Discharging from maternity hospital. How to organize everything

The birth of a son or daughter is a huge event for every family. Parents look forward to not only the firstborn, but also every long-awaited and dear child with all their hearts.
And now, finally, the experiences and labors associated with pregnancy and childbirth are over. The baby goes home for the first time! Of course, both he and his mother - the real heroine of this day - would like to be greeted festively after discharge by both dad and all their friends and relatives.

It is possible that after difficult days, mom will not have time for special celebrations, and most of all she will want home comfort and peace, and not noisy fireworks and a banquet. In any case, a stormy “party”, and simply being on her feet for a long time, is still beyond her strength. However, it is quite possible to create a festive mood without this!

" Young fathers have many ways to express their love and joy at the arrival of a new loved one. For example, one young businessman met his wife from the maternity hospital... riding a horse and wearing a royal robe!

And for some reason in Odessa, when leaving the maternity hospital, it is popular for young children to wear angel costumes. Stylized extracts are not uncommon today - for example, in the folk-peasant style or “pink-princess style”.

Today we will talk about the most popular ideas for creating a festive mood on this wonderful day.

  • Flowers
  • Balloons
  • Arch
  • Posters
  • Bubble
  • Music
  • Car decoration
  • Home decoration
  • Present


So, the first thing that comes to mind even at the most modest meeting is flowers. And, although there is an opinion that their scent may not be very useful for a baby, such a holiday cannot do without a beautiful bouquet. Of course, it is better to avoid very fragrant smells - for example, lilies, lilacs, lilies of the valley.

" The most passionate fathers, like the hero of this photo, give a bouquet with the number of flowers... according to the number of days of the past pregnancy. Perhaps a special assistant is needed to deliver it home!

Photo from orehi.tv


The most popular attribute of this half-children's event, which has an incredible number of uses. They make funny figures and garlands; they decorate the apartment and entrance; They say that craftsmen even “deliver” flowers to the windowsill of the ward using balloons!

One of the beautiful options is to release a huge bunch of balls into the sky or, by untying a special net, admire how a real multi-colored cloud rises.

Photo from the site chudetstvo.ru


Western fashion that has come down to us is the passage of a mother and baby into a specially constructed decorative arch. Most often, the material for it is also balls, but, of course, the material can be different.

photo from the website premier-68.ru


This very traditional version of congratulations can be very successful. Judge for yourself: this is a “handmade”, unique, created only for this event, a memorable thing. Its production requires virtually no cost and at the same time allows you to express your feelings the way you want.
The young mother will certainly appreciate congratulations for her and her baby personally.

Photo from reniy.ru


A more original way to create a festive mood and remind you of childhood is a lot of soap bubbles. Now, it turns out, it is possible to find such a service! But if you wish, if you have a support group, you can create such a curtain on your own:

Photo from the site fashion-fit.ru

By the way, now, especially in the capital, another “aerial” tradition is gaining popularity: on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, just like on the wedding day, young parents (and sometimes everyone present) release doves into the sky. But still, this is still more exotic than a common attribute.


But you won’t surprise anyone anymore with musical roulades under the windows of the maternity hospital. In some of the Novosibirsk maternity hospitals, this is almost commonplace during discharge hours! From a single violin or saxophone to drums or a whole orchestra (it is especially convenient to organize such a surprise for the families of musicians).

" True, you shouldn’t, even if there is such an opportunity, invite a brass band or even a couple of trumpets under the window of the maternity hospital - this can clearly interfere with babies and mothers...

And don’t forget - the music program for a baby with his mother should be short!

Photo from the site agentstvoyula.ru

Photo from the site ya-mama.com.ua

Artists, clowns, life-size puppets

Quite, in our opinion, a controversial, but quickly spreading fashion - a meeting from the maternity hospital not only with a happy father and relatives, but also... life-size dolls, or simply artists (clowns, fairy-tale characters). Although, if, again, we are not talking about the whole performance, but about a short, cheerful congratulation - why not?

Photo from the site ptk1spb.ru

Car decoration

But finally, the first congratulations have ended, and the happy family is heading home. This means you need to take care of a smart car!
Until recently, fashionable custom limousines are today rather an attribute of “luxury life.” And dads prefer to express their love and joy by dressing up their own cars, fortunately, now you can find magnetic letters and stickers on the corresponding theme on sale.

Photos from sites chuvbolgari.ru, top2.by

By the way, traditional dolls, baby dolls and bunnies on the hood would also be quite appropriate. And also ribbons and, perhaps, those same all-life-saving balloons!

Photo from the website engine-love.rf

What holiday can compare with the moment when a family sees a baby for the first time? On the wedding day, all attention is paid to the newlyweds, when buying an apartment or car, they rejoice in material well-being, but the birth of a child is a special feeling that cannot be compared with anything in its magnitude.

Celebration organization

On the day of discharge, mother and baby need to be met from the maternity hospital, and, of course, organizing this holiday is a complex process, since many details need to be thought through. Family members and close relatives will be able to take part in this. The husband should meet the mother and baby, and grandmothers and friends will help set the small table at home.

Discharging from maternity hospital

Every couple will want to remember this day with vivid emotions. Therefore, you need to think through the meeting as carefully as possible. You need to order bunks in advance for discharge - you can do this here happy-papa.ru. It's a good idea to leave a bouquet of flowers in the new mother's room, so when she wakes up, it will be the first thing she sees. Flowers should be selected that are delicate and have a pleasant, mild scent. A mime or a clown will help add originality to this day, creating a cheerful mood for everyone present. For long-lasting memories, be sure to invite a professional photographer who can create bright and unique photographs of this day.

Girl's discharge

When welcoming your daughter from the maternity hospital, it is better to decorate the meeting in gentle colors, using soft coral and peach colors. Also, don’t forget about balloons, flowers and firecrackers, but don’t overdo it, too many of these things will cause inconvenience. For example, one bouquet of flowers will be enough to sprinkle the path with rose petals. An interesting move is to decorate the holiday as the birth of a little princess. You can order a girl's name cut out of foam and decorate it with a crown, flags or balloons. You can also give guests small crowns on headbands so that they feel like they are participating in the celebration.

Discharge of the boy

When meeting a boy, you should be more restrained and do everything in light blue or green tones. Give your guests hats or bow ties, and a small mustache would also be appropriate. You can add some balloons. Such an unusual extract will be remembered by everyone without exception. But the holiday doesn't end there!

Meeting young parents at home

The holiday is just about to begin here. When everyone comes home, the apartment should be decorated in advance using photographs of the pregnant mother, toys should be laid out, and the crib should be assembled and decorated. Depending on the gender of the child, we select the color scheme of the jewelry. If you are expecting guests at home on this day, then an interesting move would be to send them children's invitations, indicating the time and date. At the entrance you can place the baby's future photo album, leaving a few sheets of wishes at the beginning. This way the child will have a memory of everyone present on “that very day”!


Noisy holidays should be postponed for now. While it is difficult for the baby to adapt to those around him, it is better to arrange a small buffet, limited only to relatives and closest friends. Treat everyone to tea, dessert, and light snacks. Also, don’t forget about cute jewelry. You can tie beautiful ribbons on cups, and decorate sandwiches with fruit.

If you find it difficult to cope with the organization alone, you can contact a specialized agency.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is a very important event for a family with a newborn baby. Often, all worries fall on the shoulders of the happy father, since the mother is in the hospital and is completely occupied with her baby. Everything needs to be organized beautifully so that it will be remembered for a lifetime, because this is the baby’s very first holiday. It is necessary to take care of everything in advance so as not to forget many little things.

1. Take care of transportation. If you don’t have a car, you must resolve this issue, because traveling with a baby by bus will not only not look festive, but also be dangerous for the baby. After all, the newborn will be released into the world for the first time.
2. Together with your wife, decide who will come for discharge on this day. Gather all your important and close people on your special day.
3. Things for the child and wife. On this special day, mommy and baby should look festive. You will need to prepare things and cosmetics for your wife, and take a ceremonial envelope for your child. Often these envelopes come with ribbons and bows. A pink ribbon for a girl, a blue ribbon for a boy. If the discharge takes place during the cold season, warm clothing is required.
4. Gifts for medical staff. Usually, relatives of a woman in labor give doctors inexpensive gifts - flowers, coffee, cakes, sweets. This is how they express their gratitude.
5. Flowers for the wife. Don't be stingy in this matter. Give your loved one a chic bouquet, it will be ideal if you complement it with a gift (jewelry), it will be a thank you for your son or daughter.
6. Don't forget to order photo and video shooting.
7. Decorate the room with balloons. At home, everything must be thoroughly cleaned and washed before discharge. Decorate the rooms with posters and balloons. Make sure that in the first hours of discharge, the mother rests and does not do cleaning. Dedicate the first minutes to caring for your baby together.
8. Prepare several dishes. Stock up on food and groceries.

Finally you are home! Now you can give your baby more attention and care with your whole family. Remember, in the first months a young mother needs help caring for her baby. Plan all your household chores in the same way as your discharge. Remember, a woman after childbirth is prone to depression, don’t let this happen, don’t forget to surround your wife with love!

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The birth of a baby is a happy event in the life of a family. As a rule, they prepare for it in advance, many issues are discussed and resolved: preparing a dowry for the baby, decorating a children's room, choosing a maternity hospital, as well as discharge from it.

Recently, there has been a tendency to organize colorful celebrations in honor of the release of a newborn from the hospital. There are special agencies that can develop a meeting scenario, focusing on a specific family. However, it is better to discuss the scale of such events with the child’s mother, and her answer will depend on how she, the baby feels, what the family’s budget is, and even on what the weather is like outside the window. If you have to organize the meeting yourself, there are several points that you should pay attention to.

1) It is not necessary to arrange a grand affair on the day of discharge. You can make a young mother happy long before that. For example, place a heart or words of gratitude from lighted candles or flowers under the windows of the ward, hang a poster with similar content on the fence of the maternity hospital, or launch a Chinese lantern. Such touching moments are remembered for a lifetime, and on the day of discharge it will be enough to give the woman a beautiful bouquet of flowers, kiss her, hug her and go home.

2) Be sure to capture the moment of meeting your baby on Photo and video. You can turn to professionals for help or handle this task yourself. You just need to discuss the issue with the maternity hospital staff in advance: at what point will it be possible to take photographs. As a rule, strangers are not allowed into the discharge room (with the exception of photographers, whose services are offered by the maternity hospital itself), but this rule has exceptions. For example, you can agree that the mother and baby are discharged last, in which case the nurse will not rush and will give the opportunity to be present while the baby is getting dressed.

3) An alternative to fresh flowers (but not replacing them 100% - at least one real bouquet must be present) can be a bouquet made of balloons. It looks very cute when a child gives a daisy made from balloons. In addition, this option is useful if the special event occurs during the cold season. In addition to a bouquet of flowers for your mother, prepare flowers for the medical staff.

4) To maintain a joyful mood for yourself and those around you, you can decorate the car, in which mother and baby will go home. These could be balloons, arrangements of flowers or ribbons, even a toy doll on the hood. Inscriptions on the car like the following look original: “I’m going to pick up my son,” “My daughter was born,” “A stork flew to us,” and the like.

5) Find out in advance about traditions existing in the maternity hospital. Some maternity hospitals maintain the festive atmosphere of discharge with certain rituals. So, in the maternity hospital where I gave birth, at the exit from the department there was a small bell with the symbolic inscription “Good luck” - you can ring it when taking the baby home. There is also a custom of planting a tree near the maternity hospital with a name plate (the child’s name, date of birth and the doctor delivering the birth) - thanks to this, a park will soon appear around the hospital. Similar traditions can be transferred to your family: for example, planting a tree in honor of each baby born in the family.

6) The festive atmosphere should be present at home too: you should clean the room, prepare the crib for the newborn, take care of dinner, because the mother who has left the hospital will not be able to immediately begin her typical household duties. The room can be decorated with posters and balloons, but do not overdo it, because balloons attract dust very well, and the baby will have to breathe in it.

AND one more tip– you don’t need to get too carried away with creating a festive event. It’s better to try to provide help to your mother and take on household chores. Usually the mother is still too weak after childbirth to withstand the abundance of people and any pre-planned scenario, and the baby requires silence, comfort and peace. And the most important thing is not an artificially created holiday, but a feeling of holiday in the soul from the fact that the smallest and most beloved person will live nearby.

What can be compared in importance to the discharge of mother and baby from the maternity hospital? Yes, practically nothing!

On your wedding day you share attention with the groom, while buying a car or apartment you enjoy material values, but the holiday on discharge from the maternity hospital means special emotions, special photos and completely different feelings!

Today we will tell you how to organize discharge from the maternity hospital so that the baby’s mother is delighted! Of course, it’s worth slipping this publication to future dads and godparents, grandparents and aunts :). Let them take charge of organizing the fun!

Organizing discharge from the maternity hospital is a complex and time-consuming process if you do it alone! But what if we divide powers and responsibilities and take on ideas for discharge from the maternity hospital point by point?

  • Organization of discharge from the maternity hospital
  • Meeting of a young mother and baby at home
  • Menu for discharge from the hospital

The first point can easily be taken care of by your friends, the second by your husband, but the third will definitely fall on the shoulders of the parents (grandparents of the baby).

Beautiful and original extract from the maternity hospital: meeting place

Of course, every couple wants their graduation ceremony to be the most stylish and beautiful! That is why I propose to move dozens of steps away from the banal posters “Thank you for your son/daughter!” and move on to more romantic and modern ideas!

For example, it would be appropriate if your wife (daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, etc.) receives her first bouquet upon waking up from the delivery room. Nothing pleases a woman’s eye like an elegant bouquet of flowers that will remind her that she is loved and appreciated! Just note that the flowers do not have to be very fragrant (like lilies).

Let the unusual discharge from the maternity hospital begin from the first minute! The cheerful mime will scatter rose petals in front of the mother and lead her to where the young father, parents and family friends are already waiting!

Be sure to hire a professional photographer who can capture vivid emotions and beautiful shots! Believe me, you will have no time to photograph mother and baby, because all your emotions and energy will be spent on congratulations!

An interesting solution would be to make various attributes for the meeting - arches, paths, fireworks and other “chips”. Discharge from the maternity hospital and the “pleasures” organized with your own hands will not go unnoticed on this day!

Please note that it should be decorated in delicate colors - pink, peach, yellow, coral.

Don't forget to prepare balloons and firecrackers with rose petals, but don't buy too many flowers - let only the husband, who is most looking forward to his girls home, be with the bouquet :).

It will be fun to issue a discharge from the maternity hospital in the style of the birth of a Princess! Then the key element of the entire design can be a small crown, which will crown the girl’s name, flags, balls and other accessories!

Give small crowns to everyone present :). Let them feel like they are at court!

But maybe it can be more restrained :). Blue and light blue tones are more traditional for babies of this gender.

Give preference to a holiday in the style of a little gentleman. Funny mustaches, butterflies and blue balloons - such a creative discharge from the maternity hospital will be remembered by everyone without exception!

Give all your guests a piece of candy - let them feel the sweetness and fun even before the buffet table :).

After mom comes out, congratulations and a few photos of the newborn and parents should be sent home!

Perhaps you are planning a small buffet for discharge from the maternity hospital? You will find ideas for it below!

Extract from the maternity hospital: what to think of for apartment decor

The holiday doesn't have to end with arriving home! It should just begin there! Depending on the gender of the child, place garlands and congratulations, photographs with the pregnant mother, things and other little things on the walls!

Frames with ultrasound photos and a pregnant photo shoot in the album will complement the overall atmosphere!

A good solution would be to arrange gifts in the house, decorate the crib and place children's soft toys!

If you're planning to invite guests home, don't forget to send them fun invitations!

Just for friends and family, place a book of wishes at the entrance, where they can congratulate the baby and mother. By the way, the first pages of a children's photo album can serve as a book of wishes. This way, you will forever preserve the wishes of those closest to you for your daughter or son!

Many people ask the question “How to celebrate being discharged from the maternity hospital?” The next section of our article is exactly for you!

How to arrange a discharge from the maternity hospital: a celebration of the belly

It is better to leave a noisy feast, alcohol and a large number of guests until the wedding or christening. Then mother and child will adapt to each other, the situation and the environment at home and will be able to fully enjoy the holiday. For now, a circle of close people is enough :). Treat people to light snacks and sandwiches, skewers and tartlets, recipes for which you can find on our website.

Give preference to desserts and tea, which will be enough for a festive meeting!

Don't forget about the little things that will brighten up your holiday!

For entertainment, you can arrange competitions when you are discharged from the hospital. For example, conduct a short quiz among your guests with questions on the topic “What is the weight of the newborn baby?”, “Length of the foot in millimeters,” etc.

Let your guests have fun by guessing children's songs and riddles, playing games or other children's activities!

We are sure that our tips on how to decorate a discharge from the maternity hospital will help your family create a unique holiday!

Hello. Thanks to my work as a realtor, I communicate with different people very often. Naturally, I ask who works for whom. One day a woman came to me and needed to sell her apartment. It turned out that she was a passport officer for the HOA. I gave her a big discount for her help in completing the transaction, and now I consult with her on issues of extracting or registration. These instructions are written based on her experience.

In the article, I described in detail 4 ways to check out from an apartment - we immediately register at the new place of residence, we check out “to nowhere”, by proxy and through the “State Services” portal. I advise you to read all the options and choose the most suitable one (some points in the instructions are repeated).

A small addition: For a long time there are no such concepts as registering or checking out of an apartment. But only - registration at the place of residence/stay or deregistration. But they ask me precisely in old terms. That's why I indicate them in the article. This makes it simpler and clearer for readers.

Method No. 1. Discharge by registration to a new place of residence or stay

Important! If you want to check out and register in one city, then it is not necessary to check out in advance. You can simply register at your new place of residence and they will discharge you from your previous apartment. But the process of discharge and registration itself usually takes 14 days and a maximum of 30 days, and if you want to register in another city, it can take 2-3 months.

Some passport offices at a new place of residence do not want to sign citizens out from their previous place of registration and will send you to sign up first, but in this case their actions are unlawful. Threaten with the prosecutor's office for arbitrariness. Usually it helps. And if you don’t want to “bother” with this situation, then you can check out first - instructions.

Instructions for citizens who are not registered with the military registration and enlistment office

If you are the owner/one of the owners of an apartment and are not registered with the military commissariat, then here are the instructions:

  1. Appear at the passport office at the new place of residence, fill out an application(click on the names of the statements to download a sample). Forms will be provided at the passport office, and samples of completion are also available on the information board in the passport office. At the top of the application, indicate information about the new place of residence, and at the bottom about the previous one.

    (I advise you to submit both originals and photocopies):

    • Russian passport;
    • link to instructions for obtaining this extract;
    • house book if you are registering in a private house.
  2. The passport office employee will check application and submitted documents, will pick up your passport And will appoint the day it was received. Typically, registration takes 14 days and a maximum of 30 days.
  3. Pick up your passport on the appointed day with a stamp confirming the extract from the previous place of residence and registration at the new one. You are discharged and registered.

Instructions for citizens registered with the military registration and enlistment office

Important! Often, passport offices claim that, before issuing an extract and registration for citizens registered with the military registration and enlistment office, they must first deregister from the previous military registration and enlistment office and register with the new one. This is a separate topic for debate, because... According to the law, only after a change of place of residence or stay is it necessary for a person liable for military service to register with military commissariats. You can threaten to appeal to the prosecutor's office against such employees for arbitrariness. Usually it helps.

If the passport office has agreed to handle your extract and registration, then (click on the link) there is already a procedure in this case. But if you are denied registration and you do not want to waste your time on disputes and court, the instructions are as follows (some points are taken from the instructions above):

  1. Appear at the passport office at the new place of residence, fill out an application in form No. 6 with a tear-off coupon. It is necessary to fill out both the upper part of the “Application for registration at the place of residence” and the lower tear-off slip “Application for deregistration at the place of residence” (click on the names of the applications to download a sample). Forms will be provided at the passport office, and samples of completion are also available on the information board in the passport office.
    In the upper part you indicate information about your new place of residence, and in the lower part about your previous place of residence.

    Present to the passport office employee(we recommend submitting both originals and photocopies):

    • Russian passport;
    • a document confirming the ownership of the housing in which you want to register. Since 2017, the document that confirms ownership of any real estate is an Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the property (in our case, an apartment). Title registration certificates have now been canceled and have not been issued since July 2016. Here is a link to instructions for obtaining this extract;
    • military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (hereinafter referred to as capital).
    • house register if you are registering in a private house;
  2. The passport office employee will fill out registration card in form No. 9 and will give it to you. You also pick up your documents along with the application in Form No. 6.
  3. Next, you need to deregister with the previous military registration and enlistment office and register with the new one.(if there is only one military registration and enlistment office, then simply “redirect”).
    1. Contact the military registration and enlistment office at your previous place of residence and notify of your desire to be deregistered. There you sign a standard application based on the following documents: Russian passport; military ID or capital; application from the passport office in form No. 6; citizen registration card according to form No. 9.

      After signing the application, the military registration and enlistment office employee will stamp the deregistration on the military ID (or capital) and on the registration card. You have been removed from the military register.

    2. It is necessary to register with the military registration and enlistment office at your new place of residence. The procedure is the same - sign the application and present: Russian passport; military ID or capital; application from the passport office in form No. 6; citizen registration card according to form No. 9; a document confirming the ownership of the housing in which you want to register. Since 2017, the document that confirms ownership of any real estate is an Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the property (in our case, an apartment). Title registration certificates have now been canceled and have not been issued since July 2016. Here is a link to instructions for obtaining this extract.

      After signing the application, the military registration and enlistment office employee will put a stamp on registration on the military ID (or capital) and on the registration card. You have registered for the military.

  4. Go to the passport office again and submit: Russian Federation passport; military ID or capital letter with new registration stamps; application from the passport office in form No. 6; citizen registration card according to form No. 9; a document confirming the ownership of the housing in which you want to register; foundation agreement; house register if you are registering in a private house;
  5. Passport office worker after checking the submitted documents, will pick up application, citizen registration card, passport and will appoint the day it was received. Typically, registration takes 14 days and a maximum of 30 days. If you are registering in a private house, then the corresponding entry will be made in the house register and a stamp will be placed.
  6. On the appointed day come to the passport office to get a passport with stamps confirming your extract from your previous place of residence and registration at your new one. You are discharged and registered.

If you are going to check out and register not in your own apartment, but in the same city, then the procedure for registering in someone else’s apartment is suitable for you.

Method number 2 – check out “to nowhere”

If you just need to check out “to nowhere,” for example, when selling an apartment, then the required procedure is presented below.

  1. Appear at the passport office and fill out an application according to form No. 6 on deregistration at the place of residence. You can download the application form and a sample from here. The form will also be given at the passport office; a sample form is hanging on the information board. The application will need to indicate the address of the new place of residence., moreover, you can specify any address, even if you are not going to register there. But if after discharge you will register in another place, then indicate the real address of your future registration.

    Together with the application to the passport office employee present only your passport.

  2. Detailed instructions for apartment sellers - how to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities.Deposit - how to transfer it correctly, so that later there are no problems with sellers + what documents to sign.

  3. Passport office worker will check the application will pick up your passport and set a day for receiving it. Typically, many passport offices issue passports on the same day of application, but the processing may take a maximum of 7 days.
  4. On the appointed day come to the passport office to get a passport with a stamp indicating deregistration at your place of residence and a departure slip. You have been discharged. The departure slip cannot be lost; it is needed for future registration at a new address. Its validity period is maximum 30 days.
If it is necessary to discharge a minor child from the country, the process becomes a little more complicated. Follow this link to read the conditions and instructions for discharging a minor.

Important! As stated above, passport offices often require those liable for military service to first de-register with their military commissariat before being discharged. But according to the law, this requirement is unlawful, because Removal from military registration must be done within 14 days after discharge. Threaten with the prosecutor's office, because... this is arbitrariness.

If the passport office has agreed to handle your discharge, then there is already an order in this case. But if the passport office employees disagree and you don’t want to waste your time on disputes and court, read the order with minor additions:

  1. At the passport office, fill out an application for registration, sign the citizen registration card according to form No. 9 (filled out by the employee). After signing, pick up the application and registration card.
  2. Next, you need to deregister at the previous military registration and enlistment office and register at the new one (if there is only one military registration and enlistment office, then simply notify about the change of registration). To do this, at each military registration and enlistment office, sign an application in the established form and submit: a passport; registration applications from the prescriber and from the owners; military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (capital). The employee will put a stamp on removal or registration for military registration on the military ID (or capital) and on the citizen registration card.
  3. Go to the passport office again, where you can hand over your applications, registration card and passport. The employee will check the submitted applications and documents, pick up the passport and set a day for its receipt.
  4. On the appointed day, pick up your passport with deregistration stamps.
According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 1995 N 713 (as amended on May 21, 2012), citizens are required to register in a new place within 7 days from the date of arrival at the new place of residence, and not from the moment of discharge from the previous one.

For detailed instructions on registering in a new apartment, read this article. Otherwise, you will face a fine of 1.5 thousand rubles.

  • But if there is a good reason why you could not register at your new place of residence within 7 days, then the reason must be explained at the passport office. Possible reasons:

    business trip;

  • You will need to submit to the passport office: a waybill, a certificate from your place of work, etc.

    hospitalization or outpatient treatment (staying at home on sick leave);

  • You are required to present a sick leave certificate or an extract from the hospital, which should indicate the duration of your illness.

    sale and purchase of an apartment.

For example, you first sold an apartment and then bought a new one. At the same time, the procedure for processing documents for the sale and purchase of housing took more than seven days. Accordingly, you, having in your hands a purchase and sale agreement and a document confirming ownership of the apartment, can easily prove your reason for not having time to register in a new place within the specified period.

Method No. 3 - sign out with the help of a trusted person

If you cannot, for some reason, sign out on your own, then another person can do this for you by issuing a notarized power of attorney for him.

Passport office employees are not too fond of dealing with issues with an extract by proxy, because in some cases scammers take advantage of this. Therefore, first call the passport office at your place of registration and find out if they will issue you with a power of attorney.

The power of attorney must be issued not as a general power of attorney, but as a special one, which can be clarified with a notary - he himself will formalize everything as required. If you need an experienced notary, you can contact us for contact information. To call, write to our online legal consultant at the bottom right. You can also consult with him for free.

Method No. 4 - sign up via the Internet on the State Services website
