Vases from newspaper tubes new works. Vase from newspaper tubes: a master class with a step by step photo

At all times, craftswomen were engaged in weaving boxes, baskets and other household items. Usually natural materials were used for this. But now you can not bother looking for suitable materials, but use a newspaper. So, recently the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes has become popular. For weaving from newspapers, they take a newspaper and cut it into strips, then take a knitting needle and wind a newspaper strip diagonally. And today weaving vases, caskets, boxes from newspaper tubes is becoming more and more popular.

Outdoor wicker vases from newspaper tubes: a master class

Before you make a vase from a newspaper, you need to prepare materials:

  • a large number of unnecessary newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • spoke;
  • tube from paper towels;
  • varnish for painting wooden surfaces;
  • color;
  • matches;
  • tassel;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • satin ribbons of various colors;
  • braid;
  • buttons, beads.

The following sequence of actions must be observed.

  1. We take a newspaper, fold it in several layers and cut with scissors not strips of small width (no more than 5 cm).
  2. Hold the needle at a 45 degree angle and start wrapping it with a strip of newspaper.
  3. So that the tube from the newspaper does not unfold spontaneously, we drip a small drop of glue on the end of it.
  4. Similarly, we make a large number of tubes.
  5. We take a tube from paper towels, grease it with glue and start gluing newspaper sticks in a circle.
  6. At the same time, the tubes themselves should remain longer than the tuba from towels.
  7. To give originality to the vase, we cut off the upper edge of the tubes at an angle so that there is a smooth transition.
  8. After the newspaper tubes have dried, we take wood varnish, add to it the color scheme of the color you want to paint your vase with. We paint the vase with a brush.
  9. The vase itself made of newspaper tubes is ready.
  10. Now let's start decorating it. Let's make a flower using its technique is quite simple. To do this, take satin ribbons, beads. We use the kanzashi technique.
  11. We cut the satin ribbon into eight squares measuring 5 cm.
  12. We begin to bend the square diagonally. For the best fixing, you can drop a small drop of glue on the tip.
  13. We begin to bend the resulting triangle in half. We glue its ends.
  14. Cut off the tip of the triangle with scissors.
  15. To prevent the fabric from crumbling, you need to burn the ends.
  16. Similarly, we make eight petals.
  17. On a thread, we begin to collect all the petals into one flower and tie the ends.
  18. Glue a bead to the center of the flower, decorate with braid.
  19. A vase of newspaper tubes decorated with flowers is ready. You can use a more complicated flower for decoration, for example,

A floor vase is a stylish decoration for any interior. Especially if it is made of newspaper tubes - this unpretentious, at first glance, material actually looks very attractive and successfully emphasizes the originality of the home. Do you want to get such decor? It couldn't be easier - here is a step-by-step guide for beginners with a helpful support video.

We form the bottom of the product

Before you start weaving directly, prepare consumables and tools:

  • twisted newspaper tubes;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • colorless varnish or paint;
  • materials for decorating a vase: ribbons, sequins, beads.

The first stage of work is weaving the bottom. First, form four bundles of three newspaper flagella each. Fold them crosswise. Prepare another flagellum - it will be working. Then take this working tube, fold in half and braid around the base so that it wraps around each of the four bundles. In a circle, you need to weave four or five rows, increasing the working tube as necessary.

Next, start wrapping a working flagellum around every two tubes of the base. Thus, it is necessary to weave four more rows. Then spread all the flagella of the bottom and braid each of them with a working tube, that is, all 12. The number of rows is up to you. When the bottom reaches the width you need, cut off the end of the work harness and fix it with glue to the finished base.

Weave the "body" of the vase

The direct "body" of the product is woven as follows:

  • Bend the protruding tubes of the bottom up.
  • Take any disc-shaped object - a lid, a plate, a bowl, etc. Insert it between the vertical posts.

Advice. The radius of the forming object must be wider than the radius of the bottom.

  • Secure the ends of the vertical tubes with an elastic band. Determine two work harnesses and braid the main tubes in a circle, repeating the shape of your disc-shaped object.

  • When you finish the "body" of the vase to the required height, remove the shaping object.

Advice. At this stage, the inside of the vase should be varnished so that the structure does not weaken over time.

  • Start weaving the neck - gradually bring the vertical flagella together, thereby narrowing the vase.
  • When the neck is completed, spread the tubes a little, bend them in a semi-horizontal position and weave the border. To do this, you need to wind the harnesses under each other in a circle: the first - under the second, the second - under the third, and so on.

  • After completing the border, cut off the ends of the flagella and fix them with glue on the outside of the finished product.
  • Cover the vase with varnish or glue. When the product is dry, you can start decorating.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to make a vase from newspaper tubes with your own hands, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Making a vase from newspaper tubes: video

Do-it-yourself vase from newspaper tubes: photo

The skill of turning waste paper into beautiful and useful products is called paper vine weaving. Instead of throwing out the read newspaper, you can create both a needle bed and a whole laundry basket from it. And photos of vases from newspaper tubes are delightful.

Where to begin?

To master the weaving technique, you will need a desire and a set of certain tools and materials. First of all, you need paper:

  • a newspaper that has already been read;
  • brochure of any store (not glossy);
  • packaging of newsprint or office paper;
  • cash register, etc.

Experienced craftswomen prefer to work with purchased newsprint, but ordinary brochures are also suitable for a beginner. Before twisting them, the material is cut into strips with a width of 7 to 10 cm. It depends on the knitting needle used in the work, the thicker it is, the wider the newspaper sheet.

Additionally, you will need:

  • The needle is toe, but it is desirable to use a thickness of 1 mm.
  • PVA glue clerical or carpentry moment.
  • Kitchen knife, sharply sharpened.
  • Scissors.
  • Construction colors.
  • Primer.
  • Lacquer water dispersion.
  • Braiding form.
  • Decorative elements.

Sequence of work

A beautiful vase made of paper tubes will not work in a few hours, but the time spent is worth it. Following all the instructions, in the end, from under the hands of the craftswoman, a product worthy of being exhibited in the museum will come out.

Making Newspaper Tubes

To do this, we cut newspaper sheets along the length of the spread into three equal parts (at least 7 cm). We select one of the sheets and put it in front of us, put a knitting needle on the corner and wind paper on it. At the end of the twist, a drop of glue is dripped, which will hold the finished vine together. We remove the workpiece from the working knitting needle and continue in the same spirit.

The angle between the needle and the sheet should be made as small as possible.

The vine should not be too wide at one end and too narrow at the other. Hollow tubes will also not bring the desired look to the finished product.

Vine coloring

There is practically no universal composition for coloring newspaper tubes. Each craftswoman, by trial and error, selects the paint on her own. Most often, water or alcohol stains are used. It is better to work with the latter on the street or on a balcony with an open window, as they smell strongly.

And also, "Richard's cocktail" is in demand. To create it you will need:

  • construction primer;
  • color (color of your choice);
  • water based varnish.

All components must be mixed in a 0.5 liter jar. First, 300 ml of primer is poured, after three tablespoons of dye and 10 tablespoons of varnish. This is an approximate scheme for adding ingredients and it all depends on the desired color of the future product.

After the tubes dry, their color fades a little.

Recently, craftsmen often replace varnish with Dufa impregnation, claiming that the effect of gluing seams is achieved with it. You can paint with a brush several tubes at once.

You can dry the tubes with a hairdryer if there is no time to wait, or simply lay the painted vine on a plastic bed in a checkerboard pattern. This is necessary so that the tubes do not stick together and mold. How to make a vase from newspaper tubes can be seen below.

Weaving finished product

At the beginning, it is required to choose a form for braiding, because without it a beginner cannot cope with holding the desired shape. For these purposes, any jar or bottle is suitable, which later you can not remove and pour water into it.

Technical points

A master class on making a vase from newspaper tubes will require the development of some constantly repeating processes:

The extension (lengthening) of the vine occurs by pushing its thinner end into the expanding edge. To achieve an imperceptible transition, you will need to make cuts with scissors (at an acute angle) and then perform the procedure.

The braiding of the tubes of the bases begins from any side. To do this, one tube is bent and applied (covering the main tube) as close as possible to the core of the crossed vine. The lower end goes up, and the upper end goes under the bottom of the base lying next to it.

The walls of the product are woven in the same way, only now the top one turns into the front, and the bottom into the back tube.

After completing the bottom, the working tubes are pushed through several rows of weaving with the help of a knitting needle and carefully cut off. This pattern is repeated at the end of the weaving of the product.

To form the bottom, you need to measure the volume of our form in its widest part. And for every 1.5-2 cm, a tube of the base should lie down. If the girth is 250 mm, then 7 newspaper tubes crossed with each other should be placed at the base of the bottom. As a result, a snowflake with 14 ends should lie on the work surface.

Step by step instructions for beginners

The resulting snowflake must begin to braid, first capturing two tubes. When the distance between the main vine becomes a little more than two centimeters, then they must be divided. After reaching the required bottom diameter, the tubes of the base are lifted up.

You can raise the vine by bending one after the other through its bottom. The procedure is repeated until all tubes look up.

You can complete the weaving by bending, cutting the tubes, or by laying racks between the loops. The right tube of the base is pushed to the left for three rows of weaving, and so on until the very end.

A vase of newspaper tubes is almost ready. To complete it, the product is primed several times with glue and water in a 1: 1 ratio. After each treatment, you must wait until it is completely dry. And at the very end, a layer of varnish is applied (several is possible).

Weaving a vase from newspaper tubes will bring pleasure from the process of its creation and surprise for every guest. Let your braids bring only joy!

Photo of vases from newspaper tubes

Recently, weaving from newspapers is gaining more and more popularity. Indeed, this type of creativity has many advantages: the availability and low cost of materials, great scope for imagination, environmental friendliness associated with the processing of waste material into new interesting things. One of such spectacular interior details can be a do-it-yourself vase made from the most ordinary newspaper tubes.

Making a flower vase from newspaper tubes: a master class

This master class for beginners will tell you how to make this vase with your own hands. This spectacular product can be an excellent interior decoration, as well as a gift for friends or relatives.

To work on a vase you will need:
  • Glass jar or bottle
  • Newspapers and knitting needle
  • Glue (you can use PVA)
  • Dye
  • Clear nail polish
Stages of work on the product:

First, we prepare tubes from newspapers.

Sheets need to be cut into 4 strips along. Then we wind each strip onto a knitting needle at an angle of 45 0, grease the end of the strip with glue so that the tube keeps its shape. When working properly, one end of the tube will be slightly narrower than the other. Due to this, the tubes can be lengthened by inserting one into the other with a drop of glue.

Now we will analyze step by step weaving a vase.

Three long tubes (connected from two), we cross each other:

With two other tubes, we begin to braid the middle, alternating their position relative to the main ones. Extend tubes as needed.

Weave the bottom to the desired diameter.

We bend the first, put it on the second, then lift the second and put it on the third.

We end the series in the same way. In the next row, bend the tubes a little further to get a slope.

We continue weaving with a jar. Also, if necessary, lengthening the tubes.

If the vase is for natural flowers, you can insert any suitable vessel and braid it.

Weave to the desired size and shape. In our case, this is the neck of the bottle, we fill the ends of the tubes.

We mix gouache or acrylic paint with PVA glue and paint over the product with it.

After drying, you can emphasize the oblique lines of the vase with gold powder or a slightly contrasting shade of paint.

Then we cover the vase with varnish. The work is done!

We make a beautiful spiral vase from newspaper tubes

The next master class, which we will analyze, is dedicated to such a spiral vase:

To weave this vase you will need:
  • Newspapers and knitting needle
  • Plastic bottle
  • Clothespins
  • Scissors
  • glass stack
  • Mahogany Lacquer
Steps to work on a spiral vase:

First you need to prepare newspaper tubes in the same way as described in the previous master class. They will need 108 pieces.

First you need to cross two tubes and add one worker to them.

The lower end of the tube under the working one must be wrapped and directed to the next one. We put a bottle with a cut neck in the center of the weaving and repeat the pattern in a circle.

We continue weaving, pressing the spiral to the bottle.

Thus, we braid the entire plastic form and make a few more turns.

The vase can be expanded to the desired size, then the ends of the tubes must be bent in the opposite direction, cut and secured with glue. So that the tubes do not unwind while the glue dries, we press them with clothespins.

To make the bottom, we wind the tubes tightly onto the walls of the glass stack, thickly smearing each layer with glue.

Then we remove the stack and coat the workpiece with glue again.

Glue the bottom to the vase.

We cover the finished work with varnish - impregnation several times. The vase is ready! Since there is a plastic container inside, you can pour water into it and put fresh flowers.

A floor vase is a stylish and bright interior decoration. In the next master class you will find a photo and a description of the work step by step.

For work you will need:
  • Newspaper tubes
  • PVA glue
  • Stationery knife and scissors
  • Varnish or paint
  • Optional ribbons, beads and sequins for decoration
Step by step job description:

We cross 4 bundles of tubes of 3 pieces.

We take another working bundle, weave each bundle of the base with it, we go through 4-5 rows in this way, increasing the tubes.

Then we begin to wrap around every 2 tubes of the base with a working tourniquet, passing 4 more rows. After that, we breed all the paired tubes and braid each one, the number of rows depends on what size of the bottom you need. Next, we cut the work harness and glue it.

We bend up the tubes of the base of the bottom. We put a bowl or other similar object in the center, preferably wider than the bottom.

We fasten the ends of the tubes with an elastic band. We select two working harnesses and braid them with vertical tubes, repeating the shape of the bowl. Then we remove the object from the center.

We begin to weave the neck, bringing the vertical tubes together. Then we slightly part the tubes for weaving the border. In a circle, we start the tubes under each other. The ends of the tubes are cut and glued.

Then we cover the vase with varnish or glue and decorate as desired. The floor vase is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

For those who want to take a closer look at the topic and get new ideas for creativity, we have prepared a selection of video lessons on weaving vases from the easiest-to-use newspaper tubes:

Vases woven from newspaper tubes can perfectly complement the interior of your home. Making such a vase yourself is not at all difficult. The master class provided in this article on the quick weaving of a decorative vase, which is so easy to make from newspaper tubes, will help you with this.

Weaving a floor vase from the most common newspaper tubes can seem like a daunting task. for beginner needlewomen, but thanks to this article, you can easily cope with it. There are two ways to weave a vase from newspaper tubes. Now you will learn about them.

Weave a vase from newspaper tubes with a description of the work

To create a vase you will need:

  • Newspapers or magazines
  • Spoke
  • acrylic paint
  • Ruler
  • The form around which you will braid

We analyze the first method of weaving

First you need to cut strips from the newspaper and fold them with a knitting needle.

At the end, coat the corner of the newspaper with glue so that the tube does not unfold, and leave to dry.

We begin to weave the bottom. In this article we will look at the easiest way to weave the bottom. To do this, we fold 12 tubes crosswise, as shown in the photo.

With two working tubes we braid with a rope 3 base tubes each. Weave so 4-5 rows. Put something heavy in the center to make the bottom even.

After that, start braiding 2 base tubes. Weave like this for about 3-4 rows, and then braid 1 base tube each. You can make the bottom size whatever you want. The wide bottom contributes to the stability of your vase, so it will be more comfortable to use.

After the bottom is ready, start lifting the tubes up according to the principle: under each adjacent tube. From above, you can fix the tubes with an elastic band or a clothespin so that they do not interfere with weaving.

In order for the vase to be neat, you will need a base-form for it. Weave continue with a rope.

Decide on the height of the vase and, when you reach the middle, take out the base, otherwise you will not be able to remove it later.

Now you need the weave to round inwards. For this, the base will again come in handy. Of course, you can weave without it, but at the initial stages it is better to play it safe so that the vase looks neat and has even sides.

The shape of the neck of the vessel can be different, you can again use the base-form to weave the neck. We continue to weave with a rope. If suddenly you did not have enough length of the tubes, you can easily increase it. It is best to build up with white office paper, it is denser than a newspaper, and it is easier to work with it than with newspapers.

The excess ends of the tubes are carefully cut off and fixed with glue.

We prime the product with PVA glue and water. Leave to dry for 30-40 minutes. Then it all depends on your imagination, you have to decorate the vase. Paint the product with paint of any color. Take the color you want. Thoroughly coat all hard-to-reach places so that there are no unpainted areas left. Let the product dry and cover with a colorless varnish on top. So the paint will not peel off and the vase will not lose its appearance. Now you can start painting your vase.

The second method is less laborious, but the vases are just as wonderful as the first method. We use the same materials. So, let's begin.

Trying the second method for beginners

We, in the same way as in the first method, wind tubes from newspapers onto a knitting needle, fix them with glue. Then you can choose one of two ways to create a vase. First: You will need to glue several tubes together. The length of the glued tubes should be equal to the diameter of the vessel around which you will glue these tubes. Next, make an oblique cut and wrap the bottle or other base under the vase, gluing the edges of the tubes.

You can do it differently: take the base-form in advance and start gluing newspaper tubes to it. In this case, you need to think in advance on which side the length of the vase will be longer, and on which side it will be shorter.

How you do it is your choice.

Making the bottom of the vase with cardboard circles: You will need two circles for strength. Glue them to the bottom of the vase, then pour water into the bottle so that the bottom sticks better.

After the bottom is firmly glued to the product, we begin to decorate the vase. To do this, we connect several tubes and begin to glue them along the screw to the very bottom. Let the vase dry.

Next, we prime the vase, cover it with a colorless varnish and give free rein to our imagination: we paint the vase to our liking. When the vase is complete, you can accentuate your design with sparkles or apply shadows. To do this, apply silver with a sponge with light movements.

Thematic video selection on the topic of the article

In this article you can watch video tutorials on weaving.
