What can you eat with proper nutrition for weight loss? Proper (healthy) nutrition (PP) - “How to eat and not get fat? What is PP and what is it eaten with? My approximate diet."

In general, what is the PP diet and what does proper nutrition have to do with it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article. You can also find out whether it’s possible to lose weight on energy bars, diet shakes, or whether you can drink beer or eat fat while on a diet?

The mysterious PP diet is deciphered surprisingly simply: a diet is adherence to a certain diet, and PP means proper nutrition. As a result, it turns out that the PP diet is about following a proper diet. With the help of this diet, you can not only bring the metabolism in the body back to normal and thereby increase the immune system, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, but at the same time, without special restrictions and bullying yourself, you can get rid of extra pounds. Such weight loss will only be a joy!

On the PP diet there is no need to arrange fasting days and the diet itself is very varied. So you can easily forget about mono diets and liquid food - all that is required of you is to bring your diet to the diet menu described below.

The content of the article:

PP diet - menu

Since it implies the consumption of certain products in the diet, then, depending on taste preferences and habits, everyone creates a diet menu for themselves, choosing from the recommended products exactly those ingredients that are closer to them.

  • First of all, you should exclude all fatty foods from your diet: fried potatoes, including fries, fast food, crackers in bags, of course, chips, where without it, alcoholic drinks - primarily beer, sparkling water, mayonnaise, cakes , cake and everything in the same spirit.

At first, following PP, the craving for heavy food will be stronger than reason and arguments, but don’t panic, the main thing is to last a couple of weeks, and the desire to eat something tasty and harmful will weaken, and after three months of PP (proper nutrition) you won’t even look at it you will be on the same products that you used before.

  • Introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet; they should be at least 20% of your daily diet. Bananas and grapes are best eaten during the day, but apples, pears and citrus fruits can be eaten at any time of the day, except at night. At this time, the body is resting, and everything you eat will settle in your body in the form of fat deposits.
  • While following the PP diet, lean on slow carbohydrates. These include: durum pasta, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wholemeal bread.
  • Be sure to include salads of cucumbers, carrots, beets and cabbage in your diet. The body spends more calories digesting these vegetables than they contain.
  • Also, the body, despite dietary restrictions, requires animal protein, which must be consumed per day at the rate of one gram of animal protein per kilogram of body weight. It is better to cook foods containing animal protein by steaming, oven, or boiling.

So, where is animal protein found: in cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, meat (it is better to choose lean cuts), poultry. Animal protein should make up at least 20% of the daily diet.

  • Mandatory for PP ( proper nutrition) add olive and flaxseed oils, seeds, red fish and nuts to your diet. You can learn about the benefits of flaxseed oil in.
  • Make it a rule to drink two liters of water a day. No tea, no juice, no coffee, namely WATER. Water has a beneficial effect on metabolism, speeding it up, and at the same time helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body.
  • Towards the evening, reduce your carbohydrate intake to a minimum. In the evening and at night, foods high in protein are preferable. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened hot tea. I myself often noticed that drinking hot drinks reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • Place your food on small plates - the portions you eat will be much smaller, and the food will look voluminous. Eat small portions, but often.

Oddly enough, juices sold in stores are prohibited foods. Such drinks do more harm than good.

PP diet – prohibited foods

  • Forget about sausages, sausages and canned goods. Despite its apparent low calorie content, the “Eshki” contained in these products has a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Crackers, dried, dried, salted fish, chips and instant noodles will also not be beneficial - these products whet your appetite.
  • PP () does not tolerate store-bought mayonnaise - due to its insane calorie content (about 600 calories per 100 grams), replace it with low-fat sour cream.
  • Forget about bouillon cubes, replace them with herbal seasonings, marjoram, oregano, allspice and hot peppers. Moreover, hot peppers stimulate the digestive system well.
  • Replace sweets with marshmallows, marmalade, dried or dried fruits: figs, kiwi, dates, prunes, pear, mango, etc. But remember, carbohydrates can be consumed in small quantities.
  • During PP diets Avoid beer completely. Sometimes, if you wish, you can indulge in a glass of red wine, but this also has its pitfalls - alcohol whets your appetite.
  • Don't overuse salt.

We lose weight by following PP (proper nutrition) or 7 myths about diets.

Myth 1: “Weight loss bars”!

In fact, energy bars only contribute to weight gain, as they belong to the group of processed foods.

In a nutshell: processed foods are easily digested by the body, which leads to excess energy in the intestines, resulting in weight gain. If you eat such bars during even the strictest diet, then the results at the end of it may be disappointing, the weight will not go away, and if you do manage to lose it, then it will be much less than calculated by the diet.

Therefore, if you want to lose extra pounds during a diet, then exclude processed foods from your PP (proper nutrition) diet.

Myth 2: “Low-fat foods.”

There is an opinion that by eating low-fat foods, you can get rid of fat. Is this so?

If back in the eighties nutritionists advised following a diet with a low fat content, or even excluding them, then several decades ago they proved the opposite. For the normal functioning of the body, fats are vital - the optimal functioning of brain activity, the condition of the skin, heart and other organs depend on them. Fats also facilitate the absorption of a large number of vitamins, including Omega 3. And the most paradoxical thing is that fats promote weight loss.

During the digestion of fats, the production of the hormone ghrelin is suppressed (this hormone affects the suppression of hunger), thereby stimulating the release of the peptide (this substance gives a feeling of fullness). Also, consuming fat in small quantities affects the reduction of the overall glycemic index per meal, which in turn affects the long-term feeling of fullness.

Myth 3: “Animal fats and the appearance of cellulite.”

There is a myth that eating saturated fat directly contributes to cellulite. Is this so?

It is the excessive consumption of calories that leads to the appearance of cellulite, and fats only contribute to this. Cellulite is nothing more than a consequence of excess calorie consumption, where no matter in what form fats enter the body in the form of sweets or in the form of French fries, the result is still the same.

However, while adhering to proper nutrition (proper nutrition), saturated (animal) fats must be introduced into the diet in small quantities, as they contribute to rapid saturation.

There is a difference whether you eat two packs of low-fat cottage cheese, which will negatively affect your figure, or whether you eat a small amount of a cottage cheese product, but with a slightly higher calorie content, and quickly get full.

Myth 4: “Stimulating your metabolism helps you lose weight.”

Many have probably heard, eat more often and lose weight. Is it so?

Long breaks between meals have a negative impact on your figure, since after a long period of abstinence from food, a kind of starvation occurs, and when you eventually pounce on food, you absorb it so quickly that the feeling of satiety does not have time to come and overeating sets in - gluttony.

But frequent consumption of food is not an option for those losing weight. If you eat often, then where does the feeling of hunger come from, and hence overeating and excess weight.

Failure to eat main meals and the snacks provided between them contributes to the lack of feelings of hunger and satiety. You need to eat only when hunger sets in, neither earlier nor later.

Myth 5: “Exercise and food without restrictions.”

There is an opinion that if you introduce physical activity into your daily routine, then you don’t need to monitor the calories you eat. Is it so?

It's actually simple. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend in the gym, if the calories you eat exceed physical activity, then the extra pounds will not only not go away, but will also more than settle on your figure.

Physical activity regulates appetite and helps keep the body in good shape, but this does not mean that you can forget about the quantity and quality of food consumed.

Myth 6: “Beer is the enemy of any diet.”

Beer makes you feel better. Is it so?

Any alcohol is quite high in calories - one gram of alcohol contains seven calories. For comparison, the same one gram of fat contains nine calories. Agree, the difference is not significant. For example: carbohydrates and proteins contain only 4 calories per gram.

Draw conclusions. However, alcohol is allowed to be drunk infrequently and in small quantities even during the most strict diets.

Myth 7: “Diet drinks for weight loss.”

With the help of diet drinks you can lose extra pounds. Is it so?

Most researchers have come to the conclusion that both diet drinks, cocktails, and regular juices on store shelves contribute to weight gain.

Diet drinks contain sugar substitutes, which not only hinder weight loss, but also often cause weight gain. These same sugar substitutes stimulate the appetite, which creates a constant desire to “chew” something.

And now for a better understanding PP diets I offer you an approximate menu for the week.

Approximate PP (proper nutrition) diet menu for a week


For breakfast: a portion of boiled rice in water, flavored with a small piece of butter - 150 g, vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, olive oil dressing) - 150 g, orange or small grapefruit, green tea.
For lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, a piece of wholemeal bread, a small amount of vegetables of your choice - 200 g, mineral water with a slice of lemon.
For dinner: stewed vegetables - 200 g, a piece of wholemeal bread, tea with lemon.
It’s better to end the first day of proper nutrition with a glass of kefir at night.


For breakfast: a small portion of boiled potatoes, seasoned with herbs - 120 g, boiled chicken breast, sprinkled with grated cheese - 120 g, apple, tea with lemon.
For lunch: a serving of wild rice with vegetables – 170 g, orange, green tea.
For dinner: cottage cheese 5% - 100 g, mineral water, pear.
At night, you can drink a cup of hot tea.


For breakfast: stewed vegetables – 170 g, a piece of bread with cereals, one boiled egg, some grapes – 80 g, green tea.
For lunch: a piece of boiled meat - 100 g, vegetable salad - 150 g, mineral water.
For dinner: a piece of boiled fish - 120 g, a pile of Chinese cabbage - 130 g, toast, green tea.
At night, you can allow a glass of low-fat yogurt.


For breakfast: 2 medium oven-baked potatoes, boiled chicken breast - 150 g, orange, tea with lemon.
For lunch: durum pasta – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 150 g, apple, green tea.
For dinner: cottage cheese 5% - 100 g, grapefruit, mineral water with a slice of lemon.
At night, you can drink a mug of mint tea.


For breakfast: boiled chicken breast – 100 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, a slice of bread, green tea, banana.
For lunch: boiled potatoes with butter – 100 g, cabbage salad – 150 g, green tea, apple.
For dinner: baked fish – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 100 g, mineral water.
A mug of hot tea at night.


For breakfast: steamed green beans with the addition of olive oil - 250 g, boiled egg, banana, green tea.
For lunch: fish baked in the oven – 150 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, tea with a slice of lemon.
For dinner: semolina porridge with water – 150 g, apple, mineral water.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


For breakfast: 2 egg omelet, vegetables of your choice – 150 g, orange, green tea.
For lunch: boiled chicken breast – 150 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, mineral water.
For dinner: chicken broth from breasts with the addition of small pieces of meat - 200 g, a piece of bread, green tea.
At night kefir.

In conclusion, I can say one thing - the PP diet allows you to get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight in a month, subject to physical activity!

That's all for me! Be healthy, love yourself and your loved ones!

What can you eat with proper nutrition?

Fruits: these are vitamins, fiber, and eating three to four fruits a day will reduce the desire to eat sweets. Sour or sweet and sour apples, oranges, pomegranate, grapefruit, peaches, melon, watermelon, kiwi, pineapple should be consumed. These guests must be present at your table.

Oranges stimulate protein metabolism.

Pineapple helps burn fat reserves - this is a super healthy food for weight loss.

Grapefruit lowers insulin, which leads to decreased appetite.

What not to eat with proper nutrition

Unfortunately, not all fruits can be consumed with proper nutrition. Such as bananas, dates, grapes - must either be excluded altogether, or taken in rare cases and in small portions.



Is it possible to eat meat to lose weight? Meat is not only possible, but also necessary. Just remove fatty meat and give preference to lean meat. Beef, veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit meat, lean pork - these dietary products should almost always be present in the daily diet.

Naturally, not fried, and no more than 200 g at a time can be eaten when losing weight. Use a pressure cooker, grill, oven and meat will be the best employee in the fight against those hated extra pounds. With proper nutrition, it is very important to eat foods containing proteins for lunch - chicken breast, eggs, fish. Chicken breast (without skin) is ideal for all types of diets; eat about 200 g at a time.

Fish and seafood

What can you eat from the inhabitants of the deep sea? Fish, fresh and not fatty. All seafood is animal protein, which is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. Use them to lose weight, but on the condition that you cook them without oil - boiled, steamed or grilled. Give special preference to the following fish: mackerel, crucian carp, pollock, trout, herring, pink salmon to lose weight, and seafood: squid, shrimp, crabs.

Cereals suitable for weight loss

They are long lasting carbohydrates, which means that after eating such food, you will forget about hunger for a long time; these are useful foods for weight loss. But it is better to take them in the morning or at lunch, not for dinner. The most popular cereals in this regard are brown rice, buckwheat, and oatmeal. The right combination of products from this range will give amazing results.
Buckwheat contains a minimum of carbohydrates and a lot of protein.
Oatmeal helps normalize the intestines and contains fiber.

The best products for weight loss, video

Drinks that are included in the list of products for weight loss

Dairy and fermented milk products

Fermented milk and dairy products are a necessary product in almost all diets. They can and should be used, preferably with a low percentage of fat, of course. Especially low-fat kefir at night, normalizes the action of the gastrointestinal tract.


The list of foods for weight loss also includes mushrooms. Removes cholesterol and toxins from the body. The food combination for proper nutrition should include mushrooms and vegetables.


With proper nutrition, you should not forget about sweets, because they contain glucose, which is necessary for good brain function. To eat sweets and not gain weight, you can choose the lowest-calorie ones, which will not cause harm, but benefit. Let's go to the store and look at the shelves to see what to choose from our list of products when losing weight:


What about pasta lovers who follow a healthy diet? Give up your favorite dish completely? No, is it possible to eat pasta and lose weight? Yes, if you know what pasta you can eat and choose it for your diet. You can eat durum wheat pasta, spaghetti, eat them only with vegetables, without animal fats. Then they will make dieting and proper nutrition a pleasure, and they will not have to give up their favorite foods while eating properly.

List of necessary products for the week

Proper nutrition - do's and don'ts? Diversify your weekly menu with vegetables, fruits, fish and lean meat, egg whites, and low-fat dairy products. Don't forget about nuts and dried fruits. Drink plenty of water and herbal infusions. Cook meat and fish dishes by steaming and grilling, also in the oven, serving per serving is 150-200 g. Grease salads with olive oil (no more than 2 tablespoons).

Proper nutrition, what you can eat for breakfast: it is best to prepare buckwheat or rolled oats; cottage cheese casserole, low-fat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs from two eggs with vegetables are also great.

For lunch you can eat lean borscht and soups with light broths. Healthy foods include boiled meat, salad, and brown rice.

Dinner should make up 20% of your total daily intake. Don't forget about snacks.

What does proper nutrition include?

Drink at least ten glasses of water per day. Lack of water in the body leads to dehydration, dryness and premature aging of the skin;
remove simple carbohydrates from your diet: these are products made from flour and sugar - cakes, cakes, carbonated drinks. These products bring pleasure, but will not allow you to enter weight loss mode;
fruits and vegetables must be on the table every day, if you want to eat healthy, your food table should begin with them;
eat often and in small portions, do not starve, as this will lead to overeating;
You need to eat very slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly, without rushing. Never eat while watching TV, it is distracting and you may eat more than you need;
be sure to have breakfast, think about what foods are suitable for breakfast the day before;
try to eat at the same time;
have dinner no later than eight o'clock;
sleep more - become healthy;
drink no more than one cup of coffee;
reduce alcohol consumption, give up beer and sweet liqueurs;
Those who are losing weight should move more, do exercises in the morning so that you don’t have to do them in the middle of the day, walk a few stops, and then get on public transport. Being outdoors and walking are the best friends of those losing weight;
The diet needs to be varied, the list of weight loss products should include a wide variety;
get up from the table with the feeling that you want to eat more - the golden rule;
you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
For snacks, use nuts, dried fruits, muesli, and fruits. Read above what you need to eat.

A healthy body, cheerful spirit and great shape require an integrated approach. Physical activity, hardware procedures, massage, wraps and, of course, proper nutrition.

Changing your eating behavior is where you should start on your journey to a slim and healthy body. What does the list of products for proper nutrition and weight loss include? We will talk about this in the article and look at the detailed table.

Refusal of junk food

Food should not be high in calories, but nutritious. That is, it is important to harmoniously combine fats, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in the daily diet.

With a light heart, you should give up canned foods: peas, corn, pickled cucumbers and anything that contains preservatives and excessive amounts of dyes.

Avoid fast foods. And also say goodbye to heavy fatty and fried foods, white bread, milk chocolate, juices in tetra packs and alcohol.

The right foods for a healthy and slim body

The question quite rightly arises: what can you eat and lose weight?

Since our body primarily consists of water, to maintain effective metabolic processes in the body, you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of clean water in small sips per day. By the way, insufficient fluid intake can cause.

To avoid feeling hungry, carbohydrates must be digested slowly. Products containing healthy carbohydrates include cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal), multigrain flakes, baked potatoes. Moreover, these products can be eaten for breakfast and lunch.

Protein is involved in muscle development and restores cell function. Therefore, foods rich in protein are extremely necessary for the body. Cheeses, less than 25% fat, 1% kefir, cottage cheese, lean meat (chicken and turkey breast, steamed or boiled), fish, seafood. All this must be included in your list of healthy foods for proper nutrition and weight loss.

You should not neglect the consumption of fats, respectively, in a reasonable amount. Their sources should be healthy - these are nuts, fatty fish, sesame, flaxseed and sunflower oil (in salads, or on an empty stomach, you cannot fry). It will be useful to consume fats at the end of a meal; they slow down the process of producing gastric secretions.

It is advisable to add vegetables and fruits at every meal. They are an irreplaceable source of vitamins, microelements, and fiber. You should be careful with fruits and vegetables that are too sweet and starchy (grapes, persimmons, bananas, potatoes). Therefore, it is better to eat them several times a week and only in the first half of the day.

List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss

To ensure that nutrients in the body are not in short supply, an excellent solution would be to choose a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Combination of foods for proper nutrition (table)

A rational combination of foods will significantly ease the work of the stomach and allow you to control your weight.

Fresh, steamed or stewed vegetables go well with meat side dishes. Green vegetables help remove cholesterol, which enters the body with animal products. You should not combine meat and fish with pasta, cereals or potatoes.

Dairy products are not “friendly” with fresh vegetables. This combination can lead to increased gas formation and diarrhea.

Starchy vegetables (beets, carrots, squash, parsley and celery root, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin) go well with vegetable oils, herbs and legumes. But if you eat these vegetables with sugar, they can cause fermentation.

To make it clearer, we suggest looking at the table of food combinations for proper nutrition.

- cannot be combined, 0 combination is possible, + it is recommended to combine

With the transition to a new style of eating and changing the list of products for proper nutrition and weight loss, difficulties may arise in the form of feelings of hunger and insufficient satiety. But within a few days the stomach will shrink and this discomfort will pass. If you adhere to the right eating style, choose your diet wisely and take into account the combination of foods, you can see good results already in the first week.

- not only a beautiful and healthy appearance, but also the full functioning of the whole organism. In the modern world, the main problem with nutrition is the acute lack of time.

Due to the rush to work, a person’s diet consists of fast food (fast food, convenience foods, baked goods). The result manifests itself immediately in the form of: excess weight, dysfunction of the digestive system, atherosclerosis.

The main task of a balanced diet- saturating the body with useful substances in the right quantities. Proper nutrition is beneficial for the whole body as a whole, and can also contribute to weight loss.

The minimum daily requirement is:

  • - 30 g;
  • - 90 g;
  • — 50 g.

How to eat properly to ensure that the lack of required substances in the body is compensated?

Let's look at the general rules:

How to plan proper nutrition for the day?

Overweight people believe that they eat a lot of food. Thin people are sure that they eat too much and do not gain excess weight due to genetic predisposition. Experts say that these opinions are wrong. In the first case, a person consumes more calories than he expends. In the second, everything is the other way around.

Therefore, it is important to know and be able to prepare proper meals for the day; below we will consider basic nutrition tips:


Proper lunch- a full meal without snacks.

  • Be sure to add it to your diet, thereby reducing your calorie intake by 1/3.
  • You need to wash down your lunch with hot drinks, but not cold ones. Otherwise, the digestive process may be disrupted.
  • If the lunch was high in calories, then it is worth making it a dietary one, compensating for overeating.

It is strictly forbidden to exclude lunch from the daily routine, otherwise a deterioration in your health is guaranteed.

Examples of healthy lunches

At least 2-3 hours should pass between second breakfast and lunch. For working people, this type of meal is considered problematic because there is always not enough time for it.

Options for proper lunch at work:

A mandatory lunch dish is soup, meat or steamed fish.

In your free time from work, you can prepare dishes such as:

  • chicken broth soup with buckwheat, pearl barley, rice;
  • borscht with lean pork (beef), mushroom, bean soup;
  • pilaf with pieces of white poultry flesh (turkey);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • stewed potatoes with meat;
  • fish baked in foil;
  • casseroles;
  • boiled pasta;
  • poultry flesh without skin, grilled;
  • beans with fresh tomatoes baked in the oven.

As a dessert you are allowed to use:

  • marmalade;
  • dark dark chocolate.

Sample lunch menu for the week

Dinner- a meal that should be satisfying and healthy. When eating properly, it is important to pay special attention to it.

Menu table for the week:

Day Menu
Monday Chicken cream soup with cauliflower, onions and carrots, fresh lettuce, poached sea bass, herbal tea with lemon.
Tuesday Boiled vegetables (carrots, cabbage, onions), a piece of gray bread with cheese, tea with lemon.
Wednesday Buckwheat with carrots and onions. Salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, orange (1 piece), green tea with honey.
Thursday Vegetable stew, boiled chicken, Chinese cabbage. Gray bread, herbal.
Friday Rassolnik, salad with fresh vegetables and herbs, green tea with lemon.
Saturday Pilaf with chicken pulp, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, rye bread, herbal tea.
Sunday Fresh cabbage and herb salad, steamed fish cutlets, brown bread, tea with lemon and honey.

What can you eat for lunch?

It is allowed to include all healthy foods; you can eat:

What can't you eat for lunch?

Prohibited products include:

Healthy breakfast

- the basis of the whole day. Most people in the morning prefer to have breakfast with something that is quickly prepared, for example, scrambled eggs and sausage. Eating these types of foods violates all principles of proper nutrition.

The following dishes are considered a good example of breakfast:

  • sandwich with boiled chicken, fresh herbs;
  • dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • baked fruits.

Drinks allowed are coffee with milk (no more than 3 cups), freshly squeezed juice, tea with lemon.

Healthy dinner

The last meal of a person with proper nutrition should contain a minimum of calories, but a maximum of benefits. It is not recommended to eat porridge before bed, as they contain complex carbohydrates, the breakdown of which takes much longer.

Let's consider several dish options for a proper dinner:

  • Cottage cheese casserole, yogurt without flavors or preservatives.
  • , since they do not contain sugars.
  • Seafood, lean fish, boiled or baked.
  • Steamed cutlets from chicken or turkey fillet.
  • Protein omelet with green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.).
  • Chickpeas or lentils stewed with tomatoes, bell peppers.

Basic errors in the power system

Based on recent research, nutritionists have identified the following errors:

With age, the calorie content of food consumed should decrease due to slower metabolism, therefore, it becomes more difficult to burn the calories received.

Recipes for a proper lunch

Let's look at several dish options with detailed descriptions of ingredients and cooking technology. Healthy food can be not only healthy, but also tasty.

Fresh white cabbage salad


  • Cut the cabbage into thin strips and place in a plastic bowl.
  • Mash with your hands, add salt, mix, cover, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Peel the vegetables, rinse and chop finely.
  • Place in a container with the cabbage, pour in the oil, vinegar, and add chopped herbs.
  • Stir and leave for half an hour.

Tender soup with vegetables

To prepare you will need:


  • Pour water into a saucepan, add turkey pulp, and after boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour.
  • Prepare all vegetables, chop.
  • Add to water, continue the cooking process for 10-15 minutes at medium heating temperature.
  • 3 minutes before readiness, bring to taste.
  • Turn off, cover, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Served with finely chopped green onions.

To prepare you will need:


  • Prepare vegetables (except potatoes) and mushrooms for consumption, chop them.
  • Cut the poultry flesh into cubes.
  • Fry over low heat for 3-4 minutes along with vegetables, then add tomato paste and sauté for 3 minutes.
  • Transfer to a baking pot.
  • Remove the skin from the tubers and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  • Place in a container with the rest of the ingredients, mixing well.
  • Add seasoning and salt if desired.
  • Pour in some water.
  • Place in the oven for 60-90 minutes at 180 degrees.


To prepare you will need:


  • Rinse the eggs under water, separate the white from the yolk.
  • Beat the first component thoroughly until foam forms.
  • Then add 1 yolk and continue.
  • Process the tomato, onion, pepper and chop finely.
  • Grease a frying pan with oil and fry them.
  • Pour in the egg mixture and add a little salt if desired.
  • Cover and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

To prepare you will need:


  • Sort the berries: remove stems and rotten fruits.
  • Rinse under running water.
  • Cut into 4 pieces or cubes.
  • Grind the curd product through a sieve, add honey, stir.
  • Place a layer of berries on the bottom of the bowl, then the curd and honey mixture, and again the berries on top.
  • You can replace the last ingredient with fresh fruit.

Proper nutrition- the key to good health and sound sleep. It is important to remember that even healthy foods can cause significant harm to the body if consumed incorrectly.

Surely, each of us has heard about “correct” weight loss, not with the help of diets and fasting days, but by following the principles of a healthy diet. The words “diet” and “nutrition” have different meanings.

Diet means restrictions on food that will allow you to lose weight, and nutrition means eating food regularly. But there is such a thing as a “healthy diet” or “healthy eating”. It turns out that by eating enough food and not starving, we can not only lose weight, but also.

What kind of diet is this - healthy eating? What can and cannot be eaten to be healthy and slim? All answers are in this article.

Healthy eating: what is it?

A healthy diet is the consumption of foods that ensure the growth and development of the body, improve health and help prevent disease. With the right approach, healthy eating will help you always stay in shape, and, if necessary, lose weight.

By eating the right foods and their combinations, following the principles of a healthy diet, you can avoid the appearance of many diseases, feel cheerful and cheerful, and only through proper nutrition can you get rid of...

Healthy eating and proper diets are not food restrictions or monotony, it is the exclusion of harmful and unnecessary foods for the body, eating healthy and proper food, which not only provides energy, but also allows the body to function properly.

A sufficient amount of protein, the right fats and carbohydrates, compliance with the ratio of these units, a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in food, exclusion from the diet of foods with artificial additives, large amounts of salt and fat, “bad” carbohydrates (which are stored in fat and do not bring any benefit ) – this is healthy eating.

Healthy eating: basic principles

Among protein products, preference should be given to lean meats such as beef, chicken, and rabbit. You can eat any fish: it contains many useful essential amino acids.

You definitely need to eat a portion of porridge a day; this is the source of the energy we need. It is better to replace white bread with whole grain or wholemeal bread.

Don't forget about low-fat dairy products: they are a source of calcium and other vitamins. Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and low-fat milk are best consumed daily.

It is better to choose vegetable fats and consume them in limited quantities. For a serving of vegetable salad, one tablespoon of any vegetable oil is enough. Preference should be given to unrefined and unrefined oils.

Do not forget about a sufficient amount of liquid; you need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day. Pure water would be an ideal and healthy option; it is better to avoid coffee, sweet carbonated drinks and store-bought juices.

Don’t forget about proper processing of foods: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming - ideal for a healthy diet. You should avoid eating a lot of fried foods.

Healthy diet for a week

This is an approximate healthy diet for a week, which can serve as a guide in choosing the right foods and dishes.


  • Breakfast – oatmeal with honey, omelet;
  • Lunch – green borscht with sour cream, herbal tea;
  • Dinner – fish baked with vegetables;
  • Snacks – apples, kefir.


  • Breakfast - boiled chicken salad with celery, apple and yogurt;
  • Lunch – soup with meatballs, milkshake;
  • Dinner - meat casserole;
  • Snacks: dried fruits, low-fat cottage cheese.
