What the godmother gives. What do godparents give a baby for christening? Video: the process of making a textile doll

Baptism is a very important event for a child and for his godparents. In Orthodox traditions, it is customary to baptize a baby after birth so that he is under the protection of his guardian angel. If you are invited to become godparents, take it with all responsibility: you have been given great honor and trust. After all, the godparents have the task of being a support for their godson or goddaughter in difficult times, an example to follow. Today we will talk about what to give the goddaughter for christening: many take this very seriously.

Baptism Gifts

It is believed that godparents should give their goddaughter everything necessary for the ceremony. True, before buying all these accessories, it is worth checking with the parents - perhaps they have already prepared everything for the baptism of their daughter.

More about what, according to tradition, godparents should buy and pay for:

The godfather gives:

  • Cross. It is not necessary to give a cross made of gold: you can choose silver or made from a combination of these two metals.
  • Chain. If the child is still small, you can use a ribbon or soft thread instead of a chain, but in any case, the parents will save the chain for the baby for the future.
  • Payment for the rite of baptism itself.

The godmother gives:

  • A special diaper or towel for christening - kryzhmu. The baby is wrapped in it after the ceremony, and then the kryzhma is kept all her life and is considered a kind of her amulet. So, in case of illness, it is advised to take out the christening diaper and attach it to the child or throw it on him. If you become the godmother of an already grown child or an adult girl, you can use a beautiful small towel as a kryzhma.
  • Christening set. It includes a christening gown and bonnet. You can buy a ready-made such set with beautiful embroidery, and needlewomen can make it themselves - sew or crochet. You can complement this set with hand-tied openwork booties. An older girl or an adult girl can be presented with an openwork scarf on her head.

A good gift from the godparents will be a nominal icon in a beautiful setting.

In addition to accessories for the ceremony itself, godparents usually give their newly-made daughter other gifts - just nice or necessary things.

It’s good if it’s something from the category of “memorial” things, and if the goddaughter is still quite a baby, she will use them later when she grows up. For example:

  1. Children's Bible. Colorful edition on good paper. A symbolic and useful gift for a child who grows up in an Orthodox family.
  2. Decorations. For example, gold earrings. Now parents pierce the ears of their very young daughters, so earrings may come in handy very soon.
  3. Memorable souvenirs. You can give a music box, an angel figurine or a silver spoon.

Gifts for baby

Usually a child is baptized when he is still very young, and toys, clothes, in a word, everything that you would give to your own daughter, would be quite appropriate as gifts from godparents. After all, now you are the second parents for your goddaughter.

  1. Doll. A beautiful expensive doll, you can give a designer doll, porcelain - in general, it should be more of a souvenir than a toy.
  2. Beautiful suit, dress. It is better to give clothes for a child with a margin in size - so you do not risk choosing a thing from which he has already grown. You can give a whole set of clothes - if you decide to dress up your goddaughter like a little princess.
  3. Educational toys: a large pyramid, a sorter toy, a designer with large details. Such a gift will also come in handy for the baby not immediately, but it will definitely not be superfluous.
  4. Musical toys. A bright synthesizer with animal voices, a dog that walks and sings songs, or a drummer bear - children usually love everything bright and musical.
  5. Wheelchair. Such cars are sold specifically for girls - after all, it’s good to learn to walk with such a car, and then riding it is also very fun.
  6. Development mat. This is a soft, colorful rug with toy arcs attached to it. Lying on it, the child looks at the toys, tries to get them, examines them. You can immediately buy a few additional toys with mounts for it.
  7. Chaise lounge or swing. A useful thing for parents, and the child likes it. The kid lies in a deck chair, securely fastened with straps, funny toys hang in front of him. You can play with them, or you can listen to music: usually these lounge chairs have several melodies and vibration modes - it’s good for a child to fall asleep under it.
  8. Chair for feeding. It will also come in handy a little later, but the thing is literally irreplaceable. Choose a high-quality chair with a removable cover, pay attention to how reliable and comfortable the seat belts are.
  9. A set of children's bed linen. You can buy a set specifically for a crib - a small size, or just a high-quality and bright 1.5 bed set with drawings for girls, which will be useful to your goddaughter later.
  10. Soft toy. A cute bear or puppy made of hypoallergenic materials will stand in the baby's room.
  11. Arena. Another accessory for a small child, which does not hurt at all.

Walkers and jumpers are considered by many to be harmful to babies, so it’s worth giving them only if the goddaughter’s parents ask you to.

TOP 10 gifts for the goddaughter for christening

  1. Everything for the rite of baptism
  2. Gift edition of the Bible
  3. Icon with the patroness of the girl
  4. Jewelry, jewelry
  5. Doll
  6. Dress, some clothes
  7. Developing mat
  8. Chaise lounge or swing
  9. Musical toy
  10. Chair for babies

In fact, material gifts from godparents for christening are not at all necessary. Your main task is to become real patrons for the girl, not to forget that she needs your care and support - primarily spiritual.

A christening gift has a great impact on a person's later life. The ability to help your child find well-being and become happy is in your hands. The right christening gift will help the boy achieve a lot in the future.

Gifts from godparents

The most careful choice of a gift should be taken by those who have the honor of becoming the second parents of the baby - the godfather and the godmother. There is a time-tested list of "mandatory" gifts that our ancestors presented for christening.

During the ceremony, the child is in the arms of the godmother almost all the time, therefore, according to tradition, her duties include choosing children's clothes for this event. Firstly, the baby needs a baptismal suit - an elongated shirt and a bonnet. In the past, christening clothes were made at home. Now this is not so common, because not every one of us has the appropriate skills. It's great if you can create a costume yourself, because then the gift will be unusual and individual, it will retain the energy you invested and your wishes. If this is not possible, a huge assortment of children's costumes will completely solve the problem. And the strength and love spent on choosing the right clothes for your godson will bring as a gift an energy equivalent to that which is invested in a thing created by oneself. When choosing a suit, pay attention to the quality of the fabric and the nature of the decorative elements. The fabric should be natural, soft, the embroidery should be neat, well-made and discreet, suitable for a boy. Cap and shirt should be in harmony with each other. It is necessary to focus on light colors of clothing: white, cream, sky blue are best suited - they symbolize holiness and purity.

Another important attribute, the choice of which is under the authority of the godmother, is kryzhma. This is a cloth designed to wrap a baby in it after bathing in holy water. After baptism, the kryzhma is carefully kept by the baby's parents and protects him from illness and failure throughout his life. It is believed that, after going through a sacred rite, it acquires healing properties, so if a child gets sick, you should cover him with a cloth - this will contribute to a speedy healing. It is necessary to approach the choice of such a thing with all responsibility.

Traditionally, kryzhma should be exclusively white. Our ancestors used a simple piece of white plain fabric, sometimes craftsmen sewed it around the edges with a pattern. Now in stores there is a large selection of kryzhm with beautiful embroidery. In addition, you can make it on an individual order: the name of the boy and the date of the christening are embroidered on the roof. Such a gift will be very memorable and symbolic.

The godfather traditionally presents the child with a pectoral cross made of precious metal or inexpensive material. The best option is silver, known for its disinfecting and protective functions. Silver is not capable of causing allergies in a baby. The cross presented for christening will protect the boy all his life.

In addition to the "mandatory" gifts, spiritual parents can present something else at their own discretion. In addition to the clothes that are needed directly for the ceremony, the godparents often give the boy a suit that can be worn in everyday life. A set of silver children's tableware engraved with the name of the godson and the date of the christening can be a luxurious gift.

Christening gifts from guests

Of course, a christening gift should be different from gifts given on other occasions. Ideally, the gift is intended to remind of this bright day, but not to be reduced solely to this function. It is best to combine utility and symbolism.

One of the traditional gifts is a silver spoon "by the tooth". A particularly suitable gift would be if the boy is already teething. It is appropriate to give a beautiful miniature box for the first tooth.

Usually, parents keep locks of their child's hair, cut at an early age, for the rest of their lives, so an original and symbolic gift for christening is a silver box for storing a child's curl.

For christening, a gift-icon with the face of a patron saint is always relevant. It is placed near the boy's bed and protects his childhood sleep, and later, in adulthood, protects him from troubles.

A wonderful gift is the so-called measured icon. Giving a measured icon for christening is a long tradition. Such an icon was created by masters individually, to order: the image of a saint patronizing a newly-born Christian was written out on a board, the size of which was identical to the height of the child at the time of christening. Such a personal icon has always accompanied a person, no matter what happens.

We should not forget that toys and children's accessories are suitable as a gift in any case. A good gift will be a set of high-quality bed linen for a baby. You can create it in one copy by embroidering a wish on it for a child. The same goes for toys. Of course, the boy is most often given "thematic" toys - cars, planes. The toy ordered in the workshop will be individual and symbolic. It may have a commemorative engraving, and then the toy will not be forgotten even in adulthood.

The modern world provides us with a huge selection of gifts for the occasion of christening, combining symbolism and practical use. Choose gifts with love and don't forget to press the buttons and

In the Orthodox tradition, the sacrament of baptism symbolizes the salvation and spiritual birth of a person. As the first of the seven Christian sacraments, baptism puts the believer under the protection of Christ himself. The rite of baptism of newborns is usually carried out on the eighth or fortieth day. Baptism is also allowed later than the specified date. In the case of a sickly baby, you can baptize him in the first days after birth, since baptism protects a person from physical and spiritual illnesses. After the ceremony, the baptized child has a guardian angel and a personal intercessor, in whose honor the child is named on the day of christening.

What to do to the godfather before and after baptism

The rules of baptism require the presence of godparents, who are selected by the parents in advance and are the main ones after the godson himself at the ceremony of the first sacrament. Godparents before baptism are supposed to attend a service in the Church. It is also important to go to a conversation with the priest in order to confirm the knowledge of Orthodox canons and to realize what kind of responsibility lies with spiritual parents. The future godparent must be baptized, because after baptism the godmother or godparent will be responsible for the spiritual development of the child, which means they must be Orthodox believers.

According to Christian tradition, the godparents fast three days before the christening, do not drink alcohol the day before the ceremony and do not resort to intimate relationships. On the day of baptism, they carry the child to the temple without the help of their parents. Be sure to bring your child's birth certificate with you.

For baptism, the godmother must come in a dress below the knee with covered shoulders, and the woman must also be covered with her head. The godfather at baptism should also pay attention to the choice of wardrobe - it is unacceptable to come to church in shorts or a T-shirt. During baptism, the priest cuts off a small strand of hair from the child’s head as a sign of offering a sacrifice to God, then the clergyman dips the baby three times in a warm font and only after that puts a pectoral cross on him. The action is accompanied by a traditional church speech and three Christian prayers. Following the priest, the main prayer of the godfather sounds at baptism - the Symbol of Faith.

The christening of girls and boys is essentially the same. The only difference is that the godfather of the boy brings him to the altar, for girls and women this is not supposed to. At baptism, in the presence of two godparents, it is recommended that the baby be in the hands of a godfather of the same sex.

What to buy a godfather for baptism

The baptism of children in the church is not complete without key attributes: a pectoral cross and baptismal clothing. Before baptism, the godmother is supposed to buy a baptismal towel, a sheet and a shirt for the child. Also for baptism, the godmother acquires an icon of a saint named after the baby. After the ceremony, the diaper and shirt are kept for the child as a talisman. The godfather before baptism buys a cross, in the event that a boy is baptized. The girl's godmother acquires a cross for baptism. Payment for the ceremony is traditionally made by the godfather before baptism.

When choosing a cross for baptism, you need to pay attention to the fact that the ends of the product are rounded. It is best to buy a baptismal kit in advance. You can give any gifts for christening - from spiritual paraphernalia to traditional children's toys.

What prayers do godparents need to know

Before baptism, godparents need to be aware that they have to go to church with the growing godson, explain Christian dogmas to him and take him to communion. The godfather at baptism, regardless of gender, must know the three prayers corresponding to the rite: "The Symbol of Faith", "Our Father" and "Theotokos". There are also two small prayers that godparents should read each time before going to bed in caring for their spiritual child. Their texts can be obtained from the priest or parishioners shortly before baptism.

Baptism is a very important event in the life of an Orthodox person. During baptism, he is cleansed of sins, acquires godparents and the protection of the church. Usually this day is celebrated with a magnificent festival and all close relatives and friends are invited to it.

Those invited, of course, try to prepare gifts for the hero of the occasion, taking into account his age and gender. Baptismal gifts can be both spiritually oriented and simply practical gifts for a baby or family. It is so accepted that new godparents give the baby the most memorable and meaningful gifts.

Gifts from godparents

Godparents are the mentors of a baptized baby for life, they must observe Christian traditions, take part in the life and upbringing of the child and teach him goodness and responsibility.

On the day of christening, a gift from godparents should be meaningful and special. Boys for baptism are best to choose the following options:

Essential items from grandma and grandpa

Baptism of a grandson for grandparents - this is a very important event. Of course, they try to pick up a valuable and special gift for such an important occasion. Grandparents can choose both spiritual things and practical things:

What to give a boy for christening from friends

On such a day, be sure to invite close friends and relatives to share the joy of an important event in the life of a child. Sometimes guests do not know what to give the baby. In this case, you can use the following ideas:

  • Cash gift. Of course, not the best option for christening, but in case of doubt about the gift, you can use it. Parents know what their child needs, and they themselves will spend money on what they definitely need.
  • Gift Certificate. Great idea for those who don't know what to give. This can be a certificate to a children's clothing or toy store, as well as subscriptions to entertainment centers.

Nephew from uncle and aunt

Aunt and uncle are also quite close relatives for the baby and can know exactly what he needs. But in case it's not the following ideas will help:

Many people invited to christening guests the question arises: what to give a boy for christening? 3 months is the average age for a child to be baptized. Therefore, the gift must be appropriate. Toys by age, clothes, books that the mother will read to the child or bathing accessories - all this will be a good gift.

A christening gift should be special and memorable.

According to a long Russian tradition, it is customary to celebrate the Baptism of a child. Even during periods of strict fasting, the baby's parents after the Sacrament invite godparents, relatives and close friends of the family to a fasting festive meal. Guests on this day should wish the newly baptized health, well-being, prosperity and give gifts.

Traditional gifts for the Baptism of a girl

  • It is appropriate for a newborn to buy with Orthodox symbols: a cross, an icon, a prayer, a Guardian Angel. Such a gift will become a valuable souvenir or a practical thing in everyday life: the first cutlery for a baby.
  • A girl from 1 year old, as a reminder of the Sacrament of Baptism, can be presented with bright puzzles and panels with Orthodox images, educational games, an angel doll, good children's books with meaning.
  • It is better for a teenage girl for Christening to choose gifts with a deep religious meaning, for example, spiritual literature, a table or pilgrimage trip to Holy places.

What icon to give a girl for Christening?

An original idea would be to give a measured icon. It is made in advance to order: the icon painter depicts the face of the namesake Saint on a tablet with a height that corresponds to the height of the girl at birth. The icon is consecrated and, after the Sacrament, placed at the crib, so that the baby from childhood recognizes the image of her Patron and knows how to address her with prayer.

If there is no opportunity to order a measured icon, then the girls are given an ordinary icon for the Christening with the image of the Holy Patroness, whose name is given to the baptized. It is also called "named". You can also choose the icon of the Virgin or the Guardian Angel.

Is it possible to donate money for the Christening of a child?

If, when deciding what to give a girl for Baptism, you are afraid not to please with a present, then you can present an envelope with money. Any amount will be useful to the parents of the baby, and they will definitely find the right use for it. Godparents and relatives are allowed to provide financial assistance in organizing the celebration of Christening. According to tradition, the godfather makes a donation for the rite of Baptism, and as a gift, he can pay for photo and video shooting in the temple.

What should the godparents give?

During the sacrament of Baptism and after it, serious duties are assigned to the godparents. Renouncing the unclean instead of the baby and uniting with Christ, they make a promise to the Almighty in every possible way to help the child keep his word and sincerely believe. Godparents become spiritual mentors for the newly baptized and, together with their parents, must instill in him a love for Christianity.

Colored and single-color Orthodox embroidery is allowed on products: crosses, grapevine, angels, doves, flowers, ears of wheat. Embroidered details and lace can be pastel pink, peach, beige, yellow. Clothes with gold and silver embroidery look especially festive.

In addition to the set, the godmother can give openwork booties, a lace bandage, an envelope for a curl or a bag for careful storage of baptismal accessories. A dress, a kryzhma, a bag can be personalized by ordering embroidery on them with the name of the child, the date of Baptism.

Christening gifts from a godfather

According to tradition, the godfather should give the goddaughter a pectoral cross. It can be a product made of gold, silver or an inexpensive metal. To the cross you need to buy a chain, rope or gaitan. If the products are purchased in a jewelry store, then before the start of the Sacrament, the priest must consecrate them, about which he must be warned in advance.

The godfather also pays for the rite of Baptism, together with the godmother, he acquires a nominal icon. Additionally, you can give a pendant with the image of the Virgin or the Holy Patroness, a silver drinker, a bag for a cross / curl, a bib, children's Orthodox literature: the Bible, the Gospel, the Prayer Book.

For silver sets (crosses, chains, spoons) in our online store "Baptismal" there are beautiful pearl white colors with silver embossing on the lid.

Christening gifts for a girl from grandparents

Grandparents prefer to give their grandchildren practical and necessary things or handmade ones, because grandmothers often knit. A memorable and at the same time useful gift will be a children's silver spoon, decorated with drawings with colored enamel or the inscription: "For the first tooth."

Grandparents can also present their granddaughter with an icon, a panel depicting an angel, a decorative pillow with an embroidered prayer to the Guardian Angel, an envelope for storing a cross with a chain or a curl cut off for a year.

The baby's mother will certainly be delighted with a cozy knitted blanket or a warm blanket, which can be useful both in the church at Epiphany and for walks in cool weather. Successfully complement the openwork snow-white plaid with multi-colored wooden slingobuses. The toy will come in handy for mom and baby when teething starts, as well as for playing while walking.

A practical and pleasant gift would be a set of elegant home textiles from embroidered napkins, table runners, towels with lace.

Ideas for gifts for the Baptism of a girl from relatives

From aunt and uncle

Close relatives can buy a table set of children's tableware made of silver or cupronickel as a gift: a spoon, fork, cup, saucer. It is believed that this metal attracts goodness, prosperity, good luck to the child, protects from the evil eye, damage. In addition, silver has a bactericidal effect - it destroys pathogenic microbes not only in food, drinks, but also in the oral cavity. On products, you can make a commemorative engraving with the name of the baby and the date of Baptism.

Gold or silver earrings will be a valuable gift. Most likely, they will become the first piece of jewelry in the life of a little girl, so they will be remembered forever.

But today it is not necessary to give symbolic things and items related to Baptism. Aunt and uncle can present a beautiful, knitted blanket to a crib or stroller, playpen, a big teddy bear. The girl's parents will certainly be delighted with an elegant dress, suit, set of clothes for a future fashionista.

If financial opportunities allow, then you can donate furniture to a children's room, a dollhouse or a bicycle.

From brother and sister

On the occasion of Epiphany, the older brother and sister can give the younger sister souvenirs, toys, puzzles, with doves, angels. The most original and memorable will be gifts made by hand.

What to give a girl from guests for Christening?

Cousins ​​and friends can buy a silver bell, a rattle that will be kept as a valuable family heirloom, or please the baby and her parents with practical and interesting gifts.
