Biology test - energy metabolism. Biology test on the topic "Metabolism: energy and plastic metabolism" (grade 10)

1. Give definitions of concepts.
Metabolism- a set of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism to maintain life.
Energy exchange - the process of metabolic breakdown, decomposition into simpler substances or oxidation of a substance, usually occurring with the release of energy in the form of heat and in the form of ATP.
Plastic exchange – the totality of all biosynthetic processes occurring in living organisms.

2. Fill out the table.

3. Draw a schematic diagram of the ATP molecule. Label its parts. Indicate the location of high-energy bonds. Write the full name of this molecule.
ATP – adenosine triphosphoric acid

4. What class of organic substances does ATP belong to? Why did you come to this conclusion?
Nucleotide, as it consists of adenine, ribose and three phosphoric acid residues.

5. Using the material in § 3.2, fill out the table.

6. What is the biological role of the stepwise nature of energy metabolism?
The gradual release of energy during energy metabolism allows for more efficient use and storage of energy. With a one-time release of such an amount of energy, most of it would simply not have time to combine with ADP and would be released as heat, which means large losses for the body.

7. Explain why oxygen is necessary for most modern organisms. What process produces carbon dioxide in cells?
Oxygen is necessary for breathing. In the presence of oxygen, organic substances are completely oxidized during respiration to carbon dioxide and water.

8. How did the accumulation of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere affect the intensity of the life processes of the inhabitants of our planet?
Oxygen has a profound effect on the body as a whole, increasing the overall vital energy of the inhabitants of our planet. New organisms arose and evolved.

9. Fill in the missing words.
Plastic exchange reactions occur with the absorption of energy.
Energy metabolism reactions occur with the release of energy.
The preparatory stage of energy metabolism takes place in the gastrointestinal tract and lysosomes
Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm.
During the preparatory stage, proteins are converted into amino acids by digestive enzymes.

10. Choose the correct answer.
Test 1.
Which abbreviation denotes the carrier of energy in a living cell?
3) ATP;

Test 2.
At the preparatory stage of energy metabolism, proteins break down to:
2) amino acids;

Test 3.
As a result of oxygen-free oxidation in animal cells with a lack of oxygen, the following is formed:
3) lactic acid;

Test 4.
Energy that is released in the reactions of the preparatory stage of energy metabolism:
2) dissipates in the form of heat;

Test 5.
Glycolysis is provided by enzymes:
3) cytoplasm;

Test 6.
The complete oxidation of four glucose molecules produces:
4) 152 ATP molecules.

Test 7.
For the fastest possible recovery from fatigue during exam preparation, it is best to eat:
3) a piece of sugar;

11. Make up a syncwine for the term “metabolism”.
Plastic and energetic.
Synthesizes, destroys, transforms.
A set of chemical reactions in a living organism to maintain life.

12. Metabolic rate is not constant. Indicate some external and internal reasons that, in your opinion, can change the metabolic rate.
External – ambient temperature, physical activity, body weight.
Internal – the level of hormones in the blood, the state of the nervous system (suppression or excitation).

13. You know that there are aerobic and anaerobic organisms. What are facultative anaerobes?
These are organisms whose energy cycles follow an anaerobic path, but are able to exist with the access of oxygen, in contrast to obligate anaerobes, for which oxygen is destructive.

14. Explain the origin and general meaning of the word (term), based on the meaning of the roots that make it up.

15. Select a term and explain how its modern meaning matches the original meaning of its roots.
The chosen term is glycolysis.
Correspondence: The term matches but is complemented. The modern definition of glycolysis is not just the “breakdown of sweets,” but the process of glucose oxidation, in which two PVK molecules are formed from one molecule, carried out sequentially through several enzymatic reactions and accompanied by the storage of energy in the form of ATP and NADH.

16. Formulate and write down the main ideas of § 3.2.
Any organism is characterized by a metabolism - a set of chemicals. reactions to maintain life. Energy metabolism is the process of decomposition into simpler substances, which occurs with the release of energy in the form of heat and in the form of ATP. Plastic metabolism is the totality of all biosynthetic processes occurring in living organisms.
The ATP molecule is a universal energy supplier in cells.
Energy metabolism occurs in 3 stages: the preparatory stage (glucose and heat are formed), glycolysis (PVC, 2 ATP molecules and heat are formed) and oxygen, or cellular respiration (36 ATP molecules and carbon dioxide are formed).

T05.02 Testing on the topic “Metabolism and energy conversion in the cell” Option 1. Select one correct answer: 1. The set of reactions of the synthesis of organic substances of the cell involved in its construction and renewal of composition: A) plastic metabolism B) glycolysis C) energy metabolism D) catabolism 2. The synthesis of carbohydrates occurs in the plant cell: A) during the entire process of photosynthesis B) in the light phase C) in the dark phase D) does not occur. 3. The end products of the preparatory stage of energy metabolism in the cell: A) carbon dioxide and water B) glucose and amino acids C) proteins and fats D) ADP, ATP. 4. In the process of energy metabolism: A) more complex carbohydrates are synthesized from less complex ones. B) fats are converted into glycerol and fatty acids. C) proteins are oxidized to form carbon dioxide, water and ammonia D) ATP is synthesized and energy is released. 5. At which stage of energy metabolism are 2 ATP molecules synthesized? A) glycolysis B) preparatory stage C) oxygen stage D) entry of substances into the cell. 6. The set of reactions for the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic ones using light energy is called: A) chemosynthesis B) fermentation C) glycolysis D) photosynthesis. 7. Establish the sequence of stages of energy metabolism. (write your answer as a sequence of letters) A. splitting of biopolymers into monomers. B. The entry of organic substances into the cell. B. Oxidation of pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and water. D. Breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid. D. Synthesis of two ATP molecules. E. synthesis of 36 ATP molecules. 8. Establish a correspondence between the phase of photosynthesis and the resulting products: 1. Light phase A) glucose 2. Dark phase B) molecular oxygen C) water D) ATP E) hydrogen atoms Testing on the topic “Metabolism and energy conversion” Option 2. Choose one correct answer: 1. The set of reactions of the breakdown of organic substances of the cell, providing it with energy: A) plastic metabolism B) energy metabolism C) anabolism D) transcription 2. As a result of the oxygen stage of energy metabolism, molecules are synthesized in the cell: A) proteins B) glucose C) ATP D) enzymes 3. Organisms that are characterized by only 2 stages of energy metabolism: A) aerobes B) anaerobes C) heterotrophs D) autotrophs 4. The universal source of energy in the cell is: A) uracil B) ATP C ) amino acid D) RNA e) DNA f) adenine 5. The breakdown of high-molecular substances in the cell at the preparatory stage of energy metabolism occurs in: A) lysosomes B) cytoplasm C) endoplasmic reticulum D) mitochondria. 6. At which stage of energy metabolism are 36 ATP molecules synthesized? A) glycolysis B) preparatory stage C) oxygen stage D) entry of substances into the cell. 7. Establish the correct sequence of photosynthesis processes. A. stimulation of chlorophyll. B. glucose synthesis. B. connection of electrons with a carrier molecule D. fixation of carbon dioxide E. photolysis of water. 8. Establish a correspondence between the signs of metabolism and its stages. 1. Substances oxidize. A. plastic metabolism 2. Substances are synthesized. B. energy metabolism 3. energy is stored in ATP molecules. is consumed. 5.ribosomes are involved in the process. 6.Mitochondria are involved in the process. Key 1 option 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. BAGDVE 8. 1. BGD 2 VA 2 option 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. VADGB 8. A. 2, 4, 5 B. 1, 3, 6 Type of control: current Form of control: frontal Method of control: testing Time: 15 minutes

Testing knowledge on the topic: “Energy metabolism. Glycolysis. Breathing". 11th grade

1. In the preparatory stage of energy metabolism,
1) splitting of biopolymers into monomers
2) synthesis of proteins from amino acids
3) synthesis of polysaccharides from glucose and fructose
4) breakdown of glucose to lactic acid
2. The breakdown of polysaccharides into monosaccharides in the cell occurs with the participation of enzymes
1) lysosomes 2) ribosomes 3) Golgi complex 4) endoplasmic reticulum
3. Thanks to energy metabolism, the cell is provided
1) proteins 2) carbohydrates 3) lipids 4) ATP molecules
4. Reactions of breakdown of organic substances in the cell occur with
1) release of energy 2) use of solar energy
3) formation of biopolymers 4) reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
5. The breakdown of lipids to glycerol and fatty acids occurs in
1) the preparatory stage of energy metabolism 2) the process of glycolysis
3) oxygen stage of energy metabolism 4) during plastic metabolism
6. In the process of energy metabolism
1) fats are formed from glycerol and fatty acids 2) ATP molecules are synthesized
3) inorganic substances are synthesized 4) proteins are formed from amino acids
7. Oxidation of organic substances, which leads to the release of energy, occurs in
1) stomach cavity 2) liver ducts
3) body cells 4) small intestine cavity
8. Oxidation of organic substances with the release of energy in the cell occurs in the process
1) nutrition 2) respiration 3) excretion 4) photosynthesis
9. Oxidation reactions of organic substances and the synthesis of ATP molecules in the cell are classified as
1) energy metabolism 2) plastic metabolism
3) photosynthesis 4) chemosynthesis
10. What function do ATP molecules perform in a cell?
1) structural 2) transport
3) regulatory 4) energy
11. The process of splitting biopolymers into monomers with the release of a small amount of energy in the form of heat is characteristic of
1) preparatory stage of energy metabolism
2) oxygen-free stage of energy metabolism
3) oxygen stage of energy metabolism
4) fermentation process
12. With the cessation of energy metabolism, the cell ceases to be supplied
1) lipids 2) ATP molecules
3) proteins 4) carbohydrates
13. Enzymatic breakdown of glucose without the participation of oxygen is
1) preparatory stage of exchange 2) plastic exchange
3) glycolysis 4) biological oxidation
14. The importance of glucose oxidation is to provide the cell with
1) enzymes 2) vitamins
3) energy 4) building material
15. The strict sequence of many chemical reactions of the oxygen-free stage of energy metabolism is ensured
1) a set of enzymes 2) ATP molecules
3) many hormones 4) RNA molecules
16. In mitochondria, unlike chloroplasts,
1) photolysis of water with the release of hydrogen and oxygen
2) biosynthesis of proteins from amino acids
3) oxidation of organic substances with the release of energy
4) splitting of biopolymers into monomers

17. The energy used by a person in the process of life is released in cells
1) during the formation of organic substances from inorganic
2) during the transfer of nutrients in the blood
3) during the oxidation of organic substances
4) in the process of synthesis of complex organic substances
18. Under aerobic conditions, with complete oxidation of glucose in the cell,
1) lactic acid 2) carbon dioxide
3) amino acid 4) glycogen
19. How many ATP molecules are formed due to the oxidation of one glucose molecule under anaerobic conditions?
1) 18 2) 2 3) 36 4) 38
20. The greatest amount of energy is released during splitting
1) polysaccharides to monosaccharides 2) proteins to amino acids
3) lipids to glycerol and fatty acids 4) ATP and its conversion to ADP
21. Oxygen oxidation of amino acids and fatty acids during energy metabolism occurs in
1) chromosomes 2) chloroplasts 3) ribosomes 4) mitochondria
22. Energy metabolism reactions in aerobes culminate in the formation
1) amino acids and glucose 2) carbohydrates and proteins
3) carbon dioxide and water 4) pyruvic acid
23. When breathing, the body receives energy due to
1) oxidation of organic substances 2) reduction of organic substances
3) oxidation of minerals 4) reduction of minerals
24. During fermentation, ATP molecules are synthesized in yeast cells and thus form
1) ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide 2) starch and glucose
3) oxygen and water 4) lactic acid
25. The relationship between plastic and energy metabolism is that energy for
1) photosynthesis supplies energy metabolism
2) synthesis of substances supplies energy metabolism
3) the movement of substances is supplied by plastic metabolism
4) cell division supplies plastic exchange

26. Where does the anaerobic stage of glycolysis occur?

a) mitochondria b) lungs c) digestive tube d) cytoplasm

27 Providing the body with building materials is important

a) energy metabolism b) plastic metabolism

c) light phase of photosynthesis d) oxidation of organic substances

28. In which human cell organelles does PVA oxidation occur with the release of energy?

a) ribosomes b) nucleolus c) chromosomes d) mitochondria

29. Choose three correct answers

Select characteristics related to the oxygen stage of metabolism

1. occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell 4. 2 ATP molecules are formed

2. occurs in mitochondria 5. ATP, carbon dioxide, water are formed

3. PVC is formed 6. 36 ATP molecules are formed

30 How many ATP molecules will be synthesized in cells during glycolysis if a fragment of a glycogen molecule containing 100 glucose residues is oxidized? Explain your answer.

31. How many ATP molecules will be synthesized in eukaryotic cells during the complete oxidation of a fragment of a starch molecule consisting of 10 glucose residues? Explain your answer.

Tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in biology.

Topic: "Metabolism".

Compiled by biology teachers - teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5 in Magnitogorsk.

METABOLISM is the totality of all enzymatic reactions of a cell connected with each other and with the external environment, consisting of plastic and energy exchanges.

17. The sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule is determined

1) the location of triplets in the DNA molecule, 2) the structural features of the ribosome, 3) the set of ribosomes in the polysome, 4) the structural features of tRNA

18. The energy stored in ATP molecules is used in the cell in the process

1) oxygen stage of energy metabolism, 2) preparatory stage of energy metabolism, 3) glycolysis, 4) protein biosynthesis

Tests on the topic: “Energy metabolism. Glycolysis. Breath".

1. In the preparatory stage of energy metabolism,

1) breakdown of biopolymers to monomers, 2) synthesis of proteins from amino acids, 3) synthesis of polysaccharides from glucose and fructose, 4) breakdown of glucose to lactic acid

2. The breakdown of polysaccharides into monosaccharides in the cell occurs with the participation of enzymes

1) lysosomes, 2) ribosomes, 3) Golgi complex, 4) endoplasmic reticulum

3. Thanks to energy metabolism, the cell is provided

1) proteins, 2) carbohydrates, 3) lipids, 4) ATP molecules

4. Reactions of breakdown of organic substances in the cell occur with

1) release of energy, 2) use of solar energy, 3) formation of biopolymers, 4) reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates

5. The breakdown of lipids to glycerol and fatty acids occurs in

1) the preparatory stage of energy metabolism, 2) the process of glycolysis,

3) the oxygen stage of energy metabolism, 4) the course of plastic metabolism

6. In the process of energy metabolism

1) fats are formed from glycerol and fatty acids, 2) ATP molecules are synthesized,

3) inorganic substances are synthesized, 4) proteins are formed from amino acids

7. Oxidation of organic substances, which leads to the release of energy, occurs in

1) stomach cavity, 2) liver ducts, 3) body cells, 4) small intestine cavities

8. Oxidation of organic substances with the release of energy in the cell occurs in the process

1) nutrition, 2) respiration, 3) excretion, 4) photosynthesis

9. Oxidation reactions of organic substances and the synthesis of ATP molecules in the cell are classified as

1) energy metabolism, 2) plastic metabolism, 3) photosynthesis, 4) chemosynthesis

10. What function do ATP molecules perform in a cell?

1) Structural, 2) transport, 3) regulatory, 4) energy

11. The process of splitting biopolymers into monomers with the release of a small amount of energy in the form of heat is characteristic of

1) preparatory stage of energy metabolism, 2) oxygen-free stage of energy metabolism, 3) oxygen stage of energy metabolism, 4) fermentation process

12. With the cessation of energy metabolism, the cell ceases to be supplied

1) lipids, 2) ATP molecules, 3) proteins, 4) carbohydrates

13. Enzymatic breakdown of glucose without the participation of oxygen is

1) preparatory stage of metabolism, 2) plastic metabolism, 3) glycolysis, 4) biological oxidation

14. The importance of glucose oxidation is to provide the cell with

15. The strict sequence of many chemical reactions of the oxygen-free stage of energy metabolism is ensured

1) a set of enzymes, 2) ATP molecules, 3) many hormones, 4) RNA molecules

16. In mitochondria, unlike chloroplasts,

1) photolysis of water with the release of hydrogen and oxygen, 2) biosynthesis of proteins from amino acids,

3) oxidation of organic substances with the release of energy, 4) splitting of biopolymers to monomers

17. The energy used by a person in the process of life is released in cells

1) during the formation of organic substances from inorganic ones, 2) during the transfer of nutrients in the blood, 3) during the oxidation of organic substances, 4) during the synthesis of complex organic substances

18. Under aerobic conditions, with complete oxidation of glucose in the cell,

1) lactic acid, 2) carbon dioxide, 3) amino acid, 4) glycogen

19. How many ATP molecules are formed due to the oxidation of one glucose molecule under anaerobic conditions?

1) 18, 2)2, 3)36, 4)38

20. The greatest amount of energy is released during splitting

1) polysaccharides to monosaccharides, 2) proteins to amino acids, 3) lipids to glycerol and fatty acids, 4) ATP and its conversion to ADP

21. Oxygen oxidation of amino acids and fatty acids during energy metabolism occurs in

1) chromosomes, 2) chloroplasts, 3) ribosomes, 4) mitochondria

22. Energy metabolism reactions in aerobes culminate in the formation

1) amino acids and glucose, 2) carbohydrates and proteins, 3) carbon dioxide and water, 4) pyruvic acid

23. When breathing, the body receives energy due to

1) oxidation of organic substances, 2) reduction of organic substances, 3) oxidation of mineral substances, 4) reduction of mineral substances

24. During fermentation, ATP molecules are synthesized in yeast cells and thus form

1) ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, 2) starch and glucose, 3) oxygen and water

4) lactic acid

25. The similarity of the metabolic process in plant and animal cells lies in what happens in them

1) photosynthesis, 2) synthesis of ATP molecules, 3) chemosynthesis, 4) use of solar energy

26. The relationship between plastic and energy metabolism is that energy for

1) photosynthesis supplies energy metabolism, 2) synthesis of substances supplies energy metabolism, 3) movement of substances supplies plastic metabolism, 4) cell division supplies plastic metabolism

27. The relationship between plastic and energy metabolism is manifested in the fact that

1) plastic metabolism supplies organic substances for energy

2) energy metabolism supplies oxygen for plastic

3) plastic metabolism supplies ATP molecules for energy

4) plastic exchange supplies water for energy

Literature: 1. KIMs in biology for 2004 – 2005.

Reference manual. Moscow. Bustard. 1998

1 option

Part A

A1. Of the named organisms capable of photosynthesis:

    boletus and chanterelle

    linden and duckweed

    roundworm and tapeworm

    amoeba and ciliates

A2. The starting material for the formation of photosynthesis products are:

    mineral salts

    water and oxygen

    carbon dioxide and water


A3. The process of carbohydrate formation occurs in:

    chloroplast grana

    mitochondrial cristach

    Golgi apparatus

    EPS membranes

A4. As a result of photosynthesis, the process of converting light energy into:

    electrical energy

    chemical energy of organic compounds

    thermal energy

    chemical energy of inorganic compounds

A5. As a result of photosynthesis in chloroplasts, the following is formed:

    carbon dioxide and oxygen

    glucose and oxygen

    chlorophyll, water and oxygen

    carbon dioxide, ATP and chlorophyll

A6. The biological meaning of heterotrophic nutrition is:

    synthesis of own organic compounds from inorganic

    consumption of inorganic compounds

    oxidation of finished organic compounds and subsequent synthesis of new organic substances

    ATP synthesis

A7. The end products of the oxidation of organic substances are:

    ADP and water

    Ammonia and carbon dioxide

    Water and carbon dioxide

    ATP and oxygen

A8. The meaning of anaerobic glycolysis is:

    formation of lactic acid, ATP, water and oxygen carriers

    glucose formation; FDF, CO2

    formation of 36 molecules of ATP, glucose, water

    oxygen-free breakdown of proteins into amino acids

A9. Glycolysis occurs in:


    digestive tract


    cytoplasm of cells

A10. The source of energy released during glycolysis is:



Part B

B1. What common properties are characteristic of mitochondria and chloroplasts?

    do not divide during the life of the cell

    have their own genetic material

    are single membrane

    have a double membrane

    participate in ATP synthesis

B2. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of metabolism in a cell and its type.


Type of metabolism

    occurs in lysosomes, mitochondria, cytoplasm

    occurs on ribosomes, in chloroplasts

    organic matter breaks down

    organic substances are synthesized

    energy contained in ATP molecules is used

    energy is released and stored in ATP molecules

A) energy

B) plastic

B3. Establish a correspondence between the sign of energy metabolism and its stage.

Signs of exchange

Stages of energy metabolism

    pyruvic acid breaks down into carbon dioxide and water

    glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid

    2 ATP molecules are synthesized

    26 ATP molecules are synthesized

    occurs in mitochondria

    occurs in the cytoplasm

A) glycolysis

B) oxygen splitting

Q4. Establish the sequence of processes occurring at each stage of energy metabolism in animal cells.

A) breakdown of glycogen into glucose

B) complete oxidation of pyruvic acid

B) the entry of organic substances into the cell

D) glycolysis, formation of 2 ATP molecules

Part C

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them.

1. During the energy metabolism in the body, at the preparatory stage, large molecules of biopolymers are broken down into monomers. 2. As a result of the first stage, two ATP molecules are formed. 3. At the second stage, oxygen takes part in the glycolysis reactions that occur in a eukaryotic cell. 4. The energy exchange is completed with the formation of carbon dioxide and water, as well as 36 ATP molecules. 5. The last stage takes place on plastid membranes.

Metabolism: energy and plastic metabolism, their relationship. Cell nutrition.

Option 2

Part A

A1. At which stage of energy metabolism are 2 ATP molecules synthesized?


    preparatory stage

    oxygen stage

    entry of substances into the cell

A2. At the oxygen-free stage of energy metabolism, molecules are broken down

    protein to amino acids

    starch to glucose

    glucose to pyruvic acid

    pyruvic acid to carbon dioxide and water

A3. Glycolysis reactions involve:





A4. The energy from complete oxidation of glucose goes to:

    ATP synthesis and then used by the body

    protein synthesis and then ATP synthesis

    oxygen formation

    carbohydrate synthesis

A5. In the cell, the breakdown of proteins into amino acids with the participation of enzymes occurs in



    Golgi complex


A6. In which human cell organelles does pyruvic acid oxidize and release energy?





A7. ATP molecules are synthesized

    in the process of protein biosynthesis

    during the synthesis of starch from glucose

    at the preparatory stage of energy metabolism

    at the oxygen stage of energy metabolism

A8. Plastic metabolism in the cell is characterized

    decomposition of organic substances with the release of energy

    the formation of organic substances with the accumulation of energy in them

    absorption of nutrients into the blood

    digestion of food to form soluble substances

A9. Heterotrophic organisms differ from autotrophic organisms in that:

    heterotrophic organisms grow throughout their lives

    heterotrophs generally do not feed autotrophically

    heterotrophs do not use ATP energy

    heterotrophic organisms synthesize glucose

A10. In the process of chemosynthesis, unlike photosynthesis,

    organic substances are formed from inorganic

    the energy of oxidation of inorganic substances is used

    organic substances are broken down into inorganic ones

    carbon dioxide is the source of carbon

Part B

B1. Select three characteristics related to the oxygen stage of metabolism.

    occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell

    occurs in mitochondria

    ends with the formation of pyruvic acid or ethyl alcohol

    energy effect – 2 ATP molecules

    ends with the formation of ATP, carbon dioxide and water

    energy effect – 36 ATP molecules

B2. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of energy metabolism and its stage.

Characteristics of metabolism

Metabolic stages

    occurs in the cytoplasm

    occurs in lysosomes

    all released energy is dissipated as heat

    due to the released energy, 2 ATP molecules are synthesized

    biopolymers break down into monomers

    glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid

A) preparatory

B) glycolysis

B3. Establish a correspondence between the signs of human metabolism and its stages.

Signs of metabolism

Exchange stages

    substances oxidize

    substances are synthesized

    energy is stored in ATP molecules

    energy is consumed

    Ribosomes are involved in the process

    mitochondria are involved in the process

A) plastic exchange

B) energy metabolism

Q4. Establish the sequence of energy metabolism processes

A) oxygen-free breakdown of glucose

B) release of metabolic products - carbon dioxide and water

B) synthesis of 36 ATP molecules at the oxygen stage

D) formation of pyruvic acid (PVA)

D) hydrolysis of high molecular weight organic compounds

Part C

Why do sore muscles appear after working out?


Option 1:

A1 – 1

A2 – 3

A3 – 1

A4 – 2

A5 – 2

A6 – 3

A7 – 3

A8 – 1

A9 – 4

A10 – 2

B1 – 256

B2 – A – 136

B – 245

B3 – A – 236

B – 145


C1 – Errors were made in sentences No. 3 – oxygen does not take part in the reactions of glycolysis, No. 4 – Energy metabolism ends with the formation of 38 ATP molecules, not 36. No. 5. The last stage takes place in mitochondria.

Option 2:

A1 – 1

A2 – 3

A3 – 4

A4 – 1

A5 – 2

A6 – 4

A7 – 4

A8 – 2

A9 – 2

A10 – 2

B1 – 256

B2 – A – 235
B – 146

B3 – A – 245
B – 136


C1 – As a result of incomplete oxidation of glucose (glycolysis) in conditions of lack of oxygen, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which irritates the nerve endings, thereby causing pain.
