Affirmation meaning. Affirmations

Positive Affirmations or affirmations(from lat. affirmatio“confirmation”) are persuasive statements containing a verbal formula that, when repeated many times, reinforces in a person’s subconscious an attitude towards positive changes in his life. This is positive auto-training aimed at making you feel healthy, successful, free, etc. The concept of affirmation is used in self-improvement psychology and positive psychology.

Scientific research in recent years has shown that word-induced impulses of the second signaling system come from the cerebral cortex into the internal environment of the body and rearrange the vital functions of the tissues of internal organs.

Listen carefully to your speech. What lines do you say most often, what do you call yourself, how do you speak about your life? If a person says "My life is a complete nightmare!", "What a fool I am!", "Everything I do is in vain!“- this whole program is recorded in the subconscious and produces a complete set of losers. Our subconscious embodies what is said impartially and flawlessly. So isn’t it better to put the formulas of luck and success into it?

The basic affirmation goes like this: “Every day, I feel better and better in every way.”, its author is Emile Coue. Other examples of affirmations:

  • I deserve the best in life;
  • I am a confident person;
  • My life is calm and safe;
  • People around me respect and love me.

You can make up your own affirmations, guided by simple rules:

  1. The affirmation should not be too long. One or two sentences made up of words that you understand and like, for example, " I'm talented" or " My income is constantly growing t."Short positive statements will quickly flow into your subconscious and gain strength faster;
  2. The affirmation should be completely opposite in meaning to the negative program that you want to get rid of;
  3. The affirmation must be composed in the present tense, formulated as an accomplished fact. For example, instead of " I'll be successful soon"should be pronounced" I'm a successful person";
  4. Write positive statements in the first person using pronouns " I", "to me", "me", etc. If the statement is built from general phrases (" This world is beautiful and it gives people everything they want."), it is unlikely to lead to a solution to your problem. You can repeat affirmations only for your own benefit, do not interfere in the lives and plans of other people, this can lead to the opposite effect;
  5. Affirmations should not contain negatives because they are saying what you want, not what you don't want. Psychologists have found that our subconscious does not perceive the particle “not”. For example, when a person says " I'm not sick", on a subtle level this phrase reads like " I'm ill" - involuntary self-coding for the disease occurs;
  6. The affirmation should feel good to you, and repeating it should make you feel good inside. Thoughtlessly repeating even the most correct, but incomprehensible or unpleasant phrase to you, may not give any effect;
  7. If you want affirmations to benefit you, you need to work with them in a great mood. Any activity leads to success if it is accompanied by positive emotions.

At first, you will be overcome by doubts, since what you say will not correspond to reality. However, regular repetition at the first stage will mechanically implant in the subconscious the mindset for success and health. You may also feel internal resistance - the repressed negative programs of consciousness accumulated over the years will worsen.

As the resistance of consciousness when reading affirmations falls, the volume of their pronunciation can be reduced, and at the moment when the spoken words and thoughts merge, there will be a transition to pronouncing positive statements with an inner voice. At the same time, a feeling is born that positive thoughts seem to settle inside the head.

  1. To enhance the impact of affirmations, you need to read them with maximum expression, getting used to them;
  2. There are several ways to enhance the effectiveness of affirmations: the special environment in which they are pronounced, the strength of the voice, gestures and other techniques!
  3. It is believed that it is better to say affirmations aimed at changing yourself in front of a mirror, looking deeply into your own eyes or examining your face;
  4. It is recommended not only to pronounce convincing statements about forgiveness of others and yourself, but also to write them on paper or on a computer;
  5. If you want to surround yourself with posters of positive affirmations, it is best to place them according to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It is better to call for blessings and abundance in the southeast, and to write about creative ideas and family planning in the west. Affirmations on the topic of love, family and marriage, composed by a woman, are placed in the northwest, and those written by a man, in the southwest. Posters to increase your self-esteem are best placed in the south, in the glory zone;
  6. Affirmations “clean” our thinking, prepare us for amazing changes in the near future and attract them into our destiny as soon as we are ready for it. Once you change your thinking, life responds to these changes accordingly. Start a new life with affirmations right now!

Do you dream of changing your life for the better and creating an image of your ideal self? Then short phrases-attitudes will come to your aid, designed to tune a person to the right vibrations and lead to success. These are affirmations and you can find out what they are, how they work and the top 10 best affirmations for all occasions after reading this article.

An affirmation is a positive statement that expresses what a person wants to have or what he himself dreams of becoming. Based on specific life circumstances, affirmations can either be spoken out loud or used mentally. This does not affect the final result in any way.

The technique of affirmations has been known to people since very ancient times, as it represents the simplest and most effective way to allow a person to become luckier, healthier and open the flow of well-being for themselves.

There is a famous law according to which what is inside will manifest itself outside. It is this that allows us to understand the principle of how positive attitudes work. And to make it more clear, this law can be interpreted as follows: by thinking about luck, you attract luck into your life, just as vice versa - bad thoughts will attract flows of negative energy.

The first time in history when the positive effect of self-hypnosis was officially recorded was at the beginning of the twentieth century. The founder of this technique is Coue, who began to successfully use it in his medical center (France). The doctor “prescribed” his patients to regularly recite the following statement:

“Every day my health is getting better and better.”

Patients began to say affirmations every day in the morning and before going to bed for several minutes. Therapy using the Coue method helped achieve truly impressive results - patients began to recover much faster and their well-being really began to improve and improve. All the results of the experiment were officially recorded and at that time became a real sensation for the scientific community.

Did you know that the famous phrase “I am the most charming and attractive” is precisely the real affirmation. Of course, few take it seriously. And maybe in vain?

Now I invite you to familiarize yourself with the mechanism of action of positive attitudes - by the way, it is brilliantly simple, but no less effective. The thing is that when we pronounce affirmations, we begin to “import” positive statements into our brain, due to which the stream of negative thoughts disappears from our heads.

To make it more clear for you to perceive this process, I will give a specific and very simple example. Imagine a glass into which cloudy water was poured and placed under a stream of clean water flowing from a tap. What will begin to happen to him?

It is quite logical that a stream of clean water will quickly displace all the dirt and only clean water will remain in the glass. The same thing happens with affirmations - when you regularly say them, you eliminate more and more negativity from your head and only positive thoughts remain in it.

Secrets of how affirmations work

Why do affirmations really work? Let's try to figure this out. From today's popular trainings, we learn that the human brain works according to the programs that the person himself puts into it.

Therefore, when we, without attaching much importance to it, say that we are sick, unattractive, no one loves us, automatically our words and thoughts begin to gradually manifest themselves in life.

In the same way, telling ourselves that we are on a wave of success, we are extremely attractive, we have a lot of money - we begin to fill ourselves with all these qualities, and we can realize them in real life.

"I'm getting younger every day"

From childhood, our parents put an innumerable number of different programs into our heads, which subsequently have a very strong impact on our entire lives.

Moreover, in some cases, the instilled programs are so severe that a person cannot cope with them on his own, and he is forced to live according to someone else’s, not his own, personal principles and attitudes. He lives such a life and cannot understand why everything is not going the way he would like.

Of course, he is unlikely to think that once, when he was little, his parents told him that he was a loser, ignorant, incompetent, and so on... All these attitudes managed to take root very firmly in the human subconscious and his brain began to perceive them in as a program for action and began to implement it in reality.

Such programs can be very varied and affect absolutely any area of ​​life.

Some people live according to programs that it is impossible to find love in this world and that they will never be loved or find their soulmate. Others are coded to have to work hard while receiving meager wages.

And someone else, on the contrary, has the program of being the darling of fate, who knows how to cope with any difficulties, who succeeds in absolutely everything he can think of, is confident that he can win a beauty contest, even with naturally crooked legs, and begins to boldly implement these dreams in your life, without limiting yourself in anything. You can be sure that this happens.

"All my dreams come true"

It turns out that if everything embedded in our brain is no more and no less than just a program, then it is within our power to change everything and attract into our lives everything that we passionately dream of.

To do this, you simply need to remove the old program and install a new one - reprogramming yourself to everything that our soul desires.

Of course, it all just sounds so easy and simple, but in practice the task can turn out to be quite difficult, especially if the attitudes are outdated, they are supported by various facts and life experiences, and also if there is no faith in yourself, in your capabilities and your inner strength.

This is what affirmations are for. With their help, you will be able to eliminate hidden negative attitudes at the subconscious level and attract into your life everything you need.

The right plan for writing your personal affirmations

Now it would be appropriate to use a specific example to try to compose affirmations for yourself personally. For example, we are in dire need of finance - that is, money.

Initially, it is important to find out which of the negative attitudes are capable of blocking the attraction of the flow of monetary energy to you.

This happens every time the following thoughts enter your head:

  1. Material goods (money) are evil.
  2. Having a lot of money is bad in all cases.
  3. All money cannot be earned.
  4. Money does not bring happiness (the last statement is undeniably true, but you should not think exclusively in this context. Otherwise, you may not see money for a very long time).
  5. Money can be earned solely through hard work or through dishonest means (crime, theft, and so on).
  6. I won't be able to get a job, too old to work, not well educated enough, not enough experience, starting late, not enough money (again!) to open my own business, lack of opportunities, and so on and so forth.

Surely, many feel the presence of such attitudes in themselves, although they are carefully disguised by our subconscious. It is these negative beliefs that steal our faith in ourselves, our own strengths, and do not allow us to consider current new methods of earning money that could really bring a good income.

These are also a kind of affirmations, but only negative ones, which block our money channels and force us to work for a fixed pay. Therefore, often people, not correctly assessing their inner potential, agree to work in jobs with low pay. The reason for this is the same negative attitudes. Their presence prevents us from finding decent work and leading the life we ​​dream about.

Of course, to eliminate all this negativity from your subconscious you have to do titanic work and put in a lot of energy. However, if you really have a strong desire and show enough persistence, with the help of positive affirmations you will definitely achieve your goals.

So let's get started:

  1. Be sure to formulate your statement in the form of a fact that is currently happening.

For example:

“I attract”, “Appears in my life”

  1. The affirmation must contain exclusively positive words, and there must be no negative statements and a particle of negation (“not”).

That is, you cannot say “I’m not sick” in a positive attitude; you need to pronounce the correct version of the affirmation:

“I’m healthy (healthy)!!”

  1. You should not make too long affirmations - limit yourself to two to a maximum of five words. But it is important that the statement be brief and vivid, etched in the memory.

"I get everything I want"

  1. Of course, it is important that a positive statement be to your liking and bring you joy. Follow your inner feelings while pronouncing affirmations - you should encounter exclusively positive emotions.

Let’s say, if you are sick with something and it is morally difficult for you to constantly say “I am healthy,” then try replacing this affirmation with a similar meaning, but more pleasant to the ear:

"I'm getting better"

"I feel better."

You can choose one affirmation for yourself that will become your favorite and which you will use most often. Believe me, as soon as it takes root in your subconscious, your brain will automatically begin to suggest you more and more new ideas for making money, so that your head will simply begin to spin. You will not have time to digest old ideas, as new ones will constantly arise!

Why might affirmations not work?

Positive attitudes will only work if they are pronounced regularly.

There are also mistakes that many practitioners make, namely:

  • Making statements;
  • Incorrectly formed encoding phrases;
  • Changing the surrounding reality.

All those who use affirmations need to remember that changing your worldview and attitude towards the world around you helps change the entire world around you. With the help of verbal encodings you can change yourself and your worldview, but you cannot influence other people. Until people themselves begin to believe in self-coding, they will not be able to change their lives.

It is for this reason that affirmations that involve specific people who should do something for you will not work.

For example, incorrect installation:

“The boss appreciates me, and the employees respect me.”

It's correct to say:

“I am a respected person in the team.”

Regularity of practice

Many of those who begin to work with affirmations make a popular mistake - they turn to them for help irregularly and haphazardly. And for the installation to take effect, it will take quite a lot of time.

To properly distribute efforts and calculate the time until the first results appear, you must use 5 rules:

  1. Do you want to achieve success as soon as possible? Then you need to make some effort for this every day. Through systematic work, the effect of affirmations will be enhanced.
  2. Reach your goal in small steps. Let the first step be a simple one, followed by a more complex one.
  3. Set a final goal, develop an action plan and define specific deadlines for each stage.
  4. Don't expect instant results, you will need enough patience.
  5. Do not be distracted by trifles, let your action be purposeful with careful consideration of each next stage.

And besides this, you need the most complete information regarding the goal that you would like to achieve.

The first visible results will be obtained at the end of the 3rd month of systematic exercise.

For what other reasons may affirmations not work or not always work?

  • Because of your immoderation. If you dream of solving all your problems at once, then you start using too many statements in which you end up getting confused. Ten positive attitudes at the initial stage are enough. In the future, you can start using other settings, but you always need to start with something small.
  • Because of internal doubts. When you feel an internal disharmony with the phrases you have constructed, when you do not find a response to them in your soul, think about the reasons. There can be only two of them: you want to receive something that is in conflict with your beliefs and views, or you finally do not believe that the affirmation will really work.

No matter which of these situations applies to you, in any case it will require new thinking and formation of the goal, studying it from a different perspective and forming an affirmation using words to which you will feel an internal response.

Feeling internal dissatisfaction and not fully understanding the results of your efforts, you will achieve the exact opposite result than the one you dream of. It is important that when you pronounce your attitude, you feel joyful and inspired inside.

  • New experience. Over time, people get used to everything. However, affirmations are not something to be taken lightly. When you pronounce phrases, you need to feel the full effect of presence and attention to them. Therefore, always pronounce the main words with the same force as you did the first time.
  • Specific goals. The goal can be formed correctly, and you sincerely want to achieve it, but instead become further and further from the result. What is the reason for this phenomenon? The answer is the following - you need to set yourself global goals, the achievement of which will require many small but specific steps. It is along these steps that you can advance in the future.
  • Unattainability of what is desired. It is important that the goals set for you, for which you decide to use affirmations, are completely realistic and achievable.

To make it clearer, let's look at a specific example:

“I find a bag containing gold bars (or a million dollars, as an option).”

It is clear that such a dream belongs to the category of illusory ones and it is unlikely that it can come true, however, you can still try. You can always add additional specific words to the affirmation in order to increase the likelihood of its implementation.

For example, add the following to the statement in question:

“There was a gang fight, as a result of which a bag with gold bars was lost and I find it!”

Of course, this example is quite fantastic, but it helps in building a chain of thoughts, plans and actions.

Working with positive attitudes

How to use affirmations correctly?

First, you need to make a list of affirmations that you will use most often. You can do this in any way convenient for you: by reading aloud, speaking in your head, writing and re-listening repeatedly, and even singing! There are no clear rules here, you just need to do what your soul requires.

In addition, positive attitudes can be printed and hung around your home, or installed on a screensaver on your laptop or phone desktop. In this case, the installation will begin to work automatically, every time it appears before your eyes.

An important nuance. Affirmations must be used every day, consciously, eliminating any doubts and internal disagreements. Spend at least ten minutes daily practicing affirmations.

Also remember that:

“All thoughts have power, provided they are supported by feelings.”

And when you try very hard and sincerely believe in it, then over time your new positive beliefs will be able to take on the weight over those negative stereotypes that you have diligently “accumulated” over many years.

As a result, your life will be able to change in the most dramatic way, and you will be able to create for yourself exactly the kind of reality that you really dream about.

I know that reading this post will definitely change my life and yours for the better. If you still don’t believe it, then it’s the right time to start trying.

Finally, don’t forget to watch this interesting video about the power of affirmations:

Many people in modern society suffer from low self-esteem, but cannot do anything to improve it. This negatively affects their lives, and they find themselves in a vicious circle that does not allow them to move on, develop and achieve new successes. However, it turns out that dealing with problems can be much easier than you might think. You don't have to go to a professional psychologist and pay a fortune. It is enough to take advantage of the power of positive affirmations, which will be discussed in this article.

Positive Affirmation

Experts say there is a scientific explanation for why positive affirmations can have an incredible impact on a person's life. If you focus your attention on your goals in a positive and motivating way, you can create several neural connections in the brain between specific feelings and actions. This affects the chemicals that are released in the brain when you just think about specific actions, so you can positively “experience” your goals.

How does this work?

For example, if you've gone through a breakup, listening to a particular song may cause that song to trigger negative feelings in the future. However, if this song was playing when your partner proposed to you, the feelings that this song will later evoke in you will most likely be incredibly positive. So, if you can train your brain to associate discussing and considering your goals with positive feelings, you will be able to experience a feeling of joy every time you think about your goals, which will help you continue to put them first above all others. priorities. Over time, this will allow you to increase your confidence and also improve your self-esteem.

Step one

Allow yourself to make a long list of negative traits with which you associate yourself. These can be things that you yourself believe in, as well as things that people around you criticize you for. Don't spend too much time on this step, you don't have to try to figure out which of these points are true and which are unfounded, just write down as much as you can on a piece of paper.

Step two

As you look through this list, focus on a few things that you would really like to change in your life. Keeping these aspects in mind, pick up your pen again and write a short affirmation that should not be more than two lines long and should contain strong and detailed words. For example, if you want to increase your self-confidence in social settings, don't just say, "I'm confident." Instead, you should use words like “brave” and “outgoing” to describe you.

Step three

Three times a day, every day (morning, afternoon and evening), take five minutes to look at yourself in the mirror and say these affirmations out loud. Speak with conviction and confidence, as if you have already achieved the goals you are talking about. If you are in a situation where you cannot do this, such as if you are in an office at work, write these affirmations several times in a notebook, reinforcing a positive attitude in your own brain.

Step four

To truly reprogram your own mind, you need to pay attention to all the details when you repeat your affirmations. Are you standing straight and confident? Or do you do it timidly and embarrassed? Do you feel pain or discomfort associated with a specific affirmation somewhere in your body, such as in your heart or stomach? If this is the case, then you need to place your hand on that area as you say your affirmation, directing your positive energy into that area.

Step five

Instead of keeping this affirmation a secret, seek help from people who are willing and willing to help you make this statement true. Have a friend, family member, or psychologist repeat this affirmation out loud to you as if they were simply telling you a true fact. Returning to the example in step two, this person might use the words above to describe you.

Examples of Everyday Affirmations

  1. I find joy and pleasure even in the simplest things in life.
  2. Success is my normal state in life and I am successful in everything I do.
  3. I admire my partner, respect him and care about him. And I see the best in him every day.
  4. I can completely be myself, be 100 percent authentic in my relationships.
  5. When I go to bed I am happy and content because I know that everything is right in my world.
  6. I am happy with my present life and confident in my future.
  7. With every breath I take, I breathe in confidence and breathe out fear.
  8. I have a good sense of humor and I enjoy sharing laughter and happiness with the people around me.
  9. I am strong, confident, energetic, independent and capable.
  10. I only attract positive and inspiring people to me.
  11. I share deep and strong love with my partner.
  12. I always see the good in everyone I meet.
  13. I consistently communicate my wants and needs to my partner in a confident and clear manner.
  14. I am a unique individual and I completely and deeply love who I am.
  15. My heart is filled with joy.
  16. My partner and I enjoy life and always find new ways to enjoy each other's company.
  17. I love meeting strangers, approaching them every time with confidence, enthusiasm and warmth.
  18. I have healthy boundaries of personal space in my life.
  19. I am a creative, persistent and self-sufficient person in everything I do.
  20. When I encounter difficulties and obstacles in life, I easily find solutions, bypassing all obstacles quickly and efficiently.
  21. I feel joy, happiness and contentment in the present moment.
  22. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day of my life I am successful.
  23. I exude confidence in my daily life, attracting others to me.
  24. I want my partner to succeed in life and often try to support him.
  25. I am naturally good at solving problems, I always find the best solutions.
  26. I am becoming more successful every day, in every aspect of my life.
  27. I accept happiness as my normal state.
  28. Nothing is impossible in my life, I am able to achieve any goal I set for myself.
  29. Self-confidence comes naturally to me.
  30. I feel incredibly blessed with what my life looks like right now, but I continue to work towards future successes.
  31. I achieved my goal (insert your goal here) and I feel happy and proud that I did it.
  32. I allow myself to be openly happy, and by doing this I inspire happiness in others.
  33. My word is gold, I am an integral and reliable person.
  34. I view fear in my life as just fuel on my path to success, I take bold actions and allow fear to carry me forward.
  35. I fully accept myself and I deserve incredible things in this life.
  36. I know exactly what I need to do to succeed in my life.
  37. My mind is always filled with positive and inspiring thoughts.
  38. I like the idea of ​​change and I can easily adapt to any situation.
  39. I enjoy everything I do, even the most mundane tasks.
  40. I know that I am capable of real success, and my success is real, it is waiting for me to come for it.

The article tells you how to correctly compose affirmations and practice them. The practice of affirmations is one of the most effective methods for changing your daily reality.

Affirmations(from Latin affirmatio - confirmation) are short phrases (persuasive statements, conscious thoughts, verbal formulas), the regular repetition of which reinforces in the subconscious the required images or attitudes aimed at implementing positive changes in personal life.

Precisely in the personal. You cannot influence other people enough with affirmations. We'll talk more about this below.

Essentially, affirmations are conscious thoughts wrapped in phrases that a person intentionally repeats over and over again in order to replace his various formed unproductive beliefs. Or in other words, you create a positive image of the desired present and superimpose it on the existing current present.

Other definitions of this phenomenon: auto-training, self-coding.

For a wide audience, the term “Affirmations” and methods of their practice were introduced and described in detail in her books by Louise Hay. And she has proven and continues to prove throughout her life (she is now 88 years old) the validity of the technique. In particular, using affirmations (in combination with other practices: visualization, relaxation, proper nutrition, etc.) she was cured of cancer.

The method of creating and practicing affirmations is actually quite simple and 100% working. The main thing is to follow all the rules, recommendations and avoid obvious mistakes. Let's talk about this.

1. Rules for composing phrases for affirmations

First of all, an affirmation is a short phrase. One, maximum two sentences consisting of simple words that you understand. The rule is simple - the simpler the better.

The technique of affirmations should not be confused with the technique of visualization. In the visualization technique, on the contrary, you create as detailed a portrait as possible, use many sentences, and paint as detailed a picture as possible in your imagination.

These techniques should not be mixed, it is better that they complement each other and practice them at different times.

The affirmation should be written in the first person (Start with “I”, “me”, “mine”, etc.).

The affirmation should be written in the present tense. That is, as a fait accompli, as if you are already who you want, or already have what you want. Do not use words like “I will”, “I can”, “I will”. For example, “I am a successful, successful person!” (and not, “I will be a successful person!”).

Use your own thoughts. Do not use other people's phrases to build your affirmations. You must become the creator of your own reality. If you use someone else's working ideas, modify them.

Your affirmations should evoke positive emotions in you, give you a charge of vivacity and energy. You should feel the drive when pronouncing them.

When composing a verbal formula, you cannot use words and particles of negation. Such as: “not”, “no”, “never”. You need to talk about what you want, not what you don't want.

An example of an incorrect phrase: “I never get sick!” It would be correct: “I am always healthy!”

2. Why affirmations or common mistakes may not work

As I already said, affirmations work one hundred percent for all people who practice them correctly and regularly. If you don't see visible results, you may be doing something wrong. Here are typical mistakes made by practitioners.

Incorrect composition of phrases and verbal formulas. Re-read the previous paragraphs in the “Drafting Rules” section.

The practice of affirmations is aimed at changing oneself, and through changing oneself, the world around oneself changes.

This means that all verbal formulas should change you, not the people around you. By and large, with the help of these phrases you will not be able to influence other people and their reality (until they themselves want to change it).

Therefore, instead of a verbal formula like “The boss of our company and all employees value and respect me!”, you should use a phrase like “I am a respected person in the organization, I am valued by both managers and employees.”

Irregular practice and insufficient duration. These are perhaps the most common mistakes.

The practice of affirmations, like any other, involves following the 5P rules, which I described in my article “The 5P Principle for Achieving Success.”

In other words, affirmations, like other techniques, need to be practiced: constantly, gradually, consistently, continuously, correctly.

For real changes to occur, a certain amount of time must pass to rebuild oneself and reality. As a rule, the first tangible results come after 3 months of constant, daily practice. Therefore, you need to be patient.

Too many phrases. Another common mistake. When compiling a list of affirmations, some people immediately come up with almost several hundred verbal formulas. Here, too, you need to follow the 5P rule and add new affirmations gradually. Starting, for example, with 10-20.

My practice shows that even developing gradually the number of phrases should not be more than 70-80.

Doubts and internal rejection of phrases. Internal resistance. If, when pronouncing another affirmation, you systematically feel something similar, you need to think about the reasons.

Perhaps what you want to change in yourself is so unnatural to your nature, your inner self, that there is no need to talk about the success of the event. Moreover, this “sediment” can negatively affect subsequent phrases.

The conclusion is simple. All your affirmations should at least cause you a state of inner comfort. And even better is joy and other positive emotions.

Mechanical reading of phrases without emotion or “presence.” Also a common mistake.

You must literally experience every phrase, imbue it with emotions. Be “here and now”, don’t think about something else. This is also good concentration practice. A very important point!

Lack of concrete steps to achieve goals. Another stumbling block. After all, many, if not most, affirmations are, in essence, global goals that you set for yourself. And without concrete steps to implement them, they will remain phrases, even if you say them all day long.

Unrealistic goals. The goal contained in the affirmation must be achievable with a fairly high degree of probability.

To illustrate the last two points. Let's consider, for example, a curious, but I must say, frequently occurring affirmation: “I find a suitcase full of dollars” :).

Well, hypothetically, of course there is a possibility of such an event, but in order for it to become significantly higher and be realized, you must draw up and implement in life a specific action plan like the following.

Think about where you can actually find it and write down the options. From the options, choose the most realistic answer, most likely it will be: “the suitcase will be lost during the dismantling of some mafiosi and drug dealers, and I will find it.”

This means that for the probability of an event to become significant, you at least need:

  1. Imbued with the need for this particular scenario of increasing personal well-being.
  2. Dive deeply into a topic or even infiltrate a mafia group.
  3. Know about the planned meeting, transaction.
  4. Be in the right place at the right time.
  5. Map out escape routes.
  6. Wait for conflict or provoke it.
  7. Timely “find” the dropped suitcase and safely “get away” from the scene of the incident.
  8. Lie down.

Voila - the affirmation led to the achievement of the goal!

This is, of course, a joke, but in every joke - you know what.

In general, set realistic goals for yourself and take real steps to realize them.

3. Correct and incorrect verbal formulas in affirmations

For better remembering, let's summarize some of the main points from the above in the form of a table.

Correct affirmation Wrong affirmation Error
I am a successful person! I will achieve success in life! Future tense is needed in the present.
My income is constantly growing! I'm making more and more money every month. My income is increasing day by day. I'm getting more and more money. Money catches up with me everywhere and it’s very difficult for me to fight it off... The affirmation is too long, we confuse it with visualization.
I'm always healthy! I never get sick! Affirmations contain negatives.
I am a respected person! My Boss appreciates and respects me! Not in first person. An attempt to influence another person.

4. How to practice affirmations correctly and when to do it

Now the technique of correct practice of affirmations.

Compose and write down verbal formulas according to all the above rules and recommendations. As a result, you will have a list of your affirmations.

  1. In electronic form (for example, in an electronic notepad or simply in any text editor).
  2. In handwritten form (when you write your phrases, you will be more “saturated” with their contents with your hand).
  3. In the form of an audio recording dictated by your own voice. This can easily be done in modern mp3 players or smartphones.

We set aside time and read (preferably out loud) our affirmations every day, following the rules. This usually does not take more than 10 minutes. The first time is better to do this in the morning.

Many practitioners, including myself, find this method very productive. The subconscious mind actively continues to work when you fall asleep and sleep and “reinforces” the last verbal information entered into it.

Listen to the recorded audio recording with affirmations using a player or smartphone at any convenient time during the day: when you are driving a car, when you are walking somewhere, when you are waiting for someone, etc.

You can make a mix by putting your affirmations to some pleasant melody.

To motivate yourself more and develop greater Faith in the process, write down all your victories, big and small, related to the practice of affirmations.

You can make a poem or even a personal song out of affirmations and hum it periodically.

I remind you that in many cases, you need not only to listen, but also to actually do something to change the reality around you.

5. How to enhance the effect of practice

To significantly enhance the effect of affirmations, I advise you to use additional techniques:

5.4. A simple anchoring technique will also enhance the effect and speed of reality change.

Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you about the practice of affirmations! Finally, a memory card illustrating the article:

I wish you to change your world only for the better!

Any feedback, additions, criticism, personal experience, etc. You are most welcome in the comments.

© Sergey Borodin, 2014

This and other topics are discussed in more detail in my books in the series "The Phoenix Code. Technologies for changing lives."

I’m sure you know, and not only have you heard, but also use some of them in your everyday life. This is the prerogative of the aspirant!

Our thoughts and words are endowed with a certain energy, and repeated repetition of the same thing, along with the addition of emotions, can contribute to the realization of what was said.

And today we’ll talk about what an affirmation is, how you can create it for yourself, and what is the best way to use it to activate the law of attraction.

What is an affirmation? In your own words, this is reprogramming your subconscious to possess what you want to achieve through specific and repeated repetition and manifestation of energy!

I myself have been using affirmations for more than 5 years and have compiled them specifically for myself in every area of ​​my life. These are health and physical perfection, personal growth and overcoming fears, love and family, relationships, money and business, as well as those that carry the divine principle.

I declare that they work, the main thing is to do everything correctly!

You can initially take a notebook or several sheets of paper and break it down into all areas of your life where you would like to achieve certain results and then compose statements for yourself. You can divide the sheet into 2 columns and write what you want to achieve or what is not working out in your life, or what is missing. And write a positive statement in the second column!

So start composing with:

Avoid using the word "not" in affirmations. It does not exist for the Universe! This way you teach yourself to focus on what you want, and not the other way around!

For example, “I’m not afraid of change” to “I like to create new conditions and do things that initially scare me away with their novelty. Or “I don’t want to stay at my previous job” to “I’m getting a new job as... with a salary from...".

Always start an affirmation in the first person, that is, with the word I or mine.

Always speak your affirmation in the present tense, not in the future. For example, “this summer I’m going on vacation to...” change to “This summer I’m going on vacation to...”

Use them in a positive way. For example, “I want to avoid conflict with my boss” to “I get along well and negotiate with my boss.”

Include words in your affirmations that give a certain energy to the expression. For example, “I am happy to negotiate” or “I am happy...” or “I am pleased...” I am calm...” I am delighted...”, etc.

Know what you want specifically, if you are flying on vacation, where and with whom. Or perhaps you want your salary to be increased? Then name the amount, within reach, of course! Or name the amount within which you want to make repairs. To do this, you need to initially calculate it, etc.

And finally, the most important thing is the technique of using affirmations:

The best time for perception is morning and evening. Ideally, affirmations should be spoken 3 times a day.

Be sure to include emotions, as if you have already achieved it. This is very IMPORTANT!

If possible, repeat out loud and do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

As an option, you can record your affirmations to music on audio for 15 minutes and listen with headphones in a relaxed state. You will kill 2 birds with one stone!

Repeat clearly and measuredly 3 times, imagining the image of the final result or the owner NOW of the qualities that you need.

Also, to be more mindful, try to replace random thoughts with repetition. For example, while driving, in traffic jams or on the subway or in a queue, etc.

Print out the basic affirmations and stick them on your desk.

In general, the main thing here is practice!

What is affirmation Most people know, but not many have the skills to use it correctly and productively. Be careful with yourself! As Jin Ron said: “Affirmations without discipline are the beginning of delusion.”

At the end there is a short educational video!)
