Decoration on the girl's head for a snowflake costume. Children's snowflake dress for the New Year, what it can be, create an image

Many mothers want to see their daughter at the matinee in a snowflake costume - this is the lightest and most airy outfit!

And most importantly, it will never go out of fashion. But how to save time and money, while making your daughter the queen of the ball?

Let's analyze and discuss what details should be taken into account when choosing or creating it?

What version of a snowflake costume for a girl can mom make with her own hands? What she needs for this, as well as photo and video instructions for creating it.

Let's analyze ideas for creating a simple version in just one evening and more sophisticated with rhinestones and decorations of everything, including tights, Czechs and a headdress.

It should be taken into account even at the stage of reflection that in the tiny hall of the kindergarten, where mothers, fathers, grandparents will come to see the matinee, there is very little space.

Literally in 10-15 minutes it will become stuffy, so ideas with fur capes or warm fabrics are best left for a matinee in the house of culture.

  1. White dress or full skirt with top
  2. tights or knee socks;
  3. shoes;
  4. crown;
  5. and a few more accessories (earrings, beads or necklaces, a magic wand, mittens or gloves).

We sew in 1 evening quickly and beautifully according to step-by-step instructions

For mothers of needlewomen who have been friends with the machine for a long time, the next idea and instructions from the author Tatusya.

You will need: tulle in 2 shades white with polka dots and blue, white taffeta for the dress, silver and white threads, white elastic, Velcro for the bandage 2 cm, bead for the bandage, zipper for fastening.

The main uniqueness of this dress is that the tulle skirt itself, as well as the sleeves, are put on separately, you decide whether to sew them on or not. top and bottom.


  1. Cut out and sew a dress according to an existing one, or take a white T-shirt.
  2. To cut out a tulle skirt, to do this, measure the volume of the abdomen and take a cut 2 times longer to make folds. The height of each layer is approximately 16 cm and 19 cm, while leaving 3 cm for the hem under the elastic band. The thinner the fabric, the more it is needed, for example, chiffon or tulle, we recommend choosing 1.5 - 2 m.
  3. We sew it like this: stitch the side seams. Fold them on top of each other and bend 3 cm, and sew 2 cm away from the fold so that your elastic band lays down without creases. The skirt is ready to try on.
  4. Sleeves - we sew flashlights in the same way, only we insert an elastic band from 2 sides. They will also have two layers. In finished form, their height is about 10 cm. The width of the sleeve is taken based on the volume of the child's arm in the armpits.
  5. For a bandage, we recommend taking a ready-made white bandage or knitted weave, then the fit is not particularly accurate, the fabric stretches perfectly. Measure the volume of the child's head, take into account the allowances for the seams of 1 cm and for the clasp 2-3 cm. If you use knitted fabric, then the clasp is not needed.
  6. We collect the whole suit and put it on. Sleeves and a skirt, if desired, are worn directly on the matinee or immediately.

Video on making a snowflake costume for babies.

Costume for very young children

A spectacular crocheted crown will become an accent and highlight in a snowflake costume, and detailed master classes with videos and photos are

Pay attention to the gentle and graceful crowns, so emphasizing the childish immediacy.

Go on and find out how easy it is to decorate them with your own hands using a minimum of time and money.

Winter snowflake accessories

To decorate the head, not only a crown is suitable, but also a hat or kokoshnik embroidered with snowflakes. Use hairpins, elastic bands and bows.

You can not do without white tights, golfs or socks.

Jewelry for the neck, earrings, crown

You can add decorations around the neck with beads or beads or knitted or ready-made snowflakes.

We offer to make snowflakes from: modeling mass that freezes, beads, crocheted, made using the kanzashi technique or from polymer clay, cut out of a plastic bottle, and if you don’t want to waste time, then buy jewelry in the shape of snowflakes in the accessories store.

Video how to tie a snowflake for decoration: beads, earrings

After knitting, lay it out on a file and pin it with pins in a stretched state, and then process it with PVA glue. This will give it rigidity and allow you to easily thread it into the hooks themselves - the basis for the earrings.

And a visit to the store where New Year's toys are sold offers such decorations for the Christmas tree.

Here are snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen, stars and they are in different colors, that is, they will suit any costume.

You can decorate the entire costume with them or by separating individual parts to make earrings, all that remains is to add hooks.

They are quite light and long, which means that they will be enough for the whole dress, if such an ornament is put into a piping around the edge.

Make large snowflakes with a glue gun.

Master class on creating a snowflake with a glue gun:

  1. Prepare a napkin, glue gun, olive oil, brush, ruler, pencil, oilcloth, PVA glue, sparkles, brushes.
  2. Draw a snowflake on the napkin with a pencil and a ruler. Using a brush, smear the pattern with olive oil.
  3. Apply 1 layer according to the drawing with a glue gun, wait until it dries and go again so the snowflake will be more voluminous and strong.
  4. Let it dry and coat it with PVA glue. Then, using a brush, apply glitter to each ray. The snowflake is ready.

If you have acrylic paints or luminescent varnish, then this will work, so your snowflake will also glow in the dark.

Video tutorial on creating snowflakes with a glue gun

If there are no snowflakes at all, then they are easy to tie, they are also suitable for decorating the neck, look at the first photo in the article, you just have to make them harder, lay them out on a template and process them with PVA glue, then when they dry, you can glue rhinestones.

Snowflakes can be drawn on the bottoms of plastic bottles, or on the bottles themselves, so that they do not curl, put under a press.

Snowflake magic wand

Your princess will be delighted with a “magic wand” that will complement the outfit - just glue a strong snowflake on a stick up to 30 cm long. Silver tinsel will be a good addition to the costume - decorate a dress, crown, shoes and even a magic wand with it.

Fur coat or cape

If you have no sleeves, then take care of a bolero or a fur coat that the baby can throw on her shoulders. Decorate them too with snowflakes, use sew-on rhinestones, sequins or glue rhinestones.

Handbag, gloves

These details add some elegance. Swap out long gloves for fingerless gloves. In stores there are whole sets of gloves, crowns, sticks and braids. Crocheted mittens made of cotton threads will suit a gentle look.

Video on knitting mittens for snowflakes

White openwork mitts with beads

How to comb a snowflake girl?

We recommend choosing a hairstyle for a snowflake carefully, because a headdress is a harmonious continuation of the costume. Take care of the right hairstyle for a snowflake right now.

If the snowflake is not your final version, then we suggest that you find out about other New Year's costumes, they are written in detail.

We offer you to get acquainted with a detailed analysis of the costume of a hedgehog, a bunny and a squirrel at this link with recommendations for creating it in different versions.

Hairstyles with gathered at the top and beautifully styled hair look more restrained, and curls and curled curls are suitable for a more festive look.

Quick suits for snowflakes

You will have to buy shoes and tights in the store, and if you don’t want to buy a dress, you can quickly make it at home with your own hands.

The easiest option is to make a tutu skirt from tulle. For this, it is not at all necessary to be able to sew, and this procedure will take no more than an hour. Here is a detailed photo instruction for moms.

Step by step video to create a tutu skirt without sewing

Video on making a dress with a tutu skirt

Add a top, T-shirt or combidress to the skirt, having previously embroidered it with beads and tinsel, you can also use glue rhinestones. Sometimes ready-made paintings in the form of snowflakes are sold right in stores.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a dress without sewing or How to make a festive dress from tulle quickly?

We replace the flowers with snowflakes, as well as the color of the dress itself and the tulle, we choose from the colors familiar to the snowflake.

We will need: tulle 2 colors, top with holes, scissors, beads, glue gun.

Video tutorial with step-by-step explanations from the choice of fabric to the finished dress.

Tiara or crown?

The crown can be replaced with a tiara - it often remains after my mother's wedding - or quickly made from a headband or wire. The option of making a crown is on our website, the link is at the top of the article.

And one more very effective secret, if you know that it will be dark at the matinee or at the holiday, then we recommend that you purchase these luminescent snowflakes, they are not at all expensive, but will amuse the kids.

They are sold in such boxes sealed on paper, so you can immediately figure out how many pieces you need 1 or 2 packs.

Before the matinee, put them for a few minutes under the lamp or near it, so that their glow is brighter and more saturated.

The snowflake costume has always been and will be a favorite, although you should not forget about others. We suggest you read the article how to do it.

Do-it-yourself butterfly costume for girls is also popular on holidays, and photos and videos will help you make it in 1 evening, you can read the instructions.

Among animal lovers, a dog costume is always popular, how to make it is described in.

Snowflake Makeup or Face Painting Ideas

Do you want to complement the image with makeup or face painting?

Look at the ideas in the photo, maybe some of them will appeal to you. Snowflakes or Olaf with Elsa and Anna? Choose the one you like or create your own.

Video on drawing a face painting snowflake for a girl on her forehead:

Makeup tutorial for a snowflake for a New Year's party:

What else to add?

The most important thing that your snowflake should have is a cheerful mood. Create a festive atmosphere for her, and she will gladly go to meet Santa Claus to receive gifts.

When buying a costume for a holiday for a daughter in a kindergarten or school, I want to highlight her from everyone, to amaze her with a beautiful outfit. You can buy a new thing in the store, but where is the guarantee of uniqueness? Any costume you like can be sewn at home. It takes a little effort, patience and hard work.

Today's master class is dedicated to the Snowflake costume for a girl with her own hands.

Option number 1 of the Snowflake costume for a girl with her own hands

The sewing technique of this dress is ideal for beginners. All work will take place without the use of a sewing machine. It is recommended to take children's hands to help. The labor process will be within their power.

Materials and tools: fabric (tulle or tulle), white elastic band 5 cm wide, scissors, tailor's meter, headband, tailor's pins with a hat.

Stage 1

Strips are cut from the fabric. Their width is 30 cm and length - 50 cm. The total number of required blanks is 40 pcs. This figure is indicative and is suitable for girls of kindergarten age.

Stage 2

One cut-out strip is taken in the hands and chopped off with an accordion-shaped pin. This action is repeated with the remaining strips.

Stage 3

A belt is sewn from an elastic band. To do this, measure the girl's waist for a do-it-yourself snowflake costume. The length of the elastic band is taken with a little tension. The excess is cut off. The belt is sewn into a circle.

Stage 4

The resulting belt is pulled over the back of the chair. Each strip folded like an accordion is tied to a chair with a knot. It is important to tie each new strip tighter to the previous one.

Stage 5

When all the strips are connected, the skirt straightens out.

Stage 6

A special headdress is being prepared for the snowflake costume. The hoop is taken. To decorate it, strips of 3 cm wide and 11 cm long are cut from fabric. You will need to cut 60 products.

Stage 7

Each cut piece is attached to the rim in the same way. It is recommended to tie on two knots.

Stage 8

It turned out a headdress for a snowflake. The sharp edges of the tied strips spoil the view. They can be cut and smooth the top edge of the headpiece, as in the picture.

Stage 9

The outfit can be supplemented with a veil. It is sewn with Velcro to the back, as in the picture. The veil is decorated with sparkles in the form of snowflakes.

Option number 2 of the Snowflake costume for a girl (do it yourself)

This time, you still have to resort to the help of a sewing machine. You will need to process the side seams and sew together only a few parts. This version of the costume is a little more complicated than the previous one, but is designed for the hands of a beginner in sewing.

Materials and tools: fabric (artificial fur with short and long pile white, blue velvet), scissors, tailor's yardstick, headband, tailor's pins with a hat, sewing machine, pattern paper, pencil and eraser, hidden white zipper, needle, thread in tone, cape button.

Stage 1

The figure below is translated into tracing paper. All parameters, measurements are checked on the girl for whom the costume is being sewn.

Stage 2

When the pattern is ready, allowances of 0.5 - 1 cm are made.

Stage 3

The pattern is placed on the fabric and the corresponding details are cut out. The edges of the fabric can not be processed. Faux fur on the fabric itself is weakly frayed.

Stage 4

The neck is turned. On the back side, there is room for inserting a hidden zipper. If desired, you can replace it with a button.

Stage 5

The suit is sewn on the sides from the wrong side.

Stage 6

At this stage, it is recommended to sew lining fabric into the snowflake costume for the girl with your own hands. It is better to use material that is pleasant and warm to the touch for this. All shiny fabrics are too cold for the body and unsuitable. This is an atlas, for example. Cotton, linen textile compositions are selected.

To form the lining fabric, you can use an existing pattern.

Stage 7

After the lining fabric is sewn on, a long-haired fur hem is sewn on. Excess pieces of cut fur are plucked by hand. Otherwise, in the future they will interfere with laying the line.

First, the fur is pinned with pins, and then scribbled on a sewing machine. A simple straight stitch with a long stitch is selected. Selecting a stitch on a scale of 0.5 to 2 will tangle the thread and prevent the fabric from advancing. If the fur is difficult to advance, it is recommended to reduce the presser foot pressure or completely turn off the feed of the fabric by the conveyor and advance it manually.

While laying a line on a typewriter, the hairs of the fur are bent with your fingers. You can use a wooden ruler for this purpose. The hairs will not fall under the needle and confuse the thread.

Stage 8

A pattern for a cape is cut out. It looks like a circle, where the small circle is the girth of the neck, and the larger circle is measured at will. There is a slit on the chest at the pattern. There is no need to narrow, bend the incision.

Stage 9

The pattern is laid on blue velvet and the part is cut out. All edges are processed. Since velvet is a stretchy fabric and the cape is cut diagonally across the thread, it is better to use a zigzag stitch.

Stage 10

On the wrong side, a lining fabric is sewn to the cape. It can be sewn from a brilliant blue satin. The finished pattern is already available.

Stage 11

Long pile fur is sewn along the outer edge of the cape. The technique of its sewing is already known and described above.

Stage 12

At this stage, it is required to comb the sewn long-haired fur with an ordinary fine comb. All hairs caught under the needle should be turned right side out. Thus, the hem of the dress and capes will become more magnificent.

Stage 13

A button is sewn onto the cape.

Stage 14

Do-it-yourself fur with a long pile for a snowflake costume will make an elegant headdress. It is a simple strip of fur with a lining fabric sewn on the wrong side, and a wide five-centimeter elastic band is inserted inside. It is not recommended to facilitate work and fold the fur in half. This will visually increase the headdress on a fragile girl and make it bulky.

Snowflake costume is ready!

Any girl, of course, wants to be the most beautiful and charming on a holiday in kindergarten. Most often, girls choose costumes of fairies, princesses, snowflakes. After all, how can you refuse fluffy skirts, jewelry - about what little dreamers want on New Year's holiday.
All these outfits can be easily made with your own hands. We propose to make a snowflake costume with your own hands, a photo with step-by-step instructions for sewing an outfit is attached below.

How to make a snowflake costume? Making a skirt without a sewing machine

The traditional choice of a costume for girls for a New Year's party is the image of a snowflake. For a dress, a tutu skirt (fluffy skirt) is an obligatory component. If you decide to please your daughter with a custom-made suit, then you will need:

  • 50 pieces of rectangular tulle measuring 20 x 50 cm (you can have different shades);
  • an elastic band with a length of the child's waist circumference minus 4 cm, a minimum width of 2 cm;
  • scissors.

Stages of sewing a skirt:

  1. First, you need to tie the elastic band into a knot and wrap it around a stool (or, for convenience, on a leg / arm).
  2. Next, take one of the pieces of fabric and tie it with a loose knot around the elastic (a knot in the middle of the fabric). We also tie all the remaining segments along the entire length of the elastic band.
  3. After we clamp the ends of all fabrics, trimming all the segments with scissors.
  4. For decoration, you can add a satin ribbon by tying it with a bow and thereby attaching it to the back (back) side of the skirt.

DIY snowflake costume: top of the costume

To fully complement the skirt and form a complete snowflake outfit, you need to decorate the top of the dress. To harmonize with a tulle skirt, you can wear a white top. It can be a blouse, as well as a jacket in combination with a light turtleneck or T-shirt. For a more festive beauty, it is recommended to embroider both the top and the skirt with rhinestones-sequins. For New Year's fun, you can attach tinsel to the outfit.

New Year's costume snowflake and a headdress to it

The snowflake costume has an obligatory component - a headdress. To recognize the image of a snowflake, the girl must have a crown, headband, tiara or diadem. A large selection of headwear for the outfit is present in carnival stores. To save money without spending a lot of effort, you can do the cleaning yourself. This will require:

  • silver tinsel;
  • wire.

You need to thread the wire through the tinsel. The flexibility of the wire allows us to "sculpt" a suitable crown for us. Having made a beautiful shape, we fix the dress in the girl's hair.

Instead of a wire, you can use a hoop by winding the same tinsel around it or decorating it with pompoms made of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

Festive shoes and snowflake makeup

An important component of the costume is shoes. The most suitable option would be white shoes or boots. Using double-sided tape, decorate shoes again with rain or tinsel. In order not to leave your legs bare, wear white tights.

It would be nice to complement the image of a snowflake with a festive New Year's make-up. For such a gentle look, you will need light pearlescent shadows, soft lip gloss. Lightly powder the face and body with glitter. On the neck, white and silver beads will be a beautiful addition.

As you can see, it's easy to make your own snowflake costume, and it's not necessary to buy a ready-made dress in a store when you can create an outfit to your taste without spending a lot of time and money creating a suitable look.

How to make a gazebo - a greenhouse

During the New Year holidays, themed children's costumes become especially in demand, but as a rule, identical options are presented in stores, which do not always meet our expectations.

And if you want your child to surprise everyone during a matinee or New Year's Eve celebration, you will have to spend time tailoring it yourself to create a bright and stylish outfit.

Do-it-yourself snowflake costume for a girl, photo

A few simple ideas

You should immediately decide which New Year's snowflake costume for a girl you need. If you need an outfit for a photo shoot, you can choose a long and fluffy dress. If you are preparing a snowflake costume for a matinee where the child will dance and participate in competitions, the outfit should be more comfortable.

Many prefer separate sets of skirts and blouses, as then a variety of clothing combinations become possible.

Snowflake costume for girls, photo

So, make your choice - and immediately look for something to use as a base. It can be a dress or skirt in white, light gray, blue and other "winter" shades.

If you have found a suitable option, it will be enough to sew accessories and decorative details onto the fabric. If there is no suitable clothing, do not be discouraged.

Here are some more successful ways to create a snowflake costume for a girl for the New Year:

    • magnificent outfit based on tulle;

    • a dress using a large number of white satin ribbons;
    • outfit with decor made of cotton wool and New Year's rain;
    • warm knitted suit;

  • festive dress made of plain fabric with themed lace inserts, etc.

Advice: if you are not sure that you will cope with the technique of tailoring the chosen dress, contact the specialists.

One of the easiest ways to create a snowflake costume for kindergarten or New Year's Eve involves using organza. In order to make a skirt or dress made of this fabric lush, as a rule, it is created layered petticoat.

In addition to the snow-white image of the girl, prepare shoes or ballet flats, as well as tights of the appropriate shade. AND don't forget accessories: it is better to give preference to shiny and iridescent jewelry under the light.

A New Year's dress made of satin ribbons takes longer to make than a traditional dress. To begin with, you will have to collect a large number of wide ribbons - and lightly collect each of them. Such tapes are sewn together or fixed on a textile base. If everything is done correctly, each “new” layer of the atlas will turn out to be more magnificent than the previous one.

Using a dress or skirt pattern, you can sew an equally stylish New Year's outfit, decorated with rain or cotton wool. It is better to use cotton balls that are sewn to the dress in such a way as to create an imitation of large snowflakes. If you do not plan to use a large number of such inserts, first look for a finished fabric with a snow print.

Long rain and cotton strips are sewn along the bottom edge of the skirt, at the ends of the sleeves of the dress, as well as on the inner edge of the vest, if it is included. To make a dress or suit even more unusual, sew a turn-down (turn-down) collar on them - and also decorate with a cotton or shiny decor.

Associating a suit with the desired print will not be easy. But traditional knitting in many techniques will resemble the image of light and airy snowflakes, so you can use any of your skills. This process can take longer than the usual sewing of a New Year's outfit, so start preparing your child for the holidays in advance.

Advice: dresses created by a combination of a knitted top and a lush bottom made of textile materials will look more impressive.

To create an imitation of snowflakes from lace, you will have to prepare a "base": it can be a regular dress, tailored to your child's measurements, with cuts made in some places. Of course, a large number of such "holes" can spoil the image, so we advise you to limit yourself to light sleeves and an insert at the top of the outfit.

You can add something of your own to the proposed ideas for New Year's outfits of snowflakes, since such an image does not imply any restrictions at all. For example, a dress with snowflakes embroidered from beads and beads, decorated with glued stones that will shimmer under the light, will look amazing.

Even snow-white feathers can become an element of the decor of such an outfit: they will give the image lightness and tenderness.

As you can see, making a princess out of a girl on New Year's Eve is very simple.

Master class of snowflake dresses

If you are going to make a New Year's snowflake costume for a girl with your own hands, a master class will help you deal with the main nuances of this process.

So, how to make a snowflake costume step by step:

    • prepare all the necessary materials. To create a dress, we need crepe satin (1 m), tulle (2 m), organza (1 m), faux fur (0.5 m) and dublerin. It is advisable to stop at white or a shade close to it;
    • the skirt will be created on the principle of a circle with space for the waist and have the shape of the sun. Fold the satin fabric four times: for the length of the skirt, 20 cm will be enough and a couple more for the inside twists. Cut the corner of the folded fabric so that the straightened skirt has the shape of a ring;
    • start cutting the tulle. Fold the fabric four times, measure about 22 cm of the bottom layer, cut and sew two strips together. You will get a rectangle with parameters 22 by 4 cm. Similarly, process two layers with a length of 20 and 18 cm;
    • you can start assembling all the elements: tulle rectangles are assembled from the longer side (manually or on a sewing machine). Sew all layers of tulle together, starting with the long and ending with the short. Tiered fabric is sewn to the base of the skirt;

    • we cut the organza into isosceles triangles with a base width of 15 cm and a height of 25 and 35 cm. We advise you to process these fragments with an overlock or a zigzag stitch. We collect triangles from small to large - and also sew to the skirt. If the organza shimmers under the light, the costume will turn out even more elegant;

  • start making a top for the dress: the simplest option is a top with straps with a zipper on the back. The top of the top can be decorated with an "accordion". When the top is decorated, you can sew it to the skirt. Use faux fur to complete the outfit.

Do-it-yourself tulle snowflake costume for a girl is ready. It remains to add accessories and a headdress that matches the image.

Accessories for New Year's outfit

You can give a thematic look to a children's snowflake costume with the help of sewn details. Small snowflakes can be made from thick snow-white cardboard, decorated plastic, figurines based on beads and beads, felt flat decorations and other elements.

Can do one large snowflake in the center of the dress: embroider it with dense threads, decorate the border with rain, beads or ribbons.

If the style of the dress involves the use of a belt, add snowflakes to it too. Depending on the material, decorative snowflakes can be drawn, sewn on or glued on. By the way, both templates for handmade crafts and ready-made snowflakes for decorating clothes can be found in stores.

Advice: a child can also be attached to the process of decorating a dress. On the Internet you will find many interesting techniques for creating snowflakes: for example, based on rubber bands.

Add other decorations in a similar style to the do-it-yourself snowflake costume for a girl for the New Year. For example, make bracelets, hairpins, pendants with snowflakes with your own hands. An original hair decoration will turn out if you use a hoop: wrap it with rain or ribbons - and fix a persistent large snowflake at the top.

To decorate your hair, you can use a Russian kokoshnik, a hat decorated for the theme of the New Year, a crown with bright pebbles, a large airy bow.

Also, do not forget about tights or stockings: choose a snow-white or snowflake-decorated option.

Below you can watch a video of a do-it-yourself snowflake costume for a girl and a master class on creating an unusual crown for such an image.

Original snowflakes are obtained with a glue gun. It is enough to prepare a stencil, apply glue over the drawing, wait for it to dry and cover it with snow-white acrylic-type paints or a special varnish. Before the snowflake is dry, sprinkle it with sparkles and beads.

Also snowflake accessories can be knitted. It is convenient to use such details to decorate the neck, arms, head, as beads, strings or ribbons can be passed through them. A two larger knitted snowflakes will make an excellent handbag for a complete image.

Advice: to harden knitted ornaments, cover their inner layer with PVA glue. All small decorative elements (rhinestones, beads, etc.) are also applied to it.

They will look very original snowflake decorations. They are made from plastic bottles: carefully cut off their convex base - and start decorating. Dress and hats can be treated with tinsel and rain for brightness.

And if the girl wishes to become a real sorceress that night, make her a magic wand from a pencil decorated with ribbons, rain, beads and other materials. The length of the stick should be up to 30 cm.

In the absence of sleeves on the New Year's dress, an additional cape or fur coat will not interfere. Sew them from the same or thicker material - and do not forget to decorate for a festive look.

Elegance to the New Year's outfit will give gloves, which you can sew and decorate on your own or purchase along with other accessories.

The image of a snowflake will always be successful for the New Year and any girl will like it, as it looks gentle and cozy. And you don't have to worry that someone will come in a similar outfit: choose something from the many photos of children's snowflake costumes - and complete with your own creative ideas.

Watch one of them in the video of the do-it-yourself snowflake costume master class for a girl:

Every girl dreams of being a princess. To do this, she needs special attributes: a beautiful dress and shoes and, of course, a real royal crown. A crown or kokoshnik will also come in handy for a children's New Year's party, a fun New Year's party, a birthday celebration or a family performance. reveals the secrets of making a real crown and kokoshnik for a little princess. We will consider different materials and manufacturing techniques: frame, knitted, models from ribbons, plastic, fabric, birch bark and straw, beads, cardboard and even food.

Let's start with easier-to-make royal headdresses for a festive masquerade, gradually moving to more labor-intensive masterpieces.

Crown made of paper, cardboard and cardboard cup

A simple and quick crown to make is made from a piece of flat cardboard. In this case, you can use colored and holographic cardboard. We apply the image of the crown, cut it out, glue it along the edge of the joints. We decorate with sparkles, paints, rhinestones, beads, nail polish. We pierce with a thin hat elastic. Now a small crown will be securely held on the head of a little princess.

The same model can be made from the remaining toilet paper roller. Then it will not need to be glued.

Using a pressed seedling paper cup, you can make a stronger crown. Cut out the top of the cup so that you get teeth. Paint the base white. Then, with a sponge for washing dishes, we apply light blotting movements with gold paint. There is no need to paint with solid "gold". Light white gaps will give the crown more elegance and transparency. We decorate the crown with rhinestones and "precious stones". On the bottom side, glue the hairpin-holder. Now you can pin it right to your hair!

From colored paper, you can glue a lightweight crown design. We cut the same squares of paper. We make diagonal folds. Now we glue the resulting triangles, as in the image. Even small children can handle this simple option. Let's make together!

Crown of ready-made semi-finished products: headband, three snowflakes, bright berries

We buy a white headband, several ready-made plastic snowflakes, bright berries or beads for decoration. Glue snowflakes and berries onto the base. At will, we decorate with carved braid or lace, rhinestones, gold spray. Instead of a rim, you can use a plastic wreath, hoop, cardboard blank.

It turned out to be an elegant diadem for a girl who plays the role of the Snow Maiden, Snowflake, Snowstorm at the New Year's party.

Royal lace crown

To make this crown you will need:

Beautiful carved lace-braid 40-45 cm long. The length depends on the desired diameter of the final product.
PVA glue.
Wax paper.
Gold, silver, bronze or other colored spray in a can. Or acrylic paint.
Glue Crystal-moment or hot glue.
Sponge or cloth for applying and wiping off excess adhesive.

We put our lace on wax paper and coat with PVA glue 2-4 times until completely dry. After complete drying, paint the workpiece in the desired color. Each coat of paint should dry well. We glue the crown along the edge, combining the pattern. We use hot glue or Crystal-moment glue. Decorate the crown as you wish. It can be gold or silver:

Or match the tone of the royal outfit: pale pink, yellow, blue.

plastic crown

As a material for this crown, you can take transparent packaging from children's toys or household appliances, a large plastic bottle. Cut out the base of our crown. We apply a patterned drawing. We draw on it with a thick colored gel with sparkles, paint, glue sparkles or rhinestones, paint with nail polish. And the crown is ready!

tinsel crown

The essence of making this crown is wrapping the wire base with shiny tinsel. It turns out bright, shiny and voluminous. It can be made gold, silver or colored.

Crown and kokoshnik using quilling technique

You can make a crown entirely using the quilling technique - from intricate paper curls. At the same time, you can use colored paper and a variety of designs: winter flowers, snowflakes, curls. It is very beautiful and unusual, although the work is quite laborious.

You can make your work a little easier without losing any of the originality of the product. Cut out the base of the kokoshnik from colored cardboard. We make fasteners from satin ribbons or bows of a suitable color. Now we decorate the dark kokoshnik with a snow-white pattern using the quilling technique. It turns out a kind of frosty design.

Look at what such a kokoshnik is worn with. This is a "winter" snow-white fluffy cape, decorations in the Russian style.

When choosing a shape for a kokoshnik for a carnival costume, you should be inspired by old paintings and photographs of Russian beauties in rational clothes.

Royal crown made of wire and ribbons

We make a wire blank in the shape of the crown of the Russian Empire. We decorate it with white and gold ribbons, braid, large stones and pearls. Use the basics of macrame for ribbon and braid weaving. Such a masterpiece will be remembered for a long time by all participants of the New Year's holiday!

Crown made of birch bark or straw

Products from birch bark and straw are not only bast shoes, hats, caskets, but also crowns. Here, for example, is a luxurious eco-style crown!

The essence of the kanzashi technique is the manufacture of masterpieces from fabric “petals”. Petals are often made from satin ribbons that are cut into 5x5 cm squares. They are made into round petals, simple sharp open petals. Watch a step-by-step master class on making a red satin crown using the kanzashi technique.

The kanzashi technique produces delicate winter flowers that can be used to make headbands, small or large crowns.

Kokoshnik for the New Year's holiday using the kanzashi technique is made from satin petals fastened with wire and threads. They are attached to the rim. Look how beautiful it turns out!

Macramé Crowns

We all remember flower pots, funny dogs and owls made using the macrame technique. However, this is far from the limit of skill. Macrame can be used to make a crown for a small or large princess.

The simplest option is to weave a hoop for the crown using the macrame technique and decorate it with additional details. It can be a ready-made flat crown, a wire layout with ribbons and beads.

Real craftswomen will be able to make truly royal works with golden threads, woven stones and beads, and figured designs.

wire crown

The crown can be made from "gold" or "silver" wire. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to overload it with decorations. It is enough to make an ornate lace pattern and decorate with several large stones. It turns out succinctly and tastefully. But do not forget about safety - all ends of the wire must be perfectly bent.

Crowns of beads and stones

The royal crown can be made from "golden" beads. To do this, we string it on a wire and give it the intended shape.

The crown can literally be "studded with precious gems". Abundant jewelry made of beads, glass beads, beads, pearls will create an atmosphere of royal luxury. The crown can be made in accordance with the color scheme of the festive dress.

A crown made of beads and stones can be pale white. This is a great option to complement the New Year's carnival costume and for the wedding ceremony. Thus, once having made a masterpiece, you can use it repeatedly.

The crown can be monochrome, as in chess. On this topic, you can arrange a party-tournament: "Whites against blacks." Come up with various competitions: mobile and intellectual, comic tasks. Such a meeting of the New Year will be remembered for a long time! Crowns make a fancy shape.

Such black and white crowns are also useful for creating the image of Odette and Odile from Swan Lake.

Knitted kokoshniks

Knitting craftswomen should pay attention to the theme of kokoshniks suitable for them. We crochet individual elements in winter color - snowflakes, curls, flowers. We starch them and attach them to the headband-base or kokoshnik with a wire base.

Frame kokoshniks

We make the frame of the kokoshnik from wire, wrap it with ribbon, sew on a transparent fabric base. For example, tulle or tulle. We apply an ornament in the Gzhel style on it. This painting is perfect for the winter theme. But you can use other folk paintings. We color the ornament, decorate it with a ribbon of beads along the edge, make a mount in the form of a cap or satin ribbons. Large rhinestones can be glued to the fabric base.

The original kokoshnik-hat in the shape of a green spruce is a great themed accessory for celebrating the New Year. Extravagant, stylish and practical!

You can professionally make a kokoshnik according to the scheme: make a wire frame, cover it with a base fabric, glue brocade to it using paper clips, decorate a kokoshnik with pearl thread, sequins, rhinestones and glass beads, tulle.

You can combine a frame kokoshnik with a cardboard one. Make carved ornaments in cardboard and glue a translucent fabric over it. Decorate to your liking - and the kokoshnik is ready!

And this kokoshnik would look great on the head of Nastenka, the heroine of the fairy tale "Morozko".

We make a real costume for the Snow Queen from a wire base and fabric decor. We decorate the outfit in the same style. The stand-up collar with large “cold” decorations is especially chic.

food crown

You can decorate the cardboard base of the kokoshnik with almost anything. There would be a desire to create! Small, “grainy” products are perfect: peas, corn, lentils, rice, beans, buckwheat, millet. We glue our future "stones" to the base. Coloring under pearls and precious stones.

Now let's get down to business! After all, before the New Year, you need to have time to build your own crown or kokoshnik design. We wish you creative inspiration and good mood!

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