are associated with impaired production of hormones by the adrenal glands and pituitary gland. In this case, it is necessary to test the blood for hormones and, if necessary, carry out hormonal replacement therapy.
  • Intoxication of the body. The metabolism of pigments in skin cells can be disrupted by excessive use of sulfonamides, antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents, as well as the action of chemicals of synthetic or natural origin.
  • Age-related changes. Even a completely healthy woman can have darker skin in her bikini area over time. This often occurs during menopause and is caused by changes in the level of sex hormones.
  • Improper care and use of unsuitable detergents. In this case, changing the detergents and proper care will help with the question of how to whiten the skin in the intimate area.

Important! If the pigmentation process is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and occurs very intensely, be sure to consult a specialist.

Only after establishing the cause of darkening of the skin can you proceed to a set of home procedures aimed at eliminating it.

Features of whitening at home

Whitening products used at home can have a fairly strong effect, but at the same time cause side effects, or they can give a less pronounced result, but at the same time be completely safe.

Important! Before choosing an option on how to whiten the skin in intimate places, do not forget that the procedure can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions and impaired pigmentation of the skin.

The main condition under which the skin whitening procedure between the legs is carried out is the mandatory protection of the skin from ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet light helps increase melanin production. When visiting a solarium or the beach while whitening your skin, you must definitely use sunscreen cosmetics; it must have an SPF value of at least 25 units.

How to proceed?

The skin lightening procedure mainly takes place in two stages:

  • The first step in deciding how to remove dark skin between the legs is exfoliation (peeling) of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • The second is a decrease in melanin synthesis.


Special peeling products contain alpha hydroxy acids, such as citric, lactic, glycolic, etc.

The following may also be suitable for these purposes:

  • salicylic alcohol (20%);
  • mercury ointment;
  • aspirin tablets diluted with water;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • a mixture of sugar and olive oil.

Important! It is necessary to choose exfoliating products depending on the sensitivity of the skin and the severity of darkening.

To carry out the exfoliation procedure:

  1. First of all, you need to remove hairs in this area.
  2. Two hours after this, apply the selected composition to the skin with light circular movements. This process should take no more than five minutes, after which the treated area is rinsed with warm water.


Having removed the keratinized particles, you can begin to lighten the darkened areas of the skin. For this, various combinations of products (vegetables, fruits, medicinal herbs, etc.) can be used that can even out skin tone and reduce the synthesis of melanin production.

The main components that will help whiten the skin in the intimate area include:

  • Parsley. The essential oils that are part of this plant have a powerful whitening effect.
  • Lemon. The organic acids that make up this citrus fruit cause a whitening effect.
  • Cucumber. The large amount of ascorbic, nicotinic acids and structured water that this vegetable contains helps even out skin tone and eliminate hyperpigmentation.
  • Licorice. A decrease in melanin production and lightening of the skin is facilitated by a high concentration of phenolic compounds and organic acids, which are contained in all parts of this plant.
  • Bearberry. The metabolism of pigments is influenced by its constituent arbutin, which inhibits the activity of enzymes.
  • Yarrow. Compounds formed by flavonoids contained in the plant reduce the production of melanin by cells.

Important! Even folk remedies, despite their natural composition, can cause allergic reactions, which is especially true for people with sensitive skin. Before use, the prepared composition must be tested on the skin to avoid undesirable consequences.

Home Recipes for Skin Whitening

Employees of beauty salons carry out the procedure using certain methods, but we will focus on home recipes on how to whiten the skin in intimate places.

Important! When choosing a product to remove dark skin between your legs, consider using hydrogen peroxide with great caution, as you can get other problems in the form of chemical burns.

A mixture of parsley juice, lemon and kefir

Carry out procedures with this mixture for a month, 2 times a week, after which you need to take a break.


  • Fresh parsley juice – 30 ml;
  • Lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • Curdled milk or kefir – 50 ml.

  1. Combine and mix all components.
  2. Lubricate the darkened areas of the skin with the resulting mixture.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, rinse off the mixture with warm water.
  4. Apply nourishing cream to the skin.

A mixture of cucumber pulp and moisturizer

You can use this mixture 2-3 times a week until you get a lasting result.


  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Any moisturizing cream – 20 g.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grate the peeled cucumber.
  2. Mix the paste with the cream.
  3. Apply the resulting composition to gauze napkins and apply them to the problem area.
  4. After 20 minutes, apply the compress, moisten cotton pads with cool water, and wipe the skin with them.

A mixture of white clay and yarrow decoction

The frequency of use of this product is 2-3 times a week for a month.


  • White clay – 30 g;
  • Dried yarrow herb – 20 g;
  • Boiling water – 100 ml.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour boiling water over the yarrow herb and leave to steep for 30 minutes.
  2. Strain the broth and mix with white clay until smooth.
  3. Lubricate the darkened skin with the resulting mixture and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.
  5. Apply nourishing cream to the skin.

Important! A few drops of lemon juice added to the mixture will help enhance the whitening effect. White clay can dry out the skin very much, which can cause microcracks to form, which cause peeling, inflammation and irritation.

A mixture of coffee grounds and lemon juice


  • Coffee grounds – 30 g;
  • Lemon juice – 30 ml.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix coffee grounds with lemon juice.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. In this case, application is carried out in a circular motion.
  3. After 5 minutes, rinse your skin with cool water.
  4. Lubricate with cream.

Important! When deciding how to whiten the skin between your legs, you should be patient. Folk remedies will not help immediately, and may only take effect after 1-2 months.

And a couple more nuances

In any case, first of all, ask yourself why you need to bleach the skin in your intimate areas and whether you need it.

When using chemicals, read the instructions very carefully and find out the effect of each component on the human body. Very often, these drugs may contain dangerous components. For example, hydroquinone, which is part of such products, is a carcinogen and can cause skin cancer. And this, you see, is a disaster compared to darkened skin.
