Evenings of fun for physical education in the dhow. Physical education holidays and leisure activities in kindergarten

Sports entertainment for children 4-6 years old in the “Friendly Children” kindergarten.

The scenario was developed for children of middle and senior preschool age. This material may be useful to physical education instructors, kindergarten teachers, and parents. You can hold an event for several different age groups (junior, middle and senior).

Target: Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.

Wellness: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.
Educational: Form motor skills; practice performing basic types of movements through game tasks, teach how to play in a team.
Educational: To cultivate attention, determination, to cultivate the ability to act in a team, a sense of camaraderie, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to be friends, to yield, to be kind, caring, and the ability to follow the rules in games.
Educational: Develop endurance, dexterity, spatial orientation, ingenuity, thinking

Equipment: Arc, rope, ring throw, hoops, dummies of vegetables and fruits, hedgehog toy.

Musical arrangement: Musical and rhythmic composition “There are friends”, musical accompaniment for games.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Children, let's stand in a circle and hold hands. A new day has come, I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. We feel good here! We are friends and call each other by affectionate names.

Game “Name it kindly.”
Children take turns calling each other affectionate names.

Educator: But sometimes we feel very sad. Let's show our mood.

Physical exercise “Mood”
The mood has dropped, (spread your arms to the sides and down, shrug your shoulders sadly)
The matter is falling out of hand... (we hit it lightly on the outer sides of the palms)
But all is not lost yet, (finger left and right)
If you have a good friend. (point to friend)
We can handle this together, (put your hands on your friend’s shoulders)
Let's breathe a sigh of relief - Eh
Let's lift the mood (sit down, gather the mood in your palms)
And shake off the dust! (dust off hands).

Educator: Guys, we know a poem about the friendship of boys and girls, let’s remember it.

Imitation game "Girls and Boys".
Boys and girls -
Alternately place the right and left hands forward, palms up.
We are all equal

Cross your fingers in a lock in front of your chest.
Just remember boys
They threaten with the index finger of their right hand.
One thing must be said:
Girls are weaker than them
They press their hands to their chest and tremble.
They can also squeak
And their boys should
They portray a strong man.
Bravely defend!

Educator: Dear Guys! Today you and I will play fun and kind games that will help us get to know each other better and become friendly children.

Relay race: “Running on all fours with crawling under an arc.”
At the teacher’s signal, the children get on all fours and run faster, reach the arc and crawl under it.

Educator: Guys, in the next competition we need to keep our balance and walk along a tightrope. Your task is to walk along the rope and not fall. Is the task clear? Reade set Go!

“Walk the Rope” relay race.
Holding hands, children walk along the rope without breaking their hands.

Educator: Guys, with the next task we will test your accuracy. You will need to throw the rings onto a ring thrower from a distance.
Relay: “Throwing rings.”
Children approach the line and try to throw the ring onto the ring thrower.

Educator: Well done boys. Tired? No? Then the next task is for you.

Game "Edible - Inedible".
There is a basket with food and toys on the floor. Children must choose what is edible and inedible and run to the hoops, put the edible in the green hoop, and the inedible in the red hoop.

Educator: Attention: now we are turning into a “centipede”!

Game "Centipede".
Children stand one after another and put their hands on the belt of the child in front. The players must hold each other tightly so that the “centipede does not break.” The leader runs in a circle, around Christmas trees, etc.

Educator: Well done! You are all cheerful and cheerful! Are we friendly guys?
Children: Yes!

Imitation game “How are you living?”
- How do you live?
- How do you do exercises in the morning?
- How do you dance?
- How are you threatening?
- How do you wash?
- How are you looking forward to lunch?
- How do you wave after?
-Are you looking into the distance?
- How are you playing pranks?

Educator: And now I invite you to play an exciting game called “Hedgehog”.

Outdoor game "Hedgehog".
Children stand in a circle with their arms extended forward. In the center - “Hedgehog”
Children: Why are you so prickly, hedgehog?
Hedgehog: This is me just in case. Do you know who my neighbors are? Wolves, foxes and bears.
When they hear the word “bears,” the “hedgehog” runs in a circle and tries to touch the children’s hands, and the children quickly remove their hands.

Educator: And now we have games for inseparable friends.

Game "Couples".
The players stand in pairs, scatter to the music and run in any direction. The music ends with the signal “Don’t sleep and don’t yawn, quickly choose a pair! "stand up in pairs, with those with whom they stood initially.

Game "Vacuum cleaner and specks of dust."
To the music, children-motes fly all over the room, spin around themselves and, spinning slower and slower, settle on the floor. But as soon as the music stops, the vacuum cleaner starts working. The teacher collects all the dust particles, touching the dust particles on the shoulder. Whoever he touches stands behind him and further collects dust particles.

Educator: And now a fun dance for cheerful and friendly guys.

Dance "Have Friends"

Educator: Our entertainment has come to an end. Thank you guys for the friendly games! You did an excellent job with all the tasks. All participants showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy! Always remain friendly guys.

Integration of educational areas:“Physical Education”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Music”.






  • Develop the ability to play together; friendly feelings, positive emotions;

Equipment: letter, “health paths”, mat, baskets - 1 pc., arc, traces”, ribbed bridge, carrots 2 pcs. for each child, musical accompaniment.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music (march)

Q: How many guests we have! Let's welcome our guests!

D. Hello, guests!

Q. A letter came to our kindergarten, it is very strange (shows the envelope).

Want to know who sent you the envelope?

The riddle will help you find the answer! - “Long ear, little ball of fluff,

He jumps deftly and loves carrots.” Who is this?

Q: Guys, can we share our health secret? Where does the hare live? (In the forest).

It's time to go to the forest, because a bunny is waiting for us. The road ahead is not easy. We need to cross the bridge across the river and crawl under the gate.

Then let's go!

1. Musical and play gymnastics Music (chord)

Our little feet walked along the narrow path,

Hands also helped, everyone waved and waved.

Stop. We sat down. We got up. They walked together again.

The rain poured down and thunder struck. We're walking on our toes.

We dusted off our hands and feet, we were not tired from the road.

Children turned into bears

The bears went for a walk,

Brown, furry, club-footed bears.

Turned into roosters

We raise our legs. We raise our legs and sing a song.

We've all turned into horses, and now we're hurrying, hurrying,

kids are galloping briskly on horses.

Our legs ran

We ran along the path

And until we get tired,

Let's not leave each other behind.

And until we get tired

Let's walk together together.

Preparation of equipment (“footprints”, bridge, gates, health tracks)

2. Obstacle course
V: These are great guys,

They immediately became stronger

And blusher, more cheerful

To find the hare

We need to follow the tracks (hands on belt)

Along the ribbed bridge,

On a beautiful carpet,

And then you have to go through the gate,

How do kittens crawl?

Q: Here is the hare’s house.

Hare: Hello, guys!

D. Hello, hare!

Hare: Thank you for responding to my request. Will you share your secret so that animals don't get sick?

Children: If you start the day with exercise,

So everything will be fine.

Exercise is useful for everyone, everyone needs exercise.

She saves everyone from laziness and illness!

Music (chord)

3. General developmental exercises “Bunnies”.

Look, kids, at the meadow (let’s hold hands and stand in a circle)

The bunnies stood in a circle.

Bunnies don't want to get sick -

Doing exercises.

The kids repeat

With them in order.

Music (chord)

1. The bunnies sat on the swing, (spring, arms back) wanted to swing.

Up and down, up and down -

They rushed straight into the sky (they shake their arms forward and back)

2. lean forward -

let everyone pick a carrot

and - once again, once again,

Our harvest is great. (bend down and take carrots in one hand, then in the other, showing the harvest)

3. look how clever it is

the hares hid the carrots.

They showed again -

Shown again

you can’t see that carrot (they hide their hands behind their backs and stretch them forward)

4.one, two, three, four, five,

the bunnies started jumping

the bunnies started jumping -

so that the bunnies don’t get tired, (put carrots in the basket)

5. Dandelions are flying (hands up)

The rabbit's nose is tickled.

Let the bunnies rest.

Blow them, guys.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a dandelion”

Bunny: How great! Now I will also do exercises every morning! I will try to do physical exercise.

Guys, let’s play one very interesting game “The little white bunny is sitting”

The game “the little white bunny is sitting.”

Little white bunny sits (Adult sits down)

And he wiggles his ears.

(An adult brings his fingers to his head, moves them, turning left and right)

That's it, that's it

He wiggles his ears.

(Children imitate the movements of an adult and repeat the words after him)

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap-clap-clap-clap We need to warm up our little paws!

(Adult and children clap their hands and repeat the last two lines)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.


The bunny needs to jump!

(Everyone jumps in one place, repeating: “The bunny needs to jump!)

Hare. Thanks guys. I now understand what needs to be done to avoid getting sick.

Children and the hare: We need to wake up in the morning and do exercises!

We will be friends with sports and value our health!

Bottom line. Well done. Guys! Today we did a good thing - we shared the secret of health with all the forest inhabitants. You did all the exercises correctly. We tried, and now everyone is healthy, cheerful and joyful. It's time to return from the forest to kindergarten.

Let's say goodbye to the hare. Goodbye!

Hare: Goodbye!

B. We will go along a short forest road to the group (on toes, hands on belt), (rugs are irritants).

Video lessons

Self-analysis of the teacher

Topic: “Visiting the hare”

During planning, preliminary work was carried out:

Conversations on the topic “What you need to do to be healthy”; “I’ll save my health, I’ll help myself.”

Learning musical and game gymnastics, general developmental exercises “Bunnies”, breathing exercises, sedentary game “Little white bunny sits...”.

Purpose of entertainment:

Create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, introduce them to a healthy lifestyle through physical exercise.



Contribute to the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

Create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Preserve and strengthen the physical health of children;


Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, completing tasks as directed by the teacher;

Strengthen the ability to crawl on all fours;

Develop skills in expressive and emotional transmission of game images;


Cultivate interest in physical exercise;

Develop the ability to play together; friendly feelings, positive emotions;

Cultivate a conscious attitude to exercise.

During this leisure time, were created the following conditions:


The entertainment was carried out in a ventilated, bright, clean room


The organized environment complies with sanitary standards.


The duration of the event was no more than 15 minutes.

Moral and psychological

Leisure brought joy and emotional and positive feelings to the children.

In the process of organizing an event in order to increase the physical activity of children, I used methods:

Verbal (explanation)

Practical (carrying out exercises in a playful way). Used the following techniques:

Surprise moment;

Problem situation;

A chain technique, each part of the entertainment flowed smoothly from one part to another.

Used for entertainment way of organization:

frontal (all children perform the same exercise);

in-line method (children perform the exercise continuously and in-line).
Used for fun health-saving technologies:

Breathing exercises;

Rugs are irritants;

Ribbed board.

The ‘entertainment’ traced the integration of educational areas: “Physical education” - practice walking and running in a column one at a time, performing tasks as directed by the teacher; practice walking on your toes; strengthen the ability to crawl on all fours; cultivate interest in physical exercise;

“Health” - developing the habit of being indoors in lightweight clothing; developing the idea that morning exercises, games, and physical exercises cause a good mood and a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;

“Socialization” - development of children’s activity in physical activity; “Communication” - activation of children’s speech;

“Music” - the exercises were accompanied by music.

In preparation for the entertainment, exercises were selected that were appropriate to the level of development of children of a given age.

So, I believe that the goal and objectives have been achieved. The goal and objectives correspond to the age characteristics of children and their interests. The children were active, interested, and throughout the entire leisure time the optimal pace of the children’s motor activity was observed.

Scenario of sports entertainment in the middle group "Merry Friends"

Prepared by:

physical education instructor

Polekhina N.I.

Wellness:Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through physical activity.
Educational:Form motor skills; practice performing basic types of movements through game tasks, teach how to play in a team.
Educational: To cultivate attention, determination, to cultivate the ability to act in a team, a sense of camaraderie, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to be friends, to yield, to be kind, caring, and the ability to follow the rules in games.
Educational: Develop endurance, dexterity, spatial orientation, ingenuity, thinking

Progress of entertainment:

Instructor : Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: yes.

Instructor: What can you travel with?

Children: children's answers.

Instructor : I suggest you go on a trip, and we will travel, guess what:

The brothers are ready to visit,
They clung to each other,
And they rushed off on a long journey,
He just left a smoke.
Children: Train

Instructor : That's right, we're going to travel by train.

We clung to each other and (to the music we followed each other)


Station "Polite"

Instructor : Someone is knocking. Who's there?

A bunny appears from behind the screen, crying...

Instructor : Guys, this is a bunny, crying, what happened?

Bunny: I was walking along the path to my grandmother and met a bear cub. And the bear cub is standing on the path and won’t let you in, how to get through?

Why do you guys think?

Children: children's answers.

Bunny: Ask politely? I don't know such words.

Instructor : Guys, let's play the game "Polite Ball", The little bunny will listen carefully, watch and get acquainted with the magic words.

Game "Polite Ball"

(children pass the ball around and say polite words to each other.)

Educator: I also suggest playing the game “Say the Word.”

Game: “Say the word.”

When we meet we talk(Hello!)

In the evening, you really want to sleep.

Tell everyone: (Good night).

The sun has risen brightly again, don’t forget(good morning!) wish everyone

We have everything covered for food, we wish(Bon Appetit!)

We by our behavior

Let's show others an example:

First, let's eat deliciously,

Then (thank you!) we'll say.

The guest decided to go home,

Let's say... (bon voyage!)

Did you sneeze? We wish:…(Be healthy!)

But he performs a hundred times more miracles

Magic words...!(Thank you!)

Instructor : Bunny, did you remember the polite words?

Bunny: What a great fellow you are, you know so many good words, I remembered everything, I’ll run and ask the bear, “Please let me through, thank you, goodbye!”

(the bunny hides behind the screen)

Instructor :

We prepared to visit together,


Lesnaya Polyana station

Instructor : invites children to go out into the clearing and take a short walk and breathe some fresh air. What beautiful flowers grow in the meadow, let's breathe in the floral aroma. Breathing exercises

Oh, look how much garbage there is? What to do?

Children: children's answers.

Game "Let's collect garbage"

(we collect cones in one bucket, leaves in another)

Instructor : And our journey continues

We prepared to visit together,
They clung to each other and ... (to the music they drove after each other, the children leave the hall and enter another door)


Station "Igrovoy".

Now we will check how friendly we are.

Attention, I propose a competition, but first we will divide into teams: “Smile” and “Friends”.Children are divided into two teams.

1. Relay race. "Who can ring the bell faster"

The guys line up in 2 columns. At a distance of 2-3 m from the teams, the necessary attributes are: stands of 3 pieces, running like a snake between them, a chair with a bell on it. We run to the chair, ring the bell and return to our place. Having completed the task, the child returns to his team, touches his hand to the next participant and stands at the end of the column

2. Relay. "Pass the ball"

The first participant has a ball in his hands, run with the ball in his hands to the cube. Run back and pass the ball to the next player

4. Relay race. "Apple picking" The team, standing in a line, passes balls from the basket along the chain, the last player of the team puts them in the bucket.

General dance (movements at the request of the children).

Summing up the competition.

Instructor : Our journey has come to an end and it is time for us to return.

They clung to each other... (they walk to the chairs one after another to the music)

Instructor : Did you guys enjoy the trip?

Children: children's answers.

Instructor : What did we travel on?

Children: children's answers

Instructor: Which stations did we visit today?

Children: children's answers. Station “Polite”, “Lesnaya Polyana”, “Igrovaya”.

Instructor : Which station did you like?

Children: children's answers

Instructor : I really enjoyed traveling with you, you are very friendly, polite, funny guys, well done!

The holiday begins with a script. When developing scenarios, listen to the opinions and wishes of children. If they want to meet for a holiday with their favorite characters - Carlson, Baba Yaga or any other character - then the meeting will certainly happen. And how much joy and delight there will be!

Game is game, but when preparing holidays and entertainment, consider certain points:

Plan holidays in accordance with the tasks for a given period of time;

Use a variety of methodological techniques and ways of organizing children to perform exercises in order to increase their physical activity;

Games and exercises must comply with dosage rules: physical activity gradually increases, and in the last task it decreases;

After completing tasks that excite children, use low-mobility games, word games, massage games;

Use a variety of sports equipment, including non-standard ones;

Don't forget about the musical accompaniment. It increases the emotional state and activity of children when completing the proposed tasks;

Create various situations in which children need to independently find a solution and overcome difficult obstacles.

To make the holidays interesting and memorable, choose a different theme.

Children love relay games, where they have to divide into teams, choose a captain, and come up with a name and motto for their team. Such games require more dexterity, courage, and dexterity from them. Despite the fact that children love competitions, they should alternate with low-mobility games, amateur performances, rhythmic dancing, and solving crosswords and puzzles. This arrangement of physical education holidays relieves stress in children.

Adult participation plays a big role during the holidays.

It’s very nice to see mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother on the same team with their son or daughter at the holiday. They and their children participate in all competitions and relay races. The cheerful atmosphere of such holidays is also transmitted to adults.

At every holiday, take pictures of children, capturing interesting moments. Design albums. For parents, make exhibitions of photographs of past holidays, because the photographs can be so interesting and funny.

End the celebration by rewarding the teams. It can be different: a separate gift for each participant of the holiday, a sweet delicious pie or cake, interesting games or sports equipment, equipment for the whole group. And let it be held solemnly, cheerfully, with the lowering of the flag, a circle of honor, that is, so that this part of the holiday will be remembered by the children.

In this collection you will find scenarios for sports events and entertainment on various topics for preschool children. Play with children, love children, help them. After all, how nice it is to see cheerful, smiling, kind, healthy children!

This collection is intended for physical education instructors and preschool teachers.

Good luck to you!

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Synopsis of physical education entertainment in the educational field "Physical Education". "We are soldiers" for middle school children


1. Strengthening the health and hardening of children when performing physical exercises.

2. Creating a cheerful holiday mood in children.

3. Develop vital motor skills, actions: basic movements, sports exercises and outdoor games.

4. Develop physical qualities: agility, speed, flexibility and coordination of movements.

5. Cultivate in children courage and will to overcome obstacles.

6. Foster love for the Motherland and the Russian army, respect for the Russian soldier.

Children enter the hall accompanied by a solemn march.

Because today is a special day

For boys and men

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Every citizen knows!

May you have good health

The guys had

After all, the boy is

Future soldier!

We walk bravely

Left and right

Because everyone is a soldier

There were preschoolers too!

I wish I could grow up quickly

To join the army!

Song: "Our army is strong"

Exercise is good for everyone

Everyone needs charging.

For pain and colds

She saves us.


Are there any soldiers among you?

I want to see what your boys are like

Strong, dexterous and brave?

Please form a team

Today there are 2 teams participating in our competition

Team: "Rocket"

Team: "Star"

Today there will be judges at our celebration


Are the teams ready for the competition?

Children: Yes!!!

Relay races and games

Ved: Let's start our fun competition

1 relay race "Border Guard"(children run to the arc, crawl under it, run to the landmark and run back).

Ved: Well done! Next
Relay - "Hockey Players", because a real soldier must play sports (children run with a gymnastic stick, pushing the ring in front of them, to a landmark and return the same way).

Ved: Well done! While the judges are summing up the results, you and I will play
The game "Cavalry".

Word to the judges: Results for two relay races.

Ved. Attention, attention, our competition continues!

Relay "Artelists"", the soldier must be an accurate shooter (throwing at a target at a distance of 2 meters).

Ved: Well done! Let’s hold this relay race and see what skillful riders our boys are; every soldier should be able to ride a horse.
The relay race is called "Cavalrymen".

Ved. While our judges are summing up the results, you and I will dance the “Merry Dance”.

The judges speak for summing up the results and awarding.
