Words of gratitude for the staff of the kindergarten from the parents. Children's poems - gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten for graduation

It is in kindergarten that the child spends most of his time on the initial steps of his life path. There he receives new knowledge, skills, learns to make friends, play, communicate with peers and adults. The teaching staff of preschool institutions lays in our children the basics of self-expression and socialization, they open the door to the world of new knowledge for them. But, everything beautiful tends to end someday, so a carefree childhood also eventually develops into a new difficult stage - school years. And this period is preceded by a graduation ball in kindergarten. And on this solemn, slightly sad day, I want to say so many pleasant words to the teachers, nanny and other kindergarten workers ... These are words of gratitude: in prose or in verse - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is from the heart.

That is what we will talk about today. We offer you several options that will help express gratitude to educators and other kindergarten workers. After all, the response word of parents at graduation in kindergarten always sounds reverent, exciting and a little sad.

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in prose:

Gratitude to educators - option number 1

On behalf of the parents of our group, I want to say a huge thank you to the entire teaching staff of kindergarten No. ____ and its other employees. You were the first to open the doors to the world of knowledge for our children. But, in addition to this, you managed to invest a piece of yourself in each of them. You penetrated into children's hearts and settled in them love, kindness, respect, joy. Always remain so loving your pupils, teachers. Thank you for our children!

Words of gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten - option number 2

I express my gratitude to the head of preschool institution No. ____, to the entire staff and educators of our group for their selfless work and great desire to work with children, educating them, cherishing and teaching. All of you are high-level professionals with extensive experience. Our children went to kindergarten with pleasure, and we, the parents, did not worry about them, because we left them in your reliable hands. Your professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children and attention to parents deserves respect. Thank you very much!

Gratitude to educators - option number 3

We, the parents of the ________ group of kindergarten No. ____, express our gratitude to our esteemed teachers. You treated our children with awe and warmth during their growing up. It was you who taught them to be friends and respect each other. Together with you, they learned the world, the joy of creativity and independent activity. It was with you that they were able to evaluate their first opportunities and achievements. You have found an approach to each of them, taught to overcome difficulties. Thanks to you, the kids are ready to move to a new stage of their life without fear. Thanks for everything you've done for us!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation - option number 4

We are happy for the success of our children in kindergarten and are proud of their achievements. They have gone through such a difficult path from helpless kids to future first graders. Therefore, we express our first words of gratitude to you, dear educators. Thank you for your warm words of greeting every morning, for your attention and care, for your wise advice and high level of professionalism. We have always had an atmosphere of kindness and comfort in the group. It was in it that children explored the world, learned and developed. It was in it that you were able to form small personalities. Please accept sincere gratitude from us, parents, and a big THANK YOU!

Gratitude to educators - option number 5

The month of May has come again. But we no longer move to the older group, but say goodbye to kindergarten forever and go to school. You were the first teachers of our children. You taught them to be friends, respect each other, share and put up with each other. A low bow and many thanks to you for the ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty. You have put your soul into ensuring that the future generation will meet our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! Good health, love and happiness to you!

Words of gratitude to the employees of the kindergarten - option number 6

Dear teachers, nannies and friendly staff of the kindergarten! Today is a special day for us parents and for you. Today our kids have the first in their lives. For so many years, kindergarten has become a second home for children. And every day spent in it means a lot. After all, thanks to you, children have learned, while playing, to learn and explore the world. Every day they felt loved and cared for. The kids were interested in doing it.

You had time for each child, you found your own approach to each.

Thank you, dear educators, for all these years that you have been with us, for always trying to understand us and helping in a variety of situations.

We wish you success in your future work and creative inspiration!

Gratitude to educators - option number 7

Dear educators! We express our deep gratitude for your kindness and patience. Working with children is hard work. With your help, kids are graduating from kindergarten as friendly, sociable, kind children who have the basic skills for later life at school. We wish you success in your further work on training the next generation of pupils!

Gratitude to educators - option number 8

Dear our educators! You have become faithful mentors for children, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this. Educator is not just a job, but a vocation that makes a huge contribution to the development of every child. We entrusted the most valuable thing in our life to you, and you did not let us down. We hope the kids didn't give you too much trouble. You taught them to be friends, work in a team, told them every day how to behave correctly. Thanks to you, we discovered talents in our children, saw the sparks of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in their eyes. Thank you, we are glad that we passed the stage of growing up of our children with you!

Gratitude to educators - option number 9

Dear our educators! Your work inspires admiration and admiration. And your sensitive attitude towards children and professionalism in raising the younger generation can be envied. You have always approached your duties with creative inspiration, imagination, and sometimes even a little excitement. For this we thank you very much!

Gratitude to educators - option number 10

Dear educators! Today is a great holiday for all of us, but we not only want to congratulate you, but first of all, thank you. Our children are coming to the end of a very important stage in their lives today. And you put into their hearts something that will help them become truly good people. It seems that quite recently we brought our kids here for the first time, and now - the graduation ...

We say thank you! You are doing a very important and right thing. Be happy!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers for graduation - option number 11

The child remembers his teachers all his life. He remembers their gentle hands, gentle voice, care, kindness and love.

Parents gratefully say to the teachers and all those who have been with the children all these years, thank you!

You taught them, raised them, fed them, put them to bed and wiped away tears. You were with them when we, parents, worked and went about our business.

We appreciate your work! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

And now the words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers at the graduation in verse:

Thank you educators
For affection and love
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses
faded tears,
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and workouts.

Happy graduation today
Congratulations and cheers
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first class.

We wish you inspiration
And the strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

Guys grew up from panties,
They are leaving kindergarten.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our teachers are watching.

We thank you for your concern
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with kids.
Your kids are very lucky!

Dear educators,
You didn't waste your time.
You raised our children
Our bunnies, cats, bears.
The boys have grown up a lot
Soon the books will open, notebooks.
But forever stay with them
The love that you put into your hearts!

Thanks for the warmth and kindness
For raising our children,
For giving them love
What knowledge did you give them!
We wish you health and wellness,
So that you live in abundance and in love,
So that you always smile
So that you never feel sad!

You got hard work -
He needs a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands himself
Children, which means education.
While the working day dragged on -
You have replaced the mother of the children.
And now everyone wants
THANK YOU for everything!

The work of an educator is not easy -
You need a whole lot of skills:
Read books for kids
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
Digging in the sand outside
Run around in a tag, don't be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone
Don't even think about getting tired.
All cases, of course, do not count.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden
For your kindness, kindness.
We wish you inspiration
Creative success, patience,
Deserved big salaries.
Thanks for Kindergarten!

You are a teacher from God!
Thank you, we say
You have done a lot
Good for your children.
You conquered their hearts
Leaving a trace in their memory,
Wherever the guys live,
They won't forget you, no!

Soon our children
They will go to the first class
Soon it's all over
Learn, understand
High school graduation. Last day
They are in the garden.
So thank you all
To your caring hands
We trusted our children
And we want to say thank you
We have not met better people.
You are kind and beautiful soul,
You were able to teach kids
How beautiful is this big world,
And how to love him.

You have chosen the right path in life.
And there is no reason for you to leave.
You can't forget the first teacher -
Teacher of preschool children.
You are not geologists and not searchers,
Do not travel around the steppe wilderness.
But your work is respected, you are educators,
You are engineers of baby showers.
Sometimes fun, sometimes difficult.
You can't call it a fun game.
Of all professions, peaceful and necessary
Preschool work with children.

You have become second mothers to our children.
And honestly, we will say without prejudice:
There is no better teacher in the world
Than the ones standing here in front of me.
Bow to you low, our teachers,
For all the love, patience, warmth,
For the fact that the children were both soft and strict,
For giving them kindness.
Because they are all ready for school,
For learning to be friends here,
For the fact that you were dreams both in joy and in sorrow,
We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

Thank you teachers and nannies
For a kind, considerate welcome.
For the fact that we perceived the kindergarten,
What a warm and friendly home!
Our kids are getting ready for school
So quickly the time went by.
We wish you an exciting job,
May you all live in happiness and love!

Today is our first graduation.
Thank you for what we can do.
We cut, sculpt and sing
And if necessary, we will be able to read everything.
It's a little pity that we are already at school
No one will pat on the head like that,
She won’t put to sleep, she won’t read a fairy tale,
All this will be in the past, like the kindergarten.

Words of gratitude from parents at graduation in kindergarten to all the staff of the preschool educational institution and each employee individually - this article is devoted to this important topic. In order to perform beautifully at the graduation party, do not ignore everyone who has contributed to the upbringing and preparation for the school of your baby this year, carefully read the options for thanks and congratulations that we offer.

In our material, we tried to give verses with words of gratitude for all kindergarten workers. There are plenty to choose from and how to supplement the parents' cheering speech at the graduation.

Congratulations, gratitude, poems of the Head at the graduation in kindergarten

For patience and care.

Our most large,
Invigorating us in the morning
Sends greetings capricious, harmful
Team of fathers and mothers.

We often come to you for advice.

The children have finished their preschool path,

And today we want to wish you

So that your kindergarten can survive

In such a difficult time,

Enough patience you this burden

Carry through the years on women's shoulders!

Not to express all respect in words,

Thank you for everything, for the warmth and care,

Let only work be your joy,

Good luck and happiness to the kindergarten and you,

Bow to you today from dads and moms!

Congratulations, gratitude, poems to the choreographer at graduation in kindergarten

For patience and love.

Choreography is a delicate matter
You are definitely up to it.
From clumsy kids skillfully
You made gentlemen and ladies.
Feel the scene and move smoothly
You taught your students
We want to tell you today about the main thing:
We are eternally grateful to you!

Congratulations, thanks to the chefs at the graduation in kindergarten

For delicious and useful work.

Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

These are our chefs.

Breakfast porridge is ready

The porridge is cooked. Hooray!

Who cooked fragrant soup

And a side dish of different cereals?

Who baked us buns

Or apple pie?

These are our chefs.

They have been working since six in the morning.

Dear chefs,

Adults and kids

They say thank you

Thanks from the bottom of my heart

For borscht, meatballs, porridge ...

We appreciate your work!

Congratulations, thanks to the nanny for graduation in kindergarten

For help and support.

From clear dawn to dark

She is in our garden

Who will bring us lunch

And take away the dishes.

The children helped out:

All the tables were set

And learned not to crumble

And don't use sand.

There is no better group of ours

Clean and light all around!

Maybe our nanny

And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now

For care and comfort.

And for what it's time

She dedicated her work to us!

Congratulations, gratitude to the teacher at graduation in kindergarten

For hard work with heart.

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
Thank you for raising our children!
Your profession is not needed in the world.

And the children are all used to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That your eyes will no longer see them,
Years go by, days add up in them,

And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, they were always in business with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught letters and numbers to children,

And now they will go to school,
And thank you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all with inspiration!

for hard work with heart.

Children are a special, radiant people,

Not everyone will find an approach to them at all,

Not everyone, whatever one may say,

The key to their hearts will be able to find!

Only to those who are both bright and pure,

Who, like a child, is open and radiant,

In whom kindness and cordiality live,

Children meet with love!

You, educators, are peculiar to these

Qualities that all children adore

Apparently, contrary to all clichés,

You are all children at heart!

So don't be sad and don't be discouraged

Warm everyone with your warmth,

You are a model, you are an example, a standard!

Be happy! Earth bow to you!

Congratulations, gratitude, poems to the methodologist at graduation in kindergarten

For titanic work.

Thinking in a modern way

To raise kids.

All sciences, no doubt

The Methodist needs to know.

Be a doctor in psychology

Physiology children,

Rhetoric and logic

Not all parents know what to say to kindergarten staff at their children's graduation. Therefore, we have written approximate words of gratitude that you can take and use in your solemn speech. Change the words, adjust the speech to suit your kindergarten and teachers, and you will have a great congratulatory speech.

Dear Kindergarten Staff! On behalf of all the parents whose children you raised and raised for many years, I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your work. It was not easy for you, because with small children it is interesting, but very difficult. They must be constantly watched, they must be trained and given knowledge. And you did it all perfectly. Our words of gratitude will be forgotten, but the best reward for you will be the achievements of our children in life. And you will be proud of them, you will be proud that it was you who were the educators of small, unintelligent children who became "big" people.
Thank you for everything, may many successes and positive emotions await you ahead.

Dear teachers, nannies, cooks and many other employees of the kindergarten! As parents, we thank you so much! Thank you for being with our children all these years. You spent more time with them than we, their parents. You gave and gave them the necessary knowledge with which they are not ashamed to go to school. You helped them understand the basics of life, the basics of how to live and with what.
We are all very grateful to you for your work and your efforts. Words cannot express our gratitude, but we will do our best so that you are not ashamed of our children, of your pupils. And let it be easy and simple for you in your work, even though this does not happen in your profession.

So the moment has come for the children to part with the kindergarten, with educators, nannies and other employees. Perhaps the children will not remember you in the future, but we parents will never forget you, your efforts and all that you have done for us and our children. You helped them grow, helped them prepare for school, helped them understand a lot about life, friendship and responsibility.
Your work will not go unnoticed, all your efforts will "respond" in the life of each of your pupils. And we will be proud of our children together with you!

For many years you were both parents to our children, and friends, and the closest people. You helped them "stand up" on their feet, helped them to get used to this difficult world. You were just doing your job, but this job is one of the most important in the world.
Today we all say thank you for your concern for our children. Today we are all happy that our children have grown up and have taken another step towards adulthood. Today we are all a little sad that we say goodbye to you. But we will never forget you or what you have done for us and our children. And let the best reward for you be the life successes of your pupils, our children.

I always want to say words of gratitude when there is appreciation for this or that person. At the graduation party in kindergarten, gratitude verses are heard from the lips of children, parents and educators.

  • Children leave the walls of the kindergarten, graduate from elementary school, or forever say “goodbye” to teachers after grade 11 - it is important for everyone to say the cherished words of gratitude
  • You always want to do it beautifully so that teachers, parents and other adults remember this touching day.
  • Graduates must choose the right words to light up the bright faces of teachers and parents with a smile, and give them moments of warmth
  • It doesn’t matter if it’s poetry or prose, say it expressively so that the words sink into the soul and give a positive

Children from the kindergarten preparatory group cannot yet appreciate the care that their mothers and fathers have given them.

But their caregivers help the little ones learn the verses so they can express their gratitude to their loved ones.

Words of gratitude to parents of kindergarten at graduation in verse

Beautiful words to parents in their own words from teachers:

“Our dear parents! You have taken your children to our kindergarten for many years. During this time, you have done a lot of good for our institution and for the children of our group. From the bottom of our hearts, we say "sincere thanks". We invite you and your children to visit. Do not forget about those who showed concern, and at any opportunity come to us.”

“Dear mothers and fathers! Saying the words of gratitude, it becomes sad in the soul. After all, children need to go further - to study at school. We want your children to grow up to be successful people, to study well at school and not forget their teachers. I wish you happiness, success and thank you for being with us all these years!”

“Today is our graduation party. Time flew by quickly, and the children became adults. We, along with your grown-up kids, are grateful to you for your support and for the fact that you have always helped educators. You are the best parents and children give you their poems and this applause!”

At graduation in kindergarten, moms and dads should say words of gratitude to the teachers, the nanny, the head of the institution and other staff.

Important: Thanksgiving words to kindergarten teachers at a gala evening can be pronounced in verse or prose. Words must be spoken from the heart.

Tip: Order this Thank You Letter from a publishing house or creatives. Insert the names of the kindergarten staff, place a photo of the teacher and children in the most visible place, indicate the year of graduation and words of gratitude.

Educators usually place such letters in frames and hang them on the wall. This is the memory of the children who were pupils, as well as the memory of their caring and good-natured parents.

  • Each kindergarten employee contributes to the work of the institution and to the development and upbringing of children
  • Therefore, parents should prepare beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten in general and to each employee individually.
  • All employees of the institution are usually present at the graduation, and they will be pleased to hear warm words of gratitude from their pupils

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - head Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - castellan Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - psychologist Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - swimming instructor Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - musical director Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - kitchen workers Words of gratitude to the kindergarten - nurse

After congratulations from the staff, it is the turn to speak for the children. This can be done by teachers or parents. Congratulatory verses, texts and words of gratitude to children should not be too long, as it will be tiring for kids to listen to such speeches.

Important: When reading poetry and prose, you must be concise. The appeal can be read to the whole group of kids or to each individually, but then something good needs to be said about each child.

Tip: Make a diploma with warm words for each graduate or write them on a postcard.

Words of gratitude to children - diploma

Words of gratitude to children - beautiful wishes

  • Every parent always worries about their baby when he is not with him.
  • But, sending a child to a kindergarten, you can be calm that they will look after him, teach him good manners, as well as draw, read and write beautifully
  • Parents express their gratitude in the form of assistance to the kindergarten. For example, they can paint the playground equipment or do a general cleaning in the group.
  • In turn, the teachers express their gratitude to the parents for their help in kindergarten

Tip: You can make beautifully designed certificates and present them at the next parent meeting or write an announcement in the room where moms and dads come to pick up their children.

For the work done, parents can thank not only educators, nannies or the head of the kindergarten. Appreciation for the work can be written, for example, for a plumber who came to repair taps.

How best to do this, you will find in. At the end of the graduation ball, once again thank the teacher and the nanny, they will be pleased.

The most touching and memorable will be children's words of thanksgiving. Especially beautifully kids read poems with the words "thank you", "goodbye kindergarten", "we love the teacher and we will always remember our kindergarten."

Children's words of gratitude Children's words of gratitude and recognition
Beautiful thanks in SMS

Such warm words will surely touch the soul of a teacher or any other kindergarten employee. Congratulations are not banal and express the attitude of parents towards those who replaced their parents' children while they were at work.

Avoid complex speech turns during congratulations, and then the words will be joyful, and you will see smiles and even tears of joy on the faces of your favorite teachers.

Video: Thanks to the kindergarten teacher. Slide show

Words of gratitude from parents at graduation in kindergarten are a traditional component of this holiday. Sincere and warm wishes are sometimes difficult to formulate from excitement. An active mother offers several examples of grateful parental words in poetry and prose as a hint.

Words of gratitude at graduation in kindergarten in verse

Five years passed unnoticed by everyone -
We want to confess to you only now,
How we worried and worried
Children bringing you here for the first time.
Educator is a profession given by God,
You can't force kids to love you.
Only the kindness of the soul, which is given by nature,
Helps to raise babies with dignity.
The work of an educator is worth a lot:
Support and affection, useful advice,
Reading books, playing games...
For every question you will find an answer.
Kudos to you, thank you very much!
For your worries and concerns,
A gentle look that warms the soul,
Invaluable work, kindness and attention ...
Do not count us all your merits.
We wish you health, strength and success,
May your contribution to these children's souls
Will respond in them with a good echo!

* * * * * * * * *

On this warm May evening
The kids are graduating.
And today, kindergarten,
We say goodbye to you.
We say thank you
For the good days
For friends and care
Educators works.
You taught us skillfully
Talk, read, write.
And now let's go boldly
Seek knowledge in school.
We will never forget you -
Is it possible to forget you?
We will be your kindness
Keep deep in your soul.
We will also live honestly
The way you taught you.
We want to give bouquets
And hug you all now!

Gratitude from parents at graduation in kindergarten in prose

Sweet May has come again. But now we do not move on to the next group, but say goodbye forever to the kindergarten and teachers. The kindergarten age is over, and the kids are going to school ...

Everyone knows that a person cannot achieve anything on the path of life alone. Everyone has mentors. You were the first teachers of our children. Your work is evident: we all remember how we brought crying children by the hand and did not want to part with their mother, and now we see affectionate, smart, talented children who know how to make friends, respect and love their parents. And all this is only thanks to your painstaking daily work and patience.

A low bow and a huge gratitude to the educators, nannies, music directors for your ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty, the ability to love the world and the people around you. You have invested your whole soul so that the future generation will meet our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! Good health and real human happiness!

* * * * * * * * *

The work of an educator is reminiscent of the work of a bee in a hive: the working day begins very early, the whole day passes in fuss and indefatigable care for little people. Calm down, feed breakfast, lunch and dinner, protect from troubles and quarrels, take a nap, give good advice ... And so until the evening.

For our children, the carefree time has ended today ... But the memory of the preschool years will forever remain in their hearts. They will always remember the warmth of your hands, your gentle understanding look, your sincere concern. The first teachers lay the foundation for the future life of the baby, and this is very important. We parents do not doubt its reliability and durability!

For this, today we bow to you from the waist and sincerely thank you, wishing you success, health and strength in your hard work with all our hearts. Your contribution to the soul of every little child is a benefit for the whole society and our country! Thank you for helping us raise a worthy generation!

* * * * * * * * *

On this warm May evening, we say goodbye to the kindergarten. Now he will forever remain in the past. We will never bring these kids here again, we won’t hear the dreary “I want to visit my mother”, we won’t watch kindergarten matinees ... School is ahead, many new acquaintances and a meeting with the first duties.

Many of you, dear nannies and educators, are shedding furtive tears at this moment. After all, you are also used to the guys, just like they are to you, so it’s very sad to leave. Thank you for helping to make their childhood happy and joyful, instilling respect for elders, love for the world around them, helping to discover their first talents. Every day spent in kindergarten is a grain of your huge contribution to the formation of a child's personality.

We wish you that your work is always appreciated not only by parents, but also by the state, monthly adding salary and issuing bonuses. There is no work more valuable than yours, and we really appreciate what you have done for us!
