Frameless child seat in the car. Characteristics of a child frameless car seat, the pros and cons of its use

Parents, transporting their children in a car, are always obliged to take care of their safe and comfortable ride. Such requirements must be met when transporting small passengers over any distance. To ensure the safe movement of children in the car, special car seats that have a different design can be used. Such products are made in different versions, suggesting a variety of designs and colors.

Today, frameless car child seats are widely used. Recently, a frameless car seat is gaining wild popularity, but there are almost no sensible reviews, and so, my review / review of these products is coming to your attention.

What is a child frameless car seat?

On the practical side, a frameless car seat is a mat. Made from soft materials, the design of which does not have hard elements. Such a chair is fixed to the back of the car seat by means of strong belts. Being in such a chair, the child is provided with double protection. Such safety is determined by the fixation of both the seat itself and the standard car belt with straps. Sufficient belt width is an additional guarantee of safe transportation.

According to parents, this chair allows you to securely fix a child of any age. This is due to the possibility of adjusting the seat belts. Also, a frameless chair can be installed in any car model. Given the small size and weight of such a product, it can be easily transported in any public transport. The compactness of such a car seat allows you to transport it in a regular travel bag.

Ease of installation and handling is also liked by parents who bought such a product. You can use such a chair, even if you do not have your own car. The fact is that the safe transportation of a child is possible in a taxi or transport of friends. Quick installation saves time on boarding, especially if parents are limited in time. An equally important point is that the child is comfortable to sit in such a chair. Because his movements are unrestricted.

From a manufacturer's point of view, a frameless car seat has many advantages over traditional counterparts. According to them, the advantages of such products are compactness, ergonomics, as well as saving free space in the car. The main accents that manufacturers refer to are the low weight of the product and low cost.

Safety features of a frameless car seat

The issue of safety when using this type of car seat is controversial. This is due to the fact that such products have only a domestic certificate of use. The possibility of using such seats in the Russian market is due to slower driving due to bad roads. By European standards, a frameless car seat cannot provide the child with the necessary safety.

When considering each requirement for the design of such a safety device, the following inconsistencies can be noted:

  1. The first three age groups of small passengers must be fixed with the help of waist straps that hold the load in the pelvic area.

In fact, the straps of such a belt are fixed in such a way that the entire load falls on the child's abdomen. This can cause quite serious injuries in case of emergency braking or an accident.

  1. According to existing standards, the most vulnerable parts of the body should not be subjected to heavy loads. This means that in the design of the seat, the seat belts should not affect the head of the baby.

In fact, the loads created in such cases are many times higher than the parameters declared by the manufacturers. Moreover, even the simplest Chinese products of this type can withstand a load 10 times more. The risk of injury is increased by the fact that the frameless product's seat belts are sewn to its base with threads.

  1. As required by the standards, the quick removal of the child from the restraint must be carried out by lightly pressing the latch.

In the study of this question, again, a contradiction is observed. In the event of an emergency, it is impossible to quickly remove the child from the frameless seat.


According to the design features, such a product is fixed directly to the car sofa. This means that the frameless chair is attached to an object of unknown strength. In some car models, the backs of the sofas have the ability to quickly fold under heavy braking, which confirms the ineffectiveness of attaching child seats to them. The absence of a rigid object to which the frameless child seat is fixed casts doubt on the issue of safety.

As for the side protection of the child in a frameless chair, it is practically absent. Even in the event of a light vehicle collision with an obstacle, a small passenger risks serious injury. Unlike traditional chairs with side protection. Frameless seats cannot provide at least partial safety in dangerous situations.

The car seat has excellent side protection, feel free to read the review!

Safety Test for Child Frameless Car Seats

Experimental tests were carried out to confirm that the product complies with the safety certificates. As a subject of testing, a domestic sample was chosen, in which a standard belt was used. Based on the overall results of such testing, it can be concluded that the frameless car seat does not meet safety requirements. There is a high risk of injury to the health of the child.

Based on the tests carried out, it can be concluded! Child car seats that do not have rigid elements in their design cannot be called a restraint. Since modern safety requirements are clearly defined, the use of such products is contrary to the conditions for transporting children in passenger cars.

Crash test frameless chair

P.s. Dear parents, when buying children's frameless car seats, you risk not only throwing money away, about 1,500 rubles. For how much, on average, you can buy this product. But you also threaten the health of the most valuable person in the world - your child! Although frameless traffic police car seats are allowed, this does not relieve you of responsibility.

P.s.s Imagine yourself not fastened with car seat belts, but with straps sewn to the seat of a chair! On this I consider my review / review to end, see you soon, write your opinions in the comments.

The frameless car seat is a versatile model that can be used for 11 years. The most popular models are Berry Standard and SKYWAY S02802008. Frameless car seats correspond to the following category:

  • Group 1/2/3. Models of this type are intended for children aged 9 months - 12 years. The weight category of the child is 9-36 kg. The child's frameless car seat is equipped with five-point seat belts. It is installed on the seat of the car in the direction of its movement with the help of a standard seat belt. Internal seat belts are adjustable. These models are made from soft materials.

Benefits of frameless car seats

Versatility. frameless children's car seats can be used for a long period of time. They are suitable for children from 9 months to 12 years.

Child comfort. Wide seat. the frame does not restrict movement even in winter clothes. Soft pads on the inner five-point safety harness. Straps of belts are regulated on height.

Convenience for parents. The chair is compact and easy to store and transport when not in use at the moment. Easy installation in the car using the car's standard belt. Can be washed. Four frameless car seats can be installed in passenger vehicles.

Design. Wide range of colors, a wide variety of shades and their combinations.

Additional features. Even with a car seat without a frame installed, an adult can sit in the car in this place (on top of the seat).

Price. The price of a car frameless chair is an order of magnitude lower than that of models with a frame. You can buy a quality model for 1-2 thousand rubles.

Today, there are many devices for protecting children in cars. Usually, a large car seat is attached to the seat, which, with the help of a frame and straps, protects the child during an accident. Recently, new children's frameless car seats have entered the market. They are small and cheap. In this article, we will consider the main advantages and disadvantages of such a device and conclude whether it is worth buying a frameless car seat for children in the car.

Frameless car seat for your child

A frameless car seat is a cape (base) that is attached with straps to the back of the car seat. The child can be attached to the straps that are sewn to the base. In the abdomen there is a loop for a standard belt (not in all models). Mounting the device is not difficult.

From what age can you use a frameless car seat according to traffic rules

A child car seat is a must for protecting a child in a car. It is required to be used from the first days of the baby's birth. In a frameless chair, the child is sitting, so it is important to know at what age this type of chair is suitable. It is best to use frameless car seats for children older than a year.

Good to know! If your child is over 3 years old, choose a car seat with a Y-mount system to protect your child's stomach and spine in a crash.

The need to use child seats is prescribed in the traffic rules, but it is important to figure out whether it is possible to transport a child in a frameless car seat. According to Clause 178 of the SDA (Transportation of children in a car equipped with seat belts), it is allowed to use:

1. Child restraints suitable for the weight and height of a child up to five years of age;

2. Child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, other means that allow you to attach a child aged five to twelve years with regular seat belts provided for in the design of the car.

The law allows children to be transported in frameless chairs, but the main thing is to secure them correctly. Statistics from the International Health Organization state that transporting children under 1 year old in special car seats reduces mortality by 70%, and other children by 55%.

Remember! The safest place for transporting children is in the back and in the middle (if there is a standard seat belt in the middle).

How to install a frameless car seat

A brief diagram of how a child's frameless car seat is attached

1. Take the two longest frameless car seat straps and run them between the car seat and the back of the car seat (front to back).

2. Place the two shorter straps on the back side through the top of the car seat.

3. Connect the upper and lower belts with special fasteners, fix them well (the chair must be adjacent to the seat).

4. When the installation is completed, seat the child and adjust the length of the side and vertical belts on it. Fasten them to all locks (usually 4 of them) of the car seat.

5. Pass the seat belt of the car through the pocket in the car seat and fasten it to the lock.

Important! It is mandatory to fasten a frameless child car seat with a standard seat belt. This is provided for by the traffic regulations, GOST and the design of the chair itself. Thus, the seat can only be installed in a car equipped with regular seat belts.

The question often arises: is it possible to use a frameless child seat in the front seat? This is only permitted when the front airbag is not present or is disabled to prevent injury to the child in an accident.

Benefits of using frameless seats

The main advantage of a frameless chair is its compactness. They will fit even in a small car. If you have a frame chair, you will have to change it as soon as the child grows up - about 4 times over 7 years. A adjustment of frameless chairs occurs relative to the growth of the child. The same chair will suit both a child of 1 year and 8 years.

At the very least, attaching a frameless car seat is very easy, which is an important advantage over other types of seats. A frame chair requires a special fastening mechanism - a frameless chair, accordingly, does not require anything. Another important advantage is the weight category - the seat belts are suitable for up to 36 kg.

Disadvantages of a frameless child car seat

Despite the advantages, the chair has many disadvantages. The main problem is the safety of the child. The frame chair protects the child much better, it has support for the spine, takes over the load during an accident or braking. In a frameless seat, a child can be injured and injure his head.

Attention! Before purchasing a frameless car seat for children, check for a loop between the base and the back of the car seat. Also make sure you can tilt the car seat to secure the straps.

The seat belts without a frame are not the strongest, it is possible that in an accident at high speed the child can fly out. According to experts, you still do not need to buy a frameless car seat for children under one and a half years old.

Before buying, consider all the advantages and disadvantages, decide whether it is worth saving on choosing a car seat. And if you decide to buy, then purchase only a high-quality chair with an appropriate safety certificate.

A frameless child car seat is a restraint that is shaped like a chair but does not have a rigid frame. It is fastened with special belts to a regular car seat. Soft inserts are provided in the head, back and pelvis area to increase the comfort of the trip. The regular seat belt is also involved - it passes through the front of the seat, fastening the small passenger.

Advantages and disadvantages of a frameless car seat

A holding device without a rigid frame has its advantages:

"+" Low cost.

The cost of a frameless chair is incomparable with standard models. On average, it is 1000 rubles.

"+" Versatility.

The straps of the frameless chair are adjustable, so one model is suitable for several age groups at once. As a rule, these are groups 1, 2, 3, that is, children from one to twelve years old can ride in such a chair. Weight limit - 36 kg.

"+" Compactness.

It takes up minimal space in the car. Three frameless chairs can easily fit in the back seat, which is why families with many children often pay attention to them.

However, compared with all the advantages, the list of disadvantages looks much more impressive. Security experts unanimously vote against this type of restraint, considering them to be insufficiently reliable. And there are several reasons for this:

"-" Insufficient security.

Manufacturers of frameless restraints claim that their products comply with the ECE R44/03 safety certification. However, it must be borne in mind that the norms of this standard have long been outdated. Back in 2009, the updated safety certificate ECE R44 / 04 began to operate. The frameless seat lacks side protection, as well as head support. Due to the lack of a rigid frame, the child's spine is not protected, so even a slight blow can cause serious injury.

"-" Costs of universality.

A frameless car seat combines several age groups at once. On the one hand, this is an advantage, since parents may not think about replacing the restraint for a long time. However, versatility also has a downside. For example, the position of the torso of young children in such a chair is incorrect, which threatens to deform the skeleton. The child will not be able to sleep in such a chair. An uncomfortable position will entail whims and tantrums during the trip.

"-" Features of fixation.

When advertising such restraints, manufacturers often cite the ease of installation as an advantage. But in practice, it cannot be said that frameless car seats are mounted easier and faster than conventional ones. They are fixed with special belts to the standard car seat. In the event of an accident, the seat may tip over and the child may be crushed under the child's weight. All elements of the frameless chair are rag and sewn with ordinary threads - with a high load (in a collision, the child's body weight increases many times), they are easily torn.

Often, manufacturers of frameless car seats indicate that their products comply with GOST R41.44, which cannot be true. In fact, the requirements of GOST R41.44 correspond to the European standard ECE R44-04. No frameless restraints have been approved by the European standard. Let's see why!

note- the strap of the frameless restraint device runs along the child's stomach, which threatens with serious injuries of internal organs in case of an accident. According to standard P41.44, lap straps in restraints in age groups 1-3 must fix the child's pelvis.

On the packaging of the frameless restraint, you can find out that it is designed for a load of 400-500 kg. Seems like a lot? In fact, the load in an accident is many times greater! For comparison, a high-quality seat belt designed for frame car seats of groups 1-3 can withstand loads of 3500 kg and more.

According to another paragraph of the European standard and Russian GOST, the restraint must be designed in such a way as to be able to easily release the child and pull him out of the car in the event of an accident. You will not be able to quickly get the child out of the frameless restraint.

Is it worth risking your baby's life to save money? The answer to this question is obvious. That is why we recommend that you buy a quality, certified car seat with a frame that will provide your child with maximum protection.

When is a frameless car seat justified?

A non-rigid child seat can come in handy when you plan to take a short trip without using your own car. If the family does not have their own car, then parents will not purchase a full-fledged child seat. In this case, having a frameless restraint is better than not having one at all. A rental car, a taxi, a friend's car - having such a compact and inexpensive model of a car seat, you can quickly install it in any vehicle.

It is important to know!

For a child under one and a half years old, a frameless car seat is a taboo! Toddlers of this age are recommended to be transported in a position against the direction of travel, which allows for maximum safety.

When I had a child, he rode in a car in an ordinary infant carrier from a stroller. But when he was 6 months old. and he began to outgrow the car seat, I wondered what kind of car seat he should get.

Our family has a Renault Megane III car and we bought an Isigo Odisseo car seat for it.

However, my father also has a car, which we sometimes drive to the country house, or to the shopping center, that is, we make short-term and not long trips. Rearranging the main car seat is very problematic. Because it is very heavy and bulky.

It was necessary to purchase a second car seat, but what kind of ... The purchase of a frameless car seat seemed to be the most optimal. I thought for a very long time. Buying it was scary. We consulted with the whole family, and nevertheless decided to purchase a similar chair.

We bought our chair from the regional representative of the company "Smile", for 1100 rubles.

Among the advantages I can give such as:

It is very light, only 550 gr.

It can be washed entirely in the washing machine.

Price. Such a car seat costs from 900 rubles. up to 1100 rub.

Space saving. The manufacturer claims that such chairs can be placed, as many as 4 pieces on one seat.

It can also be noted that the material is not easily soiled, pleasant to the touch and a variety of colors, but these are all trifles.

Now for the cons:

You can't call it a car seat. It's more like a rag with straps and fasteners.

The head, neck, and back are not supported in any way.

The chair is fastened with two straps behind the seat back. It is fixed quite securely.

Then the child is placed in the chair and 4 latches are fastened. After that, it is necessary to pass the regular belt through a special hole in the child's abdomen and fasten it. Thus, the child is fixed with five different fasteners.

It is very dangerous.

According to GOST R 41.44, namely clause "It is necessary that the child can be released from the restraint by simply pressing on one buckle" .

Let me remind you that here you will need to unfasten 5 !!! fasteners.

Videos of crash tests using frameless car seats are horrendous. All the straps are torn at once. Finding similar videos in a search engine is not difficult.

In defense of the frameless car seat, I can only say one thing, that in all the videos I watched, it was not fixed with a regular belt. In addition, some seats are not equipped with this hole for a regular seat belt.

In my opinion, a standard seat belt will protect the child from flying forward. It is likely that he will not hit the front seat or fly out the windshield. But then again, there is this "BUT".

According to GOST R 41.44, namely paragraph 6.2.2 "For groups I, II and III, all restraints in which a lap strap is used must be designed so that all loads transmitted through the strap fall on the pelvis."

However, on our chair, all the fasteners fall not only on the stomach, but they reach the child almost to the chest. So, ALL internal organs of the child are in danger.

You can think and reason for a long time. I am inclined to believe that in a serious accident, when the car is blown to shreds, even the most reliable and expensive car seat will not protect the life of a child. But I also tend to believe that in case of a minor accident, a frameless chair can not only fail to protect, but even cause irreparable harm to the health of the child. All this is very scary...

Very loud statement, funny.

UNECE Regulation No. 44 (ECE 44) is the Uniform Provisions Concerning Restraints for Children in Motor Vehicles.

I would like to note that it is impossible to sleep in this chair. The child's head will dangle limply during sleep, or it must be held. This eliminates the possibility of long trips.

It is easy to install the chair only in a car with a reclining back. If the back does not recline, then it will take a very long and painful time to slip the straps behind it.

I really regret that I bought a frameless chair.

Please, before buying such a "car seat", weigh all the "Pros" and "Cons". Low price, can not play a major role in the choice.

Basic car seat, frameless chair it can not be!
