How is love manifested? Increased attention to you

Margins around the form

It is believed that women in love do not know how to hide their feelings, while men, when falling in love, behave with restraint and do not show their feelings. This is not true at all. Or rather, not quite like that. Of course, men, for the most part, are better able to control their emotions than women, but, nevertheless, if a man is very much in love, this can always be understood if you look closely at him.

When a woman is seriously attracted to a man, she simply needs to know whether he reciprocates her feelings. The ability to understand the behavior of men and distinguish true feelings from fake ones can protect a woman from deceptions and love disappointments.

So, here are a few signs by which you can determine that a man is in love:

* Absent-minded behavior.

Falling in love knocks a man out of emotional balance, making him very vulnerable and sensitive. Having fallen in love, even the most businesslike and a serious man begins to constantly think about the woman he loves, dream about her, distracted from work and important matters. Being close to the woman he loves, any man will be at least a little nervous, and therefore his behavior becomes absent-minded, fussy and even a little awkward.

* Intensive exchange of information.

When a man begins to boast of his successes in front of a woman and tell her about how brave, strong, smart, strong-willed and successful he is - this a clear sign that he really wants to please her. Sometimes men even lie a little and embellish their life achievements, just to make the strongest possible impression on the woman they like. And the more eloquent a man is, the sooner one can draw a conclusion about his feelings.

But even more evidence of a man’s love is his desire to learn as much as possible about a woman. If a man is not going to have a relationship with a woman Serious relationships, it is unlikely that he will become interested in her life, her problems, her work and family. If a man is in love, he will certainly begin to question the woman in detail about how she lives and what she breathes in order to find out whether he has a chance to conquer and keep this woman.

* Courtship and gifts.

Having fallen in love, even the most down-to-earth and reasonable man turns into a romantic, ready to do anything to win the heart of the woman he loves. A man in love beautifully and touchingly looks after a woman, gives her flowers, does not skimp on gifts, and readily fulfills the wishes and whims of his beloved.

* Jealousy.

A man in love becomes extremely jealous and suspicious. He is so afraid of losing the woman he loves that he sees rivals on every corner. Of course, if a man is educated and cultured, he will not make indecent scenes of jealousy. But an observant woman will definitely notice how gloomy her man’s face becomes when she talks to other men.

By the way, many men are jealous of the woman they love not only of other men, but also of girlfriends and relatives. Especially if a woman often refuses dates with a man under the pretext that she needs to visit a friend or her parents. True, when a relationship with a woman becomes stable, and a man sees that the woman’s friends and relatives have nothing against him, this jealousy gradually goes away.

* The man is transformed.

It’s not for nothing that they say that love changes people for the better. In an effort to win the woman he loves and outshine all possible rivals, a man begins to devote more time to his appearance - he buys fashionable clothes, carefully combs his hair, begins to wear perfume.

The man also tries to monitor his behavior so as not to inadvertently fall out of the image of a handsome prince and a noble knight. If a man loves a woman, he will behave with her politely, attentively and gallantly, and will never allow himself to be rude to a woman or say a strong word in front of her.

* The eyes don't lie.

When he sees his beloved woman, the eyes of a man in love glow with tenderness and passion, even when he tries to maintain an impassive appearance. If a man continuously looks at a woman, as if he cannot take his eyes off her, this is one of the most sure signs falling in love. If a man is indifferent to a woman, his eyes will remain cold during a conversation with her, and his gaze will be unfocused or will wander to different places. foreign objects.

* Touching.

A man in love always really wants to touch the woman he loves, and he uses every opportunity to do this. If a man likes a woman, he will certainly find a reason to casually touch her hand, put his arm around her shoulder, or around her waist. It is clear that the bolder a man is, the more bold and persistent his touch will be.

* Attitude of friends.

Men, like women, tend to trust their friends with their heartfelt secrets. Pay attention to how a man's closest friends react to you. If they look at you with undisguised interest, and when they see you they begin to talk about something among themselves, periodically glancing in your direction, you can conclude that your personality has already been discussed more than once in their narrow circle.

* Caring.

Having fallen in love, a man, as a rule, becomes caring and attentive towards the woman he loves. He often calls and inquires about the woman’s affairs and well-being. And if the woman he loves has problems, the man immediately rushes to solve them. In a word, a man in love will move heaven and earth just to make his woman happy!

* Meeting loved ones.

Very good sign if a man introduces a woman to his friends or relatives. This usually means that the man has serious intentions and that he wants to gradually introduce his beloved woman into the circle of his closest people. It is unlikely that a man will introduce a woman to close friends if he is going to break up with her today or tomorrow.

Well, we have listed the main signs by which you can calculate that a man is in love. Of course, if a man exhibits only one or two of the signs listed above, it is hardly possible to accurately diagnose him as falling in love. But if most of the signs are present, then all doubts disappear. So, if a woman is observant and wise, she will always be able to accurately determine whether a man loves her and how strong his feelings are.

Margins around the form Love

- this is a long-term fixation of an individual’s thoughts and feelings on the object of adoration. This is a special, altered state of consciousness that is often confused with love. The signs of falling in love are so eloquent and pronounced that they sometimes resemble symptoms of various mental disorders.

In 2000, changes were made to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases). Under code F63.9 a new disease has appeared, classified as mental disorders– . This is how scientists called the state of falling in love in a veiled and complex way.

There, in ICD-10, everything is listed symptoms of falling in love:

  • obsessive thoughts about another, obsessive idea syndrome;
  • insomnia, restless sleep;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • inflated sense of self-esteem and self-pity;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • impulsive, thoughtless actions.

If we translate from “medical” to “human”, then all these symptoms are known to people as signs of falling in love:

  • redness of the face, neck;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • fever, increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite and sleep;
  • sparkle in the eyes;
  • "butterflies in the stomach";
  • body tremors, hand tremor;
  • mood swings from apathy to euphoria;
  • restlessness, suspiciousness, anxiety, tightness, shyness, absent-mindedness;
  • partial loss of the ability to think logically, analyze and make informed decisions;
  • inability to concentrate on anything other than a loved one or thoughts about him;
  • the desire to express one’s experiences creatively (poems are composed, music is written, pictures are drawn, and so on).

Why did doctors think it was love? dangerous disease? Because the lover experiences unusual psychological and nervous stress, accompanied by outbursts of emotions and feelings, loses the ability to think sensibly, simply overstrained mentally and physically.

It’s not without reason that there are expressions: “in seventh heaven,” “flying in the clouds,” “soaring above the ground.” They are romantic, but the lover is truly like an astronaut, only mentally, he soars above the ground and withstands a similar load on the body.

Scientists classify falling in love as a disorder whose symptoms are similar to:

  • drug addiction,
  • neuroses,
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, no one is afraid of falling in love. No one will run to the doctor to complain: “I fell in love and am suffering from it!” On the contrary, people want to fall in love and “get sick” passion, with only one mandatory conditionreciprocity of feelings.

It is precisely without reciprocity and in the case of unhappy love that a threat to the mental and physical health(and sometimes the lives) not only of the lover himself, but also of other people.

Falling in love can turn into a disease if only the subject focus on her too much, if he forgets about everything except the object of desire and “drowns” himself in the abyss of feelings.

As always, everything depends on the person’s personality, on his psychological maturity, willpower, age and other individual characteristics.

If it is not customary to go to the doctor about painful love, then see a psychologist There's definitely no need to hesitate to contact us. It will help you understand yourself and your feelings.

But even when everything is good, and there is mutual attraction and sympathy, to some extent falling in love distorts reality and changes the state of consciousness. The world seems more beautiful, brighter, more colorful, you want to love everyone and everything, but at the same time hide your happiness from everyone, and the object of adoration itself seems ideal and the most the best person not Earth.

Happy falling in love can also be defined as a certain kind, albeit in positive side, but still abnormal, a condition similar to drug intoxication.

The psychology of men and women is different. These differences are determined genetically, socially, physiologically and strictly individually.

Except common symptoms and signs of love, a man in love reveals itself to be:

  1. Signals non-verbal about sympathy:
  • his pupils are dilated,
  • the gaze is long, direct and studying,
  • the body is tilted towards the woman,
  • he smiles not only with his lips, but also with his eyes;
  • tries to be closer to her, looks for a reason to touch her, and so on.

It is important to remember that being in love is not yet love, so all of the above signs, although they signal sympathy, do not guarantee that the couple will have harmonious and happy relationship or that the man is serious. Falling in love only indicates that the young man is interested in the girl and is ready to build a relationship.

When a woman is in love and it is mutual (or she guesses about reciprocity), it is difficult not to notice it. She blooms and smells, flutters like a feather, is energetic, always cheerful and sweet.

Falling in love is already a state that “deprives” the mind, and since women are also more emotional, warm-hearted, intuitive than strictly logical creatures, a woman in love is sheer spontaneity, lightness, coquetry and flirting. Of course, a woman in love has enough embarrassment, embarrassment, and anxiety.

In addition to the above and common features women falling in love, there are also special ones:

  1. Flawless appearance. A woman in love becomes prettier, and not only because she chooses her outfit more carefully, makes beautiful hairstyle and puts on bright lipstick, but also because she smiles more and keeps her spirits up.
  2. Absent-mindedness. Forgetfulness, inattention, frivolity and “having your head in the clouds” - all this is about a woman in love.
  3. Femininity. When a woman is in love, there is more softness, smoothness, kindness and responsiveness, and she also becomes more sentimental (she cries and is touched more often).
  4. Responsiveness. If a man can boldly and actively show sympathy, then a girl should be more modest. But by the willingness to make contact and communicate with a guy, you can guess about sympathy. A girl in love will not refuse to go to an event, much less on a date with a guy she likes. Maybe, of course, he will not agree the first time, but from the reaction to the proposal one can guess about the reciprocity of feelings.
  5. Nonverbal signs:
  • shooting with eyes,
  • barely noticeable, shy smile,
  • hair game,
  • straight posture, in which there is a deflection in the back and the chest moves forward,
  • a gentle, quieter voice than usual.

Each person is a unique individual, so falling in love is not always expressed and manifested in the same way.

When guessing “loves or doesn’t love”, you need to listen to what suggests inner voice. After all, if people fall in love intuitively (in one second it is not clear why sympathy flares up), then you need to look for it, relying on internal sensations.

The unconscious knows and understands much more than consciousness. While a person’s mind observes and counts the signs of falling in love, the unconscious will probably have time to draw conclusions.

There is no need to be afraid of your feelings, just as there is no need to be ashamed to show them and speak directly about your love.

  • Jonathan Robinson "Love Without Conflict"
  • Robin Norwood “Women who love too much. If “to love” means “to suffer” for you, this book will change your life.”
  • Larry Young, Brian Alexander
  • Love is like that wonderful thing, which can only be felt. But, sometimes it can be hard to describe if you are truly in love. Let me list all the signs of falling in love so that you can be the best judge of your feelings.

    What is love

    Love is pure, rich and beautiful emotions that are experienced for another person.

    At the same time, life seems beautiful and worthy. It hits you when you least expect it, and often people fall in love before they even realize what they have.

    Maybe you've known someone for a long time or just met by chance. However, you develop a deep romantic connection with him/her that you simply cannot deny.

    The initial stage of falling in love

    The initial stage of falling in love is the most exciting. You are already in this state and are thinking about plans for the future. In fact, you would be surprised at how much you can force yourself to fight for the love of your life. Also, it may be hard to believe that Cupid's arrow will hit you, especially if it's your first time. I have been of this opinion for as long as I can remember.

    Then one day, I met a man and before I knew it, I gave myself to him. God knows what has changed in this world, but suddenly I was ready for a relationship. It was hard to accept that completely stranger could have that effect on me. For a long time I was confused and had no idea that I was in love.

    Let me spare you the emotional drama and tell you the signs of being in love from my own experience.

    Love is difficult to define, but fortunately it is easier to tell if a person is in love.

    Signs that tell you about love

    Falling in love with someone is an exciting, amazing experience. If you are not familiar with this experience, it can also be a little confusing. You don't know what has changed. We found ourselves in similar situation? Take a look at this collection of signs of falling in love.

    In your thoughts, when signs of falling in love appear, you remember him/her all the time. You can't think enough about this person and the happy moments spent together both day and night. It becomes difficult to concentrate on work or anything else.

    He/she is everywhere - when you are in love, everything in Everyday life reminds you of him/her. When you see something or do nothing, you tend to remember your habits, likes, dislikes or incidents related to him/her. You see their faces everywhere you go, just take a closer look and you will realize that you were wrong.

    Happy State of Mind

    A happy state of mind is, I believe, a universal fact. Any person with this sign of being in love is unusually happy and cheerful person. This is because love literally creates happiness in our minds and produces the good hormone oxytocin.

    Much more energy is generated

    Bursting in with new strength and enthusiasm, a side sign of falling in love is that suddenly there is a lot more energy than usual. You begin to function with a new found fervor in your daily activities despite... In fact, if you wake up late earlier, it will even be easy to wake up early to hear or look at your loved one.

    You start to worry about someone

    You are worried - if you become very worried about someone, then this means that you are in a state of love. You always care about your safety and happiness. You feel an overwhelming urge that he/she should be happy and comfortable and should not be if anything is wrong. He becomes your number one priority. You're always trying to protect that person.

    Increased concern for one's appearance

    “Mirror on the wall...” - When you start to love someone, you become more careful about their appearance. You naturally want to look more attractive to him/her. We started to get interested. You will be careful about your clothes and hairstyle, so that you will receive gratitude from him/her. You even start to look more cheerful because we are all romantics.

    Love is blind - when you love someone, you feel that there is no person more attractive than the one you love.

    You won't even notice the presence of other people. All attention will be focused on only one special person.
    Your friends say you're crazy - you don't spend much time with your friends anymore because you'd rather devote all your time to someone special. Even if not directly, you spend a lot of time talking or thinking about each other. Even if you are surrounded by your friends, you will find yourself constantly thinking about this person.
    La dolce far niente is an Italian word that means “the sweetness of doing nothing” and it’s appropriate here.

    A man/woman in love always wants to be in the company of their lover without doing absolutely anything. Silence feels comforted and blissful.

    Striving to understand more about her/him

    The joy of knowing more - when you find someone interesting, you will want to know more about him/her. You will want to learn about their interests and preferences. You strive to understand every detail of their life. You also try to impress them by discussing or doing things they like, even if it doesn't interest you. At this point, you may even find yourself visiting more of your social media profiles.

    Spending a lot of money appears

    You are no longer your own - there was a time when you were careful with your time or when you spent money. But when you are with someone special, you don't even think about the amount of time or money you invest to make a special gesture for them.
    You make compromises - When you love someone, you tend to think about his/her expectations. You think about his/her views and needs and learn to compromise.

    When in love, people are likely to go out of their way of thinking to surprise their significant other.

    Become monogamous

    You have become monogamous and pay almost no attention to others. Loyalty is another name for love. You want to be faithful to him and you expect the same from this person. He/she becomes the only person What is important to you and you willingly enter settings for only one partner, hoping that he will be like the rest of your life.

    Feeling happy and excited

    In the future, you share some wonderful moments with him/her. You feel happy and excited when you make plans about going to a party or picnic or attending a ceremony together. You begin to discuss your plans for the future, automatically including the other person in them.

    Other signs of falling in love are if I refused to admit even to myself that I was madly in love. I was completely happy being alone until he came and showed me that I was truly the one he had been missing all these years, and I was ready to give everything to be only with him.

    The day starts with him/her

    Your day begins with him/her - I would like to add one more sign of falling in love (I experienced it myself). When I open my eyes early in the morning, the first thought that crosses my mind is that he is as good as in last time when I closed my eyes in his arms before going to bed. Does this mean this will happen to you?

    You miss the object of your love

    I just can not get enough- no matter how much time you spend together, you still miss the object of your love the moment you are apart. Do you see the old ones married couples who tease each other all the time? Well, keep them away all day and you'll be calling each other almost every hour!
    We're Struggling - If you have one of those feelings that a lot of people struggle with, you've probably wondered why you keep coming back to each other.

    Well, my friend, you are in love! It doesn't matter what the ups and downs are, as long as you can endure them together, it just seems impossible to be apart. Welcome to the world of love.

    You are smiling

    You're smiling like an idiot! I just found myself smiling, thinking about the absurd joke he told me the other day. I smile meaninglessly and at that moment, I was distracted. The fact is that this happens about 10-15 times a day. Luckily, no one caught me red-handed or not?

    The feeling of criticism is gone

    You never criticize others - When you really love someone, you never complain about them to anyone because you understand your importance among other people more than your need to vent your frustration. If you are guilty of something, apologize and do it regularly, do not confuse yourself, in order to be in love. People always protect those they love so dearly.

    There is a feeling of loneliness if he/she is not around

    Sometimes a situation arises when you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you feel lonely, even while going about your daily routine, someone has definitely taken a special place in your heart. In love, everything seems insipid and uninteresting without your lover. Has your cell phone been checked yet?

    Become more obedient

    You've become very obedient - maybe I'll just add, after all, love makes you truly obedient. I believe that it is impossible to say “no” to your husband, and he understands this very well. In fact, he takes full advantage. Wait, he will never abuse it against me and that's why I love him.
    You forget about everything - that's all. I'm so upset with myself because I forget things that are part of my daily life. My brain doesn't register things quickly because I'm hopelessly lost in my thoughts. Does this mean this will happen to you too? Yes, you will get the feeling when you look at yourself in disbelief. Hold on, maybe you're looking at yourself? Hmm... unfortunately you can't do that. Do you understand what I'm saying?

    People often ask about the signs of falling in love like this: “how do I know if I’m in love?” or “am I really in love?”

    If you have a similar question in your mind, I hope I have helped you gain a deeper understanding to find a definitive answer. In fact, the signs of falling in love are more obvious to others than to yourself. Your loved ones will be well aware of your feelings even before you do.

    By the way, scientists say that the brain scans love like a sick person. Sounds obsessive to lovers who confuse being in love with attraction.

    My only advice to anyone when you are in love with someone who respects and loves you more than you do for yourself.

    Signs of a man in love can be determined by behavior and internal state, which is radically different after being infatuated with a representative of the fair sex. Every woman, when a man develops sympathy for her, wants to know what exactly her chosen one feels for her or whether this is just her feminine guesses. Love comes into the life of every individual sooner or later. Love is understood as the attraction of one individual to another for mutual connection and replenishment of life. In other words, this feeling inherent in a person is expressed in deep affection and sympathy for another individual. Aristotle defined the concept of love this way: “to love means to desire for the beloved object what you consider good and to try to deliver these benefits to him.”

    Recognizing a lover is, in principle, not so difficult, and in her heart a woman often feels a certain energy addressed to her. When the gazes of a man and a woman intersect, the man in love looks long and intently at the woman, while the pupils of his eyes are dilated. A lover wants his chosen one to always feel good: both physically and mentally. Therefore, he often says the phrases: “Are you dressed warmly?”, “I’ll pick you up from work,” “How are you feeling?” And so on. Some girls, after a while, take such a manifestation of care for granted and stop admiring the actions of their loved one. If manifestations of sympathy and care are pleasant, then behave this way big mistake. It is necessary to appreciate every manifestation of male attention.

    The first signs of falling in love in men

    Male behavior changes a lot when a man starts liking a woman. When you meet your beloved, your mood changes, it becomes more open and cheerful.

    A man perceives any tender glance as a reason to touch or hug; every word or gesture acts as a call for rapprochement. The lover is very afraid of offending and apologizes for every unsuccessful action.

    Of course, all men are very different: some are secretive, while others, on the contrary, show their feelings. It all depends on the characteristics and the person.

    How to recognize the signs of a man in love? Sometimes, the first feeling that arises for a man in love is confusion, even if before meeting a woman he was narcissistic and strong, then in this case he falls into the power of emotions and feelings, so it is difficult for him to think sensibly when his beloved is nearby. In addition to all of the above, the lover may also be joined by shyness and uncertainty.

    A man in love often shows great interest in a woman and wants to know about her. more information. All lovers show this persistence in different ways. Some invite you to a cafe, others just to take a walk in the park, but they plan each proposal in advance. Male attention can be expressed both in a friendly manner and in an aggressive manner (caustic remarks, ridicule towards the chosen one), which indicates uncertainty.

    The signs of a man in love are very noticeable in his expressions of care and desire to look like a positive hero in the face of a woman. A man in love will never disappear for a day, or even less for a week, without warning the woman. He will not allow his beloved to worry, cheat bad thoughts, I came up with something for myself.

    The lover is always available for a call, and if he is uncomfortable talking, he will notify you about it. He will not mind his beloved coming to him. If he has urgent matters, he will either take his beloved with him or ask her to wait, for example, in his apartment. Such a man will not refuse help, he is always aware of where his beloved woman goes. When a lover is next to his chosen one, he is not distracted by passing women. When talking to a woman, the timbre of a man's voice becomes softer and more gentle. Often, a lover becomes jealous when he observes other male personalities near his beloved, since he sees a rival in each interlocutor.

    One of the signs of falling in love is an improvement in appearance. A man begins to carefully monitor his wardrobe and scent. When a lover is puzzled financial situation and tries to improve it, then this also indicates love and serious intentions in relation to a woman.

    Nonverbal signs of a man in love

    Every woman is interested in the signs that men are in love. If a woman likes a man, then she often thinks about how he feels towards her. Body language, unlike a person’s words, is more sincere.

    Nonverbal signs male love include the following:

    - man puts his hands on the hips, while catching the fingers on the belt;

    — a person in love seeks to unconsciously shorten the distance;

    male gaze wanders around female image, but without focusing on a specific place.

    Signs of a man who is secretly in love are frequent SMS, flowers, notes with beautiful words, delaying the date, and during communication, the manifestation of timidity and incomplete openness.

    Signs of a married man in love

    Falling in love is a special inspiring state, so women often want to understand how the married object of desire feels and whether his feelings are mutual? Married men sometimes find it difficult to understand what they are experiencing. In the meantime woman's heart is tormented by conjecture: what exactly does a married man feel and is her touching feeling mutual?

    What are the signs of a lover married man? From a neurobiological point of view, after studying the brain function of men in love, love is defined as “goal-stimulating dopaminergic for the formation of pair bonds.” Psychologists note that men in love behave differently from women, because they are psychologically differ from the fair sex.

    A married man, having his responsibilities to his family and spending a lot of time there, at the same time new love considers it his property.

    Sure signs of trembling love are sexual desire. If a man is attracted to a woman, then she has a chance to become loved, but this does not mean that he is really in love with her. With the help of intimacy, the male sex asserts itself and sometimes this acts as a way to overcome personal insecurities. After a man gets his way, his interest may disappear. Therefore, desire does not always indicate falling in love.

    If married man is actually in love, then this may not be expressed in promises to leave the family, beautiful words love, but in actions: attempts to live together, strict control, care, generosity, interest in the individual in general.

    Signs indicating that a man is in love psychology notes the following:

    - the man tries to cuddle up, whisper something in his ear in a gentle voice, look into his eyes;

    - the lover opens his shoulders, torso, throws his hands behind the belt;

    - during a conversation, he holds a glass in his hands, rolls something round: apples, balls, an orange;

    - the toes of the shoes are turned towards the woman;

    - constant desire to move closer;

    - catches every movement, word, is attentive to details, does not miss the opportunity to give a compliment;

    - careful, thoughtful attitude towards one’s appearance: hairstyle, scent, clothes;

    - the man introduces him to his parents and friends;

    - the lover starts intimate conversations, conversations about starting a family;

    - uses the word we instead of “You” and “I”;

    — shows care, generosity, understanding, support, compliance;

    - the male gaze expresses admiration, inspiration, inspiration;

    - when you touch a man, you can hear a rapid heartbeat;

    — makes timid attempts at touching;

    - the lover often makes calls and sends SMS with wishes good morning Sweet dreams;

    - a person in love is often kind, sympathetic, sentimental, and very happy;

    - speaks pleasant words, does not criticize, but can unobtrusively advise what can make a woman more perfect;

    - shows respect;

    - tries to look good in front of his chosen one’s friends;

    - does not hesitate to take hands, kiss, hug in front of everyone, with the exception of those men who are not allowed by their upbringing;

    - is experiencing intimate desire;

    - jealous of his chosen one;

    - tries to please (smoothly shaved face, ironed shirts, pleasant perfume, polished shoes);

    - the ability to self-sacrifice, a man is ready to share everything he has;

    - strives for spiritual rapprochement;

    - makes concessions, adjusts his life, spends strength, time, energy on a relationship with a woman;

    - a lover is able to abandon the established rhythm of life, his habits and even friends;

    - he is able to sacrifice his tastes, space at the computer, TV remote control;

    — tries to guess the desires and adapt to the woman’s mood;

    - a lover will rejoice if he brings joy, makes you laugh, calms you down, surprises you, protects you;

    - he will not hurt, will not betray, will not use psychological pressure.
