Topics for conversation with a teenager. Group Discussion Methods Topics to Discuss with Students

Computer games - good or evil? (debate)

to teach how to effectively defend one's point of view, listen to others and be able to conduct a discussion with an opponent in a calm, friendly manner.
Expand your cultural horizons.
Develop intellectual abilities.
Develop research and organizational skills.
Develop communication skills.
Develop oratory skills.
Develop the ability to work in a team.

2 teams of 5 people each are selected.
The tokens are red and green.


1. Opening speech of the moderator.

(5 minutes)
Good afternoon
What associations do we have with the word "debate"? Dispute, discussion, clash of opinions, presidential elections…
For 100 thousand students and schoolchildren and 20 thousand teachers "Debate" is an interesting and informative intellectual game. And today we will increase these numbers.
Now we have a debate. Topic: “The Runet generation chooses the Internet”
Two teams take part in the game: Approval team _____________________
and Negative Command ___________________________

It must be remembered that debate is an argument for the sake of victory. And this dispute is appreciated. There will be a loser and a winner. Therefore, the task of the teams during the debate is to try to convince the judges that they are right.
You ask yourself: “Who are the judges?”
We welcome them:
Main judge: _________________________________________
Members of the Jury:

Dear judges, based on the arguments and the quality of the presentation (sound of voice, clarity and various oratory techniques), you will make your decision on who won.
As the game progresses, you will fill out a referee's score sheet, which evaluates the arguments and the method of proving these arguments. The team with the most points wins

The Debate Timekeeper will monitor compliance with the rules of the debate and the rules of the game -__________

The victory in the debate depends entirely on the skill of the team: it is the individual skills of the speakers, teamwork, high class of the game. And remember: the main thing is not victory, but participation.

2. Warm up

Let's start with a warm-up. I'll ask you a question, and you answer it offhand. And so the question is: “What is a computer game? And what types of computer games do you know?

3. Speech of participants - statement of positions.

You have 4 minutes to speak. During this time, you must express your position on this issue.

4. Cross questions (10 minutes)

Your positions are clear to us, let's move on to cross-questions of the participants to each other. Each team asks questions to the opponents, you do not have time to think about the answers, but your answer should not exceed one minute. (3 questions each)

5. Questions from guests in the audience

Moving on to the next stage of our debate is questions from the guests - is there anyone who wants to ask questions to our teams?

6. Opposition, i.e. challenging the opponent's arguments for 2 minutes

Let's move on to the next step.
To oppose - to speak with objections to someone in a public conversation, in a dispute.
To present a critical analysis of something,

7. Closing remarks by the participants (1 min.)

Now we will listen to our teams, which within one minute will try to summarize today's performances.

8. Summing up.

The jury calculates the points earned by each team, and guests can also take part in the summing up. You have red and green tokens. Vote for the winners of the debate. If you think computer games are harmful, then put a red token in the box, otherwise, give the green light to games.

9. Announcement of the decision of the judges.

The word for the announcement of the results is given to the chief judge.
The floor for announcing the results of the audience voting is given by __________________

10. Closing word of the presenter.

Guys! You were great today! And it doesn’t matter who won, I believe that each of you won, because today you have learned to defend your opinion not with the help of force, but by trying to convince a person with the help of arguments, facts, which is an indispensable virtue in life. In debate, you have learned not only to speak, but also to listen to your opponents. I think that today's game helped to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for successful life in modern society. Indeed, debates teach a lot, and not just teach, but develop. Good luck to you! Thanks for playing!


Approval team name _______________________________________________

The name of the negation command _________________________________________________
meaningfulness of arguments
correctness of thesis the ability to ask questions eloquence gesticulation eye contact persuasive compliance with the rules the presence of speech errors excessive aggressiveness respect for the opponent

Warm up team approval
negation command
Statement of positions assertion command
negation command
Cross-questioning approval team
negation command
Questions from guests in the audience approval team
negation command
Closing remarks by participants team approval
negation command
approval command
negation command
approval commands _______________
Total score: Judge ___________ ____________________________
negation commands ______________ signature transcript


affirmative command negative command
Protocol #1
Protocol #2
Protocol #3
Protocol #4
Protocol #5

In this article, we will touch talking points for teenagers, i.e. I will try to answer the question: “What can I talk to him about so that he is interested?” After all, it often happens that somehow imperceptibly conversations with a son or daughter are reduced by parents to school and sections, and it is through communication that an emotional connection is maintained and mutual understanding is built with them.

Let's start with the fact that more than anything a teenager, regardless of gender, is interested in the question "Who am I?" and “What makes me different from other people?” (in other words, “Why am I cooler than them?”). If you do not know what to talk about with your child, then this is a direct hint for you.

In second place in terms of interests for a teenager are ways to build relationships with other people. Contrary to existing stereotypes, friendship is more important for him than love. Do you know what is the meaning of life? - Decide as soon as possible, because this question torments your son or daughter quite often. As well as why they live, and what is their purpose.

Teenagers are terribly interested in everything that has to do with relationships between men and women, but this is only because they are absorbed in what is happening in their bodies - i.e. also an important topic of discussion in the family. By the way, if it comes to intimate relationships, then try to limit yourself to answering questions that they themselves will ask you. In no case do not tell them about your sex: "Children should not know anything about this side of their parents' lives." It is better to tell them, if the need arises, that this is the experience of your friends or acquaintances.

Your minor children are constantly in conflict with adults, this happens for two reasons:

  1. They are unrequited creatures who, however, want to have all the rights of adults and no responsibilities, like children.
  2. They feel the disrespect of adults and want an equal relationship with them.

These are also topics for conversation, in which you can constantly negotiate new conditions for your relationship, proportionally distributing the emergence of new rights and new duties. Your task is to gradually prepare a teenager for the fact that an adult is a responsible person.

In conversations with a son or daughter, you can find out the tastes, manners, views of his friends, but never criticize them. Because teenagers strive to imitate this and will never want to be drastically different from their company. The contradiction of this age lies in the fact that a teenager still strives to be different from others, he is looking for his own lifestyle, being original, emphasizing any difference from others, originality. But he does it within the framework of what is accepted in his environment. If you help him with this, you will become his best friend.

Guide him, but do not educate him so that he understands this. At this age, every young man and every girl is engaged in self-education, becomes the authors of his life, its creators and masters. Play along with them, you know who really educates them, only here we are talking about a completely different approach to education - through communication and persuasion.

These are not all topics for conversation with teenagers. Which of them are you ready to use, what do you usually talk about? Share in the comments.

Development trainings with teenagers: Creativity, communication, self-knowledge Gretsov Andrey Gennadievich

Group Discussion Methods

Group Discussion Methods

Under group discussion training is understood as “a joint discussion of any controversial issue, which makes it possible to clarify (possibly change) the opinions, positions and attitudes of group members in the process of direct communication” (Bachkov, 2000, p. 40).

During the discussions, the following is most often discussed:

? Events, directly occurring in the training group in the course of work (interactive discussion). Such a group discussion is usually not singled out as a separate structural element of the training, but it is this that is used most widely in trainings. Just such discussions include discussions of exercises and other events in the group, the exchange of emotions and impressions about the exercises performed, a number of techniques for obtaining feedback. It often takes 2-3 times more time to discuss the exercises than to actually conduct them.

? Problems, significant to most group members (thematic discussion). On the one hand, the task of such a discussion is the exchange of subjective experience on the relevant problem, demonstrating the diversity of its ownership and possible ways to solve it. On the other hand, if this is a specific problem facing the group, the task of the discussion may be to choose a way to solve it.

? Past experience group members (biographical discussion). In trainings, the study of past experience, as a rule, does not serve as an end in itself; this type of discussion should be resorted to only if it is necessary to solve problems that the group faces in the present. In addition, such a discussion allows you to build parallels between what happens at the training and the life experience of the participants accumulated earlier.

As a rule, several phases are distinguished in group discussions (Marasanov, 1998, etc.).

1. Orientation. The topic and goals of the discussion are determined. It should be ensured that the topic is understood by all participants in the same way. Otherwise, the conversation may be meaningless.

2. Collection of information. Participants express their opinions, feelings, judgments, ideas on the merits of the issue under consideration. If the discussion is about finding a solution to a specific problem, it is advisable to invite the participants to express all the possible solutions that come to their mind, excluding their critical evaluation (i.e., use the brainstorming method).

3. Ordering, substantiation and joint assessment of the information obtained during the discussion. At the same stage, a critical assessment of the previously proposed options for solving the problems posed takes place.

4. Completion of the discussion: summing up, comparing the goals of the discussion with the results obtained. If a specific problem was discussed, a way to solve it is formulated.

Elements of group discussion are somehow present when discussing any exercises, receiving feedback, etc. However, it often acts as an independent training technique. In such cases, the purpose of its application is to find a solution to specific problems facing the group, or to share the subjective experience of participants on issues that are significant to them and related to the subject of the training. So, in teenage training groups, relationships with peers are often discussed, heated discussions about this in some cases arise spontaneously. In addition, adolescents face problems related to their own future. In groups where a high level of mutual trust has developed, this topic often comes to the fore.

Here are a few more options for topics that are usually relevant for teenagers and can form the basis of a group discussion:

? "Sympathy and Love"(why we like exactly those who like; how to achieve reciprocity).

? "How to choose the path to life"(Psychological basis for choosing a profession).

? "For the exam - without fear"(improving the effectiveness of exam preparation, exam behavior strategy, methods for removing exam anxiety).

? "Children and Ancestors"(problems of relationships with parents; ways to constructively resolve conflict situations in relationships with parents).

According to the degree of activity of the leader, group discussions can be divided into structured(the topic is set and the order of the discussion is regulated) and free(the topic is put forward by the participants themselves, the course of the discussion is not regulated, the host is passive or participates in the discussion as an ordinary interlocutor). It's great when teenagers themselves put forward topics that are important to them, but completely free discussions in teenager groups, as a rule, are not very productive. Even if the discussion begins as free-form, the facilitator usually brings some element of structure into it. The methods of discussion management discussed below are, in fact, just the ways of structuring it.

Consider basic management techniques the course of a group discussion.

1. Asking questions. It allows you to direct a group discussion, activate its course, connect passive participants, and place accents in the material under discussion. Sometimes a highly structured discussion is built entirely with the facilitator's questions. It is most productive to use open or indirect (asked in the form of an affirmative sentence) questions. Closed-ended questions that require a very short, one-word answer should be used with great care. They are not conducive to discussion, and if there are many such questions, the participants may have a feeling of interrogation, which causes resistance. At the same time, such questions are justified if it is necessary to curtail the course of the discussion and push the participants to sum up its results, if adolescents are excessively active, and also in the opposite situation - if the group is completely passive and there are no answers to open questions. In this case, closed questions, suggesting at least some, albeit a short answer, still provide an opportunity to start a dialogue and subsequently move on to open questions. It is also recommended to avoid questions that begin with the word "why". They usually evoke only the answer "because ...", containing only references to external causes and not bearing psychological value.

2. Introduction of rules. It is clear that during group discussions all the basic rules of training work must be observed, which, if necessary, can be reminded to the participants. By the way, these rules most fully regulate the procedure for passing a group discussion, and not other types of activities. If feedback is given during the discussion, one should insist on following the rules of constructive feedback (see above). And, most importantly, teenagers should be taught to adhere to the rule "when one speaks, others listen." If it is weakly observed, additional conditions can be introduced:

Rule "Microphone": among the participants, an object is passed from one to another - for example, a small soft toy. Only the one who has this object in his hands speaks, the rest listen. Sometimes it is useful to have two such objects, one of which is constantly in the hands of the presenter (who reserves the right to speak regardless of who has the second object in his hands).

Rule "Paraphrase": the participant can express his thought only after he has stated in his own words the main idea of ​​the speaker before him.

3. Direct instruction. In structured discussions, there is often an opportunity to give clear and unambiguous instructions on how to organize the conversation. For example, when looking for solutions to specific problems, these might be brainstorming rules. His algorithm is:

Statement of the problem by the facilitator;

Generation by participants of the maximum number of solutions without their critical evaluation;

Critical assessment of the proposed options;

Choosing the most suitable one.

Sometimes it is advisable to structure the discussion along the lines of the so-called Balint group. Such a discussion proceeds according to the following algorithm:

One participant states the essence of the problem under consideration and asks the group questions to which he would like to receive an answer;

Other participants in a circle ask him clarifying questions;

Everyone in a circle sets out his vision of the problem and gives answers to the questions posed to the group;

The participant who stated the problem states its vision, taking into account the opinions heard.

4. Own statements of the presenter, acting as an ordinary participant in the discussion. The facilitator can express his opinion, focus on any phrases of the participants, summarize previously expressed opinions, etc. On the one hand, the facilitator's phrases are usually evaluated as significant, the participants perceive their direct content. On the other hand, the facilitator acts in this case as a reference participant, demonstrating a psychologically competent construction of statements.

To organize the discussion more effectively, the facilitator should adhere to the following rules:

1. No need to force participants to follow in the discussion exactly the order of ideas that seems correct to the facilitator. Even a structured discussion implies quite a lot of freedom for the participants.

2. Let the discussion develop in the direction of the issues that the teenagers become aware of during their dialogue with each other.

3. Strive to support any theoretical reasoning with real-life examples and practical exercises. Otherwise, teenagers will not be able to relate them to their life experiences.

4. Encourage participants to create their own psychological ideas. After all, if an idea is perceived as one's own, it is much more likely to influence actual behavior than if it is imposed from outside!

5. Encourage participants to talk to each other. The discussion, turned into a monologue of the presenter, loses its effectiveness, and the lecture is by no means the most effective method of conveying information to adolescents and, moreover, changing their views.

6. Help the participants to be aware of their own proposals, ideas, questions that arise during the discussion. Teach them to listen not only to others, but also to themselves.

7. Try to listen carefully to what the participants say and encourage them to listen to each other.

8. Approve the participants when they find arguments or support for their own ideas, beliefs, beliefs.

9. Demonstrate to the participants that what they say makes the listeners, including you, think.

10. Do not insist that the participants analyze, discuss each of the questions until they receive an exhaustive answer to it.

I. Be careful when asserting and presenting your own views, more encouraging participants to think for themselves. Avoid manipulating them in order to present your point of view as the most justified.

12. Do not turn the discussion into a psychotherapy session, an attempt to solve the purely personal problems of the participants.

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Good afternoon Elvira Baryakina and the Writer's Handbook are with you.

Today we will talk about the "hot topics" that always cause discussions on the Internet.

It's no secret that in any society there are "pain points". They become painful because there are several polar opinions on this or that topic, and, having met with the opposite point of view, people begin to defend their vision of the situation. They want the world to be “like this” - convenient for them personally: otherwise an inevitable catastrophe will come.

So, let's see what these "hot topics" are:


Migrants, refugees, the national question.

One of the hot topics is migrants, refugees and the national question. Some believe that migrants should be welcomed, others that they should be expelled from the country. On one side of the scale - security, on the other - the lack of labor at affordable prices.

Progressives vs. conservatives

There are people who uphold the ideals of global peace, and people who are closer to more conservative values. Some call for reforms, others for a return to the roots. Everyone can be understood - everyone has their own comfort zone, but it is impossible to please everyone.

Great Power vs. "We're bad"

Some people say that “We are already the coolest and have won everyone”, others write indignantly that we have flaws everywhere you look. The eternal theme: the glass is half empty or half full


Hot discussions can be generated by discussing the news. Suppose the author read something in the news feed and gave his comments on this or that event. At the same time, he put the question in such a way that one would like to argue with him.

Interpretation of statements

What did significant people say: President Putin, President Trump, etc.?

Natural disasters and terrorism

We show our reaction, discuss who is to blame, what to do, where to run, how to help.

Science news

Here we can talk on a variety of topics: admire the next achievements of mankind, condemn them or doubt their usefulness. The main thing is not just to report this or that news, but to express your opinion - then there will surely be people who want to add something to the above.

News from the life of celebrities

The whole range of emotions is manifested here - from admiration to outright hatred. A blogger can discuss the outfits, actions, or statements of a star... The shape of her nose, the shape of her dog's nose, the shape of her plane's nose. Comments can be obtained by asking readers questions or deliberately challenging them to an argument.

Animal News

What happened at the Melbourne Zoo? Who had a baby in San Diego? We show photos and tell touching and / or interesting stories. If you have quality content, many will start sharing it.

Release of new interesting products

We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new gadgets, films, programs, etc. Comments will appear from those bloggers who benefit their readers, as well as from those who deliberately tease them.


This topic has a huge potential for discussion - because it concerns everyone without exception.

Child safety

Disputes on this topic always evoke a lively response: what can and cannot be done? Is it okay to hit kids? What threatens the religious education of children? And what is secular? Giving your child more independence? Do not let go of him a single step? Intercede during conflicts? Or let him solve his own problems?

The relationship of adult children with parents

This is where a lot of people have a pain point, and so if you tell a story on this topic, give advice, or simply express your opinion, you can generate a significant reader response.

Love and romance

Who can be loved and who cannot? What is romance? Rose petals on a pillowcase or something else? What is the relationship in marriage and before marriage? How to find a girl of your dreams or how to find a young man of your dreams? What about gifts? How to show your loved one that he is infinitely dear to you?

Divorce and division of property

How to survive a divorce? What about parenting responsibilities? Who will get a plastic bath, and who will get a tea strainer? And what to do with children? Personal stories elicit “thank you for sharing” comments and stories about your situation. Advice, especially categorical advice, often causes controversy.


On the topic of homosexuality, transvestites, etc. You can also argue to the point of hoarseness. This question does not bother someone at all, but infuriates someone. And those who are tolerant of people of non-traditional orientation can be brought to white heat by injustice towards gays.


Interpretation of history

Someone remembers the USSR with nostalgia, and someone thinks that “under the Scoop” everything was terrible: if it weren’t for the bloody gebnya and Comrade Stalin, we would live like in Finland.

Feminism and gender equality

Someone is of the opinion that men and women should be given equal rights, and someone believes that a woman should stay at home, and a man should earn money.

Believers vs. atheists

We discuss whether there is a God or not. This also includes disputes over various churches and denominations.



There are unequivocal things: sick children should be helped! But there are questions that cause fierce debate among the people. For example, it seems to some that it is pointless to spend energy and money on disabled people with severe mental retardation, while talented children from poor families cannot receive a normal education.

And then there are the problems of homeless people, drug addicts with a deep and irreversible deformation of their personality, and the problem of criminals who need to somehow adapt to life in society. For example, is it worth it or not to do charity work for rapists? There is clearly something to argue about!

Behavior in society

What is acceptable and what is unacceptable? Can only good things be said about the dead, or is the truth more important? Is it possible to criticize the Motherland, especially "in a difficult hour for the Motherland"? What to do with someone else's child if he offends his younger brother in front of your eyes, but mother doesn't care? Social norms are constantly changing and what was in the order of things yesterday, today already looks like barbarism - and here one can argue ad infinitum.


Alcohol and smoking

On the Internet you can find any opinion on this topic. Someone passionately supports the culture of winemaking, someone believes that any alcohol is poison. Someone cannot stand tobacco smoke, someone smokes like a locomotive, and is indignant when non-smokers impose their lifestyle on him.


Which exercises are good and which are bad? This topic causes fierce debate, because. a huge number of half-educated and outright charlatans have bred on the Web, who clearly do not have a special education. At the same time, amateurs often determine who is who and who is right and who is wrong.

Plastic surgery

“Girls, where did you get such a cool Botox? Your face looks like a doll!” Firstly, one can argue on the topic “Should or not we need to fight the natural course of time”, secondly, various means can be discussed, thirdly, one can ask questions and exchange recommendations, etc. And still it is possible to discuss results - at itself, and at stars.


We discuss and apply the methods of treatment that our grandfathers used.

Alternative medicine

We discuss and apply treatments like homeopathy and acupuncture.


Is the fetus already a person or not yet? Does humanity need to multiply if there are already 7 billion of us? Does the state have the right to decide whether a woman has a child or not?


The topic of nutrition is not just an exchange of recipes, but also heated debates about the benefits of products, the correctness and incorrectness of cutting dill, the secret of the “true Olivier”, etc.

Healthy lifestyle

We discuss what is bad and what is good. If you give reliable, scientifically based information, then honor and praise be to you. If you specialize in pseudoscientific information - well, also an option, why not? ... Some people are attracted and happy about this.

(can also be used for persuasive speeches)

What gave Russia Bolshevism

Is paid education necessary?

How to study history

Everyone can be taught

Who cannot be a student

Do we need to study (a subject matter)

Are entrance exams required?

Why do we not know foreign languages ​​well?

Are there shameful professions

Does society need religion?

Is there a future for folk music (or any other musical direction)

Is Vegetarianism Good for You?

Should there be unemployment in society?

How to treat the poor, the homeless

Does everyone need to have a secondary education?

Do you need free attendance

Is a jury trial necessary?

Can prison fix

Is the death penalty necessary?

Is a school uniform required?

Should we build nuclear power plants?

Should freedom be total?

Can the market be regulated

Is there any benefit to multiparty

Is corruption invincible?

Should land be private property?

Can generational conflict be avoided?

How to live without fighting

Do we have a democracy

Can freedom of speech be complete

Should abortion be banned?

Why do people drink

Is it possible to beat drunkenness

Can crime be eradicated?

Can corruption be defeated?

Does society need a strong vertical of power

Aphorisms for educational speeches

A person who tries his best to live without enemies loses friends (Yu. Yakovlev, writer).

It is impossible to live life honestly without making enemies (B. Vasiliev).

Scoundrels are rarely cheerful people (M. Gorky).

Loving humanity is easier than doing good to your own mother (G. Skovoroda).

Try to say what you want - there will always be smart and educated people who will say the opposite (N. G. Chernyshevsky).

Experience is like a stick, it helps you walk, but it prevents you from flying.

Mediocrity usually condemns everything that is above its understanding (La Rochefoucauld).

I instruct the gentlemen senators to keep speech in the presence not according to the written, but only in their own words, so that the foolishness of everyone is visible to everyone (Peter I).

I have lived a long life and never laid a single egg. But this does not mean at all that I cannot judge the quality of scrambled eggs (B. Shaw).

There are no gloomy times, there are only gloomy people (R. Rolland).

If you give a hungry man a fish, he will be fed for one day, but if you teach him how to fish, he will be fed for a lifetime (Indian wisdom).

Even a person deprived of his own thoughts and his own individuality, at the moment when he is endowed with power, acquires essence and content ... Power, credit, fame create individuality and face for someone whom nature has deprived of these properties (L. Feuchtwanger).

If someone spat on my tailcoat from behind, it is up to my lackey to wash off the spit (A. Pushkin).

I am accurate when I go on dates because I have noticed that those who wait do not think of anything else than the shortcomings of people that make them wait (Boileau).

The art of marriage consists in the ability to move from love to friendship (A. Morois).

When stupid people do something they are ashamed of, they justify themselves by doing their duty (B. Shaw).

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame (W. Goethe).

It is simply unbelievable how much the rules can damage, as soon as you put everything in too strict order (G. Lichtenberg).

You need to rely only on what resists (Stendhal).

People should be treated better than they deserve.

He who does not see good in others does not have it himself.

If a donkey kicked me, would I sue him? (Socrates)

A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has virtues (V. O. Klyuchevsky).

Rules of conduct for subordinates: Point 1. The boss is always right. Point 2. If the boss is wrong, see point 1. Point 3. Points 1 and 2 are non-negotiable.

A statement does not become true just because we repeat it over and over again. It will not come close to the truth, even if put to a vote (S. Parkinson).

Do not argue with the interlocutor which side of the street to go on - go along the side of the street on which he wants, but lead him where you need to go.

In troubled years, a blind man always follows a madman (W. Shakespeare).

Three commandments of success in business: do not trust anyone, do not be afraid of him, do not ask anyone for anything (S. Fedorov).

There will always be Eskimos who will develop instructions for the inhabitants of the Congo on how to behave during the heat (S. Lets).

Those who put blinders on their eyes should remember that the kit also includes a bridle and a whip (S. Lets).

The smaller the inhabitants, the greater the empire seems to them (S. Lets).

They say that a person who has lost his teeth has a somewhat freer tongue (S. Lets).

Freedom is the ability to do everything that the laws allow (Catherine II).

For most people, the punishment is the need to think (G. Ford).

Our failures are more instructive than our successes (G. Ford).

Constant importance is a sign of mediocrity (Voltaire).

If there are no thoughts in the head, then the eyes do not see the facts (I. Pavlov)

Among us there are people who are at different stages of development (M. Zhvanetsky)

There can be no statement more absurd and harmful to mankind than that all men are equal. In nature, there are no two objects that are absolutely equal (G. Ford).

In production, the principle is: "Give me what's mine, and I'll take it." It was adopted by all employees - from the board of the company to the workers (N. Tichi, M. Devanna, American managers).

The political leader is responsible not only for how he leads, but also for what those led by him do (V. I. Lenin).

A nation collapses from within if its citizens begin to ask the government for what they can get themselves (R. Reagan).

Empty dishes rattle (Ya.A. Komensky).

There are two ways to decompose a nation: the first is to punish the innocent, the second is not to punish the guilty (F. Engels).

People of high culture are not hostile to other people's opinions and are not aggressive (D.S. Likhachev).

Whoever thinks a lot is unsuitable as a party member: with his thought he easily breaks through the boundaries of the party (F. Nietzsche).

For a stupid forehead, a clenched fist is rightfully needed, in the form of an argument (F. Nietzsche).

Strong jets carry away a lot of stones and brushwood, strong minds - a lot of stupid and confused heads (F. Nietzsche).

Every business has four stages: 1. Humor. 2. Confusion. 3. Punishment of the innocent. 4. Rewarding non-participants.

It will not be possible to fool the people all the time (A. Lincoln).

It is difficult to define what democracy is. She is like a giraffe. Once you look - and you will not confuse it with anything else.

People are floating pots: one beats against the other (W. Goethe).

It is necessary that the leader, specialist and intellectual be one and the same person (M. Zhvanetsky).

In order to have a lot of money, one does not need to have a lot of intelligence, but one must not have a conscience (Taleyrand).

Talents must be helped, mediocrity will break through on their own (N. Ozerov, poet).

The mind loses all its charm if it is imbued with anger (R. Sheridan).

Strangers are fairer than friends (L. Vovenarg).

The capable are envied, the talented are harmed, the genius is avenged (Paganini).

Usually, only as a last resort, people pay tribute to the merits of others (L. Vovenarg).

The mind is sharp, but not wide, jumps forward at every step, but cannot move forward (R. Tagore).

It's not a shame to learn, it's a shame not to know.

People hate those they have to lie to (In Hugo).

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them (L. da Vinci).

Just as a medicine does not achieve its goal if the dose is too high, so is censure and criticism when they pass the measure of justice (A. Schopenhauer).

Talentless people are usually the most demanding critics: not being able to do the simplest possible and not knowing what and how to do, they demand from others the completely impossible (V. O. Klyuchevsky).

Stubbornness is born of the limitations of our mind: we are reluctant to believe what is beyond our horizons (La Rochefoucauld).

All merchants in the world profess one religion (G. Heine).

I made it a rule for myself to believe only in what I understand (B. Disraeli).

Passion for power comes not from strength, but from weakness (A. Fromm).

Leading the people is easier than moving them (D. Fink).

Aggression is the other side of fear.

When there is nothing to steal, the thief is the guardian of the law (Talmud).

Whoever has never made enemies has never done anything (P. Muni).

Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered better.

I never refuse. I never mind. I just forget (B. Disraeli).

The treatment of Jews in every country is a thermometer of its civilization (Napoleon).

Each person is like a letter in the alphabet; to form a word, one must merge with others.

A submissive wife commands her husband (B. Disraeli).

A silent woman is a gift from God (Apocrypha).

If it were not for the ability to forget, a person would never have gotten rid of sadness (A. Bakhya).

We anger God with our sins, people with our virtues.

The East is a true trickster, it reveres maniacs as prophets, but we look at the prophets as maniacs (G. Heine).

Each dogma has its hour, only ideals are eternal (I. Zangvil).

When the bore leaves the room, it seems as if someone enters.

Illusion, that is, delusion, not knowledge, is what brings satisfaction and happiness (S. Zweig).

The whole value of society depends on what opportunities it provides for the development of individuality (A. Einstein).

There is no truth that cannot be distorted (Spinoza).

Art begins where knowledge merges with love or hate (L. Feuchtwanger).

Truth does not become more significant from frequent repetition (M. Maimonides).

The charm of first love is due to ignorance that it can ever end (B. Disraeli).

No love, except intellectual love, can be eternal (Spinoza).

What we call public opinion is, in essence, public emotion (B. Disraeli).

If people guessed what others think of them, they would kill each other.

The more poverty, the more hope (Sholom Aleichem).

Nationalism is a kind of childhood illness: it is the measles of mankind (A. Einstein).

Where there are many people, there is a lot of ignorance (W. D'Acosta).

People hate what they do not understand (A. Ibn Ezra).

Education is what remains after everything that we have been taught is forgotten (A. Einstein).

I am in solitude, which is painful in my youth, but sweet in my mature years (A. Einstein).

Many complain about their appearance, and no one complains about their brains.

What can a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life? (Einstein).

Fear the one who fears you.

Dying for beliefs is the business of a warrior. The writer's mission is to pass them on to others (L. Feuchtwanger).

Disputes do not mean the fallacy of the statement, just as universal agreement does not mean its correctness (B. Pascal).

The arguments that a person thinks out himself usually convince more than those that came to the mind of others (B. Pascal).

Youth is not a time of life, but a property of the mind (S. Ulman).

Happiness is a state of mind.

A person gets tired of everything and even of love. It is useful to propagate this truth, because it seems to be unknown to many young and even old people (A. Morois).

There is one thing that is more important than freedom - this is order (W. Goethe).

You never love your loved ones as much as when you risk losing them (A. Chekhov).

Those who decide to act are usually lucky. And who only does what he talks about everything and hesitates is unlikely to be the winner (Herodotus).

In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed (F. La Rochefoucauld).

The hopelessness of the situation most often lies not in the absence of a way out of it, but in the inability to find it (E. Sevrus).

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity (Aristotle).

People who always have no time usually do nothing (G. Lichtenberg).

If you want to have little time, then do nothing (A. Chekhov).

The biggest crime is impunity (B. Shaw).

The biggest mistake is when a person considers himself absolutely perfect in everything (T. Carlyle).

Beware of minor expenses; a small leak will sink a big ship (B. Franklin).

We know useless things more than necessary (L. Vovenarg).

Anyone who can't get along with people shouldn't be in business, because it's people who surround us (Lee Iacocca)

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king (A . Schopenhauer )

Cheerful people recover faster and live longer (A. Pare).

A small amount loaned makes the debtor a friend, a large amount an enemy (Seneca).

A person is young and old, depending on how he feels (T. Mann ).

The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make him a friend (Henry IV).

You can always find enough time if you use it well (I. Goethe).

There are never big things without big difficulties (F. Voltaire).

Not the friend who regrets, but the one who helps (T. Fuller)

There is nothing more dangerous than a fool who tries to portray smart (I. Goethe)

The most stupid woman can deal with a smart man, but only the smartest can deal with a fool (R. Kipling).

The envious person is his own enemy, created by himself, because he suffers from evil (Ch. Montesquieu).

It is necessary to lead in this way: arrange people and not interfere with their work (Prof. I.P. Raspopov).

Truth is born as heresy, and dies as prejudice (I. Goethe).

Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased (T. Gauthier).

The lifestyle that some people lead convincingly confirms the hypothesis that they are descended from monkeys (E. Sevrus).

In difficult times, business people are more useful than virtuous people (F. Bacon)

In fact, very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later (D. Swift).

You have to study a lot to understand that you know little (M. Montaigne).

Aphorisms about communication and rhetoric

He who does not know how to speak will not make a career (Napoleon).

Rhetoric is the art of controlling people's minds (Plato).

Speech is an indicator of the mind (Seneca).

Poets are born, speakers become (Cicero).

Wise men think over their thoughts, fools announce them (G. Heine).

The arguments to which a person thinks out himself usually convince more than those that came to the mind of others (B. Pascal).

The opinions that we express about others testify to what we ourselves are (A. Graf).

I consider the speeches from the pulpit of students useful only and only for those of them who themselves are preparing to serve in the scientific or educational part; for others, I consider this decisively harmful and I cannot allow this to continue, because it instills in them the habit and desire to shine with eloquence, which is contrary to the spirit of our decrees and is completely useless (Nicholas I.) (Russian opinions about themselves. Compiled by K. Skalkovsky Moscow, 2001, p. 246)

A dispute cannot be eliminated by another dispute, just as the rage of one cannot be eliminated by the rage of another. It is necessary to convince (Antisthenes).

In a good story, as well as on a warship, there should be nothing superfluous (A. Chekhov).

The squalor of speech is, as a rule, an external sign of the squalor of the spirit (B. Barton).

In oral speech, you can put an even more subtle meaning than in writing (J. La Bruyère).

The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words (Plutarch).

A long speech also does not advance things, just as a long dress does not help walking (C. Talleyrand).

The tongue is the most dangerous weapon: a wound from a sword is easier to heal than a wound from a word. (P. Calderon)

We are not yet ripe for public discussions (E. Lamansky, manager of the State Bank of Russia, late 19th century).

If you want to be famous, ask questions.

If a person is able to listen to an insult with a smile, he is worthy of becoming a leader (N. Bratslav).

A person who talks a lot usually talks about himself.

Fools are refuted by facts, not arguments (I. Flavius).

People acquire opinions in the same way that children learn the alphabet - through repeated repetition. ( Browning).

People are divided into two halves. Some, entering the room, exclaim: "Oh, whom do I see"; others: "Here I am!" (E. Van Beuren).

A gentleman is a person who can disagree while remaining pleasant (American saying).

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame (W. Goethe).

Whoever talks a lot, he says a lot of nonsense (P. Corneille).

Wisely write only about what they do not understand ( V. Klyuchevsky).

Any text benefits from reduction (Prof. ZD Popova).

Why do the listeners fall asleep, but the lecturer never? Apparently, they have a more difficult job (M. Zhvanetsky).

You, Fedya, have strength in words, but you don’t know how to arrange them (M. Zhvanetsky).

There is only one way to become a good interlocutor - to be able to listen (K. Morley).

The speaker himself sometimes does not know exactly what his goal is until he fully formulates it (P. Soper).

In public speech, one must say what is needed, and not say what is not needed (Cicero).

Exact proofs should not be demanded from the speaker, just as emotional discussion should not be demanded from a mathematician (Aristotle).

There are people who need to be stunned in order to be convinced (Helvetius).

Outbred dogs bark the most.

Do not say "I have little time, otherwise I would tell you ...", as this difficulty is overcome by the speaker at the preparation stage.

Everyone loves a speaker who respects the rules.

Those who follow the rules always have a good report.

They don't argue with the rules.

Whoever speaks briefly speaks correctly.

Compliance with the rules gives listeners a few minutes of life.

There are people who cannot be listened to; there are people to listen to; But there are people who can't be ignored.

Main used literature

Baeva O.A. Oratory and business communication. Minsk, 2001.

Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. The human word is mighty ... M., 1984

Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Culture and art of speech. Rostov-on-Don, 1995.

Daletsky Ch. Workshop on rhetoric. Moscow, 1996.

Zimnyaya I.A. Psychological features of lecture perception in the audience. M., 1970.

Carnegie D. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public. M., 1989.

Krizhanskaya Yu.S., Tretyakov V.P. Grammar of communication. L., 1990.

Kriksunova I. Create your image. SPb., 1997.

Kupina N.A. Rhetoric in games and exercises. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

Kupina N.A., Matveeva T.V. Russian eloquence. Reader. Yekaterinburg, 1997.

Mikhalskaya A.K. Fundamentals of rhetoric. M., 1996.

Mikhalskaya A.K. Russian Socrates. Lectures on comparative historical rhetoric. M., 1996.

Pavlova L. G. Dispute, discussion, controversy. M., 1991.

Pedagogical rhetoric / Ed. N.A. Ippolitova. M., 2001.

Piz A. Sign language. Voronezh, 1992.

Snell F. The Art of Business Communication, M., 1990.

Soper Paul A. Fundamentals of the art of speech. M., 1992.

Sternin I.A. Introduction to speech influence. Voronezh, 2010.

Sternin I.A. Practical rhetoric. Ed.5, add. and correct. M., "Academy", 2008.

Sternin I.A. Business conversation. Voronezh, 2009.

Tarasov E.F. Analysis of the lecture audience. M., 1984.

Ushakova N.V. Kozlov N.I., Egides A.P. Fundamentals of the psychology of communication. M., 1990.

Ernst O. The floor is given to you. M., 1998.

Yunina E.A., Sagach G.M. general rhetoric. Perm, 1992.

From the author
Topic 1. The concept of public speaking. Types of public speaking
Topic 2. Basic requirements for public speaking
Topic 3. Work on the speech form of speech
Topic 4. Preparation for public speaking
Topic 5. Beginning of the speech
Topic 6. Behavior of the speaker in the audience
Topic 7. Maintaining attention during a speech
Topic 8. Completion of a public speech
Topic 9. Argumentation
Topic 10. Informational presentation, its main features
Topic 11. Advertising performance
Topic 12. Telling about yourself
Topic 13. Story about the event
Topic 14. Protocol and etiquette performance and its main features
Topic 15
Topic 16. Praise
Topic 17. Entertaining performance, its main features

Site search:
Topic 18. Persuasive speech, its main features
Topics for educational public speaking
Topics for debate and discussion
