Frequent regurgitation of a baby: normal or pathological? Causes of regurgitation in a newborn after feeding.

Oh, these young parents! As soon as a small child is born, mothers and fathers have a lot of questions. And of course, after several times some of the milk sucked by a child ends up on an adult’s clothes, a natural question arises about when children stop spitting up.

What is considered regurgitation?

Sometimes some food is thrown back from the stomach into the esophagus, and then into the oral cavity and out. This is regurgitation. As a rule, this happens with infants.

Typically, regurgitation in newborns occurs immediately after the baby has sucked milk. But some time may pass, then curdled milk comes out.

This happens in completely healthy babies, but can signal a disease. The main thing is that the volume of rejected milk does not exceed 3 ml and this does not happen too often.

Most likely, the baby will spit up in the first months after birth. Until the baby’s body recovers after birth and the stomach begins to cope with food, this is inevitable. But usually by the time the baby sits steadily, the problem goes away on its own. In any case, all healthy babies no longer burp when they take their first step. But be prepared for new manifestations during teething or when your baby is unwell.

The great science of statistics has revealed that regurgitation in babies under 4 months occurs in almost everyone. But if this phenomenon repeats too often and in large volumes, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Therefore, if after each feeding the baby vomits more than 3 ml of stomach contents through the mouth or this happens constantly, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the reason. At what age does a child stop burping and is it harmful? Let's look at it further in the article.

Frequent regurgitation can lead to inflammation in the esophagus and other serious consequences in the digestive tract.

Why is this happening?

  • If the baby is premature or has been diagnosed with delay, then regurgitation will be a frequent companion for such children.
  • This happens due to the later maturation of the processes responsible for sucking and swallowing, as well as an imperfect gastrointestinal tract.
  • Usually, after 8 weeks, the body returns to normal, catches up with its peers who were born on time, and the question of when a child stops spitting up gradually ceases to be relevant.
  • The next reason for milk rejection is banal overfeeding. This can be either too frequent feeding or large volumes of milk offered.
  • Mixed nutrition is also a very common cause of regurgitation. Often mothers think that the baby does not have enough milk, and begin to feed him with formula. Because of this, the child’s stomach is too full, and he rejects the excess.
  • In addition, if the child is very tiny, then mixing different foods, breast milk and formula, also leads to disturbances and regurgitation.
  • The classic cause of this problem is improper attachment to the breast. The baby grasps only the nipple, and air is swallowed, which then comes out with part of the milk drunk.

But fortunately, these phenomena pass. The question of when babies stop burping will most likely disappear by the time the baby sits up on his own.

When something's wrong

If the child is cheerful and cheerful, actively gaining weight and height, then there is nothing to worry about. But all parents should know when children stop spitting up and how long this can normally last. Therefore, if this phenomenon is too active, the baby is restless and is gaining little weight, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the child will benefit from medication, or perhaps surgery will be required. The question of examination is decided on a purely individual basis. X-rays are used as one of the examination tools.

Prevention of regurgitation

A common question that new mothers ask each other is: “When did your baby stop spitting up?” Here, of course, everything is individual, but normally by the year this phenomenon should go away irrevocably.

But to prevent regurgitation from becoming a problem, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Don't overfeed your baby.
  • Make sure you grasp the nipple correctly. The areola should be completely in the baby's mouth. If feeding from a bottle, watch the nipple. It must be completely filled with milk, which prevents air from being swallowed.
  • Position the baby not strictly horizontally, but slightly raising him.
  • Give your child time to take a break. This is especially true when sucking from a bottle. If the baby himself knows what to do with the breast, then milk from the bottle can flow continuously, which will create a reason for the stomach to quickly fill and, accordingly, regurgitation.
  • It is better to choose a feeding regimen that is more frequent and in smaller portions.
  • Advice for all times. After feeding, hold your baby upright. This way the excess air will come out and the milk will remain in place. In addition, this action is an excellent prevention of colic.
  • Place your baby on his tummy more often.
  • Leave your baby alone after feeding.

By following these rules, you will soon forget about the question of when the baby stops burping. And even if a few drops of milk come out, nothing bad will happen.

Let's sum it up

Undoubtedly, every mother feels the mood of her baby with her skin. The same goes for regurgitation. If parents see that the baby feels great, does not show signs of anxiety or hunger, is gaining weight and is generally developing within normal limits, then there is nothing to worry about.

But it happens that mom suspects that something is wrong. In this case, you should go to the doctor and show the child. If everything is normal, you will be calm and can ask your pediatrician about when babies stop spitting up. If your fears are confirmed, timely treatment will help solve the problem.

The very first months of a baby’s life are the most important period in his development. It is at this time that the baby gradually adapts to the diversity of the environment that surrounds him. The functioning of his internal organs is also finally adjusted at this time. In the process of such “tuning”, problems related to feeding are likely to arise. And if it appears over a period of time profuse regurgitation , inexperienced parents may be scared, not knowing whether a child should normally regurgitate food. Moreover, this phenomenon is very similar vomiting , which is a sign of disease. But in fact, the causes of regurgitation are associated with completely different phenomena, and only in rare cases indicate the development of diseases. This article will discuss why a baby can burp frequently and violently, and how to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation.

Is regurgitation after feeding pathological?

When a baby burps after feeding, a small amount of food is expelled from the stomach through the mouth.

Typically, the baby will regurgitate some food. At the same time, parents are still worried about why the baby is burping. But in most cases, this is a completely natural and normal process, and there is no need to worry about why a newborn baby is spitting up. After all, in this way, excess air simply escapes from the baby’s ventricle. That is, this is a kind of signal that the body is working correctly. And if the baby feels well and does not show other alarming symptoms, there is no reason to worry why the baby is spitting up breast milk.

According to statistics, very few children do not burp in infancy. Approximately 70% of infants experience these symptoms before they are 3 to 6 months old. Babies burp during or after feeding. That is, if something similar happens to a 2-month-old baby from time to time, this is not a cause for concern. Although at what age a child spits up is rather an individual question. But in most cases, up to 9 months in most babies, regurgitation disappears on its own.

Most often, regurgitation occurs in children who were born prematurely or in babies with intrauterine growth retardation. In such children, after birth, all body functions “mature” for another 5-8 weeks. When this period ends, the child’s body adapts, and the unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own. There is no point in worrying about why your baby often spits up after formula feeding or breast milk , if the child feels well, develops normally, smiles and communicates with pleasure.

However, if strong “fountain” regurgitation constantly occurs, and the baby is restless, it is worth telling your pediatrician about such manifestations. After all, such a condition may indicate diseases that can negatively affect the development of the baby.

How to distinguish: regurgitation or vomiting in a baby?

It is important for parents to understand exactly what is happening to the baby: whether the newborn vomits after feeding, or whether he simply spits up.

When regurgitating, food leaks out without contracting the abdominal muscles. As a rule, the baby burps immediately after feeding, especially if his position is then suddenly changed. After feeding, the baby most often burps once, with water or milk.

If it happens vomit , the baby is whiny and restless. When food is excreted, spasms appear and a large amount of vomit is released - more than during regurgitation. When vomiting, parents often note that the child vomited like a fountain. Usually the urge to vomit is repeated, and the vomiting contents are added to the contents, so the baby vomits yellow.

Vomiting is a complex reflex act. When it occurs, the muscles of the diaphragm, abdominal cavity, and abs actively contract. As a result, the contents of the stomach are spontaneously released. Before vomiting, the baby is worried about nausea - the skin turns pale, strong, rapid breathing appears, and saliva is released. If your baby begins to vomit, you should immediately seek medical help. All pediatricians insist on this - Dr. Komarovsky and other famous doctors. It is important that the doctor determines the causes of vomiting in an infant as soon as possible.

The regurgitation process is physiological if the following signs occur:

  • none gagging ;
  • the volume of food released is small;
  • the baby burps no more than twice a day;
  • The baby gains weight within normal limits.

Over time, regurgitation disappears without additional treatment. It is important to know what color the breast milk that the baby regurgitated should be - normally it should not contain impurities of bile, etc.

Why does a baby spit up after breastfeeding?

Thus, the main reasons for regurgitation in newborns after feeding is the functional immaturity of the digestive system. If at a certain period the child spits up after each feeding, or in an infant belching and regurgitation occurs periodically, the reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:

  • The baby simply ate too much . Even if the child is already full, sometimes he may not stop eating. He suckles at the breast, gradually calming down and enjoying the closeness with his mother. After this, the baby regurgitates excess food. In this way, it frees up the gastrointestinal tract, preventing it from being overloaded. In this case, even copious regurgitation is a kind of prevention of diseases of the digestive system associated with overeating.
  • Aerophagia - swallowing air while the baby is eating. A similar phenomenon occurs if the baby is in an uncomfortable position during feeding. This is also possible if the baby receives too much breast milk or formula (for example, if a very large hole is cut out in the bottle), if he does not latch onto the nipple correctly, or is too excited.
  • – too much gas may also be the answer to the question, the baby often spits up after breastfeeding. It is natural feeding that most often leads to the manifestation flatulence , since periodically after feeding it increases intra-abdominal pressure . That is why a nursing mother must pay attention to her diet. Beans, black bread, cabbage, and fresh apples should be excluded from the menu. The latter can be replaced with baked ones.
  • - another reason why a baby may spit up an hour after feeding or even 2 hours after feeding. With constipation, the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, food moves through the gastrointestinal tract slowly, and therefore the likelihood of belching is very high.
  • Regurgitation can also be caused by indiscriminate feeding.
  • The position of the child is also important: if the baby is held upright, an air bubble will form in the stomach, which can push some of the food out of the stomach. As a result, an inexperienced mother may think that the baby has vomited.

How to prevent physiological regurgitation?

If parents are still concerned about why their newborn is spitting up a lot, they can try some preventive measures to prevent it. Initially, the mother needs to carefully observe the baby to understand why exactly he is spitting up a lot. If the cause is identified, it must be eliminated.

If your baby spits up a lot, you can take the following preventive measures:

  • It is important that both the baby and the nursing mother are in a calm and relaxed state before starting the feeding process. For a while, you can lay the baby on his tummy or stroke his tummy a little. It is important that the baby's head is not thrown back and he can breathe freely through his nose. If the nose is stuffy, the child will swallow air. It is with nasal congestion that the baby often spits up a lot after feeding with breast milk.
  • When feeding naturally, it is important to monitor whether the baby takes the breast correctly. When sucking, he should grab the nipple and the isola. In this case, the baby’s lower lip should be slightly turned out.
  • A baby who is given an artificial formula can be fed with special anti-colic bottles and nipples. With their help, the baby is prevented from swallowing large amounts of air. It is equally important to hold the bottle correctly while feeding: at an angle of 40 degrees if the baby is lying down, and 70 degrees if he is sitting in his mother’s arms.
  • There is no need to swaddle your baby too tightly after he has eaten. Immediately after feeding, you should leave him at rest. You can lightly pat him on the back to prevent burping. To do this, sit the baby on your lap, and, holding it with one hand, lightly pat it on the back with the other.
  • The reason for regurgitation may also be that the nutritional norm is exceeded. If parents suspect that this is the reason, it is necessary to reduce the duration of feeding. To determine whether your child has eaten enough, you can weigh him before and after meals. In this case, you need to know what the norms for formula feeding or the norm for breast milk are for a baby of a certain age. After all, contrary to popular belief, the answer to the question of whether a newborn can overeat during pregnancy is positive.
  • Babies who spit up very often are best placed on their side in the crib. Thus, the masses that “return” from the stomach will not enter the respiratory tract. If this happened when the child was lying on his back, you need to lift him and turn him face down.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to use a special antireflux mixture , helping to correct regurgitation. A special non-digestible additive that contains carob, a mixture of natural fibers. When they enter the baby's stomach, they form a clot there that prevents regurgitation.

As a rule, the use of these prevention methods helps prevent regurgitation or reduce the frequency of its occurrence. Parents should not be concerned if the baby periodically spits up, but in general he is healthy - he is gaining weight and behaves calmly. As a rule, parents themselves can suspect a pathology by paying attention to the manifestations of other symptoms against the background of regurgitation. In this case, it is important to consult a pediatrician who will help determine the cause of the pathology.

When is specialist help needed?

It is important for young parents to know what symptoms require seeking medical help:

  • If the child continues to regurgitate regularly even after the first six months of life.
  • When the stomach contents return in a “fountain” more than twice a day.
  • When symptoms of dehydration appear - if the baby refuses to eat, his body temperature drops, weakness, rare urination are noted, or he pees more than 10 times a day.
  • The child develops.
  • The child is gaining weight poorly, falling behind the norm for his age.
  • If the baby burps up “curd” - that is, a curd mass that has an unpleasant odor, like sour milk. Sometimes, even normally, a child spits up a cheesy mass. But if the baby behaves restlessly, it is better to show him to the doctor.

In some cases, frequent regurgitation in a baby still indicates the development of certain pathologies. Sometimes this is due to disturbances in intrauterine development of the fetus due to pathologies. If parents are still seriously concerned about why the newborn spits up frequently and profusely, the doctor should look for reasons related to the pathologies described below. Dr. Komarovsky and other experts name the following diseases in which regurgitation may occur.

Perinatal encephalopathy

If an infant burps frequently, the reasons for this phenomenon may be related to the severe course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. Collective diagnosis perinatal includes dysfunction of the nervous system, which is characterized by excessive regurgitation. Sometimes the baby can even spit up like a fountain. He also doesn’t sleep well, is often restless, and has symptoms in his limbs and chin. The risk of developing this disease increases significantly with prolonged fetus during pregnancy. There is also a high risk of this disease if the baby was born with scores less than 5 points. Apgar scale , if he experienced a short-term respiratory arrest.


This disease is characterized by profuse and frequent regurgitation. After feeding, the baby regurgitates almost everything he has eaten. The newborn often cries, worries, and when sleeping, throws his head back. When there is a possibility of delayed physical and mental development, increased muscle tone in the limbs, delayed development of the step reflex. Hydrocephalus progresses quickly and requires immediate treatment.

Other CNS diseases

Constant regurgitation may indicate impaired blood flow to the brain, birth injuries, or underdevelopment of the central nervous system. Regurgitation, accompanied by belching, occurs after each feeding. The child regurgitates undigested food.

Anomalies and pathologies of the development of the digestive system

Persistent and frequent regurgitation may be a consequence pyloric stenosis or diaphragmatic hernia . If the baby pyloric stenosis , signs of this disease appear almost immediately after birth - on the second day the baby regurgitates curd. The newborn loses weight because food is not absorbed and does not pass beyond the stomach. In this condition, the baby has no stool, even if the baby is enema .

Infectious diseases

The baby may burp when sepsis , food poisoning , hepatitis etc. In addition, the baby’s temperature rises, lethargy is noted, and the skin turns pale or yellow. As Dr. Komarosky and other pediatricians note, if there is mucus in the contents that the baby regurgitates, this is evidence intestinal dysbiosis or gastrointestinal infections . In such a situation, doctors prescribe other medications.

Hereditary diseases

This symptom is typical for, adrenogenital syndrome . Periodically, the baby may burp when.

Causes of fountain regurgitation in newborns

If a newborn spits up regularly, this may be evidence of severe brain pathology, or indicate a dysfunction of the digestive system. In addition, the baby burps like a fountain in case of severe poisoning. It is important for parents to know that with this manifestation the baby may be seriously ill, and they should contact a pediatrician immediately. After all, a baby can very quickly develop dehydration , he will lose weight quickly, and the consequences will be very serious.

It is important to determine as quickly as possible why the baby is spitting up like a fountain after feeding. With this manifestation, the baby may choke in his sleep when lying on his back. Therefore, even if this happens only a few times, the baby should be placed on its side, fixing its position with the help of bolsters.

For artificial babies who spit up like a fountain, they select a special antireflux mixture which prevents such manifestations.

But the most important thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner to establish a diagnosis and help the child cope with the disease.

Regurgitation in children is a type of vomiting. In this way, the stomach gets rid of air swallowed during feeding and excess food. At 6 months, regurgitation usually stops. However, there are other cases when such a reaction of the body is a symptom of pathology. So, until what age does a baby normally spit up? And how can parents help their baby?

Normal regurgitation, not caused by any disease, occurs almost immediately after eating. Undigested or semi-digested milk simply trickles down the baby's chin. At the same time, the amount of regurgitation is small, maximum 30 ml (1.5 tablespoons).

But why ? The reason usually lies in the physiological characteristics of the newborn. The fact is that a baby’s stomach is different from an adult’s. Firstly, he is in a horizontal position, and secondly, his locking sphincter is not yet fully formed. It turns out that under any stress (overeating or stress), the milk eaten simply pours out.

The most common causes of regurgitation after eating:

When will the baby stop spitting up?

In the first two weeks after birth, babies usually digest food completely.
Regurgitation appears with the arrival of mature milk, that is, 20–30 days after birth. With artificial feeding, a similar phenomenon can occur almost immediately. But until what age do babies usually spit up?

Once the baby learns to sit, he will spend more and more time in an upright position. Accordingly, the location of the stomach will also change. The child will begin to burp less and less, then this phenomenon will stop altogether. It is impossible to say exactly at what age this will happen. Children usually begin to sit up independently at six months. But sometimes a 7-month-old baby spends most of his time lying down.

Some children stop burping earlier, at four or even two months. Most often this is due to the establishment of lactation in the mother. Milk arrives exactly in the quantities that the child needs, that is, he does not overeat.

Parents whose child spits up after feeding would do well to familiarize themselves with some rules of conduct during and after meals. Such recommendations should be given by the pediatrician at the first visit. However, quite often mothers who have not yet recovered from childbirth turn a deaf ear to the doctor’s words. So, let's remember:

  1. The baby should completely grasp the mother's nipple. Body position: head above the body. With proper latching on the breast, the baby eats calmly and does not make smacking or other extraneous sounds.
  2. When feeding formula from a bottle, it is important to ensure that the nipple is completely filled with milk. If your baby spits up a lot, make sure the food is suitable for him.
  3. After feeding, the baby should be held in a column for several minutes. This way the baby will burp only air.
  4. The baby should be at rest for the first quarter of an hour after eating. It is better to lay it on its side, raising its head slightly above the body.
  5. Before feeding, the baby should be briefly placed on his stomach. This will remove gases accumulated in the stomach and intestines.
  6. When eating, the baby's tummy should not be pressed by anything. Unfasten the diaper belt, and it is better not to use sliders with a tight elastic band at all.

When should you start worrying?

Young parents often worry that their baby spits up a lot at 4 months. However, age is not the main thing to pay attention to. The baby can continue to spit up at 7 months, and even at 8. You should be concerned in a situation where:

  • the baby spits up like a fountain;
  • the amount of regurgitation is more than 2 tablespoons;
  • the baby is not gaining weight or growing;
  • he sleeps poorly, screams and cries a lot;
  • The baby burps regularly, more than 3 times a day.

Sometimes such a reaction of the body can be a symptom of a disease. Regular profuse regurgitation in a fountain is often observed in babies with pathologies of the nervous system, digestive tract, and when infected with a staphylococcal infection.

Many pediatricians (including Dr. Komarovsky) agree that it does not matter at what age a child burps. If the baby has no neurological problems, no digestive defects, and is gaining weight well, then sooner or later he will stop regurgitating. A child's stomach becomes similar to an adult's only at the age of 8. Therefore, all you can do now is to follow simple rules for caring for your baby, thereby reducing the frequency of regurgitation.

Every nursing mother has encountered this phenomenon when their child spits up milk after breastfeeding, and, if the child is on IV, then after taking formula . Basically, this is a normal physiological process in the development of a child, which does not particularly bother him and which the baby, developing physiologically, copes with on his own in the future. In rare cases, regurgitation is a symptom of a disease, which a specialist will help determine. Of course, young parents are concerned about the reasons why the child spits up, so we will try to figure it out.

Regurgitation is the process of expelling milk from the stomach through the mouth. Is it normal for a baby to spit up milk? It turns out not always.

Causes of regurgitation

  • The most common cause of regurgitation in an infant is overfeeding. Milk that turns out to be excess is naturally removed from the baby’s stomach;
  • The cause of regurgitation after eating may be a disruption of the intestines. For example, constipation or colic, which creates obstacles to the normal passage of food;
  • Incorrect breastfeeding technique and, as a result, improper latching of the nipple, leading to the swallowing of air along with the milk, which, once in the stomach below the milk, literally “shoots” it back (See);
  • This may also be caused by insufficient development of the esophageal sphincter muscles. A person needs this valve to prevent food from flowing from the stomach into the esophagus. In adults, everything is the same; the valve works normally. In infants, this sphincter is not sufficiently developed; it finally begins to function only at one year of age;
  • We should not forget about the environmental reasons for what is happening. In modern living conditions, an infant may have an allergic reaction to a product that adults consider natural. In fact, the fresh fruits and vegetables we buy are not always organic;
  • Incorrect behavior of parents who immediately after feeding begin to turn the newborn from side to side, squeeze, rock in a stroller, etc.;
  • In severe cases, the cause of regurgitation may be various diseases of the baby’s digestive system, central nervous system, or other pathological changes in the body.

Burping up like a fountain

This type of regurgitation should alert the mother. There may be several reasons for this:

  • prematurity of the baby, whose digestive system works in slow motion;
  • unsuccessful transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding;
  • intestinal colic, which prevents food from moving normally through the intestines;
  • deformation of internal organs.

But spitting up like a fountain does not always mean the presence of some kind of pathology. Excessive regurgitation can also occur for completely avoidable reasons.

However, if your baby spits up frequently and suddenly, consult a doctor.

When breastfeeding

In the case when the baby spits up breast milk, you need to examine the spot. If the child vomits curdled milk or the mass resembles cottage cheese, you can calm down. It's not vomiting. Pour a teaspoon of water next to the stain. If the spots are approximately the same size, everything is normal. You need to worry and see a doctor if your baby spits up a lot.

  • Stop overfeeding your baby if you do this (Related article:). With a well-established breastfeeding process, the baby will eat as much as he needs. Feed on demand and do not breastfeed unless your baby asks. Also make sure you have the correct chest grip. If the baby swallows air, regurgitation is inevitable.
  • Closely monitor the condition of the infant's abdomen. It shouldn't be swollen. A soft belly and a calm baby are a guarantee that everything is in order.
  • The chair also matters. Remember the last time it happened. With these observations, you can rule out constipation and colic in your baby. (See article about).

When feeding with formula

If your baby spits up after formula, the reasons for this may be the same as for breastfed babies.

  • The primary reason is overeating. In a bottle-fed baby, it is much easier to regulate the amount of food he eats. The amount of mixture in the bottle must strictly correspond to the age of the child.
  • Also check the hole in the nipple. It shouldn't be too big. During feeding, it is important to prevent the swallowing of air, and for this, the nipple must be constantly filled with the mixture.
  • Perhaps the baby is spitting up the formula because he does not tolerate it well. Try to find something different with your pediatrician. Nowadays there are milk formulas on sale that help prevent it from leaking from the stomach. () .
  • The tummy needs to be checked according to the same principle as during breastfeeding.

Video: Why does a baby “burp up” after feeding? Baby 1 month:

Answers the question: doctor - pediatrician Smirnova L.A.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

First aid

If a child burps while lying on his back, there is a high probability of blockage of the airways and subsequent development of pneumonia. In this case, he must be immediately turned over on his tummy or picked up. This way the baby can get rid of leftover food.

For proper bowel function, children can be given Motilium, from spasms - riabal. But we give medications to the baby only after consultation with a specialist. You don't know the exact cause of regurgitation.

Prevention measures

If your baby spits up frequently, there are a few time-tested techniques you can take note of that will help you minimize the likelihood of spitting up.

  1. Before feeding, give your baby the opportunity to lie on his stomach for a while. It only takes a few minutes.
  2. During feeding, the baby's body should be in a semi-lying state with the head raised. We also help to properly latch onto the breast or control the fullness of the nipple.
  3. If the baby spits up after feeding, he needs to be held upright for a while. This will allow the air to escape. No activity immediately after feeding. We allow the baby only quiet games and do not touch him unless necessary.

When do we need a doctor?

Regurgitation is a process that almost any mother can cope with on her own. But in some cases, medical assistance is still necessary.

If your baby constantly spits up or the mass you observe after the process has changed in volume, smell or color, you need to contact a specialist. First of all, go to the pediatrician. Then he can refer you to a neurologist, gastroenterologist and surgeon.

Also, you should not delay your visit to the doctor if your baby burps heavily and then cries or bends over. This behavior may mean that the child's esophageal walls are irritated.

Regurgitation in a fountain after each feeding, a rise in temperature after regurgitation or its resemblance to vomit requires close attention. Show your child to a specialist; don’t take unnecessary risks.

Regurgitation after the baby reaches the age of one year should also be alarming. By this age, this entire unpleasant process should go away on its own. Otherwise, this means a pathology in the child’s body, the nature of which can only be determined by doctors.

Signs of normal regurgitation

After birth, the baby has to learn a lot, gradually getting used to the world around him. This period is accompanied by the adjustment of all systems of the tiny organism. Problems especially often arise with one of the most important and complex processes - feeding a newborn.

Frequent regurgitation in newborns after feeding, the causes of which can be very diverse, can frighten new parents. How to distinguish harmless regurgitation from a dangerous vomiting state that can greatly harm the baby? Details in this article.

In contact with

Baby burps frequently: what kind of condition is this

Regurgitation is called returning a small amount of food immediately after administration or an hour after it.

The amount of food thrown back is, as a rule, insignificant and does not cause any concern to the small organism. During this process, the child does not even strain his abdominal muscles.

Why is this happening? The fact is that newborns, until they reach six months, can only take light liquid food, for example, mother's breast milk or a special formula if the child is bottle-fed.

Despite the fact that this food is very tender and does not cause harm, along with it the baby swallows a small amount of air. This happens both when the newborn receives milk from the mother’s breast, and when special devices for the mixture are used - bottles with a nipple.

Attention! Baby food manufacturers have invented a special nipple with a valve that blocks large amounts of air from entering the baby's stomach, which partially helps prevent the large expulsion of food.

Thus, regurgitation shows that small the body works clearly and harmoniously, releasing excess air from the gastrointestinal tract and preventing the accumulation of gases, the release of which is very painful for the baby.

Until what age do babies burp?

According to statistical data collected by pediatricians around the world, about 70% of newborns are affected by this reflex, but this condition cannot be called pathological, since it gradually passes. The child’s body becomes more stable, the organs improve their functioning, and by the age of one year such an effect occurs after feeding. observed extremely rarely.

Important! Most often, children whose gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed burp, for example, in premature babies born ahead of schedule, as well as in those babies who have developmental delays. In this situation, the body “ripens” for about two to three months after the fact of birth.

How to distinguish vomiting from spitting up in babies

You should not give in to excessive nervousness if it does not bother the baby itself, and also does not repeat more than 1-2 times after feeding, immediately or after half an hour or an hour. If he spits up like a fountain after feeding, and in the liquid received back, not only undigested food is visible, but also mucus with milk, then you already have real vomiting in front of you.

Why do babies spit up?

Signs of gagging in a newborn:

  • anxiety and crying appear;
  • spasms tormenting the baby are obvious;
  • the baby is pale and sweats profusely;
  • the baby spits up mucus and has a lot of salivation;
  • the urge to vomit is always repeated from 3 to 10 times In one hour.

For babies, vomiting is very serious and dangerous condition. Frequent vomiting provokes the onset of dehydration in a small body, and if bile is also added to vomiting, then a serious disruption occurs in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. In this case, you need to show the newborn to the pediatrician as soon as possible, because if this condition is not stopped, the baby will begin to lag behind, lose weight, or even may not survive.

Excessive regurgitation in children: is it a pathology or not? It is also extremely easy to distinguish the pathology: if the baby vomits more than 2 times a day and there is a constant urge to reject food, then most likely the baby has fallen into a pathological vomiting state. This can even be caused by severe nervous tension - hysteria, which happens very often to children. For both pathological and physiological vomiting, it is imperative to show the child to a doctor.

What are the causes of excessive regurgitation?

Causes of regurgitation in a newborn

In addition to the usual air that the baby swallows along with eating, pediatricians will highlight other causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding:

  1. The baby overate. Very often, a small child, completely full, continues to suck milk from a bottle or does not tear himself away from his mother’s breast, because he lacks simple communication. In pediatrics, this is called “satisfaction of the sucking reflex”: when the baby simply calms down for some time after eating, smacking his lips and not letting go of the living warmth that his mother or a warm bottle with formula gives him. Rhythmic movements of the mouth performed by a newborn not only calm his body, but also relax the abdominal muscles, which is very important for a comfortable digestion process. Therefore, regurgitation in this case is simply necessary in order to protect the delicate digestive system from overload.
  2. Gases. A child also burps when he is generally disturbed by the gastrointestinal tract, for example, there is severe flatulence or gas formation. This is generally an extremely painful condition for a little person, as it provokes abdominal pain or colic, which children experience very hard.
  3. Constipation. When a child cannot empty his bowels, there is a sharp increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, hence frequent regurgitation.
  4. Disorderly feeding. When the baby’s mother does not set a feeding schedule and feeds the baby “on demand.” On the one hand, the regime forces the baby into a framework, and even if he wanted to eat earlier, he will wait until the next feeding, which does not have a very positive effect on his nervous system. The baby is worried, capricious and asks for food, “smacking his lips,” or tosses and turns in his sleep or even falls asleep. On the other hand, this disciplines the child, helps him eat food correctly and come to feeding with a feeling of normal hunger, and not with whims and malnutrition. Gastric juice is also released better; the body gets used to a certain interval and secretes juice in the stomach by the hour, specifically for digestion, and not for constant overeating. Food “on demand” provides for closer communication with the baby, because the mother always responds to his “call for help” with delicious milk or a warm bottle. Therefore, the baby is calmer and always feels safe, but it is this type that often contributes to that condition, for example, when the newborn burps through the nose or mouth.

Why does a baby spit up after formula feeding?

In order to eliminate this condition in your baby, you need to carefully monitor him throughout the day. Usually a newborn spits up like a fountain after feeding. in two situations.

If milk was delivered in a vertical position, for example, the newborn was given a bottle and sat slightly, leaning against a pillow, or held in his arms.

In the second case, the baby incorrectly grasps the pacifier or mother's breast, which causes air to be swallowed. In both the first and second options, the air bubble should come out, and since breast milk or formula is a very light food, some of it will also be released back by the baby’s body.

To prevent such consequences, you should always feed the baby in a horizontal position, Moreover, it will be comfortable when the mother and child are both lying on the bed, or the mother is sitting in a chair and the baby is in her arms.

Important! There is a misconception that the baby needs to be immediately raised to an upright position after eating so that “excess air comes out and the long-awaited regurgitation occurs.” Take your time! Has the baby eaten? Starting to fall asleep and nothing comes back? So there is no need to bother him.

It is quite possible that a simple burp will occur in newborns after feeding, and the child will calmly sleep for the allotted time. If regurgitation does occur, lightly pat the baby on the back and help him take a vertical position, or turn his head to the side so that he does not suffocate, throwing away unnecessary food.

When feeding, it is important to ensure that the baby’s nose is always free, then the baby will not need to breathe through his mouth and take in excess air into the esophagus.

Also, if a baby regurgitates profusely and this condition causes him anxiety, despite the fact that this is not vomiting or pathology, then in this case doctors advise using special anti-reflux mixture, suppresses gagging after feeding.

This mixture forms a small glandular clot in the baby’s stomach, which helps food to be completely digested, but at the same time allows excess air to pass through. This product can also only be used after a doctor's prescription.

The general mental state of the baby and mother during eating is also important. Modern mothers are so mobile that they can feed the baby in any situation, even in line for sausage, but such behavior can negatively affect the child’s condition. How often does he spit up when he is excited, scared or nervous? What if he is distracted from the feeding process, so the newborn eats incorrectly? All these factors are also important.

Video: Frequent regurgitation in newborns and children up to a year after feeding

Thus, regurgitation in newborns has various reasons, which can determine whether there are disturbances in the functioning of their digestive system. The most important thing is to distinguish between simple regurgitation and dangerous vomiting, which is a symptom of some hidden disease.

How often should a baby burp? Everything is extremely individual, but if the regurgitation is too profuse, repeated more than 2 times and contains mucus, then you should immediately contact your pediatrician, After all, the baby’s health directly depends on the attentiveness and care of his parents.
