What is body myostimulation? The cost of the procedure. General session order

The latest techniques to help get rid of excess fat and tighten the skin are gaining more and more popularity due to excellent results that last for a long time.

One of these progressive techniques is myostimulation, otherwise called passive gymnastics for the laziest.

Myostimulation is the effect on a group of muscles with electrical impulses, leading to their active contraction. The procedure has long been used in traditional medicine to maintain muscle tone in people with limited mobility. Since the 70s of the last century, the technique has firmly entered the arsenal of cosmetologists and has become an integral element of the beauty industry.

During myostimulation, an electric current causes rhythmic muscle contractions. Different frequencies and amplitudes of pulses make it possible to achieve both strengthening and enlargement of muscles, as well as accelerating the processes of lipolysis and removing excess fluid.

The procedure can be carried out not only in the cosmetologist's office, currently there are various models of myostimulators on sale that allow you to work on body contours at home.

Efficiency and Benefits

A full course of myostimulation will allow you to significantly improve your figure and correct the first signs of aging. Procedures can be used to:

  • strengthening a specific muscle group;
  • increase in the volume of muscle tissue;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • increase skin tone;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • reducing the severity of wrinkles;
  • reducing flabbiness and sagging of the lower part of the face.

The undeniable advantages of the technique allow myostimulation not to lose popularity for several decades:

  • with the help of myostimulation, it is possible to work out muscles that are hard to reach during normal physical exercises;
  • the procedure helps to improve the contours of the body in a specific area;
  • myostimulation is completely painless;
  • passive training allows you to strengthen muscles without going to the gym;
  • it is possible to conduct myostimulation at home.


Since the technique was developed to help immobilized patients, it is not necessary to expect more than a healing effect from it. The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • the inability to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass;
  • reduction in weight and manifestations of cellulite is achieved mainly due to the withdrawal of fluid, which is restored in full in less than a day;
  • significant fat deposits interfere with the conduction of impulses and minimize the effectiveness of procedures;
  • a large number of contraindications;
  • Illiterate use of muscle stimulants can be harmful to health.

Impact zones

The procedure is popular with both sexes. Most often, by myostimulation, they try to improve the contours:

  • chest;
  • upper arm;
  • press;
  • inner thighs;
  • buttocks.

Many women hope, with the help of myostimulation, to restore the elasticity of the breast after childbirth and feeding the baby. Do not forget that the female bust consists of adipose tissue and the mammary glands themselves, strengthening the pectoral muscles can achieve only a slight improvement in appearance.

Strengthening the gluteal muscles with the help of muscle stimulators is effective with small reserves of fatty tissue in this area. A powerful fatty layer often becomes a serious obstacle to the conduction of electric current, and the procedure only leads to a waste of money and time.

Shoulders, back and inner thighs respond well enough to myostimulation. Some muscle groups remain practically unaffected even during intense workouts, the procedure will help to accurately model the figure, working out the smallest muscles.

In cosmetology, the technique is widely used for facial skin rejuvenation.


Despite the fact that myostimulation is so effective, with an illiterate approach to the use of this technique, the procedure can bring not only benefits, but also harm. There are a lot of contraindications for myostimulation. You have to make sure you don't suffer:

  • oncology;
  • blood diseases;
  • insufficiency of the kidneys and liver;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin diseases in the acute stage.

In addition, the use of the technique is prohibited when a pacemaker is installed, as well as during the bearing and breastfeeding of a child.

How is the procedure carried out

Cosmetologists recommend resorting to peeling or scrubbing the skin in the area of ​​​​the intended treatment a day before myostimulation. Cleansing the skin will help better current flow and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. If you plan to “work” on your face, then the beautician will need to carry out mandatory degreasing of the skin and cleansing of makeup.

During the session, the specialist attaches the electrodes to the problem area, having previously lubricated their surface with a highly conductive gel. The location of the electrodes on the body is of great importance and affects the final results.

The required current strength is set, the value of which will vary from session to session. The whole procedure lasts no more than half an hour, it usually takes about ten minutes to work out one zone.

The patient does not experience discomfort from the work of the myostimulator. Usually, light muscle contractions are visually noticeable with a slight tingling sensation in the affected area. After the session, there is no pain in the muscles, characteristic of physical training.

After the procedure, no special care is required, it is recommended to follow a diet and maintain an active lifestyle. If your goal is to get rid of extra pounds, then in the first two hours after the session, you should stop eating. To build muscle mass, it is recommended to consume foods high in protein one hour after myostimulation.

For more information about what myostimulation is, see the video:

Course duration and how often

Before starting myostimulation sessions, the doctor, depending on your problem, will determine and tell you how many procedures are needed in your case. It usually takes ten to twenty sessions to achieve lasting results. Their frequency is two to three times a week, the entire course takes a month and a half.

The cost for one session of myostimulation depends to a large extent on the class of the device used and the prestige of the clinic - basically, the price range is from 800 rubles to 5000 for one procedure.

What is combined with

Facial myostimulation can and should be combined with other anti-aging techniques, such as biorevitalization, mesotherapy (including), bioreparation and Botox injections. Only complex measures will help to achieve visible rejuvenation and healing of the skin.


Muscle stimulation with current sounds tempting for those who prefer passive weight loss. When honing the contours of the body, you should not completely rely on cosmetic procedures, modern techniques can only become your faithful allies in the struggle for the perfect figure. A balanced diet and an active lifestyle should continue to be a priority.

A perfect figure is the dream of every woman. But how to achieve beautiful forms? Yes, it is often difficult to solve this problem. Significant efforts are needed not only physically, but also morally.

Today, however, creating the perfect figure has become much easier. Their services are offered by beauty centers that conduct a variety of procedures. One of them is myostimulation of the body.


Myostimulation of the body has long been used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation techniques. But in recent years, this procedure is gaining more and more popularity in cosmetology. Myostimulation of the body is used here in the process of complex treatment of cellulite and obesity.

What is so attractive about this procedure? The popularity of myostimulation lies in its ability to influence those muscle groups that are hard to reach.

It should be borne in mind that myostimulation of the body (see the photo of the process of the procedure below) does not affect cellulite itself. Improving the condition of the subcutaneous fat and the upper layers of the epidermis occurs due to the activation of the process of tissue nutrition, cleansing the body of toxins and training muscle tissue.

Myostimulation of the body literally transforms the appearance of the hips, abdomen and buttocks. This effect occurs due to skin tightening and maintaining normal muscle tone.

The procedure of myostimulation is therapeutic and health-improving. It is based on the use of current pulses. This effect on muscle fibers causes them to contract. The skin at the same time increases its tone.

Sometimes myostimulation is used to eliminate cellulite and get rid of extra pounds.

Devices for myostimulation of the body, which are used in professional clinics, are called electromyostimulators. The procedure using this technique should only be carried out by a well-trained specialist with a medical background. Myostimulation of the body at home will require the purchase of a special device intended for personal use.

Device selection

Before purchasing an electromyostimulator, it is necessary to determine for which part of the body it will be used. Maybe the device will be needed only for the body or only for the face, or maybe for both? When buying, you should check whether the device has a registration certificate of SR and MZ. In addition, the electromyostimulator should allow manual setting of the current strength, amplitude and other parameters, and also have four independent channels for working with different muscle groups.

Models of myostimulators belonging to a high price category have a larger number of electrodes in their kit. In addition, their device allows the alternation of impulses for antagonist muscles. Devices that belong to the premium class have the ability to program. At will, a person can set a different load at the beginning of the procedure and at its end.

When choosing a manufacturer, it is recommended to pay attention to models of Israeli, European, American and Japanese assembly. Russian devices will not yield to them in quality, but they will lose in the convenience of accessories and design. Korean electromyostimulators have an attractive price. But their disadvantage is lower quality. Chinese equipment can last a long time, but it is also likely to break down quickly.

Device for body slimness "Three in one"

Getting a healing effect

Myostimulation of the face and body is fundamentally different from the usual physical activity that fitness or running, aerobics or swimming, walking or housework give. Exposure to pulsed currents allows you to use absolutely all muscle groups. Sensory and motor nerves are involved in the procedure. After the session, blood and lymph circulation is activated.

During myostimulation, all muscles, even very weak ones, are prepared to participate in regular exercise. Such a procedure will allow you to recover from illnesses, operations and injuries.

But you don't have to give up exercise. It is worth remembering the importance of an integrated approach in solving the problem of getting rid of cellulite and eliminating extra pounds.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before the stimulation session, electrodes are placed on the client's skin. Through them, an impulse of a certain amplitude enters the nerve endings. This effect causes muscle tissue to actively contract, which has a positive effect on their tone, volume and strength. At the same time, metabolism, blood and lymph circulation are normalized. Accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. All this contributes to the reduction of body fat.

Through the electrodes installed on the skin, the patient's muscles are affected by small currents. So, for the face, their strength is 5 mA, and for the body - up to 100 mA. Used pulse current frequencies are in the range from ten to one hundred and fifty Hertz.

It is recommended to carry out procedures no more than two or three times a week. In this case, the general course should be about 20 sessions. When working with the device, attention should be paid to all muscle groups. It is not recommended to use only certain of them. For a more effective therapeutic course, specially designed body myostimulation schemes should be used. They describe in sufficient detail all the points to which the electrodes should be applied.

Rules for the procedure

In the event that you purchased a device for myostimulation, you will need the following:

Consult with your doctor first;

Install electrodes in accordance with the scheme;

Do not simultaneously stimulate the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen, as well as the inner and outer sides of the thigh, as they are antagonists;

Do not carry out the procedure for more than half an hour;

Do not eat two hours after the end of myostimulation for more effective elimination of the fat layer.

Preparation for the procedure

Before myostimulation of the body is carried out, it is desirable to carry out peeling. This is necessary so that the keratinized layer of the skin does not interfere with the conduction of impulses. Peeling will need to be done no more than once a week.

Particular attention will need to be paid to the application of electrodes. The point of their contact should coincide with the point of penetration of the motor nerve into the sheath of muscle tissue. Proper placement of the electrodes, which should be attached to the body using special bandage belts, will allow you to get the maximum effect from the procedure.

Indications for carrying out

Myostimulation is a medical procedure. That is why she has clear recommendations for use. Among them are:

Flabbiness of the skin;


Insufficient elasticity of muscle tissue, which can be observed after surgery and injury;

Early stages of obesity;

Pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is a violation of venous and arterial circulation;

Stagnation in the lymph nodes.

Why else is myostimulation of the body performed? Reviews (see photo of the results below) of patients after the procedure confirm its tonic effect on the body.

In addition, the muscles teach excellent preparation for physical activity.


Can myostimulation of the body always be carried out? This procedure also has contraindications. Among them are:

tendency to bleed;

Purulent processes of an acute nature;

The presence of an implanted pacemaker;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Systemic blood pathologies;

Stones in the urinary and gall bladders, as well as in the kidneys;

Intra-articular injuries of an acute nature;

Individual intolerance to impulse current;


Tuberculosis of the kidneys or lungs in the active stage;

Thrombophlebitis and acute diseases of the skin;

Impaired circulation in stages above the second;

Liver and kidney failure.

What to do after the procedure?

Myostimulation has many advantages. One of them is the lack of need for special care for problem areas. In order to consolidate the effect of the procedure, you will only need to review your daily diet, choosing a diet that suits you. Do not give up on physical activity. This whole set of measures will certainly make your figure embossed and beautiful.

It should be borne in mind that non-compliance with the diet after myostimulation will allow fat deposits to reappear. This will nullify all the efforts made.

During the day after myostimulation, you should not visit saunas, baths and other places where excessive thermal effects will be exerted on the skin.

Possible Complications

In those points to which the electrodes were applied, myostimulation may appear small in area and intensity of redness of the skin. But you shouldn't worry about this. Redness will pass very quickly, especially if you lubricate them with any nourishing cream. Symptoms of an allergic reaction are considered quite rare. This pathology is likely due to the individual characteristics of the organism. There is a risk of electrical burns. However, their occurrence is facilitated by poor adhesion of the electrodes to the skin or hypersensitivity of the body. In addition, complications can be observed in patients suffering from cardiovascular and urolithiasis pathologies.

Myostimulation is a cosmetic procedure based on the effect of electric current on various parts of the body.

Muscle fibers are actively contracted under the influence of impulses, this creates a stable therapeutic effect on the entire body.

This procedure is part of hardware cosmetology and was developed by rehabilitation doctors. Let's figure it out together - how it works and who will benefit from body myostimulation, is it possible to use this technique for losing weight and eliminating cellulite, what are the reviews, and also see photos before and after the procedure.

For this procedure, electrodes are attached to certain parts of the body, which transmit impulses of a certain frequency into the body. Muscles begin to work as during physical exertion. But compared to physical exercises, myostimulation is more effective, as it affects all types of muscles.

The result of such stimulation is an increase in muscle tone, the removal of toxins from the entire body, which helps to reduce adipose tissue. After exposure to microcurrents, the skin condition improves significantly, small wrinkles are smoothed out, body contours become clearer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Find out the indications and contraindications for the photorejuvenation procedure.


It should be remembered that this technique has a number of contraindications:

  • serious pathologies of the hematopoietic organs;
  • oncological diseases, malignant neoplasms;
  • various types of tuberculosis;
  • the presence of stones and sand in the body;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the body;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • intolerance to electrical exposure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • period of menstruation;
  • the presence in the body of an installed pacemaker;

In case of varicose veins, it is necessary to carry out with caution, carefully choosing places for exposure, use with caution for children and the elderly.


Before a session of electrotherapy, you need to consult a doctor, especially if you are doing this for the first time. The doctor will select the individual strength and frequency of the current, prescribe the number of procedures. Before myostimulation, you need to take a shower to wash off the remnants of sebum or cream. To increase the effectiveness, it is necessary to remove dead skin layers and do a light peeling or scrubbing of the body.

After removing the old layers of the skin, microcurrents penetrate much better to the desired point in the body. Before the sensation, it is not recommended to do vaccinations and active visits to the solarium. You can not overeat and drink large amounts of liquid. Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all metal objects and jewelry (chains, bracelets, piercings, earrings and hairpins).

How is the session

The patient lies on the couch and electrodes of square and round shape are placed on his body, which are fixed with the help of special fasteners.

The special material from which the electrodes are made ensures a perfect fit. The adjacent surface is pre-moistened with water or a special agent.

Sometimes electrodes are used, which have a sticky surface and are attached like a regular patch. In this case, the surface must be perfectly clean and grease-free. The patient's body should be relaxed, access to the muscles should be free.

The strength of the current should stimulate the clear and correct work of the muscles. If the work of the muscles is impaired and they contract in a chaotic manner, there are pain sensations - the procedure is carried out incorrectly.

Proper electrode placement

When placing the electrodes, you need to choose places near the motor muscles and nerves. To determine such points, you can use the Erb table. For each person, such points are determined individually. The action of currents on muscles can be unipolar or bipolar.

The current frequency can vary from 40 to 150 Hz. The impact starts with the smallest with a further gradual increase. Muscles must gradually get used to the load, a sharp increase in frequency can give a negative result.

In the first two sessions, slight pain is possible, which completely disappear by 4-5 sessions.

The human body has the property of quickly getting used to impulse influences and after 10 minutes begins to react much weaker.

Rules for holding

There are certain rules for this procedure:

  • The doctor must establish the complete absence of contraindications.
  • When installing, you must strictly adhere to the scheme for installing electrodes for a particular device.
  • The impact of currents must be started from zero, very carefully increasing the frequency.
  • During the session, the electrodes must not be moved or interchanged. To do this, disconnect the device from the network.

After the end of the procedure, the electrodes must be treated with a disinfectant solution to disinfect and remove greasy deposits from the surface.

Are there any advantages to the procedure and the results after it, everything is detailed in a separate article.

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We also offer to see photos before and after the procedure of RF-lifting of the body, as well as all the detailed information about this technique.

Feelings during electrical stimulation

During the procedure, there is a slight tingling and there is an active visible muscle contraction. During the first two sessions, slight painful sensations are possible, which completely disappear when the body adapts. If the pain intensifies and does not go away, then you should change the location of the electrodes or reduce the effect of the current.

Quantity, duration and average cost

For a specific area (hips, stomach or face), the doctor selects the required number of procedures. The duration of the session is also selected strictly individually, usually it does not exceed 20-30 minutes.

For the treatment of cellulite and weight loss, active stimulation of the gluteal muscles and abdominals is carried out. Usually, the treatment of "orange peel" is carried out in 10-20 sessions. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day. Maintenance treatment is carried out every 5-6 weeks.

The average cost of an anti-cellulite body myostimulation procedure costs 2000 rubles. per procedure, the price of a course of treatment is 15,000-20,000 rubles. Electrical stimulation of the legs and buttocks costs 1200 rubles. and 15,000 rubles. respectively. For the face, 10-15 sessions are required, the duration of the procedure lasts 20-25 minutes.

What is combined with

Myostimulation is perfectly combined with manual and vacuum face and body, with anti-cellulite wraps, rejuvenating and cleansing masks and aromatherapy. It can be used with, injection and non-injection mesotherapy (reviews, before and after photos).

What do those who have tried it say?

And in conclusion, for a complete picture of what results are possible with body myostimulation, we suggest that you read some reviews about this procedure:

  • Anna, manager:
    “I went through 10 sessions for the treatment of cellulite. Satisfied with the effect, the skin became more even and toned. I felt a slight tingling, the overall impression is good.
  • Natalia, housewife:
    “I did the procedure for the face and chin. I am disappointed with this procedure, it is too expensive and ineffective.”
  • Svetlana, accountant:
    “Total disappointment. For a long time I dreamed of getting rid of my stomach. In 10 sessions, the waist decreased by only 2 centimeters. I will try something else."
  • Karina, manager:
    “I went through 5 sessions of electrotherapy on my face. I liked everything, the effect appeared after the first session. Small wrinkles are gone, the skin has become pleasant and smooth! I recommend it to anyone who wants to look younger!”

Myostimulation is an effective method for weight loss, skin improvement. With the help of electrical stimulation, you can get rid of cellulite, improve blood circulation and improve the functioning of internal organs. This is a very relevant, modern and completely safe method of treatment, which is very popular.

And in conclusion, the cosmetologist will tell and show how myostimulation of the buttocks goes:

Myostimulation of the face- hardware effect on facial tissues using pulsed currents, causing restoration of muscle tissue tone, skin lifting and splitting (lipolysis) of fat deposits. In the process of myostimulation of the face, facial muscles are worked out that cannot be physically trained, which causes the correction of the oval, the elimination of tissue ptosis, and the effect of rejuvenation. As a result of facial myostimulation, regenerative processes in tissues are improved, hypermobility of facial expressions, signs of skin fatigue, swelling are eliminated, and the formation of new wrinkles is prevented.

The effect of facial myostimulation is based on the excitation of muscle tissue and involuntary contraction of the facial muscles. Under the influence of pulsed current, the intensity of metabolic and trophic processes is activated, the production of a “collagen corset” of the face is stimulated, lymph flow, capillary and venous blood flow improves, and local lipolysis increases.

Myostimulation is indicated for various deformities of the cervicofacial zone: flabbiness and atony of the skin of the upper eyelids, puffiness and circles under the eyes, ptosis of the tissues of the cheeks, scars and pigmentation after acne, a network of small wrinkles, a double chin and flabbiness of the tissues of the neck.

The strength of the current is fixed according to the sensations of the patient. After applying a pulsed current, a slight tingling of the skin may be felt, but the general sensation should not be unpleasant. It is recommended to stimulate each of the treated facial muscles with at least 10-15 contractions. Discomfort during facial myostimulation can be caused by loose fixation of the electrodes, insufficient skin moisture, the presence of spider veins or microtraumas of the skin, close application of the electrodes to the periosteum (cheekbones, eye sockets, lower jaw), increased sensitivity of the teeth, in men - bristles that prevent a snug fit of the electrodes .

A facial myostimulation session lasts 20-30 minutes. Since the effect of myostimulation is cumulative, it is optimal to perform from 10 to 15 sessions with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

Myostimulation of the face can be carried out according to the therapeutic and cosmetic composition (ampoule serum, mask), potentiating the entry of useful substances into the skin.

The effects of myostimulation are contour correction and alignment of complexion, strengthening the muscles of the upper eyelids, smoothing the skin, eliminating the second chin, skin lifting.

10 559 0 Hello! With the help of electric current, many cosmetic and medical procedures are carried out. Today we will talk about myostimulation of its effectiveness on the body or face.

What is myostimulation

Myostimulation (electromyostimulation) - a cosmetic procedure based on the effect of electrical impulses on certain muscles or their groups. This procedure is carried out using a special device - a myostimulator.

The principle of operation is that electrodes are applied to the body or face in certain areas and through them an adjustable electrical impulse is supplied from the device, causing the muscles to contract intensely. Thus, during contraction, muscle work is enhanced, biochemical and metabolic processes are accelerated, leading to increased tissue nutrition, cell renewal, blood flow and lymph flow are activated.

The impulses generated by the muscle stimulator are similar to the nerve impulses of the brain. Myostimulation is similar to the action of medical devices - pacemakers, defibrillators.

The effect of myostimulation:

  • muscle tightening;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • positive effect on the nervous, endocrine, circulatory systems;
  • getting rid of sagging skin;
  • slight weight loss.

In medicine, myostimulation is actively used to relieve pain, stimulate deep muscle groups.

Myostimulation is carried out both for the body and for the face. It is used for any age and gender. The advantage of myostimulation is its orientation, both point and group. In this case, myostimulation can affect very deep layers of muscles.

When conducting myostimulation, the shape of the pulses, their frequency and amplitude are selected. The pulse shape can be rectangular, triangular and exponential (slowly increasing and quickly decaying). The most optimal is the exponential current form, similar to the mechanism of action of nerve impulses.

The number of channels in the myostimulator apparatus is also important. The fact is that for certain areas of the body, 2-4, 6 or 12 channels of the action of the myostimulator are needed.

The current strength used during myostimulation is from 1 to 35 mA, the pulse duration can be from 1 to 100 m/s.

For the effectiveness of the procedure, the structure of the electrodes of the device, the types of pulses, the presence of transformers for each channel, etc. are also important. The more complex the device and the more functionality it has, the more diverse the effect and their spectrum.

Indications and contraindications for myostimulation

Indications for myostimulation are:

  • sagging muscles;
  • flabbiness of the skin of the face;
  • body fat;
  • insufficient muscle tone;
  • cellulite;
  • puffiness;
  • violation of blood and lymph flow;
  • venous insufficiency.

It has been noted that myostimulation does not replace physical exertion on the body, has practically no effect on trained muscles, and does not completely solve the problems of cellulite and weight loss.


  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Skin diseases in exacerbation;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Stones in the gallbladder, kidneys and bladder (with myostimulation of the body);
  • Purulent lesions;
  • The presence of a pacemaker;
  • Neoplasms;
  • Individual intolerance to the action of electric current;
  • Epilepsy and other nervous diseases;
  • Inflammatory diseases.

Stages of myostimulation and features of the procedure

Myostimulation is carried out mainly in the salon. It is possible to carry out at home.

Before the procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required to identify contraindications, identify problem areas and prescribe a myostimulation scheme.

As a rule, a course of procedures is prescribed. The specialist develops a detailed program of the course - a scheme for influencing muscle groups, the location of the electrodes, the duration of the sessions.

Procedure steps:

  1. Preparatory stage- does not take a long time and consists in cleansing the skin, removing make-up. Before the course of myostimulation, you can do peeling or scrubbing of the skin. It is necessary to remove all jewelry made of metal, other metal objects.
  2. Insertion of electrodes and program selection- Before attaching the electrodes to the skin, a conductive gel is applied to the myostimulation points. The electrodes are attached tightly to the skin in the area of ​​myostimulation. The electrodes have additional flexible wires and straps.
  3. Myostimulation of problem areas.
  4. Removing the electrodes- after the procedure is completed, the electrodes are removed, the skin is cleansed of conductive gel and a special cream is applied to enhance the effect of the procedure.

The procedure lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. The course is recommended to apply from 10 to 20 sessions. The frequency of sessions is approximately once every three days. If you do not give the body a break between sessions, then the muscles do not have time to recover from exercise.

The visual effect and the first results can be observed after the first two or three sessions. How often to do myostimulation will be recommended by a specialist, depending on the individual condition and problem.


  • During the procedure, tingling sensations may occur, if they develop into pain and burning, this means that myostimulation is not performed correctly.
  • Before the procedure, it is not recommended to eat two hours before it. After and during the course of myostimulation, you should follow a diet and adhere to a balanced diet for the greatest positive result.
  • During the session, you can not move the connected electrodes. The electrodes are usually reusable and are purchased separately for each patient. There are also disposable electrodes that look like adhesive plasters. Such electrodes cling to dry skin that is defatted.
  • It must also be remembered that in no case should opposing muscles be stimulated at the same time (for example, the internal and external muscles on the abdomen or thighs).

Myostimulation in combination with physical activity gives an even better effect. At the same time, pain in the muscles is not felt.

The benefits and harms of myostimulation

The advantages of myostimulation are:

  • safety;
  • impact on passive muscle groups;
  • increased muscle tone without exercise;
  • improvement of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • improved metabolism;
  • stimulation of fat breakdown;
  • positive effect on the hormonal background, endocrine and nervous systems;
  • fast effect.

Among the shortcomings, many contraindications should be noted, the impossibility of completely replacing physical activity with muscles.

Myostimulation of the face

Myostimulation of the face is carried out in order to:

  • getting rid of puffiness of the face;
  • elimination of sagging and sagging skin;
  • leveling the relief and raising the tone of the facial muscles;
  • elimination of circles under the eyes;
  • increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage;
  • getting rid of the "second" chin;
  • oval correction;
  • correction of asymmetry, impending eyelid, nasolabial folds.

If you have Botox on your face or have used Botox injections, then you should use facial myostimulation with caution, as exposure to impulses can adversely affect the results of these procedures.

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Along with myostimulation of the face, myostimulation of the neck is also carried out in the complex. This will eliminate flabbiness of the skin, reduce the presence of wrinkles, fat deposits, improve tone.

Photos before and after

Myostimulation of the body

Myostimulation of the body is carried out in various areas - the abdomen, legs, hips, back, buttocks. Pulses from 10 to 35 mA are used.

As a result, you can get:

  • Tight relief and body contour;
  • Tightness of the abdominal muscles;
  • Getting rid of the fat layer on the press;
  • Getting rid of sagging arms, legs;
  • cellulite reduction;
  • Getting rid of bumps on the body.

Myostimulation of the abdomen

Myostimulation of the abdominal muscles can solve such problems in this area as excess weight in the abdominal area, the presence of sagging and uneven skin after childbirth, strengthening the abdominal muscles, and sagging skin.

With the help of the procedure, you can significantly reduce the waist, strengthen the press, tighten the tone and improve the appearance of the abdomen.

Since different types of muscles (oblique, straight, transverse, internal and external) are located in the abdomen, various electrode arrangements are used during myostimulation.

Myostimulation of the abdomen is carried out mainly in the supine position. For an additional weight loss effect, it is recommended to wrap the stomach to keep warm and activate fat burning.

Myostimulation of the pectoral muscles

Myostimulation in the chest area is often necessary to give an elastic shape to the breast after childbirth, to get rid of sagging skin and stretch marks, to tighten the shape, to get rid of fat deposits. In addition, you can slightly increase the volume of the breast due to cell rejuvenation, increasing elasticity.

It is also carried out for men to strengthen muscle mass, eliminate fat, and activate muscle building.

For women, a preliminary consultation with a mammologist is mandatory for the absence of contraindications - mastopathy, cysts or other neoplasms.

Myostimulation of the back

Myostimulation of the back gives a good result in strengthening the relief, eliminating fat deposits. In addition, myostimulation allows you to passively train muscles, contributing to the treatment of osteochondrosis and curvature of posture.

With the help of myostimulation in the back area, you can relieve pain in the spine and lumbar, stabilize the sensitivity of the nerves, and improve the functioning of internal organs.

Myostimulation of the legs

Myostimulation of the thighs is often carried out in combination with myostimulation of the buttocks and helps to get rid of body fat, reduce the volume of the hips, even out the relief, reduce the effect of flabbiness, and cellulite.

Myostimulation of the legs helps to significantly reduce cellulite and the effect of "riding breeches" when combined with other procedures in the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks - body wrap, lymphatic drainage, vacuum massage.

Myostimulation of the hands

This manipulation allows you to get rid of sagging and sagging skin on the hands, tones up blood flow, improves tone and evens out the relief.

It also helps to remove body fat, strengthens muscles and accelerates metabolic processes in tissues.

For the hand zone, a current of up to 100 mA is used, with a pulse duration of 0.5 to 300 m/s.

How to do body myostimulation at home

To conduct myostimulation on your own, you need to purchase a special device.

When choosing a muscle stimulator on your own, you should consider:

  • You need to purchase the device in a specialized store or salon with a certificate of conformity.
  • Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the device - the number of channels (for the face and stimulation of individual muscles, 2-4 is enough, for the body - up to 12), the current level (for the face and neck - up to 15 mA, for the body up to 35 mA).
  • The structure of the electrodes - what material they are made of, whether they have multiple or single use. It is better to purchase multiple electrodes. The material from which the electrode conductors are made also plays a role - rubber, silicone, fabric. Silicone ones adhere better to the skin.
  • The complete set of the device - what is included in addition to the device, its dimensions, ease of use, instructions, the availability of ready-made programs, is there a conductive gel, cream to enhance the effect.
  • Price - a quality device cannot be too cheap.

Instead of a conductive gel, you can use an anti-cellulite cream.

After the procedure, you can do a wrapping procedure, apply an anti-cellulite cream.

Body myostimulation schemes

Possible negative effects and side effects

Side effects of myostimulation can be:

  • the occurrence of unpleasant and painful sensations during the procedure;
  • inflammation in the places of attachment of the electrodes.

These phenomena are easily eliminated and do not cause much inconvenience.

It is much more difficult to get rid of possible complications:

  • burns;
  • electrical injury;
  • an allergic reaction to the effects of current with individual intolerance;
  • increased muscle tone with improperly performed myostimulation.

The procedure of myostimulation in the salon should be carried out by a certified and trained specialist.

Combination with other procedures

Myostimulation goes well with many cosmetic procedures. The main rule of combined techniques is that different procedures enhance the effect of each, and not mutually exclude their effect.

In the conditions of SPA-salons, such procedures can be performed in a complex in one day, and you can also alternate them by day.

  • Pressotherapy and myostimulation

Pressotherapy is performed with a special apparatus using compressed air, putting pressure on certain areas of the body. The effect of pressotherapy is in many ways similar to myostimulation, despite different methods of exposure. Pressotherapy enhances lymphatic drainage, improves blood circulation, affects metabolic processes, removes excess fluid and breaks down fats in the blood and tissues. The main advantage of pressotherapy is the expansion of blood vessels, the effect on the lymphatic vessels, skin and muscles, and, as a result, the effective fight against cellulite.

In combination with myostimulation, you can significantly improve body contours and appearance, reduce weight and tighten muscle tone.

  • Microcurrents and myostimulation

Despite the similarity of effects, microcurrent therapy differs in indications and contraindications, but it can increase the effect of myostimulation. Microcurrents act on massage points and lines on tissues and the subcutaneous layer, while myostimulation causes the muscles to contract in a more natural way.

It is believed that myostimulation is more effective in physiotherapy, and microcurrents are able to consolidate this effect for a long time.

  • LPG and myostimulation

The LPG procedure is a type of hardware vacuum massage, acting on tissues with special rollers through a nylon suit. It perfectly activates metabolic and regenerating processes in cells, removes excess fluid, and is very effective in the fight against cellulite.

In combination with myostimulation, the effect of both procedures is enhanced and perfectly complement each other.

Vacuum myostimulation implies a combination of other types of vacuum massage with myostimulation. It can be cupping acupressure or dynamic massage, vacuum lifting.

  • Ultrasound and myostimulation

Ultrasound is actively used for tissue micromassage, enhancing metabolic processes in tissues without damaging them. Also, with ultrasound, special substances are introduced under the skin and into tissues, nourishing and providing a therapeutic effect. Ultrasound promotes tissue regeneration and heating, providing a tonic effect.

In combination with myostimulation, it allows you to enhance the effect of the latter and makes it possible to activate the positive effects for the body.

In addition to the listed cosmetic procedures, the effect of myostimulation can be supported and enhanced by biorevitalization, bioreparation, mesotherapy, body wraps, hydromassage, electrophoresis.

Video about what myostimulation is and how to lose weight with it + reviews
