Shadow horoscope of zodiac signs in detail. Women's shadow horoscope

The fate of people from their very birth is inscribed on a map of the starry sky - ancient astrologers believed in this. So they think now. Not only light shines in our souls. There is also darkness. So it's time to talk about black zodiac signs.

Black signs of the zodiac - Hellenic horoscope

The ancient Hellenes had not twelve signs of the zodiac, but ten. This dark horoscope collected in himself the black signs of the zodiac, reflecting the essence of what was the personality of a person belonging to a particular sign.

The black sign of the zodiac is the dark side of the human soul

  • Centaur

The first black sign of the zodiac is the Centaur. All those born from January 8 to February 12 are Centaurs, the Hellenes thought so. A man only half, half horse, born under this sign, does not hide his animal essence, which dominates the human. It is painfully difficult for a centaur to control his emotions, especially rage, fear and envy. It is independent, and therefore not tameable.

  • Harpy

The next sign of darkness is the Harpy. Her period is February 13 - March 18. Mythical creature with wings and deadly claws. The harpy is a symbol of cruel revenge. To a person born under this black zodiac sign Forgiveness is hard to come by. For the Harpy, there is no greater pleasure than to contemplate the death of their enemies - both physical and moral, associated with the complete degradation of the individual.

  • Pegasus

Black Pegasus is the black sign of the zodiac of selfishness. Uninvolved in everything, he soars above the battle of Good and Evil, and is busy satisfying his desires. All work is disgusting to him, creative triumphs exist only in his imagination. He has delusions of grandeur. People under the sign of Black Pegasus are born from March 19 to April 24.

  • Cerberus

Next black zodiac sign is Cerberus. An ominous three-headed dog guarding the gates to the underworld of the dead. Cerberus comes into the world from April 25 to May 30. Those associated with this sign have a cruel disposition, they are tormented by evil thoughts that require realization. He suffers if he fails to harm someone, and therefore Cerberus is always on the lookout for such opportunities.

  • Satyr

The fifth black sign of the zodiac is Satyr. This person is literally obsessed with the desire to satisfy carnal lust! The birth time of Satyrs is May 31 - July 3. Men of this black zodiac sign are cynical and frank in their goals. The satyr finds pleasure in getting into other people's relationships, destroying love, family, crushing someone's happiness. Women of Satire are even more dangerous and unrestrained. Having chosen a target for themselves, they will achieve their goal until they make a person suffer, destroy his life. More than anything in the world, they hate old age, which takes away everything from a person, and first of all, carnal pleasures.

  • Siren

The next black zodiac sign is Siren. Her birth time is July 4 - August 10. Lures a person to destroy. For selfish, criminal purposes, he uses his beauty and charm. The feelings of others are worth nothing. Female Sirens are doubly aggressive. They like to put on masks, play, lead, and then close the trap. Male Sirens seduce discreetly and gracefully, and they are very dangerous to faithful women.

  • Griffin

Now it's Griffin's turn. Half lion, half eagle, the Griffin is a strong and warlike creature. People in whose souls the black Griffin lives are stubborn, adamant, fanatical in their ideas. They won't stop halfway, they want it all or nothing. This black zodiac sign breeds terrorists. From August 11 to September 15, Griffins invade the world.

  • Chimera

An ugly creature - one-third goat, one-third lion, one-third snake, the Chimera has many faces. People whose fate is connected with the black Chimera pour into any situation and find opportunities to act. This is due to hypocrisy. It is rarely possible to tear off the mask from the Chimera, because this is her vocation, her very essence. The only talent is extortion. Chimeras are born September 16 - October 22.

  • Sphinx

We know that this being is distinguished by wisdom. But the black Sphinx is cold and materialistic. The Sphinx prefers transient, material goods rather than spiritual values. Good deeds man born under this black zodiac sign, measures in currency terms. They hide their true goals behind phrases. The birth time of the Sphinxes is October 23 - November 30.

In the horoscope, it allows you to identify all the most negative and vile sides of the representatives of the signs of the zodiac.

Aries is the idol of selfishness, therefore in black zodiac sign he shows very selfish, greedy habits. Often Aries acts as a stupid, selfish person. He is quick-tempered and irritable, does not tolerate criticism in his address. Aries, as a predator, is ready to break anyone who points out to him his shortcomings.

Astrologer's advice: Looking at the stars in the dead of night, it is possible to get answers to difficult problems, even without having special skills. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

calf sometimes shows unusual qualities of his nature. He can be: boastful, self-confident and can spontaneously show outbursts of anger towards a loved one for no reason. And if we talk about lies - she is his fellow traveler in life.

Twins able to display their bilious and poisonous nature under the influence of their emotions. And since their emotions simply overwhelm, then all the anger and ardor of the Gemini falls on the family doubly.

Cancer in the black zodiac sign always dissatisfied with something. He is often offended by the fact that he is underestimated. In appearance, Cancers are calm natures, but in fact they are not at all. They will also show what "devils are found" in them.

Astrologer's advice: Certainly keep in mind that personal horoscope from an astrologer provides the maximum information that is impossible to obtain from general characteristics. .

a lion treats others with contempt and arrogance. He always puts his pride on display. He behaves self-confidently and impudently. And also he shows self-satisfaction, his greed and selfishness.

That's how one person can hide so many flaws.

Virgo often throws tantrums, because this is her everyday element, she lives by this. This sign of the zodiac is capable of vile and vile deeds, despite its outward calmness and gentleness. Virgo is hypocritical and selfish, she is even capable of betrayal.

Libra in the black zodiac sign capable of thoughtless words and actions. This representative of the zodiac sign can be compared with a rabid dog. First he does something, and only then he thinks. And is it possible to speak in this case of prudence and common sense Libra?

Scorpion capable of rudeness and insult. It doesn't matter to him who he offended and with whom he snapped. He thinks only about his own interests, therefore he is a very selfish and conflicting nature.

Sagittarius a shameless slacker, because apart from his fantasies he sees nothing else in life. Instead of striving for at least some goal in life, he shows their complete absence. And there is no need to hope that Sagittarius will ever be ashamed of it. This will never happen, he just does not know the feeling of shame and remorse.

Capricorn can rightfully be called a parasite, because he is used to living at the expense of others. He easily, if possible, "sits on the neck" of a person, dangling his legs. After all, this is the element of Capricorn.

Aquarius in black zodiac sign constantly lies. Despite the fact that his speeches seem very convincing, in reality everything turns out to be an ordinary lie. Aquarius is able to provoke a fight, only he himself is on the sidelines.

Fish tend to show reckless anger. Representatives of this sign behave recklessly in life, both in love and otherwise. And often this comes from a lack of intelligence.

In astrology, in addition to the zodiac sign known to all of us, under which you appeared, you have one more astrological sign revealing the hidden dark sides your nature. In ancient times, the Slavic peoples, including the Greeks, considered the shadow horoscope no less important than the ordinary zodiac.

The zodiac horoscope tells about positive qualities and the future of man, while the shady reveals him negative sides. After all, this is the horoscope of your "black man", but there is also a "bright side" of the person, and she may well defeat her sinister soul mate!

To do this, you just need to want it, work on yourself all the time and often look into your bright horoscope, trying to focus on those best qualities which he offers you by your legitimate astrological right. However, the shadow horoscope is slightly different from the zodiac, it has not 12, but 10 signs: Centaur, Harpy, Pegasus, Cerberus, Satyr, Siren, Griffin, Chimera, Sphinx and Minotaur.

So, we invite you to look into your dark, previously unknown world of the soul...


Centaurs are half people, half horses. Together with the satyrs, they made up the retinue of Dionysus (in Greek mythology, the god of the fruitful forces of the earth, viticulture and winemaking, the son of Zeus and the Theban princess Semele).

They differ from other signs in their violent temper and intemperance, but some centaurs, such as Chiron, embody wisdom and benevolence and bring up the heroes of Greek myths. Based on this, we can conclude that not everyone born under this sign has an animal essence that dominates a human one.

Astrologers say that centaurs are always independent and follow the voice of impressions and emotions, not reason. If it is difficult for centaur people to control their feelings such as: rage, sexual desires, envy and fear, they must remember the wise Chiron.


The harpy is a mythological winged creature with deadly claws, which is a symbol of revenge. In Greek mythology, the daughter of the sea deity Taumant and the oceanid Electra. These are half-woman half-birds, their names are translated as a whirlwind, whirlwind-like, fleet-footed, swift, fast and gloomy.

In Greek mythology, harpies were sent as a punishment to people who were guilty before the gods. Harpies took food from a person every time he sat down to eat, and this lasted until the person died of hunger.

The Roman poet Virgil believed that harpies live in Hades, the realm of the dead. Forgiveness is not easy for a harpy man. For years he carries about with his discontent and envy, and the failures and misfortunes of his enemies bring him great satisfaction. Therefore, there is nothing better for such a person than enjoying the failures of enemies, and even better from their death or the certainty of degradation of the enemy’s personality.

Do not worry, not all people of this sign look and behave like monsters, however, they should always remember that their piercing energy can cut the hearing and perception of others.


We all know how beautiful the horse Pegasus is, the symbol of poets and creative people, seeking to fly on an amazing air horse to the cherished Mount Parnassus. This is the son of Poseidon, the lord of the seas, and the winged monster woman, the Gorgon Medusa. Born from the body of a Gorgon killed by Perseus.

Pegasus ascended to the sacred Mount Olympus, where he delivered thunder and lightning to the supreme god Zeus. Pegasus is also called the horse of the muses, as he knocked Hippocrene out of the ground by experience - the source of the muses, which has the ability to inspire poets. Pegasus, like a unicorn, can only be caught with a golden bridle. Like this legendary winged horse, Pegasus Man hovers above the rest of the people, at least, in your imagination.

Those born under this sign are too proud and deep down (see soul) are sure that they were created for a better fate than they got. For them, the worst thing is work, especially routine and everyday work.


Cerberus is a three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the realm of the dead.

Cerberus is one of the children of the half-maiden-half-snake Echidna, who gave birth to him (as well as the Sphinx and the Chimera) from the hundred-headed fire-breathing monster Typhon. A three-headed dog, on whose neck snakes move with a menacing hiss, and instead of a tail he has a poisonous snake. Serves Hades (god of the Kingdom of the Dead) stands on the eve of Hell and guards its entrance. He made sure that no one left Hades, because there is no return from the realm of the dead.

When Cerberus was on earth, (this happened because of Hercules endowed with unusual strength, who, on the instructions of King Eurystheus, brought him from Hades), the monstrous dog dropped drops of bloody foam from his mouth, from which the poisonous herb aconite (another name for wrestler) grew. Medea mixed this herb into her witch's potion.

People associated with the sign of Cerberus have a rather evil disposition, and most importantly, they do not just crave revenge, but crave revenge with the largest number blood. And they are ready, in the truest sense of the word, to tear off the head of anyone who dared to oppose them, or to hurt them, even if it’s for nothing.

Cerberus is uncomfortable if he could not realize his cruel thoughts. Therefore, he is always in search of such an implementation. If the Cerberus has to restrain his bloodthirsty impulses, he begins to suffer from constant acute stress - so, the only way out for Cerberus is the path to natural, not ostentatious kindness.


Satyrs - in Greek mythology, the demons of fertility, who were part of the retinue of the god of wine, holiday and fun Dionysus.

They are covered with wool, long hair, bearded, with horse or goat hooves, with horse tails, horse or goat ears, but their torso and head are human. Terrible bullies, they tirelessly played the flute, danced and drank wine. Astrologers say that satyrs have sex, sex and more sex on their minds, and they know it very well. Representatives of the stronger sex, male Satyrs are so shameless womanizers that they can start pestering right on the street or consider the object of their attention in such a way that everyone around and random passers-by becomes uneasy. It costs nothing for a satire to invade strangers and extraneous relations, or even just destroy someone family well-being, trample on harmony!

Women born under the symbol of Satyr are even more aggressive and restless than men. And even if they have marital relations, they will definitely find some more "friends" for themselves, whose imagination will be filled only with how best to satisfy the sexual aspirations of indefatigable partners. Those of them who curb their natural aspirations become incredibly energetic and successful people! Old age or illness for Satyr is an uncountable universal drama that deprives carnal pleasures.


Sirens are female demons in Greek mythology. The Hellenistic philologist, religious scholar and chronologist Apollodorus of Athens wrote that they were born from the muse Melpomene and Aheloy, the god of the river of the same name.

These are half-women - half-birds who have inherited from their mother the voice of divine beauty. They live on an island whose rocks are littered with the bones and dried skin of victims - the sirens lure sailors to the island with their beautiful singing, and then they are killed. Even the cunning king of Ithaca, a participant in the siege of Troy, Odysseus, was tested by the island of the Sirens. And although he withstood it, he was very tormented at the same time and demanded in a fit of madness that his ship landed on an ominous, terrifying island! In life, siren people also use their charm to achieve personal goals, regardless of the interests of others.

Representatives of the weaker sex - female sirens (often blondes), thanks to their imaginary helplessness, perfectly know how to manipulate men. Men of this sign, on the contrary, love to play "naive", "pale young men with burning eyes." In fact, this is a dangerous bait for faithful women who are ready to sacrifice for the sake of their beloved.


Griffin - a creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion; a mythical beast that combines the qualities of the king of beasts and the king of birds. Therefore, it denoted strength, power and vigilance. Besides, in medieval Europe he symbolized and personified the dual nature of Christ - divine and human; in the Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, a griffin pushes the cart of Christ.

The griffin is able to find and secretly store gold, so he began to symbolize science and usury (providing money loans at a high interest rate). As a guardian of the sun, the griffin was dedicated to the solar god-healer and soothsayer, patron of the arts, Apollo, whose chariot he drove across the sky.

The griffin is distinguished in heraldry female- with wings, and male - without wings. Favorite animal of King Edward III of England, the griffin has become one of the royal animal symbols of England.

Griffin is a warlike, strong, powerful and ferocious creature. Therefore, people of this type are characterized by the same features. They are fanatical and ready active actions stand up for your own beliefs. They are assertive and literally can "shove like tanks", while also being winged! Griffins are not just assertive and strong, they are fanatical, which makes them especially dangerous for their victims and anyone who dares to cross their path. Even the road in the sky!

In past centuries, people belonging to this sign participated in witch hunts and other repressions, were ready to destroy not only a person, but also an entire city or metropolis, or even an entire country in the name of their beliefs.


Chimera - in Greek mythology, a monster generated by the half-virgin half-snake Echidna and the hundred-headed fire-breathing monster Typhon. She has three heads - lion, goat and snake. Flames erupt from the chimera's mouth. The Hellenistic philologist, religious scholar and chronologist Apollodorus of Athens described it as follows: “Not only one person, but even a whole army could not defeat the monster. and spewed fire. The chimera devastated the earth and destroyed the cattle."

The Chimera was defeated by the hero Bellerophon, who had previously subjugated the winged horse Pegasus. Apparently, the Chimera is the personification of a fire-breathing volcano. In a figurative sense, a chimera is a fantasy, an unrealizable desire or action. In sculpture, images of fantastic monsters are called chimeras (for example, chimeras of Notre Dame Cathedral), but it is believed that stone chimeras can come to life to terrify people.

People who have linked their fate with the sign of the Chimera act according to the situation and are always hypocritical. Looking at them, it is worth remembering the ancient warning that has come down to our days: "Beware of the Danaans who bring gifts." It is very difficult to tear off the mask from the Chimera, because hypocrisy is her main vocation, put, in modern terms, on a good professional basis. Both men and women of this sign are prone to extortion and are well versed in the art of getting something for free. Moreover, file the case in such a way that the giver, giving, will honor this!


The Sphinx or Sphinx in ancient Greek mythology is a winged monster with the face and chest of a woman and the body of a lion. She is the offspring of the hundred-headed fire-breathing dragon Typhon and the half-maiden-half-serpent Echidna. The name of the Sphinx is associated with the verb "sphingo" - "compress, suffocate."

The Sphinx, not trying to catch up with any sign, but, regally reclining, looks at the world. In the "black" horoscope, he is not so much wise as cold and prudent. He likes to pretend to be modest, because it helps well to outwit others. The Sphinx, sent by the queen of the gods to Thebes as a punishment, was located on a mountain near Thebes (or in the city square) and asked each passerby a riddle (“Which of the living creatures walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?”). Unable to give a clue, the Sphinx killed and thus destroyed a large number of noble Thebans, including the son of King Creon. Dejected with grief, the king announced that he would give the kingdom and the hand of his sister Jocasta to the one who would save Thebes from the Sphinx. The riddle was solved by Oedipus - “A man in childhood, maturity and old age”, the Sphinx in desperation threw herself into the abyss and crashed to death, and Oedipus became the Theban king.

In Egypt, stone images of Sphinxes (without wings) often guarded temples and other holy places. Statues of the Sphinx are common. The most famous statue of the Great Sphinx. According to the Roman scholar and writer Titus Flavius, egyptian sphinx- a symbol of strength and mind: the lion's body denotes strength, human face- mind. The sphinx needs both strength and intelligence to guard pyramids and temples full of treasures. The Sphinx especially loves to win in money, and when he manages to snatch a little more for himself than he expected, this is the height of pleasure for him. As well as the ability to save money! Even the smallest ones. The process is important!

And anyway, the Sphinx will always prefer wealth spiritual treasures, and the search for a real treasure, the search for the path to Truth. Whatever phrases he hides behind, there is always a sober calculation behind them, and the good deeds of the Sphinx are measured in terms of money.


The Minotaur in Greek mythology is a monster with the body of a man and the head of a bull, who lived on the island of Crete, was born by Pasiphae, the daughter of the god Helios, from a bull sent by the god, the ruler of the seas Poseidon (or from Poseidon himself).

The Minotaur lived in an underground labyrinth, where seven boys and girls were sacrificed to him every year, and he devoured them. It was the payment of the Athenians for the murder of the son of the Cretan king Minos. Tsarevich Theseus, the future legendary Athenian king, also entered the next seven of his own free will. When he arrived in Crete, Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, fell in love with him and said that she would help Theseus if he agreed to take her as his wife and take her to Athens.

Theseus agreed, confirming his consent with an oath, and then she asked Daedalus to show how to get out of the labyrinth. On the advice of a skilled architect, the inventor of carpentry tools and the craftsmanship of Daedalus, she gave Theseus, who entered the labyrinth, a thread. Theseus tied her to the door and began to pull after him, moving deeper. Finding the Minotaur in the most remote part of the labyrinth, Theseus pounced on him with his fists and killed him; holding on to the thread, he went back out.

The man with the head of a bull - the minotaur is a slave to his bestial essence. Unlike the independent Centaur, he was born to be led, part of a herd, not a leader. The Minotaur is a wonderful assistant to the genius of Evil, "his servant is a vampire", but not the "three-headed serpent" at all! It is difficult for him to make independent decisions, therefore he prefers to act according to someone else's will. If only this will did not prevent him from realizing his own bestial instincts. But if such a hindrance overtakes the Minotaur, then he can, like an unfaithful dog, bite the hand that gives him a piece of meat.

To kill the Minotaur in yourself is the main purpose of this sign.

Shadow horoscope - look into the dark corners of your soul! We are all well aware that the zodiac circle affects the behavior, character and personality of every person on our planet. But in addition to the traditional division into zodiac signs, there are other equally interesting horoscopes.

Today we want to tell you about a certain shadow horoscope that reveals the hidden dark sides of your nature. In ancient times, the Slavic peoples, including the Greeks, considered the shadow horoscope no less important than the ordinary zodiac.

The zodiac horoscope tells about the positive qualities and future of a person, while the shadow one reveals its negative sides. After all, this is the horoscope of your "black man", but there is also a "bright side" of the person, and she may well defeat her sinister soul mate!To do this, you just need to want it, work on yourself all the time and look into your bright horoscope more often, trying to focus on the best qualities that it offers you according to your legitimate astrological right. However, the shadow horoscope is slightly different from the zodiac, it has not 12, but 10 signs: Centaur, Harpy, Pegasus, Cerberus, Satyr, Siren, Griffin, Chimera, Sphinx and Minotaur.

So, we invite you to look into your dark, previously unknown world of the soul ...


Centaurs are half people, half horses. Together with the satyrs, they made up the retinue of Dionysus (in Greek mythology, the god of the fruitful forces of the earth, viticulture and winemaking, the son of Zeus and the Theban princess Semele).
They differ from other signs in their violent temper and intemperance, but some centaurs, such as Chiron, embody wisdom and benevolence and bring up the heroes of Greek myths. Based on this, we can conclude that not everyone born under this sign has an animal essence that dominates a human one.

Astrologers say that centaurs are always independent and follow the voice of impressions and emotions, not reason. If it is difficult for centaur people to control their feelings such as: rage, sexual desires, envy and fear, they should remember the wise Chiron.

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Shadow horoscope (February 13 - March 18)

The harpy is a mythological winged creature with deadly claws, which is a symbol of revenge. In Greek mythology, the daughter of the sea deity Taumant and the oceanid Electra. These are half-woman half-birds, their names are translated as a whirlwind, whirlwind-like, fleet-footed, swift, fast and gloomy.

In Greek mythology, harpies were sent as a punishment to people who were guilty before the gods. Harpies took food from a person every time he sat down to eat, and this lasted until the person died of hunger.

The Roman poet Virgil believed that harpies live in Hades - in the realm of the dead. Forgiveness is not easy for a harpy man. For years he carries about with his discontent and envy, and the failures and misfortunes of his enemies bring him great satisfaction. Therefore, there is nothing better for such a person than enjoying the failures of enemies, and even better from their death or the certainty of degradation of the enemy’s personality.

Do not worry, not all people of this sign look and behave like monsters, however, they should always remember that their piercing energy can cut the hearing and perception of others.


Shadow horoscope (March 19 - April 24)

We all know how beautiful the Pegasus horse is, a symbol of poets and creative people who strive to fly on an amazing air horse to the cherished Mount Parnassus. This is the son of Poseidon, the lord of the seas, and the winged monster woman, the Gorgon Medusa. Born from the body of a Gorgon killed by Perseus.
Pegasus ascended to the sacred Mount Olympus, where he delivered thunder and lightning to the supreme god Zeus. Pegasus is also called the horse of the muses, as he knocked Hippocrene out of the ground by experience - the source of the muses, which has the ability to inspire poets. Pegasus, like a unicorn, can only be caught with a golden bridle. Like this legendary winged horse, Pegasus Man hovers above other people, at least in his imagination.

Those born under this sign are too proud and deep down (see soul) are sure that they were created for a better fate than they got. For them, the worst thing is work, especially routine and everyday work.


Shadow horoscope (April 25 - May 30)

Cerberus is a three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the realm of the dead.

Cerberus is one of the children of the half-maiden-half-snake Echidna, who gave birth to him (as well as the Sphinx and the Chimera) from the hundred-headed fire-breathing monster Typhon. A three-headed dog, on whose neck snakes move with a menacing hiss, and instead of a tail he has a poisonous snake. Serves Hades (god of the Kingdom of the Dead) stands on the eve of Hell and guards its entrance. He made sure that no one left Hades, because there is no return from the realm of the dead.

When Cerberus was on earth, (this happened because of Hercules endowed with unusual strength, who, on the instructions of King Eurystheus, brought him from Hades), the monstrous dog dropped drops of bloody foam from his mouth, from which the poisonous herb aconite (another name for wrestler) grew. Medea mixed this herb into her witch's potion.

People associated with the sign of Cerberus have a rather evil disposition, and most importantly, they do not just crave revenge, but crave revenge with the greatest amount of blood. And they are ready, in the truest sense of the word, to tear off the head of anyone who dared to oppose them, or to hurt them, even if it’s for nothing.

Cerberus is uncomfortable if he could not realize his cruel thoughts. Therefore, he is always in search of such an implementation. If the Cerberus has to restrain his bloodthirsty impulses, he begins to suffer from constant acute stress - so, the only way out for Cerberus is the path to natural, not ostentatious kindness.


Shadow Horoscope (May 31 - July 3)

Satyrs - in Greek mythology, the demons of fertility, who were part of the retinue of the god of wine, the holiday and fun of Dionysus.
They are covered with hair, long hair, bearded, with horse or goat hooves, with horse tails, horse or goat ears, but their torso and head are human. Terrible bullies, they tirelessly played the flute, danced and drank wine. Astrologers say that satyrs have sex, sex and more sex on their minds, and they know it very well. Representatives of the stronger sex, male Satyrs are so shameless womanizers that they can start pestering right on the street or consider the object of their attention in such a way that everyone around and random passers-by becomes uneasy. It costs nothing for a satire to invade other people's and extraneous relations, or even simply destroy someone's family well-being, trample on harmony!

Women born under the symbol of Satyr are even more aggressive and restless than men. And even if they have a marital relationship, they will definitely find some more “friends” for themselves, whose imagination will become filled only with how best to satisfy the sexual aspirations of indefatigable partners. Those of them who curb their natural aspirations become incredibly energetic and successful people! Old age or illness for Satyr is an uncountable universal drama that deprives carnal pleasures.


Shadow Horoscope (July 4 - August 10)

Sirens are female demons in Greek mythology. The Hellenistic philologist, religious scholar and chronologist Apollodorus of Athens wrote that they were born from the muse Melpomene and Aheloy, the god of the river of the same name.
These are half-women - half-birds who have inherited from their mother the voice of divine beauty. They live on an island whose rocks are littered with the bones and dried skin of victims - the sirens lure sailors to the island with their beautiful singing, and then they are killed.

Even the cunning king of Ithaca, a participant in the siege of Troy, Odysseus, was tested by the island of the Sirens. And although he withstood it, he was very tormented at the same time and demanded in a fit of madness that his ship landed on an ominous, terrifying island! In life, siren people also use their charm to achieve personal goals, regardless of the interests of others.

Representatives of the weaker sex - female sirens (often blondes), thanks to their imaginary helplessness, perfectly know how to manipulate men. Men of this sign, on the contrary, love to play "naive", in "pale young men with burning eyes." In fact, this is a dangerous bait for faithful women who are ready to sacrifice for the sake of their beloved.


Shadow horoscope (August 11 - September 15)

Griffin - a creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion; a mythical beast that combines the qualities of the king of beasts and the king of birds. Therefore, it denoted strength, power and vigilance. In addition, in medieval Europe, he symbolized and personified the dual nature of Christ - divine and human; in the Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, a griffin pushes the cart of Christ.

The griffin is able to find and secretly store gold, so he began to symbolize science and usury (providing money loans at a high interest rate). As a guardian of the sun, the griffin was dedicated to the solar god-healer and soothsayer, patron of the arts, Apollo, whose chariot he drove across the sky.

In heraldry, a female griffin is distinguished - with wings, and a male - without wings. Favorite animal of King Edward III of England, the griffin has become one of the royal animal symbols of England.
Griffin is a warlike, strong, powerful and ferocious creature. Therefore, people of this type are characterized by the same features. They are fanatical and ready to actively defend their own beliefs. They are assertive and literally can “shove like tanks”, while also being winged! Griffins are not just assertive and strong, they are fanatical, which makes them especially dangerous for their victims and anyone who dares to cross their path. Even the road in the sky!

In past centuries, people belonging to this sign participated in witch hunts and other repressions, were ready to destroy not only a person, but also an entire city or metropolis, or even an entire country in the name of their beliefs.


Shadow Horoscope (September 16 - October 22)

Chimera - in Greek mythology, a monster generated by the half-virgin half-snake Echidna and the hundred-headed fire-breathing monster Typhon. She has three heads - lion, goat and snake. Flames erupt from the chimera's mouth. The Hellenistic philologist, religious scholar and chronologist Apollodorus of Athens described it as follows: “Not only one person, but even a whole army could not defeat the monster. The front part of the Chimera's torso was a lion's, the tail was a dragon's, of the three heads in the middle of her body was the head of a goat and belched fire. The chimera devastated the land and destroyed the cattle.

The Chimera was defeated by the hero Bellerophon, who had previously subjugated the winged horse Pegasus. Apparently, the Chimera is the personification of a fire-breathing volcano. In a figurative sense, a chimera is a fantasy, an unrealizable desire or action. In sculpture, images of fantastic monsters are called chimeras (for example, chimeras of Notre Dame Cathedral), but it is believed that stone chimeras can come to life to terrify people.
People who have linked their fate with the sign of the Chimera act according to the situation and are always hypocritical. Looking at them, it is worth remembering the ancient warning that has come down to our days: "Beware of the Danaans who bring gifts." It is very difficult to take off the mask from the Chimera, because hypocrisy is her main vocation, put, in modern terms, on a good professional basis. Both men and women of this sign are prone to extortion and are well versed in the art of getting something for free. Moreover, file the case in such a way that the giver, giving, will honor this!


Shadow horoscope (October 23 - November 30)

The Sphinx or Sphinx in ancient Greek mythology is a winged monster with the face and chest of a woman and the body of a lion. She is the offspring of the hundred-headed fire-breathing dragon Typhon and the half-maiden-half-serpent Echidna. The name of the Sphinx is associated with the verb "sphingo" - "compress, suffocate"

The Sphinx, not trying to catch up with any sign, but, regally reclining, looks at the world. In the "black" horoscope, he is not so much wise as cold and prudent. He likes to pretend to be modest, because it helps well to outwit others. The Sphinx, sent by the queen of the gods to Thebes as a punishment, Hero, settled on a mountain near Thebes (or in the city square) and asked each passerby a riddle (“Which of the living beings walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?”). Unable to give a clue, the Sphinx killed and thus killed a large number of noble Thebans, including the son of King Creon. Dejected with grief, the king announced that he would give the kingdom and the hand of his sister Jocasta to the one who would save Thebes from the Sphinx. The riddle was solved by Oedipus - “A man in childhood, maturity and old age”, the Sphinx in desperation threw herself into the abyss and crashed to death, and Oedipus became the Theban king.

In Egypt, stone images of Sphinxes (without wings) often guarded temples and other holy places. Statues of the Sphinx are common. The most famous statue of the Great Sphinx. According to the definition of the Roman scientist and writer Titus Flavius, the Egyptian sphinx is a symbol of strength and intelligence: the lion's body denotes strength, the human face - the mind. The sphinx needs both strength and intelligence to guard pyramids and temples full of treasures. The Sphinx especially loves to win in money, and when he manages to snatch a little more for himself than he expected, this is the height of pleasure for him. As well as the ability to save money! Even the smallest ones. The process is important!

And in general, the Sphinx will always prefer material wealth to spiritual treasures, and the search for a real treasure over the search for the path to Truth. Whatever phrases he hides behind, there is always a sober calculation behind them, and the good deeds of the Sphinx are measured in terms of money.


Shadow horoscope (December 1 - January 7)

The Minotaur in Greek mythology is a monster with a human body and a bull's head, who lived on the island of Crete, was born by Pasiphae, the daughter of the god Helios, from a bull sent by the god, the ruler of the seas Poseidon (or from Poseidon himself).
The Minotaur lived in an underground labyrinth, where seven boys and girls were sacrificed to him every year, and he devoured them. It was the payment of the Athenians for the murder of the son of the Cretan king Minos. Tsarevich Theseus, the future legendary Athenian king, also entered the next seven of his own free will. When he arrived in Crete, Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, fell in love with him and said that she would help Theseus if he agreed to take her as his wife and take her to Athens.

Theseus agreed, confirming his consent with an oath, and then she asked Daedalus to show how to get out of the labyrinth. On the advice of a skilled architect, the inventor of carpentry tools and the craftsmanship of Daedalus, she gave Theseus, who entered the labyrinth, a thread. Theseus tied her to the door and began to pull after him, moving deeper. Finding the Minotaur in the most remote part of the labyrinth, Theseus pounced on him with his fists and killed him; holding on to the thread, he went back out.

The man with the head of a bull - the minotaur is a slave to his bestial essence. Unlike the independent Centaur, he was born to be led, part of a herd, not a leader. The Minotaur is a wonderful assistant to the genius of Evil, "his servant is a vampire", but not at all the "three-headed serpent" himself! It is difficult for him to make independent decisions, therefore he prefers to act according to someone else's will. If only this will did not prevent him from realizing his own bestial instincts. But if such a hindrance overtakes the Minotaur, then he can, like an unfaithful dog, bite the hand that gives him a piece of meat. To kill the Minotaur in himself is the main purpose of this sign.
