Church rules: what to do and what not to do on Christmas Eve. What to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas - customs and signs

, Christmas Eve. AT Christmas Eve day Orthodox Christians are especially preparing for the upcoming holiday, the whole day is filled with a special festive mood. On the morning of Christmas Eve, at the end of the Liturgy and the vespers following it, a candle is brought to the center of the church and the priests sing in front of it. troparion to the Nativity of Christ. Services and post Christmas Eve have a number of features, so it is on these days that many questions come to our site about how to spend Christmas Eve correctly. We asked Priest Alexander Ilyashenko to answer these questions. - Father Alexander, the most frequently asked question by our readers is how to fast on Christmas Eve, until what time should one refrain from eating food? What does “post to the first star” mean? Is the measure of abstinence the same for those who work and those who do not work on this day? How long is fasting before communion?This year, Christmas Eve falls on Saturday, so the Royal Hours are celebrated on Friday. On the very day of Christmas Eve, fasting is no longer as strict as on the previous days of the strictest week.

Indeed, the Typicon prescribes fasting until the end of Vespers. However, the Vespers service is connected with the Liturgy, it is served in the morning, and therefore we fast until the moment when a candle is brought into the center of the church and the troparion to the Nativity of Christ is sung in front of the candle.

It is obvious that people in the temple are fasting, many on this day. It would be good if those who cannot be in the service in the temple, who work, honor this day with a more strict fast. We remember that, according to the Russian proverb, "A full belly is deaf to prayer." Therefore, a more strict fast prepares us for the coming joy of the holiday.

Those who take communion at the night Liturgy, according to church tradition, eat food for the last time at least six hours before the time of Communion, or from about 6 pm. And here it is not a matter of a specific number of hours, that you need to fast for 6 or 8 hours and not a minute less, but that a certain border is established, a measure of abstinence that helps us to comply with the measure.

– Father, a lot of questions come from sick people who cannot fast, they ask what they should do?

Sick people, of course, must fast to the extent that this is consistent with the intake of medicines and with the prescriptions of doctors. This is not about putting a weak person in a hospital, but about strengthening a person spiritually. The disease is already And here a person should already try to determine the measure of fasting according to his own strength. Any thing can be brought to the point of absurdity. For example, imagine that a priest who comes to give communion to a dying person asks when the person last ate?!

– As a rule, believers try to meet at the night festive liturgy. But in many churches, the Vespers and Liturgy are also served at the usual time - 5 pm and in the morning. In this regard, people often ask, is it not a sin for a young man, not weak, without children, to go to the service not at night, but in the morning?

To visit a night service or a morning one - you need to watch it according to your strength. Meeting the holiday at night is, of course, a special joy: both spiritual and spiritual. There are very few such services a year; in most parish churches, night liturgies are served only on and - according to tradition, especially solemn services are performed at night. But for example, on Athos, Sunday vigils are served at night. Still, there are not so many such services, just over 60 per year. The Church so establishes, taking into account human capabilities: the number of night vigils in the year is limited.

Solemn night services contribute to a deeper prayerful experience and perception of the Holiday.

- The festive Liturgy is over, the festive feast begins. Here we are asked two questions. First, is it possible to celebrate Christmas first in the parish, and not immediately arrange a family celebration?

The second question is related to the fact that Christmas Liturgy many take communion. And people are somewhat embarrassed: you have just received communion, the books of the holy fathers say that in order to retain grace, you need to try to protect yourself from talking, especially laughter, and try to spend time after communion in prayer. And then a festive feast, even with brothers and sisters in Christ... People are afraid of losing their prayerful mood..

Those rules that the hermit fathers offered to monastics cannot be fully transferred to worldly life, and even more so they cannot be transferred to major holidays. We are talking about ascetics - ascetics, especially richly endowed with the grace-filled gifts of God. For them, the outer part is secondary. Of course, the spiritual life is in the first place for the laity, but we cannot draw the same clear line between the spiritual and the earthly here.

The Apostle Paul commanded us to Always rejoice. Incessantly pray. In everything give thanks to the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). If we meet the holiday with joy, prayer and gratitude to God, then we fulfill the apostolic covenant.

Of course, this issue must be considered individually. Of course, if a person feels that he is losing his fertile mood after a noisy celebration, then perhaps he should sit down at the table for a while, leave earlier, preserving spiritual joy.

– Father Alexander, isn’t it worth it here for us to distinguish between two states in ourselves – when we are really afraid to spill the feeling received in the temple, and when by our refusal to participate in the holiday we can upset our neighbors, and often refuse to share joy with a non-peaceful heart. Relatives resigned themselves to the fact that their zealous family member flatly refused to celebrate the New Year with them, it would seem that the fast was over, the person should “return” to the family, share the joy of the holiday together, and he again slams the door and says “What a “sit with us”, I have a great holiday, such grace, I will lose all my prayer mood with you!!”

In this case, a person will hardly harm his prayerful state, since such behavior indicates that a person does not stay in it. The state of contemplation, prayerfulness is always associated with a surge of spiritual joy, grace, which the Lord generously pours out on His slaves. And such an attitude towards neighbors is more like hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

– Is it obligatory to attend the evening service on the very day of the holiday - the evening of the Christmas holiday?

- Everyone should decide for himself. After the night service, you need to recuperate. Not everyone, due to age, health and spiritual level, is able to go to the temple and take part in the service. But we must remember that the Lord rewards for every effort that a person makes for him.

Evening service on great holidays this day is not long, especially spiritual, solemn and joyful, the Great Prokeimenon is proclaimed at it, so, of course, it’s good if you can visit it.

Congratulations to all readers of our site on the upcoming feast of the Nativity of Christ!

Questions prepared by Lidia Dobrova and Anna Danilova

The evening before Christmas, for each of us, is usually kutya and carols, as well as a quiet family dinner.

There are several names for this holiday - Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, Holy Evening, Rich Evening, Rich Kutia, Viliya, writes Prepared for the winter holidays long before they come. The hostesses prepared a delicious dinner and cleaned the house, and most importantly, observed a strict fast, which ended on January 6 at 12 am. However, these are not the only traditions that accompanied this day, so let's dive into history and figure out what is the difference between modern Christmas Eve and Holy Evening before.

As you know, there are two Christmas Eve - one Catholic, which is celebrated on December 24, and the other Orthodox and celebrate it on January 6. But both of them are a symbol of intensive preparation for one of the most important holidays of the year - Christmas.

The custom of celebrating Christmas Eve, according to legend, appeared based on the story of the Star of Bethlehem. A few days before the birth of Christ, the brightest star appeared to the Magi, such a sign appears only when the king is born. Therefore, they decided to go on a journey to present gifts to Christ.

But this is not the only meaning of the holiday, because basically all holidays have pagan roots. Holy evening was no exception, and many traditions have nothing to do with Christianity, this includes Christmas divination. So, according to legend, even in the pre-Christian period, our ancestors celebrated the Korochuna holiday on this day, or, in other words, the day of greeting the sun. According to other sources, the eve of the birth of Kol Svarog was celebrated on this day. It was on Holy Evening, as they used to believe, that the Earth endowed people, plants, animals, in general, all living things, with energy, which subsequently can help not only preserve the crop, but also increase it, and it protects animals from diseases and contributes to a good offspring.

Church Traditions for Christmas Eve

As we have already mentioned, the winter holidays were preceded by a strict fast, which ended with the appearance of the first star on January 6th. On Christmas Eve, the whole family ate festive kutya all day long.

In the evening, a divine service is held with the reading of the gospel, the story of the Magi, prayers, and a liturgy. However, if Christmas Eve falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the main part of the service is held on Friday evening, and the liturgy is already on Christmas Eve itself.
If, for some reason, it was not possible to get to the temple before, then it was allowed on this holiday just to read prayers with the family and proceed to the festive dinner. At the same time, it was important to put on all the newest things on Holy Evening, but if there was not enough money for a new one, then they simply put on clean ones. This tradition served as a symbol of cleansing from sins and the onset of something new.

Slavic traditions in Holy evening

The holy evening in the Slavic tradition was solemnly celebrated, for this the whole family usually gathered, and the hostess of the house cleaned the house and prepared a rich dinner before the arrival of the guests. Be sure to lay a clean white, or rather a new tablecloth, under which they put a little hay.

Christmas Didukh

Separately, it is worth noting about the decoration of the table. For this, a festive candle was necessarily placed on the table as a symbol of the first star, as well as the Christmas Didukh. Simply put, a sheaf of hay was placed in a vase and solemnly brought into the house by the whole family and placed in the middle of the table. Moreover, Didukh was prepared since the summer. For this, the first sheaf of wheat or bread was left unthreshed. In some villages, they separated from the last sheaf. He was bandaged and left until Christmas Eve, after which he was given the most honorable place on the table - in the middle.

The introduction of Didukh began with the fact that the head of the family took him in one hand, and in the other there was a sheaf of hay. Behind him was the eldest son, who had a sheaf of hay in two hands. Even in the yard, the head of the family would say: “Let the hay run, let it feed the cattle. Let it be soft for darlings, let it be soft for the Holy Child and the cattle in the hay! At the same time, together with his son, scattering a sheaf of hay. And at the entrance to the house, the father shouted: “Christmas time is coming!”, The son answered: “Christmas time has come!”, And the mother continued: “We honor and ask didukh and you to look into the house!”

Didukh was not cleaned up until the very Generous Evening, after which it was burned, throwing old things or clothes in which a family member suffered an illness. Thus, our ancestors were cleansed of the negative energy of the past year.

Festive table for Christmas Eve

The main dish for Holy evening was kutya or as it was also called sochivo, kolivo. It was usually prepared from boiled wheat, barley with the addition of honey. Sometimes housewives also cooked sochivo with rice. The meal began with kutya.

Moreover, the sequence of dishes was also strictly executed according to certain rules. So snacks were the first to go. After them, the first thing was usually served, often borscht, mushroom soup or fish soup. By the first, the housewives always prepared pies, ears or flat cakes, they were also called juicy. Dessert was served last. These are rolls with poppy seeds, honey cakes, pies, jelly and so on. Be sure to bake sweet gingerbread for this day.

The second obligatory dish was uzvar, or, more simply, dried fruit compote. Often it was prepared from apples, pears, plums, raisins, cherries and other fruits. At the same time, it should be noted that all dishes were washed down only with uzvar and nothing else.

Separately, it is worth noting 12 dishes that must have been on the table and what they meant:

  1. kutya was prepared as a symbol of sacrifice and shed blood;
  2. peas were considered a sign that after a decline a person is reborn again, like God's spring;
  3. cabbage - cabbage is a symbol of simplicity and reliability;
  4. borsch - since the hostess tries to cook this dish from simple products, this is a symbol of the fact that routine work and daily fuss bring up willpower in us. Among other things, it is also a reminder of the cruel order of King Herod to destroy babies;
  5. cabbage rolls were prepared as a sign of God's love for man;
  6. fish - since ancient times, it was the fish that was a symbol of Christianity and the sacrifice of Christ;
  7. dumplings - this dish was a symbol of prosperity that awaits believers in heaven;
  8. pancakes - meant the sun. Cooking pancakes on this day rather comes from paganism, but today this dish has become a symbol of the fact that Christ has become a symbol of the new sun, light;
  9. porridge - has become a symbol of procreation;
  10. pies - a symbol of health and happiness;
  11. uzvar is a symbol of the life that God gave us, as well as cleansing from everything bad;
  12. donuts are prepared as a reminder of what awaits a person after death - eternal life.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary that only these dishes were prepared on this day, the most important thing is that there are 12 Lenten dishes on the table. In addition to these recipes, the housewives prepared jelly, homemade sausage, pork head, jelly, dishes from mushrooms, meat, and fish.

At the table, they tried to behave with restraint and calmness. At the same time, it was impossible to get up from the table before the end of the meal. Not a single dish was to remain untouched, everyone who sat at the table had to taste at least a spoonful of all the dishes. It was considered a good sign if an even number of people gathered at the table, if not, then the hostess put an additional set of cutlery for the deceased relatives.

Caroling on Holy Evening

After the festive dinner, the most interesting part for young people began - festivities, which, in particular, included caroling. For this, young boys and girls gathered near the temple or in another public place. Free unmarried men could join them.

Then they chose the main one, who leads the carols - Birch, as well as the treasurer, star, latkovy and so on. Be sure to put on interesting costumes and come up with a little performance. The goat usually appeared in the title role as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

Caroling used to be a little different from how it is done now. Previously, they did not knock and did not enter houses, as is done in the modern world. our ancestors used to call the hosts with the words “Kolyada is coming!”. Whoever went out was shown a performance with the singing of carols and folk songs. Wishing the owner all the best for the coming year. After that, carolers were invited to the house and presented with gifts.

Signs for Christmas Eve

  • - It was a bad sign when they fell asleep in the house, so that this would not happen, the owners, if they lay down on the bed, then in festive clothes, so as not to fall asleep. At the same time, the older generation and those who are married tried not to leave the house once again - a bad omen that does not bring anything good.
  • - It was good luck for a free girl and a guy to sneeze during the gala dinner. In this case, the girl will get married next year, and the guy will become a good Cossack. Moreover, if this happens, fathers sometimes gave gifts to their children: for girls - a calf, and for boys - a foal.
  • - Also, the owners were happy when lonely and restless people came to visit that evening, which meant that in the coming year there would be happiness, joy and prosperity in the family. Therefore, such guests were generously presented and treated.
  • - Since on Christmas Eve they were preparing for Christmas, they tried to prepare all the food for the holiday even before sunrise. Then, according to beliefs, there will be prosperity and wealth in the family.
  • - And the snow cover spoke about what the harvest will be in the coming year. So it was believed that the more snow on Christmas Eve, the richer the harvest. If snow fell before January 6, but melted by Christmas Eve, then this indicates that there will be a good harvest of buckwheat. But if there is frost and snowdrifts, then this is for grain production.
  • - They also watched the stars closely. If, for example, there are a lot of stars in the sky, then in summer there will be a lot of peas. And if there are few stars, then the berries will also not be dense. It was also a bad sign if the Milky Way was dim - this is bad weather.
  • - The hosts tried not to be stingy on the table, because the richer the dinner on Christmas Eve, the richer the coming year will be.
  • - We also tried not to quarrel from this evening and avoid disagreements for the entire period of the holidays. After all, if you quarrel or argue with someone these days, the whole year will pass in quarrels and disagreements.
  • - It was impossible to hunt and fish, otherwise the whole year would pass in misfortunes and hardships.

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On January 6, all Orthodox and Greek Catholics celebrate Christmas Eve, the evening before Christmas. When the first star appears in the sky, many families gather at the festive table, on which, according to tradition, there are 12 Lenten dishes. Below we have collected tips on what not to do on January 6, and what, on the contrary, is possible and necessary.

On Christmas Eve until the "evening star" they do not eat anything and do not sit down at the table. The first star is a symbol that once announced to the magi about the birth of the Savior.


When the first star appears in the sky, many families gather at the festive table, on which, according to tradition, there are 12 Lenten dishes.

On this evening, according to tradition, all family members gather at the table. It is customary to visit your parents and grandparents if you do not live together. The godchildren wear a "supper" to their godparents, and they, in turn, treat them to sweets and other sweets. On this day, a very strict fast, believers do not eat until the first star appears in the sky.

They say that on Christmas night it is necessary to wear something new, and if there is none, then at least one white item. In addition, it is known that immediately after Christmas, Christmas time comes, when you can dress up in all sorts of carnival costumes.

When it gets dark, it is customary to sit down at the table, on which, according to tradition, 12 Lenten dishes are placed according to the number of holy apostles: kutya, borscht with mushrooms, dumplings with cabbage or potatoes, fish soup, cabbage rolls, pickled herring, pickled mushrooms, jellied fish, stewed cabbage, beans , compote and lean sweets: pies, donuts, cakes.

Sometimes baked or fried potatoes are put on the table. Kutya is an obligatory dish on the Christmas table. According to the traditional recipe, poppy seeds, millet, walnuts, raisins and honey are put in kutya. Many housewives experiment and add some more ingredients to kutya, for example, dried apricots or even bananas.

What not to do on Christmas Eve

During dinner, you can not talk a lot, leave the table. A guy and a girl should not sit on the corners of the table, so as not to be left without a married couple. You can’t, taking a spoon in your hands, put it on the table again, you don’t wash down the dishes with water - only with a bowl. Until the meal is over, you can’t leave the table, especially from the house, so as not to let in evil spirits.

You can't work on Christmas Eve evening.

Before the holiday, it is necessary to clean the house, but at the same time maintain peace and understanding with relatives. Do not let quarrels and minor troubles overshadow your holiday. Let it be better for you not to have perfectly clean curtains, but peace and good relations in the family.

You should forgive all your enemies in your soul and ask for forgiveness from those people whom you may have offended.

It is believed that it is impossible to celebrate Christmas with the same debts. Otherwise, the whole year will have to live in debt.

On this day, you can not be greedy.

On Christmas Eve you can’t go far from home - you will wander all year.

You can not meet the holiday in black clothes.

Do not put out a fire in a stove or fireplace.

Signs and beliefs on Christmas Eve

If on Christmas Eve the sky is abundantly strewn with stars, then this year a rich harvest should be expected.

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, it is customary to light candles in the house or kindle a fireplace in order to attract prosperity and good luck to the house.

You can’t wear old dark-colored clothes for a festive dinner, otherwise the year will pass in tears and difficulties.

An even number of people should be present at the ceremonial table. If it is odd, then the housewives put one extra device.

On Christmas Eve, you need to go outside and look at the sky. If you see a shooting star and make a wish, it will surely come true.

The celebration of Christmas begins on January 6, when the whole family gathers for a family dinner - the Holy Supper.

On January 6, they celebrate the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, Christmas Eve, which is also called Holy Evening - this day also has its own traditions and features. Christmas is one of the biggest and most beloved holidays, the preparation for which has long been very thorough and special. Christmas is a magical and magical holiday, on this day the whole family creates and maintains a special atmosphere of comfort, prosperity and harmony in the house. Find out how the housewives spent the day before Christmas, what they did to bring the well-being and health of all household members into the house.

By the Christmas holiday, Didukh has been preserved since the harvest period. from hay, which symbolized fertility, the spirit of the family, grace and prosperity. He was brought into the house and left under the icons until Baptism. Didukh brought a special festive mood to the house, the people said "Didukh to the hut - trouble from the hut."

All the Christmas holidays lay a ban on any business and housework, they tried to complete all the most important things before January 6th.

You can not offend animals on this day, drive away homeless cats and dogs, but on the contrary, care should be taken - feed, find shelter. Pets require special care. It is believed that on Christmas night every animal speaks to God in human language and will tell the Lord how its owners behave with it.

The father of the family traditionally went around the whole yard , put things in order, fed the animals, went into the house and tightly closed the doors behind him - and before dinner was over, no one could leave the house and open the doors.

January 6 and 7, as well as throughout Christmas time you can not give something from home, borrow money - It is believed that this way you can give your health and well-being.

Before Holy Evening, the housewives finished all their household chores. - they cleaned the house, whitewashed, decorated the stove with drawings, washed. And also tried to buy a new thing for each family member.

All family members must be at home on January 6 and not to leave the gate, it was considered a bad omen to be out of the house in the evening, and even more so to spend the night on Christmas night not at home - they believed that they would have to wander around the world for the whole next year.

Christmas and Christmas eve - important maintain a special atmosphere of kindness and family harmony, especially in your own home, you can not quarrel and swear, scold children. On the contrary, you should make peace with everyone with whom you are in a quarrel, forgive insults and let go of evil.

From the very morning, the housewives began to prepare a festive dinner. - on the table should be symbolic 12 dishes - according to the number of apostles. Due to the fact that January 6 is the last day of Advent, all dishes on Holy Evening are cooked fast. However, the supper is called generous - this means that all the blessings sent by nature are present on the table, the fruits of a generous harvest - dishes from cereals, fruits, honey, mushrooms, vegetables, fish, etc.

The first thing women did was make a new fire - a symbol of new life - with the help of flint and flint, which lain under the icons for 12 days. Facing east, crossing herself three times, the hostess lit a new fire and kindled 12 logs in the oven, dried in the house 12 days before Christmas. And she started preparing a festive family dinner of 12 traditional dishes: she cooked uzvar, kutya, peas, beans, stewed cabbage and mushrooms, made dumplings, cooked borscht, baked donuts.

Under the festive tablecloth on every corner of the table, the hostess of the house must hid on the head of garlic in order to ward off evil spirits.

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Photo gallery: What to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas on January 6 and Epiphany on January 18: traditions, signs, divination and conspiracies

The eve of the Christian holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany have a special atmosphere. They can talk about the future, changing their own destiny. That is why on January 6 and 18 you should carefully monitor what is happening around. Simple signs and beliefs will help you learn about wealth, happiness in the family. And interesting fortune-telling and conspiracies will change fate. When conducting any rituals, it is worth knowing what to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas and Epiphany, and what actions should be avoided. We have collected the most interesting traditions and customs associated with these holidays. They will help to comprehend the sacraments and get as close as possible to your dream.

What to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas - signs and beliefs on January 6

Most Orthodox Christians pay attention to the signs associated with Christmas. But there are beliefs that will help you learn about the future on the eve of the holiday. We found the most accurate signs and talked about what to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas to change fate for the better.

What signs of Christmas Eve on January 6 will tell about the future?

Interesting and most accurate signs of Christmas Eve will help to open the veil of the near or distant future. On this day, you need to pay attention to everything that happens in the house, family, nature. Simple tips will help you avoid adversity and find your happiness.

  • dreams seen on the night of January 6-7 are considered prophetic, and you should pay special attention to them;
  • cleaning up on Christmas Eve can lead to grief in the family;
  • if there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, then spring will be early this year;
  • a clear starry sky and snow on Christmas Eve will indicate a rich harvest in the new year;
  • wearing black clothes on Christmas Eve is unfortunate.

By adhering to the simple rules of meeting Christmas Eve, it is easy to protect your family from any troubles. But it is also worth taking a closer look at the world around you. On this day, even the simplest weather phenomena can predict the future.

What can you do on Christmas Eve before the holy Christmas of Christ - fortune-telling for the future, money

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, various rituals and fortune-telling are allowed. On Christmas Eve, the special atmosphere of the pre-holiday day will help you find answers to important questions. We have selected the simplest and most truthful fortune-telling that will tell you what to do on Christmas Eve before Christmas to get information about your future.

Simple Divination for the Future for Christmas Eve

For fortune-telling on Christmas Eve, you do not need to perform complex rituals. Even the simplest things will tell about the fortuneteller's future. You can guess on January 6 in the following ways:

  • on the book;

You need to take a book and ask a question about the near future. Then, with your eyes closed, open the page and point your finger at any paragraph. The text of the book will provide answers to questions of interest.

  • on the paper;

Put paper with different inscriptions into a cloth bag (for example, "wealth", "illness", "new job", "birth of a child"). Then pull out one of the pieces of paper and read the prediction.

  • on things.

Take small boxes (you can take capsules from Kinder Surprise) and place various items in them. It can be a ring, a mon6tka, a tablet. Put the boxes in a cloth bag and randomly pull out one of them. The object that appears will tell about the future.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve before Christmas is recommended in the evening. This time will help to find out the most accurate forecasts for the future. A special pre-holiday atmosphere will help the fortuneteller in this.

What fortune-telling on desire can be carried out on the eve of the Nativity of Christ?

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, you can also learn about the fulfillment of a cherished desire. For example, a domestic cat will be able to "tell" about him. To do this, you just need to make a wish and call the animal. If a cat crosses the threshold with its left paw, it will come true. If it is right, then you should not expect an early fulfillment of desire.

Those who do not have animals at home can also guess at a wish on Christmas Eve. To do this, you just need to write your desires on pieces of paper. Leave a few sheets unsigned. Roll up all the sheets and put under the pillow. After going to bed, and in the morning get one of the pieces of paper. He will indicate which wish will soon come true. If an empty sheet comes across, you should not wait for the fulfillment of desires in the near future.

Conspiracies for health and happiness - here's what else you can do on Christmas Eve before Christmas

Before the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, fortune-telling can be carried out and special conspiracies can be pronounced. Sincere requests will help protect your loved ones, give them happiness. We picked up simple conspiracies and indicated what to do when they are pronounced on Christmas Eve before Christmas.

Effective Christmas Eve conspiracies for health

You can protect your loved ones from accidents and protect yourself from diseases with the help of special conspiracies. They should be pronounced on the eve of the Nativity of Christ in the evening or at night. At this time, higher powers will help everyone who sincerely asks for it.

On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I speak from 77 ailments,

From any pain, from the night light,

Pretending dryness, from cancer that travels,

Falling fit,

From spoilage, from night cramps,

Mother Mother of God washed her Son,

Wiped with a linen towel.

God bless my linen too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

Since then, I will erase all 77 ailments.

To improve health, the following magical conspiracy should be read early in the morning on one of the holy days.

His words are as follows:

“I went to bed, the Servant of God (proper name) on a dark evening, it was dark, dark on the street; I got up, the Servant of God, (proper name), in the early morning on the red dawn, when it was bright-light on the street; I, the Servant of God, (proper name) washed myself with fresh and cool water; I wiped myself, the Servant of God, (proper name), with a white handkerchief. I then went from door to door, from gate to gate. I went along the long road along the way-overland right up to the ocean-sea, where there is a holy island. I turned east to the red sun and I saw an open field.

On it I saw a large seven-towered house, in which a red-haired maiden sits on a golden chair. She persuades illnesses and illnesses, and on her knees she holds a silver saucer, on which sharp knives lie, forged from strong damask steel. I, the Servant of God (proper name), entered that seven-tower house, humble and with my head bowed. She bowed low to the red-haired girl, obeyed her with her heart and said the following word: “Take, red-haired girl, sharp damask knives from your silver saucer, and cut off that unhealthy black flesh with them. Cut off from him (her) all the sorrows and sorrows associated with severe illnesses and ailments. Tighten all his (her) wounds with your magic power.

And after that, protect him (her) from any evil intention of an evil person, whether it be a witch woman, a bare-haired girl, a monogamist or a polygamist, red-haired or black-haired. And having done this, close your deeds, beautiful girl, with twelve locks. And lower all twelve keys to the bottom of the ocean-sea, pose the strong stone Alatyr. There is no one to open your locks and no one to wash the keys. The Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the sick person) will no longer get sick from this moment and never. As the evening dawn goes out, so all ailments will disappear. My word is strong, no one can change it. It will be so now and forever. Amen".

It is important to wash in the shower before reading this conspiracy, and even better in the bath. Be sure to let your hair down and wear clean, loose, light-colored clothing. You can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy if you read it while holding a lit church candle in your hand.

What conspiracies can be pronounced on the eve of the Nativity of Christ on January 6 for happiness?

On Christmas Eve before Christmas, you can ask not only for health, but also for happiness. This must be done with the utmost respect. In addition, you need to ask for happiness not only for yourself, but also for your closest, dearest people. You can turn to higher powers to ask for happiness with the following conspiracies:

You need to go outside at three in the morning, stretch your hands to the sky and say:

"Let the holy sky open,

Give me golden happiness

How many bright stars are in the sky

I will have so many tears of happiness!

“Our Lord Jesus was born, the people rejoiced and were baptized! Be healthy (them of a person) and happy, do not grieve in vain! Amen!".

The conspiracy is pronounced over a church candle.

“I attract light into the house with bright lights. I bend with a rainbow, I cover the walls. Walls rose from heaven to earth. They protect from enemies, protect peace and tranquility. Candles, burn brighter. The walls are getting stronger! Protect the house, close everyone from enemies! Amen!".

What to do on Christmas Eve before Epiphany - traditions and customs on January 18

Christmas Eve of Epiphany on January 18 is considered the end of Christmas time. Therefore, on this day, divination should be carried out in the daytime until evening. Previously, it was believed that it was on Epiphany Christmas Eve that evil "walks" home. It is necessary to protect yourself and your family from any negativity in advance, not to let the evil force bring discord into it. We have indicated the most interesting folk traditions that will tell you what you can do for this on Christmas Eve before Epiphany on January 18.

Interesting traditions of Christmas Eve on January 18 before Epiphany

On the eve of January 19, it was customary for families to clean up. The house must be prepared for the Orthodox holiday. They sat down at the table after the appearance of the first star. Until that time, a strict fast was observed. And you need to start dinner with consecrated water. Then households and guests should try kutya and uzvar. Then it is customary to serve cookies and gingerbread in the form of crosses to the table, and then move on to lenten dishes. It is desirable that there be 7, 9 or 12 of them on the table. On the night of January 18-19, you need to go to bed after prayer in a good mood.

What is done on Christmas Eve before Epiphany - is it possible to guess on January 18

Priests and believers believe that guessing on the evening of January 18 is sinful. Therefore, on this day, either you should not perform rituals, or you need to "transfer" them to the morning and afternoon. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with an interesting video that tells whether it is possible to guess on Christmas Eve before Epiphany, and how to do it correctly.

Is it possible to conduct fortune-telling on Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18 - holiday traditions

The video we have selected will certainly come in handy for girls who dream of starting their own family. It tells about the most interesting divination and rituals. They will help you learn more about marriage and soon become the wife of your soul mate.

Simple traditions and interesting Christmas Eve rituals allow everyone to learn about their future. Indeed, during the period of Christmas time from January 6 to January 18, you can conduct various fortune-telling, look for accurate signs. Unusual conspiracies will help you ask higher powers for health and wealth, happiness. But such rites before Christmas and Epiphany should be performed with special attention. Not all Christmas time is suitable for such activities. We talked about the most accessible and simple ways to find out all the secrets of your destiny. With the help of such tips, everyone will be able to understand what to do on Christmas Eve before the Orthodox holiday, and what to avoid.
