At what age do the first movements begin? At what weeks does the baby begin to move?

At what age does the baby begin to move, what does it feel like, and how can you not miss this moment? The first movements of a baby in the womb are incomparable. This is something special and unique. Mothers describe them differently. And the timing at which weeks the baby begins to move can vary. Some people feel kicks already at the 15th week of pregnancy, and others at the 22nd. In the uterus, the baby makes chaotic movements already at 8-10 weeks, but they are so weak that not a single woman is able to feel them. It has been scientifically proven that the timing of the first tremors depends on previous pregnancies and the number of fetuses being carried.

During the first pregnancy, the first fetal movements begin at approximately 20 weeks. But young mothers cannot always distinguish these tremors from bowel movements. The movements can be confused with flatulence. Therefore, the baby’s first kicks can be +- 2 weeks. There are cases when a girl has highly developed tissue sensitivity, and then she is able to feel the baby already at 15-16.

And in the second pregnancy, the child begins to move at an earlier stage, at a maximum of 18 weeks. And the point is not that the baby develops faster than the first child. It’s just that by the second pregnancy the mother is already an “experienced fighter” and is able to distinguish the baby’s first tremors from everything else. The sensitivity of her muscle tissue has also increased and is ready for these same movements. During the second pregnancy, the mother can no longer be fooled by false pushes.

As for cases when pregnancy proceeds with the presence of two fetuses, in this case there are no special changes in the timing of the first movements. Babies also begin to move in the first trimester of pregnancy, but the mother can often feel them a little earlier than when carrying one fetus. When pregnant with twins, the baby begins to move at approximately 18-19 weeks. The thing is that the amount of free space in the uterus is rapidly decreasing. Accordingly, even minor movements of babies are felt more strongly.

Do not forget that everything mentioned above is an individual process. There are cases when mothers feel the first tremors even at 16 weeks. This is due to the fact that such women have increased tissue sensitivity. Conversely, when sensitivity is reduced, tremors can be noticed only after 20 weeks. There is nothing wrong with this, and there is no need to panic ahead of time. But if you are still worried, then you can do an unscheduled ultrasound examination, which will accurately show whether the pregnancy is progressing correctly and whether everything is okay with the fetus.

During pregnancy, important changes occur in the life of every woman that affect her well-being, even her mood. One of the most significant events is the baby moving. The expectant mother is really looking forward to this moment and wants to know at what stage the baby begins to move, when this happens, because she feels it, the connection between them becomes even stronger.

Heat what to do measurements
walk overhears flipping
the doctor has a difference inside
leg stage pregnancy

When the baby's nervous system develops, it occurs around 10-11 weeks of pregnancy (8-9 weeks of intrauterine development). The woman does not yet feel these movements, since they are very weak and the baby is not yet able to reach the wall of the abdomen. But over time, when he grows up, the woman will begin to feel unusual sensations when the child begins to slowly move during pregnancy, and it is these sensations that indicate that the fetus is moving.

At what week does the baby start to move? This occurs between 17-24 weeks of pregnancy. Starting from the 28th week, its activity is especially high and movements can be felt very often. But these are approximate data, since it is very difficult to say exactly at what time a woman will feel movement, everything is purely individual. It even depends on the woman’s physique; for example, thin girls can feel the baby’s movement earlier than plump ones.

A little heart beats inside

When the baby is already moving

To avoid further problems, a pregnant woman should know at what week of pregnancy and how the baby begins to move, signs, which characteristic sensations are normal and which are not. First of all, the belly must grow, and there must also be a heartbeat and movement of the child. Having an understanding of this, a woman will know what to expect and, in case of discrepancy, will consult a doctor in time. Your child's activity changes with each subsequent month, so it is very important to keep track of all changes.

So, how can you understand that the long-awaited moment has arrived when the fetus begins to noticeably move?

  1. You are most likely to feel movement in the evening or at night. With an active lifestyle, the expectant mother may not notice anything. Small tremors are considered normal.
  2. Also after eating - eat something and be in a calm position. It will start moving, you will be able to feel it.
  3. According to the testimony of women who have already given birth, the baby’s movements are similar to the swimming of a fish, the fluttering of a butterfly, as well as to the processes of the gastrointestinal tract. It may also feel like stroking or tickling inside the abdomen. Such symptoms appear already at 18-20 weeks.
  4. 30-32 weeks are characterized by light tremors in the upper and lower abdomen, this depends on where the baby is located.

Video on the topic.

Differences between the first pregnancy and subsequent ones

The first and subsequent pregnancies can feel significantly different. For example, a woman who has already given birth will feel when the fetus begins to move earlier than one who is expecting her first child. Those who are expecting a baby for the first time often wonder when the baby begins to noticeably and perceptibly move inside the mother’s womb during the first pregnancy. This worries the girls very much, and every slightest change makes the expectant mother worry. Such information is very important, with its help you can understand whether the fetus is developing correctly.

Pleasant sensations when the baby moves

There are certain differences in the development process of the first and second child. The changes affect not only how many weeks your baby begins to move during the first and second pregnancy, but also the nature of the kicks, how often the movements occur, the location of the abdomen, as well as other components.

  1. A woman notices the growth of her belly earlier than the first time. This is explained by the fact that after the first birth the uterus has not yet returned to its original state, so it will grow faster.
  2. The position of the abdomen also changes, now it is slightly lower than during the first pregnancy. Since the abdominal muscles are no longer able to hold it as before.
  3. The baby’s movements are also felt earlier, but this is due to the fact that the expectant mother herself, based on her experience, can distinguish between the baby’s activity and the processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The third pregnancy also differs from previous ones in that all processes are felt earlier - the dynamics of the baby, the growth of the abdomen and all other signs. This is quite normal, because the woman already knows what will happen to her throughout the entire process of gestation.

Mom and baby need fresh air

Don't panic

A properly proceeding pregnancy largely depends on the behavior of the expectant mother, or rather, her attentiveness to the unborn child. It is not enough to know only at what month the child begins to actively move in the abdomen; it is also important to track the nature of these movements, because with their help it is possible to diagnose the presence of abnormalities in a timely manner.

Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to healthy development, therefore, at the slightest inconsistency, immediate action must be taken. Knowing when you first felt your baby, you can even determine the approximate date of birth.

  1. A number of factors influence the behavior of an unborn child. He often behaves restlessly if the oxygen supply is disrupted. This can happen if the mother’s position is uncomfortable, when she is in a stuffy or smoky room. For example, when a woman lies on her back or sits with her legs crossed, this can cause discomfort in the child. To feel better, you need to change your position or go out into the fresh air.
  2. If the baby moves too often, you should definitely consult a gynecologist so that he can eliminate the risk of premature birth.
  3. Sometimes fetal activity can be painful. This is not scary, as it can simply put pressure on the bladder and other nearby organs.
  4. Also, with hiccups, the fetus may kick, but you need to sound the alarm when this does not stop for a long time. This rule also applies to all other symptoms.
  5. Track the pattern of your baby's movements, this will be useful for the doctor. Also remember when you first felt his presence.

Dynamics of fetal development

Happy pregnant woman

When the baby begins to move strongly in the stomach, the expectant mother immediately worries and monitors every new movement. This is correct, but often girls exaggerate and raise false alarms. To prevent this from happening, you need to know and understand what affects the activity of the fetus. All the processes occurring with it and the reasons for certain changes are described below.

A weekWhat's happening
At 8-10 weeksThe nervous system begins to develop: nerve endings and fibers appear. Already during this period, he moves in the mother’s womb, but she still cannot feel it.
At 20 weeksThe fetus develops and increases in size, so it can actively move in the uterus. Since there is enough free space, the mother may feel minor shocks.
At 25-28 weeksThe baby is becoming more and more dynamic, playing with the umbilical cord, and can even kick his legs.
At 32-34 weeksDuring this period, he already occupies a static position and is less active.
At 35-38 weeksHeight increases significantly, body weight also begins to make itself felt. The shocks may be rare, but they are quite strong.

The happiest period of life

How to eliminate possible danger?

The nature of the changes that occur in a woman’s body is also important. The slightest changes should be observed regularly. At what stage of pregnancy does the baby begin to move and kick, how many times a day, the nature of the movements, the symptoms that haunt you - all this needs to be discussed with your gynecologist and the necessary measures taken in time.

What you should pay attention to.

  1. If the baby does not move for more than 3-4 hours, you need to start worrying, since it is at this time that he can sleep. It is impossible to guess when he sleeps at first - he decides for himself when it is time to rest.
  2. If you are concerned about the dynamics of fetal activity, you can take a special Pearson test. It must be taken starting from the 28th week. If, according to the test results, you observed less than 10 movements per day, this is a reason to consult a doctor, because such a result may indicate oxygen deficiency.
  3. Typically, your baby should push about 7-10 times per hour. Usually in the morning from 4 to 10 o'clock he usually sleeps, so he is in a state of rest.
  4. For greater accuracy and additional confidence in the successful development of the unborn child, you can also take the Sadowski test. Its activity should be monitored after eating, during the period from 19.00 to 23.00. Lying on your left side, monitor the amount of time during which you felt 10 tremors. The result is the same: if there were 8-10 movements in an hour, the child is normal.

Twins or one?

When the fetus begins to move noticeably, the mother can immediately think about who lives inside - one baby or two. In fact, there are no special differences between twins and one child in movement - except that it can be felt a little earlier, at 16-18 weeks. The main thing is that there are no alarming symptoms of deviations.

Timely monitoring of changes in your body ensures a favorable pregnancy. The expectant mother must be interested in all the nuances of motherhood and the development of the fetus, and also know at what month and how the child begins to move, how he manifests himself and what should make him worry. The right attitude towards motherhood is the key to the baby’s health!

Most pregnant women are happy at the end of the first trimester, because the risk of miscarriage is reduced to zero and reduced. The second trimester usually brings joy to expectant mothers, since at this time unpleasant symptoms usually do not appear, and the first tremors of the fetus are felt. At what time does the baby begin to move in the mother’s belly? In each individual case, this process occurs differently.

In contact with

Process Features

The baby’s ability to move appears much earlier than the woman feels it. After all, in the first trimester the baby is still too small for the mother to feel his movements and kicks. If a pregnant woman underwent her first screening at 12 weeks, she most likely saw the fetus “tumbling” in her stomach.

When does the baby start to move? at 1st pregnancy, at what time the mother will be able to detect obvious tremors.

The first time babies in the stomach begin to make any movements is 8-9 weeks after conception. If we compare this with the obstetric period, this falls on the 11th week of development.

At this time, the baby’s body is overgrown with small bundles of muscles and neurons, so the movement is more like a shudder from convulsions.

Of course, when a child pushes like that, a woman cannot yet feel it. In addition, there is fluid in the uterus in which the baby swims, which can reduce the strength of his movements. And the fact that the baby is inside the uterus and does not touch its walls also leads to the absence of early kicks.

Interesting! How pregnancy occurs: description of stages

Clearer and more deliberate movements occur at 11-15 weeks of development, when active work of the cerebellum. Thanks to him, the baby is able to move his legs and arms. At this time, the first tremors of the child during pregnancy can already be detected in sensitive women.

How many weeks does a baby start to move? Some women claim that they notice the first movement of the baby when turning it inside the abdomen at 14 weeks. However, any gynecologist will confirm that this is impossible. In this case, the pregnant woman probably felt the activity of the intestines, which are more active during pregnancy.

At what stage does the baby begin to move so that the woman begins to feel it? The first time the mother will be able to feel the tremors is 16-23 weeks after conception. At the same time, it is important to remember the day of the movement, because the gynecologist will use it as a guide when setting the date of birth. If you count in which month the first movement occurred, this is will be 5 months carrying a baby.

Important! If you notice the baby’s first movements during pregnancy, you should definitely inform your doctor about this, who will suggest an action plan in order to notice the pathology in time.

If a woman becomes a mother for the first time, 20 weeks should be counted from the day the tremors are detected. For multiparous women, these indicators change.

Harbingers of tremors

To correctly understand your own condition during pregnancy, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the development of movements in the embryo and fetus.

From the 10th week, the baby develops nerve bundles that are responsible for movement. However, at this stage it is impossible to detect the child’s movements, because he is still too small and weak.

Already at the onset of the second trimester, almost all future mothers notice touch. However, these frameworks cannot be called exact, because the deadlines are different in each case.

The timing of shocks depends on the following factors:

  • the baby's temperament - if he is calm, the tremors will be noticeable later;
  • the degree of sensitivity of the woman (overly sensitive women can detect pleasant movements earlier than others);
  • activity of the expectant mother.

How many weeks does a baby start to move? As we found out - from 16 to 24. What harbingers notify a woman about the beginning of the baby’s kicks.

These include:

  • an increase, which already sticks out in the area under the navel (this indicates the baby’s growth and an increase in his strength);
  • sometimes you can notice movement and even “walking” of the abdomen (usually this happens when the baby tries to roll over);
  • possible occurrence of constipation, which is formed due to compression of the rectum as a result of the frequent activity of the baby.

How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy. Typically, women say that they feel like “butterflies are flying” or “fish are splashing” in their stomach. However, sometimes the first push, on the contrary, is strong, and it cannot be compared with anything other than the movement of the fetus. In this case, the answer to the question of how a child pushes is obvious.

What makes the fetus move?

The main factors on which the movement of the fetus in the womb depends are:

  1. Lifestyle. If a woman is active, she may notice the tremors later, as she is in constant motion, which obscures pleasant moments. Therefore, in the 5th month you need to pay special attention to your body and sensations.
  2. The mother’s physique, or more precisely, the width of the layer of fat that is located in the front of the abdomen. It is known that fat impairs sensitivity, which means that a woman will notice the movements of the fetus when it it will become a little stronger.
  3. . If it is in front of the reproductive organ, the pregnant woman will feel the tremors a little later. However, most often it is observed on the back wall of the uterus, which does not prevent the baby from pushing.
  4. The place where the embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity. It can attach to the bottom of the uterus (top), on the back wall or side. The time it takes to recognize shocks also depends on this (it also matters what exactly the baby uses to make movements - with an arm or a leg). If the embryo is located on the back wall, its movements will be absent for the longest time (this is especially true for the second pregnancy, when the fetus is not yet too large).
  5. As you know, women who carry a fetus twice experience shocks and movements earlier. After all, such mothers are more experienced, they know exactly what sensations to expect.

In what month the child is active - we answered. Now it’s worth finding out when the baby begins to move during subsequent pregnancies, when the uterus is already slightly stretched, which affects its sensitivity.

Reasons for increased activity

When does the baby begin to move during the 2nd case of pregnancy? As a rule, a woman can detect the first movements at 15-18 weeks, although there may be exceptions. This phenomenon can be explained quite simply – experience.

When does the baby start to move during the 3rd pregnancy? There is no more difference in this matter - the baby will begin to push a little earlier than the first time.

Typically, such movements initially resemble intestinal peristalsis, but over time they will begin to increase their own intensity, and then the movements can no longer be confused with anything.

It is especially worth noting multiple pregnancies. In this case, it is possible to notice the tremors at 15-17 weeks, since as children grow, they begin to push against each other, because as they grow, it becomes crowded.

Week 24

After 21 weeks, the baby’s vision becomes sharper, which means he can already sense bright light. Of course, this affects the activity of the fetus.

Also at this time, hearing is formed, the baby recognizes the voices of people close to him. Therefore, after he hears them, he will try in every possible way to make himself known.

If there are no tremors before 24 weeks, this is a signal of serious developmental problems in the baby. They may also be indicated by rare tremors or frequent and painful ones.

In this case, you need to immediately visit a doctor and talk about the “behavior” of the baby, otherwise it will not be possible to restore its healthy and full development.

Attention! At first (the beginning of the 5th month), the baby will be too active, so the woman will be able to notice several tremors a day.

Gradually, the fetus will grow, so the movements will not be as active, but more noticeable. By listening to her body, a woman will be able to notice the first tremors shortly after their appearance. If the baby’s movements are “delayed,” there is no need to worry; in this case, you need to get a doctor’s opinion. The gynecologist will prescribe a test that will help assess the condition of the fetus, its height and weight, as well as motor activity in the womb.

Useful video: at what stage of pregnancy do fetal movements begin?


Many people compare the baby's first movements to the flapping of a butterfly's wings or the splashing of a small fish. However, gentle touches can easily be confused with the movement of gases inside the intestines, and only when child begins to kick noticeably, there is no doubt left.

At first, the baby's movements will be unnoticeable, but soon his activity increases. The most active and noticeable fetal movements are observed between 24 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the expectant mother feels the baby’s movements almost constantly, and their frequency indicates the physical and mental state of the baby.

After 32 weeks, movements become less active. The baby increases in size, it becomes cramped in the uterus, active movements become impossible. At the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby's motor activity noticeably decreases, but does not disappear. If a woman does not feel the baby’s movements for a long time, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Tip 9: At what month of pregnancy does the baby begin to move?

Some women during pregnancy are very worried because the baby in the stomach is not yet moving. However, such actions of the child do not begin from the very beginning of pregnancy, but only several months later.

Baby's first movements

The baby's very first movements in the uterus occur quite early. But the mother does not feel them, since the size of the baby is very small, and the child moves freely in the amniotic fluid, practically without touching the walls of the uterus. The baby's first movements appear from the tenth week, when the fetus begins to be in sufficient contact with the sensitive walls of the uterus.

The expectant mother remembers the first tangible movements of the baby for a long time. After all, based on this particular date, the gynecologist calculates the most accurate date of birth.

In the case of a woman giving birth for the first time, the doctor adds 20 weeks to this date, and for those who have given birth not for the first time, 19 weeks.

Typically, a woman begins to feel movement at 20 weeks with and at approximately 18 weeks with repeat. There are cases when women begin to feel fetal movements much earlier, but this is either a deceptive sensation or the timing of pregnancy is incorrect.

The woman’s first movements are described as the floundering of a fish or the flapping of the wings of a butterfly.

The longer the period, the more clear the sensations become and are easily recognized. Towards the end of the second trimester, kicks become more noticeable to the mother through the abdominal wall. Closer to childbirth, the movements subside. The decrease in fetal activity is associated with its close location in the uterus.

Correct activity

The child's activity helps to awaken the first maternal feelings; from a psychological point of view, this is very pleasant, especially when the child. According to doctors, the frequency and nature of the fetus should be carefully monitored. Normally, a child should move at least 10 times a day (a series of pushes). The rest of the time the baby sleeps peacefully.

If the fetus kicks very often, this may be hypoxia (lack of oxygen). If the baby moves frequently and actively, it is better for the mother to go out into the fresh air or ventilate the room. The most dangerous time is when the movements become less than 10 per day, or they are not felt at all. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, or go to the doctor yourself. Always remember when it starts in the morning and count, focusing on this time, so as not to overlook a possible pathology. Just without fanaticism.

There are other reasons for active fetal movements when the mother’s body is in an uncomfortable position. By the way, this can be very dangerous, since in this position the vena cava is compressed, and the child experiences oxygen starvation.

Childbirth, is - calculation based on the beginning (first day) of the last. To determine this, you need to add a week (7 days) to the date of your last period and subtract exactly three months from the month of your last period. Let’s say if your last menstruation was on January 31, then if it occurs in February, then your long-awaited baby will be born on November 6 of this year. However, this is an approximate birthday, and this method is not always accurate.

Another method that can help determine this is to add 40 weeks or 280 days to the first day of the last menstruation - you will get the period when the baby is fully formed and full-term. In other words, you are ready for childbirth. However, here, too, our own laws of nature apply, and a direct line can be traced to the duration of your menstrual cycle. Then you will have to either add or subtract the difference in days if your cycle is not 28 days. And we need to get exactly to 28 days if your cycle is shorter, or remove it if it is longer.

In cases where the day - date of the start of the last menstruation is forgotten, it is possible to determine the date of birth of the child at an appointment with your doctor, who will examine you in a chair and determine the date of your birth based on the height of the bottom, its size and other signs. An experienced gynecologist will easily tell you how the child is developing and when you can expect him to be born.

Another approximate guideline for determining the baby's age is the time when the expectant mother first realizes that her baby is pushing and moving. This usually occurs at 20 weeks during the first pregnancy and at 18 during the second and subsequent ones. But this method is not so accurate, since the sensitivity of the expectant mother is influenced by many factors, and she may feel the baby moving a little later or earlier than 20 weeks.

But the most accurate method for determining the date of birth of a child has recently been and remains ultrasound. The first ultrasound, if there are no medical contraindications, is prescribed at the 12th week of pregnancy and the size of the ovum will confirm the duration of your pregnancy

The main thing is not to forget that you do not calculate and what day you choose for the birth of the baby, he will appear when the time comes for him to be born. Even if it's 38 weeks or 42.

Baby movements: normal

It is recommended to track the baby's frequency from 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements include not only kicks, but also rolling and light pushes. The baby may be active for a long time, or may calm down for several hours, but at least ten episodes of movements per day are considered the norm.

The child moves little: reasons

A woman may notice that the baby has become smaller in her stomach. This is especially true for mid-pregnancy, when movements are not always felt equally strongly. The baby may move less when the mother is active. When walking, its smooth movements produce a rocking effect and lull the child to sleep. The baby usually calms down two to three weeks before giving birth, this is due to the fact that there is practically no room left for him to move, he is storing strength.

What to do if the child doesn’t move much?

Scientists believe that the fetus begins to move more often when it lacks oxygen. However, a sign of severe hypoxia is lack of movement for a long time. If after 28 weeks the baby moves little or does not make itself felt for 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The specialist should not just listen to the heart with a stethoscope, but conduct cardiotocography (CTG). During this procedure, the fetal heartbeat is recorded for half an hour. The heart rate should vary on average from 120 to a minute depending on the baby's activity level, increasing during movement. Monotonous heartbeats and a less frequent heartbeat may be a sign of severe hypoxia and require immediate delivery.


  • pregnancy baby doesn't move much

A woman carrying a new man under her heart discovers many different new sensations and states. It is not easy to immediately determine which of these experiences are normal and which ones require you to see a doctor.

The most vivid and unforgettable sensation, of course, is the baby’s first movements. Listening to his movements, mothers often fear whether everything is going well. By physical activity, you can understand how the pregnancy is progressing and whether everything is okay with the baby.

During the first half of pregnancy, the woman impatiently awaits that cherished push from inside her rounded belly, listening day and night. It is from this moment that you come to the full realization that there is life inside you - a young, not yet strong baby who will soon be born and will delight you with her presence.

The fetus develops intensively in the womb. The child makes his first movements already by the eighth week of his growth. At this time, he had already developed nerve fibers and the first muscle bundles, which play a very important role in the process of movement. The child cannot coordinate his movements, so everything happens chaotically. This is the result of underdevelopment of neuromuscular connections. At the beginning of the second trimester, the ratio of the size of the fetus and the intrauterine space does not allow the mother to feel movements at this time. Even if the baby moves, it does not touch the walls of the uterus.

Further, more progressive development of the fetus occurs. The central nervous system strengthens and improves. This contributes to more orderly movements of the child. During this period, the baby already more or less consciously reacts to external stimuli. Based on the child’s activity, the mother can understand, for example, what kind of music he likes best.

The contracting intrauterine space allows you to feel the movements of the fetus. The baby is growing and gaining strength, so the intrauterine volume around him decreases. It is easier for the baby to reach the walls of the uterus.

Women who are carrying their first child usually feel movements at the twentieth week from conception, and mothers who are already carrying their second child - at eighteen weeks. The day of the first movement is entered by the doctor into the pregnant woman’s outpatient card and is considered the middle of the term.

Of course, you shouldn’t rely on the date of the first movement, because sometimes it can be determined by the physiological characteristics of the woman in labor. For example, fragile girls can feel the baby’s movements already in the sixteenth week of pregnancy. This is due to the underdevelopment of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is observed in women with an asthenic physique.

What are the first movements?

Women often mistake increased intestinal motility or the formation of gases for their first movements. Many people describe the first movements as “like a fish swimming” or “like butterflies in the stomach.” It's really hard to put this feeling into words. It is very emotionally charged, therefore it is deeply subjective. Each mother, overwhelmed with feelings, can describe the sensations of the first movement of the fetus differently. But they are always accompanied by incredible joy, and they pass absolutely painlessly.

As the pregnancy progresses, the mother may experience some discomfort. Often, fetal movements even interfere with sleep. It's clear. The baby becomes cramped in the intrauterine space, and he signals this to his mother. It is necessary to pay attention to exactly where the baby “knocks” most actively. The baby's limbs are located in this place.

Starting from the first moment of movement until the very birth, the mother can monitor the condition of her baby. The regularity of movements indicates the correct course of pregnancy and fetal development. At the same time, if the child moves abnormally, dysfunction can be suspected.

The duration of fetal movements is strictly individual. The “little ones” can haunt their mother for about half a day, so the standard time for fetal movements has not been established.

Often mothers feel their baby hiccupping. There is nothing surprising and nothing dangerous in this. Hiccups manifest themselves in rhythmic twitching or contractions inside the tummy. This condition occurs as a result of the child’s too active swallowing of amniotic fluid, but it is absolutely harmless to the baby.

At the peak of activity

The most active movements are observed from the twenty-fourth to the thirty-second weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the baby grows and develops most rapidly. The space inside the mother's womb is rapidly shrinking, which contributes to a more sensual perception of the mother's movements.

In a normal pregnancy, the baby's motor activity decreases towards the end of pregnancy due to cramped conditions. This is completely normal. The baby moves to the lower abdomen. At the thirty-second week of pregnancy, when the nervous system is formed, a rest-activity cycle is established. During this period, the child was already formed not only physically, but also acquired the characteristics of his character and temperament. At this stage, the number of movements during a normal pregnancy reaches fifteen times per hour. But if the baby does not show signs for three hours, this does not mean anything bad - he is simply resting.

Several tests have been developed based on the dynamics of the baby's movements. The most striking example is D. Pearson’s “Count to Ten” test. It can be used from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. Conducting research is very simple: it is enough to record the number of fetal movements from nine to twenty-one hours over a twelve-hour period for two weeks. The time of movements for the tenth time must be noted. For a normal pregnancy, the tenth episode occurs at 16-17 hours. If there are less than ten movements in half a day, you need to consult a doctor.
